path: root/docs/source/lang/api
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-abs:
-(Macro) computes the absolute value of a number.
- abs(x)
-**x**: the number.
-**x**: if **x** is greater than or equal to 0.
-**-x**: if **x** is less than 0.
-Because of the way ``abs()`` is implemented, avoid using other
-functions or causing side effects inside the parentheses, as it may
-lead to incorrect results::
- abs(a++); // avoid this - yields incorrect results
- abs(a); // use this instead -
- a++; // keep other operations outside abs()
-Arduino Compatibility
-Maple's implementation of ``abs()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-analogread:
-.. _lang-api-analogread:
-Used to perform ADC conversion.
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: analogRead
-Reads the value from the specified analog pin. The Maple boards
-contain 16-channel, 12-bit analog to digital converters. This means
-that a converter will map input voltages between 0 and 3.3 volts into
-integer values between 0 and 4095. However, a number of factors
-interfere with getting full accuracy and precision. For more
-information, see :ref:`adc`.
-Before calling analogRead() on a pin, that pin must first be
-configured for analog input, using :ref:`lang-pinMode`. You only have
-to do this once, so it's usually done in :ref:`lang-setup`\ .
-Parameter Discussion
-The pin parameter is the number of the analog input pin to read from.
-The pins which support analog to digital conversion have ``AIN``
-listed underneath their number on your board's silkscreen. These pin
-numbers are available to your program in the :ref:`boardADCPins
-<lang-board-values-adc-pins>` board-specific array. The number of
-pins which are capable of analog to digital conversion on your board
-is given by the ``BOARD_NR_ADC_PINS`` constant. These values are
-documented for each board in the :ref:`Board Hardware Documentation
-<index-boards>` pages.
-.. note:: Pin 3 is not marked ``AIN`` on the silkscreen for Maple
- revisions through Rev 5; however **it does work** as an analog
- input pin.
-If the analog input pin is not connected to anything, the value
-returned by ``analogRead()`` will fluctuate due to a number of reasons
-(like the values of the other analog inputs, how close your hand is to
-the board, etc.) in a "random" way.
- int analogPin = 3; // Potentiometer wiper (middle terminal) connected
- // to analog pin 3. outside leads to ground and +3.3V.
- // You may have to change this value if your board
- // cannot perform ADC conversion on pin 3.
- int val = 0; // variable to store the value read
- void setup() {
- pinMode(analogPin, INPUT_ANALOG); // set up pin for analog input
- }
- void loop() {
- val = analogRead(analogPin); // read the input pin
- SerialUSB.println(val); // print the value, for debugging with
- // a serial monitor
- }
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Arduino board contains a 6 channel (8 channels on the Mini and
-Nano, 16 on the Mega), 10-bit analog to digital converter with an
-input voltage range of 0V--5V. This means that it will map input
-voltages between 0 and 5 volts (which is **larger** than Maple's range
-of 0V-3.3V) into integer values between 0 and 1023 (which is
-**smaller** than the Maple's range of 0--4095).
-This yields a theoretical resolution between readings of: 5 volts /
-1024 units or .0049 volts (4.9 mV) per unit on Arduino boards, which
-is larger, and thus less precise, than Maple's 0.0008 volts (0.8 mV).
-If your program expects Arduino-style 10-bit ADC, you can :ref:`right
-shift <lang-bitshift>` the value of a Maple readout by 2, like so::
- // right shift means that the result will be between 0 and 1023;
- // be aware that you're losing a lot of precision if you do this
- int adc_reading = analogRead(pin) >> 2;
-.. FIXME [0.1.0] Mention that Native can do analogReference()
-On the Arduino, the input range and resolution can be changed using
-the `analogReference()
-<http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AnalogReference>`_ function. Because
-of hardware restrictions, this function is not available on the Maple
-and Maple RET6 Edition. If your inputs lie in a different voltage
-range than 0V--3.3V, you'll need to bring them into that range before
-using ``analogRead()``. See the :ref:`ADC reference <adc-range>` for
-more information.
-See Also
-- :ref:`ADC tutorial <adc>`
-- `(Arduino) Tutorial: Analog Input Pins <http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/AnalogInputPins>`_
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-analogwrite:
-.. _lang-api-analogwrite:
-analogWrite() is used to create a :ref:`PWM <pwm>` wave on a pin.
-.. note::
- On the Maple, calling analogWrite() is the same as calling
- :ref:`lang-pwmwrite`. We recommend writing pwmWrite() instead of
- analogWrite().
- This is because PWM is not true analog output (it's not the output
- of a `DAC
- <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital-to-analog_converter>`_\ ), so
- the function is very badly named. For instance, **analogWrite()
- has nothing to do with** :ref:`lang-analogread`\ , which can be
- confusing.
- We provide analogWrite() for the sake of compatibility with Arduino
- only.
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-.. _lang-analogwrite-compatibility:
-Arduino Compatibility
-There are a few important differences between Arduino's `analogWrite()
-<http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AnalogWrite>`_ and Maple's
-:ref:`lang-pwmwrite` that you should keep in mind. In each case, we
-have some recommendations you can use to help converting from Arduino
-to Maple.
-Difference 1: Duty cycle range is different
-The first and most important difference is that the largest possible
-value for the duty cycle is much bigger on the Maple. Using Arduino's
-analogWrite(), the duty cycle ranges between 0--255 (always off --
-always on)\ [#fbytemax]_\ . Using Maple's pwmWrite(), the duty cycle
-ranges from 0--65,535 by default\ [#fuint16max]_\ .
-This is a good thing! The greater range of values on the Maple gives
-you much more precise control over the duty cycle of your PWM output.
-If you're porting code from the Arduino and want a quick-and-dirty
-fix, one solution is to :ref:`map <lang-map>` the argument to
-analogWrite() into the right range::
- // Arduino code:
- analogWrite(pin, duty);
- // Becomes Maple code:
- analogWrite(pin, map(duty, 0, 255, 0, 65535));
-This will convert values in the range 0-255 to values in the range
-0--65,535, which is the correct default range for all of the timers
-which control PWM output. See the :ref:`timers reference <timers>`
-for more information.
-Another fix is to consult your board's :ref:`pin maps <gpio-pin-maps>`
-to find the timer which controls PWM on the pin you're using, then set
-that timer's overflow to 255. Subsequent calls to analogWrite()
-should work as on the Arduino (with the same loss of precision).
-Note, however, that that affects the overflow for the **entire
-timer**, so other code relying on that timer (such as any
-:ref:`interrupts <lang-hardwaretimer-interrupts>` the timer controls)
-will likely need to be modified as well.
-Difference 2: You must use pinMode() to set up PWM
-The second difference is that on the Maple, you **must** set up the pin
-for PWM output using :ref:`lang-pinmode`\ , with argument ``PWM``.
-This should just be one extra line of code in your
-:ref:`lang-setup` function. Example::
- void setup() {
- // set up pin 9 for PWM
- pinMode(9, PWM);
- }
-This also means that you can't later call :ref:`lang-digitalread`
-or :ref:`lang-digitalwrite` on that pin (unless some time in
-between, you use pinMode() to reconfigure that pin for ``INPUT`` or
-``OUTPUT``; see the :ref:`lang-pinmode` page for more information).
-Difference 3: No PWM on pin 10
-On the Maple, the pins which support PWM are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8,
-9, 11, 12, 14, 24, 27, and 28 or fifteen pins in total. That's *more*
-PWM-capable pins as any Arduino board, but there are differences in
-*which* pins support PWM.
-* On **most Arduino boards** (those with the ATmega168 or ATmega328;
- this includes the **Arduino Uno**), this function works on pins 3,
- 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11, or six pins total. Note that these boards
- support PWM on pin 10, while Maple does not.
-* On the **Arduino Mega**, PWM works on pins 2 through 13, or twelve
- pins total. Note that this board supports PWM on pins 4, 10, and
- 13, while the Maple does not.
-* **Older Arduino boards** with an ATmega8 only support analogWrite()
- on pins 9, 10, and 11. Maple does not support PWM on pin 10.
-In all cases, Arduino boards support PWM on pin 10, unlike Maple. We
-did our best to make PWM as pin-compatible as possible; however,
-circuit layout constraints prevented us from achieving perfect
-The "safest" pins to use for PWM output are pins 9 and 11. These pins
-work on any Arduino board and on Maple. The "safe" pins, which work
-on most recent Arduino boards, the Arduino Mega and the Maple, are
-pins 3, 5, 6, 9, and 11. Thus, if you want your project to be as
-portable as possible between Maple and Arduino, we recommend using the
-"safest" pins first, then the "safe" pins, then any other pins, as
-Difference 4: PWM frequency
-The frequency of the PWM signal (i.e., the frequency of a complete
-on/off cycle) on the Arduino is approximately 490 Hz.
-On the Maple, the frequency is configurable, defaulting to about 1100
-Hz, or 1.1 KHz. This is because the PWM frequency is the frequency of
-the timer which controls PWM output on the particular pin (\
-:ref:`the PWM tutorial has the details <pwm>`\ ).
-If your application definitely requires Arduino's PWM frequency, then
-the steps are:
-1. Figure out which :ref:`timer <lang-hardwaretimer>` controls PWM
- output on your pin (\ :ref:`your board's Timer Pin Map
- <gpio-pin-maps>` is your friend here).
-2. Let's say it's timer ``n``, where ``n`` is some number. You'll
- then need to put "``HardwareTimer timer(n);``" with your variables,
- as described in the :ref:`HardwareTimer
- <lang-hardwaretimer-getting-started>` reference.
-3. In your :ref:`lang-setup`, put "``timer.setPeriod(2041);``". This
- will set the timer's period to approximately 2041 microseconds,
- which is a frequency of approximately 490 Hz.
-Be aware that this will change the period for the **entire timer**\ ,
-and will affect anything else in your program that depends on that
-timer. The important examples are :ref:`timer interrupts
-<lang-hardwaretimer-interrupts>` and :ref:`PWM
-<timers-pwm-conflicts>`\ .
-See Also
-- :ref:`pwm`
-- :ref:`lang-pwmwrite`
-- :ref:`BOARD_NR_PWM_PINS <lang-board-values-nr-pwm-pins>`
-- :ref:`boardPWMPins <lang-board-values-pwm-pins>`
-.. rubric:: Footnotes
-.. [#fbytemax] This is because the value for the duty cycle on Arduino
- must fit in 1 byte of memory, and an unsigned (i.e., nonnegative)
- integer with size 1 byte can hold the values between 0 and 255.
-.. [#fuint16max] This is because the value for the duty cycle on the
- Maple uses 2 bytes of memory, and an unsigned (i.e., nonnegative)
- integer with size 2 bytes can hold the values between 0 and 65,535.
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/assert.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/assert.rst
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-assert:
-ASSERT() can be very useful for basic program debugging. It accepts a
-boolean; for example::
- ASSERT(state == WAIT);
-Zero is false and any other number is true. If the boolean is true,
-the assertion passes and the program continues as usual. If it is
-false, the assertion fails: the program is halted, debug information
-is printed to USART2, and the status LED begins to throb (it's
-noticeably different from blinking). The debug information is printed
-at 9600 baud and consists of the filename and line number where the
-ASSERT() failed.
-Including assertions in a program increases the program size. When
-using libmaple **from the command line only**, they can be disabled by
-making the definition ::
-before including either wirish.h or libmaple.h. In this case, all
-assertions will pass without any lost clock cycles. Note that this
-will **not work in the IDE**; even with this definition, assertions
-will still be enabled.
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/attachinterrupt.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/attachinterrupt.rst
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-attachinterrupt:
-Used to specify a function to call when an :ref:`external interrupt
-<external-interrupts>` occurs.
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-Library Documentation
-.. FIXME [doxygenfunction] once Breathe knows how to get the correct
-.. attachInterupt (right now it's copying from HardwareTimer), replace
-.. with a doxygenfunction directive
-.. cpp:function:: void attachInterrupt(uint8 pin, voidFuncPtr handler, ExtIntTriggerMode mode)
- Registers an interrupt handler on a pin.
- The interrupt will be triggered on a given transition on the pin,
- as specified by the mode parameter. The handler runs in interrupt
- context. The new handler will replace whatever handler is
- currently registered for the pin, if any.
- *Parameters*
- - ``pin`` - Maple pin number
- - ``handler`` - Function to run upon external interrupt trigger.
- The handler should take no arguments, and have void return type.
- - ``mode`` - Type of transition to trigger on, e.g. falling,
- rising, etc.
-.. doxygenenum:: ExtIntTriggerMode
-.. doxygentypedef:: voidFuncPtr
-Because the function will run in interrupt context, inside of it,
-:ref:`lang-delay` won't work, and the value returned by
-:ref:`lang-millis` will not increment. Serial data received while in
-the function may be lost. You should declare as ``volatile`` any
-global variables that you modify within the attached function.
-There are a few limits you should be aware of if you're using more
-than one interrupt at a time; the :ref:`External Interrupts
-<external-interrupts-exti-line>` page has more information.
- ::
- volatile int state = LOW; // must declare volatile, since it's
- // modified within the blink() handler
- void setup() {
- attachInterrupt(0, blink, CHANGE);
- }
- void loop() {
- digitalWrite(BOARD_LED_PIN, state);
- }
- void blink() {
- state = !state;
- }
-Arduino Compatibility
-Most Arduino boards have two external interrupts: numbers 0 (on
-digital pin 2) and 1 (on digital pin 3). The Arduino Mega has an
-additional four: numbers 2 (pin 21), 3 (pin 20), 4 (pin 19), and 5
-(pin 18). On the Maple, you don't have to remember which interrupt
-number goes with which pin -- just tell ``attachInterrupt()`` the pin
-you want.
-See Also
-- :ref:`lang-detachinterrupt`
-- :ref:`external-interrupts`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/bit.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/bit.rst
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-.. _lang-bit:
-(Macro) Computes the value of an (unsigned) integer with the specified
-bit set (``bit(0)`` is 1, ``bit(1)`` is 2, ``bit(2)`` is 4, then 8,
-16, 32, etc.).
-* **n** the bit to set.
-The value of an integer with the given bit set.
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Maple implementation of ``bit()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-See Also
-- :ref:`lang-bitread`
-- :ref:`lang-bitwrite`
-- :ref:`lang-bitset`
-- :ref:`lang-bitclear`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. _lang-bitclear:
-(Macro) Clears (writes a 0 to) a bit of a numeric variable.
-``bitClear(x, n)``
-* **x** the numeric variable whose bit to clear
-* **n** which bit to clear, starting at 0 for the least-significant
- (rightmost) bit
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Maple implementation of ``bitClear()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-See Also
-- :ref:`bit <lang-bit>`\ ()
-- :ref:`bitRead <lang-bitread>`\ ()
-- :ref:`bitWrite <lang-bitwrite>`\ ()
-- :ref:`bitSet <lang-bitset>`\ ()
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. _lang-bitread:
-(Macro) Gets the value of a bit in a number.
-``bitRead(x, n)``
-* **x** the number from which to read the bit.
-* **n** which bit to read, starting at 0 for the least-significant
- (rightmost) bit
-The value of the bit (0 or 1).
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Maple implementation of ``bitRead`` is compatible with Arduino.
-See Also
-- :ref:`lang-bit`
-- :ref:`lang-bitwrite`
-- :ref:`lang-bitset`
-- :ref:`lang-bitclear`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. _lang-bitset:
-(Macro) Sets (writes a 1 to) a bit of a numeric variable.
-``bitSet(x, n)``
-* **x** the numeric variable whose bit to set
-* **n** which bit to set, starting at 0 for the least-significant
- (rightmost) bit
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Maple implementation of bitSet is compatible with Arduino.
-See Also
-- :ref:`lang-bit`
-- :ref:`lang-bitread`
-- :ref:`lang-bitwrite`
-- :ref:`lang-bitclear`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-bitwrite:
-(Macro) Writes a bit of a numeric variable.
- bitWrite(x, n, b)
-**x**: the numeric variable whose bit to write.
-**n**: which bit of the number to write, starting at 0 for the
-least-significant (rightmost) bit.
-**b**: the value to write to the bit (0 or 1).
-Arduino Compatibility
-Maple's implementation of ``bitWrite()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-See Also
-- :ref:`bit() <lang-bit>`
-- :ref:`bitRead() <lang-bitRead>`
-- :ref:`bitSet() <lang-bitSet>`
-- :ref:`bitClear() <lang-bitClear>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-board-values:
-Board-Specific Values
-There are a number of board-specific values: constants or variables
-which are different depending on which LeafLabs board you have. The
-exact values for each board are given in your :ref:`board's hardware
-documentation <index-boards>`.
-This page lists and documents the board-specific values. You should
-use these when appropriate in your own programs. This will help make
-it easier to share your code with other people who have different
-boards. Some example usages are given :ref:`below
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-- ``CYCLES_PER_MICROSECOND``: Number of CPU cycles per microsecond on
- your board.
-- ``CLOCK_SPEED_MHZ``: Clock speed of your board, in megahertz
- (MHz). This is the same as ``CYCLES_PER_MICROSECOND``.
-- ``CLOCK_SPEED_HZ``: Clock speed of your board, in hertz (Hz). This
- is the same as ``CLOCK_SPEED_MHZ`` × 1,000,000.
-- ``SYSTICK_RELOAD_VAL``: Value used when reloading the :ref:`systick`
- timer's counter [#fmillis]_.
-.. _lang-board-values-but:
-- ``BOARD_BUTTON_PIN``: Pin connected to the built-in button (labeled
- "BUT" on your board's silkscreen).
-.. _lang-board-values-led:
-- ``BOARD_LED_PIN``: Pin connected to the built-in LED.
-- ``BOARD_NR_GPIO_PINS``: Total number of :ref:`GPIO pins <gpio>` that
- are broken out to headers. Some of these might already be connected
- to external hardware (like the built-in LED and button). To find
- out if a pin is in use, see :ref:`boardUsesPin()
- <lang-boardusespin>` (and also :ref:`boardUsedPins
- <lang-board-values-used-pins>`).
-.. _lang-board-values-nr-pwm-pins:
-- ``BOARD_NR_PWM_PINS``: Total *number* of GPIO pins that can be used
- for :ref:`PWM <pwm>`. The actual *pins* that can do PWM are in the
- :ref:`boardPWMPins <lang-board-values-pwm-pins>` array.
-.. _lang-board-values-nr-adc-pins:
-- ``BOARD_NR_ADC_PINS``: Total number of GPIO pins that can be used
- for :ref:`analog-to-digital conversion <adc>`. The actual pins that
- can do ADC conversion are in the :ref:`boardADCPins
- <lang-board-values-adc-pins>` array.
-.. _lang-board-values-nr-used-pins:
-- ``BOARD_NR_USED_PINS``: Total number of GPIO pins that are already
- connected to some external hardware (like a built-in LED) on the
- board. The actual pins that that are already used are in the
- :ref:`boardUsedPins <lang-board-values-used-pins>` array. To see if
- a pin is already in use, use the :ref:`boardUsesPin()
- <lang-boardusespin>` function.
-.. _lang-board-values-usart:
-- :ref:`USART <usart>` (serial port) related constants:
- TX pins for the 3 USARTS.
- RX pins for the 3 USARTS.
- * ``BOARD_UART4_TX_PIN``, ``BOARD_UART5_TX_PIN``: TX pins for
- UARTs 4 and 5 (high-density boards like Maple Native only).
- * ``BOARD_UART4_RX_PIN``, ``BOARD_UART5_RX_PIN``: RX pins for
- UARTs 4 and 5 (high-density boards like Maple Native only).
- * ``BOARD_NR_USARTS``: Number of serial ports on the board. This
- number includes UARTs 4 and 5 if they are available.
-- :ref:`SPI <spi>` related constants:
- peripheral's NSS, MOSI, MISO, and SCK pins, respectively.
- peripheral's NSS, MOSI, MISO, and SCK pins, respectively.
- peripheral's NSS, MOSI, MISO, and SCK pins, respectively
- (available on high-density devices like Maple Native and Maple
- RET6 edition only).
- * ``BOARD_NR_SPI``: Number of SPI peripherals on the board.
-.. _lang-board-values-debug:
-- Debug (JTAG, SW-Debug) related constants: ``BOARD_JTMS_SWDIO_PIN``,
- These constants are the pin numbers for :ref:`GPIOs <gpio>` used by
- the :ref:`jtag` and Serial-Wire Debug peripherals. Except for the
- Maple Mini, these pins are usually reserved for special purposes by
- default (i.e., they are in :ref:`boardUsedPins
- <lang-board-values-used-pins>`). However, they can be used as
- ordinary GPIOs if you call the :ref:`lang-disabledebugports`
- function. (Be careful with this on the Maple and Maple RET6
- Edition, as writing to ``BOARD_NJTRST_PIN`` :ref:`may cause your
- board to reset <maple-nrst-pb4>`\ !).
-.. _lang-board-values-pwm-pins:
-.. _lang-board-values-adc-pins:
-.. _lang-board-values-used-pins:
-Pin Arrays
-Some :ref:`arrays <lang-array>` of pin numbers are available which you
-can use to find out certain important information about a given pin.
-- ``boardPWMPins``: Pin numbers of each pin capable of :ref:`PWM
- <pwm>` output, using :ref:`pwmWrite() <lang-pwmwrite>`. The total
- number of these pins is :ref:`BOARD_NR_PWM_PINS
- <lang-board-values-nr-pwm-pins>`.
-- ``boardADCPins``: Pin numbers of each pin capable of :ref:`ADC
- <adc>` conversion, using :ref:`analogRead() <lang-analogread>`. The
- total number of these pins is :ref:`BOARD_NR_ADC_PINS
- <lang-board-values-nr-adc-pins>`.
-- ``boardUsedPins``: Pin numbers of each pin that, by default, is used
- for some special purpose by the board. The total number of these
- pins is :ref:`BOARD_NR_USED_PINS <lang-board-values-nr-used-pins>`.
- To check if a pin is used for a special purpose, use
- :ref:`boardUsesPin() <lang-boardusespin>`.
-.. _lang-board-values-examples:
-:ref:`BOARD_LED_PIN <lang-board-values-led>` On the Maple, the
-built-in LED is connected to pin 13. On the Maple Mini, however, it
-is connected to pin 33. You can write a "blinky" program that works
-on both boards using :ref:`this example <lang-toggleled-example>`.
-:ref:`BOARD_BUTTON_PIN <lang-board-values-but>`: On the Maple, the
-built-in button is connected to pin 38. On the Maple Mini, however,
-it is connected to pin 32. :ref:`This example
-<lang-waitforbuttonpress-example>` shows how you can write a program
-that prints a message whenever the button is pressed which will work
-on all LeafLabs boards.
-See Also
-- :ref:`lang-boardusespin`
-- :ref:`lang-isbuttonpressed`
-- :ref:`lang-waitforbuttonpress`
-- :ref:`lang-pinmode`
-- :ref:`lang-toggleled`
-- :ref:`lang-analogread`
-- :ref:`lang-pwmwrite`
-- :ref:`lang-enabledebugports`
-- :ref:`lang-disabledebugports`
-.. rubric:: Footnotes
-.. [#fmillis] In order for :ref:`lang-millis` to work properly, this
- must be ``CYCLES_PER_MICROSECOND`` × 1,000 - 1.
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-boardusespin:
-Each LeafLabs board connects some pins to external hardware. The most
-important examples of this are the pins connected to the built-in LED
-and button. You can check if a board uses a particular pin using this
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: boardUsesPin
-See Also
-- :ref:`Board-specific values <lang-board-values>`
-- :ref:`boardUsedPins <lang-board-values-used-pins>`
-- :ref:`BOARD_LED_PIN <lang-board-values-led>`
-- :ref:`toggleLED() <lang-toggleled>`
-- :ref:`BOARD_BUTTON_PIN <lang-board-values-but>`
-- :ref:`isButtonPressed() <lang-isbuttonpressed>`
-- :ref:`waitForButtonPress() <lang-waitforbuttonpress>`
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-.. _lang-constants:
-Constants are like predefined variables, whose values can't
-change. They are used to make the programs easier to read and modify.
-This page describes the most commonly used constants.
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-.. _lang-constants-bool:
-Boolean Constants
-There are two constants used to represent truth and falsity: ``true``,
-and ``false``.
-.. _lang-constants-false:
-``false`` is the false ``bool`` value. An integer which is 0 evaluates
-to ``false`` as a boolean.
-.. _lang-constants-true:
-``true`` is the true ``bool`` value. As an integer, ``true`` is often
-said to be 1. This is correct in the sense that ``true`` evaluates to
-1 as an integer. However, any integer which is *non-zero* is ``true``
-as a :ref:`bool <lang-booleanvariables>`. So -1, 2 and -200 are all
-"true", in the sense that these numbers are treated the same as
-``true`` in a boolean context.
-Note that the ``true`` and ``false`` constants are typed in lowercase;
-unlike e.g. ``HIGH``, ``LOW``, ``INPUT``, and ``OUTPUT`` (which are
-described below).
-.. _lang-pin-levels:
-Pin Levels: HIGH and LOW
-When reading or writing to a digital pin there are only two possible
-values a pin can be set to: ``HIGH`` and ``LOW``.
-.. _lang-constants-high:
-The meaning of ``HIGH`` (in reference to a pin) is somewhat different
-depending on whether the pin is set to ``INPUT`` or ``OUTPUT``. When a
-pin is configured as an ``INPUT`` (using :ref:`pinMode()
-<lang-pinmode>`), and read with :ref:`digitalRead()
-<lang-digitalread>`, the microcontroller will report ``HIGH`` if a
-voltage of 3 volts or more is present at the pin.
-When a pin is configured to ``OUTPUT`` with ``pinMode()``, and set to
-``HIGH`` with :ref:`digitalWrite() <lang-digitalwrite>`, the pin is at
-3.3 volts. In this state it can *source* current, e.g. light an LED
-that is connected through a series resistor to ground, or to another
-pin configured as an output and set to ``LOW``.
-.. _lang-constants-low:
-The meaning of ``LOW`` also has a different meaning depending on
-whether a pin is set to ``INPUT`` or ``OUTPUT``. When a pin is
-configured as an ``INPUT`` with :ref:`pinMode() <lang-pinmode>`, and
-read with :ref:`digitalRead() <lang-digitalread>`, the microcontroller
-will report ``LOW`` if a voltage of 2 volts or less is present at the
-When a pin is configured to ``OUTPUT`` with ``pinMode()``, and set to
-``LOW`` with :ref:`digitalWrite() <lang-digitalwrite>`, the
-microcontroller will attempt to keep that pin's voltage at 0 V. In this
-state it can *sink* current, e.g. light an LED that is connected
-through a series resistor to +3.3 V, or to another pin configured as an
-output, and set to ``HIGH``.
-Pin Modes
-Digital pins can be used in a variety of modes. The basic modes,
-``INPUT`` and ``OUTPUT``, have been introduced above. Changing a pin
-from ``INPUT`` TO ``OUTPUT`` with :ref:`pinMode() <lang-pinmode>`
-drastically changes the electrical behavior of the pin.
-This section describes the basic digital pin modes (``INPUT`` and
-``OUTPUT``) only. For a detailed description of all possible pin
-modes, see the :ref:`pinMode() <lang-pinmode>` reference page.
-.. _lang-constants-input:
-Pins configured as ``INPUT`` are said to be in a *high-impedance
-state*. One way of explaining this is that pins configured as
-``INPUT`` make very few demans on circuit that they are connected
-to. This makes them useful for reading a sensor, but not powering an
-.. _lang-constants-output:
-Pins configured as ``OUTPUT`` with :ref:`pinMode() <lang-pinmode>` are
-said to be in a low-impedance state. This means that they can provide
-a substantial amount of current to other circuits. Pins can source
-(provide positive current) or sink (provide negative current) up to 50
-mA (milliamps) of current to other devices/circuits. This makes them
-useful for powering LEDs, but useless for reading sensors.
-Pins configured as outputs can also be damaged or destroyed if short
-circuited to either ground or power supplies. The amount of current
-provided by a pin is also not enough to power most relays or motors,
-and some interface circuitry will be required.
-.. _lang-constants-integers:
-Integer Constants
-Integer constants are numbers used directly in a sketch, like
-``123``. By default, an integer constant is treated as a (signed)
-:ref:`int <lang-int>`, but you can change this with the U and L
-modifiers (see :ref:`below <lang-constants-integers-u-l>`). You can
-specify negative numbers by putting a minus sign in front, like
-Normally, integer constants are treated as base 10 (decimal) integers,
-but special notation (formatters) may be used to enter numbers in
-other bases. These are explained in the following table:
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- * - Base
- - Example
- - Formatter
- - Comment
- * - 10 (decimal)
- - ``123``
- - None
- -
- * - 2 (binary)
- - ``0b1111011``
- - Leading "0b"
- - GCC extension; not standard C++
- * - 8 (octal)
- - ``0173``
- - Leading "0"
- - Characters 0-7 valid
- * - 16 (hexadecimal)
- - ``0x7B``
- - Leading "0x"
- - Characters 0-9, A-F (or a-f) valid
-Binary constants (like ``B1111011``) for values between 0 and 255 are
-supported for compatibility with Arduino only. You shouldn't use them
-in new programs.
-.. _lang-constants-integers-dec:
-**Decimal** is base 10. This is the common number system we learn in
-school. Integer literals without other prefixes are assumed to be in
-decimal format.
-For example, the decimal literal ``101`` is one hundred and one: 1×10\
-:sup:`2` + 0×10\ :sup:`1` + 1×10\ :sup:`0` = 101.
-.. _lang-constants-integers-bin:
-**Binary** is base two. Only characters 0 and 1 are valid. Binary
-literals are indicated by the prefix ``0b``.
-For example, the binary literal ``0b101`` is five: 1×2\ :sup:`2` +
-0×2\ :sup:`1` + 1×2\ :sup:`0` = 5.
-.. _lang-constants-integers-oct:
-**Octal** is base eight. Only characters 0 through 7 are valid. Octal
-literals are indicated by the prefix ``0``.
-For example, the octal literal ``0101`` is sixty five: 1×8\ :sup:`2` +
-0×8\ :sup:`1` + 1×8\ :sup:`0` = 65.
-.. warning:: Bugs sometimes result by (unintentionally) including a
- leading "0" before an integer literal, which makes the compiler
- treat it as an octal number.
-.. _lang-constants-integers-hex:
-**Hexadecimal** (or "hex") is base sixteen. Valid characters are 0
-through 9 and letters A through F; A has the value 10, B is 11, up to
-F, which is 15. Hex values are indicated by the prefix ``0x``. A-F
-can be typed in upper or lower case (a-f).
-For example, the hexadecimal constant ``0x101`` is two hundred fifty
-seven: 1×16\ :sup:`2` + 0×16\ :sup:`1` + 1×16\ :sup:`0` = 257.
-The hexadecimal constant ``0xCF2`` is three thousand, three hundred
-fourteen: 12×16\ :sup:`2` + 15×16\ :sup:`1` + 2×16\ :sup:`0` = 3314.
-(Remember that in hex, ``A`` means 10, and counting up, ``B``\ =11, so
-``C``\ =12 and ``F``\ =15).
-.. _lang-constants-integers-u-l:
-U and L Suffixes
-By default, an integer constant is treated as an :ref:`int <lang-int>`
-(and must be in the int type's :ref:`range limits
-<lang-int-overflow>`). To specify an integer constant with another
-data type, follow it with:
-- a ``u`` or ``U`` to interpret the constant as an unsigned value.
- For example, ``33U`` is an :ref:`unsigned int <lang-unsignedint>`.
-- an ``l`` or ``L`` to interpret the constant as a long value. For
- example, ``100000L`` is a :ref:`long <lang-long>`. On the Maple,
- ``long`` is just a synonym for ``int``.
-- a ``ul`` or ``UL`` to do both. For example, ``32767UL`` is an
- :ref:`unsigned long <lang-unsignedlong>`. On the Maple, ``unsigned
- long`` is just a synonym for ``unsigned int``.
-- an ``ll`` or ``LL`` to interpret the constant as a :ref:`long long
- <lang-longlong>` value.
-- a ``ull`` or ``ULL`` to interpret the constant as an :ref:`unsigned
- long long <lang-unsignedlonglong>`.
-.. _lang-constants-fp:
-Floating-Point Constants
-A floating point constant is any number which includes a decimal
-point. For instance, ``3.0`` is a floating-point constant for the
-number 3. By default, a floating-point constant is a :ref:`double
-<lang-double>`. In order for the constant to be interpreted as a
-:ref:`float <lang-float>`, you can write ``f`` directly after it. For
-example, ``3.0f`` is a floating-point constant with type ``float``.
-Floating point constants can also be expressed in a variety of
-scientific notation. ``E`` and ``e`` are both accepted as valid
-exponent indicators. Some examples are given in the following table:
-.. list-table::
- :header-rows: 1
- * - Floating-point constant
- - Evaluates to
- - Alternate expression
- * - ``10.0``
- - 10
- -
- * - ``2.34E5``
- - 2.34×10\ :sup:`5`
- - ``234000.0``
- * - ``67e-12``
- - 67.0×10\ :sup:`-12`
- - ``0.000000000067``
-.. _lang-constants-board:
-Board-Specific Constants
-There are several :ref:`board-specific constants <lang-board-values>`
-whose value depends on which LeafLabs board you have. If you use
-them, it will help make sure that your code will work well on all
-LeafLabs boards, not just the one you have. This will make it easier
-to share your code with others.
-For example, the pin number connected to the board's built-in LED is
-different on the different boards, but the board-specific constant
-:ref:`BOARD_LED_PIN <lang-board-values-led>` will always be the
-correct value for each board.
-See Also
-- :ref:`pinMode() <lang-pinmode>`
-- :ref:`Boolean Variables <lang-booleanvariables>`
-- :ref:`#define <lang-define>`
-- :ref:`int <lang-int>`
-- :ref:`unsigned int <lang-unsignedint>`
-- :ref:`long <lang-long>`
-- :ref:`unsigned long <lang-unsignedlong>`
-- :ref:`long long <lang-longlong>`
-- :ref:`unsigned long long <lang-unsignedlonglong>`
-- :ref:`float <lang-float>`
-- :ref:`double <lang-double>`
-- :ref:`Board-Specific Values <lang-board-values>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-constrain:
-(Macro) Constrains a number to be within a range.
- constrain(x, a, b)
-**x**: the number to constrain
-**a**: the lower end of the range
-**b**: the upper end of the range
-**x**: if **x** is between **a** and **b**
-**a**: if **x** is less than **a**
-**b**: if **x** is greater than **b**
- // limits range of sensor values to between 10 and 150:
- sensVal = constrain(sensVal, 10, 150);
-Because of the way ``constrain()`` is implemented, avoid using other
-functions or causing side effects inside the parentheses, as it may
-lead to incorrect results::
- constrain(x,a++,b); // avoid this - yields incorrect results
- constrain(x,a,b); // use this instead-
- a++; // keep other math outside constrain()
-Arduino Compatibility
-Maple's implementation of ``constrain()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-See Also
-- :ref:`min() <lang-min>`
-- :ref:`max() <lang-max>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. _lang-cos:
-Calculates the cosine of an angle.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: cos
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Maple ``cos()`` implementation is compatible with Arduino.
-Note that the Maple implementation comes from `newlib
-<http://sourceware.org/newlib/>`_\ , while Arduino's is that of
-`avr-libc <http://avr-libc.nongnu.org/>`_\ .
-See Also
-- :ref:`sin() <lang-sin>`
-- :ref:`tan() <lang-tan>`
-- :ref:`float <lang-float>`
-- :ref:`double <lang-double>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-delay:
-Pauses the program for at least a given number of milliseconds. (There
-are 1000 milliseconds in a second.)
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: delay
-While it is easy to create a blinking LED with the ``delay()``
-function, and many sketches use short delays for such tasks as switch
-debouncing, the use of ``delay()`` in a sketch has significant
-drawbacks. No other reading of sensors, mathematical calculations, or
-pin manipulation can go on during the delay function, so in effect, it
-brings most other activity to a halt. For alternative approaches to
-controlling timing see the :ref:`millis() <lang-millis>` function
-and the "Blink Without Delay" sketch cited :ref:`below
-<lang-delay-seealso>`\ . More knowledgeable programmers usually
-avoid the use of ``delay()`` for timing of events longer than tens of
-milliseconds, unless the sketch is very simple.
-Certain things *do* go on while the ``delay()`` function is
-controlling the STM32 chip, however, because the delay function does
-not disable interrupts. Serial communication that appears at the RX
-pin is recorded, PWM (see :ref:`pwmWrite() <lang-pwmwrite>`\ ) values
-and pin states are maintained, and :ref:`interrupts
-<lang-attachinterrupt>` will work as they should.
- void setup() {
- // set up the built-in LED pin for output:
- }
- void loop() {
- digitalWrite(BOARD_LED_PIN, HIGH); // sets the LED on
- delay(1000); // waits for a second
- digitalWrite(BOARD_LED_PIN, LOW); // sets the LED off
- delay(1000); // waits for a second
- }
-.. _lang-delay-seealso:
-See Also
-- :ref:`millis() <lang-millis>`
-- :ref:`micros() <lang-micros>`
-- :ref:`delayMicroseconds() <lang-delayMicroseconds>`
-- (Arduino) `Blink Without Delay
- <http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/BlinkWithoutDelay>`_ example (works
- unmodified on Maple)
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-delaymicroseconds:
-Pauses the program for the amount of time (in microseconds)
-specified as parameter. There are a thousand microseconds in a
-millisecond, and a million microseconds in a second.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: delayMicroseconds
-The following example configures pin number 8 to work as an output
-pin, and sends a train of pulses with a period of roughly 100
- int outPin = 8;
- void setup() {
- pinMode(outPin, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
- }
- void loop() {
- digitalWrite(outPin, HIGH); // sets the pin on
- delayMicroseconds(50); // pauses for 50 microseconds
- digitalWrite(outPin, LOW); // sets the pin off
- delayMicroseconds(50); // pauses for 50 microseconds
- }
-Caveats and Known Issues
-The longest time ``delayMicroseconds()`` can delay is bounded by its
-argument type and the STM32 clock rate to be (2^32 - 1) / 12
-microseconds, or less than 6 minutes. For longer pauses, use of
-:ref:`lang-delay` is possible.
-Arduino Compatibility
-While we have made every effort we could to ensure that the timing of
-``delayMicroseconds()`` is as accurate as possible, we cannot
-guarantee it will behave as the Arduino implementation down to the
-microsecond, especially for smaller values of ``us``.
-See Also
-- :ref:`millis <lang-millis>`
-- :ref:`micros <lang-micros>`
-- :ref:`delay <lang-delay>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. _lang-detachinterrupt:
-Used to disable an interrupt specified with
-:ref:`lang-attachinterrupt`\ .
-Library Documentation
-.. FIXME [Breathe] once we can get the correct detachInterupt(),
-.. replace with doxygenfunction.
-.. cpp:function:: void detachInterrupt(uint8 pin)
- Disable any registered external interrupt on the given pin.
- *Parameters*
- - ``pin`` Maple pin number
-Arduino Compatibility
-There is one important difference between the Maple version of
-detachInterrupt and the Arduino version. On the Maple, the argument
-to ``detachInterrupt()`` is the *pin* on which the interrupt is
-attached, while on the Arduino, the argument is the *interrupt
-number*, which is different from the pin the interrupt is enabled on.
-If you're calling this function, you've already called
-:ref:`lang-attachinterrupt` to set up your interrupt handler, so
-just call ``detachInterrupt()`` with the same pin argument you gave to
-See Also
-- :ref:`attachInterrupt() <lang-attachInterrupt>`
-- :ref:`external-interrupts`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-digitalread:
-Reads the value from a specified digital pin, either :ref:`HIGH
-<lang-constants-high>` or :ref:`LOW <lang-constants-low>`.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: digitalRead
-If the pin isn't connected to anything, ``digitalRead()`` can return
-either HIGH or LOW (and this will change in a way that seems random).
-The following example turns the LED on or off when the button is pressed::
- void setup() {
- }
- void loop() {
- int val = digitalRead(BOARD_BUTTON_PIN); // reads the input pin
- togglePin(BOARD_LED_PIN, val);
- }
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Maple version of ``digitalRead()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-See Also
-- :ref:`BOARD_BUTTON_PIN <lang-board-values-but>`
-- :ref:`lang-isButtonPressed`
-- :ref:`lang-pinmode`
-- :ref:`lang-digitalWrite`
-- :ref:`lang-togglepin`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-digitalwrite:
-Write a :ref:`HIGH <lang-constants-high>` or a :ref:`LOW
-<lang-constants-low>` value to a pin configured as :ref:`OUTPUT
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: digitalWrite
-If the pin has been configured as an ``OUTPUT`` with :ref:`pinMode()
-<lang-pinmode>` its voltage will be set to the corresponding value:
-3.3V for ``HIGH``, and 0V (ground) for ``LOW``.
-Because it is soldered to an LED and resistor in series, your board's
-:ref:`BOARD_LED_PIN <lang-board-values-led>` will respond slightly
-more slowly as an output than the other pins.
-The following example sets the built-in LED pin to ``HIGH``, makes a
-one-second-long delay, sets the pin back to ``LOW``, and delays again,
-causing a blinking pattern (you could also use
- void setup() {
- pinMode(BOARD_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // sets the digital pin as output
- }
- void loop() {
- digitalWrite(BOARD_LED_PIN, HIGH); // sets the LED on
- delay(1000); // waits for a second
- digitalWrite(BOARD_LED_PIN, LOW); // sets the LED off
- delay(1000); // waits for a second
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`pinMode <lang-pinmode>`
-- :ref:`digitalRead <lang-digitalread>`
-- :ref:`BOARD_LED_PIN <lang-board-values-led>`
-- :ref:`lang-toggleled`
-- :ref:`lang-togglepin`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-disabledebugports:
-Used to disable the JTAG and Serial Wire debugging ports.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: disableDebugPorts
- ::
- void setup() {
- disableDebugPorts();
- }
- void loop() {
- // Now you can use the debug port pins (the pins on the JTAG
- // header on the Maple) as ordinary pins.
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`lang-enabledebugports`
-- :ref:`Important erratum on Maple pin 43 <maple-nrst-pb4>`
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-enabledebugports:
-Used to enable the JTAG and Serial Wire debugging ports.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: enableDebugPorts
- ::
- void setup() {
- enableDebugPorts();
- // Now you can debug using JTAG and SW-Debug
- }
- void loop() {
- }
-See Also
-* :ref:`lang-disabledebugports`
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-hardwarespi:
-This page describes how to use the built-in SPI ports. It does not
-describe the SPI protocol itself. For more information about SPI, see
-the :ref:`SPI reference <spi>`.
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-Getting Started
-.. TODO [0.1.0] Add a note about calling disableDebugPorts() when
-.. using SPI3 on Maple Native
-In order to get started, you'll first need to define a ``HardwareSPI``
-variable, which you'll use to control the SPI port. Do this by
-putting the line "``HardwareSPI spi(number);``" with your variables,
-where ``number`` is the SPI port's number.
-Here's an example (we'll fill in :ref:`setup() <lang-setup>` and
-:ref:`loop() <lang-loop>` later)::
- // Use SPI port number 1
- HardwareSPI spi(1);
- void setup() {
- // Your setup code
- }
- void loop() {
- // Do stuff with SPI
- }
-Turning the SPI Port On
-Now it's time to turn your SPI port on. Do this with the ``begin()``
-function (an example is given below).
-.. FIXME [Breathe] Output doesn't include the class; fix & submit pull req
-.. doxygenfunction:: HardwareSPI::begin
-The speed at which the SPI port communicates is configured using a
-``SPIFrequency`` value:
-.. FIXME [0.1.0] Breathe's enum output is enormous; shrink & submit pull req
-.. doxygenenum:: SPIFrequency
-.. note:: Due to hardware issues, you can't use the frequency
- ``SPI_140_625KHz`` with SPI port 1.
-You'll need to determine the correct values for ``frequency``,
-``bitOrder``, and ``mode`` yourself, by consulting the datasheet for
-the device you're communicating with. Continuing our example from
-before, we'll add a call to ``begin()`` to our ``setup()``::
- // Use SPI port number 1
- HardwareSPI spi(1);
- void setup() {
- // Turn on the SPI port
- spi.begin(SPI_18MHZ, MSBFIRST, 0);
- }
- void loop() {
- // Do stuff with SPI
- }
-If you call ``begin()`` with no arguments (as in "``spi.begin();``"),
-it's the same as if you wrote "``spi.begin(SPI_1_125MHZ, MSBFIRST,
-Communicating Over SPI
-Now that you've got your SPI port set up, it's time to start
-communicating. You can send data using ``HardwareSPI::write()``,
-receive data using ``HardwareSPI::read()``, and do both using
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareSPI::write(byte data)
- Send a single byte of data.
- **Parameters**:
- - ``data``: Byte to send
-.. cpp:function:: byte HardwareSPI::read()
- Get the next available, unread byte. If there aren't any unread
- bytes, this function will wait until one is received.
-.. cpp:function:: byte HardwareSPI::transmit(byte data)
- Send a byte, then return the next byte received.
- **Parameters:**
- - ``data``: Byte to send
- **Returns:** Next unread byte
-Continuing our example from before, let's send a number over SPI and
-print out whatever we get back over :ref:`lang-serialusb`::
- // Use SPI port number 1
- HardwareSPI spi(1);
- void setup() {
- // Turn on the SPI port
- spi.begin(SPI_18MHZ, MSBFIRST, 0);
- }
- void loop() {
- // Send 245 over SPI, and wait for a response.
- spi.write(245);
- byte response = spi.read();
- // Print out the response received.
- SerialUSB.print("response: ");
- SerialUSB.println(response, DEC);
- }
-HardwareSPI Class Reference
-There are a number of other things you can accomplish with your
-``spi`` object. A full function listing follows.
-.. doxygenclass:: HardwareSPI
- :members: HardwareSPI, begin, beginSlave, end, read, write, transfer
-Deprecated Functions
-The following functions are defined for now, but they have been
-deprecated, and will be removed in a future Maple IDE release. You
-shouldn't use them in new programs, and you should change any of your
-programs which do use them to the up-to-date functions discussed
-.. cpp:function:: uint8 HardwareSPI::send(uint8 *data, uint32 length)
- Writes ``data`` into the port buffer to be transmitted as soon as
- possible, where ``length`` is the number of bytes to send from
- ``data``. Returns the last byte shifted back from slave.
-.. cpp:function:: uint8 HardwareSPI::send(uint8 data)
- Writes the single byte ``data`` into the port buffer to be
- transmitted as soon as possible. Returns the data byte shifted
- back from the slave.
-.. cpp:function:: uint8 HardwareSPI::recv()
- Reads a byte from the peripheral. Returns the next byte in the
- buffer.
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-hardwaretimer:
-This page describes how to control the built-in timers. It does not
-describe how the timers work on your board. For more information on
-that, the :ref:`timers reference <timers>`.
-.. warning:: The timer interface is still taking shape, and is
- expected to change significantly between releases. Because of
- that, the functionality described in this page shouldn't be
- considered stable.
- If you want a timer API that will be consistent between releases of
- the Maple IDE, your best bet for now is to use the low-level
- support in :ref:`libmaple-timer`.
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-.. _lang-hardwaretimer-getting-started:
-Getting Started
-You'll first need to define a ``HardwareTimer`` variable, which you'll
-use to control the timer. Do this by putting the line
-"``HardwareTimer timer(number);``" with your variables, where
-``number`` is the timer's number.
-Here's an example (we'll fill in :ref:`setup() <lang-setup>` and
-:ref:`loop() <lang-loop>` later)::
- // Use timer 1
- HardwareTimer timer(1);
- void setup() {
- // Your setup code
- }
- void loop() {
- // ...
- }
-Configuring the Prescaler and Overflow
-After defining your ``timer`` variable, you'll probably want to
-configure how fast your timer's counter changes (using the prescaler)
-and when it gets reset to zero (using the overflow value). You can do
-that with the ``setPrescaleFactor()`` and ``setOverflow()`` functions.
-.. _lang-hardwaretimer-setprescalefactor:
-.. doxygenfunction:: HardwareTimer::setPrescaleFactor
- :no-link:
-.. _lang-hardwaretimer-setoverflow:
-.. doxygenfunction:: HardwareTimer::setOverflow
- :no-link:
-For example::
- // Use timer 1
- HardwareTimer timer(1);
- void setup() {
- timer.setPrescaleFactor(5);
- timer.setOverflow(255);
- }
- void loop() {
- // ...
- }
-You may also find the ``setPeriod()`` function useful:
-.. _lang-hardwaretimer-setperiod:
-.. doxygenfunction:: HardwareTimer::setPeriod
- :no-link:
-For example::
- // Use timer 1
- HardwareTimer timer(1);
- void setup() {
- // Have the timer repeat every 20 milliseconds
- int microseconds_per_millisecond = 1000;
- timer.setPeriod(20 * microseconds_per_millisecond);
- }
- void loop() {
- // ...
- }
-.. _lang-hardwaretimer-interrupts:
-Using Timer Interrupts
-.. TODO [0.2.0] Improve the interrupts section, here or in timers.rst
-In order to use timer interrupts, we recommend the following sequence:
-* Pause the timer.
-* Configure the prescaler and overflow.
-* Pick a timer channel to handle the interrupt and set the channel's
- :ref:`mode <lang-hardwaretimer-timermode>` to ``TIMER_OUTPUT_COMPARE``.
-* Set the channel compare value appropriately (this controls what counter value,
- from 0 to overflow - 1). If you just want to make the interrupt fire once
- every time the timer overflows, and you don't care what the timer count is,
- the channel compare value can just be 1.
-* Attach an interrupt handler to the channel.
-* Refresh the timer.
-* Resume the timer.
-Here are two complete examples.
-**LED blink**: This example blinks the built-in LED without doing
-anything in ``loop()``. ::
- #define LED_RATE 500000 // in microseconds; should give 0.5Hz toggles
- // We'll use timer 2
- HardwareTimer timer(2);
- void setup() {
- // Set up the LED to blink
- // Pause the timer while we're configuring it
- timer.pause();
- // Set up period
- timer.setPeriod(LED_RATE); // in microseconds
- // Set up an interrupt on channel 1
- timer.setChannel1Mode(TIMER_OUTPUT_COMPARE);
- timer.setCompare(TIMER_CH1, 1); // Interrupt 1 count after each update
- timer.attachCompare1Interrupt(handler_led);
- // Refresh the timer's count, prescale, and overflow
- timer.refresh();
- // Start the timer counting
- timer.resume();
- }
- void loop() {
- // Nothing! It's all in the handler_led() interrupt:
- }
- void handler_led(void) {
- toggleLED();
- }
-**Racing Counters**: This example shows how to use multiple timers at
-the same time. ::
- int count3 = 0;
- int count4 = 0;
- // We'll use timers 3 and 4
- HardwareTimer timer3(3);
- HardwareTimer timer4(4);
- void setup() {
- // Set up the button for input
- // Set up timers to add 1 to their counts each time
- // their interrupts fire.
- timer3.pause();
- timer4.pause();
- timer3.setCount(0);
- timer4.setCount(0);
- timer3.setOverflow(30000);
- timer4.setOverflow(30000);
- timer3.setCompare(TIMER_CH1, 1000); // somewhere in the middle
- timer4.setCompare(TIMER_CH1, 1000);
- timer3.attachCompare1Interrupt(handler3);
- timer4.attachCompare1Interrupt(handler4);
- timer3.refresh();
- timer4.refresh();
- timer3.resume();
- timer4.resume();
- }
- void loop() {
- // Display the running counts
- SerialUSB.print("Count 3: ");
- SerialUSB.print(count3);
- SerialUSB.print("\t\tCount 4: ");
- SerialUSB.println(count4);
- // While the button is held down, pause timer 4
- for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
- if (digitalRead(BOARD_BUTTON_PIN)) {
- timer4.pause();
- } else {
- timer4.resume();
- }
- delay(1);
- }
- }
- void handler3(void) {
- count3++;
- }
- void handler4(void) {
- count4++;
- }
-``HardwareTimer`` Class Reference
-This section gives a full listing of the capabilities of a
-.. doxygenclass:: HardwareTimer
- :members: HardwareTimer, pause, resume, getPrescaleFactor, setPrescaleFactor, getOverflow, setOverflow, getCount, setCount, setPeriod, setMode, getCompare, setCompare, attachInterrupt, detachInterrupt, refresh
-.. _lang-hardwaretimer-timermode:
-.. doxygenenum:: timer_mode
-Deprecated Functionality
-The following functionality exists for now, but it has been
-deprecated, and will be removed in a future Maple IDE release. You
-shouldn't use it in new programs, and you should change any of your
-programs which do use them to use the up-to-date features described
-The ``TimerMode`` type from previous releases has been renamed
-``timer_mode``. The mode ``TIMER_OUTPUTCOMPARE`` is still present,
-but will be removed in a future release. Use ``TIMER_OUTPUT_COMPARE``
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::attachCompare1Interrupt(voidFuncPtr handler)
- Use ``attachInterrupt(1, handler)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::attachCompare2Interrupt(voidFuncPtr handler)
- Use ``attachInterrupt(2, handler)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::attachCompare3Interrupt(voidFuncPtr handler)
- Use ``attachInterrupt(3, handler)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::attachCompare4Interrupt(voidFuncPtr handler)
- Use ``attachInterrupt(4, handler)`` instead.
-.. _lang-hardwaretimer-setchannelmode:
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setChannelMode(int channel, timer_mode mode)
- Use ``setMode(channel, mode)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setChannel1Mode(timer_mode mode)
- Use ``setMode(1, mode)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setChannel2Mode(timer_mode mode)
- Use ``setMode(2, mode)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setChannel3Mode(timer_mode mode)
- Use ``setMode(3, mode)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setChannel4Mode(timer_mode mode)
- Use ``setMode(4, mode)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: uint16 HardwareTimer::getCompare1()
- Use ``getCompare(1, mode)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: uint16 HardwareTimer::getCompare2()
- Use ``getCompare(2, mode)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: uint16 HardwareTimer::getCompare3()
- Use ``getCompare(3, mode)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: uint16 HardwareTimer::getCompare4()
- Use ``getCompare(4, mode)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setCompare1(uint16 compare)
- Use ``setCompare(1, compare)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setCompare2(uint16 compare)
- Use ``setCompare(2, compare)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setCompare3(uint16 compare)
- Use ``setCompare(3, compare)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::setCompare4(uint16 compare)
- Use ``setCompare(4, compare)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::detachCompare1Interrupt()
- Use ``detachInterrupt(1)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::detachCompare2Interrupt()
- Use ``detachInterrupt(2)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::detachCompare3Interrupt()
- Use ``detachInterrupt(3)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::detachCompare4Interrupt()
- Use ``detachInterrupt(4)`` instead.
-.. cpp:function:: void HardwareTimer::generateUpdate()
- Use ``refresh()`` instead.
-In previous releases, to interact with a particular timers, you would
-use one of the predefined ``HardwareTimer`` instances ``Timer1``,
-``Timer2``, ``Timer3``, and ``Timer4``. These are still available for
-now, but they are also deprecated, and will be removed in a future
-release. As detailed in :ref:`lang-hardwaretimer-getting-started`,
-you should define your own ``HardwareTimer`` variables.
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-highbyte:
-(Macro) Extracts the second lowest byte of an integral data type.
-.. warning:: This macro is provided for compatibility with Arduino
- only. It returns the second-least significant byte in an integral
- value. It makes sense to call this the "high" byte on a 16-bit
- ``int`` microcontroller like the Atmel chips on Arduinos, but it
- makes no sense at all on a 32-bit microcontroller like the STM32s
- in the Maple line.
- In short: we provide this so that existing Arduino code works as
- expected, but **strongly discourage its use** in new programs.
- highByte(x)
-**x**: a value of any integral type.
-Second lowest byte in **x**.
- int x = 0xDEADBEEF;
- SerialUSB.println(x, HEX); // prints "BE"
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Maple version of ``highByte()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-See Also
-- :ref:`lowByte() <lang-lowbyte>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-interrupts:
-Re-enables interrupts (after they've been disabled by
-:ref:`noInterrupts() <lang-nointerrupts>`). Interrupts allow certain
-important tasks to happen in the background, and certain interrupts
-are enabled by default.
-Some functions will not work while interrupts are disabled, and both
-incoming and outgoing communication may be ignored. Interrupts can
-slightly disrupt the timing of code, however, and may be disabled for
-particularly critical sections of code.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: interrupts
- void setup() {}
- void loop() {
- noInterrupts();
- // critical, time-sensitive code here
- interrupts();
- // other code here
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`noInterrupts() <lang-nointerrupts>`
-- :ref:`attachInterrupt() <lang-attachinterrupt>`
-- :ref:`detachInterrupt() <lang-detachinterrupt>`
-- :ref:`Timers reference <timers>`
-- :ref:`Timer API <lang-hardwaretimer>`
-- :ref:`External interrupts <external-interrupts>`
-.. include:: /lang/cc-attribution.txt
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-.. _lang-isbuttonpressed:
-Check whether the board's built-in button (labeled BUT on the
-silkscreen) is pressed. The pin number of the built-in button is
-given by the constant ``BOARD_BUTTON_PIN``.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: isButtonPressed
-See Also
-- :ref:`Board-specific values <lang-board-values>`
-- :ref:`BOARD_BUTTON_PIN <lang-board-values-but>`
-- :ref:`lang-waitforbuttonpress`
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-loop:
-After creating a :ref:`setup() <lang-setup>` function, which
-initializes your sketch, the ``loop()`` function gets called
-repeatedly, allowing your program to change and respond. Use it to
-actively control your Maple board.
- int buttonPin = 38;
- // setup initializes serial and the button pin
- void setup() {
- SerialUSB.begin();
- pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
- }
- // loop() checks the button pin each time it executes,
- // and will print 'H' if it is pressed, 'L' otherwise
- void loop() {
- if (digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH) {
- SerialUSB.println('H');
- } else {
- SerialUSB.println('L');
- }
- delay(1000);
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`setup() <lang-setup>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. _lang-lowbyte:
-Extracts the low-order (rightmost) byte of a variable (e.g. a
-**x**: a value of any type. However, if a non-integral type is used,
-the results will be strange.
-The low byte's value (this will be between 0 and 255).
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-map:
-Re-maps a number from one range to another.
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: map
-``map()`` does not constrain values to within the range, because
-out-of-range values are sometimes intended and useful. The
-:ref:`constrain() <lang-constrain>` macro may be used either before or
-after this function, if limits to the ranges are desired.
-Note that the "lower bounds" of either range may be larger or smaller
-than the "upper bounds" so that ``map()`` may be used to reverse a
-range of numbers; for example::
- y = map(x, 1, 50, 50, 1);
-The function also handles negative numbers well, so that this
-example ::
- y = map(x, 1, 50, 50, -100);
-is also valid.
-The ``map()`` function uses integer math (its arguments and return
-values all have type :ref:`long <lang-long>`), so it will not generate
-fractions, when the math might indicate that it should do so.
-Fractional remainders are truncated, and are not rounded or averaged.
- /* Map an ADC reading (12 bits) to 16-bit PWM (0 to 65,535) */
- void setup() {
- pinMode(0, INPUT_ANALOG);
- pinMode(9, PWM);
- }
- void loop() {
- int val = analogRead(0);
- val = map(val, 0, 4095, 0, 65535);
- analogWrite(9, val);
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`constrain() <lang-constrain>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-max:
-(Macro) Calculates the maximum of two numbers.
- max(x, y)
-**x**: the first number; may be any number or numeric expression.
-**y**: the second number; may be any number or numeric expression.
-The larger of the two parameter values.
- sensVal = max(senVal, 20); // assigns sensVal to the larger of sensVal or 20
- // (effectively ensuring that it is at least 20)
-.. note:: Perhaps counter-intuitively, max() is often used to
- constrain the lower end of a variable's range, while :ref:`min()
- <lang-min>` is used to constrain the upper end of the range.
-Because of the way ``max()`` is implemented, avoid using other
-functions inside the parentheses. It may lead to incorrect results::
- max(a--, 0); // avoid this - yields incorrect results
- a--; // use this instead -
- max(a, 0); // keep other operations outside max()
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Maple implementation of ``max()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-See Also
-- :ref:`min() <lang-min>`
-- :ref:`constrain() <lang-constrain>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-micros:
-Returns the number of microseconds since the Maple board began running
-the current program. This number will overflow (go back to zero),
-after approximately 70 minutes.
-.. note:: There are 1,000 microseconds in a millisecond, and 1,000,000
- microseconds in a second.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: micros
- unsigned int time;
- void setup() {
- }
- void loop() {
- SerialUSB.print("Time: ");
- time = micros();
- // prints time since program started
- SerialUSB.println(time);
- // wait a second so as not to send massive amounts of data
- delay(1000);
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`millis() <lang-millis>`
-- :ref:`delay() <lang-delay>`
-- :ref:`delayMicroseconds() <lang-delaymicroseconds>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-millis:
-Returns the number of milliseconds since the Maple board began running
-the current program. This number will overflow (go back to zero) after
-approximately 50 days.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: millis
-The following time prints the value returned by ``millis()`` roughly
-once per second::
- unsigned int time;
- void setup() {
- }
- void loop() {
- SerialUSB.print("Time: ");
- time = millis();
- // prints time since program started
- SerialUSB.println(time);
- // wait a second so as not to send massive amounts of data
- delay(1000);
- }
-Since the return value for ``millis()`` is an :ref:`unsigned long
-<lang-unsignedlong>`, overflow errors may occur if you try to do math
-with other data types, such as :ref:`chars <lang-char>`.
-See Also
-- :ref:`micros <lang-micros>`
-- :ref:`delay <lang-delay>`
-- :ref:`delayMicroseconds <lang-delaymicroseconds>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-min:
-(Macro) Calculates the minimum of two numbers.
- min(x,y)
-**x**: the first number; may be any number or numeric expression.
-**y**: the second number; may be any number or numeric expression.
-The smaller of the two numbers.
- sensVal = min(sensVal, 100); // assigns sensVal to the smaller of sensVal or 100
- // ensuring that it never gets above 100.
-.. note:: Perhaps counter-intuitively, max() is often used to
- constrain the lower end of a variable's range, while min() is used
- to constrain the upper end of the range.
-Because of the way ``min()`` is implemented, avoid using other
-functions inside the parentheses. It may lead to incorrect results::
- min(a++, 100); // avoid this - yields incorrect results
- a++; // use this instead -
- min(a, 100); // keep other operations outside min()
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Maple version of ``min()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-See Also
-- :ref:`max() <lang-max>`
-- :ref:`constrain() <lang-constrain>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-nointerrupts:
-Disables interrupts. Interrupts allow certain important tasks to
-happen in the background and are enabled by default. Some functions
-will not work while interrupts are disabled, and incoming
-communication may be ignored. Interrupts can slightly disrupt the
-timing of code, however, and may be disabled for particularly critical
-sections of code.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: noInterrupts
- void setup() {}
- void loop() {
- noInterrupts();
- // critical, time-sensitive code here
- interrupts();
- // other code here
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`interrupts() <lang-interrupts>`
-- :ref:`attachInterrupt() <lang-attachinterrupt>`
-- :ref:`detachInterrupt() <lang-detachinterrupt>`
-- :ref:`Timers reference <timers>`
-- :ref:`Timer API <lang-hardwaretimer>`
-- :ref:`External interrupts <external-interrupts>`
-.. include:: /lang/cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-pinmode:
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: pinMode
-.. _lang-pinmode-wiringpinmode:
-.. doxygenenum:: WiringPinMode
-pinMode() is usually called within :ref:`lang-setup` in order to
-configure a pin for a certain usage (although it may be called
-This example uses pinMode() to set up the pin connected to the
-built-in LED as an output. Once this is done,
-:ref:`lang-digitalwrite` can be used to turn the pin ``HIGH`` and
-``LOW``, which turn the LED on and off.
- void setup() {
- pinMode(BOARD_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // sets the LED pin as output
- }
- void loop() {
- digitalWrite(BOARD_LED_PIN, HIGH); // sets the LED on
- delay(1000); // waits for a second
- digitalWrite(BOARD_LED_PIN, LOW); // sets the LED off
- delay(1000); // waits for a second
- }
-Arduino Compatibility
-.. TODO check out Arduino vs. Maple static discilpline cutoffs to
-.. ensure accuracy of following:
-On Maple, pinMode() supports the ``INPUT`` and ``OUTPUT`` modes in the
-same way as Arduino (however, remember that the Maple, as a 3.3V
-device, will only drive 3.3V to an ``OUTPUT`` pin that has been set
-``HIGH``, instead of 5V like on Arduino).
-``INPUT_ANALOG`` and ``PWM`` modes were added because the Maple
-doesn't separate the analog and digital pins the same way Arduino
-does. Unlike on Arduino, you **must call** pinMode() to set up a pin
-for these purposes before a call to, e.g., :ref:`lang-analogRead`.
-This should only add a few lines to your :ref:`lang-setup` function.
-.. TODO [0.1.0] verify following before putting it in:
-.. ``PWM_OPEN_DRAIN`` modes represent functionality not currently
-.. available on Arduino boards.
-See Also
-- :ref:`lang-board-values`
-- :ref:`lang-constants`
-- :ref:`lang-digitalwrite`
-- :ref:`lang-digitalread`
-- :ref:`gpio`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. _lang-pow:
-Calculates the value of a number raised to a power.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: pow
-See Also
-- :ref:`sqrt() <lang-sqrt>`
-- :ref:`float <lang-float>`
-- :ref:`double <lang-double>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-pwmwrite:
-Writes a :ref:`PWM wave <pwm>` to a pin. You can use this to make an
-LED get brighter or dimmer, control a servomotor, etc. After a call to
-pwmWrite(), the pin will output a steady square wave with the given
-duty cycle. You can change the duty cycle later by calling pwmWrite()
-again with the same pin and a different duty.
-The pins which support PWM have ``PWM`` listed underneath their number
-on your board's silkscreen. These pin numbers are available to your
-program in the :ref:`boardPWMPins <lang-board-values-pwm-pins>`
-board-specific array. The number of pins which are capable of PWM on
-your board is given by the ``BOARD_NR_PWM_PINS`` constant. These
-values are documented for each board in the :ref:`Board Hardware
-Documentation <index-boards>` pages.
-The Arduino function :ref:`analogWrite() <lang-analogwrite>` is an
-alias for ``pwmWrite()``, but it is badly named, and its use is
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: pwmWrite
-Sets the output to the LED proportional to the value read from the
- int analogPin = 3; // potentiometer connected to analog pin 3
- void setup() {
- pinMode(BOARD_LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // sets the LED pin as output
- pinMode(analogPin, INPUT_ANALOG); // sets the potentiometer pin as
- // analog input
- }
- void loop() {
- int val = analogRead(analogPin); // read the input pin
- pwmWrite(BOARD_LED_PIN, val * 16); // analogRead values go from 0
- // to 4095, pwmWrite values
- // from 0 to 65535, so scale roughly
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`Maple PWM tutorial <pwm>`
-- :ref:`boardPWMPins <lang-board-values-pwm-pins>`
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/random.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/random.rst
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index 9875ee6..0000000
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-random:
-The ``random()`` function generates pseudo-random numbers.
-Library Documentation
-.. FIXME [Breathe] use doxygenfunction when possible
-.. cpp:function:: random(long max)
- Same as a call to ``random(0, max)``.
-.. cpp:function:: random(long min, long max)
- Generate a pseudo-random number with given lower and upper bounds.
- *Parameters*
- - ``min`` - Lower bound on the returned value, inclusive
- - ``max`` - Upper bound on the returned value, exclusive
- *Returns*: A pseudo-random number in the range [min, max).
-If it is important for a sequence of values generated by
-:ref:`random() <lang-random>` to differ, on subsequent executions of a
-sketch, use :ref:`randomSeed() <lang-randomseed>` to initialize the
-random number generator with a fairly random input, such as
-:ref:`analogRead() <lang-analogread>` on an unconnected pin.
-Conversely, it can occasionally be useful to use pseudorandom
-sequences that repeat exactly. This can be accomplished by calling
-``randomSeed()`` with a fixed number, before starting the random
-The following sketch initializes the random seed based on an :ref:`ADC
-<adc>` reading of pin 0. If this pin is unconnected, the Sketch
-should print different values to the :ref:`serial monitor
-<ide-serial-monitor>` each time it is run::
- long randNumber;
- void setup() {
- pinMode(0, INPUT_ANALOG);
- randomSeed(analogRead(0));
- }
- void loop() {
- randNumber = random(300);
- SerialUSB.println(randNumber);
- delay(50);
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`randomSeed() <lang-randomseed>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-randomseed:
-``randomSeed()`` initializes the `pseudorandom number generator
-causing it to start at an arbitrary point in its random sequence.
-This sequence, while very long, and random, is always the same.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: randomSeed
-If it is important for a sequence of values generated by
-:ref:`random() <lang-random>` to differ, on subsequent executions of a
-sketch, use ``randomSeed()`` to initialize the random number generator
-with a fairly random input, such as :ref:`analogRead()
-<lang-analogread>` on an unconnected pin.
-Conversely, it can occasionally be useful to use pseudorandom
-sequences that repeat exactly. This can be accomplished by calling
-``randomSeed()`` with a fixed number, before starting the random
-The following sketch initializes the random seed based on an :ref:`ADC
-<adc>` reading of pin 0. If this pin is unconnected, the Sketch
-should print different values to the :ref:`serial monitor
-<ide-serial-monitor>` each time it is run::
- long randNumber;
- void setup() {
- pinMode(0, INPUT_ANALOG);
- randomSeed(analogRead(0));
- }
- void loop() {
- randNumber = random(300);
- SerialUSB.println(randNumber);
- delay(50);
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`random() <lang-random>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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-.. _lang-serial:
-Serial Ports (``Serial1``, ``Serial2``, ``Serial3``)
-Used for communication between the Maple board and a computer or other
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-.. FIXME [0.0.12/Maple Native] UART4, UART5
-To use a serial port to communicate with an external serial device,
-connect the TX pin to your device's RX pin, the RX to your device's TX
-pin, and your Maple board's ground to your device's ground.
-.. warning:: Don't connect these pins directly to an RS232 serial
- port; they operate at +/- 12V and can damage your board.
-Library Documentation
-.. FIXME [0.1.0] Tutorial-style usage introduction
-All of the ``Serial[1,2,3]`` objects are instances of the
-``HardwareSerial`` class, which is documented in this section. (This
-means that you can use any of these functions on any of ``Serial1``,
-``Serial2``, and ``Serial3``).
-.. cpp:class:: HardwareSerial
- Serial port class. Predefined instances are ``Serial1``,
- ``Serial2``, and ``Serial3``.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::begin(unsigned int baud)
- Set up a ``HardwareSerial`` object for communications. This method
- must be called before attempting to use the ``HardwareSerial``
- object (typically, you call this in your :ref:`setup()
- <lang-setup>` function).
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::end()
- Disables the USART associated with this object, allowing any
- associated communication pins to be used for other purposes.
-.. cpp:function:: unsigned int HardwareSerial::available()
- Returns the number of bytes available for reading.
-.. cpp:function:: unsigned char HardwareSerial::read()
- Returns the next available, unread character. If there are no
- available characters (you can check this with :cpp:func:`available
- <HardwareSerial::available>`), the call will block until one
- becomes available.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::flush()
- Throw away the contents of the serial port's receiver (RX) buffer.
- That is, clears any buffered characters, so that the next character
- read is guaranteed to be new.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::print(unsigned char b)
- Print the given byte over the USART.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::print(char c)
- Print the given character over the USART. 7-bit clean characters
- are typically interpreted as ASCII text.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::print(const char *str)
- Print the given null-terminated string over the USART.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::print(int n)
- Print the argument's digits over the USART, in decimal format.
- Negative values will be prefixed with a ``'-'`` character.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::print(unsigned int n)
- Print the argument's digits over the USART, in decimal format.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::print(long n)
- Print the argument's digits over the USART, in decimal format.
- Negative values will be prefixed with a ``'-'`` character.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::print(unsigned long n)
- Print the argument's digits over the USART, in decimal format.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::print(long n, int base)
- Print the digits of ``n`` over the USART, in base ``base`` (which
- may be between 2 and 16). The ``base`` value 2 corresponds to
- binary, 8 to octal, 10 to decimal, and 16 to hexadecimal. Negative
- values will be prefixed with a ``'-'`` character.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::print(double n)
- Print ``n``, accurate to 2 digits after the decimal point.
-.. _lang-serial-println:
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::println(char c)
- Like ``print(c)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::println(const char *c)
- Like ``print(c)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::println(unsigned char b)
- Like ``print(b)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::println(int n)
- Like ``print(n)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::println(unsigned int n)
- Like ``print(n)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::println(long n)
- Like ``print(n)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::println(unsigned long n)
- Like ``print(n)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::println(long n, int base)
- Like ``print(n, b)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::println(double n)
- Like ``print(n)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::println()
- Prints ``"\r\n"`` over the USART.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::write(unsigned char ch)
- Sends one character over the USART. This function is currently
- blocking, although nonblocking writes are a planned future
- extension.
- This is a low-level function. One of the ``print()`` or
- ``println()`` functions is likely to be more useful when printing
- multiple characters, when formatting numbers for printing, etc.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::write(const char* str)
- Send the given null-terminated character string over the USART.
- This is a low-level function. One of the ``print()`` or
- ``println()`` functions is likely to be more useful when printing
- multiple characters, when formatting numbers for printing, etc.
-.. cpp:function:: HardwareSerial::write(void *buf, unsigned int size)
- Writes the first ``size`` bytes of ``buf`` over the USART. Each
- byte is transmitted as an individual character.
- This is a low-level function. One of the ``print()`` or
- ``println()`` functions is likely to be more useful when printing
- multiple characters, when formatting numbers for printing, etc.
-Arduino Compatibility Note
-Unlike the Arduino, none of the Maple's serial ports is connected to
-the USB port on the Maple board. If you want to communicate using the
-built-in USB port, use :ref:`SerialUSB <lang-serialusb>` instead. You
-will need an additional USB-to-serial adapter to communicate between a
-USART and your computer.
-.. FIXME [0.1.0] port these examples over
-.. Examples
-.. --------
-.. - `ASCII Table <http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ASCIITable>`_
-.. - `Dimmer <http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Dimmer>`_
-.. - `Graph <http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/Graph>`_
-.. - `Physical Pixel <http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/PhysicalPixel>`_
-.. - `Virtual Color Mixer <http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/VirtualColorMixer>`_
-.. - `Serial Call Response <http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/SerialCallResponse>`_
-.. - `Serial Call Response ASCII <http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/SerialCallResponseASCII>`_
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
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deleted file mode 100644
index ed466f2..0000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,242 +0,0 @@
-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-serialusb:
-Used for communication between the Maple board and a computer.
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-In addition to three :ref:`serial ports <lang-serial>`, the Maple's
-STM32 microprocessor includes a dedicated USB peripheral. This
-peripheral is used to emulate a regular serial port for use as a
-terminal. The emulated terminal is relatively slow; it is best for
-transferring data at regular serial speeds (kilobaud).
-Library access to the emulated serial port is provided through the
-``SerialUSB`` object. You can mostly use ``SerialUSB`` as a drop-in
-replacement for ``Serial1``, ``Serial2``, and ``Serial3``.
-.. warning:: The ``SerialUSB`` functionality includes a 50 millisecond
- timeout for writes, and does not try to detect if the USB host is
- "really" connected, or just enumerated and initialized.
- This means that if you have a number of calls to one of the
- ``SerialUSB`` ``write()`` or ``print()`` functions in your code,
- and you are not monitoring ``SerialUSB`` on a computer, your
- program will run much slower than if it is being monitored or
- totally disconnected (run off of a battery).
- You can avoid this behavior by :ref:`deciphering the port status
- using the DTR and RTS line status <lang-serialusb-safe-print>` (the
- behavior of these control lines is platform dependent and we no
- longer interpret them by default).
-Library Documentation
-The ``SerialUSB`` object is an instance of the ``USBSerial`` class,
-which is documented in this section. This means that you can use any
-of these functions by writing
-``SerialUSB.functionName(arguments...)``. For example, to print the
-message "hello, world!", you can write ``USBSerial.println("hello,
-.. cpp:class:: USBSerial
- Emulated serial-over-USB class. ``SerialUSB`` is the predefined
- (singleton) instance.
-.. _lang-serialusb-begin:
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::begin()
- Set up the USB peripheral for emulated serial communication. The
- peripheral is configured this way by default; calling this function
- should only be necessary if you have disabled the peripheral using
- ``SerialUSB.end()``.
-.. _lang-serialusb-end:
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::end()
- Disables the USB peripheral. Note that using this function will
- terminate all USB communications between the Maple and the USB
- host; in particular, it implies that you won't be able to upload
- any new programs without resetting the board or using
- :ref:`perpetual bootloader mode
- <troubleshooting-perpetual-bootloader>`.
-.. cpp:function:: unsigned int USBSerial::available()
- Returns the number of bytes available for reading.
-.. _lang-serialusb-read:
-.. cpp:function:: unsigned char USBSerial::read()
- Returns the next available, unread character. If there are no
- available characters (you can check this with :cpp:func:`available
- <USBSerial::available>`), the call will block until one
- becomes available.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::print(unsigned char b)
- Print the given byte over the USB connection.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::print(char c)
- Print the given character over the USB connection. 7-bit clean characters
- are typically interpreted as ASCII text.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::print(const char *str)
- Print the given null-terminated string over the USB connection.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::print(int n)
- Print the argument's digits over the USB connection, in decimal format.
- Negative values will be prefixed with a ``'-'`` character.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::print(unsigned int n)
- Print the argument's digits over the USB connection, in decimal format.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::print(long n)
- Print the argument's digits over the USB connection, in decimal
- format. Negative values will be prefixed with a ``'-'`` character.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::print(unsigned long n)
- Print the argument's digits over the USB connection, in decimal
- format.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::print(long n, int base)
- Print the digits of ``n`` over the USB connection, in base ``base``
- (which may be between 2 and 16). The ``base`` value 2 corresponds
- to binary, 8 to octal, 10 to decimal, and 16 to hexadecimal.
- Negative values will be prefixed with a ``'-'`` character.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::print(double n)
- Print ``n``, accurate to 2 digits after the decimal point.
-.. _lang-serialusb-println:
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::println(char c)
- Like ``print(c)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::println(const char *c)
- Like ``print(c)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::println(unsigned char b)
- Like ``print(b)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::println(int n)
- Like ``print(n)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::println(unsigned int n)
- Like ``print(n)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::println(long n)
- Like ``print(n)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::println(unsigned long n)
- Like ``print(n)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::println(long n, int base)
- Like ``print(n, b)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::println(double n)
- Like ``print(n)``, followed by ``"\r\n"``.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::println()
- Prints ``"\r\n"`` over the USB connection.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::write(unsigned char ch)
- Sends one character over the USB connection. This function is
- currently blocking, although nonblocking writes are a planned
- future extension.
- This is a low-level function. One of the ``print()`` or
- ``println()`` functions is likely to be more useful when printing
- multiple characters, when formatting numbers for printing, etc.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::write(const char* str)
- Send the given null-terminated character string over the USB
- connection.
- This is a low-level function. One of the ``print()`` or
- ``println()`` functions is likely to be more useful when printing
- multiple characters, when formatting numbers for printing, etc.
-.. cpp:function:: USBSerial::write(void *buf, unsigned int size)
- Writes the first ``size`` bytes of ``buf`` over the USB connection.
- Each byte is transmitted as an individual character.
- This is a low-level function. One of the ``print()`` or
- ``println()`` functions is likely to be more useful when printing
- multiple characters, when formatting numbers for printing, etc.
-.. _lang-serialusb-safe-print:
-**Safe print**: This function should run smoothly and not block; the
-LED should blink at roughly the same speed whether being monitored,
-running from battery, or connected but not monitored. You may need to
-experiment with the DTR/RTS logic for your platform and device
-configuration. ::
- void setup() {
- /* Set up the LED to blink */
- pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);
- }
- void loop() {
- // LED will stay off if we are disconnected, and will blink
- // quickly if USB is unplugged (battery power, etc.).
- if(SerialUSB.isConnected()) {
- digitalWrite(LED_PIN, 1);
- }
- delay(100);
- // If this logic fails to detect if bytes are going to be read
- // by the USB host, then the println() take a long time,
- // causing a very slow LED blink. If the characters are
- // printed and read, the blink will only slow a small amount
- // when "really" connected, and will be fast fast when the
- // virtual port is only configured.
- if(SerialUSB.isConnected() && (SerialUSB.getDTR() || SerialUSB.getRTS())) {
- for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- SerialUSB.println(123456, BIN);
- }
- }
- digitalWrite(LED_PIN, 0);
- delay(100);
- }
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-setup:
-The ``setup()`` function is called when a sketch starts. Use it to
-initialize :ref:`variables <lang-variables>`, :ref:`pin modes
-<lang-pinmode>`, start using :ref:`libraries <libraries>`, etc. The
-``setup()`` function will only run once, after each power-up or reset
-of the Maple board.
- int buttonPin = 38;
- void setup() {
- pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
- }
- void loop() {
- // ...
- }
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/shiftout.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/shiftout.rst
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-shiftout:
-Shift out a byte of data, one bit at a time.
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: shiftOut
-This is a software implementation. There is also a hardware :ref:`SPI
-<spi>` library available which will be faster and consume less CPU
-cycles than this function.
-Note that the ``dataPin`` and ``clockPin`` must already be configured
-to :ref:`OUTPUT <lang-constants-output>` mode by a call to
-:ref:`pinMode() <lang-pinmode>`.
-Also note that since shiftOut() outputs 1 byte (8 bits) at a time, it
-requires multiple steps to output values larger than 255.
-To use these examples, replace ``dataPin`` and ``clockPin`` with the
-numbers of the pins you want to use::
- /* MSBFIRST example */
- uint16 data = 500;
- // shift out high byte
- shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, (data >> 8));
- // shift out low byte
- shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, data);
- /* LSBFIRST serial */
- data = 500;
- // shift out low byte
- shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, data);
- // shift out high byte
- shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, (data >> 8));
-Arduino Tutorial Example
-This Arduino example runs unmodified on the Maple. For accompanying
-circuit, see the `tutorial on controlling a 74HC595 shift register
- //**************************************************************//
- // Name : shiftOutCode, Hello World //
- // Author : Carlyn Maw, Tom Igoe //
- // Date : 25 Oct, 2006 //
- // Version : 1.0 //
- // Notes : Code for using a 74HC595 Shift Register //
- // : to count from 0 to 255 //
- //**************************************************************//
- // Pin connected to ST_CP of 74HC595
- int latchPin = 8;
- // Pin connected to SH_CP of 74HC595
- int clockPin = 12;
- // Pin connected to DS of 74HC595
- int dataPin = 11;
- void setup() {
- // Set pins to output because they are addressed in the main loop
- pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);
- pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
- }
- void loop() {
- // Count up routine
- for (int j = 0; j < 256; j++) {
- // Ground latchPin and hold low for as long as you are transmitting
- digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
- shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, j);
- // Return the latch pin high to signal chip that it
- // no longer needs to listen for information
- digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);
- delay(1000);
- }
- }
-.. include:: /lang/cc-attribution.txt
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/sin.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/sin.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 3e28c0b..0000000
--- a/docs/source/lang/api/sin.rst
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-.. _lang-sin:
-Calculates the `sine <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sine>`_ of an
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: sin
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Maple version of ``sin()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-Note that the Maple implementation comes from `newlib
-<http://sourceware.org/newlib/>`_\ , while Arduino's is that of
-`avr-libc <http://avr-libc.nongnu.org/>`_\ .
-See Also
-- :ref:`cos <lang-cos>`
-- :ref:`tan <lang-tan>`
-- :ref:`float <lang-float>`
-- :ref:`double <lang-double>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/sq.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/sq.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 96724d3..0000000
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-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-sq:
-(Macro) computes the square of a number.
- sq(a)
-**a**: the number.
-**a** squared (**a** × **a**).
-Because of the way ``sq()`` is implemented, avoid using other
-functions or causing side effects inside the parentheses, as it may
-lead to incorrect results::
- b = sq(a++); // avoid this - yields incorrect results
- b = sq(a); // use this instead -
- a++; // keep other operations outside sq()
-Arduino Compatibility
-Maple's implementation of ``sq()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/tan.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/tan.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index b1aed31..0000000
--- a/docs/source/lang/api/tan.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-.. _lang-tan:
-Calculates the tangent of an angle.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: tan
-Arduino Compatibility
-The Maple version of ``tan()`` is compatible with Arduino.
-Note that the Maple implementation comes from `newlib
-<http://sourceware.org/newlib/>`_\ , while Arduino's is that of
-`avr-libc <http://avr-libc.nongnu.org/>`_\ .
-See Also
-- :ref:`sin <lang-sin>`
-- :ref:`cos <lang-cos>`
-- :ref:`float <lang-float>`
-- :ref:`double <lang-double>`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/toggleled.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/toggleled.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index cad347f..0000000
--- a/docs/source/lang/api/toggleled.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-toggleled:
-*Toggle* the built-in LED: switch it from off to on, or on to off.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: toggleLED
-.. _lang-toggleled-example:
-This example sets up the board's LED pin for output, then toggles the
-LED every 100 milliseconds::
- void setup() {
- }
- void loop() {
- toggleLED();
- delay(100);
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`BOARD_LED_PIN <lang-board-values-led>`
-- :ref:`togglePin() <lang-togglepin>`
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/togglepin.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/togglepin.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 290718d..0000000
--- a/docs/source/lang/api/togglepin.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-.. _lang-togglepin:
-Switches a digital output pin from :ref:`HIGH <lang-constants-high>`
-to :ref:`LOW <lang-constants-low>`, or from LOW to HIGH.
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: togglePin
-See Also
-- :ref:`toggleLED() <lang-toggleled>`
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/volatile.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/volatile.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b72897..0000000
--- a/docs/source/lang/api/volatile.rst
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@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-volatile:
-The ``volatile`` keyword known is a variable *qualifier*. It is
-usually used before the datatype of a variable, to modify the way in
-which the compiler treats the variable.
-Declaring a variable ``volatile`` is a directive to the compiler. The
-compiler is software which translates your C++ code into the machine
-code, which are the real instructions for the STM32 chip in the
-Maple. (The particular compiler we provide for use with the Maple is a
-version of :ref:`GCC <arm-gcc>`).
-Specifically, it directs the compiler to read the variable's value
-fresh every time it is used, rather than "backing up" the value and
-reading from its backup copy. (Compilers often "back up" a variable's
-value in RAM into a storage location called a *register*; this is done
-for efficiency).
-A variable should be declared ``volatile`` whenever its value can be
-changed by something beyond the control of the code section in which
-it appears, such as an :ref:`external interrupt
-<external-interrupts>`. (The only place that this is likely to occur
-in most programs is inside of code called by interrupts).
- // toggles LED when interrupt pin changes state
- int pin = 13;
- volatile int state = LOW;
- void setup() {
- pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
- attachInterrupt(0, blink, CHANGE);
- }
- void loop() {
- digitalWrite(pin, state);
- }
- void blink() {
- if (state == HIGH) {
- state = LOW;
- } else {
- // state must be HIGH
- state = HIGH;
- }
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`External Interrupts <external-interrupts>`
-- :ref:`lang-attachinterrupt`
-- :ref:`lang-detachinterrupt`
-.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/waitforbuttonpress.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/waitforbuttonpress.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e0fbaf..0000000
--- a/docs/source/lang/api/waitforbuttonpress.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-.. highlight:: cpp
-.. _lang-waitforbuttonpress:
-Wait for the board's built-in button to be pressed, possibly with
-timeout. The button is labeled "BUT" on the board's silkscreen. Its
-pin number is the constant :ref:`BOARD_BUTTON_PIN
-Library Documentation
-.. doxygenfunction:: waitForButtonPress
-.. _lang-waitforbuttonpress-example:
-This example sets up the board's button pin as an input, then prints a
-message very time the button is pressed.
- void setup() {
- }
- void loop() {
- waitForButtonPress();
- SerialUSB.println("You pressed the button!");
- }
-See Also
-- :ref:`Board-specific values <lang-board-values>`
-- :ref:`BOARD_BUTTON_PIN <lang-board-values-but>`
-- :ref:`lang-isbuttonpressed`