path: root/scalding/src/main/scala/sandcrawler/HBaseRowCountJob.scala
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Improved style and style checking.Ellen Spertus2018-07-191-4/+5
* Added rule to warn about block imports. Removed block imports.Ellen Spertus2018-07-191-1/+2
* Added import order checking. Fixed misordered imports in our code.Ellen Spertus2018-07-171-1/+1
* Fixed style errors.Ellen Spertus2018-07-171-2/+2
* snake_case to lowerCamelCaseBryan Newbold2018-07-131-3/+3
* hbase table and zk host as argumentsBryan Newbold2018-06-171-9/+12
* Made package names match directory names. Cleaned up imports.Ellen Spertus2018-06-051-5/+4
* Made changes suggested in merge request review.Ellen Spertus2018-06-041-1/+1
* Changed interface to HBaseBuilder.parseColSpec.Ellen Spertus2018-06-031-1/+1
* Added HBaseBuilder.build() and had HBaseRowCountJob call it.Ellen Spertus2018-06-031-7/+3
* Factored common code out of HBaseRowCountJob and its test into a new companio...Ellen Spertus2018-06-011-5/+9
* switch HBaseRowCountJob to SCAN_ALLBryan Newbold2018-05-291-1/+1
* HBaseRowCountJob actually counts rowsBryan Newbold2018-05-291-11/+2
* rename jvm/scalding directoriesBryan Newbold2018-05-241-0/+41