path: root/python/sandcrawler/workers.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/sandcrawler/workers.py')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/sandcrawler/workers.py b/python/sandcrawler/workers.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81813a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/sandcrawler/workers.py
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+import sys
+import json
+import zipfile
+import multiprocessing.pool
+from collections import Counter
+from confluent_kafka import Consumer, Producer, KafkaException
+from .misc import parse_cdx_line
+class SandcrawlerWorker(object):
+ """
+ Base class for sandcrawler workers.
+ Usually these get "pushed" into by a RecordPusher. Output goes to another
+ worker (pipeline-style), or defaults to stdout.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.counts = Counter()
+ self.sink = None
+ # TODO: self.counters
+ def push_record(self, task):
+ self.counts['total'] += 1
+ result = self.process(task)
+ if not result:
+ self.counts['failed'] += 1
+ return
+ if self.sink:
+ self.sink.push_record(result)
+ self.counts['pushed'] += 1
+ else:
+ print(json.dumps(result))
+ return result
+ def push_batch(self, tasks):
+ results = []
+ for task in tasks:
+ results.append(self.push_record(task))
+ return results
+ def finish(self):
+ if self.sink:
+ self.sink.finish()
+ sys.stderr.write("Worker: {}\n".format(self.counts))
+ return self.counts
+class MultiprocessWrapper(SandcrawlerWorker):
+ def __init__(self, worker, sink, jobs=None):
+ self.counts = Counter()
+ self.worker = worker
+ self.sink = sink
+ self.pool = multiprocessing.pool.Pool(jobs)
+ def push_batch(self, tasks):
+ self.counts['total'] += len(tasks)
+ sys.stderr.write("... processing batch of: {}\n".format(len(tasks)))
+ results = self.pool.map(self.worker.process, tasks)
+ for result in results:
+ if not result:
+ self.counts['failed'] += 1
+ return
+ if self.sink:
+ self.sink.push_record(result)
+ self.counts['pushed'] += 1
+ else:
+ print(json.dumps(result))
+ return results
+ def finish(self):
+ self.pool.terminate()
+ if self.sink:
+ self.sink.finish()
+ worker_counts = self.worker.finish()
+ sys.stderr.write("Multiprocessing: {}\n".format(self.counts))
+ return worker_counts
+class BlackholeSink(SandcrawlerWorker):
+ """
+ Dummy SandcrawlerWorker. That doesn't do or process anything.
+ Useful for tests.
+ """
+ def push_record(self, task):
+ return
+ def push_batch(self, tasks):
+ return
+class KafkaSink(SandcrawlerWorker):
+ def __init__(self, kafka_hosts, produce_topic, **kwargs):
+ self.sink = None
+ self.counts = Counter()
+ self.produce_topic = produce_topic
+ self.kafka_hosts = kafka_hosts
+ config = self.producer_config({
+ 'bootstrap.servers': kafka_hosts,
+ 'message.max.bytes': 20000000, # ~20 MBytes; broker is ~50 MBytes
+ })
+ self.producer = Producer(config)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _fail_fast(err, msg):
+ if err is not None:
+ sys.stderr.write("Kafka producer delivery error: {}\n".format(err))
+ sys.stderr.write("Bailing out...\n")
+ # TODO: should it be sys.exit(-1)?
+ raise KafkaException(err)
+ def producer_config(self, kafka_config):
+ config = kafka_config.copy()
+ config.update({
+ 'delivery.report.only.error': True,
+ 'default.topic.config': {
+ 'request.required.acks': -1, # all brokers must confirm
+ }
+ })
+ return config
+ def push_record(self, msg, key=None):
+ self.counts['total'] += 1
+ if type(msg) == dict:
+ if not key and 'key' in msg:
+ key = msg['key']
+ msg = json.dumps(msg)
+ if type(msg) == str:
+ msg = msg.encode('utf-8')
+ assert type(msg) == bytes
+ self.producer.produce(
+ self.produce_topic,
+ msg,
+ key=key,
+ on_delivery=self._fail_fast)
+ self.counts['produced'] += 1
+ # TODO: check for errors etc. is this necessary?
+ self.producer.poll(0)
+ def push_batch(self, msgs):
+ for m in msgs:
+ self.push_record(m)
+ def finish(self):
+ self.producer.flush()
+ return self.counts
+class KafkaGrobidSink(KafkaSink):
+ """
+ Variant of KafkaSink for large documents. Used for, eg, GROBID output.
+ """
+ def producer_config(self, kafka_config):
+ config = kafka_config.copy()
+ config.update({
+ 'compression.codec': 'gzip',
+ 'retry.backoff.ms': 250,
+ 'linger.ms': 5000,
+ 'batch.num.messages': 50,
+ 'delivery.report.only.error': True,
+ 'default.topic.config': {
+ 'request.required.acks': -1, # all brokers must confirm
+ }
+ })
+ return config
+class RecordPusher:
+ """
+ Base class for different record sources to be pushed into workers. Pretty
+ trivial interface, just wraps an importer and pushes records in to it.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, worker, **kwargs):
+ self.counts = Counter()
+ self.worker = worker
+ def run(self):
+ """
+ This will look something like:
+ for line in sys.stdin:
+ record = json.loads(line)
+ self.worker.push_record(record)
+ print(self.worker.finish())
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class JsonLinePusher(RecordPusher):
+ def __init__(self, worker, json_file, **kwargs):
+ self.counts = Counter()
+ self.worker = worker
+ self.json_file = json_file
+ self.batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size', None)
+ def run(self):
+ batch = []
+ for line in self.json_file:
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ self.counts['total'] += 1
+ record = json.loads(line)
+ if self.batch_size:
+ batch.append(record)
+ if len(batch) > self.batch_size:
+ self.worker.push_batch(batch)
+ self.counts['pushed'] += len(batch)
+ batch = []
+ else:
+ self.worker.push_record(record)
+ self.counts['pushed'] += 1
+ if self.batch_size and batch:
+ self.worker.push_batch(batch)
+ self.counts['pushed'] += len(batch)
+ batch = []
+ worker_counts = self.worker.finish()
+ sys.stderr.write("JSON lines pushed: {}\n".format(self.counts))
+ return self.counts
+class CdxLinePusher(RecordPusher):
+ def __init__(self, worker, cdx_file, **kwargs):
+ self.counts = Counter()
+ self.worker = worker
+ self.cdx_file = cdx_file
+ self.filter_http_statuses = kwargs.get('filter_http_statuses', None)
+ self.filter_mimetypes = kwargs.get('filter_mimetypes', None)
+ self.allow_octet_stream = kwargs.get('allow_octet_stream', False)
+ self.batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size', None)
+ def run(self):
+ batch = []
+ for line in self.cdx_file:
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ self.counts['total'] += 1
+ record = parse_cdx_line(line, normalize=True)
+ if not record:
+ self.counts['skip-parse'] += 1
+ continue
+ if self.filter_http_statuses and record['http_status'] not in self.filter_http_statuses:
+ self.counts['skip-http_status'] += 1
+ continue
+ if self.filter_mimetypes and record['mimetype'] not in self.filter_mimetypes:
+ self.counts['skip-mimetype'] += 1
+ continue
+ if self.batch_size:
+ batch.append(record)
+ if len(batch) > self.batch_size:
+ self.worker.push_batch(batch)
+ self.counts['pushed'] += len(batch)
+ batch = []
+ else:
+ self.worker.push_record(record)
+ self.counts['pushed'] += 1
+ if self.batch_size and batch:
+ self.worker.push_batch(batch)
+ self.counts['pushed'] += len(batch)
+ batch = []
+ worker_counts = self.worker.finish()
+ sys.stderr.write("CDX lines pushed: {}\n".format(self.counts))
+ return self.counts
+class ZipfilePusher(RecordPusher):
+ def __init__(self, worker, zipfile_path, **kwargs):
+ self.counts = Counter()
+ self.worker = worker
+ self.filter_suffix = ".pdf"
+ self.zipfile_path = zipfile_path
+ def run(self):
+ with zipfile.ZipFile(self.zipfile_path, 'r') as archive:
+ for zipinfo in archive.infolist():
+ if not zipinfo.filename.endswith(self.filter_suffix):
+ continue
+ self.counts['total'] += 1
+ # NB doesn't really extract the file, just gives you a stream (file-like-object) for reading it
+ flo = archive.open(zipinfo, 'r')
+ data = flo.read(2**32)
+ flo.close()
+ self.worker.push_record(data)
+ self.counts['pushed'] += 1
+ worker_counts = self.worker.finish()
+ sys.stderr.write("ZIP PDFs pushed: {}\n".format(self.counts))
+ return self.counts
+class KafkaJsonPusher(RecordPusher):
+ def __init__(self, worker, kafka_hosts, kafka_env, topic_suffix, group, **kwargs):
+ self.counts = Counter()
+ self.worker = worker
+ self.consumer = make_kafka_consumer(
+ kafka_hosts,
+ kafka_env,
+ topic_suffix,
+ group,
+ )
+ self.poll_interval = kwargs.get('poll_interval', 5.0)
+ self.batch_size = kwargs.get('batch_size', 100)
+ self.batch_worker = kwargs.get('batch_worker', False)
+ def run(self):
+ while True:
+ # TODO: this is batch-oriented, because underlying worker is
+ # often batch-oriented, but this doesn't confirm that entire batch
+ # has been pushed to fatcat before commiting offset. Eg, consider
+ # case where there there is one update and thousands of creates;
+ # update would be lingering in worker, and if worker crashed
+ # never created. Not great.
+ batch = self.consumer.consume(
+ num_messages=self.batch_size,
+ timeout=self.poll_interval)
+ sys.stderr.write("... got {} kafka messages ({}sec poll interval)\n".format(
+ len(batch), self.poll_interval))
+ if not batch:
+ # TODO: could have some larger timeout here and
+ # self.worker.finish() if it's been more than, eg, a couple
+ # minutes
+ continue
+ # first check errors on entire batch...
+ for msg in batch:
+ if msg.error():
+ raise KafkaException(msg.error())
+ # ... then process
+ if self.push_batches:
+ self.counts['total'] += len(batch)
+ records = [json.loads(msg.value().decode('utf-8')) for msg in batch]
+ self.worker.push_batch(records)
+ self.counts['pushed'] += len(batch)
+ sys.stderr.write("Import counts: {}\n".format(self.worker.counts))
+ else:
+ for msg in batch:
+ self.counts['total'] += 1
+ record = json.loads(msg.value().decode('utf-8'))
+ self.worker.push_record(record)
+ self.counts['pushed'] += 1
+ if self.counts['total'] % 500 == 0:
+ sys.stderr.write("Import counts: {}\n".format(self.worker.counts))
+ for msg in batch:
+ # locally store offsets of processed messages; will be
+ # auto-commited by librdkafka from this "stored" value
+ self.consumer.store_offsets(message=msg)
+ # TODO: should catch UNIX signals (HUP?) to shutdown cleanly, and/or
+ # commit the current batch if it has been lingering
+ worker_counts = self.worker.finish()
+ sys.stderr.write("KafkaJson lines pushed: {}\n".format(self.counts))
+ self.consumer.close()
+ return self.counts
+def make_kafka_consumer(hosts, env, topic_suffix, group):
+ topic_name = "fatcat-{}.{}".format(env, topic_suffix)
+ def fail_fast(err, partitions):
+ if err is not None:
+ sys.stderr.write("Kafka consumer commit error: {}\n".format(err))
+ sys.stderr.write("Bailing out...\n")
+ # TODO: should it be sys.exit(-1)?
+ raise KafkaException(err)
+ for p in partitions:
+ # check for partition-specific commit errors
+ if p.error:
+ sys.stderr.write("Kafka consumer commit error: {}\n".format(p.error))
+ sys.stderr.write("Bailing out...\n")
+ # TODO: should it be sys.exit(-1)?
+ raise KafkaException(err)
+ #print("Kafka consumer commit successful")
+ pass
+ # previously, using pykafka
+ #auto_commit_enable=True,
+ #auto_commit_interval_ms=30000, # 30 seconds
+ conf = {
+ 'bootstrap.servers': hosts,
+ 'group.id': group,
+ 'on_commit': fail_fast,
+ # messages don't have offset marked as stored until pushed to
+ # elastic, but we do auto-commit stored offsets to broker
+ 'enable.auto.offset.store': False,
+ 'enable.auto.commit': True,
+ # user code timeout; if no poll after this long, assume user code
+ # hung and rebalance (default: 5min)
+ 'max.poll.interval.ms': 120000,
+ 'default.topic.config': {
+ 'auto.offset.reset': 'latest',
+ },
+ }
+ def on_rebalance(consumer, partitions):
+ for p in partitions:
+ if p.error:
+ raise KafkaException(p.error)
+ sys.stderr.write("Kafka partitions rebalanced: {} / {}\n".format(
+ consumer, partitions))
+ consumer = Consumer(conf)
+ # NOTE: it's actually important that topic_name *not* be bytes (UTF-8
+ # encoded)
+ consumer.subscribe([topic_name],
+ on_assign=on_rebalance,
+ on_revoke=on_rebalance,
+ )
+ sys.stderr.write("Consuming from kafka topic {}, group {}\n".format(topic_name, group))
+ return consumer