path: root/python/sandcrawler/ingest_file.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'python/sandcrawler/ingest_file.py')
1 files changed, 925 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/sandcrawler/ingest_file.py b/python/sandcrawler/ingest_file.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..03277f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/sandcrawler/ingest_file.py
@@ -0,0 +1,925 @@
+import json
+import sys
+import time
+import xml.etree.ElementTree
+from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
+from selectolax.parser import HTMLParser
+from sandcrawler.db import SandcrawlerPostgrestClient
+from sandcrawler.grobid import GrobidClient
+from sandcrawler.html import extract_fulltext_url
+from sandcrawler.html_metadata import (
+ html_extract_biblio,
+ html_extract_resources,
+ load_adblock_rules,
+from sandcrawler.ia import (
+ CdxApiError,
+ NoCaptureError,
+ PetaboxError,
+ ResourceResult,
+ SavePageNowBackoffError,
+ SavePageNowClient,
+ SavePageNowError,
+ WaybackClient,
+ WaybackContentError,
+ WaybackError,
+ cdx_to_dict,
+ fix_transfer_encoding,
+from sandcrawler.ingest_html import (
+ WebResource,
+ fetch_html_resources,
+ html_extract_body_teixml,
+ html_guess_platform,
+ html_guess_scope,
+ quick_fetch_html_resources,
+from sandcrawler.misc import clean_url, gen_file_metadata, parse_cdx_datetime
+from sandcrawler.pdfextract import PdfExtractResult, process_pdf
+from sandcrawler.workers import SandcrawlerWorker
+from sandcrawler.xml import xml_reserialize
+MAX_BODY_SIZE_BYTES = 128 * 1024 * 1024
+class IngestFileWorker(SandcrawlerWorker):
+ """
+ High level flow is to look in history first, then go to live web if
+ resource not found. Following redirects is treated as "fetching a
+ resource". Current version fetches a single resource; if it isn't a hit
+ but is an HTML 200, treats it as a landing page, tries to extract
+ fulltext link, then fetches that resource.
+ process(request, key=None) -> response
+ Does all the things!
+ Check existing processing (short circuit):
+ check_existing_ingest(base_url) -> ingest_file_result or none
+ process_existing(result) -> response
+ try fetching all the rows we want. if any don't exist, fetch the resource itself and call process_file_hit()
+ Fetch resource:
+ find_resource(url) -> ResourceResult
+ Process resource:
+ process_file_hit(ResourceResult) -> response
+ process_grobid(ResourceResult)
+ """
+ def __init__(self, sink: Optional[SandcrawlerWorker] = None, **kwargs):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.sink = sink
+ if kwargs.get("wayback_client"):
+ self.wayback_client: WaybackClient = kwargs["wayback_client"]
+ else:
+ self.wayback_client = WaybackClient()
+ if kwargs.get("spn_client"):
+ self.spn_client: SavePageNowClient = kwargs["spn_client"]
+ else:
+ self.spn_client = SavePageNowClient(
+ spn_cdx_retry_sec=kwargs.get("spn_cdx_retry_sec", 9.0)
+ )
+ if kwargs.get("grobid_client"):
+ self.grobid_client: GrobidClient = kwargs["grobid_client"]
+ else:
+ self.grobid_client = GrobidClient()
+ if kwargs.get("pgrest_client"):
+ self.pgrest_client: SandcrawlerPostgrestClient = kwargs["pgrest_client"]
+ else:
+ self.pgrest_client = SandcrawlerPostgrestClient()
+ self.grobid_sink = kwargs.get("grobid_sink")
+ self.thumbnail_sink = kwargs.get("thumbnail_sink")
+ self.pdftext_sink = kwargs.get("pdftext_sink")
+ self.xmldoc_sink = kwargs.get("xmldoc_sink")
+ self.htmlteixml_sink = kwargs.get("htmlteixml_sink")
+ self.max_hops = 8
+ self.try_existing_ingest = kwargs.get("try_existing_ingest", False)
+ self.try_existing_grobid = kwargs.get("try_existing_grobid", True)
+ self.try_existing_pdfextract = kwargs.get("try_existing_pdfextract", True)
+ self.try_wayback = kwargs.get("try_wayback", True)
+ self.try_spn2 = kwargs.get("try_spn2", True)
+ self.html_quick_mode = kwargs.get("html_quick_mode", False)
+ self.adblock_rules = load_adblock_rules()
+ self.max_html_resources = 200
+ self.base_url_blocklist = [
+ "://localhost/",
+ "://",
+ # robot blocking / rate-limited
+ "://hkvalidate.perfdrive.com/",
+ "://ieeexplore.ieee.org/",
+ # temporary, until we implement specific fetch and 'petabox' output
+ "://archive.org/",
+ "://www.archive.org/",
+ "://web.archive.org/web/",
+ # out of scope
+ "://openlibrary.org/",
+ "://www.openlibrary.org/",
+ "://fatcat.wiki/",
+ "://scholar.archive.org/",
+ "://orcid.org/",
+ # Domain squats
+ "://bartandjones.com",
+ "://ijretm.com",
+ "://ijrcemas.com",
+ "://jist.net.in",
+ "://croisements-revue.org",
+ # all stubs/previews, not full papers
+ "://page-one.live.cf.public.springer.com",
+ # large datasets-only (no PDF expected)
+ "plutof.ut.ee/",
+ "www.gbif.org/",
+ "doi.pangaea.de/",
+ "www.plate-archive.org/",
+ "://doi.org/10.25642/ipk/gbis/",
+ "://apex.ipk-gatersleben.de/",
+ "fao.org/glis/",
+ # Historical non-paper content:
+ "dhz.uni-passau.de/", # newspapers
+ "digital.ucd.ie/", # ireland national historical
+ # DOI prefixes
+ "doi.org/10.2307/", # JSTOR; slow and many redirects
+ "doi.org/10.18730/", # fao.org: database entry
+ "doi.org/10.15468/", # gbif.org: database entry
+ "doi.org/10.48550/", # arxiv.org: redundant with direct ingest
+ # deprecated domain (doesn't redirect correctly)
+ "://edoc.mpg.de/",
+ # bogus/spam PDFs
+ "://isiarticles.com/",
+ ]
+ self.wall_blocklist = [
+ # loginwall
+ "://profile.thieme.de/HTML/sso/ejournals/login.htm",
+ "://login.bepress.com/",
+ "?SAMLRequest=",
+ "://osapublishing.org/captcha/",
+ "/password-login",
+ "://gateway.isiknowledge.com/",
+ "/login?TARGET=",
+ "jstage.jst.go.jp/sblogin",
+ "://acw.elsevier.com/SSOCore",
+ "://acw.sciencedirect.com/SSOCore",
+ "/login?source=",
+ ]
+ self.cookie_blocklist = [
+ "/cookieAbsent",
+ "cookieSet=1",
+ "error=cookies_not_supported",
+ # SPNv2 seems to work (not end up here), but heritrix fails
+ "://secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com/",
+ ]
+ self.src_valid_mimetypes = [
+ "text/x-tex",
+ "application/gzip",
+ "application/x-bzip",
+ "application/x-bzip2",
+ "application/zip",
+ "application/x-tar",
+ "application/msword",
+ "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
+ ]
+ self.component_valid_mimetypes = [
+ "image/jpeg",
+ "image/tiff",
+ "image/png",
+ "image/gif",
+ "audio/mpeg",
+ "video/mp4",
+ "video/mpeg",
+ "text/plain",
+ "text/csv",
+ "text/x-r-source", # dataverse
+ "text/tab-separated-values", # dataverse
+ "text/x-rst", # dataverse
+ "application/x-rlang-transport", # dataverse
+ "application/json",
+ "application/xml",
+ "application/pdf",
+ "application/gzip",
+ "application/x-bzip",
+ "application/x-bzip2",
+ "application/zip ",
+ "application/x-rar ",
+ "application/x-7z-compressed",
+ "application/x-tar",
+ "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint",
+ "application/vnd.ms-excel",
+ "application/msword",
+ "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document",
+ "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet",
+ ]
+ def check_existing_ingest(self, ingest_type: str, base_url: str) -> Optional[dict]:
+ """
+ Check in sandcrawler-db (postgres) to see if we have already ingested
+ this URL (ingest file result table).
+ Returns existing row *if* found *and* we should use it, otherwise None.
+ Looks at existing ingest results and makes a decision based on, eg,
+ status and timestamp.
+ """
+ if not self.try_existing_ingest:
+ return None
+ existing = self.pgrest_client.get_ingest_file_result(ingest_type, base_url)
+ # TODO: filter on more flags?
+ if existing and existing["hit"] is True:
+ return existing
+ else:
+ return None
+ def find_resource(
+ self, url: str, best_mimetype: Optional[str] = None, force_recrawl: bool = False
+ ) -> Optional[ResourceResult]:
+ """
+ Looks in wayback for a resource starting at the URL, following any
+ redirects. If a hit isn't found, try crawling with SPN.
+ """
+ via = "none"
+ resource = None
+ if url.startswith("http://web.archive.org/web/") or url.startswith(
+ "https://web.archive.org/web/"
+ ):
+ raise NotImplementedError("handling direct wayback links not supported yet")
+ if url.startswith("http://archive.org/") or url.startswith("https://archive.org/"):
+ raise NotImplementedError("fetching from archive.org not implemented yet")
+ if self.try_wayback and not force_recrawl:
+ via = "wayback"
+ resource = self.wayback_client.lookup_resource(url, best_mimetype)
+ # check for "soft 404" conditions, where we should retry with live SPNv2
+ soft404 = False
+ # NOTE: these are often not working with SPNv2 either, so disabling. If
+ # we really want to try again, should do force-recrawl
+ # if resource and resource.hit and resource.terminal_url.endswith('/cookieAbsent'):
+ # soft404 = True
+ old_failure = False
+ if (
+ resource
+ and not resource.hit
+ and resource.terminal_dt
+ and resource.terminal_dt < "20190000000000"
+ ):
+ old_failure = True
+ if self.try_spn2 and (
+ resource is None
+ or (resource and resource.status == "no-capture")
+ or soft404
+ or old_failure
+ ):
+ via = "spn2"
+ resource = self.spn_client.crawl_resource(url, self.wayback_client)
+ print(
+ "[FETCH {:>6}] {} {}".format(
+ via, (resource and resource.status), (resource and resource.terminal_url) or url
+ ),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ return resource
+ def process_existing(self, request: dict, result_row: dict) -> dict:
+ """
+ If we have an existing ingest file result, do any database fetches or
+ additional processing necessary to return a result.
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError("process_existing() not tested or safe yet")
+ assert result_row["hit"]
+ existing_file_meta = self.pgrest_client.get_file_meta(result_row["terminal_sha1hex"])
+ existing_grobid = self.pgrest_client.get_grobid(result_row["terminal_sha1hex"])
+ existing_cdx = self.pgrest_client.get_cdx(
+ result_row["terminal_url"], result_row["terminal_dt"]
+ )
+ if not (existing_file_meta and existing_grobid and existing_cdx):
+ raise NotImplementedError("partially-exsiting records not implemented yet")
+ result = {
+ "hit": result_row["hit"],
+ "status": "existing",
+ "request": request,
+ "grobid": existing_grobid,
+ "file_meta": existing_file_meta,
+ "cdx": existing_cdx,
+ "terminal": {
+ "terminal_url": result_row["terminal_url"],
+ "terminal_dt": result_row["terminal_dt"],
+ "terminal_status_code": result_row["terminal_status_code"],
+ "terminal_sha1hex": result_row["terminal_sha1hex"],
+ },
+ }
+ return result
+ def process_file_hit(
+ self, ingest_type: str, resource: ResourceResult, file_meta: dict
+ ) -> dict:
+ """
+ Run all the necessary processing for a new/fresh ingest hit.
+ """
+ if (
+ ingest_type in ["dataset-file", "component"]
+ and file_meta["mimetype"] == "application/pdf"
+ ):
+ ingest_type = "pdf"
+ if ingest_type == "pdf":
+ return {
+ "grobid": self.process_grobid(resource, file_meta),
+ "pdf_meta": self.process_pdfextract(resource, file_meta),
+ }
+ elif ingest_type == "xml":
+ return {
+ "xml_meta": self.process_xml(resource, file_meta),
+ }
+ elif ingest_type == "html":
+ html_info = self.process_html(resource, file_meta)
+ # if there is no html_biblio, don't clobber anything possibly extracted earlier
+ if "html_biblio" in html_info and not html_info["html_biblio"]:
+ html_info.pop("html_biblio")
+ return html_info
+ elif ingest_type == "src":
+ return {}
+ elif ingest_type == "component":
+ return {}
+ elif ingest_type == "dataset-file":
+ return {}
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"process {ingest_type} hit")
+ def process_grobid(self, resource: ResourceResult, file_meta: dict) -> dict:
+ """
+ Submits to resource body to GROBID for processing.
+ TODO: By default checks sandcrawler-db for an existing row first, then
+ decide if we should re-process
+ """
+ if self.try_existing_grobid:
+ existing = self.pgrest_client.get_grobid(file_meta["sha1hex"])
+ if existing:
+ # grobid_timestamp = existing.get("grobid_timestamp") or None
+ # status
+ grobid_version = existing.get("grobid_version") or None
+ if grobid_version and grobid_version.startswith("0.7"):
+ print("found existing GROBID result", file=sys.stderr)
+ return existing
+ # Need to actually processes
+ result = self.grobid_client.process_fulltext(resource.body)
+ if self.grobid_sink:
+ # extra fields for GROBID kafka messages
+ result["file_meta"] = file_meta
+ result["key"] = result["file_meta"]["sha1hex"]
+ self.grobid_sink.push_record(result.copy())
+ if result["status"] == "success":
+ metadata = self.grobid_client.metadata(result)
+ if metadata:
+ result["metadata"] = metadata
+ result["fatcat_release"] = metadata.pop("fatcat_release", None)
+ result["grobid_version"] = metadata.pop("grobid_version", None)
+ result.pop("tei_xml", None)
+ result.pop("file_meta", None)
+ result.pop("key", None)
+ return result
+ def process_pdfextract(self, resource: ResourceResult, file_meta: dict) -> dict:
+ """
+ Extracts thumbnail and pdf_meta info from PDF.
+ By default checks sandcrawler-db for an existing row first, then decide
+ if we should re-process.
+ TODO: difference between Kafka schema and SQL/postgrest schema
+ """
+ if self.try_existing_pdfextract:
+ existing = self.pgrest_client.get_pdf_meta(file_meta["sha1hex"])
+ if existing:
+ print("found existing pdf_meta result", file=sys.stderr)
+ result = PdfExtractResult.from_pdf_meta_dict(existing)
+ return result.to_pdftext_dict()
+ # Need to actually processes
+ result = process_pdf(resource.body)
+ assert result.sha1hex == file_meta["sha1hex"]
+ assert result.file_meta is not None
+ assert result.file_meta["sha1hex"] == file_meta["sha1hex"]
+ if self.thumbnail_sink and result.page0_thumbnail is not None:
+ self.thumbnail_sink.push_record(result.page0_thumbnail, key=result.sha1hex)
+ if self.pdftext_sink:
+ self.pdftext_sink.push_record(result.to_pdftext_dict(), key=result.sha1hex)
+ result.page0_thumbnail = None
+ result.text = None
+ result.file_meta = None
+ return result.to_pdftext_dict()
+ def process_xml(self, resource: ResourceResult, file_meta: dict) -> dict:
+ """
+ Simply publishes to Kafka topic.
+ In the future, could extract other metadata here (like body word
+ count), or attempting to fetch sub-resources.
+ """
+ if self.xmldoc_sink and file_meta["mimetype"] == "application/jats+xml":
+ try:
+ jats_xml = xml_reserialize(resource.body)
+ except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError:
+ return dict(status="xml-parse-error")
+ msg = dict(
+ sha1hex=file_meta["sha1hex"],
+ status="success",
+ jats_xml=jats_xml,
+ )
+ self.xmldoc_sink.push_record(msg, key=file_meta["sha1hex"])
+ return dict(status="success")
+ def process_html(self, resource: ResourceResult, file_meta: dict) -> dict:
+ assert resource.body
+ try:
+ html_doc = HTMLParser(resource.body)
+ except ValueError:
+ return dict(status="html-selectolax-error")
+ html_biblio = html_extract_biblio(resource.terminal_url, html_doc)
+ assert html_biblio
+ try:
+ html_body = html_extract_body_teixml(resource.body)
+ except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError:
+ return dict(status="html-teixml-error")
+ html_platform = html_guess_platform(resource.terminal_url, html_doc, html_biblio)
+ html_scope = html_guess_scope(
+ resource.terminal_url, html_doc, html_biblio, html_body.get("word_count")
+ )
+ html_biblio_dict = json.loads(html_biblio.json(exclude_none=True))
+ if html_scope in ("blocked-captcha", "blocked-cookie", "blocked-forbidden"):
+ return dict(
+ status=html_scope,
+ html_biblio=html_biblio_dict,
+ scope=html_scope,
+ platform=html_platform,
+ )
+ elif html_scope not in (
+ "article-fulltext",
+ "unknown",
+ ):
+ html_body.pop("tei_xml", None)
+ return dict(
+ status="wrong-scope",
+ html_biblio=html_biblio_dict,
+ scope=html_scope,
+ platform=html_platform,
+ html_body=html_body,
+ )
+ raw_resources = html_extract_resources(
+ resource.terminal_url, html_doc, self.adblock_rules
+ )
+ if len(raw_resources) > self.max_html_resources:
+ html_body.pop("tei_xml", None)
+ return dict(
+ status="too-many-resources",
+ html_biblio=html_biblio_dict,
+ scope=html_scope,
+ platform=html_platform,
+ html_body=html_body,
+ )
+ if self.htmlteixml_sink and html_body["status"] == "success":
+ self.htmlteixml_sink.push_record(html_body, key=file_meta["sha1hex"])
+ html_body.pop("tei_xml", None)
+ partial_result = dict(
+ html_biblio=html_biblio_dict,
+ scope=html_scope,
+ platform=html_platform,
+ html_body=html_body,
+ )
+ when = parse_cdx_datetime(resource.cdx.datetime)
+ full_resources: List[WebResource] = []
+ try:
+ if self.html_quick_mode:
+ print(" WARN: running quick CDX-only fetches", file=sys.stderr)
+ full_resources = quick_fetch_html_resources(
+ raw_resources, self.wayback_client.cdx_client, when
+ )
+ else:
+ full_resources = fetch_html_resources(raw_resources, self.wayback_client, when)
+ except PetaboxError as e:
+ partial_result["status"] = "petabox-error"
+ partial_result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ return partial_result
+ except CdxApiError as e:
+ partial_result["status"] = "cdx-error"
+ partial_result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ return partial_result
+ except WaybackError as e:
+ partial_result["status"] = "wayback-error"
+ partial_result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ return partial_result
+ except WaybackContentError as e:
+ partial_result["status"] = "wayback-content-error"
+ partial_result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ return partial_result
+ except NoCaptureError as e:
+ partial_result["status"] = "html-resource-no-capture"
+ partial_result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ return partial_result
+ info = dict(
+ html_body=html_body,
+ html_biblio=html_biblio_dict,
+ scope=html_scope,
+ platform=html_platform,
+ html_resources=[json.loads(r.json(exclude_none=True)) for r in full_resources],
+ )
+ if html_scope == "unknown":
+ info["status"] = "unknown-scope"
+ return info
+ def timeout_response(self, task: dict) -> dict:
+ print("[TIMEOUT]", file=sys.stderr)
+ return dict(
+ request=task,
+ hit=False,
+ status="timeout",
+ error_message="ingest worker internal timeout",
+ )
+ def want(self, request: dict) -> bool:
+ if not request.get("ingest_type") in ("file", "pdf", "xml", "html", "src", "component"):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def process(self, request: dict, key: Any = None) -> dict:
+ return self.process_file(request, key=key)
+ def process_file(self, request: dict, key: Any = None) -> dict:
+ # old backwards compatibility
+ if request.get("ingest_type") == "file":
+ request["ingest_type"] = "pdf"
+ ingest_type = request.get("ingest_type")
+ if ingest_type not in ("pdf", "xml", "html", "src", "component"):
+ raise NotImplementedError(f"can't handle ingest_type={ingest_type}")
+ # parse/clean URL
+ # note that we pass through the original/raw URL, and that is what gets
+ # persisted in database table
+ base_url = clean_url(request["base_url"])
+ force_recrawl = bool(request.get("force_recrawl", False))
+ for block in self.base_url_blocklist:
+ if block in base_url:
+ print("[SKIP {:>6}] {}".format(ingest_type, base_url), file=sys.stderr)
+ return dict(request=request, hit=False, status="skip-url-blocklist")
+ print("[INGEST {:>6}] {}".format(ingest_type, base_url), file=sys.stderr)
+ best_mimetype = None
+ if ingest_type == "pdf":
+ best_mimetype = "application/pdf"
+ elif ingest_type == "xml":
+ best_mimetype = "text/xml"
+ elif ingest_type == "html":
+ best_mimetype = "text/html"
+ elif ingest_type == "src":
+ best_mimetype = "application/gzip"
+ existing = self.check_existing_ingest(ingest_type, base_url)
+ if existing:
+ return self.process_existing(request, existing)
+ result: Dict[str, Any] = dict(request=request, hit=False)
+ next_url = base_url
+ hops = [base_url]
+ while len(hops) <= self.max_hops:
+ result["hops"] = hops
+ # check against blocklist again on each hop
+ for block in self.base_url_blocklist:
+ if block in next_url:
+ result["status"] = "skip-url-blocklist"
+ return result
+ # also check against known loginwall patterns
+ for block in self.wall_blocklist:
+ if block in next_url:
+ # TODO: blocked-wall instead of skip-wall
+ result["status"] = "skip-wall"
+ return result
+ # check for popular cookie blocking URL patterns. On successful SPN
+ # crawls, shouldn't see these redirect URLs
+ for pattern in self.cookie_blocklist:
+ if pattern in next_url:
+ result["status"] = "blocked-cookie"
+ return result
+ try:
+ resource = self.find_resource(
+ next_url, best_mimetype, force_recrawl=force_recrawl
+ )
+ except SavePageNowError as e:
+ result["status"] = "spn2-error"
+ result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ return result
+ except SavePageNowBackoffError as e:
+ result["status"] = "spn2-backoff"
+ result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ # small sleep as a slow-down
+ time.sleep(2.0)
+ return result
+ except PetaboxError as e:
+ result["status"] = "petabox-error"
+ result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ return result
+ except CdxApiError as e:
+ result["status"] = "cdx-error"
+ result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ # add a sleep in cdx-error path as a slow-down
+ time.sleep(2.0)
+ return result
+ except WaybackError as e:
+ result["status"] = "wayback-error"
+ result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ return result
+ except WaybackContentError as e:
+ result["status"] = "wayback-content-error"
+ result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ return result
+ except NotImplementedError as e:
+ result["status"] = "not-implemented"
+ result["error_message"] = str(e)[:1600]
+ return result
+ assert resource
+ if resource.terminal_url:
+ result["terminal"] = {
+ "terminal_url": resource.terminal_url,
+ "terminal_dt": resource.terminal_dt,
+ "terminal_status_code": resource.terminal_status_code,
+ }
+ if resource.terminal_url not in result["hops"]:
+ result["hops"].append(resource.terminal_url)
+ if not resource.hit:
+ result["status"] = resource.status
+ return result
+ if resource.terminal_url:
+ for pattern in self.base_url_blocklist:
+ if pattern in resource.terminal_url:
+ result["status"] = "skip-url-blocklist"
+ return result
+ if resource.terminal_url:
+ for pattern in self.cookie_blocklist:
+ if pattern in resource.terminal_url:
+ result["status"] = "blocked-cookie"
+ return result
+ if not resource.body:
+ result["status"] = "empty-blob"
+ return result
+ if len(resource.body) > MAX_BODY_SIZE_BYTES:
+ result["status"] = "body-too-large"
+ return result
+ file_meta = gen_file_metadata(resource.body)
+ try:
+ file_meta, resource = fix_transfer_encoding(file_meta, resource)
+ except Exception as e:
+ result["status"] = "bad-gzip-encoding"
+ result["error_message"] = str(e)
+ return result
+ if not resource.body or file_meta["size_bytes"] == 0:
+ result["status"] = "empty-blob"
+ return result
+ # here we split based on ingest type to try and extract a next hop
+ html_ish_resource = bool(
+ "html" in file_meta["mimetype"]
+ or "xhtml" in file_meta["mimetype"] # matches "application/xhtml+xml"
+ or "application/xml" in file_meta["mimetype"]
+ or "text/xml" in file_meta["mimetype"]
+ )
+ html_biblio = None
+ html_doc = None
+ if html_ish_resource and resource.body:
+ try:
+ html_doc = HTMLParser(resource.body)
+ html_biblio = html_extract_biblio(resource.terminal_url, html_doc)
+ if html_biblio:
+ if "html_biblio" not in result and html_biblio.title:
+ result["html_biblio"] = json.loads(
+ html_biblio.json(exclude_none=True)
+ )
+ # print(f" setting html_biblio: {result['html_biblio']}", file=sys.stderr)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if ingest_type == "pdf" and html_ish_resource:
+ # the new style of URL extraction (already computed)
+ if html_biblio and html_biblio.pdf_fulltext_url:
+ fulltext_url = dict(
+ pdf_url=html_biblio.pdf_fulltext_url,
+ technique="html_biblio",
+ )
+ else:
+ fulltext_url = extract_fulltext_url(resource.terminal_url, resource.body)
+ result["extract_next_hop"] = fulltext_url
+ if not fulltext_url:
+ # check if we hit a paywall/loginwall
+ for block in self.wall_blocklist:
+ if block in resource.terminal_url:
+ result["status"] = "blocked-wall"
+ return result
+ # else, just failed to find link
+ result["status"] = "no-pdf-link"
+ return result
+ next_url = fulltext_url.get("pdf_url") or fulltext_url.get("next_url") or ""
+ assert next_url
+ next_url = clean_url(next_url)
+ print(
+ "[PARSE {:>6}] {} {}".format(
+ ingest_type,
+ fulltext_url.get("technique"),
+ next_url,
+ ),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ if next_url in hops:
+ result["status"] = "link-loop"
+ result["error_message"] = "repeated: {}".format(next_url)
+ return result
+ hops.append(next_url)
+ continue
+ elif (
+ ingest_type in ("xml", "html", "component")
+ and html_ish_resource
+ and html_biblio
+ ):
+ # NOTE: src_fulltext_url is not a thing
+ next_url_found = None
+ if ingest_type == "xml" and html_biblio.xml_fulltext_url:
+ next_url_found = html_biblio.xml_fulltext_url
+ elif ingest_type == "html" and html_biblio.html_fulltext_url:
+ next_url_found = html_biblio.html_fulltext_url
+ elif ingest_type == "component" and html_biblio.component_url:
+ next_url_found = html_biblio.component_url
+ if next_url_found:
+ next_url = next_url_found
+ technique = "html_biblio"
+ print(
+ "[PARSE {:>6}] {} {}".format(
+ ingest_type,
+ technique,
+ next_url,
+ ),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ if next_url in hops:
+ if ingest_type == "html":
+ # for HTML ingest, we don't count this as a link-loop
+ break
+ result["status"] = "link-loop"
+ result["error_message"] = "repeated: {}".format(next_url)
+ return result
+ hops.append(next_url)
+ continue
+ # default is to NOT keep hopping
+ break
+ if len(hops) >= self.max_hops:
+ result["status"] = "max-hops-exceeded"
+ return result
+ # fetch must be a hit if we got this far (though not necessarily an ingest hit!)
+ assert resource
+ assert resource.hit is True
+ assert resource.terminal_status_code in (200, 226)
+ if resource.terminal_url:
+ result["terminal"] = {
+ "terminal_url": resource.terminal_url,
+ "terminal_dt": resource.terminal_dt,
+ "terminal_status_code": resource.terminal_status_code,
+ "terminal_sha1hex": file_meta["sha1hex"],
+ }
+ result["file_meta"] = file_meta
+ result["cdx"] = cdx_to_dict(resource.cdx)
+ if resource.revisit_cdx:
+ result["revisit_cdx"] = cdx_to_dict(resource.revisit_cdx)
+ # check if we hit a paywall/loginwall before trying mimetype
+ for block in self.wall_blocklist:
+ if block in resource.terminal_url:
+ result["status"] = "blocked-wall"
+ return result
+ if ingest_type == "pdf":
+ if file_meta["mimetype"] != "application/pdf":
+ result["status"] = "wrong-mimetype" # formerly: "other-mimetype"
+ return result
+ elif ingest_type == "xml":
+ if file_meta["mimetype"] not in (
+ "application/xml",
+ "text/xml",
+ "application/jats+xml",
+ ):
+ result["status"] = "wrong-mimetype"
+ return result
+ elif ingest_type == "html":
+ if file_meta["mimetype"] not in ("text/html", "application/xhtml+xml"):
+ result["status"] = "wrong-mimetype"
+ return result
+ elif ingest_type == "src":
+ if file_meta["mimetype"] not in self.src_valid_mimetypes:
+ result["status"] = "wrong-mimetype"
+ return result
+ elif ingest_type == "component":
+ if file_meta["mimetype"] not in self.component_valid_mimetypes:
+ result["status"] = "wrong-mimetype"
+ return result
+ else:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ info = self.process_file_hit(ingest_type, resource, file_meta)
+ result.update(info)
+ # check if processing turned up an error
+ if info.get("status") not in ("success", None):
+ result["status"] = info["status"]
+ return result
+ result["status"] = "success"
+ result["hit"] = True
+ if ingest_type == "pdf":
+ print(
+ "[SUCCESS {:>5}] sha1:{} grobid:{} pdfextract:{}".format(
+ ingest_type,
+ result.get("file_meta", {}).get("sha1hex"),
+ result.get("grobid", {}).get("status_code"),
+ result.get("pdf_meta", {}).get("status"),
+ ),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ else:
+ print(
+ "[SUCCESS {:>5}] sha1:{}".format(
+ ingest_type,
+ result.get("file_meta", {}).get("sha1hex"),
+ ),
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ )
+ return result
+class IngestFileRequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def do_POST(self) -> None:
+ if self.path != "/ingest":
+ self.send_response(404)
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(b"404: Not Found")
+ return
+ length = int(self.headers.get("content-length"))
+ request = json.loads(self.rfile.read(length).decode("utf-8"))
+ print("Got request: {}".format(request))
+ ingester = IngestFileWorker()
+ result = ingester.process(request)
+ self.send_response(200)
+ self.end_headers()
+ self.wfile.write(json.dumps(result).encode("utf8"))