path: root/python/sandcrawler/html_metadata.py
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'python/sandcrawler/html_metadata.py')
1 files changed, 528 insertions, 87 deletions
diff --git a/python/sandcrawler/html_metadata.py b/python/sandcrawler/html_metadata.py
index f9f48a6..1e2d197 100644
--- a/python/sandcrawler/html_metadata.py
+++ b/python/sandcrawler/html_metadata.py
@@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
-import sys
import datetime
-from typing import List, Optional, Any, Tuple, Dict
+import sys
import urllib.parse
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
+import braveblock
import dateparser
-from selectolax.parser import HTMLParser
import pydantic
-import braveblock
+from selectolax.parser import HTMLParser
from sandcrawler.misc import url_fuzzy_equal
# this is a map of metadata keys to CSS selectors
# sources for this list include:
# - google scholar crawling notes (https://scholar.google.com/intl/ja/scholar/inclusion.html#indexing)
@@ -22,7 +20,7 @@ from sandcrawler.misc import url_fuzzy_equal
# order of these are mostly by preference/quality (best option first), though
# also/sometimes re-ordered for lookup efficiency (lookup stops after first
# match)
+HEAD_META_PATTERNS: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
"title": [
@@ -159,7 +157,7 @@ HEAD_META_PATTERNS: Any = {
+HEAD_META_LIST_PATTERNS: Dict[str, List[str]] = {
"contrib_names": [
@@ -180,7 +178,7 @@ HEAD_META_LIST_PATTERNS: Any = {
+XML_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS: List[Dict[str, str]] = [
"selector": "meta[name='citation_xml_url']",
"attr": "content",
@@ -209,7 +207,7 @@ XML_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS: List[dict] = [
"technique": "SciElo XML link",
- "in_doc_url": "/article/view/",
+ "in_doc_url": "/view/",
"in_fulltext_url": "viewXML",
"selector": "a[class='obj_galley_link']",
"attr": "href",
@@ -222,9 +220,17 @@ XML_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS: List[dict] = [
"technique": "ARPHA XML link",
"example_page": "https://zookeys.pensoft.net/article/26391",
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "frontiersin.org/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "xml",
+ "selector": "a.download-files-nlm",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "XML (NLM) download link (frontiersin.org)",
+ "example_page": "https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2021.722592/full",
+ },
+HTML_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS: List[Dict[str, str]] = [
"selector": "meta[name='citation_fulltext_html_url']",
"attr": "content",
@@ -249,11 +255,36 @@ HTML_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS: List[dict] = [
"attr": "href",
"technique": "dovepress fulltext link",
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "://doaj.org/article/",
+ "selector": "section.col-md-8 a[target='_blank'].button--primary",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "doaj.org access link",
+ },
+COMPONENT_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS: List[Dict[str, str]] = [
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "pensoft.net/article/", # also /element/
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/download/fig/",
+ "selector": ".Main-Content .figure a.P-Article-Preview-Picture-Download-Small",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "Active figure download link (zookeys)",
+ "example_page": "https://zookeys.pensoft.net/article/38576/element/2/153/",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/file.xhtml?persistentId",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/access/datafile/",
+ "selector": "div.form-group code",
+ "use_body": "true",
+ "technique": "Dataverse 'download URL'",
+ "example_page": "https://data.lipi.go.id/file.xhtml?persistentId=hdl:20.500.12690/RIN/IDDOAH/BTNH25&version=1.0",
+ },
# This is a database of matching patterns. Most of these discovered by hand,
# looking at OA journal content that failed to craw/ingest.
+PDF_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS: List[Dict[str, str]] = [
"selector": "head meta[name='citation_pdf_url']",
"attr": "content",
@@ -272,7 +303,7 @@ PDF_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS: List[dict] = [
"example_page": "https://journals.lww.com/otainternational/Fulltext/2019/03011/Trauma_systems_in_North_America.2.aspx",
- "selector": "head meta[propery='citation_pdf_url']",
+ "selector": "head meta[property='citation_pdf_url']",
"attr": "content",
"technique": "citation_pdf_url",
# eg, researchgate
@@ -300,10 +331,10 @@ PDF_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS: List[dict] = [
"example_page": "https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.estlett.9b00379",
- "in_doc_url": "/article/view/",
+ "in_doc_url": "/view/",
"selector": "a#pdfDownloadLink",
"attr": "href",
- "technique": "pdfDownloadLink link",
+ "technique": "OJS pdfDownloadLink link",
"example_page": "http://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/rep/article/view/35503/32336",
@@ -375,16 +406,371 @@ PDF_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS: List[dict] = [
"technique": "PDF URL link",
"example_page": "http://www.bezmialemscience.org/archives/archive-detail/article-preview/editorial/20439",
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "degruyter.com/document/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/pdf",
+ "selector": "a.downloadPdf",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link",
+ "example_page": "https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/zaw-2021-0001/html",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "repositorio.unicamp.br/handle/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/bitstream/",
+ "selector": "table.panel-body a[target='_blank']",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link",
+ "example_page": "http://www.repositorio.unicamp.br/handle/REPOSIP/287750",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "dlc.library.columbia.edu/durst/",
+ "selector": "dd.blacklight-lib_non_item_in_context_url_ssm a[href]",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "Access URL link",
+ "example_page": "https://dlc.library.columbia.edu/durst/cul:18931zcrk9",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "fldeploc.dep.state.fl.us/geodb_query/fgs_doi",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "p a[href]",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link",
+ "example_page": "http://fldeploc.dep.state.fl.us/geodb_query/fgs_doi.asp?searchCode=IC29",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "preprints.jmir.org/preprint/",
+ "selector": "a.pdf-download-button",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link",
+ "example_page": "https://preprints.jmir.org/preprint/22556",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "bloomsburycollections.com/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "li.download-item a[href]",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link",
+ "example_page": "https://www.bloomsburycollections.com/book/the-political-economies-of-media-the-transformation-of-the-global-media-industries/the-political-economies-of-media-and-the-transformation-of-the-global-media-industries",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "emerald.com/insight/content/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "a.intent_pdf_link",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link",
+ "example_page": "https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/RAMJ-11-2020-0065/full/html",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "ingentaconnect.com/content/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "a.pdf[data-popup]",
+ "attr": "data-popup",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link",
+ "example_page": "https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/ista/sst/2021/00000049/00000001/art00007",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "library.wur.nl/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "a.wl_full_text_restricted",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link",
+ "example_page": "https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/529922",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/dlibra/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "iframe#js-main-frame",
+ "attr": "src",
+ "technique": "PDF iframe (dlibra)",
+ "example_page": "https://dbc.wroc.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?showContent=true&id=41031",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/handle/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "table.misc table.inner tr.b a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link (DSpace, first file)",
+ "example_page": "https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/174200",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/publications/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": ".publication-sidebar li.open-access a.document-link",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link (Pure repo, OA link)",
+ "example_page": "https://research.tue.nl/en/publications/lowering-the-threshold-for-computers-in-early-design-some-advance",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "//hal",
+ "selector": ".widget-openaccess .widget-content a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "Fulltext OA URL (HAL)",
+ "example_page": "https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00744951",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/record/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "#detailedrecordminipanelfile a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link (Invenio)",
+ "example_page": "https://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/416556",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/available/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "table.file-table a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link",
+ "example_page": "https://etd.adm.unipi.it/theses/available/etd-05302014-183910/",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/islandora/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "a.islandora-pdf-link",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link (Islandora)",
+ "example_page": "http://fau.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/fau%3A9804",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/receive/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": ".mir-preview noscript a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF iframe via noscript (MyCoRe)",
+ "example_page": "https://www.db-thueringen.de/receive/dbt_mods_00005191",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/registro.do",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "imagenes",
+ "selector": ".resumen_bib a[data-analytics=media]",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "Media link (DIGIBIS)",
+ "example_page": "https://bivaldi.gva.es/es/consulta/registro.do?id=11740",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/view",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/at_download/",
+ "selector": ".documentContent #content a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "Media link (Plone)",
+ "example_page": "http://xjornadaslc.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/actas/Ramon_Esteban_Chaparro.pdf/view",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "isca-speech.org/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": ".w3-container a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF URL link (isca-speech.org)",
+ "example_page": "https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/interspeech_2006/chitturi06b_interspeech.html",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "://repository.dri.ie/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/download",
+ "selector": "#dri_download_assets > div > a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "Download link (repository.dri.ie)",
+ "example_page": "https://repository.dri.ie/catalog/qf8621102",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "frontiersin.org/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "a.download-files-pdf",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF Download link (frontiersin.org)",
+ "example_page": "https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2021.722592/full",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "cureus.com/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": ".small-medium-pdf a.pdf-download-button",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF Download link (cureus.com)",
+ "example_page": "https://www.cureus.com/articles/69542-tramadol-induced-jerks",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "e-manuscripta.ch/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "#titleinfoPdfDownload a.resourceLink",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF Download link (e-manuscripta.ch)",
+ "example_page": "https://www.e-manuscripta.ch/zut/doi/10.7891/e-manuscripta-112176",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "journals.uchicago.edu",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "nav.article__navbar a.ctrl--pdf",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF Download link (journals.uchicago.edu)",
+ "example_page": "https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/doi/10.14318/hau1.1.008",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "integrityresjournals.org",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/article-full-text-pdf/",
+ "selector": "a[target='_blank'].btn-danger",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF Download link (integrityresjournals.org)",
+ "example_page": "https://integrityresjournals.org/journal/JBBD/article-abstract/750B649A1",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/view/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/download/",
+ "selector": "body.pkp_page_article a.download",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "OJS PDF Embed",
+ "example_page": "https://periodicals.karazin.ua/language_teaching/article/view/12543/11957",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/article/view/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/article/",
+ "selector": "a.pdf",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "OJS PDF link",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "scitemed.com/article/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": ".pdf",
+ "selector": "li.tab_pdf_btn a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "PDF link (scitemed.com)",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "://doaj.org/article/",
+ "selector": "section.col-md-8 a[target='_blank'].button--primary",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "doaj.org access link",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/jvi.aspx",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "download_fulltext",
+ "selector": "div.siteMainWrapper div.siteArticleShare a[target='_blank'].list-group-item",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "erciyesmedj.com publication system PDF download link",
+ },
+ {
+ "selector": "body embed[alt='pdf']",
+ "attr": "src",
+ "technique": "embed PDF",
+ "example_pdf": "https://www.arkat-usa.org/arkivoc-journal/browse-arkivoc/ark.5550190.0006.913",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_fulltext_url": "viewPDFInterstitial",
+ "in_doc_url": "/view/",
+ "selector": "frameset frame",
+ "attr": "src",
+ "technique": "PDF iframe (viewPDFInterstitial)",
+ "example_page": "http://revistaadmmade.estacio.br/index.php/reeduc/article/view/1910/47965873",
+ },
+ {
+ # note this one has a special handler
+ "in_doc_url": "viewPDFInterstitial",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "://",
+ "selector": "head meta[http-equiv='refresh']",
+ "attr": "content",
+ "technique": "HTML meta refresh (viewPDFInterstitial)",
+ "example_page": "http://revistaadmmade.estacio.br/index.php/reeduc/article/view/1910/47965873",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "dlib.si/details/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "PDF",
+ "selector": "body #FilesBox a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "dlib.si download links",
+ "example_page": "https://www.dlib.si/details/URN:NBN:SI:DOC-WR9GTSCJ",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "filclass.ru",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "main .pdf-article a.pdficon",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "filclass.ru PDF link",
+ "example_page": "https://filclass.ru/en/archive/2018/2-52/the-chronicle-of-domestic-literary-criticism",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "cdnsciencepub.com",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "article .info-panel a.btn--pdf",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "cdnsciencepub.com PDF link",
+ "example_page": "https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/10.1139/AS-2022-0011",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "grrjournal.com",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": ".ereaders-main-section a[download]",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "grrjournal.com PDF link",
+ "example_page": "https://www.grrjournal.com/article/analysis-of-audiences-uses-and-gratifications-in-the-selected-pakistani-urdu-films",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/view/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "#articleFullText a.remote_pdf",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "OJS remote_pdf link",
+ "example_page": "https://www.mediterranea-comunicacion.org/article/view/22240",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "worldscientific.com/doi/abs/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/reader/",
+ "selector": "article.container .single__download a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "worldscientific landing pages",
+ "example_page": "https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S0116110521500098",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "worldscientific.com/doi/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/pdf/",
+ "selector": "noscript a[target='_blank']",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "worldscientific reader",
+ "example_page": "https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/epdf/10.1142/S0116110521500098",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": ".container .view-content .download-article a",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "generic download article button",
+ "example_page": "https://science.lpnu.ua/mmc/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-9-number-1-2022/pursuit-differential-game-many-pursuers-and-one",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_fulltext_url": "pdf",
+ "selector": "body a.download-pdf",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "generic download article button",
+ "example_page": "https://plit-periodical.com.ua/arhiv/struktura-ta-vlastyvosti-materialu-zrazkiv-vyroshchenyh-metodom-selektyvnogo-lazernogo",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/view/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/view/",
+ "selector": "body .entry_details a.pdf",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "generic OJS/preprints",
+ "example_page": "https://preprints.scielo.org/index.php/scielo/preprint/view/4729/version/5022",
+ },
+ {
+ "in_doc_url": "/view/",
+ "in_fulltext_url": "/download/",
+ "selector": "body header a.download",
+ "attr": "href",
+ "technique": "generic OJS/preprints PDF Embed",
+ "example_page": "https://preprints.scielo.org/index.php/scielo/preprint/view/4729/9327",
+ },
# wiley has a weird almost-blank page we don't want to loop on
- "://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/"
- "://doi.org/"
- "://dx.doi.org/"
+ "://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/",
+ "://doi.org/",
+ "://dx.doi.org/",
+ "{'embed': '",
+ "javascript:",
+ "about:",
+RELEASE_TYPE_MAP: Dict[str, str] = {
"research article": "article-journal",
"text.serial.journal": "article-journal",
@@ -426,14 +812,15 @@ class BiblioMetadata(pydantic.BaseModel):
pdf_fulltext_url: Optional[str]
html_fulltext_url: Optional[str]
xml_fulltext_url: Optional[str]
+ component_url: Optional[str]
class Config:
- json_encoders = {
- datetime.date: lambda dt: dt.isoformat()
- }
+ json_encoders = {datetime.date: lambda dt: dt.isoformat()}
-def html_extract_fulltext_url(doc_url: str, doc: HTMLParser, patterns: List[dict]) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]:
+def html_extract_fulltext_url(
+ doc_url: str, doc: HTMLParser, patterns: List[dict]
+) -> Optional[Tuple[str, str]]:
Tries to quickly extract fulltext URLs using a set of patterns. This
function is intendend to be generic across various extraction techniques.
@@ -442,49 +829,74 @@ def html_extract_fulltext_url(doc_url: str, doc: HTMLParser, patterns: List[dict
self_doc_url: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None
for pattern in patterns:
- if not 'selector' in pattern:
+ if "selector" not in pattern:
- if 'in_doc_url' in pattern:
- if not pattern['in_doc_url'] in doc_url:
+ if "in_doc_url" in pattern:
+ if pattern["in_doc_url"] not in doc_url:
- elem = doc.css_first(pattern['selector'])
+ elem = doc.css_first(pattern["selector"])
if not elem:
- if 'attr' in pattern:
- val = elem.attrs.get(pattern['attr'])
- if not val:
+ val = None
+ if "attr" in pattern:
+ val = elem.attrs.get(pattern["attr"])
+ # handle HTML redirect
+ if val and pattern["attr"] == "content" and "URL=" in val:
+ val = val.split("URL=")[1]
+ elif pattern.get("use_body"):
+ val = elem.text()
+ if "://" not in val:
- val = urllib.parse.urljoin(doc_url, val)
- assert val
- if 'in_fulltext_url' in pattern:
- if not pattern['in_fulltext_url'] in val:
- continue
- for skip_pattern in FULLTEXT_URL_PATTERNS_SKIP:
- if skip_pattern in val.lower():
- continue
- if url_fuzzy_equal(doc_url, val):
- # don't link to self, unless no other options
- self_doc_url = (val, pattern.get('technique', 'unknown'))
+ if not val:
+ continue
+ val = urllib.parse.urljoin(doc_url, val)
+ assert val
+ if "in_fulltext_url" in pattern:
+ if pattern["in_fulltext_url"] not in val:
- return (val, pattern.get('technique', 'unknown'))
+ skip_matched = False
+ for skip_pattern in FULLTEXT_URL_PATTERNS_SKIP:
+ if skip_pattern in val.lower():
+ skip_matched = True
+ break
+ if skip_matched:
+ continue
+ for skip_pattern in FULLTEXT_URL_PREFIX_SKIP:
+ if val.lower().startswith(skip_pattern):
+ skip_matched = True
+ break
+ if skip_matched:
+ continue
+ if url_fuzzy_equal(doc_url, val):
+ # don't link to self, unless no other options
+ self_doc_url = (val, pattern.get("technique", "unknown"))
+ continue
+ # quirks modes / hacks
+ if "drops.dagstuhl.de" in doc_url and val.endswith(".pdf/"):
+ val = val[:-1]
+ return (val, pattern.get("technique", "unknown"))
if self_doc_url:
- print(f" WARN: returning fulltext URL pointing to self", file=sys.stderr)
+ print(" WARN: returning fulltext URL pointing to self", file=sys.stderr)
return self_doc_url
return None
def html_extract_biblio(doc_url: str, doc: HTMLParser) -> Optional[BiblioMetadata]:
meta: Any = dict()
head = doc.css_first("head")
if not head:
+ print(f"WARN: empty <head>? {doc_url}", file=sys.stderr)
return None
for field, patterns in HEAD_META_PATTERNS.items():
for pattern in patterns:
val = head.css_first(pattern)
- #print((field, pattern, val))
- if val and 'content' in val.attrs and val.attrs['content']:
- meta[field] = val.attrs['content']
+ # print((field, pattern, val))
+ if val and "content" in val.attrs and val.attrs["content"]:
+ meta[field] = val.attrs["content"]
for field, patterns in HEAD_META_LIST_PATTERNS.items():
@@ -492,53 +904,57 @@ def html_extract_biblio(doc_url: str, doc: HTMLParser) -> Optional[BiblioMetadat
val_list = head.css(pattern)
if val_list:
for val in val_list:
- if 'content' in val.attrs and val.attrs['content']:
- if not field in meta:
+ if "content" in val.attrs and val.attrs["content"]:
+ if field not in meta:
meta[field] = []
- meta[field].append(val.attrs['content'])
+ meta[field].append(val.attrs["content"])
# (some) fulltext extractions
pdf_fulltext_url = html_extract_fulltext_url(doc_url, doc, PDF_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS)
if pdf_fulltext_url:
- meta['pdf_fulltext_url'] = pdf_fulltext_url[0]
+ meta["pdf_fulltext_url"] = pdf_fulltext_url[0]
xml_fulltext_url = html_extract_fulltext_url(doc_url, doc, XML_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS)
if xml_fulltext_url:
- meta['xml_fulltext_url'] = xml_fulltext_url[0]
+ meta["xml_fulltext_url"] = xml_fulltext_url[0]
html_fulltext_url = html_extract_fulltext_url(doc_url, doc, HTML_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS)
if html_fulltext_url:
- meta['html_fulltext_url'] = html_fulltext_url[0]
+ meta["html_fulltext_url"] = html_fulltext_url[0]
+ component_url = html_extract_fulltext_url(doc_url, doc, COMPONENT_FULLTEXT_PATTERNS)
+ if component_url:
+ meta["component_url"] = component_url[0]
# TODO: replace with clean_doi() et al
- if meta.get('doi') and meta.get('doi').startswith('doi:'):
- meta['doi'] = meta['doi'][4:]
+ if meta.get("doi") and meta.get("doi").startswith("doi:"):
+ meta["doi"] = meta["doi"][4:]
- raw_identifiers = meta.pop('raw_identifiers', [])
+ raw_identifiers = meta.pop("raw_identifiers", [])
for ident in raw_identifiers:
- if ident.startswith('doi:10.'):
- if not 'doi' in meta:
- meta['doi'] = ident.replace('doi:', '')
- elif ident.startswith('10.') and '/' in ident:
- if not 'doi' in meta:
- meta['doi'] = ident
- elif ident.startswith('isbn:'):
- if not 'isbn' in meta:
- meta['isbn'] = ident.replace('isbn:', '')
- raw_date = meta.pop('raw_date', None)
+ if ident.startswith("doi:10."):
+ if "doi" not in meta:
+ meta["doi"] = ident.replace("doi:", "")
+ elif ident.startswith("10.") and "/" in ident:
+ if "doi" not in meta:
+ meta["doi"] = ident
+ elif ident.startswith("isbn:"):
+ if "isbn" not in meta:
+ meta["isbn"] = ident.replace("isbn:", "")
+ raw_date = meta.pop("raw_date", None)
if raw_date:
parsed = dateparser.parse(raw_date)
if parsed:
- meta['release_date'] = parsed.date()
+ meta["release_date"] = parsed.date()
- raw_release_type = meta.pop('raw_release_type', None)
+ raw_release_type = meta.pop("raw_release_type", None)
if raw_release_type:
release_type = RELEASE_TYPE_MAP.get(raw_release_type.lower().strip())
if release_type:
- meta['release_type'] = release_type
+ meta["release_type"] = release_type
return BiblioMetadata(**meta)
def load_adblock_rules() -> braveblock.Adblocker:
TODO: consider blocking very generic assets:
@@ -561,46 +977,67 @@ def load_adblock_rules() -> braveblock.Adblocker:
+ "||tag.imagino.com^",
+ "||consent.cookiebot.com^",
+ "||recaptcha.net^",
# not sure about these CC badges (usually via a redirect)
- #"||licensebuttons.net^",
- #"||i.creativecommons.org^",
+ # "||licensebuttons.net^",
+ # "||i.creativecommons.org^",
# Should we skip jquery, or other generic javascript CDNs?
- #"||code.jquery.com^",
- #"||ajax.googleapis.com^",
- #"||cdnjs.cloudflare.com^",
+ # "||code.jquery.com^",
+ # "||ajax.googleapis.com^",
+ # "||cdnjs.cloudflare.com^",
# badges, "share" buttons, tracking, etc
# PLOS images
+ # CAIRN broken tracking tag
+ "cairn-int.info//about.php?cairn_guest=",
-def _extract_generic(doc: HTMLParser, selector: str, attrs: List[str], type_name: str) -> list:
+def _extract_generic(
+ doc: HTMLParser, selector: str, attrs: List[str], type_name: str
+) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
resources = []
for node in doc.css(selector):
for attr in attrs:
- if not attr in node.attrs:
+ if attr not in node.attrs:
url = node.attrs.get(attr)
+ # special-case a couple meta URI prefixes which don't match with adblock rules
+ skip = False
+ for prefix in ["about:", "data:", "magnet:", "urn:", "mailto:", "javascript:"]:
+ if url and url.startswith(prefix):
+ skip = True
+ break
+ if url and "/" not in url and "." not in url and " " in url:
+ # eg: "Ce fichier n'existe pas"
+ skip = True
+ if skip:
+ continue
+ if url and url.startswith("https://https://"):
+ url = url[8:]
+ elif url and url.startswith("http://http://"):
+ url = url[7:]
if url:
- resources.append(dict(url=url, type=type_name))
+ # print(url, file=sys.stderr)
+ resources.append(dict(url=url.strip(), type=type_name))
return resources
-def html_extract_resources(doc_url: str, doc: HTMLParser, adblock: braveblock.Adblocker) -> list:
+def html_extract_resources(
+ doc_url: str, doc: HTMLParser, adblock: braveblock.Adblocker
+) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
This function tries to find all the important resources in a page. The
presumption is that the HTML document is article fulltext, and we want the
- list of all resoures (by URL) necessary to replay the page.
+ list of all resources (by URL) necessary to replay the page.
The returned resource URLs each have a type (script, img, css, etc), and
should be fully-qualified URLs (not relative).
@@ -624,13 +1061,17 @@ def html_extract_resources(doc_url: str, doc: HTMLParser, adblock: braveblock.Ad
# ensure URLs are absolute
for r in resources:
- r['url'] = urllib.parse.urljoin(doc_url, r['url'])
+ r["url"] = urllib.parse.urljoin(doc_url, r["url"])
# filter using adblocker
- resources = [r for r in resources if adblock.check_network_urls(r['url'], source_url=doc_url, request_type=r['type']) == False]
+ resources = [
+ r
+ for r in resources
+ if adblock.check_network_urls(r["url"], source_url=doc_url, request_type=r["type"])
+ is False
+ ]
# remove duplicates
resources = [dict(t) for t in {tuple(d.items()) for d in resources}]
return resources