path: root/notes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'notes')
36 files changed, 10319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/notes/dryad_datasets.md b/notes/dryad_datasets.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c727b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/dryad_datasets.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+api docs: https://datadryad.org/api/v2/docs
+current search queries return 38,000 hits (December 2020)
+exmaple with multiple versions:
+ https://datadryad.org/stash/dataset/doi:10.5061/dryad.fbg79cnr0
+ https://datadryad.org/api/v2/datasets/doi%3A10.5061%2Fdryad.fbg79cnr0
+ https://datadryad.org/api/v2/datasets/doi%3A10.5061%2Fdryad.fbg79cnr0/versions
+how to handle versions? DOI doesn't get incremented.
+on archive.org, could have separate item for each version, or sub-directories within item, one for each version
+in fatcat, could have a release for each version, but only one with
+the DOI; or could have a separate fileset for each version
diff --git a/notes/examples/2021-11-12_broken_grobid_xml.md b/notes/examples/2021-11-12_broken_grobid_xml.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5223651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/examples/2021-11-12_broken_grobid_xml.md
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+Find all the PDFs from web which resulted in `bad-grobid-xml` status code (among others):
+ sql> select * from grobid where status != 'success' and status_code != 500 and status_code != 503 and status != 'error-timeout' limit 100;
+ sha1hex | updated | grobid_version | status_code | status | fatcat_release | metadata
+ ------------------------------------------+-------------------------------+----------------+-------------+----------------+----------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ d994efeea3b653e2dbe8e13e5a6d203e9b9484ab | 2020-03-20 04:04:40.093094+00 | | 200 | error | | {"error_msg": "response XML too large: 12052192 bytes"}
+ 8dadf846488ddc2ff3934dd6beee0e3046fa3800 | 2020-11-24 01:24:02.668692+00 | | 200 | error | | {"error_msg": "response XML too large: 18758248 bytes"}
+ 227900724e5cf9fbd06146c914239d0c12c3671a | 2020-03-18 10:24:33.394339+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 40, column 1122"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20200210041053/https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/2279/00724e5cf9fbd06146c914239d0c12c3671a.pdf
+ f667b4ef2befb227078169ed57ffc6efc5fa85c2 | 2020-03-20 04:54:18.902756+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 28, column 527"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20200218182411/https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/f667/b4ef2befb227078169ed57ffc6efc5fa85c2.pdf
+ c1e8d9df347b8de53fc2116615b1343ba327040d | 2020-11-08 21:46:04.552442+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "mismatched tag: line 198, column 3"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20200904163312/https://arxiv.org/pdf/1906.02107v1.pdf
+ FIXED (and good)
+ 4d9860a5eeee6bc671c3be859ca78f89669427f0 | 2021-11-04 01:29:13.081596+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "unclosed token: line 812, column 7"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20211104012833/https://actabalneologica.eu/wp-content/uploads/library/ActaBalneol2021i3.pdf
+ metadata quality mixed, but complex document (?)
+ 7cfc0739be9c49d94272110a0a748256bdde9be6 | 2021-07-25 17:06:03.919073+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 38, column 440"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20210716124436/https://jsesd.csers-ly.com/index.php/jsesd/article/download/28/23
+ 088c61a229084d13f85524efcc9f38a80dd19caf | 2021-09-01 08:08:18.531533+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 47, column 814"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20210814181328/https://wmrj.areeo.ac.ir/article_120843_3806466cb1f5a125c328f99866751a43.pdf
+ 19e70297e523e9f32cd4379af33a12ab95c34a71 | 2021-11-05 10:09:25.407657+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 853, column 84"}
+ not found
+ acc855d74431537b98de5185e065e4eacbab7b26 | 2021-11-12 22:57:22.439007+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 60, column 45"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20211111182756/https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.13365v5.pdf
+ BROKEN: not well-formed (invalid token): line 60, column 45
+ <note type="raw_affiliation"><label>&</label> Fraunhofer IAIS, Sankt Augustin and Dresden, Germany.</note>
+ 8e73055c63d1e684b59059ac418f55690a2eec01 | 2021-11-12 17:34:46.343685+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 44, column 45"}
+ not found
+ c2b3f696e97b9e80f38c35aa282416e95d6d9f5e | 2021-11-12 22:57:12.417191+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 58, column 45"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20211112051714/https://ccsenet.org/journal/index.php/gjhs/article/download/0/0/46244/49308
+ BROKEN: not well-formed (invalid token): line 58, column 45
+ <note type="raw_affiliation"><label>&</label> Ren, 2020; Meng, Hua, &amp; Bian, 2020).</note>
+ 840d4609308c4a7748393181fe1f6a45f9d425c5 | 2021-11-12 22:57:17.433022+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 1824, column 45"}
+ not found
+ 3deb6375e894c5007207502bf52d751a47a20725 | 2021-11-12 23:11:17.711948+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 65, column 45"}
+ not found
+ f1d06080a4b1ac72ab75226e692e8737667c29a7 | 2020-01-16 09:23:27.579995+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 29, column 1581"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20180721030918/https://journals.squ.edu.om/index.php/jams/article/download/650/649
+ FIXED, good
+ f3e7b91fce9132addc59bd1560c5eb16c0330842 | 2020-01-12 11:58:06.654613+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 40, column 1122"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20180426020051/http://jhsw.tums.ac.ir/article-1-5121-en.pdf
+ 37edcaa6f67fbb8c3e27fa02da4f0fa780e33bca | 2020-01-04 21:53:49.578847+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 28, column 1284"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20180510115632/http://www.fmreview.org/sites/fmr/files/FMRdownloads/ar/detention/majidi.pdf
+ 3f1d302143824808f7109032687a327708896748 | 2020-01-05 20:51:18.783034+00 | | 200 | bad-grobid-xml | | {"error_msg": "not well-formed (invalid token): line 40, column 1122"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20180428082655/http://jhsw.tums.ac.ir/browse.php?a_id=5121&sid=1&slc_lang=fa&ftxt=1
+ (21 rows)
+Some other errors from other queries:
+ d9634f194bc3dee27db7a1cb49b30e48803d7ad8 | 2020-01-06 16:01:09.331272+00 | | 500 | error | | {"error_msg": "[PARSING_ERROR] Cannot parse file: /run/grobid/tmp/VyuJWqREHT.lxml"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20190304092121/http://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/d963/4f194bc3dee27db7a1cb49b30e48803d7ad8.pdf
+ FIXED: with 0.7.0+
+ 56c9b5398ef94df54d699342740956caf4523925 | 2020-02-06 21:37:42.139761+00 | | 500 | error | | {"error_msg": "[BAD_INPUT_DATA] PDF to XML conversion failed with error code: 1"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20080907000756/http://www.rpi.edu/~limc/poster_ding.pdf
+ still errors: "error_msg": "[BAD_INPUT_DATA] PDF to XML conversion failed with error code: 1", "status": "error", "status_code": 500
+ BAD PDF ("no pages" in evince)
+ d7cf65ed211cf1e3420c595fdbecc5d18f297b11 | 2020-01-10 23:19:16.783415+00 | | 500 | error | | {"error_msg": "[PARSING_ERROR] Cannot parse file: /run/grobid/tmp/dBV73X4HrZ.lxml"}
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20170812074846/http://dspace.utpl.edu.ec/bitstream/123456789/7918/1/Tesis_de_Jacome_Valdivieso_Soraya_Stephan%c3%ada.pdf
+ 51d070ab398a8744286ef7356445f0828a9f3abb | 2020-02-06 16:01:23.98892+00 | | 503 | error | | {"error_msg": "<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=utf-8\"/>\n<t
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20191113160818/http://europepmc.org/backend/ptpmcrender.fcgi?accid=PMC2082155&blobtype=pdf
+In summary, there are still a small number of `bad-grobid-xml` cases, and still
+many "very large PDF" cases. But we should probably broadly retry everything,
+especially the 503 errors (from when GROBID is simply down/unavailable).
+The `bad-grobid-xml` cases here were all from "<label>" in raw affiliations,
+which I have submitted a patch/PR for.
diff --git a/notes/examples/dataset_examples.txt b/notes/examples/dataset_examples.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a04750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/examples/dataset_examples.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+### ArchiveOrg: CAT dataset
+Single .rar file
+### Dataverse
+Single excel file
+### Dataverse
+Mulitple files; multiple versions?
+API fetch: <https://dataverse.harvard.edu/api/datasets/:persistentId/?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/CLSFKX&version=1.1>
+ .data.id
+ .data.latestVersion.datasetPersistentId
+ .data.latestVersion.versionNumber, .versionMinorNumber
+ .data.latestVersion.files[]
+ .dataFile
+ .contentType (mimetype)
+ .filename
+ .filesize (int, bytes)
+ .md5
+ .persistendId
+ .description
+ .label (filename?)
+ .version
+Single file inside: <https://dataverse.harvard.edu/file.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/CLSFKX/XWEHBB>
+Download single file: <https://dataverse.harvard.edu/api/access/datafile/:persistentId/?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/CLSFKX/XWEHBB> (redirects to AWS S3)
+Dataverse refs:
+- 'doi' and 'hdl' are the two persistentId styles
+- file-level persistentIds are optional, on a per-instance basis: https://guides.dataverse.org/en/latest/installation/config.html#filepidsenabled
diff --git a/notes/examples/html_test_journals.txt b/notes/examples/html_test_journals.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..540dc9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/examples/html_test_journals.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+Good examples of journals to run HTML fulltext extraction on.
+## Live Web
+d-lib magazine
+ live web
+ no longer active
+ http://www.dlib.org/back.html
+NLM technical bulletin
+ https://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/techbull/back_issues.html
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20141227010240/http://www.genders.org:80/index.html
+ live web; now OJS
+## Vanished (but wayback coverage)
+ issn:2551-1289
+ vanished
+ blog format
+ http://web.archive.org/web/20180421061156/https://ohmylittledata.com/
+exquisit corpse
+ https://web.archive.org/web/20080521052400/http://corpse.org:80/
+Journal of Mundane Behavior
+ https://fatcat.wiki/container/tjwfvrjlunf25ofegccgjjmvya
+ ISSN: 1529-3041
+ defunct since ~2010
+ simple HTML articles
+ references
+ http://web.archive.org/web/20100406162007/http:/mundanebehavior.org/index2.htm
+ http://web.archive.org/web/20081120141926fw_/http://www.mundanebehavior.org/issues/v5n1/rosen.htm
+War Crimes
+ PDF articles (not HTML)
+ http://web.archive.org/web/20120916035741/http:/www.war-crimes.org/
+## DOAJ Test Articles (HTML)
+ zcat doaj_article_data_2020-08-07.json.gz | jq '.bibjson.link[]' -c | rg -i '"html"' | rg -v doi.org | rg '"fulltext"' | jq -r .url | pv -l > html_fulltext_urls.txt
+ => 2,184,954
+ cut -f3 -d/ html_fulltext_urls.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n25
+ 254817 link.springer.com
+ 145159 www.scielo.br
+ 78044 journal.frontiersin.org
+ 77394 www.frontiersin.org
+ 40849 www.dovepress.com
+ 19024 dergipark.org.tr
+ 18758 periodicos.ufsc.br
+ 16346 www.revistas.usp.br
+ 15872 revistas.unal.edu.co
+ 15527 revistas.ucm.es
+ 13669 revistas.usal.es
+ 12640 dergipark.gov.tr
+ 12111 journals.rudn.ru
+ 11839 www.scielosp.org
+ 11277 www.karger.com
+ 10827 www.journals.vu.lt
+ 10318
+ 9854 peerj.com
+ 9100 ojs.unud.ac.id
+ 8581 jurnal.ugm.ac.id
+ 8261 riviste.unimi.it
+ 8012 journals.uran.ua
+ 7454 revistas.pucp.edu.pe
+ 7264 journals.vgtu.lt
+ 7200 publicaciones.banrepcultural.org
+ cat html_fulltext_urls.txt \
+ | rg -v link.springer.com \
+ | rg -v scielo \
+ | rg -v dergipark.gov.tr \
+ | rg -v frontiersin.org \
+ > html_fulltext_urls.filtered.txt
+ => 1,579,257
+ zcat doaj_article_data_2020-08-07.json.gz | rg -v '"doi"' | jq '.bibjson.link[]' -c | rg -i '"html"' | rg -v doi.org | rg '"fulltext"' | jq -r .url | pv -l > html_fulltext_urls.no_doi.txt
+ => 560k
+ cut -f3 -d/ html_fulltext_urls.no_doi.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n25
+ 40849 www.dovepress.com
+ 10570 journals.rudn.ru
+ 10494 dergipark.org.tr
+ 10233 revistas.unal.edu.co
+ 9981 dergipark.gov.tr
+ 9428 revistas.usal.es
+ 8292 revistas.ucm.es
+ 7200 publicaciones.banrepcultural.org
+ 6953 revistas.pucp.edu.pe
+ 6000 www.scielosp.org
+ 5962 www.scielo.br
+ 5621 www.richtmann.org
+ 5123 scielo.sld.cu
+ 5067 ojs.unud.ac.id
+ 4838 periodicos.ufsc.br
+ 4736 revistasonlinepre.inap.es
+ 4486 journal.fi
+ 4221 www.seer.ufu.br
+ 3553 revistas.uam.es
+ 3492 revistas.pucsp.br
+ 3060 www.scielo.org.co
+ 2991 scielo.isciii.es
+ 2802 seer.ufrgs.br
+ 2692 revistas.unc.edu.ar
+ 2685 srl.si
+ cat html_fulltext_urls.no_doi.txt \
+ | rg -v link.springer.com \
+ | rg -v scielo \
+ | rg -v dergipark.gov.tr \
+ | rg -v frontiersin.org \
+ > html_fulltext_urls.no_doi.filtered.txt
+ => 518,608
+ zcat doaj_articles_2020-08-07.html_fulltext_urls.no_doi.filtered.txt.gz | shuf -n20
+ https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/revistaEF/article/view/22795
+ https://journal.umy.ac.id/index.php/st/article/view/3297
+ https://www.unav.edu/publicaciones/revistas/index.php/estudios-sobre-educacion/article/view/23442
+ http://publications.muet.edu.pk/research_papers/pdf/pdf1615.pdf
+ http://revistas.uncu.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/revistaestudiosclasicos/article/view/1440
+ https://journal.fi/inf/article/view/59430
+ http://journal.uii.ac.id/index.php/Eksakta/article/view/2429
+ https://www.dovepress.com/infant-sleep-and-its-relation-with-cognition-and-growth-a-narrative-re-peer-reviewed-article-NSS
+ https://revistasonlinepre.inap.es/index.php/REALA/article/view/9157
+ http://dergipark.org.tr/dubited/issue/27453/299047?publisher=duzce
+ http://revistas.pucp.edu.pe/index.php/themis/article/view/11862
+ http://journal.bdfish.org/index.php/fisheries/article/view/91
+ https://ojs.unud.ac.id/index.php/buletinfisika/article/view/30567
+ https://www.lithosphere.ru/jour/article/view/779
+ https://journals.hioa.no/index.php/seminar/article/view/2412
+ http://revistas.unicauca.edu.co/index.php/rfcs/article/view/197
+ https://www.kmuj.kmu.edu.pk/article/view/15698
+ http://forodeeducacion.com/ojs/index.php/fde/article/view/82
+ https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/ConCienciaSocial/article/view/19941
+ http://grbs.library.duke.edu/article/view/3361
diff --git a/notes/examples/random_datasets.md b/notes/examples/random_datasets.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b69132c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/examples/random_datasets.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Possible external datasets to ingest (which are not entire platforms):
+- https://research.google/tools/datasets/
+- https://openslr.org/index.html
+- https://www.kaggle.com/datasets?sort=votes&tasks=true
+- https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.php
+Existing archive.org datasets to ingest:
+- https://archive.org/details/allthemusicllc-datasets
+Papers on archive.org to ingest:
+- <https://archive.org/details/journals?and%5B%5D=%21collection%3Aarxiv+%21collection%3Ajstor_ejc+%21collection%3Apubmed&sin=>
+- <https://archive.org/details/biorxiv>
+- <https://archive.org/details/philosophicaltransactions?tab=collection>
+- <https://archive.org/search.php?query=doi%3A%2A>
+- <https://archive.org/details/folkscanomy_academic>
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2020-11-04_arxiv.md b/notes/ingest/2020-11-04_arxiv.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9abe09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2020-11-04_arxiv.md
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+Ran a bulk dump using fatcat ingest tool several months ago, and had Martin run
+a crawl.
+Crawl is now done, so going to ingest, hoping to get the majority of the
+millions of remaining arxiv.org PDFs.
+ zcat /grande/snapshots/fatcat_missing_arxiv_ingest_request.2020-08-21.json.gz | wc -l
+ => 1,288,559
+ zcat /grande/snapshots/fatcat_missing_arxiv_ingest_request.2020-08-21.json.gz | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2020-12-08_patch_crawl_notes.md b/notes/ingest/2020-12-08_patch_crawl_notes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5979753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2020-12-08_patch_crawl_notes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+Notes here about re-ingesting or re-crawling large batches. Goal around end of
+2020 is to generate a broad patch crawl of terminal no-capture attempts for all
+major sources crawled thus far. Have already tried run this process for unpaywall.
+For each, want filtered ingest request JSON objects (filtering out platforms
+that don't crawl well, and possibly things like figshare+zenodo), and a broader
+seedlist (including terminal URLs). Will de-dupe all the seedlist URLs and do a
+heritrix crawl with new config, then re-ingest all the requests individually.
+Summary of what to do here:
+ OA DOI: expecting some 2.4 million seeds
+ OAI-PMH: expecting some 5 million no-capture URLs, plus more from missing PDF URL not found
+ Unpaywall: another ~900k no-capture URLs (maybe filtered?)
+For all, re-attempt for these status codes:
+ no-capture
+ cdx-error
+ wayback-error
+ petabox-error
+ gateway-timeout (?)
+And at least do bulk re-ingest for these, if updated before 2020-11-20 or so:
+ no-pdf-link
+Need to re-ingest all of the (many!) no-capture and no-pdf-link
+TODO: repec-specific URL extraction?
+Skip these OAI prefixes:
+ kb.dk
+ bnf.fr
+ hispana.mcu.es
+ bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de
+ ukm.si
+ hsp.org
+Skip these domains:
+ www.kb.dk (kb.dk)
+ kb-images.kb.dk (kb.dk)
+ mdz-nbn-resolving.de (TODO: what prefix?)
+ aggr.ukm.um.si (ukm.si)
+Check PDF link extraction for these prefixes, or skip them (TODO):
+ repec (mixed success)
+ biodiversitylibrary.org
+ juser.fz-juelich.de
+ americanae.aecid.es
+ www.irgrid.ac.cn
+ hal
+ espace.library.uq.edu.au
+ igi.indrastra.com
+ invenio.nusl.cz
+ hypotheses.org
+ t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp
+ quod.lib.umich.edu
+ domain: hemerotecadigital.bne.es
+ domain: bib-pubdb1.desy.de
+ domain: publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu
+ domain: edoc.mpg.de
+ domain: bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es
+ domain: lup.lub.lu.se
+ domain: orbi.uliege.be
+- consider deleting ingest requests from skipped prefixes (large database use)
+## Unpaywall
+About 900k `no-pdf-link`, and up to 2.5 million more `no-pdf-link`.
+Re-bulk-ingest filtered requests which hit `no-pdf-link` before 2020-11-20:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) < '2020-11-20'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'no-pdf-link'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://web.archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://www.archive.org/%'
+ ) TO '/grande/snapshots/unpaywall_nopdflink_2020-12-08.rows.json';
+ => COPY 1309990
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /grande/snapshots/unpaywall_nopdflink_2020-12-08.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /grande/snapshots/unpaywall_nopdflink_2020-12-08.ingest_request.json
+ => 1.31M 0:00:51 [25.6k/s]
+ cat /grande/snapshots/unpaywall_nopdflink_2020-12-08.rows.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2021-04_unpaywall.md b/notes/ingest/2021-04_unpaywall.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7643f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2021-04_unpaywall.md
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+New snapshot released 2021-02-18, finally getting around to a crawl two months
+Intend to do same style of crawl as in the past. One change is that
+sandcrawler-db has moved to a focal VM.
+## Transform and Load
+ # in sandcrawler pipenv on sandcrawler1-vm (svc506)
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_snapshot_2021-02-18T160139.jsonl.gz | ./scripts/unpaywall2ingestrequest.py - | pv -l > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_snapshot_2021-02-18.ingest_request.json
+ => 30.0M 3:14:59 [2.57k/s]
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_snapshot_2021-02-18.ingest_request.json | pv -l | ./persist_tool.py ingest-request -
+ => Worker: Counter({'total': 30027007, 'insert-requests': 2703999, 'update-requests': 0})
+ => JSON lines pushed: Counter({'total': 30027007, 'pushed': 30027007})
+## Dump new URLs, Transform, Bulk Ingest
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ -- AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2021-01-01'
+ AND (ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture')
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-02-18.rows.json';
+ => COPY 3277484
+ # previous, 2020-10 run: COPY 4216339
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-02-18.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-02-18.ingest_request.json
+ => 3.28M 0:01:42 [32.1k/s]
+Enqueue the whole batch:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-02-18.ingest_request.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+## Check Pre-Crawl Status
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+----------
+ success | 26385866
+ no-pdf-link | 2132565
+ no-capture | 2092111
+ redirect-loop | 1732543
+ terminal-bad-status | 1504555
+ wayback-content-error | 357345
+ wrong-mimetype | 126070
+ link-loop | 76808
+ cdx-error | 22756
+ null-body | 22066
+ wayback-error | 13768
+ gateway-timeout | 3804
+ petabox-error | 3608
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 1225
+ redirects-exceeded | 892
+ invalid-host-resolution | 505
+ bad-redirect | 151
+ spn2-error | 108
+ spn2-error:job-failed | 91
+ bad-gzip-encoding | 27
+ (20 rows)
+Only the recent bulk ingest:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2021-01-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ success | 1348623
+ no-capture | 1231582
+ redirect-loop | 45622
+ no-pdf-link | 37312
+ terminal-bad-status | 24162
+ wrong-mimetype | 6684
+ link-loop | 5757
+ null-body | 1288
+ wayback-content-error | 1123
+ cdx-error | 831
+ petabox-error | 697
+ wayback-error | 185
+ invalid-host-resolution | 41
+ gateway-timeout | 29
+ blocked-cookie | 22
+ bad-gzip-encoding | 20
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 7
+ bad-redirect | 4
+ timeout | 3
+ redirects-exceeded | 3
+ (20 rows)
+## Dump Seedlist
+Dump rows:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(t1.*)
+ FROM (
+ SELECT ingest_request.*, ingest_file_result as result
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND (ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'gateway-timeout'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'spn2-cdx-lookup-failure'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%.archive.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%.archive.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org%'
+ ) t1
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.rows.json';
+ => 2020-10: 2,936,404
+ => 2021-04: 1,805,192
+Prep ingest requests (for post-crawl use):
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.rows.json | pv -l > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_crawl_ingest_2021-02-18.json
+ => 1.81M 0:01:27 [20.6k/s]
+And actually dump seedlist(s):
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.rows.json | jq -r .base_url | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.url.txt
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.rows.json | rg '"no-capture"' | jq -r .result.terminal_url | rg -v ^null$ | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.terminal_url.txt
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.rows.json | rg -v '"no-capture"' | jq -r .base_url | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.no_terminal_url.txt
+ wc -l /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.*.txt
+ 6 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.no_terminal_url.txt
+ 1668524 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.terminal_url.txt
+ 1685717 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-02-18.url.txt
+## Post-Crawl Bulk Ingest
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_crawl_ingest_2021-02-18.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ => 1,804,211 consumer group lag
+## Post-Ingest Stats
+Overall status (unpaywall, all time):
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+----------
+ success | 27242251
+ no-pdf-link | 2746237
+ redirect-loop | 1821132
+ terminal-bad-status | 1553441
+ no-capture | 478559
+ wayback-content-error | 357390
+ wrong-mimetype | 127365
+ link-loop | 79389
+ cdx-error | 23170
+ null-body | 23169
+ wayback-error | 13704
+ gateway-timeout | 3803
+ petabox-error | 3642
+ redirects-exceeded | 1427
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 1214
+ invalid-host-resolution | 505
+ bad-redirect | 153
+ spn2-error | 107
+ spn2-error:job-failed | 91
+ body-too-large | 84
+ (20 rows)
+Ingest stats broken down by publication stage:
+ SELECT ingest_request.release_stage, ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ GROUP BY release_stage, status
+ ORDER BY release_stage, COUNT DESC
+ LIMIT 100;
+ release_stage | status | count
+ ---------------+-------------------------------------+----------
+ accepted | success | 1213335
+ accepted | no-pdf-link | 29292
+ accepted | redirect-loop | 12769
+ accepted | terminal-bad-status | 11264
+ accepted | no-capture | 10187
+ accepted | cdx-error | 1015
+ accepted | wayback-content-error | 757
+ accepted | wrong-mimetype | 501
+ accepted | link-loop | 407
+ accepted | wayback-error | 207
+ accepted | petabox-error | 189
+ accepted | redirects-exceeded | 125
+ accepted | null-body | 34
+ accepted | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 5
+ accepted | gateway-timeout | 4
+ accepted | blocked-cookie | 2
+ accepted | bad-redirect | 1
+ accepted | body-too-large | 1
+ published | success | 20196774
+ published | no-pdf-link | 2647969
+ published | redirect-loop | 1477558
+ published | terminal-bad-status | 1320013
+ published | wayback-content-error | 351931
+ published | no-capture | 297603
+ published | wrong-mimetype | 115440
+ published | link-loop | 76431
+ published | cdx-error | 18125
+ published | null-body | 17559
+ published | wayback-error | 10466
+ published | petabox-error | 2684
+ published | gateway-timeout | 1979
+ published | redirects-exceeded | 947
+ published | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 877
+ published | invalid-host-resolution | 457
+ published | bad-redirect | 120
+ published | spn2-error:job-failed | 77
+ published | spn2-error | 70
+ published | body-too-large | 39
+ published | bad-gzip-encoding | 24
+ published | timeout | 24
+ published | blocked-cookie | 23
+ published | spn2-error:soft-time-limit-exceeded | 4
+ published | | 2
+ published | pending | 1
+ published | spn2-error:pending | 1
+ published | too-many-redirects | 1
+ submitted | success | 5832117
+ submitted | redirect-loop | 330785
+ submitted | terminal-bad-status | 222152
+ submitted | no-capture | 170766
+ submitted | no-pdf-link | 68934
+ submitted | wrong-mimetype | 11424
+ submitted | null-body | 5576
+ submitted | wayback-content-error | 4702
+ submitted | cdx-error | 4030
+ submitted | wayback-error | 3031
+ submitted | link-loop | 2551
+ submitted | gateway-timeout | 1820
+ submitted | petabox-error | 769
+ submitted | redirects-exceeded | 355
+ submitted | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 332
+ submitted | invalid-host-resolution | 48
+ submitted | body-too-large | 44
+ submitted | spn2-error | 37
+ submitted | bad-redirect | 32
+ submitted | spn2-error:job-failed | 14
+ submitted | | 13
+ submitted | spn2-error:soft-time-limit-exceeded | 5
+ submitted | timeout | 4
+ submitted | bad-gzip-encoding | 3
+ submitted | skip-url-blocklist | 1
+ | no-pdf-link | 42
+ | success | 25
+ | redirect-loop | 20
+ | terminal-bad-status | 12
+ | no-capture | 3
+ (76 rows)
+Only the recent updates:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2021-04-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ success | 2192376
+ no-capture | 152183
+ no-pdf-link | 144174
+ redirect-loop | 125988
+ terminal-bad-status | 67307
+ link-loop | 8292
+ wrong-mimetype | 7942
+ null-body | 2270
+ cdx-error | 1223
+ wayback-content-error | 1147
+ petabox-error | 728
+ wayback-error | 155
+ body-too-large | 82
+ invalid-host-resolution | 41
+ gateway-timeout | 28
+ blocked-cookie | 22
+ bad-gzip-encoding | 20
+ timeout | 7
+ bad-redirect | 6
+ redirects-exceeded | 4
+ (20 rows)
+In total, this iteration of unpaywall ingest resulted in:
+- 2,703,999 raw ingest requests (new URLs total)
+- 1,231,582 (45.5%) of these had not been seen/crawled from any source yet
+- 843,753 (31.2%) success from new heritrix crawling
+- 2,192,376 (81.1%) total success (including crawled initially for other reasons; out of all new URLs including those not expected to be success)
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2021-05_daily_improvements.md b/notes/ingest/2021-05_daily_improvements.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8748fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2021-05_daily_improvements.md
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+Summary of top large broken domains (2021-04-21 "30 day" snapshot):
+## acervus.unicamp.br
+ domain | status | count
+ acervus.unicamp.br | | 1967
+ acervus.unicamp.br | no-pdf-link | 1853
+select * from ingest_file_result where updated >= '2021-03-01' and terminal_url like '%acervus.unicamp.br%' and status = 'no-pdf-link' limit 5;
+seems like many of these were captures with a blank page? or a redirect to
+the homepage?
+messy, going to move on.
+## apex.ipk-gatersleben.de
+apex.ipk-gatersleben.de | | 1253
+apex.ipk-gatersleben.de | no-pdf-link | 1132
+select * from ingest_file_result where updated >= '2021-03-01' and terminal_url like '%apex.ipk-gatersleben.de%' and status = 'no-pdf-link' limit 5;
+seem to be datasets/species, not articles.
+prefix: 10.25642/ipk
+## crossref.org
+ apps.crossref.org | | 4693
+ apps.crossref.org | no-pdf-link | 4075
+Derp, they are doing a dynamic/AJAX thing, so access links are not in the HTML.
+## openeditiong
+ books.openedition.org | | 1784
+ books.openedition.org | no-pdf-link | 1466
+these are not actually OA books (or at least, not all are)
+## chemrxiv.org (figshare)
+ chemrxiv.org | | 857
+ chemrxiv.org | no-pdf-link | 519
+these all seem to be *multi-file* entities, thus not good for single file ingest pipeline.
+## direct.mit.edu
+ direct.mit.edu | | 996
+ direct.mit.edu | no-pdf-link | 869
+"not available"
+"not available"
+## dlc.library.columbia.edu
+ dlc.library.columbia.edu | | 4225
+ dlc.library.columbia.edu | no-pdf-link | 2395
+ dlc.library.columbia.edu | spn2-wayback-error | 1568
+document repository.
+this one goes to IA! actually many seem to.
+added extractor, should re-ingest with:
+ publisher:"Columbia University" doi_prefix:10.7916 !journal:*
+actually, that is like 600k+ results and many are not digitized, so perhaps not.
+## doi.ala.org.au
+ doi.ala.org.au | | 2570
+ doi.ala.org.au | no-pdf-link | 2153
+this is a data repository, with filesets, not papers. datacite metadata is
+## fldeploc.dep.state.fl.us
+ fldeploc.dep.state.fl.us | | 774
+ fldeploc.dep.state.fl.us | no-pdf-link | 718
+re-ingest with:
+ # only ~800 works
+ doi_prefix:10.35256 publisher:Florida
+## geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca
+ geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca | | 2056
+ geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca | no-pdf-link | 2019
+this is a geographic repository, not papers.
+## kiss.kstudy.com
+ kiss.kstudy.com | | 747
+ kiss.kstudy.com | no-pdf-link | 686
+Korean. seems to not actually be theses? can't download.
+## linkinghub.elsevier.com
+ linkinghub.elsevier.com | | 5079
+ linkinghub.elsevier.com | forbidden | 2226
+ linkinghub.elsevier.com | spn2-wayback-error | 1625
+ linkinghub.elsevier.com | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 758
+skipping for now, looks like mostly 'forbidden'?
+## osf.io
+These are important!
+ osf.io | | 3139
+ osf.io | not-found | 2288
+ osf.io | spn2-wayback-error | 582
+many of these are 404s by browser as well. what does that mean?
+## peerj.com
+ peerj.com | | 785
+ peerj.com | no-pdf-link | 552
+these are HTML reviews, not papers
+## preprints.jmir.org
+ preprints.jmir.org | | 763
+ preprints.jmir.org | no-pdf-link | 611
+UGH, looks simple, but javascript.
+could try to re-write URL into S3 format? meh.
+## psyarxiv.com (OSF?)
+ psyarxiv.com | | 641
+ psyarxiv.com | no-pdf-link | 546
+Also infuriatingly Javascript, but can do URL hack.
+Should reingest, and potentially force-recrawl:
+ # about 67k
+ publisher:"Center for Open Science" in_ia:false
+## publons.com
+ publons.com | | 6998
+ publons.com | no-pdf-link | 6982
+These are just HTML reviews, not papers.
+## saemobilus.sae.org
+ saemobilus.sae.org | | 795
+ saemobilus.sae.org | no-pdf-link | 669
+These seem to be standards, and are not open access (paywall)
+## scholar.dkyobobook.co.kr
+ scholar.dkyobobook.co.kr | | 1043
+ scholar.dkyobobook.co.kr | no-pdf-link | 915
+Korean. complex javascript, skipping.
+## unreserved.rba.gov.au
+ unreserved.rba.gov.au | | 823
+ unreserved.rba.gov.au | no-pdf-link | 821
+Don't need to login when I tried in browser? document repo, not papers.
+## wayf.switch.ch
+ wayf.switch.ch | | 1169
+ wayf.switch.ch | no-pdf-link | 809
+ www.bloomsburycollections.com | | 1745
+ www.bloomsburycollections.com | no-pdf-link | 1571
+These are primarily not OA/available.
+ www.emc2020.eu | | 791
+ www.emc2020.eu | no-pdf-link | 748
+These are just abstracts, not papers.
+## Emerald
+ www.emerald.com | | 2420
+ www.emerald.com | no-pdf-link | 1986
+Note that these URLs are already HTML fulltext. but the PDF is also available and easy.
+ # only ~3k or so missing
+ doi_prefix:10.1108 publisher:emerald in_ia:false is_oa:true
+ www.humankineticslibrary.com | | 1122
+ www.humankineticslibrary.com | no-pdf-link | 985
+ www.inderscience.com | | 1532
+ www.inderscience.com | no-pdf-link | 1217
+ www.ingentaconnect.com | | 885
+ www.ingentaconnect.com | no-pdf-link | 783
+Annoying javascript, but easy to work around.
+ # only a couple hundred; also re-ingest
+ doi_prefix:10.15258 in_ia:false year:>2018
+ www.nomos-elibrary.de | | 2235
+ www.nomos-elibrary.de | no-pdf-link | 1128
+ www.nomos-elibrary.de | spn2-wayback-error | 559
+Javascript obfuscated download button?
+ www.oecd-ilibrary.org | | 3046
+ www.oecd-ilibrary.org | no-pdf-link | 2869
+ www.osapublishing.org | | 821
+ www.osapublishing.org | no-pdf-link | 615
+Some of these are "pre-registered" DOIs, not published yet. Many of the
+remaining are actually HTML articles, and/or have some stuff in the
+`citation_pdf_url`. A core problem is captchas.
+Have started adding support to fatcat for HTML crawl type based on container.
+ container_twtpsm6ytje3nhuqfu3pa7ca7u (optica)
+ container_cg4vcsfty5dfvgmat5wm62wgie (optics express)
+ www.oxfordscholarlyeditions.com | | 759
+ www.oxfordscholarlyeditions.com | no-pdf-link | 719
+ www.schweizerbart.de | | 730
+ www.schweizerbart.de | no-pdf-link | 653
+ www.sciencedirect.com | | 14757
+ www.sciencedirect.com | no-pdf-link | 12733
+ www.sciencedirect.com | spn2-wayback-error | 1503
+Bunch of crazy new hacks, but seems to be working!
+ # to start! about 50k
+ doi_prefix:10.1016 is_oa:true year:2021
+ www.sciendo.com | | 1955
+ www.sciendo.com | no-pdf-link | 1176
+uses lots of javascript, hard to scrape.
+## Others (for reference)
+ | | 725990
+ | no-pdf-link | 209933
+ | success | 206134
+ | spn2-wayback-error | 127015
+ | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 53384
+ | blocked-cookie | 35867
+ | link-loop | 25834
+ | too-many-redirects | 16430
+ | redirect-loop | 14648
+ | forbidden | 13794
+ | terminal-bad-status | 8055
+ | not-found | 6399
+ | remote-server-error | 2402
+ | wrong-mimetype | 2011
+ | spn2-error:unauthorized | 912
+ | bad-redirect | 555
+ | read-timeout | 530
+## Re-ingests
+All the above combined:
+ container_twtpsm6ytje3nhuqfu3pa7ca7u (optica)
+ container_cg4vcsfty5dfvgmat5wm62wgie (optics express)
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org --ingest-type html container --container-id twtpsm6ytje3nhuqfu3pa7ca7u
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 1142, 'elasticsearch_release': 1142, 'estimate': 1142, 'kafka': 1142})
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org --ingest-type html container --container-id cg4vcsfty5dfvgmat5wm62wgie
+ => Counter({'elasticsearch_release': 33482, 'estimate': 33482, 'ingest_request': 32864, 'kafka': 32864})
+ # only ~800 works
+ doi_prefix:10.35256 publisher:Florida
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org --allow-non-oa query "doi_prefix:10.35256 publisher:Florida"
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 843, 'elasticsearch_release': 843, 'estimate': 843, 'kafka': 843})
+ # only ~3k or so missing
+ doi_prefix:10.1108 publisher:emerald in_ia:false is_oa:true
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org query "doi_prefix:10.1108 publisher:emerald"
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 3812, 'elasticsearch_release': 3812, 'estimate': 3812, 'kafka': 3812})
+ # only a couple hundred; also re-ingest
+ doi_prefix:10.15258 in_ia:false year:>2018
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org --allow-non-oa --force-recrawl query "doi_prefix:10.15258 year:>2018"
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 140, 'elasticsearch_release': 140, 'estimate': 140, 'kafka': 140})
+ # to start! about 50k
+ doi_prefix:10.1016 is_oa:true year:2020
+ doi_prefix:10.1016 is_oa:true year:2021
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org query "doi_prefix:10.1016 year:2020"
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 75936, 'elasticsearch_release': 75936, 'estimate': 75936, 'kafka': 75936})
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org query "doi_prefix:10.1016 year:2021"
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 54824, 'elasticsearch_release': 54824, 'estimate': 54824, 'kafka': 54824})
+ pmcid:* year:2018
+ pmcid:* year:2019
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org --force-recrawl query "pmcid:* year:2018"
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 25366, 'elasticsearch_release': 25366, 'estimate': 25366, 'kafka': 25366})
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org --force-recrawl query "pmcid:* year:2019"
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 55658, 'elasticsearch_release': 55658, 'estimate': 55658, 'kafka': 55658})
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2021-07_unpaywall.md b/notes/ingest/2021-07_unpaywall.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b6ac09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2021-07_unpaywall.md
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+New snapshot released 2021-07-02. Should be "boring" ingest and crawl.
+## Transform and Load
+ # in sandcrawler pipenv on sandcrawler1-vm (svc506)
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_snapshot_2021-07-02T151134.jsonl.gz | ./scripts/unpaywall2ingestrequest.py - | pv -l > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_snapshot_2021-07-02.ingest_request.json
+ => 32.2M 3:01:52 [2.95k/s]
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_snapshot_2021-07-02.ingest_request.json | pv -l | ./persist_tool.py ingest-request -
+ => Worker: Counter({'total': 32196260, 'insert-requests': 3325954, 'update-requests': 0})
+ => JSON lines pushed: Counter({'total': 32196260, 'pushed': 32196260})
+## Dump new URLs, Transform, Bulk Ingest
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ -- AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2021-01-01'
+ AND (ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture')
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-07-02.rows.json';
+ => COPY 3556146
+ # previous, 2020-10 run: COPY 4216339
+ # previous, 2021-07 run: COPY 3277484
+Oops, should have run instead, with the date filter:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2021-07-01'
+ AND (ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture')
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-07-02.rows.json';
+But didn't, so processed all instead.
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-07-02.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-07-02.ingest_request.json
+ => 3.56M 0:01:59 [29.8k/s]
+Enqueue the whole batch:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-07-02.ingest_request.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ => done, on 2021-07-13
+## Check Pre-Crawl Status
+Only the recent bulk ingest:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2021-07-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ no-capture | 1831827
+ success | 1343604
+ redirect-loop | 103999
+ terminal-bad-status | 19845
+ no-pdf-link | 17448
+ link-loop | 5027
+ wrong-mimetype | 2270
+ cdx-error | 523
+ body-too-large | 321
+ null-body | 298
+ wayback-content-error | 242
+ petabox-error | 155
+ gateway-timeout | 138
+ invalid-host-resolution | 120
+ wayback-error | 109
+ blocked-cookie | 9
+ timeout | 7
+ | 3
+ bad-redirect | 3
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 3
+ (20 rows)
+## Dump Seedlist
+Dump rows:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(t1.*)
+ FROM (
+ SELECT ingest_request.*, ingest_file_result as result
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2021-07-01'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND (ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'gateway-timeout'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'spn2-cdx-lookup-failure'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%.archive.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%.archive.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org%'
+ ) t1
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.rows.json';
+ => COPY 1743186
+Prep ingest requests (for post-crawl use):
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.rows.json | pv -l > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_crawl_ingest_2021-07-02.json
+ => 1.74M 0:01:33 [18.6k/s]
+And actually dump seedlist(s):
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.rows.json | jq -r .base_url | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.url.txt
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.rows.json | rg '"no-capture"' | jq -r .result.terminal_url | rg -v ^null$ | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.terminal_url.txt
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.rows.json | rg -v '"no-capture"' | jq -r .base_url | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.no_terminal_url.txt
+ wc -l /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.*.txt
+ 1 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.no_terminal_url.txt
+ 1643963 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.terminal_url.txt
+ 1644028 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2021-07-02.url.txt
+ 3287992 total
+Then run crawl (see `journal-crawls` git repo).
+## Post-Crawl Bulk Ingest
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_crawl_ingest_2021-07-02.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ => 1.74M 0:01:59 [14.6k/s]
+## Post-Ingest Stats
+Only the recent updates:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2021-07-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ success | 2690258
+ redirect-loop | 227328
+ no-capture | 157368
+ terminal-bad-status | 118943
+ no-pdf-link | 92698
+ blocked-cookie | 19478
+ link-loop | 9249
+ wrong-mimetype | 4918
+ cdx-error | 1786
+ wayback-error | 1497
+ null-body | 1302
+ body-too-large | 433
+ wayback-content-error | 245
+ petabox-error | 171
+ gateway-timeout | 138
+ invalid-host-resolution | 120
+ timeout | 12
+ bad-redirect | 4
+ | 3
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 1
+ (20 rows)
+Only the recent updates, by publication stage:
+ SELECT ingest_request.release_stage, ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2021-07-01'
+ GROUP BY release_stage, status
+ ORDER BY release_stage, COUNT DESC
+ LIMIT 100;
+ release_stage | status | count
+ ---------------+-------------------------+---------
+ accepted | success | 103144
+ accepted | no-pdf-link | 53981
+ accepted | terminal-bad-status | 4102
+ accepted | link-loop | 2799
+ accepted | no-capture | 2315
+ accepted | redirect-loop | 2171
+ accepted | blocked-cookie | 234
+ accepted | cdx-error | 140
+ accepted | wayback-error | 101
+ accepted | wrong-mimetype | 38
+ accepted | null-body | 10
+ accepted | petabox-error | 5
+ accepted | wayback-content-error | 4
+ accepted | gateway-timeout | 2
+ accepted | body-too-large | 2
+ published | success | 1919100
+ published | no-capture | 130104
+ published | redirect-loop | 127482
+ published | terminal-bad-status | 43118
+ published | no-pdf-link | 33505
+ published | blocked-cookie | 19034
+ published | link-loop | 6241
+ published | wrong-mimetype | 4163
+ published | null-body | 1195
+ published | cdx-error | 1151
+ published | wayback-error | 1105
+ published | wayback-content-error | 197
+ published | body-too-large | 195
+ published | petabox-error | 118
+ published | gateway-timeout | 35
+ published | invalid-host-resolution | 13
+ published | timeout | 8
+ published | bad-redirect | 2
+ published | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 1
+ published | bad-gzip-encoding | 1
+ submitted | success | 668014
+ submitted | redirect-loop | 97675
+ submitted | terminal-bad-status | 71723
+ submitted | no-capture | 24949
+ submitted | no-pdf-link | 5212
+ submitted | wrong-mimetype | 717
+ submitted | cdx-error | 495
+ submitted | wayback-error | 291
+ submitted | body-too-large | 236
+ submitted | blocked-cookie | 210
+ submitted | link-loop | 209
+ submitted | invalid-host-resolution | 107
+ submitted | gateway-timeout | 101
+ submitted | null-body | 97
+ submitted | petabox-error | 48
+ submitted | wayback-content-error | 44
+ submitted | timeout | 4
+ submitted | | 3
+ submitted | bad-redirect | 2
+ submitted | remote-server-error | 1
+ (55 rows)
+In total, this iteration of unpaywall ingest resulted in:
+- 3,325,954 raw ingest requests (new URLs total)
+- 1,743,186 (52% of all) of these had not been seen/crawled from any source yet (?), and attempted to crawl
+- 1,346,654 (77% of crawled) success from new heritrix crawling
+- 2,690,258 (80%) total success (including crawled initially for other reasons; out of all new URLs including those not expected to be success)
+## Live Ingest Follow-Up
+Will run SPN requests on the ~160k `no-capture` URLs:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2021-07-01'
+ AND (ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture')
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-07-30.rows.json';
+ => COPY 157371
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-07-30.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-07-30.ingest_request.json
+ => 157k 0:00:04 [31.6k/s]
+Enqueue the whole batch:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2021-07-30.ingest_request.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests -p -1
+ => DONE
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2021-08_mag.md b/notes/ingest/2021-08_mag.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f92196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2021-08_mag.md
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+Using 2021-06-07 upstream MAG snapshot to run a crawl and do some re-ingest.
+Also want to re-ingest some old/failed ingests, now that pipeline/code has
+Ran munging from `scratch:ingest/mag` notes first. Yielded 22.5M PDF URLs.
+## Persist Ingest Requests
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_requests_mag-2021-06-07.json.gz | head -n1000 | pv -l | ./persist_tool.py ingest-request -
+ => Worker: Counter({'total': 1000, 'insert-requests': 276, 'update-requests': 0})
+ => JSON lines pushed: Counter({'total': 1000, 'pushed': 1000})
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_requests_mag-2021-06-07.json.gz | pv -l | ./persist_tool.py ingest-request -
+ => 22.5M 0:46:00 [8.16k/s]
+ => Worker: Counter({'total': 22527585, 'insert-requests': 8686315, 'update-requests': 0})
+ => JSON lines pushed: Counter({'total': 22527585, 'pushed': 22527585})
+Roughly 8.6 million new URLs
+## Pre-Crawl Status Counts
+Status of combined old and new requests, with some large domains removed:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'mag'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_request.created > '2021-06-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------------+----------
+ success | 26123975
+ | 6664846
+ no-pdf-link | 1859908
+ redirect-loop | 1532405
+ no-capture | 1199126
+ link-loop | 1157010
+ terminal-bad-status | 832362
+ gateway-timeout | 202158
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 81406
+ wrong-mimetype | 69087
+ invalid-host-resolution | 37262
+ wayback-error | 21340
+ petabox-error | 11237
+ null-body | 9414
+ wayback-content-error | 2199
+ cdx-error | 1893
+ spn2-error | 1741
+ spn2-error:job-failed | 971
+ blocked-cookie | 902
+ spn2-error:invalid-url-syntax | 336
+ (20 rows)
+And just the new URLs (note that domain filter shouldn't be required, but
+keeping for consistency):
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'mag'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.created > '2021-06-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ | 6664780
+ success | 1957844
+ redirect-loop | 23357
+ terminal-bad-status | 9385
+ no-pdf-link | 8315
+ no-capture | 6892
+ link-loop | 4517
+ wrong-mimetype | 3864
+ cdx-error | 1749
+ blocked-cookie | 842
+ null-body | 747
+ wayback-error | 688
+ wayback-content-error | 570
+ gateway-timeout | 367
+ petabox-error | 340
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 150
+ read-timeout | 122
+ not-found | 119
+ invalid-host-resolution | 63
+ spn2-error | 23
+ (20 rows)
+## Dump Initial Bulk Ingest Requests
+Note that this is all-time, not just recent, and will re-process a lot of
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*) FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'mag'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'no-pdf-link'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_ingest_request_2021-08-03.rows.json';
+ => COPY 8526647
+Transform to ingest requests:
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_ingest_request_2021-08-03.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_ingest_request_2021-08-03.ingest_request.json
+ => 8.53M 0:03:40
+Enqueue the whole batch:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_ingest_request_2021-08-03.ingest_request.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ => DONE
+Updated stats after running initial bulk ingest:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'mag'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.created > '2021-06-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ success | 5184994
+ no-capture | 3284416
+ redirect-loop | 98685
+ terminal-bad-status | 28733
+ link-loop | 28518
+ blocked-cookie | 22338
+ no-pdf-link | 19073
+ wrong-mimetype | 9122
+ null-body | 2793
+ wayback-error | 2128
+ wayback-content-error | 1233
+ cdx-error | 1198
+ petabox-error | 617
+ gateway-timeout | 395
+ not-found | 130
+ read-timeout | 128
+ | 111
+ invalid-host-resolution | 63
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 24
+ spn2-error | 20
+ (20 rows)
+## Generate Seedlist
+For crawling, do a similar (but not identical) dump:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(t1.*)
+ FROM (
+ SELECT ingest_request.*, ingest_file_result as result
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'mag'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-content-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'petabox-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'spn2-cdx-lookup-failure'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ ) t1
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_ingest_request_2021-08-11.rows.json';
+ => COPY 4599519
+Prep ingest requests (for post-crawl use):
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_ingest_request_2021-08-11.rows.json | pv -l > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_ingest_request_2021-08-11.ingest_request.json
+ => 4.60M 0:02:55 [26.2k/s]
+And actually dump seedlist(s):
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_ingest_request_2021-08-11.rows.json | jq -r .base_url | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_seedlist_2021-08-11.base_url.txt
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_ingest_request_2021-08-11.rows.json | rg '"no-capture"' | jq -r .result.terminal_url | rg -v ^null$ | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_seedlist_2021-08-11.terminal_url.txt
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_seedlist_2021-08-11.terminal_url.txt /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_seedlist_2021-08-11.base_url.txt | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_seedlist_2021-08-11.combined.txt
+ => DONE
+ wc -l /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_seedlist_2021-08-11.*.txt
+ 4593238 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_seedlist_2021-08-11.base_url.txt
+ 4632911 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_seedlist_2021-08-11.combined.txt
+ 3294710 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_seedlist_2021-08-11.terminal_url.txt
+## Post-Crawl Bulk Re-Ingest
+Got about 1.8 million new PDFs from crawl, and a sizable fraction of dupes (by
+hash, URL agnostic).
+Enqueue for buik re-ingest:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/mag_ingest_request_2021-08-11.ingest_request.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ => Thu 19 Aug 2021 09:10:59 PM UTC
+## Post-Ingest Stats
+Just the new stuff (compare against above for delta):
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'mag'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.created > '2021-06-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ success | 7748241 89.2%
+ no-capture | 429688 4.9%
+ redirect-loop | 172831 2.0%
+ terminal-bad-status | 94029 1.1%
+ no-pdf-link | 86437 1.0%
+ blocked-cookie | 67903 0.8%
+ link-loop | 50622
+ wrong-mimetype | 21064
+ null-body | 6650
+ cdx-error | 3313
+ wayback-error | 2630
+ gateway-timeout | 399
+ petabox-error | 268
+ wayback-content-error | 170
+ not-found | 130
+ read-timeout | 128
+ | 109
+ invalid-host-resolution | 63
+ bad-redirect | 39
+ spn2-error | 20
+ (20 rows)
+New success due to crawl (new batch only): 7748241 - 1957844 = 5,790,397
+Overall success of new batch: 7748241. / 8686315 = 89.2%
+And combined (old and new) status again:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'mag'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_request.created > '2021-06-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------------------+----------
+ success | 31990062
+ redirect-loop | 1704717
+ no-capture | 1263462
+ link-loop | 1218280
+ blocked-cookie | 1213838
+ no-pdf-link | 1096664
+ terminal-bad-status | 960070
+ gateway-timeout | 202190
+ wrong-mimetype | 86557
+ invalid-host-resolution | 37262
+ null-body | 15443
+ wayback-error | 12839
+ cdx-error | 4047
+ spn2-error | 1731
+ spn2-error:job-failed | 962
+ petabox-error | 463
+ wayback-content-error | 379
+ spn2-error:invalid-url-syntax | 336
+ spn2-error:soft-time-limit-exceeded | 203
+ | 175
+ (20 rows)
+New success total: 31990062 - 26123975 = 5,866,087
+A full 1,263,462 no-capture that could be attempted... though many of those may
+be excluded for a specific reason.
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2021-09-02_oai_pmh_patch.md b/notes/ingest/2021-09-02_oai_pmh_patch.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac808dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2021-09-02_oai_pmh_patch.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1578 @@
+Just a "patch" of previous OAI-PMH crawl/ingest: re-ingesting and potentially
+re-crawling content which failed to ingest the first time.
+May fold this in with more general patch crawling.
+## Basic Counts
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -----------------------+----------
+ success | 14145387
+ no-pdf-link | 12063022
+ no-capture | 5485640
+ redirect-loop | 2092705
+ terminal-bad-status | 747372
+ wrong-mimetype | 597219
+ link-loop | 542144
+ null-body | 93566
+ cdx-error | 19798
+ petabox-error | 17943
+ | 15283
+ wayback-error | 13897
+ gateway-timeout | 511
+ skip-url-blocklist | 184
+ wayback-content-error | 146
+ bad-redirect | 137
+ redirects-exceeded | 120
+ bad-gzip-encoding | 116
+ timeout | 80
+ blocked-cookie | 64
+ (20 rows)
+ oai_prefix,
+ COUNT(CASE WHEN status = 'success' THEN 1 END) as success,
+ COUNT(*) as total
+ FROM (
+ ingest_file_result.status as status,
+ -- eg "oai:cwi.nl:4881"
+ substring(ingest_request.link_source_id FROM 'oai:([^:]+):.*') AS oai_prefix
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
+ ) t1
+ GROUP BY oai_prefix
+ LIMIT 40;
+ oai_prefix | success | total
+ ---------------------------+---------+---------
+ repec | 1133175 | 2783448
+ hal | 573218 | 1049607
+ www.irgrid.ac.cn | 18007 | 748828
+ cds.cern.ch | 74078 | 688091
+ americanae.aecid.es | 71310 | 572792
+ juser.fz-juelich.de | 23026 | 518551
+ espace.library.uq.edu.au | 6649 | 508960
+ igi.indrastra.com | 59629 | 478577
+ archive.ugent.be | 65306 | 424014
+ hrcak.srce.hr | 404085 | 414897
+ zir.nsk.hr | 156753 | 397200
+ renati.sunedu.gob.pe | 79362 | 388355
+ hypotheses.org | 3 | 374296
+ rour.neicon.ru | 7997 | 354529
+ generic.eprints.org | 263566 | 340470
+ invenio.nusl.cz | 6340 | 325867
+ evastar-karlsruhe.de | 62282 | 317952
+ quod.lib.umich.edu | 5 | 309135
+ diva.org | 67917 | 298348
+ t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp | 1085 | 289388
+ edpsciences.org | 139495 | 284972
+ repository.ust.hk | 10245 | 283417
+ revues.org | 151156 | 277497
+ pure.atira.dk | 13492 | 260754
+ bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es | 50606 | 254134
+ escholarship.org/ark | 140835 | 245203
+ ojs.pkp.sfu.ca | 168029 | 229387
+ lup.lub.lu.se | 49358 | 226602
+ library.wur.nl | 15051 | 216738
+ digitalrepository.unm.edu | 111704 | 211749
+ infoscience.tind.io | 60166 | 207299
+ edoc.mpg.de | 0 | 205252
+ erudit.org | 168490 | 197803
+ delibra.bg.polsl.pl | 38666 | 196652
+ n/a | 0 | 193814
+ aleph.bib-bvb.de | 4349 | 186666
+ serval.unil.ch | 41643 | 186372
+ orbi.ulg.ac.be | 2400 | 184551
+ digitalcommons.unl.edu | 144025 | 184372
+ bib-pubdb1.desy.de | 33525 | 182717
+ (40 rows)
+Top counts by OAI prefix and status:
+ oai_prefix,
+ status,
+ COUNT((oai_prefix,status))
+ FROM (
+ ingest_file_result.status as status,
+ -- eg "oai:cwi.nl:4881"
+ substring(ingest_request.link_source_id FROM 'oai:([^:]+):.*') AS oai_prefix
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
+ ) t1
+ GROUP BY oai_prefix, status
+ LIMIT 50;
+ oai_prefix | status | count
+ ---------------------------+---------------+---------
+ repec | success | 1133175
+ repec | no-pdf-link | 638105
+ hal | success | 573218
+ cds.cern.ch | no-capture | 540380
+ repec | redirect-loop | 516451
+ juser.fz-juelich.de | no-pdf-link | 477881
+ americanae.aecid.es | no-pdf-link | 417766
+ hrcak.srce.hr | success | 404085
+ www.irgrid.ac.cn | no-pdf-link | 370908
+ hal | no-pdf-link | 359252
+ www.irgrid.ac.cn | no-capture | 355532
+ espace.library.uq.edu.au | no-pdf-link | 320479
+ igi.indrastra.com | no-pdf-link | 318242
+ repec | no-capture | 316981
+ invenio.nusl.cz | no-pdf-link | 309802
+ rour.neicon.ru | redirect-loop | 300911
+ hypotheses.org | no-pdf-link | 300251
+ renati.sunedu.gob.pe | no-capture | 282800
+ t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp | no-pdf-link | 272045
+ generic.eprints.org | success | 263566
+ quod.lib.umich.edu | no-pdf-link | 259661
+ archive.ugent.be | no-capture | 256127
+ evastar-karlsruhe.de | no-pdf-link | 248939
+ zir.nsk.hr | link-loop | 226919
+ repository.ust.hk | no-pdf-link | 208569
+ edoc.mpg.de | no-pdf-link | 199758
+ bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es | no-pdf-link | 188433
+ orbi.ulg.ac.be | no-pdf-link | 172373
+ diva.org | no-capture | 171115
+ lup.lub.lu.se | no-pdf-link | 168652
+ erudit.org | success | 168490
+ ojs.pkp.sfu.ca | success | 168029
+ lib.dr.iastate.edu | success | 158494
+ zir.nsk.hr | success | 156753
+ digital.kenyon.edu | success | 154900
+ revues.org | success | 151156
+ books.openedition.org | no-pdf-link | 149607
+ freidok.uni-freiburg.de | no-pdf-link | 146837
+ digitalcommons.unl.edu | success | 144025
+ escholarship.org/ark | success | 140835
+ culeuclid | link-loop | 140291
+ edpsciences.org | success | 139495
+ serval.unil.ch | no-pdf-link | 138644
+ bib-pubdb1.desy.de | no-pdf-link | 133815
+ krm.or.kr | no-pdf-link | 132461
+ pure.atira.dk | no-pdf-link | 132179
+ oai-gms.dimdi.de | redirect-loop | 131409
+ aleph.bib-bvb.de | no-capture | 128261
+ library.wur.nl | no-pdf-link | 124718
+ lirias2repo.kuleuven.be | no-capture | 123106
+ (50 rows)
+Note: could just delete the "excluded" rows? and not harvest them in the
+future, and filter them at ingest time (in transform script).
+## Investigate no-pdf-link sandcrawler improvements
+Do some spot-sampling of 'no-pdf-link' domains, see if newer sandcrawler works:
+ ingest_request.link_source_id AS oai_id,
+ ingest_request.base_url as base_url ,
+ ingest_file_result.terminal_url as terminal_url
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'no-pdf-link'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id LIKE 'oai:library.wur.nl:%'
+ ORDER BY random()
+ LIMIT 10;
+Random sampling of *all* 'no-pdf-link' URLs (see if newer sandcrawler works):
+ \x auto
+ ingest_request.link_source_id AS oai_id,
+ ingest_request.base_url as base_url ,
+ ingest_file_result.terminal_url as terminal_url
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'no-pdf-link'
+ ORDER BY random()
+ LIMIT 30;
+### repec (SKIP-PREFIX)
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repec:eee:jmacro:v:54:y:2017:i:pb:p:332-351
+base_url | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0164070417301593
+terminal_url | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0164070417301593
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repec:eee:jomega:v:16:y:1988:i:2:p:107-115
+base_url | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0305-0483(88)90041-2
+terminal_url | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0305048388900412
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repec:sgm:pzwzuw:v:14:i:59:y:2016:p:73-92
+base_url | http://pz.wz.uw.edu.pl/en
+terminal_url | http://pz.wz.uw.edu.pl:80/en
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repec:eee:jmacro:v:54:y:2017:i:pb:p:332-351
+base_url | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0164070417301593
+terminal_url | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0164070417301593
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repec:eee:jomega:v:16:y:1988:i:2:p:107-115
+base_url | http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0305-0483(88)90041-2
+terminal_url | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0305048388900412
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repec:sgm:pzwzuw:v:14:i:59:y:2016:p:73-92
+base_url | http://pz.wz.uw.edu.pl/en
+terminal_url | http://pz.wz.uw.edu.pl:80/en
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repec:erv:rccsrc:y:2016:i:2016_11:35
+base_url | http://www.eumed.net/rev/caribe/2016/11/estructura.html
+terminal_url | http://www.eumed.net:80/rev/caribe/2016/11/estructura.html
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repec:pio:envira:v:33:y:2001:i:4:p:629-647
+base_url | http://www.envplan.com/epa/fulltext/a33/a3319.pdf
+terminal_url | http://uk.sagepub.com:80/en-gb/eur/pion-journals-published
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repec:tpr:qjecon:v:100:y:1985:i:3:p:651-75
+base_url | http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0033-5533%28198508%29100%3A3%3C651%3ATCOCEA%3E2.0.CO%3B2-2&origin=repec
+terminal_url | https://www.jstor.org/stable/1884373
+Huh! This is just a catalog of other domains. Should probably skip
+DONE: skip/filter repec
+### juser.fz-juelich.de (SCOPE)
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:juser.fz-juelich.de:132217
+base_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/132217
+terminal_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/132217
+Poster; no files.
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:juser.fz-juelich.de:268598
+base_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/268598
+terminal_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/268598
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:juser.fz-juelich.de:126613
+base_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/126613
+terminal_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/126613
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:juser.fz-juelich.de:67362
+base_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/67362
+terminal_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/67362
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:juser.fz-juelich.de:869189
+base_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/869189
+terminal_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/869189
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:juser.fz-juelich.de:810746
+base_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/810746
+terminal_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/810746
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:juser.fz-juelich.de:52897
+base_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/search?p=id:%22PreJuSER-52897%22
+terminal_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/search?p=id:%22PreJuSER-52897%22
+-[ RECORD 8 ]+------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:juser.fz-juelich.de:114755
+base_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/114755
+terminal_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/record/114755
+-[ RECORD 9 ]+------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:juser.fz-juelich.de:58025
+base_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/search?p=id:%22PreJuSER-58025%22
+terminal_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/search?p=id:%22PreJuSER-58025%22
+The search URLs seem redundant? Not going to try to handle those.
+"Powered by Invenio v1.1.7"
+All of these examples seem to be not papers. Maybe we can filter these better
+at the harvest or transform stage?
+### americanae.aecid.es (MIXED)
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:americanae.aecid.es:502896
+base_url | http://biblioteca.clacso.edu.ar/gsdl/cgi-bin/library.cgi?a=d&c=mx/mx-010&d=60327292007oai
+terminal_url | http://biblioteca.clacso.edu.ar/gsdl/cgi-bin/library.cgi?a=d&c=mx/mx-010&d=60327292007oai
+just a metadata record? links to redalyc
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:americanae.aecid.es:534600
+base_url | http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?id=0000077778&page=1
+terminal_url | http://bdh-rd.bne.es/viewer.vm?id=0000077778&page=1
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:americanae.aecid.es:524567
+base_url | http://americanae.aecid.es/americanae/es/registros/registro.do?tipoRegistro=MTD&idBib=524567
+terminal_url | http://americanae.aecid.es/americanae/es/registros/registro.do?tipoRegistro=MTD&idBib=524567
+NOT-FOUND (404)
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:americanae.aecid.es:378914
+base_url | http://americanae.aecid.es/americanae/es/registros/registro.do?tipoRegistro=MTD&idBib=378914
+terminal_url | http://americanae.aecid.es/americanae/es/registros/registro.do?tipoRegistro=MTD&idBib=378914
+Some single-page image archival thing? bespoke, skipping.
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:americanae.aecid.es:526142
+base_url | http://americanae.aecid.es/americanae/es/registros/registro.do?tipoRegistro=MTD&idBib=526142
+terminal_url | http://americanae.aecid.es/americanae/es/registros/registro.do?tipoRegistro=MTD&idBib=526142
+NOT-FOUND (404)
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:americanae.aecid.es:373408
+base_url | http://americanae.aecid.es/americanae/es/registros/registro.do?tipoRegistro=MTD&idBib=373408
+terminal_url | http://americanae.aecid.es/americanae/es/registros/registro.do?tipoRegistro=MTD&idBib=373408
+NOT-FOUND (404)
+### www.irgrid.ac.cn (SKIP-PREFIX)
+Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:1471x/1749980
+base_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1749980
+terminal_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1749980
+Can't access
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:1471x/857397
+base_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/857397
+terminal_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/857397
+Just linking to another IR; skip it.
+requires login
+DONE: '/password-login;jsessionid' as a loginwall URL pattern
+ http://ir.ipe.ac.cn/handle/122111/10608
+ http://ir.ipe.ac.cn/bitstream/122111/10608/2/%e9%92%9d%e9%a1%b6%e8%9e%ba%e6%97%8b%e8%97%bb%e5%9c%a8%e4%b8%8d%e5%90%8c%e5%85%89%e7%85%a7%e6%9d%a1%e4%bb%b6%e4%b8%8b%e7%9a%84%e6%94%be%e6%b0%a7%e7%89%b9%e6%80%a7_%e8%96%9b%e5%8d%87%e9%95%bf.pdf
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:1471x/1060447
+base_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1060447
+terminal_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1060447
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:1471x/1671377
+base_url | http://ir.iggcas.ac.cn/handle/132A11/68622
+terminal_url | http://ir.iggcas.ac.cn/handle/132A11/68622
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:1471x/1178430
+base_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1178430
+terminal_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/1178430
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:1471x/2488017
+base_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/2488017
+terminal_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/2488017
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:1471x/977147
+base_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/977147
+terminal_url | http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/handle/1471x/977147
+-[ RECORD 8 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:1471x/2454503
+base_url | http://ir.nwipb.ac.cn/handle/363003/9957
+terminal_url | http://ir.nwipb.ac.cn/handle/363003/9957
+this domain is a disapointment :(
+should continue crawling, as the metadata is open and good. but won't get fulltext?
+### hal (FIXED-PARTIAL)
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hal:hal-00744951v1
+base_url | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00744951
+terminal_url | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00744951
+Off-site OA link.
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hal:hal-01065398v1
+base_url | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01065398/file/AbstractSGE14_B_assaad.pdf
+terminal_url | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/index/index
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hal:lirmm-00371599v1
+base_url | https://hal-lirmm.ccsd.cnrs.fr/lirmm-00371599
+terminal_url | https://hal-lirmm.ccsd.cnrs.fr/lirmm-00371599
+To elsevier :(
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hal:hal-00284780v1
+base_url | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00284780
+terminal_url | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00284780
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hal:hal-00186151v1
+base_url | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00186151
+terminal_url | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00186151
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hal:hal-00399754v1
+base_url | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00399754
+terminal_url | https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-00399754
+### espace.library.uq.edu.au (SKIP)
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:espace.library.uq.edu.au:uq:136497
+base_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:136497
+terminal_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:136497
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:espace.library.uq.edu.au:uq:411389
+base_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:411389
+terminal_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:411389
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:espace.library.uq.edu.au:uq:401773
+base_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:401773
+terminal_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:401773
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:espace.library.uq.edu.au:uq:675334
+base_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:675334
+terminal_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:675334
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:espace.library.uq.edu.au:uq:312311
+base_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:312311
+terminal_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:312311
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:espace.library.uq.edu.au:uq:209401
+base_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:209401
+terminal_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:209401
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:espace.library.uq.edu.au:uq:327188
+base_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:327188
+terminal_url | https://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:327188
+Very javascript heavy (skeletal HTML). And just links to fulltext on publisher
+### igi.indrastra.com (METADATA-ONLY)
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+---------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:igi.indrastra.com:267221
+base_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/267221
+terminal_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/267221
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+---------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:igi.indrastra.com:181799
+base_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/181799
+terminal_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/181799
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+---------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:igi.indrastra.com:125382
+base_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/125382
+terminal_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/125382
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+---------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:igi.indrastra.com:47266
+base_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/47266
+terminal_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/47266
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+---------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:igi.indrastra.com:12872
+base_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/12872
+terminal_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/12872
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+---------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:igi.indrastra.com:231620
+base_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/231620
+terminal_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/231620
+"Proudly powered by Omeka"
+### invenio.nusl.cz (METADATA-ONLY)
+ oai_id | base_url | terminal_url
+ oai:invenio.nusl.cz:237409 | http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-237409 | http://invenio.nusl.cz/record/237409
+ oai:invenio.nusl.cz:180783 | http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-180783 | http://invenio.nusl.cz/record/180783
+ oai:invenio.nusl.cz:231961 | http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-231961 | http://invenio.nusl.cz/record/231961
+ oai:invenio.nusl.cz:318800 | http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-318800 | http://invenio.nusl.cz/record/318800
+ oai:invenio.nusl.cz:259695 | http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-259695 | http://invenio.nusl.cz/record/259695
+ oai:invenio.nusl.cz:167393 | http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-167393 | http://invenio.nusl.cz/record/167393
+ oai:invenio.nusl.cz:292987 | http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-292987 | http://invenio.nusl.cz/record/292987
+ oai:invenio.nusl.cz:283396 | http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-283396 | http://invenio.nusl.cz/record/283396
+ oai:invenio.nusl.cz:241512 | http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-241512 | http://invenio.nusl.cz/record/241512
+ oai:invenio.nusl.cz:178631 | http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-178631 | http://invenio.nusl.cz/record/178631
+Metadata only (at least this set)
+### hypotheses.org
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hypotheses.org:mittelalter/9529
+base_url | http://mittelalter.hypotheses.org/9529
+terminal_url | https://mittelalter.hypotheses.org/9529
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hypotheses.org:archivalia/18638
+base_url | http://archivalia.hypotheses.org/18638
+terminal_url | https://archivalia.hypotheses.org/18638
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hypotheses.org:archivalia/13614
+base_url | http://archivalia.hypotheses.org/13614
+terminal_url | https://archivalia.hypotheses.org/13614
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hypotheses.org:teteschercheuses/2785
+base_url | http://teteschercheuses.hypotheses.org/2785
+terminal_url | https://teteschercheuses.hypotheses.org/2785
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hypotheses.org:altervsego/608
+base_url | http://altervsego.hypotheses.org/608
+terminal_url | http://altervsego.hypotheses.org/608
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hypotheses.org:archivewk1/21905
+base_url | http://archivewk1.hypotheses.org/21905
+terminal_url | https://archivewk1.hypotheses.org/21905
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hypotheses.org:slkdiaspo/3321
+base_url | http://slkdiaspo.hypotheses.org/3321
+terminal_url | https://slkdiaspo.hypotheses.org/3321
+-[ RECORD 8 ]+---------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hypotheses.org:diga/280
+base_url | http://diga.hypotheses.org/280
+terminal_url | https://diga.hypotheses.org/280
+These are all a big mix... basically blogs. Should continue crawling, but expect no yield.
+### t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp (METADATA-ONLY)
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp:00105099
+base_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100499795
+terminal_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100499795
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp:00101346
+base_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100495549
+terminal_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100495549
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp:50161100
+base_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100632554
+terminal_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100632554
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp:00232407
+base_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100527528
+terminal_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100527528
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp:50120040
+base_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100612598
+terminal_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100612598
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp:50321440
+base_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100713492
+terminal_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100713492
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp:50235666
+base_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100668778
+terminal_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100668778
+### quod.lib.umich.edu
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:acf2679.0015.003-2
+base_url | http://name.umdl.umich.edu/acf2679.0015.003
+terminal_url | https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=moajrnl;idno=acf2679.0015.003
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:b14970.0001.001
+base_url | http://name.umdl.umich.edu/B14970.0001.001
+terminal_url | https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=eebo2;idno=B14970.0001.001
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:acf2679.0009.010-3
+base_url | http://name.umdl.umich.edu/ACF2679-1623SOUT-209
+terminal_url | https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=moajrnl;idno=acf2679.0009.010;node=acf2679.0009.010:3
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:acg2248.1-16.006-43
+base_url | http://name.umdl.umich.edu/acg2248.1-16.006
+terminal_url | https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=moajrnl;idno=acg2248.1-16.006
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:acg2248.1-14.011-9
+base_url | http://name.umdl.umich.edu/ACG2248-1489LADI-364
+terminal_url | https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=moajrnl;idno=acg2248.1-14.011;node=acg2248.1-14.011:9
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:acg1336.1-24.006-9
+base_url | http://name.umdl.umich.edu/acg1336.1-24.006
+terminal_url | https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=moajrnl;idno=acg1336.1-24.006
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:africanamer.0002.32a
+base_url | http://name.umdl.umich.edu/africanamer.0002.32a
+terminal_url | https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=africanamer;idno=africanamer.0002.32a
+These are... issues of journals? Should continue to crawl, but not expect much.
+### evastar-karlsruhe.de (METADATA-ONLY)
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+----------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:evastar-karlsruhe.de:270011444
+base_url | https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/270011444
+terminal_url | https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/270011444
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+----------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:evastar-karlsruhe.de:1000050117
+base_url | https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000050117
+terminal_url | https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000050117
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+----------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:evastar-karlsruhe.de:362296
+base_url | https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/362296
+terminal_url | https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/362296
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+----------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:evastar-karlsruhe.de:23042000
+base_url | https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/23042000
+terminal_url | https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/23042000
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+----------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:evastar-karlsruhe.de:1000069945
+base_url | https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000069945
+terminal_url | https://publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu/1000069945
+### repository.ust.hk
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repository.ust.hk:1783.1-67233
+base_url | http://repository.ust.hk/ir/Record/1783.1-67233
+terminal_url | http://repository.ust.hk/ir/Record/1783.1-67233
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repository.ust.hk:1783.1-63232
+base_url | http://gateway.isiknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS&KeyUT=A1981KV47900017
+terminal_url | http://login.webofknowledge.com/error/Error?Src=IP&Alias=WOK5&Error=IPError&Params=DestParams%3D%253FUT%253DWOS%253AA1981KV47900017%2526customersID%253DLinksAMR%2526product%253DWOS%2526action%253Dretrieve%2526mode%253DFullRecord%26DestApp%3DWOS%26SrcApp%3DPARTNER_APP%26SrcAuth%3DLinksAMR&PathInfo=%2F&RouterURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.webofknowledge.com%2F&Domain=.webofknowledge.com
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repository.ust.hk:1783.1-2891
+base_url | http://gateway.isiknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=LinksAMR&SrcApp=PARTNER_APP&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS&KeyUT=000240035400103
+terminal_url | https://login.webofknowledge.com/error/Error?Src=IP&Alias=WOK5&Error=IPError&Params=DestParams%3D%253FUT%253DWOS%253A000240035400103%2526customersID%253DLinksAMR%2526product%253DWOS%2526action%253Dretrieve%2526mode%253DFullRecord%26DestApp%3DWOS%26SrcApp%3DPARTNER_APP%26SrcAuth%3DLinksAMR&PathInfo=%2F&RouterURL=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.webofknowledge.com%2F&Domain=.webofknowledge.com
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repository.ust.hk:1783.1-56231
+base_url | http://repository.ust.hk/ir/Record/1783.1-56231
+terminal_url | http://repository.ust.hk/ir/Record/1783.1-56231
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repository.ust.hk:1783.1-24872
+base_url | http://repository.ust.hk/ir/Record/1783.1-24872
+terminal_url | http://repository.ust.hk/ir/Record/1783.1-24872
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repository.ust.hk:1783.1-3457
+base_url | http://lbdiscover.ust.hk/uresolver?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rfr_id=info:sid/HKUST:SPI&rft.genre=article&rft.issn=0003-6870&rft.volume=40&rft.issue=2&rft.date=2009&rft.spage=267&rft.epage=279&rft.aulast=Witana&rft.aufirst=Channa+R.&rft.atitle=Effects+of+surface+characteristics+on+the+plantar+shape+of+feet+and+subjects'+perceived+sensations
+terminal_url | http://lbdiscover.ust.hk/uresolver/?url_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:journal&rfr_id=info:sid/HKUST:SPI&rft.genre=article&rft.issn=0003-6870&rft.volume=40&rft.issue=2&rft.date=2009&rft.spage=267&rft.epage=279&rft.aulast=Witana&rft.aufirst=Channa+R.&rft.atitle=Effects+of+surface+characteristics+on+the+plantar+shape+of+feet+and+subjects'+perceived+sensations
+-[ RECORD 8 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repository.ust.hk:1783.1-73215
+base_url | http://repository.ust.hk/ir/Record/1783.1-73215
+terminal_url | http://repository.ust.hk/ir/Record/1783.1-73215
+DONE: gateway.isiknowledge.com is bogus/blocking?
+### edoc.mpg.de (SKIP-DEPRECATED)
+ oai_id | base_url | terminal_url
+ oai:edoc.mpg.de:416650 | http://edoc.mpg.de/416650 | http://edoc.mpg.de/416650
+ oai:edoc.mpg.de:8195 | http://edoc.mpg.de/8195 | http://edoc.mpg.de/8195
+ oai:edoc.mpg.de:379655 | http://edoc.mpg.de/379655 | http://edoc.mpg.de/379655
+ oai:edoc.mpg.de:641179 | http://edoc.mpg.de/641179 | http://edoc.mpg.de/641179
+ oai:edoc.mpg.de:607141 | http://edoc.mpg.de/607141 | http://edoc.mpg.de/607141
+ oai:edoc.mpg.de:544412 | http://edoc.mpg.de/544412 | http://edoc.mpg.de/544412
+ oai:edoc.mpg.de:314531 | http://edoc.mpg.de/314531 | http://edoc.mpg.de/314531
+ oai:edoc.mpg.de:405047 | http://edoc.mpg.de/405047 | http://edoc.mpg.de/405047
+ oai:edoc.mpg.de:239650 | http://edoc.mpg.de/239650 | http://edoc.mpg.de/239650
+ oai:edoc.mpg.de:614852 | http://edoc.mpg.de/614852 | http://edoc.mpg.de/614852
+This whole instance seems to have been replaced
+### bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es (SKIP-DIGITIZED)
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:10000039962
+base_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10044664
+terminal_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10044664
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:14075
+base_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/consulta/registro.cmd?id=14075
+terminal_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/consulta/registro.cmd?id=14075
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:4842
+base_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/consulta/registro.cmd?id=4842
+terminal_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/consulta/registro.cmd?id=4842
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:14799
+base_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/consulta/registro.cmd?id=14799
+terminal_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/consulta/registro.cmd?id=14799
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:821
+base_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=1003474
+terminal_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=1003474
+Digitized images as pages; too much to deal with for now.
+### orbi.ulg.ac.be
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:orbi.ulg.ac.be:2268/128079
+base_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/128079
+terminal_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/128079
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:orbi.ulg.ac.be:2268/67659
+base_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/67659
+terminal_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/67659
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:orbi.ulg.ac.be:2268/35521
+base_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/35521
+terminal_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/35521
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:orbi.ulg.ac.be:2268/107922
+base_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/107922
+terminal_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/107922
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:orbi.ulg.ac.be:2268/215694
+base_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/215694
+terminal_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/215694
+Described below.
+### library.wur.nl (FIXED-BESPOKE)
+ oai_id | base_url | terminal_url
+ -----------------------------------+------------------------------------------------+------------------------------------------------
+ oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/440939 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/440939 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/440939
+ oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/427707 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/427707 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/427707
+ oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/359208 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/359208 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/359208
+ oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/433378 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/433378 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/433378
+ oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/36416 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/36416 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/36416
+ oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/469930 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/469930 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/469930
+ oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/350076 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/350076 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/350076
+ oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/19109 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/19109 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/19109
+ oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/26146 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/26146 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/26146
+ oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/529922 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/529922 | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/529922
+ (10 rows)
+Seems like a one-off site? But added a pattern.
+### pure.atira.dk
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:pure.atira.dk:publications/a27762fd-0919-4753-af55-00b9b26d02e0
+base_url | https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/hightech-cities-and-the-primitive-jungle-visionary-urbanism-in-europe-and-japan-of-the-1960s(a27762fd-0919-4753-af55-00b9b26d02e0).html
+terminal_url | https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/hightech-cities-and-the-primitive-jungle-visionary-urbanism-in-europe-and-japan-of-the-1960s(a27762fd-0919-4753-af55-00b9b26d02e0).html
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:pure.atira.dk:publications/215c8b96-a821-4947-bee4-c7470e9fbaf8
+base_url | https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/service-recovery-in-health-services--understanding-the-desired-qualities-and-behaviours-of-general-practitioners-during-service-recovery-encounters(215c8b96-a821-4947-bee4-c7470e9fbaf8).html
+terminal_url | https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/service-recovery-in-health-services--understanding-the-desired-qualities-and-behaviours-of-general-practitioners-during-service-recovery-encounters(215c8b96-a821-4947-bee4-c7470e9fbaf8).html
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:pure.atira.dk:publications/95d4920a-12c7-4e25-b86c-5f075ea23a38
+base_url | https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/03057070.2016.1197694
+terminal_url | https://www.tandfonline.com/action/cookieAbsent
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:pure.atira.dk:publications/8a2508ee-14c9-4c6a-851a-6db442090f41
+base_url | https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/microstructure-and-grain-size-dependence-of-ferroelectric-properties-of-batio3-thin-films-on-lanio3-buffered-si(8a2508ee-14c9-4c6a-851a-6db442090f41).html
+terminal_url | https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/microstructure-and-grain-size-dependence-of-ferroelectric-properties-of-batio3-thin-films-on-lanio3-buffered-si(8a2508ee-14c9-4c6a-851a-6db442090f41).html
+Metadata only
+DONE: /cookieAbsent is cookie block
+ https://www.tandfonline.com/action/cookieAbsent
+### bib-pubdb1.desy.de (FIXED-INVENIO)
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bib-pubdb1.desy.de:96756
+base_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/96756
+terminal_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/96756
+Metadata only.
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bib-pubdb1.desy.de:416556
+base_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/416556
+terminal_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/416556
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bib-pubdb1.desy.de:414545
+base_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/search?p=id:%22PUBDB-2018-04027%22
+terminal_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/search?p=id:%22PUBDB-2018-04027%22
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bib-pubdb1.desy.de:170169
+base_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/170169
+terminal_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/170169
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bib-pubdb1.desy.de:191154
+base_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/191154
+terminal_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/191154
+Metadata only
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bib-pubdb1.desy.de:155092
+base_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/155092
+terminal_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/155092
+-[ RECORD 8 ]+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bib-pubdb1.desy.de:97158
+base_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/97158
+terminal_url | http://bib-pubdb1.desy.de/record/97158
+Metadata only
+"Powered by Invenio v1.1.7"
+Can/should skip the "search" URLs
+### serval.unil.ch
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:serval.unil.ch:bib_60346fc75171
+base_url | https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_60346FC75171
+terminal_url | https://serval.unil.ch/en/notice/serval:BIB_60346FC75171
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:serval.unil.ch:bib_4db47fc4b593
+base_url | https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_4DB47FC4B593
+terminal_url | https://serval.unil.ch/en/notice/serval:BIB_4DB47FC4B593
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:serval.unil.ch:bib_57aac24fe115
+base_url | http://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:ch:serval-BIB_57AAC24FE1154
+terminal_url | https://nbn-resolving.org/urn/resolver.pl?urn=urn:nbn:ch:serval-BIB_57AAC24FE1154
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:serval.unil.ch:bib_deabae6baf6c
+base_url | https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_DEABAE6BAF6C
+terminal_url | https://serval.unil.ch/en/notice/serval:BIB_DEABAE6BAF6C
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:serval.unil.ch:bib_a5ec0df1370f
+base_url | https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_A5EC0DF1370F
+terminal_url | https://wayf.switch.ch/SWITCHaai/WAYF?entityID=https%3A%2F%2Fmy.unil.ch%2Fshibboleth&return=https%3A%2F%2Fserval.unil.ch%2FShibboleth.sso%2FLogin%3FSAMLDS%3D1%26target%3Dss%253Amem%253Aed270c26d4a36cefd1bf6a840472abe0ee5556cb5f3b42de708f3ea984775dfd
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:serval.unil.ch:bib_080300c2e23c
+base_url | https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_080300C2E23C.P001/REF.pdf
+terminal_url | https://wayf.switch.ch/SWITCHaai/WAYF?entityID=https%3A%2F%2Fmy.unil.ch%2Fshibboleth&return=https%3A%2F%2Fserval.unil.ch%2FShibboleth.sso%2FLogin%3FSAMLDS%3D1%26target%3Dss%253Amem%253A154453d78a0fb75ffa220f7b6fe73b29447fa6ed048addf31897b41001f44679
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:serval.unil.ch:bib_de777dd2b07f
+base_url | https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_DE777DD2B07F
+terminal_url | https://serval.unil.ch/en/notice/serval:BIB_DE777DD2B07F
+-[ RECORD 8 ]+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:serval.unil.ch:bib_5e824e244c27
+base_url | https://serval.unil.ch/notice/serval:BIB_5E824E244C27
+terminal_url | https://serval.unil.ch/en/notice/serval:BIB_5E824E244C27
+Metadata only? See elsewhere.
+### Random Links
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:dbc.wroc.pl:41031
+base_url | https://dbc.wroc.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?showContent=true&id=41031
+terminal_url | https://dbc.wroc.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?showContent=true&id=41031
+This is some platform/package thing. PDF is in an iframe. Platform is "DLibra".
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:orbi.ulg.ac.be:2268/174291
+base_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/174291
+terminal_url | https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/174291
+DSpace platform. There are multiple files, and little to "select" on.
+https://orbi.uliege.be/handle/2268/174200 has only single PDF and easier to work with
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:library.tue.nl:664163
+base_url | http://repository.tue.nl/664163
+terminal_url | http://repository.tue.nl/664163
+Ah, this is the Pure platform from Elsevier.
+Redirects to: https://research.tue.nl/en/publications/lowering-the-threshold-for-computers-in-early-design-some-advance
+-[ RECORD 4 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:juser.fz-juelich.de:49579
+base_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/search?p=id:%22PreJuSER-49579%22
+terminal_url | http://juser.fz-juelich.de/search?p=id:%22PreJuSER-49579%22
+(handled above)
+-[ RECORD 5 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:dspace.mit.edu:1721.1/97937
+base_url | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2066-2082
+terminal_url | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2066-2082
+ORCID! Skip it.
+DONE: skip orcid.org in `terminal_url`, and/or at harvest/transform time.
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:edoc.mpg.de:360269
+base_url | http://edoc.mpg.de/360269
+terminal_url | http://edoc.mpg.de/360269
+Seems like this whole repo has disapeared, or been replaced by... pure? maybe a different pure?
+DONE: edoc.mpg.de -> pure.mpg.de
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:books.openedition.org:msha/17716
+base_url | http://books.openedition.org/msha/17716
+terminal_url | https://books.openedition.org/msha/17716
+Open edition is free to read HTML, but not PDF (or epub, etc).
+TODO: for some? all? openedition books records, try HTML ingest (not PDF ingest)
+-[ RECORD 8 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:epub.oeaw.ac.at:0x003aba48
+base_url | http://epub.oeaw.ac.at/?arp=8609-0inhalt/B02_2146_FP_Flores%20Castillo.pdf
+terminal_url | http://epub.oeaw.ac.at/?arp=8609-0inhalt/B02_2146_FP_Flores%20Castillo.pdf
+requires login
+-[ RECORD 9 ]+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:dspace.mit.edu:1721.1/88986
+base_url | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4147-2560
+terminal_url | https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4147-2560
+DONE: skip orcids
+-[ RECORD 10 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repository.ust.hk:1783.1-28786
+base_url | http://repository.ust.hk/ir/Record/1783.1-28786
+terminal_url | http://repository.ust.hk/ir/Record/1783.1-28786
+Generator: VuFind 5.1.1
+just a metadata record
+-[ RECORD 11 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:rcin.org.pl:50797
+base_url |
+terminal_url |
+Seems like a software platform? not sure.
+-[ RECORD 12 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:dea.lib.unideb.hu:2437/69641
+base_url | http://webpac.lib.unideb.hu:8082/WebPac/CorvinaWeb?action=cclfind&amp;resultview=long&amp;ccltext=idno+bibFSZ1008709
+terminal_url | https://webpac.lib.unideb.hu/WebPac/CorvinaWeb?action=cclfind&amp;resultview=long&amp;ccltext=idno+bibFSZ1008709
+-[ RECORD 13 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:unsworks.library.unsw.edu.au:1959.4/64871
+base_url | http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/64871
+terminal_url | https://www.unsworks.unsw.edu.au/primo-explore/fulldisplay?vid=UNSWORKS&docid=unsworks_62832&context=L
+-[ RECORD 14 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:www.wbc.poznan.pl:225930
+base_url | https://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?showContent=true&id=225930
+terminal_url | https://www.wbc.poznan.pl/dlibra/docmetadata?showContent=true&id=225930
+-[ RECORD 15 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:105
+base_url | http://repository.erciyes.edu.tr/bilimname/items/show/105
+terminal_url | http://repository.erciyes.edu.tr:80/bilimname/items/show/105
+GONE (domain not registered)
+-[ RECORD 16 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de:37500
+base_url | https://archivum-laureshamense-digital.de/view/sad_a1_nr_20_13
+terminal_url | https://archivum-laureshamense-digital.de/view/sad_a1_nr_20_13
+Seems like a bespoke site
+-[ RECORD 17 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp:50401364
+base_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100758313
+terminal_url | http://t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp/cgi-bin/publicationinfo.cgi?q_publication_content_number=CTT100758313
+-[ RECORD 18 ]---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:epubs.cclrc.ac.uk:work/4714
+base_url | http://purl.org/net/epubs/work/4714
+terminal_url | https://epubs.stfc.ac.uk/work/4714
+It's got a purl! haha.
+Another batch! With some repeat domains removed.
+-[ RECORD 1 ]+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:cris.vtt.fi:persons/142c030f-ba7b-491a-8669-a361088355cc
+base_url | https://cris.vtt.fi/en/persons/142c030f-ba7b-491a-8669-a361088355cc
+terminal_url | https://cris.vtt.fi/en/persons/oleg-antropov
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:etd.adm.unipi.it:etd-05302014-183910
+base_url | http://etd.adm.unipi.it/theses/available/etd-05302014-183910/
+terminal_url | https://etd.adm.unipi.it/theses/available/etd-05302014-183910/
+Some software platform? Pretty basic/bespoke
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:10000098246
+base_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10316451
+terminal_url | http://bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es/i18n/catalogo_imagenes/grupo.cmd?path=10316451
+SKIP (see elsewhere)
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:elektra.cdaea.es:documento.29259
+base_url | https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/cdaea/elektra/catalogo_execute.html?tipoObjeto=1&id=29259
+terminal_url | https://www.juntadeandalucia.es/cultura/cdaea/elektra/catalogo_execute.html?tipoObjeto=1&id=29259
+-[ RECORD 9 ]+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:unsworks.library.unsw.edu.au:1959.4/unsworks_60829
+base_url | http://handle.unsw.edu.au/1959.4/unsworks_60829
+terminal_url | https://www.unsworks.unsw.edu.au/primo-explore/fulldisplay?vid=UNSWORKS&docid=unsworks_modsunsworks_60829&context=L
+-[ RECORD 12 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:pure.leuphana.de:publications/7d040cf2-b3b5-4671-8906-76b5bc8d870a
+base_url | http://fox.leuphana.de/portal/de/publications/studies-in-childrens-literature-1500--2000-editors-celia-keenan-(7d040cf2-b3b5-4671-8906-76b5bc8d870a).html
+terminal_url | http://fox.leuphana.de/portal/de/publications/studies-in-childrens-literature-1500--2000-editors-celia-keenan-(7d040cf2-b3b5-4671-8906-76b5bc8d870a).html
+-[ RECORD 16 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/369344
+base_url | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/369344
+terminal_url | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/369344
+this specific record not OA (but site is fine/fixed)
+-[ RECORD 17 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:escholarship.umassmed.edu:oapubs-2146
+base_url | https://escholarship.umassmed.edu/oapubs/1147
+terminal_url | http://escholarship.umassmed.edu/oapubs/1147/
+just links to publisher (no content in repo)
+-[ RECORD 18 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:digitalcommons.usu.edu:wild_facpub-1010
+base_url | https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/wild_facpub/11
+terminal_url | http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/wild_facpub/11/
+also just links to publisher (no content in repo)
+-[ RECORD 25 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:igi.indrastra.com:306768
+base_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/306768
+terminal_url | http://igi.indrastra.com/items/show/306768
+(see elsewhere)
+-[ RECORD 26 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:fau.digital.flvc.org:fau_9804
+base_url | http://purl.flvc.org/fcla/dt/12932
+terminal_url | http://fau.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/fau%3A9804
+-[ RECORD 27 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:dspace.lu.lv:7/16019
+base_url | https://dspace.lu.lv/dspace/handle/7/16019
+terminal_url | https://dspace.lu.lv/dspace/handle/7/16019
+-[ RECORD 28 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:zir.nsk.hr:umas_218
+base_url | https://repozitorij.svkst.unist.hr/islandora/object/umas:218
+terminal_url | https://repozitorij.svkst.unist.hr/islandora/object/umas:218
+-[ RECORD 29 ]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de:36390
+base_url | https://digi.hadw-bw.de/view/sbhadwmnkl_a_1917_5
+terminal_url | https://digi.hadw-bw.de/view/sbhadwmnkl_a_1917_5
+Book, with chapters, not an individual work.
+-[ RECORD 2 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:krm.or.kr:10056135m201r
+base_url | https://www.krm.or.kr/krmts/link.html?dbGubun=SD&m201_id=10056135&res=y
+terminal_url | https://www.krm.or.kr/krmts/search/detailview/research.html?dbGubun=SD&category=Research&m201_id=10056135
+research results repository; keep crawling
+-[ RECORD 3 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:www.db-thueringen.de:dbt_mods_00005191
+base_url | https://www.db-thueringen.de/receive/dbt_mods_00005191
+terminal_url | https://www.db-thueringen.de/receive/dbt_mods_00005191
+powered by "MyCoRe"
+-[ RECORD 6 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bibliotecavirtualandalucia.juntadeandalucia.es:1017405
+base_url | http://www.bibliotecavirtualdeandalucia.es/catalogo/es/consulta/registro.cmd?id=1017405
+terminal_url | http://www.bibliotecavirtualdeandalucia.es/catalogo/es/consulta/registro.cmd?id=1017405
+seems to be a general purpose regional library? not research-specific
+-[ RECORD 7 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:etd.adm.unipi.it:etd-02272019-123644
+base_url | http://etd.adm.unipi.it/theses/available/etd-02272019-123644/
+terminal_url | https://etd.adm.unipi.it/theses/available/etd-02272019-123644/
+This specific URL is not available (FORBIDDEN)
+others have multiple files, not just a single PDF:
+-[ RECORD 9 ]+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:commons.ln.edu.hk:sw_master-5408
+base_url | https://commons.ln.edu.hk/sw_master/4408
+terminal_url | https://commons.ln.edu.hk/sw_master/4408/
+worth crawling I guess
+-[ RECORD 10 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:mouseion.jax.org:ssbb1976-1224
+base_url | https://mouseion.jax.org/ssbb1976/225
+terminal_url | https://mouseion.jax.org/ssbb1976/225/
+-[ RECORD 13 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:aleph.bib-bvb.de:bvb01-016604343
+base_url | http://bvbm1.bib-bvb.de/webclient/DeliveryManager?pid=176332&custom_att_2=simple_viewer
+terminal_url | http://digital.bib-bvb.de/view/action/singleViewer.do?dvs=1593269021002~476&locale=en_US&VIEWER_URL=/view/action/singleViewer.do?&DELIVERY_RULE_ID=31&frameId=1&usePid1=true&usePid2=true
+SOFT-404 / FORBIDDEN (cookie timeout)
+-[ RECORD 14 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:bivaldi.gva.es:11740
+base_url | https://bivaldi.gva.es/es/consulta/registro.do?id=11740
+terminal_url | https://bivaldi.gva.es/es/consulta/registro.do?id=11740
+-[ RECORD 16 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:library.wur.nl:wurpubs/443282
+base_url | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/443282
+terminal_url | https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/wurpubs/443282
+DIGIBIS platform (like some others)
+-[ RECORD 18 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:hal:in2p3-00414135v1
+base_url | http://hal.in2p3.fr/in2p3-00414135
+terminal_url | http://hal.in2p3.fr:80/in2p3-00414135
+-[ RECORD 19 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:aaltodoc.aalto.fi:123456789/13201
+base_url | https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/13201
+terminal_url | https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/13201
+This specific record is not accessible.
+Another: https://aaltodoc.aalto.fi/handle/123456789/38002
+DSpace 5.4
+Worked (from recent changes)
+-[ RECORD 20 ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+oai_id | oai:sedici.unlp.edu.ar:10915/40144
+base_url | http://xjornadaslc.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/actas/Ramon_Esteban_Chaparro.pdf/view
+terminal_url | http://xjornadaslc.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/actas/Ramon_Esteban_Chaparro.pdf/view
+This is a journal! Cool. Plone software platform.
+## Top no-capture Domains
+Top terminal no-capture domains:
+ SELECT domain, COUNT(domain)
+ FROM (
+ ingest_file_result.ingest_type,
+ ingest_file_result.status,
+ substring(ingest_file_result.terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain
+ FROM ingest_file_result
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_request
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ ) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain != ''
+ AND t1.status != 'success'
+ GROUP BY domain
+ LIMIT 30;
+ domain | count
+ -----------------------------------+-------
+ digitalrepository.unm.edu | 94087
+ escholarship.org | 80632
+ ir.opt.ac.cn | 70504
+ idus.us.es | 67908
+ www.cambridge.org | 56376
+ www.ssoar.info | 52534
+ rep.bntu.by | 52127
+ scholarworks.umt.edu | 48546
+ publikationen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de | 46987
+ dk.um.si | 45753
+ repositorio.uladech.edu.pe | 37028
+ uu.diva-portal.org | 34929
+ digitalcommons.law.byu.edu | 31732
+ sedici.unlp.edu.ar | 31233
+ elib.sfu-kras.ru | 29131
+ jyx.jyu.fi | 28144
+ www.repository.cam.ac.uk | 27728
+ nagoya.repo.nii.ac.jp | 26673
+ www.duo.uio.no | 25258
+ www.persee.fr | 24968
+ www2.senado.leg.br | 24426
+ tesis.ucsm.edu.pe | 24049
+ digitalcommons.unl.edu | 21974
+ www.degruyter.com | 21940
+ www.igi-global.com | 20736
+ thekeep.eiu.edu | 20712
+ docs.lib.purdue.edu | 20538
+ repositorio.cepal.org | 20280
+ elib.bsu.by | 19620
+ minds.wisconsin.edu | 19473
+ (30 rows)
+These all seem worth crawling. A couple publishers (cambridge.org), and
+persee.fr will probably fail, but not too many URLs.
+## Summary of Filtered Prefixes and Domains (OAI-PMH)
+ too large and generic
+ too large and generic
+ too large and generic
+ too large and generic
+ too large and generic
+ redundant with other ingest and archive.org content
+ large; historical content only
+ large; mostly (entirely?) links to publisher sites
+ meta?
+ entire issues? hard to crawl so skip for now
+ HTML, not PDF
+ large, complex. skip for now
+ aggregator of other IRs
+ large; metadata only; javascript heavy (poor heritrix crawling)
+ deprecated domain, with no redirects
+ digitized historical docs; hard to crawl, skip for now
+ gone (domain lapsed)
+ "research results repository" (metadata only)
+ large, general purpose, scope
+ deprecated
+ multiple prefixes end up here. historical docs, scope
+ large, out of scope
+ deprecated domain
+ index (metadata only)
+ out of scope
+ clarivate login/payall (skipping in ingest)
+Needs filtering to a subset of records (by 'set' or other filtering?):
+FIlters in SQL syntax:
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repec:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:n/a:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:krm.or.kr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+and in some contexts (PDFs; switch to HTML):
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hypotheses.org:%'
+## Overall Summary of OAI-PMH Stuff
+Big picture is that the majority of `no-pdf-link` crawl status are because of
+repository scope, record scope, or content format issues. That being said,
+there was a sizable fraction of sites which were platforms (like DSpace) which
+were not ingesting well.
+A significant fraction of records are "metadata only" (of papers), or non-paper
+entity types (like persons, grants, or journal titles), and a growing fraction
+(?) are metadata plus link to OA publisher fulltext (offsite). Might be
+possible to detect these at ingest time, or earlier at OAI-PMH
+harvest/transform time and filter them out.
+It may be worthwhile to attempt ingest of multiple existing captures
+(timestamps) in the ingest pipeline. Eg, instead of chosing a single "best"
+capture, if there are multiple HTTP 200 status captures, try ingest with each
+(or at least a couple). This is because repository software gets upgraded, so
+old "no-capture" or "not found" or "link loop" type captures may work when
+New summary with additional filters:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repec:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:n/a:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:krm.or.kr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hypotheses.org:%'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -----------------------+----------
+ success | 12872279
+ no-pdf-link | 9329602
+ no-capture | 4696362
+ redirect-loop | 1541458
+ terminal-bad-status | 660418
+ link-loop | 452831
+ wrong-mimetype | 434868
+ null-body | 71065
+ cdx-error | 17005
+ | 15275
+ petabox-error | 12743
+ wayback-error | 11759
+ skip-url-blocklist | 182
+ gateway-timeout | 122
+ redirects-exceeded | 120
+ bad-redirect | 117
+ bad-gzip-encoding | 111
+ wayback-content-error | 102
+ timeout | 72
+ blocked-cookie | 62
+ (20 rows)
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2021-09-03_daily_improvements.md b/notes/ingest/2021-09-03_daily_improvements.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0bb0c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2021-09-03_daily_improvements.md
@@ -0,0 +1,1021 @@
+Periodic check-in of daily crawling/ingest.
+Overall ingest status, past 30 days:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.ingest_type, ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_file_result
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_request
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ WHERE ingest_request.created >= NOW() - '30 day'::INTERVAL
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-changelog'
+ GROUP BY ingest_file_result.ingest_type, ingest_file_result.status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ ingest_type | status | count
+ -------------+-------------------------+--------
+ pdf | no-pdf-link | 158474
+ pdf | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 135344
+ pdf | success | 127938
+ pdf | spn2-error | 65411
+ pdf | gateway-timeout | 63112
+ pdf | blocked-cookie | 26338
+ pdf | terminal-bad-status | 24853
+ pdf | link-loop | 15699
+ pdf | spn2-error:job-failed | 13862
+ pdf | redirect-loop | 11432
+ pdf | cdx-error | 2376
+ pdf | too-many-redirects | 2186
+ pdf | wrong-mimetype | 2142
+ pdf | forbidden | 1758
+ pdf | spn2-error:no-status | 972
+ pdf | not-found | 820
+ pdf | bad-redirect | 536
+ pdf | read-timeout | 392
+ pdf | wayback-error | 251
+ pdf | remote-server-error | 220
+ (20 rows)
+Hrm, that is a healthy fraction of `no-pdf-link`.
+Broken domains, past 30 days:
+ SELECT domain, status, COUNT((domain, status))
+ FROM (
+ ingest_file_result.ingest_type,
+ ingest_file_result.status,
+ substring(ingest_file_result.terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain
+ FROM ingest_file_result
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_request
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ -- ingest_request.created >= NOW() - '3 day'::INTERVAL
+ ingest_file_result.updated >= NOW() - '30 day'::INTERVAL
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-changelog'
+ ) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain != ''
+ AND t1.status != 'success'
+ GROUP BY domain, status
+ LIMIT 25;
+ domain | status | count
+ -------------------------+-------------------------+-------
+ zenodo.org | no-pdf-link | 39678
+ osf.io | gateway-timeout | 29809
+ acervus.unicamp.br | no-pdf-link | 21978
+ osf.io | terminal-bad-status | 18727
+ zenodo.org | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 17008
+ doi.org | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 15503
+ www.degruyter.com | no-pdf-link | 15122
+ ieeexplore.ieee.org | spn2-error:job-failed | 12921
+ osf.io | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 11123
+ www.tandfonline.com | blocked-cookie | 8096
+ www.morressier.com | no-pdf-link | 4655
+ ieeexplore.ieee.org | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 4580
+ pubs.acs.org | blocked-cookie | 4415
+ www.frontiersin.org | no-pdf-link | 4163
+ www.degruyter.com | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 3788
+ www.taylorfrancis.com | no-pdf-link | 3568
+ www.sciencedirect.com | no-pdf-link | 3128
+ www.taylorfrancis.com | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 3116
+ acervus.unicamp.br | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 2797
+ www.mdpi.com | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 2719
+ brill.com | link-loop | 2681
+ linkinghub.elsevier.com | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 2657
+ www.sciencedirect.com | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 2546
+ apps.crossref.org | no-pdf-link | 2537
+ onlinelibrary.wiley.com | blocked-cookie | 2528
+ (25 rows)
+Summary of significant domains and status, past 30 days, minus spn2-cdx-lookup-failure:
+ SELECT domain, status, count
+ FROM (
+ SELECT domain, status, COUNT((domain, status)) as count
+ FROM (
+ ingest_file_result.ingest_type,
+ ingest_file_result.status,
+ substring(ingest_file_result.terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain
+ FROM ingest_file_result
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_request
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_file_result.updated >= NOW() - '30 day'::INTERVAL
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-changelog'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status != 'spn2-cdx-lookup-failure'
+ ) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain != ''
+ GROUP BY CUBE (domain, status)
+ ) t2
+ WHERE count > 200
+ ORDER BY domain ASC , count DESC;
+ domain | status | count
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+--------
+ academic.oup.com | | 2405
+ academic.oup.com | no-pdf-link | 1240
+ academic.oup.com | link-loop | 1010
+ acervus.unicamp.br | | 21980
+ acervus.unicamp.br | no-pdf-link | 21978 **
+ aclanthology.org | | 208
+ acp.copernicus.org | | 365
+ acp.copernicus.org | success | 356
+ aip.scitation.org | | 1071
+ aip.scitation.org | blocked-cookie | 843
+ aip.scitation.org | redirect-loop | 227
+ apps.crossref.org | | 2537
+ apps.crossref.org | no-pdf-link | 2537
+ arxiv.org | | 17817
+ arxiv.org | success | 17370
+ arxiv.org | terminal-bad-status | 320
+ asmedigitalcollection.asme.org | | 401
+ asmedigitalcollection.asme.org | link-loop | 364
+ assets.researchsquare.com | | 3706
+ assets.researchsquare.com | success | 3706
+ avmj.journals.ekb.eg | | 605
+ avmj.journals.ekb.eg | success | 595
+ bfa.journals.ekb.eg | | 224
+ bfa.journals.ekb.eg | success | 214
+ biorxiv.org | redirect-loop | 895
+ biorxiv.org | | 895
+ birdsoftheworld.org | | 286
+ birdsoftheworld.org | no-pdf-link | 285
+ bmjopen.bmj.com | success | 232
+ bmjopen.bmj.com | | 232
+ books.openedition.org | | 396
+ books.openedition.org | no-pdf-link | 396
+ brill.com | | 4272
+ brill.com | link-loop | 2681
+ brill.com | no-pdf-link | 1410
+ cas.columbia.edu | | 1038
+ cas.columbia.edu | no-pdf-link | 1038 **
+ cdr.lib.unc.edu | | 513
+ cdr.lib.unc.edu | success | 469
+ chemrxiv.org | | 278
+ chemrxiv.org | success | 275
+ classiques-garnier.com | | 531
+ classiques-garnier.com | no-pdf-link | 487 *
+ content.iospress.com | | 275
+ content.iospress.com | link-loop | 230
+ cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl | | 318
+ cris.maastrichtuniversity.nl | success | 284
+ cyberleninka.ru | | 1165
+ cyberleninka.ru | success | 1134
+ deepblue.lib.umich.edu | | 289
+ dergipark.org.tr | | 1185
+ dergipark.org.tr | success | 774
+ dergipark.org.tr | no-pdf-link | 320
+ didaktorika.gr | | 688
+ didaktorika.gr | redirect-loop | 688
+ digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de | | 292
+ digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de | no-pdf-link | 292
+ direct.mit.edu | | 236
+ direct.mit.edu | no-pdf-link | 207 *
+ dl.acm.org | | 2319
+ dl.acm.org | blocked-cookie | 2230
+ dmtcs.episciences.org | | 733
+ dmtcs.episciences.org | success | 730
+ doi.ala.org.au | no-pdf-link | 2373 **
+ doi.ala.org.au | | 2373
+ doi.org | | 732
+ doi.org | terminal-bad-status | 673
+ downloads.hindawi.com | success | 1452
+ downloads.hindawi.com | | 1452
+ drive.google.com | | 216
+ drive.google.com | no-pdf-link | 211
+ dtb.bmj.com | | 674
+ dtb.bmj.com | link-loop | 669
+ easy.dans.knaw.nl | no-pdf-link | 261 *
+ easy.dans.knaw.nl | | 261
+ ebooks.marilia.unesp.br | | 688
+ ebooks.marilia.unesp.br | no-pdf-link | 688 *
+ ehp.niehs.nih.gov | | 766
+ ehp.niehs.nih.gov | blocked-cookie | 765
+ ejournal.mandalanursa.org | | 307
+ ejournal.mandalanursa.org | success | 305
+ elib.spbstu.ru | | 264
+ elib.spbstu.ru | redirect-loop | 257
+ elibrary.ru | | 1367
+ elibrary.ru | redirect-loop | 1169
+ elibrary.vdi-verlag.de | | 1251
+ elibrary.vdi-verlag.de | no-pdf-link | 646
+ elibrary.vdi-verlag.de | link-loop | 537
+ elifesciences.org | | 328
+ elifesciences.org | success | 323
+ figshare.com | | 803
+ figshare.com | no-pdf-link | 714 *
+ files.osf.io | | 745
+ files.osf.io | success | 614
+ hammer.purdue.edu | | 244
+ hammer.purdue.edu | no-pdf-link | 243
+ heiup.uni-heidelberg.de | | 277
+ heiup.uni-heidelberg.de | no-pdf-link | 268
+ hkvalidate.perfdrive.com | no-pdf-link | 370 *
+ hkvalidate.perfdrive.com | | 370
+ ieeexplore.ieee.org | | 16675
+ ieeexplore.ieee.org | spn2-error:job-failed | 12927
+ ieeexplore.ieee.org | success | 1952
+ ieeexplore.ieee.org | too-many-redirects | 1193
+ ieeexplore.ieee.org | no-pdf-link | 419
+ jamanetwork.com | | 339
+ jamanetwork.com | success | 216
+ jmstt.ntou.edu.tw | | 244
+ jmstt.ntou.edu.tw | success | 241
+ journal.ipb.ac.id | | 229
+ journal.ipb.ac.id | success | 206
+ journal.nafe.org | | 221
+ journals.aps.org | | 614
+ journals.aps.org | gateway-timeout | 495
+ journals.asm.org | | 463
+ journals.asm.org | blocked-cookie | 435
+ journals.flvc.org | | 230
+ journals.lww.com | | 1300
+ journals.lww.com | link-loop | 1284
+ journals.openedition.org | | 543
+ journals.openedition.org | success | 311
+ journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de | | 357
+ journals.ub.uni-heidelberg.de | success | 311
+ jov.arvojournals.org | | 431
+ jov.arvojournals.org | no-pdf-link | 422 *
+ kiss.kstudy.com | | 303
+ kiss.kstudy.com | no-pdf-link | 303 *
+ library.iated.org | | 364
+ library.iated.org | redirect-loop | 264
+ library.seg.org | blocked-cookie | 301
+ library.seg.org | | 301
+ link.aps.org | redirect-loop | 442
+ link.aps.org | | 442
+ linkinghub.elsevier.com | | 515
+ linkinghub.elsevier.com | gateway-timeout | 392
+ mc.sbm.org.br | | 224
+ mc.sbm.org.br | success | 224
+ mdpi-res.com | | 742
+ mdpi-res.com | success | 742
+ mdsoar.org | | 220
+ mediarep.org | | 269
+ mediarep.org | success | 264
+ medrxiv.org | redirect-loop | 290
+ medrxiv.org | | 290
+ muse.jhu.edu | | 429
+ muse.jhu.edu | terminal-bad-status | 391
+ mvmj.journals.ekb.eg | | 306
+ oapub.org | | 292
+ oapub.org | success | 289
+ onepetro.org | | 426
+ onepetro.org | link-loop | 406
+ onlinelibrary.wiley.com | | 2835
+ onlinelibrary.wiley.com | blocked-cookie | 2531
+ onlinelibrary.wiley.com | redirect-loop | 264
+ open.library.ubc.ca | | 569
+ open.library.ubc.ca | no-pdf-link | 425 *
+ opendata.uni-halle.de | | 407
+ opendata.uni-halle.de | success | 263
+ osf.io | | 49022
+ osf.io | gateway-timeout | 29810
+ osf.io | terminal-bad-status | 18731
+ osf.io | spn2-error | 247
+ osf.io | not-found | 205
+ oxford.universitypressscholarship.com | | 392
+ oxford.universitypressscholarship.com | link-loop | 233
+ panor.ru | no-pdf-link | 433 *
+ panor.ru | | 433
+ papers.ssrn.com | | 1630
+ papers.ssrn.com | link-loop | 1598
+ pdf.sciencedirectassets.com | | 3063
+ pdf.sciencedirectassets.com | success | 3063
+ peerj.com | | 464
+ peerj.com | no-pdf-link | 303 *
+ periodicos.ufpe.br | | 245
+ periodicos.ufpe.br | success | 232
+ periodicos.unb.br | | 230
+ periodicos.unb.br | success | 221
+ preprints.jmir.org | | 548
+ preprints.jmir.org | cdx-error | 499
+ publications.rwth-aachen.de | | 213
+ publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu | | 346
+ publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu | success | 314
+ publikationen.uni-tuebingen.de | | 623
+ publikationen.uni-tuebingen.de | no-pdf-link | 522 *
+ publons.com | no-pdf-link | 934 *
+ publons.com | | 934
+ pubs.acs.org | | 4507
+ pubs.acs.org | blocked-cookie | 4406
+ pubs.rsc.org | | 1638
+ pubs.rsc.org | link-loop | 1054
+ pubs.rsc.org | redirect-loop | 343
+ pubs.rsc.org | success | 201
+ repositorio.ufu.br | | 637
+ repositorio.ufu.br | success | 607
+ repository.dri.ie | | 1852
+ repository.dri.ie | no-pdf-link | 1852 **
+ repository.library.brown.edu | | 293
+ repository.library.brown.edu | no-pdf-link | 291 *
+ res.mdpi.com | | 10367
+ res.mdpi.com | success | 10360
+ retrovirology.biomedcentral.com | | 230
+ revistas.ufrj.br | | 284
+ revistas.ufrj.br | success | 283
+ revistas.uptc.edu.co | | 385
+ revistas.uptc.edu.co | success | 344
+ royalsocietypublishing.org | | 231
+ rsdjournal.org | | 347
+ rsdjournal.org | success | 343
+ s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com | | 400
+ s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com | success | 392
+ s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com | | 2096
+ s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com | success | 2091
+ s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-store-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com | | 289
+ s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-store-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com | success | 286
+ s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com | | 202
+ sage.figshare.com | | 242
+ sage.figshare.com | no-pdf-link | 241
+ sajeb.org | | 246
+ sajeb.org | no-pdf-link | 243
+ scholar.dkyobobook.co.kr | | 332
+ scholar.dkyobobook.co.kr | no-pdf-link | 328 *
+ search.mandumah.com | | 735
+ search.mandumah.com | redirect-loop | 726
+ secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com | | 1112
+ secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com | blocked-cookie | 1108
+ stm.bookpi.org | no-pdf-link | 468 *
+ stm.bookpi.org | | 468
+ storage.googleapis.com | | 1012
+ storage.googleapis.com | success | 1012
+ tandf.figshare.com | | 469
+ tandf.figshare.com | no-pdf-link | 466
+ teses.usp.br | | 739
+ teses.usp.br | success | 730
+ tidsskrift.dk | | 360
+ tidsskrift.dk | success | 346
+ tiedejaedistys.journal.fi | | 224
+ tind-customer-agecon.s3.amazonaws.com | success | 332
+ tind-customer-agecon.s3.amazonaws.com | | 332
+ valep.vc.univie.ac.at | no-pdf-link | 280
+ valep.vc.univie.ac.at | | 280
+ watermark.silverchair.com | | 1729
+ watermark.silverchair.com | success | 1719
+ www.academia.edu | | 387
+ www.academia.edu | no-pdf-link | 386
+ www.ahajournals.org | | 430
+ www.ahajournals.org | blocked-cookie | 413
+ www.atenaeditora.com.br | | 572
+ www.atenaeditora.com.br | terminal-bad-status | 513
+ www.atlantis-press.com | success | 722
+ www.atlantis-press.com | | 722
+ www.aup-online.com | | 419
+ www.aup-online.com | no-pdf-link | 419 *
+ www.beck-elibrary.de | | 269
+ www.beck-elibrary.de | no-pdf-link | 268 *
+ www.biodiversitylibrary.org | no-pdf-link | 528 *
+ www.biodiversitylibrary.org | | 528
+ www.bloomsburycollections.com | | 623
+ www.bloomsburycollections.com | no-pdf-link | 605 *
+ www.cabi.org | | 2191
+ www.cabi.org | no-pdf-link | 2186 *
+ www.cairn.info | | 1283
+ www.cairn.info | no-pdf-link | 713
+ www.cairn.info | link-loop | 345
+ www.cambridge.org | | 4128
+ www.cambridge.org | no-pdf-link | 1531
+ www.cambridge.org | success | 1441
+ www.cambridge.org | link-loop | 971
+ www.cureus.com | no-pdf-link | 526 *
+ www.cureus.com | | 526
+ www.dbpia.co.kr | | 637
+ www.dbpia.co.kr | redirect-loop | 631
+ www.deboni.he.com.br | | 382
+ www.deboni.he.com.br | success | 381
+ www.degruyter.com | | 17783
+ www.degruyter.com | no-pdf-link | 15102
+ www.degruyter.com | success | 2584
+ www.dovepress.com | | 480
+ www.dovepress.com | success | 472
+ www.e-manuscripta.ch | | 1350
+ www.e-manuscripta.ch | no-pdf-link | 1350 *
+ www.e-periodica.ch | | 1276
+ www.e-periodica.ch | no-pdf-link | 1275
+ www.e-rara.ch | | 202
+ www.e-rara.ch | no-pdf-link | 202
+ www.elgaronline.com | | 495
+ www.elgaronline.com | link-loop | 290
+ www.elibrary.ru | | 922
+ www.elibrary.ru | no-pdf-link | 904
+ www.emerald.com | | 2155
+ www.emerald.com | no-pdf-link | 1936 *
+ www.emerald.com | success | 219
+ www.eurekaselect.com | | 518
+ www.eurekaselect.com | no-pdf-link | 516 *
+ www.frontiersin.org | | 4163
+ www.frontiersin.org | no-pdf-link | 4162 **
+ www.hanser-elibrary.com | | 444
+ www.hanser-elibrary.com | blocked-cookie | 444
+ www.hanspub.org | | 334
+ www.hanspub.org | no-pdf-link | 314
+ www.idunn.no | | 1736
+ www.idunn.no | link-loop | 596
+ www.idunn.no | success | 577
+ www.idunn.no | no-pdf-link | 539
+ www.igi-global.com | terminal-bad-status | 458
+ www.igi-global.com | | 458
+ www.ijcai.org | | 533
+ www.ijcai.org | success | 532
+ www.ijraset.com | success | 385
+ www.ijraset.com | | 385
+ www.inderscience.com | | 712
+ www.inderscience.com | no-pdf-link | 605 *
+ www.ingentaconnect.com | | 456
+ www.ingentaconnect.com | no-pdf-link | 413 *
+ www.internationaljournalssrg.org | | 305
+ www.internationaljournalssrg.org | no-pdf-link | 305 *
+ www.isca-speech.org | | 2392
+ www.isca-speech.org | no-pdf-link | 2391 **
+ www.journals.uchicago.edu | | 228
+ www.journals.uchicago.edu | blocked-cookie | 227
+ www.jstage.jst.go.jp | | 1492
+ www.jstage.jst.go.jp | success | 1185
+ www.jstage.jst.go.jp | no-pdf-link | 289
+ www.jstor.org | | 301
+ www.jurology.com | | 887
+ www.jurology.com | redirect-loop | 887
+ www.karger.com | | 318
+ www.liebertpub.com | | 507
+ www.liebertpub.com | blocked-cookie | 496
+ www.morressier.com | | 4781
+ www.morressier.com | no-pdf-link | 4655 **
+ www.ncl.ecu.edu | | 413
+ www.ncl.ecu.edu | success | 413
+ www.nomos-elibrary.de | | 526
+ www.nomos-elibrary.de | no-pdf-link | 391
+ www.oecd-ilibrary.org | no-pdf-link | 1170 **
+ www.oecd-ilibrary.org | | 1170
+ www.openagrar.de | no-pdf-link | 221
+ www.openagrar.de | | 221
+ www.osapublishing.org | | 900
+ www.osapublishing.org | link-loop | 615
+ www.osapublishing.org | no-pdf-link | 269
+ www.osti.gov | | 630
+ www.osti.gov | link-loop | 573
+ www.oxfordlawtrove.com | no-pdf-link | 476 *
+ www.oxfordlawtrove.com | | 476
+ www.pdcnet.org | | 298
+ www.pdcnet.org | terminal-bad-status | 262
+ www.pedocs.de | | 203
+ www.pnas.org | | 222
+ www.preprints.org | | 372
+ www.preprints.org | success | 366
+ www.repository.cam.ac.uk | | 801
+ www.repository.cam.ac.uk | success | 359
+ www.repository.cam.ac.uk | no-pdf-link | 239
+ www.research-collection.ethz.ch | | 276
+ www.research-collection.ethz.ch | terminal-bad-status | 274
+ www.revistas.usp.br | | 207
+ www.revistas.usp.br | success | 204
+ www.rina.org.uk | no-pdf-link | 1009 **
+ www.rina.org.uk | | 1009
+ www.schweizerbart.de | no-pdf-link | 202
+ www.schweizerbart.de | | 202
+ www.scielo.br | | 544
+ www.scielo.br | redirect-loop | 526
+ www.sciencedirect.com | | 3901
+ www.sciencedirect.com | no-pdf-link | 3127 **
+ www.sciencedirect.com | link-loop | 701
+ www.sciendo.com | | 384
+ www.sciendo.com | success | 363
+ www.sciengine.com | | 225
+ www.scirp.org | | 209
+ www.spandidos-publications.com | | 205
+ www.tandfonline.com | | 8925
+ www.tandfonline.com | blocked-cookie | 8099
+ www.tandfonline.com | terminal-bad-status | 477
+ www.tandfonline.com | redirect-loop | 322
+ www.taylorfrancis.com | | 6119
+ www.taylorfrancis.com | no-pdf-link | 3567
+ www.taylorfrancis.com | link-loop | 2169
+ www.taylorfrancis.com | terminal-bad-status | 353
+ www.thieme-connect.de | | 1047
+ www.thieme-connect.de | redirect-loop | 472
+ www.thieme-connect.de | spn2-error:job-failed | 343
+ www.tib.eu | | 206
+ www.trp.org.in | | 311
+ www.trp.org.in | success | 311
+ www.un-ilibrary.org | no-pdf-link | 597 *
+ www.un-ilibrary.org | | 597
+ www.vr-elibrary.de | | 775
+ www.vr-elibrary.de | blocked-cookie | 774
+ www.wjgnet.com | | 204
+ www.wjgnet.com | no-pdf-link | 204
+ www.worldscientific.com | | 974
+ www.worldscientific.com | blocked-cookie | 971
+ www.worldwidejournals.com | | 242
+ www.worldwidejournals.com | no-pdf-link | 203
+ www.wto-ilibrary.org | no-pdf-link | 295
+ www.wto-ilibrary.org | | 295
+ www.zora.uzh.ch | | 222
+ zenodo.org | | 49460
+ zenodo.org | no-pdf-link | 39721
+ zenodo.org | success | 8954
+ zenodo.org | wrong-mimetype | 562
+ | | 445919
+ | no-pdf-link | 168035
+ | success | 140875
+ | gateway-timeout | 31809
+ | blocked-cookie | 26431
+ | terminal-bad-status | 25625
+ | link-loop | 19006
+ | spn2-error:job-failed | 13962
+ | redirect-loop | 12512
+ | wrong-mimetype | 2302
+ | spn2-error | 1689
+ | too-many-redirects | 1203
+ | bad-redirect | 732
+ | cdx-error | 539
+ | not-found | 420
+ | spn2-error:no-status | 256
+ (419 rows)
+Get random subsets by terminal domain:
+ \x auto
+ ingest_request.link_source_id AS link_source_id,
+ ingest_request.base_url as base_url ,
+ ingest_file_result.terminal_url as terminal_url
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.created >= NOW() - '30 day'::INTERVAL
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-changelog'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'no-pdf-link'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url LIKE '%//DOMAIN/%'
+ ORDER BY random()
+ LIMIT 5;
+## acervus.unicamp.br
+Previously flagged as messy (2021-05_daily_improvements.md)
+## cas.columbia.edu
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.7916/d8-2ety-qm51
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.7916/d8-2ety-qm51
+terminal_url | https://cas.columbia.edu/cas/login?TARGET=https%3A%2F%2Fdlc.library.columbia.edu%2Fusers%2Fauth%2Fsaml%2Fcallback
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.7916/d8-0zf6-d167
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.7916/d8-0zf6-d167
+terminal_url | https://cas.columbia.edu/cas/login?TARGET=https%3A%2F%2Fdlc.library.columbia.edu%2Fusers%2Fauth%2Fsaml%2Fcallback
+-[ RECORD 3 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.7916/d8-k6ha-sn43
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.7916/d8-k6ha-sn43
+terminal_url | https://cas.columbia.edu/cas/login?TARGET=https%3A%2F%2Fdlc.library.columbia.edu%2Fusers%2Fauth%2Fsaml%2Fcallback
+-[ RECORD 4 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.7916/d8-bj6t-eb07
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.7916/d8-bj6t-eb07
+terminal_url | https://cas.columbia.edu/cas/login?TARGET=https%3A%2F%2Fdlc.library.columbia.edu%2Fusers%2Fauth%2Fsaml%2Fcallback
+-[ RECORD 5 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.7916/d8-xjac-j502
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.7916/d8-xjac-j502
+terminal_url | https://cas.columbia.edu/cas/login?TARGET=https%3A%2F%2Fdlc.library.columbia.edu%2Fusers%2Fauth%2Fsaml%2Fcallback
+these are not public (loginwalls)
+DONE: '/login?TARGET=' as a login wall pattern
+## doi.ala.org.au
+Previously flagged as dataset repository; datacite metadata is wrong. (2021-05_daily_improvements.md)
+NOTE: look at ingesting datasets
+## www.isca-speech.org
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.21437/interspeech.2014-84
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.21437/interspeech.2014-84
+terminal_url | https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/interspeech_2014/li14b_interspeech.html
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.21437/interspeech.2004-319
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.21437/interspeech.2004-319
+terminal_url | https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/interspeech_2004/delcroix04_interspeech.html
+-[ RECORD 3 ]--+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.21437/interspeech.2006-372
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.21437/interspeech.2006-372
+terminal_url | https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/interspeech_2006/lei06c_interspeech.html
+-[ RECORD 4 ]--+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.21437/interspeech.2015-588
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.21437/interspeech.2015-588
+terminal_url | https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/interspeech_2015/polzehl15b_interspeech.html
+-[ RECORD 5 ]--+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.21437/interspeech.2006-468
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.21437/interspeech.2006-468
+terminal_url | https://www.isca-speech.org/archive/interspeech_2006/chitturi06b_interspeech.html
+Bespoke site. Added rule to sandcrawler.
+NOTE: re-ingest/recrawl all isca-speech.org no-pdf-link terminal URLs (fatcat-ingest?)
+## www.morressier.com
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.1115/1.0002858v
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.1115/1.0002858v
+terminal_url | https://www.morressier.com/article/development-new-single-highdensity-heatflux-gauges-unsteady-heat-transfer-measurements-rotating-transonic-turbine/60f162805d86378f03b49af5
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.1115/1.0003896v
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.1115/1.0003896v
+terminal_url | https://www.morressier.com/article/experimental-investigation-proton-exchange-membrane-fuel-cell-platinum-nafion-along-inplane-direction/60f16d555d86378f03b50038
+-[ RECORD 3 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.1115/1.0004476v
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.1115/1.0004476v
+terminal_url | https://www.morressier.com/article/effect-air-release-agents-performance-results-fabric-lined-bushings/60f16d585d86378f03b502d5
+-[ RECORD 4 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.1115/1.0001286v
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.1115/1.0001286v
+terminal_url | https://www.morressier.com/article/development-verification-modelling-practice-cfd-calculations-obtain-current-loads-fpso/60f15d3fe537565438d70ece
+-[ RECORD 5 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.1115/1.0000315v
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.1115/1.0000315v
+terminal_url | https://www.morressier.com/article/fire-event-analysis-fire-frequency-estimation-japanese-nuclear-power-plant/60f15a6f5d86378f03b43874
+Many of these seem to be presentations, as both video and slides. PDFs seem broken though.
+NOTE: add to list of interesting rich media to crawl/preserve (video+slides+data)
+## www.oecd-ilibrary.org
+Paywall (2021-05_daily_improvements.md)
+## www.rina.org.uk
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3940/rina.ws.2002.10
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3940/rina.ws.2002.10
+terminal_url | https://www.rina.org.uk/showproducts.html?product=4116
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3940/rina.pass.2003.16
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3940/rina.pass.2003.16
+terminal_url | https://www.rina.org.uk/showproducts.html?product=3566
+-[ RECORD 3 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3940/rina.icsotin.2013.15
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3940/rina.icsotin.2013.15
+terminal_url | https://www.rina.org.uk/showproducts.html?product=8017
+-[ RECORD 4 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3940/rina.wfa.2010.23
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3940/rina.wfa.2010.23
+terminal_url | https://www.rina.org.uk/showproducts.html?product=8177
+-[ RECORD 5 ]--+-------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3940/rina.icsotin15.2015.01
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3940/rina.icsotin15.2015.01
+terminal_url | https://www.rina.org.uk/showproducts.html?product=7883
+Site is broken in some way
+## www.sciencedirect.com
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.1016/j.jhlste.2021.100332
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhlste.2021.100332
+terminal_url | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1473837621000332
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.1016/j.hazadv.2021.100006
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hazadv.2021.100006
+terminal_url | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2772416621000061/pdfft?md5=e51bfd495bb53073c7a379d25cb11a32&pid=1-s2.0-S2772416621000061-main.pdf
+-[ RECORD 3 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.1016/b978-0-12-822844-9.00009-8
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-12-822844-9.00009-8
+terminal_url | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128228449000098
+-[ RECORD 4 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.1016/j.colcom.2021.100490
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colcom.2021.100490
+terminal_url | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2215038221001308
+-[ RECORD 5 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.1016/b978-0-323-85245-6.00012-6
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.1016/b978-0-323-85245-6.00012-6
+terminal_url | https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780323852456000126
+These no-pdf-url ones seem to just be not OA, which is expected for much of the
+## repository.dri.ie
+ link_source_id | base_url | terminal_url
+ 10.7486/dri.t148v5941 | https://doi.org/10.7486/dri.t148v5941 | https://repository.dri.ie/catalog/t148v5941
+ 10.7486/dri.2z119c98f | https://doi.org/10.7486/dri.2z119c98f | https://repository.dri.ie/catalog/2z119c98f
+ 10.7486/dri.qf8621102 | https://doi.org/10.7486/dri.qf8621102 | https://repository.dri.ie/catalog/qf8621102
+ 10.7486/dri.js95m457t | https://doi.org/10.7486/dri.js95m457t | https://repository.dri.ie/catalog/js95m457t
+ 10.7486/dri.c534vb726 | https://doi.org/10.7486/dri.c534vb726 | https://repository.dri.ie/catalog/c534vb726
+"Digital repository of Ireland"
+Historical scanned content. Bespoke site. Fixed.
+NOTE: recrawl/retry this domain
+## www.frontiersin.org
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3389/978-2-88971-147-5
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3389/978-2-88971-147-5
+terminal_url | https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/9081/neuroimaging-approaches-to-the-study-of-tinnitus-and-hyperacusis
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3389/fnins.2021.722592
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3389/fnins.2021.722592
+terminal_url | https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2021.722592/full
+-[ RECORD 3 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3389/fcell.2021.683209
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2021.683209
+terminal_url | https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcell.2021.683209/full
+-[ RECORD 4 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3389/fmicb.2021.692474
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2021.692474
+terminal_url | https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2021.692474/full
+-[ RECORD 5 ]--+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3389/fneur.2021.676527
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2021.676527
+terminal_url | https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fneur.2021.676527/full
+All the `/research-topics/` URLs are out of scope.
+NOTE: recrawl missing frontiersin.org articles for PDFs
+NOTE: recrawl missing frontiersin.org articles for XML (?)
+## direct.mit.edu
+Previously "not available" (2021-05_daily_improvements.md)
+## figshare.com
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.6084/m9.figshare.15052236.v6
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.15052236.v6
+terminal_url | https://figshare.com/articles/software/RCL-tree_rar/15052236/6
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.6084/m9.figshare.14907846.v5
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.14907846.v5
+terminal_url | https://figshare.com/articles/book/Conservation_of_Limestone_Ecosystems_of_Malaysia_Part_I_Acknowledgements_Methodology_Overview_of_limestone_outcrops_in_Malaysia_References_Detailed_information_on_limestone_outcrops_of_the_states_Johor_Negeri_Sembilan_Terengganu_Selangor_Pe/14907846/5
+-[ RECORD 3 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.6084/m9.figshare.15157614.v1
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.15157614.v1
+terminal_url | https://figshare.com/articles/software/code_for_NN-A72265C/15157614/1
+-[ RECORD 4 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.6084/m9.figshare.15172926.v1
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.15172926.v1
+terminal_url | https://figshare.com/articles/preprint/History_of_the_internet/15172926/1
+-[ RECORD 5 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.6084/m9.figshare.16532574.v1
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.16532574.v1
+terminal_url | https://figshare.com/articles/media/Helen_McConnell_How_many_trees_do_you_think_you_have_planted_/16532574/1
+NOTE: can determine from the redirect URL, I guess. This is helpful for ingest!
+Could also potentially correct fatcat release_type using this info.
+We seem to be getting the ones we can (eg, papers) just fine
+## hkvalidate.perfdrive.com
+Should be skipping/bailing on this domain, but not for some reason.
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3847/1538-4357/ac05cc
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ac05cc
+terminal_url | https://hkvalidate.perfdrive.com/?ssa=1716a049-aeaa-4a89-8f82-bd733adaa2e7&ssb=43981203877&ssc=https%3A%2F%2Fiopscience.iop.org%2Farticle%2F10.3847%2F1538-4357%2Fac05cc&ssi=0774dd12-8427-4e27-a2ac-759c8cc2ec0e&ssk=support@shieldsquare.com&ssm=07370915269044035109047683305266&ssn=e69c743cc3d66619f960f924b562160d637e8d7f1b0f-d3bb-44d4-b075ed&sso=75a8bd85-4a097fb40f99bfb9c97b0a4ca0a38fd6d79513a466e82cc7&ssp=92054607321628531005162856888275586&ssq=33809984098158010864140981653938424553916&ssr=MjA3LjI0MS4yMjUuMTM5&sst=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/74.0.3729.169%20Safari/537.36&ssv=&ssw=
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3847/1538-4357/ac0429
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ac0429
+terminal_url | https://hkvalidate.perfdrive.com/?ssa=12bca70d-0af4-4241-9c9b-384befd96a88&ssb=92559232428&ssc=https%3A%2F%2Fiopscience.iop.org%2Farticle%2F10.3847%2F1538-4357%2Fac0429&ssi=cff72ab0-8427-4acd-a0e7-db1b04cf7ce7&ssk=support@shieldsquare.com&ssm=27895673282814430105287068829605&ssn=9af36a8e10efd239c9367a2f31dde500f7455c4d5f45-bf11-4b99-ad29ea&sso=26bd22d2-b23e1bd9558f2fd9ed0768ef1acecb24715d1d463328a229&ssp=16502500621628222613162823304820671&ssq=11469693950387070477339503456478590533604&ssr=MjA3LjI0MS4yMjUuMTYw&sst=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/74.0.3729.169%20Safari/537.36&ssv=&ssw=
+-[ RECORD 3 ]--+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.1149/1945-7111/ac1a85
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.1149/1945-7111/ac1a85
+terminal_url | https://hkvalidate.perfdrive.com/?ssa=b0fef51a-0f44-476e-b951-3341bde6aa67&ssb=84929220393&ssc=https%3A%2F%2Fiopscience.iop.org%2Farticle%2F10.1149%2F1945-7111%2Fac1a85&ssi=48c05577-8427-4421-acd3-735ca29a46e6&ssk=support@shieldsquare.com&ssm=81129482524077974103852241068134&ssn=cf6c261d2b20d518b2ebe57e40ffaec9ab4cd1955dcb-7877-4f5b-bc3b1e&sso=1d196cae-6850f1ed8143e460f2bfbb61a8ae15cfe6b53d3bcdc528ca&ssp=99289867941628195224162819241830491&ssq=16897595632212421273956322948987630170313&ssr=MjA3LjI0MS4yMjUuMjM2&sst=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/74.0.3729.169%20Safari/537.36&ssv=&ssw=
+-[ RECORD 4 ]--+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.35848/1882-0786/ac1b0d
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.35848/1882-0786/ac1b0d
+terminal_url | https://hkvalidate.perfdrive.com/?ssa=6debdd23-c46b-4b40-b73c-d5540f04454e&ssb=95627212532&ssc=https%3A%2F%2Fiopscience.iop.org%2Farticle%2F10.35848%2F1882-0786%2Fac1b0d&ssi=78b34ff9-8427-4d07-a0db-78a3aa2c7332&ssk=support@shieldsquare.com&ssm=54055111549093989106852695053789&ssn=cb51949e15a02cb99a8d0b57c4d06327b72e8d5c87a8-d006-4ffa-939ffb&sso=1b7fd62d-8107746fe28fca252fd45ffa403937e272bf75b452b68d4a&ssp=77377533171628212164162820021422494&ssq=02679025218797637682252187852000657274192&ssr=MjA3LjI0MS4yMzMuMTIx&sst=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/74.0.3729.169%20Safari/537.36&ssv=&ssw=
+-[ RECORD 5 ]--+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.3847/1538-4357/ac05ba
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.3847/1538-4357/ac05ba
+terminal_url | https://hkvalidate.perfdrive.com/?ssa=f127eb3d-6a05-459d-97f2-499715c04b13&ssb=06802230353&ssc=https%3A%2F%2Fiopscience.iop.org%2Farticle%2F10.3847%2F1538-4357%2Fac05ba&ssi=8d087719-8427-4046-91fb-5e96af401560&ssk=support@shieldsquare.com&ssm=21056861072205974105064006574997&ssn=d05a73cff6d9af57acd6e2c366e716176752e1164d39-b9a7-408c-837d11&sso=d3f38d1e-a562a19195042d7e471a5e4fab03b6ca16ff1711c7c61804&ssp=68781137401628744693162877909483738&ssq=79454859841502433261398415426689546750534&ssr=MjA3LjI0MS4yMzIuMTg5&sst=Mozilla/5.0%20(Windows%20NT%2010.0;%20Win64;%20x64)%20AppleWebKit/537.36%20(KHTML,%20like%20Gecko)%20Chrome/74.0.3729.169%20Safari/537.36&ssv=&ssw=
+Was failing to check against blocklist again at the end of attempts.
+Could retry all these to update status, but probably not worth it.
+## jov.arvojournals.org
+ link_source_id | base_url | terminal_url
+ 10.1167/jov.21.9.1933 | https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.21.9.1933 | https://jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2777021
+ 10.1167/jov.21.9.2910 | https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.21.9.2910 | https://jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2777561
+ 10.1167/jov.21.9.1895 | https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.21.9.1895 | https://jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2777057
+ 10.1167/jov.21.9.2662 | https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.21.9.2662 | https://jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2777793
+ 10.1167/jov.21.9.2246 | https://doi.org/10.1167/jov.21.9.2246 | https://jov.arvojournals.org/article.aspx?articleid=2777441
+These seem to just not be published/available yet.
+But they also use watermark.silverchair.com
+NOTE: re-crawl (force-retry?) all non-recent papers with fatcat-ingest
+NOTE: for watermark.silverchair.com terminal bad-status, re-crawl from initial URL (base_url) using heritrix
+## kiss.kstudy.com
+Previously unable to download (2021-05_daily_improvements.md)
+## open.library.ubc.ca
+ link_source_id | base_url | terminal_url
+ 10.14288/1.0400664 | https://doi.org/10.14288/1.0400664 | https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/bcnewspapers/nelsondaily/items/1.0400664
+ 10.14288/1.0401189 | https://doi.org/10.14288/1.0401189 | https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/bcnewspapers/nelsondaily/items/1.0401189
+ 10.14288/1.0401487 | https://doi.org/10.14288/1.0401487 | https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/48630/items/1.0401487
+ 10.14288/1.0400994 | https://doi.org/10.14288/1.0400994 | https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/bcnewspapers/nelsondaily/items/1.0400994
+ 10.14288/1.0401312 | https://doi.org/10.14288/1.0401312 | https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/bcnewspapers/nelsondaily/items/1.0401312
+Historical newspapers, out of scope?
+Video content:
+Another video: https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/48630/items/1.0400764
+NOTE: add video link to alternative content demo ingest: https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/48630/items/1.0400764
+NOTE: handle this related withdrawn notice? https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/48630/items/1.0401512
+## panor.ru
+ link_source_id | base_url | terminal_url
+ 10.33920/med-14-2108-06 | https://doi.org/10.33920/med-14-2108-06 | https://panor.ru/articles/otsenka-dinamiki-pokazateley-morfofunktsionalnykh-kharakteristik-kozhi-upatsientov-s-spr-pod-vliyaniem-kompleksnoy-fototerapii/66351.html
+ 10.33920/nik-02-2105-01 | https://doi.org/10.33920/nik-02-2105-01 | https://panor.ru/articles/innovatsionnost-obrazovatelnykh-tekhnologiy-kak-istoricheski-oposredovannyy-fenomen/65995.html
+ 10.33920/pro-1-2101-10 | https://doi.org/10.33920/pro-1-2101-10 | https://panor.ru/articles/obespechenie-bezopasnosti-na-promyshlennykh-predpriyatiyakh-s-pomoshchyu-sredstv-individualnoy-zashchity/66299.html
+ 10.33920/sel-4-2008-04 | https://doi.org/10.33920/sel-4-2008-04 | https://panor.ru/articles/osobennosti-regulirovaniya-zemelnykh-otnosheniy-na-prigranichnykh-territoriyakh-rossiyskoy-federatsii/66541.html
+ 10.33920/pro-2-2104-03 | https://doi.org/10.33920/pro-2-2104-03 | https://panor.ru/articles/organizatsiya-samorazvivayushchegosya-proizvodstva-v-realnykh-usloviyakh/65054.html
+"The full version of the article is available only to subscribers of the journal"
+## peerj.com
+Previously: this is HTML of reviews (2021-05_daily_improvements.md)
+NOTE: Should be HTML ingest, possibly special case scope
+## publons.com
+Previously: this is HTML (2021-05_daily_improvements.md)
+NOTE: Should be HTML ingest, possibly special case scope (length of works)
+## stm.bookpi.org
+ link_source_id | base_url | terminal_url
+ 10.9734/bpi/nfmmr/v7/11547d | https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/nfmmr/v7/11547d | https://stm.bookpi.org/NFMMR-V7/article/view/3231
+ 10.9734/bpi/ecafs/v1/9773d | https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/ecafs/v1/9773d | https://stm.bookpi.org/ECAFS-V1/article/view/3096
+ 10.9734/bpi/mpebm/v5/3391f | https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/mpebm/v5/3391f | https://stm.bookpi.org/MPEBM-V5/article/view/3330
+ 10.9734/bpi/castr/v13/3282f | https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/castr/v13/3282f | https://stm.bookpi.org/CASTR-V13/article/view/2810
+ 10.9734/bpi/hmms/v13 | https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/hmms/v13 | https://stm.bookpi.org/HMMS-V13/issue/view/274
+These are... just abstracts of articles within a book? Weird. Maybe sketchy? DOIs via Crossref
+## www.cabi.org
+ link_source_id | base_url | terminal_url
+ 10.1079/dfb/20133414742 | https://doi.org/10.1079/dfb/20133414742 | https://www.cabi.org/cabreviews/review/20133414742
+ 10.1079/dmpd/20056500471 | https://doi.org/10.1079/dmpd/20056500471 | https://www.cabi.org/cabreviews/review/20056500471
+ 10.1079/dmpp/20056600544 | https://doi.org/10.1079/dmpp/20056600544 | https://www.cabi.org/cabreviews/review/20056600544
+ 10.1079/dmpd/20056500117 | https://doi.org/10.1079/dmpd/20056500117 | https://www.cabi.org/cabreviews/review/20056500117
+ 10.1079/dmpp20056600337 | https://doi.org/10.1079/dmpp20056600337 | https://www.cabi.org/cabreviews/review/20056600337
+Reviews? but just abstracts?
+## www.cureus.com
+-[ RECORD 1 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.7759/cureus.17547
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.17547
+terminal_url | https://www.cureus.com/articles/69542-tramadol-induced-jerks
+-[ RECORD 2 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.7759/cureus.16867
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.16867
+terminal_url | https://www.cureus.com/articles/66793-advanced-squamous-cell-carcinoma-of-gall-bladder-masquerading-as-liver-abscess-with-review-of-literature-review-on-advanced-biliary-tract-cancer
+-[ RECORD 3 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.7759/cureus.17425
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.17425
+terminal_url | https://www.cureus.com/articles/67438-attitudes-and-knowledge-of-medical-students-towards-healthcare-for-lesbian-gay-bisexual-and-transgender-seniors-impact-of-a-case-based-discussion-with-facilitators-from-the-community
+-[ RECORD 4 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.7759/cureus.17313
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.17313
+terminal_url | https://www.cureus.com/articles/67258-utilizing-google-trends-to-track-online-interest-in-elective-hand-surgery-during-the-covid-19-pandemic
+-[ RECORD 5 ]--+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+link_source_id | 10.7759/cureus.16943
+base_url | https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.16943
+terminal_url | https://www.cureus.com/articles/19364-small-bowel-obstruction-a-rare-presentation-of-the-inferior-pancreaticoduodenal-artery-pseudoaneurysm-bleed
+Ugh, stupid "email to get PDF". but ingest seems to work anyways?
+NOTE: re-crawl/re-ingest all (eg, fatcat-ingest or similar)
+## www.e-manuscripta.ch
+ link_source_id | base_url | terminal_url
+ 10.7891/e-manuscripta-114031 | https://doi.org/10.7891/e-manuscripta-114031 | https://www.e-manuscripta.ch/swa/doi/10.7891/e-manuscripta-114031
+ 10.7891/e-manuscripta-112064 | https://doi.org/10.7891/e-manuscripta-112064 | https://www.e-manuscripta.ch/zut/doi/10.7891/e-manuscripta-112064
+ 10.7891/e-manuscripta-112176 | https://doi.org/10.7891/e-manuscripta-112176 | https://www.e-manuscripta.ch/zut/doi/10.7891/e-manuscripta-112176
+ 10.7891/e-manuscripta-115200 | https://doi.org/10.7891/e-manuscripta-115200 | https://www.e-manuscripta.ch/swa/doi/10.7891/e-manuscripta-115200
+ 10.7891/e-manuscripta-114008 | https://doi.org/10.7891/e-manuscripta-114008 | https://www.e-manuscripta.ch/swa/doi/10.7891/e-manuscripta-114008
+Historical docs, single pages, but do have full PDF downloads.
+NOTE: re-ingest
+## www.inderscience.com
+Previously: paywall (2021-05_daily_improvements.md)
+## www.un-ilibrary.org
+ link_source_id | base_url | terminal_url
+ 10.18356/9789210550307 | https://doi.org/10.18356/9789210550307 | https://www.un-ilibrary.org/content/books/9789210550307
+ 10.18356/9789210586719c011 | https://doi.org/10.18356/9789210586719c011 | https://www.un-ilibrary.org/content/books/9789210586719c011
+ 10.18356/9789210058575c014 | https://doi.org/10.18356/9789210058575c014 | https://www.un-ilibrary.org/content/books/9789210058575c014
+ 10.18356/9789210550307c020 | https://doi.org/10.18356/9789210550307c020 | https://www.un-ilibrary.org/content/books/9789210550307c020
+ 10.18356/9789213631423c005 | https://doi.org/10.18356/9789213631423c005 | https://www.un-ilibrary.org/content/books/9789213631423c005
+Books and chapters. Doesn't seem to have actual download ability?
+# Re-Ingest / Re-Crawl
+Using fatcat-ingest helper tool.
+- www.isca-speech.org doi_prefix:10.21437
+ doi:* doi_prefix:10.21437 in_ia:false
+ 9,233
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --allow-non-oa query 'doi:* doi_prefix:10.21437' > /srv/fatcat/tasks/2021-09-03_ingest_isca.json
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 9221, 'elasticsearch_release': 9221, 'estimate': 9221})
+- repository.dri.ie doi_prefix:10.7486
+ doi:* in_ia:false doi_prefix:10.7486
+ 56,532
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --allow-non-oa query 'doi:* doi_prefix:10.7486' > /srv/fatcat/tasks/2021-09-03_ingest_dri.json
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 56532, 'elasticsearch_release': 56532, 'estimate': 56532})
+- *.arvojournals.org doi_prefix:10.1167 (force recrawl if no-pdf-link)
+ 25,598
+ many are meeting abstracts
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --allow-non-oa query doi_prefix:10.1167 > /srv/fatcat/tasks/2021-09-03_ingest_arvo.json
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 25598, 'elasticsearch_release': 25598, 'estimate': 25598})
+- www.cureus.com doi_prefix:10.7759
+ 1,537
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --allow-non-oa query doi_prefix:10.7759 > /srv/fatcat/tasks/2021-09-03_ingest_cureus.json
+ => Counter({'ingest_request': 1535, 'elasticsearch_release': 1535, 'estimate': 1535})
+- www.e-manuscripta.ch doi_prefix:10.7891 10.7891/e-manuscripta
+ 110,945
+ TODO: all are marked 'unpublished', but that is actually probably right?
+- www.frontiersin.org doi_prefix:10.3389 (both PDF and XML!)
+ doi:* in_ia:false doi_prefix:10.3389
+ 212,370
+ doi:10.3389/conf.* => most seem to be just abstracts? how many like this?
+ container_id:kecnf6vtpngn7j2avgfpdyw5ym => "topics" (2.2k)
+ fatcat-cli search release 'doi:* in_ia:false doi_prefix:10.3389 !container_id:kecnf6vtpngn7j2avgfpdyw5ym' --index-json -n0 | jq '[.ident, .container_id, .doi] | @tsv' -r | rg -v 10.3389/conf | pv -l | gzip > frontiers_to_crawl.tsv.gz
+ => 191k
+ but many might be components? this is actually kind of a mess
+ fatcat-cli search release 'doi:* in_ia:false doi_prefix:10.3389 !container_id:kecnf6vtpngn7j2avgfpdyw5ym !type:component stage:published' --index-json -n0 | jq '[.ident, .container_id, .doi] | @tsv' -r | rg -v 10.3389/conf | pv -l | gzip > frontiers_to_crawl.tsv.gz
+ => 19.2k
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --allow-non-oa query 'doi:* in_ia:false doi_prefix:10.3389 !container_id:kecnf6vtpngn7j2avgfpdyw5ym !type:component stage:published' | rg -v 10.3389/conf > /srv/fatcat/tasks/2021-09-03_frontiers.json
+# Remaining Tasks / Domains (TODO)
+more complex crawling/content:
+- add video link to alternative content demo ingest: https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/48630/items/1.0400764
+- watermark.silverchair.com: if terminal-bad-status, then do recrawl via heritrix with base_url
+- www.morressier.com: interesting site for rich web crawling/preservation (video+slides+data)
+- doi.ala.org.au: possible dataset ingest source
+- peerj.com, at least reviews, should be HTML ingest? or are some PDF?
+- publons.com should be HTML ingest, possibly special case for scope
+- frontiersin.org: any 'component' releases with PDF file are probably a metadata bug
+other tasks:
+- handle this related withdrawn notice? https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/48630/items/1.0401512
+- push/deploy sandcrawler changes
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2021-09-03_patch_crawl.md b/notes/ingest/2021-09-03_patch_crawl.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d36f427
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2021-09-03_patch_crawl.md
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+Going to run a combined crawl for `no-capture`, `no-pdf-link` and similar URL
+As a reminder, significant refactor of PDF URL extraction happened around
+Oct/Nov 2020, so things not re-ingested since then should be retried.
+1. first bulk re-process `no-pdf-link` statuses from OAI-PMH crawl past OA DOI past crawls
+2. then heritrix crawl of old URLs from all sources (see status codes below)
+3. bulk ingest specific sources and statuses (see below)
+Status codes to crawl, with potentially split separate batches:
+ no-capture
+ IA errors
+ cdx-error
+ wayback-error
+ wayback-content-error
+ petabox-error
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure
+ gateway-timeout
+Then, bulk ingest from these sources matching the above patterns, in this order:
+- OA DOI (fatcat-ingest or fatcat-changelog source; will result in import)
+- unpaywall (will result in import)
+- MAG
+Current combined domain skip list (SQL filter syntax), for which we don't want
+to bother retrying:
+ '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ '%ahajournals.org%'
+ '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ '%academic.oup.com%'
+ '%tandfonline.com%'
+ '%://orcid.org/%'
+ '%://doaj.org/%'
+ '%://archive.org/%'
+ '%://web.archive.org/%'
+ '%://www.archive.org/%'
+## DOI Ingest Status (2021-09-08)
+Recently did some analysis of OAI-PMH overall status, so can re-do comparisons
+there easily. What about overall DOI ingest? Would like counts so we can
+compare before/after.
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-ingest'
+ OR ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-changelog'
+ )
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------------+----------
+ no-pdf-link | 10516478
+ success | 5690862
+ redirect-loop | 1827192
+ no-capture | 1215179
+ terminal-bad-status | 650104
+ link-loop | 610251
+ blocked-cookie | 353681
+ gateway-timeout | 341319
+ too-many-redirects | 307895
+ forbidden | 306710
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 282955
+ not-found | 273667
+ cdx-error | 269082
+ skip-url-blocklist | 265689
+ spn2-error | 87759
+ wrong-mimetype | 68993
+ spn2-error:too-many-redirects | 58064
+ wayback-error | 54152
+ spn2-wayback-error | 51752
+ remote-server-error | 45683
+ (20 rows)
+## `no-pdf-link` re-try bulk ingest
+Specifically for past OAI-PMH and OA DOI crawls.
+What are top terminal domains that would be retried? So that we can filter out
+large ones we don't want to bother retrying.
+ SELECT domain, COUNT(domain)
+ FROM (
+ substring(ingest_file_result.terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'no-pdf-link'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ OR (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-ingest'
+ OR ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-changelog'
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repec:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:n/a:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:krm.or.kr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hypotheses.org:%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%europmc.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%arxiv.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE 'https://doi.org/10.%'
+ ) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain != ''
+ GROUP BY domain
+ LIMIT 40;
+ domain | count
+ ---------------------------------------+--------
+ ssl.fao.org | 862277
+ www.e-periodica.ch | 828110
+ zenodo.org | 686701
+ plutof.ut.ee | 685440
+ www.gbif.org | 669727
+ dlc.library.columbia.edu | 536018
+ figshare.com | 383181
+ juser.fz-juelich.de | 351519
+ statisticaldatasets.data-planet.com | 320415
+ espace.library.uq.edu.au | 310767
+ invenio.nusl.cz | 309731
+ doi.pangaea.de | 306311
+ igi.indrastra.com | 297872
+ bib-pubdb1.desy.de | 273565
+ t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp | 271907
+ digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de | 265519
+ www.sciencedirect.com | 263847
+ publikationen.bibliothek.kit.edu | 229960
+ www.plate-archive.org | 209231
+ www.degruyter.com | 189776
+ spectradspace.lib.imperial.ac.uk:8443 | 187086
+ hal.archives-ouvertes.fr | 185513
+ open.library.ubc.ca | 172821
+ lup.lub.lu.se | 170063
+ books.openedition.org | 169501
+ orbi.uliege.be | 161443
+ freidok.uni-freiburg.de | 150310
+ library.wur.nl | 124318
+ digital.library.pitt.edu | 116406
+ www.research.manchester.ac.uk | 115869
+ www.bibliotecavirtualdeandalucia.es | 114527
+ repository.tue.nl | 112157
+ www.google.com | 111569
+ easy.dans.knaw.nl | 109608
+ springernature.figshare.com | 108597
+ nbn-resolving.org | 107544
+ scholarbank.nus.edu.sg | 107299
+ bibliotecavirtualdefensa.es | 105501
+ biblio.ugent.be | 100854
+ ruj.uj.edu.pl | 99500
+ (40 rows)
+For a number of these domains, we do not expect any PDFs to be found, but are
+going to re-ingest anyways so they get marked as 'blocked-*' in result table:
+- ssl.fao.org
+- plutof.ut.ee
+- www.gbif.org
+But some we are just going to skip anyways, because there *could* be PDFs, but
+probably *aren't*:
+- zenodo.org
+- t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp
+- www.google.com
+- figshare.com
+- springernature.figshare.com
+Dump ingest requests:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'no-pdf-link'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ OR (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-ingest'
+ OR ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-changelog'
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repec:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:n/a:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:krm.or.kr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hypotheses.org:%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%europmc.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%arxiv.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE 'https://doi.org/10.%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%zenodo.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.google.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%figshare.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%springernature.figshare.com%'
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2021-09-08.rows.json';
+ => COPY 18040676
+Transform and start ingest:
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2021-09-08.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2021-09-08.ingest_request.json
+ => 18.0M 0:06:45 [44.5k/s]
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2021-09-08.ingest_request.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests -p -1
+ => DONE
+## Progress Check
+OAI-PMH query:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repec:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:n/a:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:krm.or.kr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hypotheses.org:%'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+----------
+ success | 13258356
+ no-pdf-link | 8685519
+ no-capture | 4765663
+ redirect-loop | 1557731
+ terminal-bad-status | 803373
+ link-loop | 453999
+ wrong-mimetype | 440230
+ null-body | 71457
+ cdx-error | 18426
+ | 15275
+ petabox-error | 13408
+ wayback-error | 11845
+ blocked-cookie | 11580
+ skip-url-blocklist | 7761
+ wayback-content-error | 383
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 362
+ gateway-timeout | 320
+ body-too-large | 207
+ spn2-error:job-failed | 191
+ redirects-exceeded | 120
+ (20 rows)
+OAI-PMH compared to a couple weeks ago:
+ 13258356-12872279 = +386,077 success
+ 8685519-9329602 = -644,083 no-pdf-link
+ 4765663-4696362 = +69,301 no-capture
+ 803373-660418 = +142,955 terminal-bad-status
+OA DOI ingest:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-ingest'
+ OR ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-changelog'
+ )
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------------+---------
+ no-pdf-link | 6693547
+ success | 5979016
+ skip-url-blocklist | 3080986
+ no-capture | 1876914
+ redirect-loop | 1872817
+ terminal-bad-status | 656674
+ link-loop | 624290
+ blocked-cookie | 448001
+ gateway-timeout | 351896
+ too-many-redirects | 307895
+ forbidden | 306710
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 301312
+ cdx-error | 279766
+ not-found | 273667
+ wrong-mimetype | 83289
+ spn2-error | 76806
+ spn2-error:too-many-redirects | 58064
+ wayback-error | 54278
+ spn2-wayback-error | 51768
+ remote-server-error | 45683
+ (20 rows)
+OA DOI changes:
+ 5979016-5690862 = +288,154 success
+ 6693547-10516478 = -3,822,931 no-pdf-link (still many!)
+ 1876914-1215179 = +661,735 no-capture
+ 3080986-265689 = +2,815,297 skip-url-blocklist
+Overall about half a million new 'success', pretty good. over 750k new
+no-capture for crawling.
+## Seedlist Dumps
+Note that this is just seedlists, not full ingest requests.
+ COPY (
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.terminal_url
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-content-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'petabox-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'spn2-cdx-lookup-failure'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'gateway-timeout'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repec:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:n/a:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:krm.or.kr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hypotheses.org:%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%europmc.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%arxiv.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_2021-09-16_terminal_seedlist.txt';
+ => 6,354,365
+Then run the actual patch crawl!
+## Ingest Requests for Bulk Retry (2022-01-06)
+Crawl has just about completed, so running another round of bulk ingest
+requests, slightly updated to allow `https://doi.org/10*` in terminal URL:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_file_result.updated <= '2022-01-01'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-content-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'petabox-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'spn2-cdx-lookup-failure'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'gateway-timeout'
+ )
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ OR (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-ingest'
+ OR ingest_request.ingest_request_source = 'fatcat-changelog'
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repec:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:n/a:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:krm.or.kr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hypotheses.org:%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%europmc.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%arxiv.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE 'https://doi.org/10.%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%zenodo.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.google.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%figshare.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%springernature.figshare.com%'
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-01-06.rows.json';
+ => 4,488,193
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-01-06.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-01-06.ingest_request.json
+ => DONE
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-01-06.ingest_request.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ => (probably due to re-assignment)
+ => DONE
+## Stats Again (just OAI-PMH)
+OAI-PMH query:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repec:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:n/a:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:krm.or.kr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hypotheses.org:%'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+On 2022-02-08:
+ status | count
+ -----------------------+----------
+ success | 13505143
+ no-pdf-link | 8741007
+ no-capture | 4429986
+ redirect-loop | 1566611
+ terminal-bad-status | 816162
+ link-loop | 459006
+ wrong-mimetype | 448983
+ null-body | 71871
+ cdx-error | 19055
+ | 15275
+ petabox-error | 11713
+ blocked-cookie | 11664
+ wayback-error | 8745
+ skip-url-blocklist | 7828
+ max-hops-exceeded | 2031
+ wayback-content-error | 338
+ body-too-large | 280
+ spn2-error:job-failed | 191
+ bad-redirect | 134
+ redirects-exceeded | 120
+ (20 rows)
+On 2022-02-28, after bulk ingest completed:
+ status | count
+ -----------------------+----------
+ success | 14668123
+ no-pdf-link | 8822460
+ no-capture | 2987565
+ redirect-loop | 1629015
+ terminal-bad-status | 917851
+ wrong-mimetype | 466512
+ link-loop | 460941
+ null-body | 71457
+ cdx-error | 19636
+ petabox-error | 16198
+ | 15275
+ blocked-cookie | 11885
+ wayback-error | 8779
+ skip-url-blocklist | 7838
+ empty-blob | 5906
+ max-hops-exceeded | 5563
+ wayback-content-error | 355
+ body-too-large | 329
+ spn2-error:job-failed | 191
+ bad-redirect | 137
+ (20 rows)
+Comparing to a couple months ago:
+ 14668123-13258356 = +1,409,767 success
+ 8822460-8685519 = + 136,941 no-pdf-link
+ 2987565-4765663 = -1,778,098 no-capture
+ 917851-803373 = + 114,478 terminal-bad-status
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2021-12-13_datasets.md b/notes/ingest/2021-12-13_datasets.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..786c3b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2021-12-13_datasets.md
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+First round of production dataset ingest. Aiming to get one or two small
+repositories entirely covered, and a few thousand datasets from all supported
+Planning to run with sandcrawler in batch mode on `wbgrp-svc263`, expecting up
+to a TByte of content locally (on spinning disk). For successful output, will
+run through fatcat import; for a subset of unsuccessful, will start a small
+heritrix crawl.
+## Ingest Generation
+ wc -l /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_*pilot.json
+ 2 /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_dataverse_archiveorg_pilot.json
+ 1702 /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_dataverse_goettingen_pilot.json
+ 2975 /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_dataverse_harvard_pilot.json
+ 10000 /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_figshare_pilot.json
+ 10000 /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_zenodo_pilot.json
+All the below ingest requests were combined into a single large file:
+ cat /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset*pilot.json | shuf | pv -l | gzip > /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined.json.gz
+ # 24.7k 0:00:00 [91.9k/s]
+### Figshare
+- sample 10k datasets (not other types)
+- want only "versioned" DOIs; use regex on DOI to ensure
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --limit 50000 --ingest-type dataset --allow-non-oa query 'doi_prefix:10.6084 type:dataset' \
+ | rg '10\.6084/m9\.figshare\.\d+.v\d+' \
+ | shuf -n10000 \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_figshare_pilot.json
+ # Counter({'estimate': 505968, 'ingest_request': 50000, 'elasticsearch_release': 50000})
+### Zenodo
+- has DOIs (of course)
+- want only "versioned" DOIs? how to skip?
+- sample 10k
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --limit 50000 --ingest-type dataset --allow-non-oa query 'doi_prefix:10.5281 type:dataset' \
+ | rg '10\.5281/zenodo' \
+ | shuf -n10000 \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_zenodo_pilot.json
+### Goettingen Research Online
+- <https://data.goettingen-research-online.de/>
+- Dataverse instance, not harvard-hosted
+- ~1,400 datasets, ~10,500 files
+- has DOIs
+- `doi_prefix:10.25625`, then filter to only one slash
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --ingest-type dataset --allow-non-oa query 'doi_prefix:10.25625 type:dataset' \
+ | rg -v '10\.25625/[a-z0-9]+/[a-z0-9]' \
+ | shuf \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_dataverse_goettingen_pilot.json
+ # Counter({'ingest_request': 12739, 'elasticsearch_release': 12739, 'estimate': 12739}) # 1.7k 0:01:29 [ 19 /s]
+### Harvard Dataverse
+- main harvard dataverse instance, many "sub-dataverses"
+- ~137,000 datasets, ~1,400,000 files
+- 10k sample
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --limit 50000 --ingest-type dataset --allow-non-oa query 'doi_prefix:10.7910 type:dataset' \
+ | rg '10\.7910/dvn/[a-z0-9]{6}' \
+ | rg -v '10\.7910/dvn/[a-z0-9]{6}/[a-z0-9]' \
+ | shuf -n10000 \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_dataverse_harvard_pilot.json
+ # Counter({'estimate': 660979, 'ingest_request': 50000, 'elasticsearch_release': 50000}) # 2.97k 0:03:26 [14.4 /s]
+Note that this was fewer than expected, but moving on anyways.
+### archive.org
+A couple hand-filtered items.
+"CAT" dataset
+- item: <https://archive.org/details/CAT_DATASET>
+- fatcat release (for paper): `release_36vy7s5gtba67fmyxlmijpsaui`
+"The Representativeness of Automated Web Crawls as a Surrogate for Human Browsing"
+- https://archive.org/details/academictorrents_5e9ef2b5531ce3b965681be6eccab1fbd114af62
+- https://fatcat.wiki/release/7owybd2hrvdmdpm4zpo7hkn2pu (paper)
+ {
+ "ingest_type": "dataset",
+ "ingest_request_source": "savepapernow",
+ "base_url": "https://archive.org/details/CAT_DATASET",
+ "release_stage": "published",
+ "fatcat": {
+ "release_ident": "36vy7s5gtba67fmyxlmijpsaui",
+ "work_ident": "ycqtbhnfmzamheq2amztiwbsri"
+ },
+ "ext_ids": {},
+ "link_source": "spn",
+ "link_source_id": "36vy7s5gtba67fmyxlmijpsaui"
+ }
+ {
+ "ingest_type": "dataset",
+ "ingest_request_source": "savepapernow",
+ "base_url": "https://archive.org/details/academictorrents_5e9ef2b5531ce3b965681be6eccab1fbd114af62",
+ "release_stage": "published",
+ "fatcat": {
+ "release_ident": "7owybd2hrvdmdpm4zpo7hkn2pu",
+ "work_ident": "3xkz7iffwbdfhbwhnd73iu66cu"
+ },
+ "ext_ids": {},
+ "link_source": "spn",
+ "link_source_id": "7owybd2hrvdmdpm4zpo7hkn2pu"
+ }
+ # paste and then Ctrl-D:
+ cat | jq . -c > /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_dataverse_archiveorg_pilot.json
+## Ingest Command
+On `wbgrp-svc263`.
+In the current version of tool, `skip_cleanup_local_files=True` by default, so
+files will stick around.
+Note that `--no-spn2` is passed, so we are expecting a lot of `no-capture` in the output.
+ # first a small sample
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined.json.gz \
+ | head -n5 \
+ | pv -l \
+ | parallel -j4 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ingest_tool.py requests --no-spn2 - \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined_results.ramp.json
+ # ok, run the whole batch through
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined.json.gz \
+ | pv -l \
+ | parallel -j4 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ingest_tool.py requests --no-spn2 - \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined_results.json
+Got an error:
+ internetarchive.exceptions.AuthenticationError: No access_key or secret_key set! Have you run `ia configure`?
+Did a hot patch to try to have the uploads happen under a session, with config from ENV, but didn't work:
+ AttributeError: 'ArchiveSession' object has no attribute 'upload'
+Going to hack with config in homedir for now.
+Extract URLs for crawling:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined_results*.json \
+ | rg '"no-capture"' \
+ | rg -v '"manifest"' \
+ | jq 'select(.status = "no-capture")' -c \
+ | jq .request.base_url -r \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/dataset_seedlist.base_url.txt
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined_results*.json \
+ | rg '"no-capture"' \
+ | rg '"manifest"' \
+ | jq 'select(.status = "no-capture")' -c \
+ | rg '"web-' \
+ | jq .manifest[].terminal_url -r \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/dataset_seedlist.manifest_terminal.txt
+### Exceptions Encountered
+ File "/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/sandcrawler/fileset_strategies.py", line 193, in process
+ internetarchive.upload
+ [...]
+ ConnectionResetError: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
+ urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError
+ requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: (ProtocolError('Connection aborted.', ConnectionResetError(104, 'Connection reset by peer')), 'https://s3.us.archive.org/zenodo.org-3275525/rhOverM_Asymptotic_GeometricUnits_CoM.h5')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "./ingest_tool.py", line 208, in <module>
+ main()
+ File "./ingest_tool.py", line 204, in main
+ args.func(args)
+ File "./ingest_tool.py", line 57, in run_requests
+ result = fileset_worker.process(request)
+ File "/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/sandcrawler/ingest_fileset.py", line 375, in process
+ archive_result = strategy_helper.process(dataset_meta)
+ File "/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/sandcrawler/fileset_strategies.py", line 130, in process
+ r.raise_for_status()
+ File "/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 953, in raise_for_status
+ raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
+ requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://ndownloader.figshare.com/files/5474201
+download sometimes just slowly time out, like after a day or more
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "./ingest_tool.py", line 208, in <module>
+ main()
+ File "./ingest_tool.py", line 204, in main
+ args.func(args)
+ File "./ingest_tool.py", line 57, in run_requests
+ result = fileset_worker.process(request)
+ File "/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/sandcrawler/ingest_fileset.py", line 381, in process
+ archive_result = strategy_helper.process(dataset_meta)
+ File "/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/sandcrawler/fileset_strategies.py", line 155, in process
+ file_meta = gen_file_metadata_path(local_path, allow_empty=True)
+ File "/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/sandcrawler/misc.py", line 89, in gen_file_metadata_path
+ mimetype = magic.Magic(mime=True).from_file(path)
+ File "/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/magic/__init__.py", line 111, in from_file
+ with _real_open(filename):
+ FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/sandcrawler/figshare.com-7925396-v1/HG02070.dedup.realigned.recalibrated.hc.g.vcf.gz'
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "./ingest_tool.py", line 208, in <module>
+ main()
+ File "./ingest_tool.py", line 204, in main
+ args.func(args)
+ File "./ingest_tool.py", line 57, in run_requests
+ result = fileset_worker.process(request)
+ File "/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/sandcrawler/ingest_fileset.py", line 314, in process
+ dataset_meta = platform_helper.process_request(request, resource, html_biblio)
+ File "/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/sandcrawler/fileset_platforms.py", line 208, in process_request
+ obj_latest = obj["data"]["latestVersion"]
+ KeyError: 'latestVersion'
+Fixed the above, trying again:
+ git log | head -n1
+ # commit ffdc901fa067db55fe6cfeb8d0c3807d29df092c
+ Wed Dec 15 21:57:42 UTC 2021
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined.json.gz \
+ | shuf \
+ | parallel -j4 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ingest_tool.py requests --no-spn2 --enable-sentry - \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined_results4.json
+Zenodo seems really slow, let's try filtering those out:
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined.json.gz \
+ | rg -v 10.5281 \
+ | shuf \
+ | parallel -j8 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ingest_tool.py requests --no-spn2 --enable-sentry - \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined_results5.json
+ # 3.76k 15:12:53 [68.7m/s]
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined.json.gz \
+ | rg -v 10.5281 \
+ | shuf \
+ | parallel -j8 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ingest_tool.py requests --no-spn2 --enable-sentry - \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined_results6.json
+## Fatcat Import
+ wc -l ingest_dataset_combined_results*.json
+ 126 ingest_dataset_combined_results2.json
+ 153 ingest_dataset_combined_results3.json
+ 275 ingest_dataset_combined_results4.json
+ 3762 ingest_dataset_combined_results5.json
+ 7736 ingest_dataset_combined_results6.json
+ 182 ingest_dataset_combined_results.json
+ 5 ingest_dataset_combined_results.ramp.json
+ 12239 total
+ cat ingest_dataset_combined_results*.json \
+ | rg '^\{' \
+ | jq '[.request.fatcat.release_ident, . | tostring] | @tsv' -r \
+ | sort \
+ | uniq --check-chars 26 \
+ | cut -f2 \
+ | rg -v '\\\\' \
+ | pv -l \
+ > uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.json
+ # 9.48k 0:00:06 [1.54k/s]
+ cat uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.json | jq .status -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
+ 7941 no-capture
+ 374 platform-404
+ 369 terminal-bad-status
+ 348 success-file
+ 172 success
+ 79 platform-scope
+ 77 error-platform-download
+ 47 empty-manifest
+ 27 platform-restricted
+ 20 too-many-files
+ 12 redirect-loop
+ 6 error-archiveorg-upload
+ 3 too-large-size
+ 3 mismatch
+ 1 no-platform-match
+ cat uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.json \
+ | rg '"success' \
+ | jq 'select(.status == "success") | .' -c \
+ > uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success.json
+ cat uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.json \
+ | rg '"success' \
+ | jq 'select(.status == "success-file") | .' -c \
+ > uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success-file.json
+On fatcat QA instance:
+ git log | head -n1
+ # commit cca680e2cc4768a4d45e199f6256a433b25b4075
+ head /tmp/uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success-file.json \
+ | ./fatcat_import.py ingest-fileset-results -
+ # Counter({'total': 10, 'skip': 10, 'skip-single-file': 10, 'insert': 0, 'update': 0, 'exists': 0})
+ head /tmp/uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success-file.json \
+ | ./fatcat_import.py ingest-file-results -
+ # Counter({'total': 10, 'skip': 10, 'skip-ingest-type': 10, 'insert': 0, 'update': 0, 'exists': 0})
+Need to update fatcat file worker to support single-file filesets... was that the plan?
+ head /tmp/uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success.json \
+ | ./fatcat_import.py ingest-fileset-results -
+ # Counter({'total': 10, 'skip': 10, 'skip-no-access-url': 10, 'insert': 0, 'update': 0, 'exists': 0})
+ # Counter({'total': 10, 'insert': 10, 'skip': 0, 'update': 0, 'exists': 0})
+Trying again 2022-03-23:
+ git log | head -n1
+ # commit 134cb050988be2c545af89e0a67c4998307bb819
+ head /srv/fatcat/datasets/uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success-file.json \
+ | ./fatcat_import.py ingest-fileset-results -
+ # Counter({'total': 10, 'skip': 10, 'skip-single-file': 10, 'insert': 0, 'update': 0, 'exists': 0})
+ head /srv/fatcat/datasets/uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success.json \
+ | ./fatcat_import.py ingest-fileset-file-results -
+ # Counter({'total': 10, 'skip': 10, 'skip-status': 10, 'insert': 0, 'update': 0, 'exists': 0})
+ head /srv/fatcat/datasets/uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success.json \
+ | ./fatcat_import.py ingest-fileset-results -
+ # Counter({'total': 10, 'exists': 10, 'skip': 0, 'insert': 0, 'update': 0})
+ head -n30 /srv/fatcat/datasets/uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success.json \
+ | ./fatcat_import.py ingest-fileset-results -
+ # Counter({'total': 30, 'skip': 20, 'skip-release-has-fileset': 20, 'exists': 10, 'insert': 0, 'update': 0})
+ head -n200 /srv/fatcat/datasets/uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success.json \
+ | ./fatcat_import.py ingest-fileset-results -
+ # Counter({'total': 172, 'skip': 162, 'skip-release-has-fileset': 162, 'exists': 10, 'insert': 0, 'update': 0})
+ head /srv/fatcat/datasets/uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success-file.json \
+ | ./fatcat_import.py ingest-fileset-file-results -
+ # Counter({'total': 10, 'insert': 8, 'skip': 2, 'skip-bad-hashes': 2, 'update': 0, 'exists': 0})
+Fixed a small logic error in insert path.
+ head -n30 /srv/fatcat/datasets/uniq_ingest_dataset_combined_results.success.json \
+ | ./fatcat_import.py ingest-fileset-results -
+ # Counter({'total': 30, 'insert': 20, 'exists': 10, 'skip': 0, 'update': 0})
+archive.org datasets are *not* getting uploaded with the correct path. path
+directory prefixes are getting clobbered.
+## Summary
+As follow-up, it may be worth doing another manual round of ingest requests.
+After that, would be good to fill in "glue" code so that this can be done with
+kafka workers, and do re-tries/dumps using sandcrawler SQL database. Then can
+start scaling up more ingest, using ingest tool, "bulk mode" processing,
+heritrix crawls from `no-capture` dumps, etc, similar to bulk file ingest
+For scaling, let's do a "full" ingest request generation of all datasets, and
+crawl the base URL with heritrix, in fast/direct mode. Expect this to be tens
+of millions of mostly DOIs (doi.org URLs), should crawl quickly.
+Then, do bulk downloading with ingest worker, perhaps on misc-vm or aitio.
+uploading large datasets to archive.org, but not doing SPN web requests. Feed
+the resulting huge file seedlist into a heritrix crawl to download web files.
+Will need to add support for more specific platforms.
+### Huge Bulk Ingest Prep
+On prod instance:
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --ingest-type dataset --allow-non-oa query type:dataset \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_dataset_bulk.2022-01-05.json.gz
+ # Expecting 11264787 release objects in search queries
+ # 6.07M 19:13:02 [87.7 /s] (partial)
+As follow-up, should do a full batch (not partial). For now search index is too
+unreliable (read timeouts).
+ zcat ingest_dataset_bulk.2022-01-05.partial.json.gz \
+ | jq .base_url -r \
+ | sort -u \
+ | shuf \
+ | awk '{print "F+ " $1}' \
+ > ingest_dataset_bulk.2022-01-05.partial.schedule
+## Retries (2022-01-12)
+This is after having done a bunch of crawling.
+ cat ingest_dataset_combined_results6.json \
+ | rg '"no-capture"' \
+ | jq 'select(.status = "no-capture")' -c \
+ | jq .request -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ > ingest_dataset_retry.json
+ => 6.51k 0:00:01 [3.55k/s]
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_retry.json \
+ | parallel -j4 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ingest_tool.py requests --no-spn2 --enable-sentry - \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_retry_results.json
+## Retries (2022-02)
+Finally got things to complete end to end for this batch!
+ cat ingest_dataset_retry_results5.json | jq .status -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
+ 3220 terminal-bad-status
+ 2120 no-capture
+ 380 empty-manifest
+ 264 success-file
+ 251 success
+ 126 success-existing
+ 39 mismatch
+ 28 error-platform-download
+ 24 too-many-files
+ 20 platform-scope
+ 13 platform-restricted
+ 13 mismatch-size
+ 6 too-large-size
+ 3 transfer-encoding-error
+ 2 no-platform-match
+ 2 error-archiveorg-upload
+ 1 redirect-loop
+ 1 empty-blob
+Some more URLs to crawl:
+ cat ingest_dataset_retry_results5.json \
+ | rg '"no-capture"' \
+ | rg -v '"manifest"' \
+ | jq 'select(.status = "no-capture")' -c \
+ | jq .request.base_url -r \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/dataset_seedlist_retries5.base_url.txt
+ # 1.00
+ # just a single DOI that failed to crawl, for whatever reason
+ cat ingest_dataset_retry_results5.json \
+ | rg '"no-capture"' \
+ | rg '"manifest"' \
+ | jq 'select(.status = "no-capture")' -c \
+ | rg '"web-' \
+ | jq .manifest[].terminal_url -r \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/dataset_seedlist_retries5.manifest_terminal.txt
+These are ready to crawl, in the existing dataset crawl.
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/dataset_seedlist_retries5.manifest_terminal.txt \
+ | sort -u \
+ | shuf \
+ | awk '{print "F+ " $1}' \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/dataset_seedlist_retries5.manifest_terminal.schedule
+## Running Uploads Again
+Looks like the temporary download files got wiped on `wbgrp-svc263`. This is a
+big bummer! Will need to download many of these over again.
+ # sandcrawler git: c69a8dadb0426fec10fe38474c2f37ceaebdf316
+ # skip_cleanup_local_files=True is still default
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined.json.gz \
+ | shuf \
+ | parallel -j8 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./ingest_tool.py --enable-sentry requests --no-spn2 - \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ingest_dataset_combined_results.2022-04-04.json
+ # filter out zenodo, very slow:
+ # rg -v 10.5281 \
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2022-01-06_patch_crawl.md b/notes/ingest/2022-01-06_patch_crawl.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..941519f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2022-01-06_patch_crawl.md
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+Starting another paper fulltext patch crawl, targetting recent OA content which
+has failed to ingest, and platforms (arxiv, etc).
+- "daily" changelog ingest requests from all time, which failed with various status codes
+- pdf no-capture
+- SPN errors
+- terminal-bad-status with 5xx, 429
+- gateway-timeout
+- html no-capture
+- html-resource-no-capture
+Most of these are dumped in a single complex query (below),
+TODO: html-resource-no-capture (from error message? or do SPN requests separately?)
+## Initial 'no-capture' Seedlist
+Dump terminal URLs (will do ingest requests later, using similar command):
+ COPY (
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.terminal_url
+ -- SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ (
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ OR ingest_request.ingest_type = 'html'
+ )
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-content-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'petabox-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'spn2-cdx-lookup-failure'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'gateway-timeout'
+ OR (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'terminal-bad-status'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 429
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 500
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 502
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 503
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'arxiv'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'pmc'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repec:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:n/a:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:krm.or.kr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hypotheses.org:%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%europmc.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%arxiv.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE 'https://doi.org/10.%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%zenodo.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.google.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%figshare.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%springernature.figshare.com%'
+ -- ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-01-12.rows.json';
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.2022-01-12.txt';
+ => COPY 6389683
+TODO: filter out archive.org/www.archive.org
+ cat patch_terminal_url.2022-01-12.txt \
+ | rg -v www.archive.org \
+ | rg '://' \
+ | rg -v '://10\.' \
+ | rg -v '://172\.' \
+ | rg -i '^http' \
+ | sort -u -S 4G \
+ | pv -l \
+ > patch_terminal_url.2022-01-12.uniq.txt
+ => 5.73M 0:00:47 [ 120k/s]
+ # note: tweaks and re-ran the above after inspecting this output
+ cut -f3 -d/ patch_terminal_url.2022-01-12.uniq.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n25
+ 799045 doi.org
+ 317557 linkinghub.elsevier.com
+ 211091 arxiv.org
+ 204334 iopscience.iop.org
+ 139758 dialnet.unirioja.es
+ 130331 www.scielo.br
+ 124626 www.persee.fr
+ 85764 digitalrepository.unm.edu
+ 83913 www.mdpi.com
+ 79662 www.degruyter.com
+ 75703 www.e-periodica.ch
+ 72206 dx.doi.org
+ 69068 escholarship.org
+ 67848 idus.us.es
+ 57907 zenodo.org
+ 56624 ir.opt.ac.cn
+ 54983 projecteuclid.org
+ 52226 rep.bntu.by
+ 48376 osf.io
+ 48009 pubs.rsc.org
+ 46947 publikationen.ub.uni-frankfurt.de
+ 45564 www.research-collection.ethz.ch
+ 45153 dk.um.si
+ 43313 www.ssoar.info
+ 40543 scholarworks.umt.edu
+TODO: cleanup ingest request table in sandcrawler-db:
+- remove filtered OAI-PMH prefixes
+- remove any invalid `base_url` (?)
+## More Seedlist (2022-02-08)
+ COPY (
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.terminal_url
+ -- SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ (
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ OR ingest_request.ingest_type = 'html'
+ )
+ AND ingest_file_result.updated >= '2022-01-12'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-content-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'petabox-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'spn2-cdx-lookup-failure'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'gateway-timeout'
+ OR (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'terminal-bad-status'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 429
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 500
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 502
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 503
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'arxiv'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'pmc'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repec:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:n/a:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:krm.or.kr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hypotheses.org:%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%europmc.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%arxiv.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE 'https://doi.org/10.%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%zenodo.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.google.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%figshare.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%springernature.figshare.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.archive.org%'
+ -- ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-02-08.rows.json';
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.2022-02-08.txt';
+ => COPY 444764
+ cat patch_terminal_url.2022-02-08.txt \
+ | rg -v www.archive.org \
+ | rg '://' \
+ | rg -v '://10\.' \
+ | rg -v '://172\.' \
+ | rg -i '^http' \
+ | sort -u -S 4G \
+ | pv -l \
+ > patch_terminal_url.2022-02-08.uniq.txt
+ => 426k 0:00:04 [ 103k/s]
+ cut -f3 -d/ patch_terminal_url.2022-02-08.uniq.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n25
+ 60123 www.degruyter.com
+ 59314 arxiv.org
+ 43674 zenodo.org
+ 17771 doi.org
+ 9501 linkinghub.elsevier.com
+ 9379 www.mdpi.com
+ 5691 opendata.uni-halle.de
+ 5578 scholarlypublishingcollective.org
+ 5451 era.library.ualberta.ca
+ 4982 www.cairn.info
+ 4306 www.taylorfrancis.com
+ 4189 papers.ssrn.com
+ 4157 apps.crossref.org
+ 4089 www.sciencedirect.com
+ 4033 mdpi-res.com
+ 3763 dlc.mpg.de
+ 3408 osf.io
+ 2603 www.frontiersin.org
+ 2594 watermark.silverchair.com
+ 2569 journals.lww.com
+ 1787 underline.io
+ 1680 archiviostorico.fondazione1563.it
+ 1658 www.jstage.jst.go.jp
+ 1611 cyberleninka.ru
+ 1535 www.schoeningh.de
+ cat patch_terminal_url.2022-02-08.txt | awk '{print "F+ " $1}' > patch_terminal_url.2022-02-08.schedule
+ => Done
+Copied to crawler svc206 and added to frontier.
+## Bulk Ingest Requests (2022-02-28)
+Note that we are skipping OAI-PMH here, because we just did a separate ingest
+for those.
+This is going to dump many duplicate lines (same `base_url`, multiple
+requests), but that is fine. Expecting something like 7 million rows.
+ COPY (
+ -- SELECT ingest_file_result.terminal_url
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ (
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ OR ingest_request.ingest_type = 'html'
+ )
+ AND ingest_file_result.updated <= '2022-02-08'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-content-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'petabox-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'spn2-cdx-lookup-failure'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'gateway-timeout'
+ OR (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'terminal-bad-status'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 429
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 500
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 502
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 503
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ AND (
+ -- ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'arxiv'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'pmc'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hsp.org:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repec:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:n/a:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:krm.or.kr:%'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hypotheses.org:%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%europmc.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%arxiv.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE 'https://doi.org/10.%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%zenodo.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.google.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%figshare.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%springernature.figshare.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.archive.org%'
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-02-28.rows.json';
+ # COPY 3053219
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-02-28.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-02-28.ingest_request.json
+ => DONE
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-02-28.ingest_request.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ => DONE
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2022-01-13_doi_crawl.md b/notes/ingest/2022-01-13_doi_crawl.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6f08dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2022-01-13_doi_crawl.md
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+Could roll this in to current patch crawl instead of starting a new crawl from scratch.
+This file is misnamed; these are mostly non-DOI-specific small updates.
+## KBART "almost complete" experimentation
+Random 10 releases:
+ cat missing_releases.json | shuf -n10 | jq .ident -r | awk '{print "https://fatcat.wiki/release/" $1}'
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/suggmo4fnfaave64frttaqqoja - domain gone
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/uw2dq2p3mzgolk4alze2smv7bi - DOAJ, then OJS PDF link. sandcrawler failed, fixed
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/fjamhzxxdndq5dcariobxvxu3u - OJS; sandcrawler fix works
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/z3ubnko5ifcnbhhlegc24kya2u - OJS; sandcrawler failed, fixed (separate pattern)
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/pysc3w2cdbehvffbyca4aqex3i - DOAJ, OJS bilingual, failed with 'redirect-loop'. force re-crawl worked for one copy
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/am2m5agvjrbvnkstke3o3xtney - not attempted previously (?), success
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/4zer6m56zvh6fd3ukpypdu7ita - cover page of journal (not an article). via crossref
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/6njc4rdaifbg5jye3bbfdhkbsu - OJS; success
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/jnmip3z7xjfsdfeex4piveshvu - OJS; not crawled previously; success
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/wjxxcknnpjgtnpbzhzge6rkndi - no-pdf-link, fixed
+Try some more!
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/ywidvbhtfbettmfj7giu2htbdm - not attempted, success
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/ou2kqv5k3rbk7iowfohpitelfa - OJS, not attempted, success?
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/gv2glplmofeqrlrvfs524v5qa4 - scirp.org; 'redirect-loop'; HTML/PDF/XML all available; then 'gateway-timeout' on retry
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/5r5wruxyyrf6jneorux3negwpe - gavinpublishers.com; broken site
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/qk4atst6svg4hb73jdwacjcacu - horyzonty.ignatianum.edu.pl; broken DOI
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/mp5ec3ycrjauxeve4n4weq7kqm - old cert; OJS; success
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/sqnovcsmizckjdlwg3hipxrfqm - not attempted, success
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/42ruewjuvbblxgnek6fpj5lp5m - OJS URL, but domain broken
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/crg6aiypx5enveldvmwy5judp4 - volume/cover (stub)
+ https://fatcat.wiki/release/jzih3vvxj5ctxk3tbzyn5kokha - success
+## Seeds: fixed OJS URLs
+Made some recent changes to sandcrawler, should re-attempt OJS URLs, particularly from DOI or DOAJ, with pattern like:
+- `no-pdf-link` with terminal URL like `/article/view/`
+- `redirect-loop` with terminal URL like `/article/view/`
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'no-pdf-link'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.terminal_url LIKE '%/article/view/%'
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_url LIKE '%/article/download/%'
+ )
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ )
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_ojs_nopdflink.2022-01-13.rows.json';
+ => COPY 326577
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_ojs_nopdflink.2022-01-13.rows.json > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_ojs_nopdflink.2022-01-13.json
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_ojs_nopdflink.2022-01-13.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ COPY (
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.terminal_url
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'redirect-loop'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'link-loop'
+ )
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.terminal_url LIKE '%/article/view/%'
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_url LIKE '%/article/download/%'
+ )
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_ojs_loop.2022-01-13.txt';
+ => COPY 342415
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_ojs_loop.2022-01-13.txt | awk '{print "F+ " $1}' > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_ojs_loop.2022-01-13.schedule
+## Seeds: scitemed.com
+Batch retry sandcrawler `no-pdf-link` with terminal URL like: `scitemed.com/article`
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'no-pdf-link'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url LIKE '%/article/view/%'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ )
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_scitemed.2022-01-13.rows.json';
+Actually there are very few of these.
+## Seeds: non-OA paper DOIs
+There are many DOIs out there which are likely to be from small publishers, on
+the web, and would ingest just fine (eg, in OJS).
+ fatcat-cli search release in_ia:false is_oa:false 'doi:*' release_type:article-journal 'container_id:*' '!publisher_type:big5' --count
+ 30,938,106
+ fatcat-cli search release in_ia:false is_oa:false 'doi:*' release_type:article-journal 'container_id:*' '!publisher_type:big5' 'preservation:none' --count
+ 6,664,347
+ fatcat-cli search release in_ia:false is_oa:false 'doi:*' release_type:article-journal 'container_id:*' '!publisher_type:big5' 'in_kbart:false' --count
+ 8,258,111
+Do the 8 million first, then maybe try the 30.9 million later? Do sampling to
+see how many are actually accessible? From experience with KBART generation,
+many of these are likely to crawl successfully.
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --ingest-type pdf --allow-non-oa query 'in_ia:false is_oa:false doi:* release_type:article-journal container_id:* !publisher_type:big5 in_kbart:false' \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_nonoa_doi.json.gz
+ # re-running 2022-02-08 after this VM was upgraded
+ # Expecting 8321448 release objects in search queries
+ # DONE
+This is large enough that it will probably be a bulk ingest, and then probably
+a follow-up crawl.
+## Seeds: HTML and XML links from HTML biblio
+ kafkacat -C -b wbgrp-svc284.us.archive.org:9092 -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-results -e \
+ | pv -l \
+ | rg '"(html|xml)_fulltext_url"' \
+ | rg '"no-pdf-link"' \
+ | gzip \
+ > ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.json.gz
+ # cut this off at some point? gzip is terminated weird
+ zcat ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.json.gz | wc -l
+ # gzip: ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.json.gz: unexpected end of file
+ # 2,538,433
+Prepare seedlists (to include in heritrix patch crawl):
+ zcat ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.json.gz \
+ | jq .html_biblio.xml_fulltext_url -r \
+ | rg '://' \
+ | sort -u -S 4G \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.xml_urls.txt.gz
+ # 1.24M 0:01:35 [12.9k/s]
+ zcat ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.json.gz \
+ | jq .html_biblio.html_fulltext_url -r \
+ | rg '://' \
+ | sort -u -S 4G \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.html_urls.txt.gz
+ # 549k 0:01:27 [6.31k/s]
+ zcat ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.xml_urls.txt.gz ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.html_urls.txt.gz \
+ | cut -f3 -d/ \
+ | sort -S 4G \
+ | uniq -c \
+ | sort -nr \
+ | head -n20
+ 534005 dlc.library.columbia.edu
+ 355319 www.degruyter.com
+ 196421 zenodo.org
+ 101450 serval.unil.ch
+ 100631 biblio.ugent.be
+ 47986 digi.ub.uni-heidelberg.de
+ 39187 www.emerald.com
+ 33195 www.cairn.info
+ 25703 boris.unibe.ch
+ 19516 journals.openedition.org
+ 15911 academic.oup.com
+ 11091 repository.dl.itc.u-tokyo.ac.jp
+ 9847 oxfordworldsclassics.com
+ 9698 www.thieme-connect.de
+ 9552 www.idunn.no
+ 9265 www.zora.uzh.ch
+ 8030 www.scielo.br
+ 6543 www.hanspub.org
+ 6229 asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
+ 5651 brill.com
+ zcat ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.xml_urls.txt.gz ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.html_urls.txt.gz \
+ | awk '{print "F+ " $1}' \
+ > ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.xml_and_html.schedule
+ wc -l ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.xml_and_html.schedule
+ 1785901 ingest_file_result_fulltext_urls.2022-01-13.xml_and_html.schedule
+Added to `JOURNALS-PATCH-CRAWL-2022-01`
+## Seeds: most doi.org terminal non-success
+Unless it is a 404, should retry.
+TODO: generate this list
+## Non-OA DOI Bulk Ingest
+Had previously run:
+ cat ingest_nonoa_doi.json.gz \
+ | rg -v "doi.org/10.2139/" \
+ | rg -v "doi.org/10.1021/" \
+ | rg -v "doi.org/10.1121/" \
+ | rg -v "doi.org/10.1515/" \
+ | rg -v "doi.org/10.1093/" \
+ | rg -v "europepmc.org" \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > nonoa_doi.filtered.ingests.json.gz
+ # 7.35M 0:01:13 [99.8k/s]
+Starting a bulk ingest of these on 2022-03-18, which is *before* the crawl has
+entirely finished, but after almost all queues (domains) have been done for
+several days.
+ zcat nonoa_doi.filtered.ingests.json.gz \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+Looks like many jstage `no-capture` status; these are still (slowly) crawling.
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2022-03_doaj.md b/notes/ingest/2022-03_doaj.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9722459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2022-03_doaj.md
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+- usual setup and dump ingest requests
+- filter ingest requests to targetted ccTLDs, and add those to crawl first
+## Transform and Load
+ # on sandcrawler-vm
+ mkdir -p /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj
+ cd /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj
+ wget 'https://archive.org/download/doaj_data_2020-11-13/doaj_article_data_2022-03-07_all.json.gz'
+ # in pipenv, in python directory
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj/doaj_article_data_2022-03-07_all.json.gz | ./scripts/doaj2ingestrequest.py - | pv -l | gzip > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj/doaj_article_data_2022-03-07_all.ingest_request.json.gz
+ # 9.08M 0:37:38 [4.02k/s]
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj/doaj_article_data_2022-03-07_all.ingest_request.json.gz | pv -l | ./persist_tool.py ingest-request -
+ # Worker: Counter({'total': 9082373, 'insert-requests': 2982535, 'update-requests': 0})
+ # JSON lines pushed: Counter({'total': 9082373, 'pushed': 9082373})
+## Check Pre-Crawl Status
+2022-03-09, before the above load:
+ SELECT ingest_request.ingest_type, ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ GROUP BY ingest_request.ingest_type, status
+ -- next time include ingest_type in sort
+ LIMIT 30;
+ ingest_type | status | count
+ -------------+--------------------------+---------
+ pdf | success | 2919808
+ html | wrong-scope | 1098998
+ pdf | no-pdf-link | 481532
+ pdf | redirect-loop | 429006
+ html | success | 342501
+ html | unknown-scope | 225390
+ html | redirect-loop | 223927
+ html | html-resource-no-capture | 187762
+ html | no-capture | 185418
+ pdf | no-capture | 171273
+ pdf | null-body | 129028
+ html | null-body | 100296
+ pdf | terminal-bad-status | 91551
+ pdf | link-loop | 25447
+ html | wrong-mimetype | 22640
+ html | wayback-content-error | 19028
+ html | terminal-bad-status | 13327
+ pdf | wrong-mimetype | 7688
+ xml | success | 6897
+ html | petabox-error | 5529
+ pdf | wayback-error | 2706
+ xml | null-body | 2353
+ pdf | | 2063
+ pdf | wayback-content-error | 1349
+ html | cdx-error | 1169
+ pdf | cdx-error | 1130
+ pdf | petabox-error | 679
+ html | | 620
+ pdf | empty-blob | 562
+ html | blocked-cookie | 545
+ (30 rows)
+After the above load:
+ ingest_type | status | count
+ -------------+--------------------------+---------
+ pdf | success | 3036457
+ pdf | | 1623208
+ html | | 1208412
+ html | wrong-scope | 1108132
+ pdf | no-pdf-link | 485703
+ pdf | redirect-loop | 436085
+ html | success | 342594
+ html | unknown-scope | 225412
+ html | redirect-loop | 223927
+ html | html-resource-no-capture | 187999
+ html | no-capture | 187310
+ pdf | no-capture | 172033
+ pdf | null-body | 129266
+ html | null-body | 100296
+ pdf | terminal-bad-status | 91799
+ pdf | link-loop | 26933
+ html | wrong-mimetype | 22643
+ html | wayback-content-error | 19028
+ html | terminal-bad-status | 13327
+ xml | | 11196
+ pdf | wrong-mimetype | 7929
+ xml | success | 6897
+ html | petabox-error | 5530
+ pdf | wayback-error | 2707
+ xml | null-body | 2353
+ pdf | wayback-content-error | 1353
+ pdf | cdx-error | 1177
+ html | cdx-error | 1172
+ pdf | petabox-error | 771
+ pdf | empty-blob | 562
+ (30 rows)
+Dump ingest requests for crawling (or bulk ingest first?):
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(t1.*)
+ FROM (
+ SELECT ingest_request.*, ingest_file_result as result
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ AND ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ -- AND (ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ -- OR ingest_request.ingest_type = 'xml')
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://web.archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://www.archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://web.archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://www.archive.org/%'
+ ) t1
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_2022-03-09.rows.json';
+ => COPY 353819
+Not that many! Guess the filters are important?
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ AND ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ -- AND (ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ -- OR ingest_request.ingest_type = 'xml')
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ );
+ => 3202164
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_2022-03-09.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_2022-03-09.requests.json
+ => 353k 0:00:16 [21.0k/s]
+Bulk ingest:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_2022-03-09.requests.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+Dump seeds again (for crawling):
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(t1.*)
+ FROM (
+ SELECT ingest_request.*, ingest_file_result as result
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ AND ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ -- AND (ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ -- OR ingest_request.ingest_type = 'xml')
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://web.archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://www.archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://web.archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://www.archive.org/%'
+ ) t1
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_2022-03-10.rows.json';
+ # COPY 350661
+And stats again:
+ ingest_type | status | count
+ -------------+--------------------------+---------
+ pdf | success | 3037059
+ pdf | | 1623208
+ html | | 1208412
+ html | wrong-scope | 1108476
+ pdf | no-pdf-link | 485705
+ pdf | redirect-loop | 436850
+ html | success | 342762
+ html | unknown-scope | 225412
+ html | redirect-loop | 224683
+ html | html-resource-no-capture | 188058
+ html | no-capture | 185734
+ pdf | no-capture | 170452
+ pdf | null-body | 129266
+ html | null-body | 100296
+ pdf | terminal-bad-status | 91875
+ pdf | link-loop | 26933
+ html | wrong-mimetype | 22643
+ html | wayback-content-error | 19042
+ html | terminal-bad-status | 13333
+ xml | | 11196
+ pdf | wrong-mimetype | 7929
+ xml | success | 6898
+ html | petabox-error | 5535
+ pdf | wayback-error | 2711
+ xml | null-body | 2353
+ pdf | wayback-content-error | 1353
+ pdf | cdx-error | 1177
+ html | cdx-error | 1172
+ pdf | petabox-error | 772
+ html | blocked-cookie | 769
+ (30 rows)
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_2022-03-10.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_2022-03-10.requests.json
+Create seedlist:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_2022-03-10.requests.json \
+ | jq -r .base_url \
+ | sort -u -S 4G \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_2022-03-10.txt
+Send off an added to `TARGETED-ARTICLE-CRAWL-2022-03` heritrix crawl, will
+re-ingest when that completes (a week or two?).
+## Bulk Ingest
+After `TARGETED-ARTICLE-CRAWL-2022-03` wrap-up.
+ # 2022-03-22
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_2022-03-10.requests.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2022-03_oaipmh.md b/notes/ingest/2022-03_oaipmh.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d2a8d71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2022-03_oaipmh.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Martin did a fresh scrape of many OAI-PMH endpoints, and we should ingest/crawl.
+Note that Martin excluded many Indonesian endpoints, will need to follow-up on
+## Prep
+Fetch metadata snapshot:
+ wget https://archive.org/download/oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01/oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01.ndj.zst
+ wget https://archive.org/download/oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01/oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01_urls.txt.zst
+Pre-filter out a bunch of prefixes we won't crawl (out of scope, and large):
+ zstdcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai-pmh/oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01.ndj.zst \
+ | rg -v 'oai:kb.dk:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:bnf.fr:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:ukm.si:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:hsp.org:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:repec:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:n/a:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:quod.lib.umich.edu:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:americanae.aecid.es:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:www.irgrid.ac.cn:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:espace.library.uq.edu:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:edoc.mpg.de:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:repository.erciyes.edu.tr:' \
+ | rg -v 'oai:krm.or.kr:' \
+ | ./scripts/oai2ingestrequest.py - \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai-pmh/oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01.requests.json.gz
+These failed to transform in the expected way; a change in JSON schema from last time?
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2022-04_targeted.md b/notes/ingest/2022-04_targeted.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23fd35f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2022-04_targeted.md
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+Want to do a crawl similar to recent "patch" crawls, where we run heritrix
+crawls to "fill in" missing (`no-capture`) and failed dailing ingests (aka,
+those requests coming from fatcat-changelog).
+ export PATCHDATE=2022-04-20
+ export CRAWLVM=wbgrp-svc279.us.archive.org
+## Seedlist Query
+Terminal URLs dump:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(t) FROM (
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.terminal_url, ingest_request.*
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ (
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ OR ingest_request.ingest_type = 'html'
+ )
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.updated >= '2022-01-12'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-content-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'petabox-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status LIKE 'spn2-%'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'gateway-timeout'
+ OR (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'terminal-bad-status'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 429
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 500
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 502
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 503
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'arxiv'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'dblp'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'pmc'
+ -- OR ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ -- OR ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ )
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%doaj.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%europmc.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%arxiv.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE 'https://doi.org/10.%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%zenodo.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.google.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%figshare.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%springernature.figshare.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.archive.org%'
+ ) t
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-04-20.rows.json';
+ # COPY 4842749
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_$PATCHDATE.rows.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq -r .terminal_url \
+ | rg '://' \
+ | rg -i '^http' \
+ | rg -v www.archive.org \
+ | rg -v '://10\.' \
+ | rg -v '://172\.' \
+ | sort -u -S 4G \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.txt
+ # 4.75M 0:01:44 [45.4k/s]
+ # check top domains
+ cut -f3 -d/ /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n25
+ 1515829 www.jstage.jst.go.jp
+ 1052953 doi.org
+ 241704 arxiv.org
+ 219543 www.sciencedirect.com
+ 178562 www.persee.fr
+ 84947 zenodo.org
+ 67397 www.mdpi.com
+ 65775 journals.lww.com
+ 58216 opg.optica.org
+ 50673 osf.io
+ 45776 www.degruyter.com
+ 36664 www.indianjournals.com
+ 35287 pubs.rsc.org
+ 33495 www.bmj.com
+ 33320 www.research-collection.ethz.ch
+ 29728 www.e-periodica.ch
+ 28338 iopscience.iop.org
+ 26364 www.cambridge.org
+ 23840 onlinelibrary.wiley.com
+ 23641 platform.almanhal.com
+ 22660 brill.com
+ 20288 www.osapublishing.org
+ 18561 cgscholar.com
+ 18539 doi.nrct.go.th
+ 15677 www.frontiersin.org
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.txt | awk '{print "F+ " $1}' > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.schedule
+ scp /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.schedule $CRAWLVM:/tmp
+ ssh $CRAWLVM sudo -u heritrix cp /tmp/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.schedule /0/ia-jobs/journal-crawls/$CRAWLNAME/action/
+TODO: starting with the "quarterly retry" script/query might make more sense?
+TODO: are there any cases where we do a bulk ingest request, fail, and `terminal_url` is not set?
+## Bulk Ingest Requests (post-crawl)
+ cd /srv/sandcrawler/src/python
+ sudo su sandcrawler
+ pipenv run ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_$PATCHDATE.rows.json | pv -l > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_$PATCHDATE.ingest_request.json
+ => 4.84M 0:03:14 [24.9k/s]
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_$PATCHDATE.ingest_request.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ => started 2022-05-11
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2022-04_unpaywall.md b/notes/ingest/2022-04_unpaywall.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc78998
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2022-04_unpaywall.md
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+New unpaywall snapshot from `2022-03-09`.
+This will probably be the last unpaywall crawl? Will switch to openalex in the
+future, because we can automate that ingest process, and run it on our own
+ export SNAPSHOT=2022-03-09
+ export CRAWLVM=wbgrp-svc279.us.archive.org
+## Download and Archive
+ wget 'https://unpaywall-data-snapshots.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/unpaywall_snapshot_2022-03-09T083001.jsonl.gz'
+ # 2022-04-09 22:31:43 (98.9 KB/s) - ‘unpaywall_snapshot_2022-03-09T083001.jsonl.gz’ saved [29470830470/29470830470]
+ export SNAPSHOT=2022-03-09
+ ia upload unpaywall_snapshot_$SNAPSHOT unpaywall_snapshot_$SNAPSHOT*.jsonl.gz -m title:"Unpaywall Metadata Snapshot ($SNAPSHOT)" -m collection:ia_biblio_metadata -m creator:creator -m date:$SNAPSHOT
+ # if needed
+ scp unpaywall_snapshot_$SNAPSHOT*.jsonl.gz wbgrp-svc506.us.archive.org:/srv/sandcrawler/tasks
+## Transform and Load
+ # in sandcrawler pipenv on sandcrawler1-vm (svc506)
+ cd /srv/sandcrawler/src/python
+ sudo su sandcrawler
+ pipenv shell
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_snapshot_$SNAPSHOT*.jsonl.gz | ./scripts/unpaywall2ingestrequest.py - | pv -l > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_snapshot_$SNAPSHOT.ingest_request.json
+ # 34.9M 3:02:32 [3.19k/s]
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_snapshot_$SNAPSHOT.ingest_request.json | pv -l | ./persist_tool.py ingest-request -
+ # 34.9M 5:23:15 [1.80k/s]
+ # Worker: Counter({'total': 34908779, 'insert-requests': 6129630, 'update-requests': 0})
+ # JSON lines pushed: Counter({'total': 34908779, 'pushed': 34908779})
+So about 6.1M new ingest request rows.
+## Dump new URLs, Transform, Bulk Ingest
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ -- take "all time" instead of just this recent capture
+ -- AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2021-01-01'
+ AND (ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture')
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_2022-03-09.rows.json';
+ => COPY 6025671
+ # transform
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_$SNAPSHOT.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_$SNAPSHOT.ingest_request.json
+ # 6.03M 0:03:26 [29.1k/s]
+ # enqueue for bulk processing
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_noingest_$SNAPSHOT.ingest_request.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+## Check Pre-Crawl Status
+Only the recent bulk ingest:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2022-04-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ no-capture | 3330232
+ success | 2455102
+ redirect-loop | 197117
+ terminal-bad-status | 82618
+ no-pdf-link | 33046
+ blocked-cookie | 16078
+ link-loop | 6745
+ wrong-mimetype | 3416
+ wayback-error | 1385
+ empty-blob | 1142
+ cdx-error | 820
+ body-too-large | 292
+ bad-gzip-encoding | 281
+ wayback-content-error | 267
+ | 253
+ petabox-error | 215
+ skip-url-blocklist | 185
+ null-body | 179
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 89
+ gateway-timeout | 73
+ (20 rows)
+After prior "TARGETED" crawl and bulk ingest finished:
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ no-capture | 3330055
+ success | 2455279
+ redirect-loop | 197117
+ terminal-bad-status | 82618
+ no-pdf-link | 33046
+ blocked-cookie | 16079
+ link-loop | 6745
+ wrong-mimetype | 3416
+ wayback-error | 1385
+ empty-blob | 1142
+ cdx-error | 820
+ body-too-large | 292
+ bad-gzip-encoding | 281
+ wayback-content-error | 267
+ | 253
+ petabox-error | 215
+ skip-url-blocklist | 185
+ null-body | 179
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 89
+ gateway-timeout | 73
+ (20 rows)
+Almost no change, which makes sense because of the `ingest_request.created`
+## Dump Seedlist
+Dump rows for crawling:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(t1.*)
+ FROM (
+ SELECT ingest_request.*, ingest_file_result as result
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ -- AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2022-04-01'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND (ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'gateway-timeout'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status LIKE 'spn2-%'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%.archive.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://doi.org/10.48550/%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%.archive.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org%'
+ ) t1
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2022-03-09.rows.json';
+ => before ingest and arxiv.org DOI exclusion: COPY 3309091
+ => COPY 3308914
+Prep ingest requests (for post-crawl use):
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.rows.json | pv -l > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_crawl_ingest_$SNAPSHOT.json
+ => 3.31M 0:02:22 [23.2k/s]
+And actually dump seedlist(s):
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.rows.json | jq -r .base_url | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.url.txt
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.rows.json | rg '"no-capture"' | jq -r .result.terminal_url | rg -v ^null$ | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.terminal_url.txt
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.rows.json | rg -v '"no-capture"' | jq -r .base_url | sort -u -S 4G > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.no_terminal_url.txt
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.no_terminal_url.txt /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.terminal_url.txt | awk '{print "F+ " $1}' | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.schedule
+ wc -l /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT*
+ 15 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2022-03-09.no_terminal_url.txt
+ 3308914 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2022-03-09.rows.json
+ 3028879 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2022-03-09.terminal_url.txt
+ 3038725 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_2022-03-09.url.txt
+Inject seedlist into crawler:
+ scp /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.schedule $CRAWLVM:/tmp
+ ssh $CRAWLVM sudo -u heritrix cp /tmp/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.schedule /0/ia-jobs/journal-crawls/$CRAWLNAME/action/
+Top domains?
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_seedlist_$SNAPSHOT.schedule | cut -f2 -d' ' | cut -f3 -d/ | sort -S 4G | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n20
+ 158497 www.scielo.br
+ 144732 onlinelibrary.wiley.com
+ 129349 www.researchsquare.com
+ 94923 hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
+ 69293 openresearchlibrary.org
+ 64584 www.cell.com
+ 60033 link.springer.com
+ 50528 www.degruyter.com
+ 49737 projecteuclid.org
+ 45841 www.jstage.jst.go.jp
+ 44819 www.mdpi.com
+ 44325 ieeexplore.ieee.org
+ 38091 dr.lib.iastate.edu
+ 31030 www.nature.com
+ 30300 discovery.ucl.ac.uk
+ 27692 ntrs.nasa.gov
+ 24215 orca.cardiff.ac.uk
+ 23653 www.frontiersin.org
+ 23474 pure.rug.nl
+ 22660 www.sciencedirect.com
+## Post-Crawl bulk ingest
+ # enqueue for bulk processing
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unpaywall_crawl_ingest_$SNAPSHOT.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ # done: 2022-07-06
+## Post-Crawl, Post-Ingest Stats
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2022-04-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ success | 4784948 => +2,329,669 ~77%
+ redirect-loop | 485270 => + 288,153 ~10%
+ no-capture | 317598 => -3,012,457
+ terminal-bad-status | 267853 => + 185,235 ~ 6%
+ no-pdf-link | 118303 => + 85,257
+ blocked-cookie | 111373 => + 95,294
+ skip-url-blocklist | 19368
+ link-loop | 9091
+ wrong-mimetype | 7163
+ cdx-error | 2516
+ empty-blob | 1961
+ wayback-error | 1922
+ body-too-large | 509
+ petabox-error | 416
+ wayback-content-error | 341
+ bad-gzip-encoding | 281
+ | 253
+ null-body | 179
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 89
+ gateway-timeout | 73
+ (20 rows)
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2022-07-15_ingest_fixes.md b/notes/ingest/2022-07-15_ingest_fixes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec31a7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2022-07-15_ingest_fixes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,831 @@
+## HTML `html-resource-no-capture` Fixes
+Tracing down some `html-resource-no-capture` issues. Eg, `javascript:` resources causing errors.
+SQL query:
+ select * from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'html' and status = 'html-resource-no-capture' limit 100;
+ select * from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'html' and status = 'html-resource-no-capture' order by random() limit 100;
+ select count(*) from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'html' and status = 'html-resource-no-capture';
+ => 210,528
+- old capture, from `20171017204935`
+- missing .css file; seems like an actual case of missing content?
+- TODO: re-crawl/re-ingest when CDX is old
+- missing: https://www.karger.com/WebMaterial/ShowThumbnail/895999?imgType=2
+- resource is live
+- this was from DOI-LANDING crawl, no resources captured
+- TODO: re-crawl
+- missing: https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/13/21/5563/htm
+- common crawl capture; no/few resources?
+- TODO: re-crawl
+- missing: http://www.scielo.br/img/revistas/pvb/v33n5/a11tab01.jpg
+ not on live web
+- old (2013) wide crawl
+- TODO: re-crawl
+- missing: http://www.g3journal.org/sites/default/files/highwire/ggg/6/8/2553/embed/mml-math-4.gif
+- old 2018 landing crawl (no resources)
+- TODO: re-crawl
+- "error_message": "revisit record missing URI and/or DT: warc:abc.net.au-news-20220328-130654/IA-FOC-abc.net.au-news-20220618135308-00003.warc.gz offset:768320762"
+- specific URL: https://www.frontiersin.org/areas/articles/js/app?v=uC9Es8wJ9fbTy8Rj4KipiyIXvhx7XEVhCTHvIrM4ShA1
+- archiveteam crawl
+- seems like a weird corner case. look at more 'frontiersin' articles, and re-crawl this page
+- redirect: https://journals.openedition.org/trajectoires/2317
+- missing: "https://journals.openedition.org/trajectoires/Ce fichier n'existe pas" (note spaces)
+- petabox-error on 'https://www.recaptcha.net/recaptcha/api.js'
+- added recaptcha.net to blocklist
+- still needs a re-crawl
+- SPN capture, from 2020, but images were missing?
+- re-capture has images (though JS still wonky)
+- TODO: re-crawl with SPN2
+- DOI LANDING crawl, no sub-resources
+- TODO: recrawl
+- missing: http://err.ersjournals.com/sites/default/files/highwire/errev/26/145/170039/embed/graphic-5.gif
+ on live web
+- 2017 targetted heritrix crawl
+- TODO: recrawl
+- missing: https://www.dovepress.com/cr_data/article_fulltext/s61000/61143/img/IJN-61143-F02-Thumb.jpg
+- recent archiveteam crawl
+- TODO: recrawl
+- missing: http://journals.ed.ac.uk/lithicstudies/article/download/1444/2078/6081
+- common crawl
+- TODO: recrawl
+- missing: http://ftp.scu.sld.cu/galen/medisan/logos/redib.jpg
+- this single resource is legit missing
+seems like it probably isn't a bad idea to just re-crawl all of these with fresh SPNv2 requests
+request sources:
+- fatcat-changelog (doi)
+- fatcat-ingest (doi)
+- doaj
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'html'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'html-resource-no-capture'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ )
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_html_resourcenocapture.2022-07-15.rows.json';
+ => COPY 210749
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py --force-recrawl /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_html_resourcenocapture.2022-07-15.rows.json > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_html_resourcenocapture.2022-07-15.json
+Try a sample of 300:
+ shuf -n300 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_html_resourcenocapture.2022-07-15.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-daily -p -1
+Seeing a bunch of:
+ ["doaj","wayback-content-error","https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fphys.2020.00454/full","https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fphys.2020.00454/full","revisit record missing URI and/or DT: warc:foxnews.com-20220402-051934/IA-FOC-foxnews.com-20220712070651-00000.warc.gz offset:937365431"]
+ ["doaj","wayback-content-error","https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fmicb.2019.02507/full","https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2019.02507/full","revisit record missing URI and/or DT: warc:foxnews.com-20220402-051934/IA-FOC-foxnews.com-20220712070651-00000.warc.gz offset:937365431"]
+ ["doaj","wayback-content-error","https://www.mdpi.com/2218-1989/10/9/366","https://www.mdpi.com/2218-1989/10/9/366/htm","revisit record missing URI and/or DT: warc:foxnews.com-20220402-051934/IA-FOC-foxnews.com-20220712070651-00000.warc.gz offset:964129887"]
+ "error_message": "revisit record missing URI and/or DT: warc:online.wsj.com-home-page-20220324-211958/IA-FOC-online.wsj.com-home-page-20220716075018-00001.warc.gz offset:751923069",
+ ["doaj","wayback-content-error","https://www.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fnins.2020.00724/full","https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2020.00724/full","wayback payload sha1hex mismatch: 20220715222216 https://static.frontiersin.org/areas/articles/js/app?v=DfnFHSIgqDJBKQy2bbQ2S8vWyHe2dEMZ1Lg9o6vSS1g1"]
+These seem to be transfer encoding issues; fixed?
+ ["doaj","html-resource-no-capture","http://www.scielosp.org/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0021-25712013000400003&lng=en&tlng=en","https://scielosp.org/article/aiss/2013.v49n4/336-339/en/","HTML sub-resource not found: https://ssm.scielo.org/media/assets/css/scielo-print.css"]
+Full batch:
+ # TODO: cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_html_resourcenocapture.2022-07-15.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-daily -p -1
+Not running the full batch for now, because there are almost all `wayback-content-error` issues.
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_html_resourcenocapture.2022-07-15.json | rg -v frontiersin.org | wc -l
+ 114935
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_html_resourcenocapture.2022-07-15.json | rg -v frontiersin.org | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-daily -p -1
+## Redirect Loops
+Seems like there might have been a bug in how ingest pipeline dealt with
+multiple redirects (eg, 301 to 302 or vice-versa), due to how CDX lookups and
+normalization was happening.
+This could be a really big deal because we have over 11 million such ingest
+requests! and may even have stopped crawling domains on the basis of redirect
+ select * from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'redirect-loop' limit 50;
+- 'skip-url-blocklist'
+- paywall on live web
+- redirect to 'secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com'
+- ... but re-crawling with SPNv2 worked
+- TODO: reingest this entire journal with SPNv2
+- blocked-cookie (secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com)
+- RECRAWL: success
+- blocked-cookie (secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com)
+- TODO: try SPNv2?
+- RECRAWL: success
+- FIXED: success
+- blocked-cookie (idp.nature.com / cookies_not_supported)
+- RECRAWL: gateway-timeout
+- blocked-cookie (secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com)
+- RECRAWL: success
+- FIXED: success
+- FIXED: success
+- FIXED: success
+- blocked-cookie (secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com)
+- RECRAWL spn2: success
+- blocked-cookie (secure.jbs.elsevierhealth.com)
+- RECRAWL spn2: success
+So, wow wow wow, a few things to do here:
+- just re-try all these redirect-loop attempts to update status
+- re-ingest all these elsevierhealth blocked crawls with SPNv2. this could take a long time!
+Possibly the elsevierhealth stuff will require some deeper fiddling to crawl
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'redirect-loop'
+ -- AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ )
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_redirectloop.2022-07-15.rows.json';
+ => COPY 6611342
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_redirectloop.2022-07-15.rows.json > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_redirectloop.2022-07-15.json
+Start with a sample:
+ shuf -n200 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_redirectloop.2022-07-15.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+Wow that is a lot of ingest! And a healthy fraction of 'success', almost all
+via unpaywall (maybe should have done DOAJ/DOI only first). Let's do this full
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_redirectloop.2022-07-15.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+TODO: repeat with broader query (eg, OAI-PMH, MAG, etc).
+## Other
+Revist resolution failed: \"Didn't get exact CDX url/datetime match. url:https://www.cairn.info/static/images//logo/logo-cairn-negatif.png dt:20220430145322 got:CdxRow(surt='info,cairn)/static/images/logo/logo-cairn-negatif.png', datetime='20220430145322', url='https://www.cairn.info/static/images/logo/logo-cairn-negatif.png', mimetype='image/png', status_code=200, sha1b32='Y3VQOPO2NFUR2EUWNXLYGYGNZPZLQYHU', sha1hex='c6eb073dda69691d12966dd78360cdcbf2b860f4', warc_csize=10875, warc_offset=2315284914, warc_path='archiveteam_archivebot_go_20220430212134_59230631/old.worldurbancampaign.org-inf-20220430-140628-acnq5-00000.warc.gz')\""
+ https://www.cairn.info/static/images//logo/logo-cairn-negatif.png 20220430145322
+ https://www.cairn.info/static/images/logo/logo-cairn-negatif.png 20220430145322
+## Broken WARC Record?
+cdx line:
+ net,cloudfront,d1bxh8uas1mnw7)/assets/embed.js 20220716084026 https://d1bxh8uas1mnw7.cloudfront.net/assets/embed.js warc/revisit - U5E5UA6DS5GGCHJ2IZSOIEGPN6P64JRB - - 660 751923069 online.wsj.com-home-page-20220324-211958/IA-FOC-online.wsj.com-home-page-20220716075018-00001.warc.gz
+download WARC and run:
+ zcat IA-FOC-online.wsj.com-home-page-20220716075018-00001.warc.gz | rg d1bxh8uas1mnw7.cloudfront.net/assets/embed.js -a -C 20
+the WARC record:
+ WARC/1.0
+ WARC-Type: revisit
+ WARC-Target-URI: https://d1bxh8uas1mnw7.cloudfront.net/assets/embed.js
+ WARC-Date: 2022-07-16T08:40:26Z
+ WARC-Payload-Digest: sha1:U5E5UA6DS5GGCHJ2IZSOIEGPN6P64JRB
+ WARC-IP-Address:
+ WARC-Profile: http://netpreserve.org/warc/1.0/revisit/identical-payload-digest
+ WARC-Truncated: length
+ WARC-Record-ID: <urn:uuid:cc79139e-d43f-4b43-9b9e-f923610344d0>
+ Content-Type: application/http; msgtype=response
+ Content-Length: 493
+ HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+ Content-Type: application/javascript
+ Content-Length: 512
+ Connection: close
+ Last-Modified: Fri, 22 Apr 2022 08:45:38 GMT
+ Accept-Ranges: bytes
+ Server: AmazonS3
+ Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 16:36:08 GMT
+ ETag: "1c28db48d4012f0221b63224a3bb7137"
+ Vary: Accept-Encoding
+ X-Cache: Hit from cloudfront
+ Via: 1.1 5b475307685b5cecdd0df414286f5438.cloudfront.net (CloudFront)
+ X-Amz-Cf-Pop: SFO20-C1
+ X-Amz-Cf-Id: SIRR_1LT8mkp3QVaiGYttPuomxyDfJ-vB6dh0Slg_qqyW0_WwnA1eg==
+ Age: 57859
+where are the `WARC-Refers-To-Target-URI` and `WARC-Refers-To-Date` lines?
+## osf.io
+ select status, terminal_status_code, count(*) from ingest_file_result where base_url LIKE 'https://doi.org/10.17605/osf.io/%' and ingest_type = 'pdf' group by status, terminal_status_code order by count(*) desc limit 30;
+ status | terminal_status_code | count
+ -------------------------+----------------------+-------
+ terminal-bad-status | 404 | 92110
+ no-pdf-link | 200 | 46932
+ not-found | 200 | 20212
+ no-capture | | 8599
+ success | 200 | 7604
+ redirect-loop | 301 | 2125
+ terminal-bad-status | 503 | 1657
+ cdx-error | | 1301
+ wrong-mimetype | 200 | 901
+ terminal-bad-status | 410 | 364
+ read-timeout | | 167
+ wayback-error | | 142
+ gateway-timeout | | 139
+ terminal-bad-status | 500 | 76
+ spn2-error | | 63
+ spn2-backoff | | 42
+ petabox-error | | 39
+ spn2-backoff | 200 | 27
+ redirect-loop | 302 | 19
+ terminal-bad-status | 400 | 15
+ terminal-bad-status | 401 | 15
+ remote-server-error | | 14
+ timeout | | 11
+ terminal-bad-status | | 11
+ petabox-error | 200 | 10
+ empty-blob | 200 | 8
+ null-body | 200 | 6
+ spn2-error:unknown | | 5
+ redirect-loop | 308 | 4
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | | 4
+ (30 rows)
+Many of these are now non-existant, or datasets/registrations not articles.
+## Large DOAJ no-pdf-link Domains
+ substring(ingest_file_result.terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain,
+ COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result ON
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = ingest_file_result.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_request.base_url = ingest_file_result.base_url
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'no-pdf-link'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ domain
+ LIMIT 50;
+ domain | count
+ -------------------------------------------------------+--------
+ www.sciencedirect.com | 211090
+ auth.openedition.org | 20741
+ journal.frontiersin.org:80 | 11368
+ journal.frontiersin.org | 6494
+ ejde.math.txstate.edu | 4301
+ www.arkat-usa.org | 4001
+ www.scielo.br | 3736
+ www.lcgdbzz.org | 2892
+ revistas.uniandes.edu.co | 2715
+ scielo.sld.cu | 2612
+ www.egms.de | 2488
+ journals.lww.com | 2415
+ ter-arkhiv.ru | 2239
+ www.kitlv-journals.nl | 2076
+ www.degruyter.com | 2061
+ jwcn-eurasipjournals.springeropen.com | 1929
+ www.cjcnn.org | 1908
+ www.aimspress.com | 1885
+ vsp.spr-journal.ru | 1873
+ dx.doi.org | 1648
+ www.dlib.si | 1582
+ aprendeenlinea.udea.edu.co | 1548
+ www.math.u-szeged.hu | 1448
+ dergipark.org.tr | 1444
+ revistas.uexternado.edu.co | 1429
+ learning-analytics.info | 1419
+ drive.google.com | 1399
+ www.scielo.cl | 1326
+ www.economics-ejournal.org | 1267
+ www.jssm.org | 1240
+ html.rhhz.net | 1232
+ journalofinequalitiesandapplications.springeropen.com | 1214
+ revistamedicina.net | 1197
+ filclass.ru | 1154
+ ceramicayvidrio.revistas.csic.es | 1152
+ gynecology.orscience.ru | 1126
+ www.tobaccoinduceddiseases.org | 1090
+ www.tandfonline.com | 1046
+ www.querelles-net.de | 1038
+ www.swjpcc.com | 1032
+ microbiologyjournal.org | 1028
+ revistas.usal.es | 1027
+ www.medwave.cl | 1023
+ ijtech.eng.ui.ac.id | 1023
+ www.scielo.sa.cr | 1021
+ vestnik.szd.si | 986
+ www.biomedcentral.com:80 | 984
+ scielo.isciii.es | 983
+ bid.ub.edu | 970
+ www.meirongtv.com | 959
+ (50 rows)
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://ejde.math.txstate.edu%' limit 5;
+ http://ejde.math.txstate.edu/Volumes/2018/30/abstr.html
+ http://ejde.math.txstate.edu/Volumes/2012/137/abstr.html
+ http://ejde.math.txstate.edu/Volumes/2016/268/abstr.html
+ http://ejde.math.txstate.edu/Volumes/2015/194/abstr.html
+ http://ejde.math.txstate.edu/Volumes/2014/43/abstr.html
+ # plain HTML, not really parse-able
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://www.arkat-usa.org%' limit 5;
+ https://www.arkat-usa.org/arkivoc-journal/browse-arkivoc/ark.5550190.0006.913
+ https://www.arkat-usa.org/arkivoc-journal/browse-arkivoc/ark.5550190.0013.909
+ https://www.arkat-usa.org/arkivoc-journal/browse-arkivoc/ark.5550190.0007.717
+ https://www.arkat-usa.org/arkivoc-journal/browse-arkivoc/ark.5550190.p008.158
+ https://www.arkat-usa.org/arkivoc-journal/browse-arkivoc/ark.5550190.0014.216
+ # fixed (embed PDF)
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://www.scielo.br%' limit 5;
+ https://doi.org/10.5935/0034-7280.20200075
+ https://doi.org/10.5935/0004-2749.20200071
+ https://doi.org/10.5935/0034-7280.20200035
+ http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-44461999000400014
+ https://doi.org/10.5935/0034-7280.20200047
+ # need recrawls?
+ # then success
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://www.lcgdbzz.org%' limit 5;
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://revistas.uniandes.edu.co%' limit 5;
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://scielo.sld.cu%' limit 5;
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://www.egms.de%' limit 5;
+ https://doi.org/10.3205/16dgnc020
+ http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0183-19degam1126
+ http://www.egms.de/en/meetings/dgpraec2019/19dgpraec032.shtml
+ http://www.egms.de/en/meetings/dkou2019/19dkou070.shtml
+ http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0183-20nrwgu625
+ # mostly abstracts, don't have PDF versions
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://ter-arkhiv.ru%' limit 5;
+ https://doi.org/10.26442/terarkh201890114-47
+ https://doi.org/10.26442/00403660.2019.12.000206
+ https://journals.eco-vector.com/0040-3660/article/download/32246/pdf
+ https://journals.eco-vector.com/0040-3660/article/download/33578/pdf
+ https://doi.org/10.26442/00403660.2019.12.000163
+ # working, needed recrawls (some force re-crawls)
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://www.kitlv-journals.nl%' limit 5;
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://www.cjcnn.org%' limit 5;
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://www.dlib.si%' limit 5;
+ https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/2910
+ https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/3640
+ https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/2746
+ https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/2557
+ https://srl.si/ojs/srl/article/view/2583
+ # fixed? (dlib.si)
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://www.jssm.org%' limit 5;
+ http://www.jssm.org/vol4/n4/8/v4n4-8text.php
+ http://www.jssm.org/vol7/n1/19/v7n1-19text.php
+ http://www.jssm.org/vol9/n3/10/v9n3-10text.php
+ http://www.jssm.org/abstresearcha.php?id=jssm-14-347.xml
+ http://www.jssm.org/vol7/n2/11/v7n2-11text.php
+ # works as an HTML document? otherwise hard to select on PDF link
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://filclass.ru%' limit 5;
+ https://filclass.ru/en/archive/2018/2-52/the-chronicle-of-domestic-literary-criticism
+ https://filclass.ru/en/archive/2015/42/training-as-an-effective-form-of-preparation-for-the-final-essay
+ https://filclass.ru/en/archive/2020/vol-25-3/didaktizatsiya-literatury-rossijskikh-nemtsev-zanyatie-po-poeme-viktora-klyajna-jungengesprach
+ https://filclass.ru/en/archive/2015/40/the-communicative-behaviour-of-the-russian-intelligentsia-and-its-reflection-in-reviews-as-a-genre-published-in-online-literary-journals-abroad
+ https://filclass.ru/en/archive/2016/46/discoursive-means-of-implication-of-instructive-components-within-the-anti-utopia-genre
+ # fixed
+ # TODO: XXX: re-crawl/ingest
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://microbiologyjournal.org%' limit 5;
+ https://microbiologyjournal.org/the-relationship-between-the-type-of-infection-and-antibiotic-resistance/
+ https://microbiologyjournal.org/antimicrobial-resistant-shiga-toxin-producing-escherichia-coli-isolated-from-ready-to-eat-meat-products-and-fermented-milk-sold-in-the-formal-and-informal-sectors-in-harare-zimbabwe/
+ https://microbiologyjournal.org/emerging-antibiotic-resistance-in-mycoplasma-microorganisms-designing-effective-and-novel-drugs-therapeutic-targets-current-knowledge-and-futuristic-prospects/
+ https://microbiologyjournal.org/microbiological-and-physicochemicalpropertiesofraw-milkproduced-from-milking-to-delivery-to-milk-plant/
+ https://microbiologyjournal.org/association-of-insulin-based-insulin-resistance-with-liver-biomarkers-in-type-2-diabetes-mellitus/
+ # HTML article, no PDF
+ # ... but only sometimes
+ select base_url from ingest_file_result where ingest_type = 'pdf' and status = 'no-pdf-link' and terminal_url like 'https://www.medwave.cl%' limit 5;
+ http://www.medwave.cl/link.cgi/Medwave/Perspectivas/Cartas/6878
+ https://www.medwave.cl/link.cgi/Medwave/Revisiones/RevisionClinica/8037.act
+ http://dx.doi.org/10.5867/medwave.2012.03.5332
+ https://www.medwave.cl/link.cgi/Medwave/Estudios/Casos/7683.act
+ http://www.medwave.cl/link.cgi/Medwave/Revisiones/CAT/5964
+ # HTML article, no PDF
+Re-ingest HTML:
+ https://fatcat.wiki/container/mafob4ewkzczviwipyul7knndu (DONE)
+ https://fatcat.wiki/container/6rgnsrp3rnexdoks3bxcmbleda (DONE)
+Re-ingest PDF:
+ doi_prefix:10.5935 (DONE)
+ doi_prefix:10.26442
+## More Scielo
+More scielo? `doi_prefix:10.5935 in_ia:false`
+ http://revistaadmmade.estacio.br/index.php/reeduc/article/view/1910/47965873
+ # OJS? fixed
+ https://revistas.unicentro.br/index.php/repaa/article/view/2667/2240
+ # working, but needed re-crawl
+ http://www.rbcp.org.br/details/2804/piezoelectric-preservative-rhinoplasty--an-alternative-approach-for-treating-bifid-nose-in-tessier-no--0-facial-cleft
+A few others, mostly now working
+## Recent OA DOIs
+ fatcat-cli search release 'is_oa:true (type:article-journal OR type:article OR type:paper-conference) !doi_prefix:10.5281 !doi_prefix:10.6084 !doi_prefix:10.48550 !doi_prefix:10.25446 !doi_prefix:10.25384 doi:* date:>2022-06-15 date:<2022-07-15 in_ia:false !publisher_type:big5' --index-json --limit 0 | pv -l > recent_missing_oa.json
+ wc -l recent_missing_oa.json
+ 24433
+ cat recent_missing_oa.json | jq .doi_prefix -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
+ 4968 10.3390
+ 1261 10.1080
+ 687 10.23668
+ 663 10.1021
+ 472 10.1088
+ 468 10.4000
+ 367 10.3917
+ 357 10.1364
+ 308 10.4230
+ 303 10.17863
+ cat recent_missing_oa.json | jq .doi_registrar -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
+ 19496 crossref
+ 4836 datacite
+ 101 null
+ cat recent_missing_oa.json | jq .publisher_type -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr
+ 9575 longtail
+ 8419 null
+ 3861 society
+ 822 unipress
+ 449 oa
+ 448 scielo
+ 430 commercial
+ 400 repository
+ 22 other
+ 7 archive
+ cat recent_missing_oa.json | jq .publisher -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
+ 4871 MDPI AG
+ 1107 Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
+ 665 EAG-Publikationen
+ 631 American Chemical Society
+ 451 IOP Publishing
+ 357 The Optical Society
+ 347 OpenEdition
+ 309 CAIRN
+ 308 Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik
+ 303 Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository
+ cat recent_missing_oa.json | jq .container_name -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head
+ 4908 null
+ 378 Sustainability
+ 327 ACS Omega
+ 289 Optics Express
+ 271 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
+ 270 International Journal of Health Sciences
+ 238 Sensors
+ 223 International Journal of Molecular Sciences
+ 207 Molecules
+ 193 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
+ cat recent_missing_oa.json \
+ | rg -v "(MDPI|Informa UK|American Chemical Society|IOP Publishing|CAIRN|OpenEdition)" \
+ | wc -l
+ 16558
+ cat recent_missing_oa.json | rg -i mdpi | shuf -n10 | jq .doi -r
+ 10.3390/molecules27144419
+ => was a 404
+ => recrawl was successful
+ 10.3390/math10142398
+ => was a 404
+ 10.3390/smartcities5030039
+ => was a 404
+Huh, we need to re-try/re-crawl MDPI URLs every week or so? Or special-case this situation.
+Could be just a fatcat script, or a sandcrawler query.
+ cat recent_missing_oa.json \
+ | rg -v "(MDPI|Informa UK|American Chemical Society|IOP Publishing|CAIRN|OpenEdition)" \
+ | shuf -n10 | jq .doi -r
+ https://doi.org/10.18452/24860
+ => success (just needed quarterly retry?)
+ => b8c6c86aebd6cd2d85515441bbce052bcff033f2 (not in fatcat.wiki)
+ => current status is "bad-redirect"
+ https://doi.org/10.26181/20099540.v1
+ => success
+ => 3f9b1ff2a09f3ea9051dbbef277579e8a0b4df30
+ => this is figshare, and versioned. PDF was already attached to another DOI: https://doi.org/10.26181/20099540
+ https://doi.org/10.4230/lipics.sea.2022.22
+ => there is a bug resulting in trailing slash in `citation_pdf_url`
+ => fixed as a quirks mode
+ => emailed to report
+ https://doi.org/10.3897/aca.5.e89679
+ => success
+ => e6fd1e066c8a323dc56246631748202d5fb48808
+ => current status is 'bad-redirect'
+ https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevd.105.115035
+ => was 404
+ => success after force-recrawl of the terminal URL (not base URL)
+ https://doi.org/10.1155/2022/4649660
+ => was 404
+ => success after force-recrawl (of base_url)
+ https://doi.org/10.1090/spmj/1719
+ => paywall (not actually OA)
+ => https://fatcat.wiki/container/x6jfhegb3fbv3bcbqn2i3espiu is on Szczepanski list, but isn't all OA?
+ https://doi.org/10.1139/as-2022-0011
+ => was no-pdf-link
+ => fixed fulltext URL extraction
+ => still needed to re-crawl terminal PDF link? hrm
+ https://doi.org/10.31703/grr.2022(vii-ii).02
+ => was no-pdf-link
+ => fixed! success
+ https://doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.00154-22
+ => was 404
+ => now repeatably 503, via SPN
+ https://doi.org/10.51601/ijersc.v3i3.393
+ => 503 server error
+ https://doi.org/10.25416/ntr.20137379.v1
+ => is figshare
+ => docx (not PDF)
+ https://doi.org/10.25394/pgs.20263698.v1
+ => figshare
+ => embargo'd
+ https://doi.org/10.24850/j-tyca-14-4-7
+ => was no-pdf-link
+ => docs.google.com/viewer (!)
+ => now handle this (success)
+ https://doi.org/10.26267/unipi_dione/1832
+ => was bad-redirect
+ => success
+ https://doi.org/10.25560/98019
+ => body-too-large
+ => also, PDF metadata fails to parse
+ => is actually like 388 MByte
+ https://doi.org/10.14738/abr.106.12511
+ => max-hops-exceeded
+ => bumped max-hops from 6 to 8
+ => then success (via google drive)
+ https://doi.org/10.24350/cirm.v.19933803
+ => video, not PDF
+ https://doi.org/10.2140/pjm.2022.317.67
+ => link-loop
+ => not actually OA
+ https://doi.org/10.26265/polynoe-2306
+ => was bad-redirect
+ => now success
+ https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2022.826875
+ => frontiers
+ => was terminal-bad-status (403)
+ => success on retry (not sure why)
+ => maybe this is also a date-of-publication thing?
+ => not sure all these should be retried though
+ https://doi.org/10.14198/medcom.22240
+ => was terminal-bad-status (404)
+ => force-recrawl resulted in an actual landing page, but still no-pdf-link
+ => but actual PDF is a real 404, it seems. oh well
+ https://doi.org/10.31729/jnma.7579
+ => no-capture
+ https://doi.org/10.25373/ctsnet.20146931.v2
+ => figshare
+ => video, not document or PDF
+ https://doi.org/10.1007/s42600-022-00224-0
+ => not yet crawled/attempted (!)
+ => springer
+ => not actually OA
+ https://doi.org/10.37391/ijeer.100207
+ => some upstream issue (server not found)
+ https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0093946
+ => aip.scitation.org, is actually OA (can download in browser)
+ => cookie trap?
+ => redirect-loop (seems like a true redirect loop)
+ => retrying the terminal PDF URL seems to have worked
+ https://doi.org/10.18502/jchr.v11i2.9998
+ => no actual fulltext on publisher site
+ https://doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.01144-22
+ => this is a 503 error, even after retrying. weird!
+DONE: check `publisher_type` in chocula for:
+- "MDPI AG"
+- "Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)"
+ cat recent_missing_oa.json | jq '[.publisher, .publisher_type]' -c | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n40
+ 4819 ["MDPI AG","longtail"]
+ 924 ["Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)",null]
+ 665 ["EAG-Publikationen",null]
+ 631 ["American Chemical Society","society"]
+ 449 ["IOP Publishing","society"]
+ 357 ["The Optical Society","society"]
+ 336 ["OpenEdition","oa"]
+ 309 ["CAIRN","repository"]
+ 308 ["Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik",null]
+ 303 ["Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository",null]
+ 292 ["Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.)",null]
+ 275 ["Purdue University Graduate School",null]
+ 270 ["Suryasa and Sons","longtail"]
+ 257 ["La Trobe",null]
+ 216 ["Frontiers Media SA","longtail"]
+ 193 ["Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences","society"]
+ 182 ["Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)","longtail"]
+ 176 ["American Physical Society","society"]
+ 168 ["Institution of Electrical Engineers","society"]
+ 166 ["Oxford University Press","unipress"]
+ 153 ["Loughborough University",null]
+ chocula mostly seems to set these correctly. is the issue that the chocula
+ computed values aren't coming through or getting updated? probably. both
+ the release (from container) metadata update; and chocula importer not
+ doing updates based on this field; and some old/incorrect values.
+ did some cleanups of specific containers, and next chocula update should
+ result in a bunch more `publisher_type` getting populated on older
+ containers
+TODO: verify URLs are actualy URLs... somewhere? in the ingest pipeline
+TODO: fatcat: don't ingest figshare "work" DOIs, only the "versioned" ones (?)
+ doi_prefix:10.26181
+WIP: sandcrawler: regularly (weekly?) re-try 404 errors (the terminal URL, not the base url?) (or, some kind of delay?)
+ doi_prefix:10.3390 (MDPI)
+ doi_prefix:10.1103
+ doi_prefix:10.1155
+DONE: simply re-ingest all:
+ doi_prefix:10.4230
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc280.us.archive.org,wbgrp-svc284.us.archive.org,wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org --kafka-request-topic sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-daily --ingest-type pdf query 'doi_prefix:10.4230'
+ # Counter({'ingest_request': 2096, 'elasticsearch_release': 2096, 'estimate': 2096, 'kafka': 2096})
+ container_65lzi3vohrat5nnymk3dqpoycy
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc280.us.archive.org,wbgrp-svc284.us.archive.org,wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org --kafka-request-topic sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-daily --ingest-type pdf container --container-id 65lzi3vohrat5nnymk3dqpoycy
+ # Counter({'ingest_request': 187, 'elasticsearch_release': 187, 'estimate': 187, 'kafka': 187})
+ container_5vp2bio65jdc3blx6rfhp3chde
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc280.us.archive.org,wbgrp-svc284.us.archive.org,wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org --kafka-request-topic sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-daily --ingest-type pdf container --container-id 5vp2bio65jdc3blx6rfhp3chde
+ # Counter({'ingest_request': 83, 'elasticsearch_release': 83, 'estimate': 83, 'kafka': 83})
+DONE: verify and maybe re-ingest all:
+ is_oa:true publisher:"Canadian Science Publishing" in_ia:false
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc280.us.archive.org,wbgrp-svc284.us.archive.org,wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org --kafka-request-topic sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-daily --allow-non-oa --ingest-type pdf --force-recrawl query 'year:>2010 is_oa:true publisher:"Canadian Science Publishing" in_ia:false !journal:print'
+ # Counter({'ingest_request': 1041, 'elasticsearch_release': 1041, 'estimate': 1041, 'kafka': 1041})
+## Re-Ingest bad-redirect, max-hops-exceeded, and google drive
+Similar to `redirect-loop`:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'bad-redirect'
+ -- AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ )
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_badredirect.2022-07-20.rows.json';
+ # COPY 100011
+ # after first run: COPY 5611
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'max-hops-exceeded'
+ -- AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ )
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_maxhops.2022-07-20.rows.json';
+ # COPY 3546
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_file_result.hit is false
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url like 'https://docs.google.com/viewer%'
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ )
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_googledocs.2022-07-20.rows.json';
+ # COPY 1082
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_badredirect.2022-07-20.rows.json > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_badredirect.2022-07-20.json
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_maxhops.2022-07-20.rows.json > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_maxhops.2022-07-20.json
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_googledocs.2022-07-20.rows.json > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_googledocs.2022-07-20.json
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_badredirect.2022-07-20.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-daily -p -1
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_maxhops.2022-07-20.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-daily -p -1
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/retry_googledocs.2022-07-20.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-daily -p -1
+ # DONE
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2022-07-19_dblp.md b/notes/ingest/2022-07-19_dblp.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74aeb8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2022-07-19_dblp.md
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+Cross-posting from fatcat bulk metadata update/ingest.
+ zcat dblp_sandcrawler_ingest_requests.json.gz | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ # 631k 0:00:11 [54.0k/s]
+## Post-Crawl Stats
+This is after bulk ingest, crawl, and a bit of "live" re-ingest. Query run
+ SELECT ingest_request.ingest_type, ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'dblp'
+ GROUP BY ingest_request.ingest_type, status
+ -- ORDER BY ingest_request.ingest_type, COUNT DESC
+ LIMIT 30;
+ ingest_type | status | count
+ -------------+-----------------------+--------
+ pdf | success | 305142
+ pdf | no-pdf-link | 192683
+ pdf | no-capture | 42634
+ pdf | terminal-bad-status | 38041
+ pdf | skip-url-blocklist | 31055
+ pdf | link-loop | 9263
+ pdf | wrong-mimetype | 4545
+ pdf | redirect-loop | 3952
+ pdf | empty-blob | 2705
+ pdf | wayback-content-error | 834
+ pdf | wayback-error | 294
+ pdf | petabox-error | 202
+ pdf | blocked-cookie | 155
+ pdf | cdx-error | 115
+ pdf | body-too-large | 66
+ pdf | bad-redirect | 19
+ pdf | timeout | 7
+ pdf | bad-gzip-encoding | 4
+ (18 rows)
+That is quite a lot of `no-pdf-link`, might be worth doing a random sample
+and/or re-ingest. And a chunk of `no-capture` to retry.
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2022-07_doaj.md b/notes/ingest/2022-07_doaj.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e55633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2022-07_doaj.md
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+This is just a load and bulk ingest; will do a separate 'TARGETED' crawl for
+heritrix bulk crawling, along with JALC and DOAJ URLs.
+ export SNAPSHOT=2022-07-20
+## Transform and Load
+ # on sandcrawler-vm
+ mkdir -p /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj
+ cd /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj
+ wget "https://archive.org/download/doaj_data_${SNAPSHOT}/doaj_article_data_${SNAPSHOT}_all.json.gz"
+ # in pipenv, in python directory
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj/doaj_article_data_${SNAPSHOT}_all.json.gz | ./scripts/doaj2ingestrequest.py - | pv -l | gzip > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj/doaj_article_data_${SNAPSHOT}_all.ingest_request.json.gz
+ # 9.72M 0:36:28 [4.44k/s]
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj/doaj_article_data_${SNAPSHOT}_all.ingest_request.json.gz | pv -l | ./persist_tool.py ingest-request -
+ # 9.72M 0:17:04 [9.49k/s]
+ # Worker: Counter({'total': 9721097, 'insert-requests': 809681, 'update-requests': 0})
+ # JSON lines pushed: Counter({'total': 9721097, 'pushed': 9721097})
+Stats after this load:
+ SELECT ingest_request.ingest_type, ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ GROUP BY ingest_request.ingest_type, status
+ -- next time include ingest_type in sort
+ LIMIT 30;
+ ingest_type | status | count
+ -------------+--------------------------+---------
+ pdf | success | 3165539
+ pdf | | 2078874
+ html | | 1547698
+ html | wrong-scope | 1114332
+ pdf | no-pdf-link | 517261
+ html | success | 388376
+ html | unknown-scope | 242044
+ pdf | no-capture | 179030
+ pdf | terminal-bad-status | 174741
+ html | no-capture | 155323
+ pdf | null-body | 129267
+ pdf | redirect-loop | 127136
+ html | html-resource-no-capture | 117275
+ html | null-body | 100296
+ pdf | blocked-cookie | 71093
+ html | redirect-loop | 65519
+ html | terminal-bad-status | 64856
+ html | blocked-cookie | 64095
+ html | spn2-backoff | 55173
+ pdf | link-loop | 27440
+ html | wrong-mimetype | 26016
+ html | wayback-content-error | 20109
+ xml | | 13624
+ pdf | wrong-mimetype | 8411
+ xml | success | 6899
+ html | petabox-error | 6199
+ html | wayback-error | 5269
+ html | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 4635
+ html | spn2-recent-capture | 4527
+ xml | null-body | 2353
+ (30 rows)
+## Bulk Ingest
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(t1.*)
+ FROM (
+ SELECT ingest_request.*, ingest_file_result as result
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ AND ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ -- AND (ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ -- OR ingest_request.ingest_type = 'xml')
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ )
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://web.archive.org/%'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%://www.archive.org/%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://archive.org/%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://web.archive.org/%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%://www.archive.org/%'
+ ) t1
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_2022-07-20.rows.json';
+ # COPY 3962331
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_${SNAPSHOT}.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_${SNAPSHOT}.requests.json
+ # 3.96M 0:01:47 [36.7k/s]
+Top domains:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_${SNAPSHOT}.requests.json | jq .base_url -r | cut -f3 -d/ | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n20
+ 789988 www.mdpi.com
+ 318142 www.frontiersin.org
+ 226316 link.springer.com
+ 204429 www.scielo.br
+ 201175 www.sciencedirect.com
+ 72852 ieeexplore.ieee.org
+ 68983 dx.doi.org
+ 33286 www.dovepress.com
+ 26020 elifesciences.org
+ 23838 www.cetjournal.it
+ 21102 mab-online.nl
+ 20242 www.revistas.usp.br
+ 16564 periodicos.uem.br
+ 15710 journals.openedition.org
+ 14514 dergipark.org.tr
+ 14072 apcz.umk.pl
+ 13924 ojs.minions.amsterdam
+ 13717 bmgn-lchr.nl
+ 13512 ojstest.minions.amsterdam
+ 10440 journals.asm.org
+Bulk ingest:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/doaj_seedlist_${SNAPSHOT}.requests.json | rg -v "dx.doi.org" | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ # Done
+## Stats Again
+ SELECT ingest_request.ingest_type, ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ GROUP BY ingest_request.ingest_type, status
+ -- ORDER BY ingest_request.ingest_type, COUNT DESC
+ LIMIT 30;
+ ingest_type | status | count
+ -------------+--------------------------+---------
+ pdf | success | 4704006
+ html | wrong-scope | 1761227
+ html | success | 778165
+ pdf | no-pdf-link | 759805
+ html | no-capture | 382080
+ html | unknown-scope | 313391
+ html | html-resource-no-capture | 292953
+ pdf | no-capture | 290311
+ pdf | terminal-bad-status | 271776
+ pdf | null-body | 129267
+ pdf | blocked-cookie | 108491
+ html | terminal-bad-status | 103014
+ html | null-body | 100296
+ html | blocked-cookie | 88533
+ pdf | | 81517
+ pdf | skip-url-blocklist | 76443
+ html | spn2-backoff | 50615
+ pdf | link-loop | 45516
+ html | wrong-mimetype | 33525
+ html | wayback-content-error | 25535
+ pdf | empty-blob | 21431
+ pdf | redirect-loop | 19795
+ html | petabox-error | 18291
+ html | empty-blob | 14391
+ pdf | wrong-mimetype | 14084
+ html | redirect-loop | 12856
+ xml | success | 10381
+ xml | no-capture | 10008
+ html | skip-url-blocklist | 3294
+ html | cdx-error | 3275
+ (30 rows)
+Pretty good success rate for PDFs. That is a lot of `no-capture`! And why 81k
+PDFs with no attempt at all? Maybe a filter, or bogus URLs.
+Over 1.5M new PDF success over this crawl iteration period, nice.
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2022-07_targeted.md b/notes/ingest/2022-07_targeted.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..415f23b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2022-07_targeted.md
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+Heritrix follow-up crawl for recent bulk ingest of DOAJ, JALC, and DBLP URLs.
+ export PATCHDATE=2022-07-29
+ export CRAWLVM=wbgrp-svc279.us.archive.org
+## Seedlist Query
+Terminal URLs dump:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(t) FROM (
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.terminal_url, ingest_request.*
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ (
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ OR ingest_request.ingest_type = 'html'
+ )
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.updated >= '2022-01-12'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-content-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'petabox-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status LIKE 'spn2-%'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'gateway-timeout'
+ OR (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'terminal-bad-status'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 500
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 502
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 503
+ OR ingest_file_result.terminal_status_code = 429
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ AND (
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'doi'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'doaj'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'dblp'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'arxiv'
+ OR ingest_request.link_source = 'pmc'
+ -- OR ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ -- OR ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ )
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%edoc.mpg.de%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%orcid.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%gateway.isiknowledge.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%europmc.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%arxiv.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE 'https://doi.org/10.%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%journals.sagepub.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%pubs.acs.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ahajournals.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.journal.csj.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%aip.scitation.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%academic.oup.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%tandfonline.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%researchgate.net%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%muse.jhu.edu%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%omicsonline.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%link.springer.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%ieeexplore.ieee.org%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%zenodo.org%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.google.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%figshare.com%'
+ -- AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%springernature.figshare.com%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%www.archive.org%'
+ ) t
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_2022-07-29.rows.json';
+ => COPY 3524573
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_$PATCHDATE.rows.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq -r .terminal_url \
+ | rg '://' \
+ | rg -i '^http' \
+ | rg -v '://10\.' \
+ | rg -v '://172\.' \
+ | sort -u -S 4G \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.txt
+ => 3.11M 0:01:08 [45.4k/s]
+ # check top domains
+ cut -f3 -d/ /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.txt | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n25
+ 624948 doi.org
+ 382492 www.jstage.jst.go.jp
+ 275087 www.mdpi.com
+ 157134 www.persee.fr
+ 108979 www.sciencedirect.com
+ 94375 www.scielo.br
+ 50834 onlinelibrary.wiley.com
+ 49991 journals.lww.com
+ 30354 www.frontiersin.org
+ 27963 doaj.org
+ 27058 www.e-periodica.ch
+ 24147 dl.acm.org
+ 23389 aclanthology.org
+ 22086 www.research-collection.ethz.ch
+ 21589 medien.die-bonn.de
+ 18866 www.ingentaconnect.com
+ 18583 doi.nrct.go.th
+ 18271 repositories.lib.utexas.edu
+ 17634 hdl.handle.net
+ 16366 archives.datapages.com
+ 15146 cgscholar.com
+ 13987 dl.gi.de
+ 13188 www.degruyter.com
+ 12503 ethos.bl.uk
+ 12304 preprints.jmir.org
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.txt | awk '{print "F+ " $1}' > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.schedule
+ => done
+ scp /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.schedule $CRAWLVM:/tmp
+ ssh $CRAWLVM sudo -u heritrix cp /tmp/patch_terminal_url.$PATCHDATE.schedule /0/ia-jobs/journal-crawls/$CRAWLNAME/action/
+## Re-Ingest
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_$PATCHDATE.rows.json | pv -l | shuf > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_$PATCHDATE.requests.json
+ => 3.52M 0:01:37 [36.2k/s]
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/patch_ingest_request_$PATCHDATE.requests.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2022-09_oaipmh.md b/notes/ingest/2022-09_oaipmh.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac7c68f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest/2022-09_oaipmh.md
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+Martin did another OAI-PMH bulk crawl, this time with the old JSON format: <https://archive.org/download/oai_harvest_20220921>
+I updated the transform script to block some additional domains.
+## Prep
+Fetch the snapshot:
+ cd /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/
+ wget https://archive.org/download/oai_harvest_20220921/2022-09-21-oai-pmh-metadata-compat.jsonl.zst
+Transform to ingest requests:
+ cd /srv/sandcrawler/src/python
+ git log | head -n1
+ # commit dfd4605d84712eccb95a63e50b0bcb343642b433
+ pipenv shell
+ zstdcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/2022-09-21-oai-pmh-metadata-compat.jsonl.zst \
+ | ./scripts/oai2ingestrequest.py - \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/2022-09-21_oaipmh_ingestrequests.json.gz
+ # 16.1M 1:01:02 [4.38k/s]
+Curious about types, though this would probably be handled at fatcat ingest
+ zstdcat 2022-09-21-oai-pmh-metadata-compat.jsonl.zst | jq '.types[]' -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > oai_type_counts.txt
+ head oai_type_counts.txt -n30
+ 5623867 info:eu-repo/semantics/article
+ 5334928 info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion
+ 3870359 text
+ 1240225 Text
+ 829169 Article
+ 769849 NonPeerReviewed
+ 665700 PeerReviewed
+ 648740 Peer-reviewed Article
+ 547857 article
+ 482906 info:eu-repo/semantics/bachelorThesis
+ 353814 Thesis
+ 329269 Student thesis
+ 262650 info:eu-repo/semantics/conferenceObject
+ 185354 Journal articles
+ 162021 info:eu-repo/semantics/doctoralThesis
+ 152079 Journal Article
+ 150226 Research Article
+ 130217 Conference papers
+ 127255 Artículo revisado por pares
+ 124243 Newspaper
+ 123908 ##rt.metadata.pkp.peerReviewed##
+ 123309 Photograph
+ 122981 info:eu-repo/semantics/masterThesis
+ 116719 Book
+ 108946 Image
+ 108216 Report
+ 107946 Other
+ 103562 masterThesis
+ 103038 info:eu-repo/semantics/other
+ 101404 StillImage
+ [...]
+And formats:
+ zstdcat 2022-09-21-oai-pmh-metadata-compat.jsonl.zst | jq '.formats[]' -r | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr > oai_format_counts.txt
+ head -n 20 oai_format_counts.txt
+ 11151928 application/pdf
+ 677413 text
+ 561656 text/html
+ 498518 image/jpeg
+ 231219 Text
+ 193638 text/xml
+ 147214 Image
+ 117073 image/jpg
+ 110872 pdf
+ 91323 image/tiff
+ 76948 bib
+ 75393 application/xml
+ 70244 Digitized from 35 mm. microfilm.
+ 68206 mods
+ 59227 PDF
+ 57677 application/epub+zip
+ 57602 application/octet-stream
+ 52072 text/plain
+ 51620 application/msword
+ 47227 audio/mpeg
+Also, just overall size (number of records):
+ zstdcat 2022-09-21-oai-pmh-metadata-compat.jsonl.zst | wc -l
+ # 20,840,301
+Next load in to sandcrawler DB:
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/2022-09-21_oaipmh_ingestrequests.json.gz | pv -l | ./persist_tool.py ingest-request -
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ File "./persist_tool.py", line 311, in <module>
+ main()
+ File "./persist_tool.py", line 307, in main
+ args.func(args)
+ File "./persist_tool.py", line 119, in run_ingest_request
+ pusher.run()
+ File "/1/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/sandcrawler/workers.py", line 397, in run
+ self.worker.push_batch(batch)
+ File "/1/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/sandcrawler/persist.py", line 342, in push_batch
+ resp = self.db.insert_ingest_request(self.cur, irequests)
+ File "/1/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/sandcrawler/db.py", line 459, in insert_ingest_request
+ resp = psycopg2.extras.execute_values(cur, sql, rows, page_size=250, fetch=True)
+ File "/1/srv/sandcrawler/src/python/.venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/psycopg2/extras.py", line 1270, in execute_values
+ cur.execute(b''.join(parts))
+ psycopg2.errors.ProgramLimitExceeded: index row size 3400 exceeds btree version 4 maximum 2704 for index "ingest_request_base_url_idx"
+ DETAIL: Index row references tuple (6893121,3) in relation "ingest_request".
+ HINT: Values larger than 1/3 of a buffer page cannot be indexed.
+ Consider a function index of an MD5 hash of the value, or use full text indexing.
+ 15.7M 0:41:48 [6.27k/s]
+Darn, this means we won't get reasonable stats about how many rows were
+Patched the persist tool to skip very long URLs, and ran again (backwards, just
+URLs which didn't get inserted already):
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/2022-09-21_oaipmh_ingestrequests.json.gz \
+ | tac \
+ | head -n1000000 \
+ | pv -l \
+ | ./persist_tool.py ingest-request -
+ # 1.00M 0:03:04 [5.41k/s]
+ # Worker: Counter({'total': 1000000, 'insert-requests': 124701, 'skip-url-too-long': 1, 'update-requests': 0})
+Status of just the new lines:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2022-09-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ | 6398455
+ success | 540219
+ no-pdf-link | 41316
+ link-loop | 23871
+ no-capture | 11350
+ redirect-loop | 8315
+ wrong-mimetype | 2394
+ terminal-bad-status | 1540
+ null-body | 1038
+ cdx-error | 272
+ empty-blob | 237
+ petabox-error | 213
+ wayback-error | 186
+ blocked-cookie | 107
+ timeout | 47
+ wayback-content-error | 26
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 21
+ skip-url-blocklist | 16
+ spn2-backoff | 15
+ body-too-large | 13
+ (20 rows)
+## Bulk Ingest
+Should already have filtered domains/prefixes in transform script, so not
+including filters here.
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2022-09-01'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status IS NULL
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_noingest_20220921.rows.json';
+ # COPY 6398455
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_noingest_20220921.rows.json \
+ | pv -l \
+ | shuf \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_noingest_20220921.ingest_request.json
+ # 6.40M 0:02:18 [46.2k/s]
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_noingest_20220921.ingest_request.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ # DONE
+Expect this ingest to take a week or so.
+Then, run stats again:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2022-09-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+---------
+ no-capture | 3617175
+ success | 2775036
+ no-pdf-link | 449298
+ link-loop | 74260
+ terminal-bad-status | 47819
+ wrong-mimetype | 20195
+ redirect-loop | 18197
+ empty-blob | 12127
+ cdx-error | 3038
+ skip-url-blocklist | 2630
+ wayback-error | 2599
+ petabox-error | 2354
+ wayback-content-error | 1617
+ blocked-cookie | 1293
+ null-body | 1038
+ body-too-large | 670
+ | 143
+ bad-gzip-encoding | 64
+ timeout | 47
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 20
+ (20 rows)
+## Crawl Seedlist
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2022-09-01'
+ AND (
+ ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'redirect-loop'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'terminal-bad-status'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'cdx-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'petabox-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-error'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'timeout'
+ OR ingest_file_result.status = 'wayback-content-error'
+ )
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.rows.json';
+ => COPY 3692846
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.rows.json \
+ | pv -l \
+ | shuf \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.ingest_request.json
+ => 3.69M 0:01:19 [46.6k/s]
+This will be used for re-ingest later. For now, extract URLs:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.rows.json \
+ | jq .base_url -r \
+ | sort -u -S 4G \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.base_url.txt
+ => 3.66M 0:00:59 [61.8k/s]
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.rows.json \
+ | rg '"terminal_url"' \
+ | jq -r .result.terminal_url \
+ | rg -v ^null$ \
+ | sort -u -S 4G \
+ | pv -l \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.terminal_url.txt
+ => 0.00 0:00:05 [0.00 /s]
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.base_url.txt /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.terminal_url.txt \
+ | awk '{print "F+ " $1}' \
+ | shuf \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.schedule
+What domains are we crawling?
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.base_url.txt /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.terminal_url.txt \
+ | sort -u -S 4G \
+ | cut -d/ -f3 \
+ | sort \
+ | uniq -c \
+ | sort -nr \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.domains.txt
+ head -n20 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.domains.txt
+ 91899 raco.cat
+ 70116 islandora.wrlc.org
+ 68708 urn.kb.se
+ 63726 citeseerx.ist.psu.edu
+ 50370 publications.rwth-aachen.de
+ 44885 urn.nsk.hr
+ 38429 server15795.contentdm.oclc.org
+ 33041 periodicos.ufpb.br
+ 32519 nbn-resolving.org
+ 31990 www.ajol.info
+ 24745 hal.archives-ouvertes.fr
+ 22569 id.nii.ac.jp
+ 17239 tilburguniversity.on.worldcat.org
+ 15873 dspace.nbuv.gov.ua
+ 15436 digitalcommons.wustl.edu
+ 14885 www.iiste.org
+ 14623 www.manchester.ac.uk
+ 14033 nbn-resolving.de
+ 13999 opus4.kobv.de
+ 13689 www.redalyc.org
+ wc -l /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.base_url.txt /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.terminal_url.txt /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.schedule
+ 3662864 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.base_url.txt
+ 0 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.terminal_url.txt
+ 3662864 /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.schedule
+Copy seedlist to crawler:
+ # as regular user
+ scp /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.schedule wbgrp-svc206.us.archive.org:/tmp
+## Post-Crawl Bulk Ingest
+ # ran 2022-11-16, after crawl cleanup
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/oai_nocapture_20220921.ingest_request.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ => DONE
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
+ AND date(ingest_request.created) > '2022-09-01'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -----------------------+---------
+ success | 4721164 +1,946,128
+ no-pdf-link | 1116290
+ no-capture | 673939
+ terminal-bad-status | 232217
+ link-loop | 148544
+ wrong-mimetype | 68841
+ redirect-loop | 26262
+ empty-blob | 17759
+ cdx-error | 6570
+ blocked-cookie | 4026
+ blocked-wall | 3054
+ skip-url-blocklist | 2924
+ body-too-large | 2404
+ bad-redirect | 1565
+ wayback-error | 1320
+ petabox-error | 1083
+ null-body | 1038
+ wayback-content-error | 264
+ bad-gzip-encoding | 150
+ | 143
+ (20 rows)
diff --git a/notes/ingest_domains.txt b/notes/ingest_domains.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae06272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/ingest_domains.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+## Queries to find broken domains
+Top domains with failed ingests:
+ SELECT domain, status, COUNT((domain, status))
+ FROM (SELECT status, substring(terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain FROM ingest_file_result) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain != ''
+ AND t1.status != 'success'
+ AND t1.status != 'no-capture'
+ GROUP BY domain, status
+ LIMIT 30;
+Status overview for a particular domain:
+ SELECT domain, status, COUNT((domain, status))
+ FROM (SELECT status, substring(terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain FROM ingest_file_result) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain = 'osapublishing.org'
+ GROUP BY domain, status
+ SELECT domain, terminal_status_code, COUNT((domain, terminal_status_code))
+ FROM (SELECT terminal_status_code, substring(terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain FROM ingest_file_result) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain = 'osapublishing.org'
+ AND t1.terminal_status_code is not null
+ GROUP BY domain, terminal_status_code
+Sample recent failures:
+ SELECT * FROM ingest_file_result
+ WHERE terminal_url LIKE '%osapublishing.org%'
+ AND status = 'terminal-bad-status'
+ ORDER BY updated DESC
+ LIMIT 10;
+## Failing
+ this publisher (The Optical Society) is systemically using a CAPTCHA to
+ gate access to PDFs. bummer! could ask them to white-list?
+ has citation_pdf_url, so that isn't an issue
+ status: "no-pdf-link"
+ hops:
+ "https://doi.org/10.1364/optica.6.000798",
+ "https://www.osapublishing.org/viewmedia.cfm?uri=optica-6-6-798&seq=0"
+ "https://www.osapublishing.org/captcha/?guid=830CEAB5-09BD-6140-EABD-751200C78B1C"
+ domain | status | count
+ -----------------------+---------------------+-------
+ www.osapublishing.org | no-capture | 16680
+ www.osapublishing.org | no-pdf-link | 373
+ www.osapublishing.org | redirect-loop | 19
+ www.osapublishing.org | terminal-bad-status | 5
+ www.osapublishing.org | cdx-error | 1
+ www.osapublishing.org | wrong-mimetype | 1
+ www.osapublishing.org | spn-error | 1
+ www.osapublishing.org | success | 1
+ www.osapublishing.org | wayback-error | 1
+ (9 rows)
+ Seems to be mostly blocking or rate-limiting?
+ domain | status | count
+ ---------------+-------------------------------------+-------
+ www.persee.fr | no-capture | 37862
+ www.persee.fr | terminal-bad-status | 3134
+ www.persee.fr | gateway-timeout | 2828
+ www.persee.fr | no-pdf-link | 431
+ www.persee.fr | spn-error | 75
+ www.persee.fr | redirect-loop | 23
+ www.persee.fr | success | 8
+ www.persee.fr | spn2-error | 2
+ www.persee.fr | spn2-error:soft-time-limit-exceeded | 1
+ www.persee.fr | wrong-mimetype | 1
+ (10 rows)
+ PDF access is via "freemium" subscription. Get redirects to:
+ https://auth.openedition.org/authorized_ip?url=http%3A%2F%2Fjournals.openedition.org%2Fnuevomundo%2Fpdf%2F61053
+ Content is technically open access (HTML and license; for all content?),
+ but can't be crawled as PDF without subscription.
+ domain | status | count
+ --------------------------+-------------------------+-------
+ journals.openedition.org | redirect-loop | 29587
+ journals.openedition.org | success | 6821
+ journals.openedition.org | no-pdf-link | 1507
+ journals.openedition.org | no-capture | 412
+ journals.openedition.org | wayback-error | 32
+ journals.openedition.org | wrong-mimetype | 27
+ journals.openedition.org | terminal-bad-status | 13
+ journals.openedition.org | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 4
+ journals.openedition.org | spn-remote-error | 1
+ journals.openedition.org | null-body | 1
+ journals.openedition.org | cdx-error | 1
+ (11 rows)
+ no-pdf-link
+ domain | status | count
+ ------------------+----------------+-------
+ journals.lww.com | no-pdf-link | 11668
+ journals.lww.com | wrong-mimetype | 131
+ (2 rows)
+ doi prefix: 10.1097
+ <meta name="wkhealth_pdf_url" content="https://pdfs.journals.lww.com/spinejournal/9000/00000/Making_the_Most_of_Systematic_Reviews_and.94318.pdf" />
+ data-pdf-url="https://pdfs.journals.lww.com/spinejournal/9000/00000/Making_the_Most_of_Systematic_Reviews_and.94318.pdf?token=method|ExpireAbsolute;source|Journals;ttl|1582413672903;payload|mY8D3u1TCCsNvP5E421JYK6N6XICDamxByyYpaNzk7FKjTaa1Yz22MivkHZqjGP4kdS2v0J76WGAnHACH69s21Csk0OpQi3YbjEMdSoz2UhVybFqQxA7lKwSUlA502zQZr96TQRwhVlocEp/sJ586aVbcBFlltKNKo+tbuMfL73hiPqJliudqs17cHeLcLbV/CqjlP3IO0jGHlHQtJWcICDdAyGJMnpi6RlbEJaRheGeh5z5uvqz3FLHgPKVXJzdiVgCTnUeUQFYzcJRFhNtc2gv+ECZGji7HUicj1/6h85Y07DBRl1x2MGqlHWXUawD;hash|6cqYBa15ZK407m4VhFfJLw=="
+ Some weird thing going on, maybe they are blocking-via-redirect based on
+ our User-Agent? Seems like wget works, so funny that they don't block that.
+ no-pdf-link
+koreascience.or.kr | no-pdf-link | 8867
+ SELECT domain, status, COUNT((domain, status))
+ FROM (SELECT status, substring(terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain FROM ingest_file_result) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain = 'osapublishing.org'
+ GROUP BY domain, status
+ SELECT * FROM ingest_file_result
+ WHERE terminal_url LIKE '%osapublishing.org%'
+ AND status = 'terminal-bad-status'
+ ORDER BY updated DESC
+ LIMIT 10;
+www.cairn.info | link-loop | 8717
+easy.dans.knaw.nl | no-pdf-link | 8262
+scielo.conicyt.cl | no-pdf-link | 7925
+ SELECT domain, status, COUNT((domain, status))
+ FROM (SELECT status, substring(terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain FROM ingest_file_result) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain = 'scielo.conicyt.cl'
+ GROUP BY domain, status
+ SELECT * FROM ingest_file_result
+ WHERE terminal_url LIKE '%scielo.conicyt.cl%'
+ AND status = 'terminal-bad-status'
+ ORDER BY updated DESC
+ LIMIT 10;
+ domain | status | count
+ -------------------+---------------------+-------
+ scielo.conicyt.cl | no-pdf-link | 7926
+ scielo.conicyt.cl | success | 4972
+ scielo.conicyt.cl | terminal-bad-status | 1474
+ scielo.conicyt.cl | wrong-mimetype | 6
+ scielo.conicyt.cl | no-capture | 4
+ scielo.conicyt.cl | null-body | 1
+ pdf | https://doi.org/10.4067/s0370-41061980000300002 | 2020-02-22 23:55:56.235822+00 | f | terminal-bad-status | https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0370-41061980000300002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en | 20200212201727 | 200 |
+ pdf | https://doi.org/10.4067/s0718-221x2019005000201 | 2020-02-22 23:01:49.070104+00 | f | terminal-bad-status | https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-221X2019005000201&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en | 20200214105308 | 200 |
+ pdf | https://doi.org/10.4067/s0717-75262011000200002 | 2020-02-22 22:49:36.429717+00 | f | terminal-bad-status | https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-75262011000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en | 20200211205804 | 200 |
+ pdf | https://doi.org/10.4067/s0717-95022006000400029 | 2020-02-22 22:33:07.761766+00 | f | terminal-bad-status | https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-95022006000400029&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en | 20200209044048 | 200 |
+ These seem, on retry, like success? Maybe previous was a matter of warc/revisit not getting handled correctly?
+ pdf | https://doi.org/10.4067/s0250-71611998007100009 | 2020-02-22 23:57:16.481703+00 | f | no-pdf-link | https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0250-71611998007100009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en | 20200212122939 | 200 |
+ pdf | https://doi.org/10.4067/s0716-27902005020300006 | 2020-02-22 23:56:01.247616+00 | f | no-pdf-link | https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0716-27902005020300006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en | 20200214192151 | 200 |
+ pdf | https://doi.org/10.4067/s0718-23762005000100015 | 2020-02-22 23:53:55.81526+00 | f | no-pdf-link | https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0718-23762005000100015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en | 20200214173237 | 200 |
+ Look like web/xml only.
+ TODO: XML ingest (and replay?) support. These are as "<article>", not sure if that is JATS or what.
+www.kci.go.kr | no-pdf-link | 6842
+www.m-hikari.com | no-pdf-link | 6763
+cshprotocols.cshlp.org | no-pdf-link | 6553
+www.bibliotekevirtual.org | no-pdf-link | 6309
+data.hpc.imperial.ac.uk | no-pdf-link | 6071
+projecteuclid.org | link-loop | 5970
+ SELECT domain, status, COUNT((domain, status))
+ FROM (SELECT status, substring(terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain FROM ingest_file_result) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain = 'projecteuclid.org'
+ GROUP BY domain, status
+ SELECT * FROM ingest_file_result
+ WHERE terminal_url LIKE '%projecteuclid.org%'
+ AND status = 'link-loop'
+ ORDER BY updated DESC
+ LIMIT 10;
+ domain | status | count
+ -------------------+-------------------------+-------
+ projecteuclid.org | link-loop | 5985
+ projecteuclid.org | success | 26
+ projecteuclid.org | wayback-error | 26
+ projecteuclid.org | wrong-mimetype | 17
+ projecteuclid.org | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 4
+ projecteuclid.org | other-mimetype | 4
+ projecteuclid.org | no-capture | 3
+ projecteuclid.org | terminal-bad-status | 2
+ projecteuclid.org | spn2-error:job-failed | 1
+ projecteuclid.org | spn-remote-error | 1
+ (10 rows)
+ Doing a cookie check and redirect.
+ TODO: brozzler behavior to "click the link" instead?
+www.scielo.br | no-pdf-link | 5823
+ SELECT domain, status, COUNT((domain, status))
+ FROM (SELECT status, substring(terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain FROM ingest_file_result) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain = 'www.scielo.br'
+ GROUP BY domain, status
+ SELECT * FROM ingest_file_result
+ WHERE terminal_url LIKE '%www.scielo.br%'
+ AND status = 'no-pdf-link'
+ ORDER BY updated DESC
+ LIMIT 10;
+ domain | status | count
+ ---------------+-------------------------+-------
+ www.scielo.br | success | 35150
+ www.scielo.br | no-pdf-link | 5839
+ www.scielo.br | terminal-bad-status | 429
+ www.scielo.br | no-capture | 189
+ www.scielo.br | wrong-mimetype | 7
+ www.scielo.br | spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 2
+ (6 rows)
+ Seems to just be the subset with no PDFs.
+get.iedadata.org | no-pdf-link | 5822
+www.pdcnet.org | no-pdf-link | 5798
+publications.rwth-aachen.de | no-pdf-link | 5323
+www.sciencedomain.org | no-pdf-link | 5231
+medicalforum.ch | terminal-bad-status | 4574
+jrnl.nau.edu.ua | link-loop | 4145
+ojs.academypublisher.com | no-pdf-link | 4017
+## MAG bulk ingest
+- dialnet.unirioja.es | redirect-loop | 240967
+ dialnet.unirioja.es | terminal-bad-status | 20320
+ => may be worth re-crawling via heritrix?
+- agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com | no-pdf-link | 72639
+ => and other *.onlinelibrary.wiley.com
+- www.researchgate.net | redirect-loop | 42859
+- www.redalyc.org:9081 | no-pdf-link | 10515
+- www.repository.naturalis.nl | redirect-loop | 8213
+- bjp.rcpsych.org | link-loop | 8045
+- journals.tubitak.gov.tr | wrong-mimetype | 7159
+- www.erudit.org | redirect-loop | 6819
+- papers.ssrn.com | redirect-loop | 27328
+ => blocking is pretty aggressive, using cookies or referrer or something.
+ maybe a brozzler behavior would work, but doesn't currently
+## Out of Scope
+Datasets only?
+- plutof.ut.ee
+- www.gbif.org
+- doi.pangaea.de
+- www.plate-archive.org
+Historical non-paper content:
+- dhz.uni-passau.de (newspapers)
+- digital.ucd.ie (irish historical)
+Mostly datasets (some PDF content):
+- *.figshare.com
+- zenodo.com
+- data.mendeley.com
diff --git a/notes/possible_ingest_targets.txt b/notes/possible_ingest_targets.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fcdc3e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/possible_ingest_targets.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+- all releases from small journals, regardless of OA status, if small (eg, less than 200 papers published), and not big5
+more complex crawling/content:
+- add video link to alternative content demo ingest: https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/48630/items/1.0400764
+- watermark.silverchair.com: if terminal-bad-status, then do recrawl via heritrix with base_url
+- www.morressier.com: interesting site for rich web crawling/preservation (video+slides+data)
+- doi.ala.org.au: possible dataset ingest source
+- peerj.com, at least reviews, should be HTML ingest? or are some PDF?
+- publons.com should be HTML ingest, possibly special case for scope
+- frontiersin.org: any 'component' releases with PDF file are probably a metadata bug
+other tasks:
+- handle this related withdrawn notice? https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collections/48630/items/1.0401512
+- push/deploy sandcrawler changes
diff --git a/notes/tasks/2020-10-21_pdfextract_holes.md b/notes/tasks/2020-10-21_pdfextract_holes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0bb65e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/tasks/2020-10-21_pdfextract_holes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+Realized I had not enabled persisting of PDF extraction results (thumbnail,
+text) in ingest worker when added over the summer. So now need to run a
+catch-up. This applied to both "live" and "bulk" ingest.
+## `cdx` / `ingest` / `grobid` catch-up
+First, re-run extraction for cases where we did an ingest, and grobid ran
+successfully, and we have a CDX row, but no `pdf_meta`:
+ -- this is a slow query
+ COPY (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx)
+ FROM grobid
+ LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex
+ --LEFT JOIN fatcat_file ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result ON grobid.sha1hex = ingest_file_result.terminal_sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN pdf_meta ON grobid.sha1hex = pdf_meta.sha1hex
+ WHERE cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ --AND fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND pdf_meta.sha1hex IS NULL
+ )
+ TO '/grande/snapshots/dump_unextracted_pdf.ingest.2020-10-21.json'
+ => 19,676,116
+Wow, that is a lot. Many from recent OAI-PMH and OA crawls, presumably.
+ cat /grande/snapshots/dump_unextracted_pdf.ingest.2020-10-21.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.unextracted -p -1
+And again, after a couple partitions got hung up:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx)
+ FROM grobid
+ LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex
+ --LEFT JOIN fatcat_file ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result ON grobid.sha1hex = ingest_file_result.terminal_sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN pdf_meta ON grobid.sha1hex = pdf_meta.sha1hex
+ WHERE cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ --AND fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND pdf_meta.sha1hex IS NULL
+ )
+ TO '/grande/snapshots/dump_unextracted_pdf.ingest.2020-11-04.json'
+ cat /grande/snapshots/dump_unextracted_pdf.ingest.2020-11-04.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.unextracted -p -1
+ => 562k 0:00:16 [34.6k/s]
+## `petabox` / `grobid` catch-up
+These didn't all seem to extract correctly before after 1.5m rows, there will
+still 900k unprocessed. Trying again.
+ COPY (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (petabox.sha1hex) row_to_json(petabox)
+ FROM grobid
+ LEFT JOIN petabox ON grobid.sha1hex = petabox.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN pdf_meta ON grobid.sha1hex = pdf_meta.sha1hex
+ WHERE petabox.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND pdf_meta.sha1hex IS NULL
+ )
+ TO '/grande/snapshots/dump_unextracted_pdf_petabox.2020-11-04.json'
+ cat /grande/snapshots/dump_unextracted_pdf_petabox.ingest.2020-11-04.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.unextracted -p -1
+## `cdx` / `grobid` catch-up
+Next will be to process PDFs with GROBID and CDX but no ingest.
diff --git a/notes/tasks/2021-09-09_pdf_url_lists.md b/notes/tasks/2021-09-09_pdf_url_lists.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd8176e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/tasks/2021-09-09_pdf_url_lists.md
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+Want to dump a URL list to share with partners, filtered to content we think is
+likely to be scholarly.
+Columns to include:
+- original URL
+- capture timestamp
+- SHA1
+## Stats Overview
+file_meta table, mimetype=application/pdf: 173,816,433
+cdx table, mimetype=application/pdf: 131,346,703
+ingest_file_result table, pdf, success: 66,487,928
+## Ingested PDF URLs
+"Ingested" URLs: ingest_file_result table, pdf and hit=true; include base URL also?
+ COPY (
+ base_url as start_url,
+ terminal_url as pdf_url,
+ terminal_dt as pdf_url_timestamp,
+ terminal_sha1hex as pdf_sha1hex
+ FROM ingest_file_result
+ ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND status = 'success'
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/wayback_pdf_targeted.2021-09-09.tsv'
+ => 77,892,849
+## CDX PDFs
+"All web PDFs": CDX query; left join file_meta, but don't require
+ COPY (
+ cdx.url as pdf_url,
+ cdx.datetime as pdf_url_timestamp,
+ cdx.sha1hex as pdf_sha1hex
+ FROM cdx
+ LEFT JOIN file_meta
+ ON
+ cdx.sha1hex = file_meta.sha1hex
+ file_meta.mimetype = 'application/pdf'
+ OR (
+ file_meta.mimetype IS NULL
+ AND cdx.mimetype = 'application/pdf'
+ )
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/wayback_pdf_speculative.2021-09-09.tsv'
+ => 147,837,935
+## Processed web PDFs
+"Parsed web PDFs": `file_meta`, left join CDX
+(didn't do this one)
+Uploaded all these to <https://archive.org/download/ia_scholarly_urls_2021-09-09>
diff --git a/notes/tasks/2021-10-29_crossref_refs_backfill.md b/notes/tasks/2021-10-29_crossref_refs_backfill.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94eefec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/tasks/2021-10-29_crossref_refs_backfill.md
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+The current sandcrawler-db crossref table was backfilled from a 2021-01
+snapshot, and has not been updated since.
+Would like to use the existing fatcat Kafka feed to keep the crossref table up
+to date, and also backfill in GROBID reference parsing of all `unstructured`
+Current plan is:
+1. use kafkacat CLI to dump crossref Kafka topic, from the begining of 2021 up
+ to some recent date
+2. use `persist_tool.py`, with a large batch size (200?) to backfill this dump
+ into sandcrawler-db. this will update some rows multiple times (if there
+ have been updates)
+3. dump the full crossref table, as a point-in-time snapshot
+4. filter to crossref records that have `unstrutured` references in them (at
+ all)
+5. use `grobid_tool.py` with `parallel` to batch process references
+6. backfill these refs using a simple SQL COPY statement
+7. deploy crossref persist worker, with ref updates on, and roll the consumer
+ group back to date of dump
+8. wait for everything to catch up
+## Commands
+Get a timestamp in milliseconds:
+ 2021-01-01 is:
+ 1609488000 in unix time (seconds)
+ 1609488000000 in miliseconds
+Hrm, oldest messages seem to actually be from 2021-04-28T19:21:10Z though. Due
+to topic compaction? Yup, we have a 180 day compaction policy on that topic,
+probably from when kafka space was tight. Oh well!
+Updated retention for this topic to `46656000000` (~540 days, ~18 months) using
+`kafka-manager` web app.
+ kafkacat -C -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t fatcat-prod.api-crossref -o s@1609488000000 \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > crossref_feed_start20210428_end20211029.json.gz
+This resulted in ~36 million rows, 46GB.
+`scp` that around, then run persist on `sandcrawler-db`:
+ # in pipenv, as sandcrawler user
+ # manually edited to set batch size to 200
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/crossref_feed_start20210428_end20211029.json.gz \
+ | pv -l \
+ | ./persist_tool.py crossref -
+ => 36.8M 11:02:43 [ 925 /s]
+With a single thread, the persist process runs at about 1,000 rows/sec, which
+works out to about 10 hours for 36 million rows.
+At the start of this process, total PostgreSQL database size is 832.21G. At the
+end, 902.51G. Have not run a `VACUUM ALL` or anything like that.
+Query to dump crossref rows which have any refs and compress output with pigz:
+ # dump_crossref.sql
+ COPY (
+ SELECT record
+ FROM crossref
+ WHERE record::jsonb @? '$.reference[*].unstructured'
+ -- LIMIT 5
+ )
+ # 'sed' required because of double quote escaping in postgresql output::
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29869983/postgres-row-to-json-produces-invalid-json-with-double-escaped-quotes/29871069
+ # 'rg' filter is just being conservative
+ # XXX: next time add to the pipeline: rg -v "\\\\"
+ # or, find some way to filter/transform this kind of SQL export better?
+ psql sandcrawler < dump_crossref.sql \
+ | sed 's/\\"/\"/g' \
+ | rg '^\{' \
+ | pv -l \
+ | pigz \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/crossref_sandcrawler_unstructured.json.gz
+ => 26.1M 3:22:51 [2.15k/s]
+ # NOTE: -j40 is for production run with ~dedicated GROBID server with many cores
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/crossref_sandcrawler_unstructured.json.gz \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | parallel -j35 --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe ./grobid_tool.py --grobid-host http://wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org:8070 parse-crossref-refs - \
+ | pv -l \
+ | pigz \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/crossref_sandcrawler_unstructured.grobid_refs.json.gz
+ # from earlier testing with -j40: able to do about 300-500 records/second
+ # 23.9k 0:01:14 [ 320 /s]
+ # 134518 total refs parsed
+ # ~1817 refs/second parsed
+ # with errors, got through about: 2.08M 1:38:20 [ 352 /s]
+ # was still seing bad JSON?
+ # JSON lines pushed: Counter({'total': 105898, 'pushed': 105886, 'error-json-decode': 12})
+ # finally, without errors:
+ # 18.6M 8:35:02 [ 603 /s]
+In the next step, going to need a small direct persist worker to copy lines
+verbatim into just the `grobid_refs` table.
+## Errors
+Got errors when running for real:
+ xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token): line 114, column 33
+ requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: http://wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org:8070/api/processCitationList
+ urllib3.exceptions.MaxRetryError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org', port=8070): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/processCitationList (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f54b0a3bd00>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address'))
+ Nov 03 06:57:32 wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org GROBID[400404]: ERROR [2021-11-03 06:57:32,569] org.grobid.service.process.GrobidRestProcessString: An unexpected exception occurs.
+ Nov 03 06:57:32 wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org GROBID[400404]: ! java.lang.NullPointerException: null
+ Nov 03 06:57:32 wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org GROBID[400404]: ! at org.grobid.core.data.BiblioItem.cleanTitles(BiblioItem.java:1784)
+ Nov 03 06:57:32 wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org GROBID[400404]: ! at org.grobid.core.engines.CitationParser.processingLayoutTokenMultiple(CitationParser.java:175)
+ Nov 03 06:57:32 wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org GROBID[400404]: ! at org.grobid.core.engines.CitationParser.processingStringMultiple(CitationParser.java:92)
+ Nov 03 06:57:32 wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org GROBID[400404]: ! at org.grobid.core.engines.Engine.processRawReferences(Engine.java:168)
+ Nov 03 06:57:32 wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org GROBID[400404]: ! at org.grobid.service.process.GrobidRestProcessString.processCitationList(GrobidRestProcessString.java:316)
+ Nov 03 06:57:32 wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org GROBID[400404]: ! at org.grobid.service.GrobidRestService.processCitationListReturnXml_post(GrobidRestService.java:581)
+ Nov 03 06:57:32 wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org GROBID[400404]: ! at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor19.invoke(Unknown Source)
+ Nov 03 06:57:32 wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org GROBID[400404]: ! at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
+ Nov 03 06:57:32 wbgrp-svc096.us.archive.org GROBID[400404]: ! at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
+ [...]
+Bogus example reference causing 500 error (among other non-error citations) (doi:10.5817/cz.muni.m210-9541-2019):
+ 'Müller, R., Šidák, P. (2012). Slovník novější literární teorie. Praha: Academia.'
+ '\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0'
+ 'Šotkovská, J. (2008). Rané divadelní hry Milana Uhdeho; diplomová práce. Brno: Masarykova univerzita.',
+s.strip() in python would remove these non-breaking spaces (update: implemented this later)
+ Maheswari, S., Vijayalakshmi, C.: Optimization Model for Electricity Distribution System Control using Communication System by La-grangian Relaxation Technique. CiiT International Journal of Wireless Communication 3(3), 183–187 (2011) (Print: ISSN 0974 – 9756 & Online: ISSN 0974 – 9640)
+ truncating very large reference list for doi:10.1017/chol9780521264303.033 len:2281
+ truncating very large reference list for doi:10.1017/chol9780521263351.011 len:3129
+ truncating very large reference list for doi:10.1017/chol9780521263351.022 len:2968
+ truncating very large reference list for doi:10.1017/chol9780521264303.036 len:2221
+ truncating very large reference list for doi:10.1017/chol9780521264303.007 len:2238
+ truncating very large reference list for doi:10.1017/chol9780521086912.001 len:2177
+ truncating very large reference list for doi:10.1017/chol9780521228046.002 len:2133
+ truncating very large reference list for doi:10.1017/chol9780521264303.035 len:2221
+ truncating very large reference list for doi:10.1017/chol9780521264303.002 len:2279
+Seems like bumping to 2500 as the maximum reference list size might be
+reasonable (it is 2000 currently).
+After some refactoring, still getting:
+ requests.exceptions.ConnectionError
+This is because I am doing POST without a session.
+Then, still got requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout
+Finally, got through the whole batch, (`18.6M 8:35:02 [ 603 /s]` output), with
+only a few dozen rows like:
+ GROBID returned bad XML for Crossref DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-03008-7_21-1
+ GROBID HTTP timeout for Crossref DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4757-1496-8_3
+ GROBID HTTP timeout for Crossref DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4757-1493-7_3
+ GROBID returned bad XML for Crossref DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-96184-2_2
+ GROBID returned bad XML for Crossref DOI: 10.1063/1.5031970
+ truncating very large reference list for doi:10.1007/978-1-4757-1499-9_15 len:11401
+ GROBID returned bad XML for Crossref DOI: 10.1016/j.oraloncology.2019.104562
+ GROBID returned bad XML for Crossref DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2020.04.010
+So things seem to be working!
+Summary lines looked like:
+ JSON lines pushed: Counter({'total': 531487, 'pushed': 531487})
+ Worker: Counter({'total': 536541, 'failed': 3})
+Failures per batch were on the order of 0 to 3.
+## Postgres Backfill
+Start with a sample:
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/crossref_sandcrawler_unstructured.grobid_refs.json.gz \
+ | head -n1000 \
+ | ./persist_tool.py grobid-refs -
+ # Worker: Counter({'total': 1000, 'insert-grobid_refs': 1000, 'update-grobid_refs': 0})
+ # same command again:
+ # Worker: Counter({'total': 1000, 'update-grobid_refs': 1000, 'insert-grobid_refs': 0})
+Example DOIs:
+ # no refs
+ 10.1007/978-1-349-04135-0_3
+ http get :3030/crossref_with_refs "doi==eq.10.1007/978-1-349-04135-0_3"
+ # with refs
+ 10.1007/978-1-349-03594-6_2
+ http get :3030/crossref_with_refs "doi==eq.10.1007/978-1-349-03594-6_2"
+Seems to be working, so will do the full backfill. Can check table sizes on a
+per-table basis when complete.
+ zcat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/crossref_sandcrawler_unstructured.grobid_refs.json.gz \
+ | pv -l \
+ | ./persist_tool.py grobid-refs -
+ # Worker: Counter({'total': 18646668, 'insert-grobid_refs': 18639195, 'update-grobid_refs': 7473})
+## Kafka Setup
+Added ansible config and deployed persist-crossref worker.
+First roll-back just a couple days as a test:
+ ./kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group persist-crossref --reset-offsets --topic fatcat-prod.api-crossref --to-datetime 2021-11-07T00:00:00.000
+ # eg: Import counts: Counter({'total': 372350, 'insert-grobid_refs': 326987, 'update-crossref': 265581, 'insert-crossref': 106769, 'update-grobid_refs': 45362, 'skip': 1})
+Then roll-back to before the snapshot and backfill, to catch up:
+ ./kafka-consumer-groups.sh --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group persist-crossref --reset-offsets --topic fatcat-prod.api-crossref --to-datetime 2021-10-26T00:00:00.000
+Ran this last command on 2021-11-10, and total lag was around 2,566,741.
diff --git a/notes/tasks/2021-12-06_regrobid.md b/notes/tasks/2021-12-06_regrobid.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5fb69d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/tasks/2021-12-06_regrobid.md
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+Want to test recent updates of GROBID (to fix regex issue), and also re-process
+a number of PDFs which failed to process with GROBID initially.
+## HTTP 503
+These are attempts which failed because GROBID was too busy or not running.
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(cdx)
+ FROM grobid
+ LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex
+ grobid.status_code = 503
+ AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ -- LIMIT 5;
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid503.json'
+ # COPY 4749
+Not actually that many, which seems good. Confirm that these are uniq by sha1hex:
+ cat ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid503.json | jq .sha1hex -r | sort | uniq -d | wc -l
+ # 302
+Nope! Need to add "distinct on":
+ COPY (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx)
+ FROM grobid
+ LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex
+ grobid.status_code = 503
+ AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ -- LIMIT 5;
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid503.json'
+ # COPY 4297
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid503.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1
+## Never Processed CDX
+PDFs in fatcat which have never been processed with GROBID.
+ COPY (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx)
+ FROM fatcat_file
+ LEFT JOIN cdx ON fatcat_file.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN grobid ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN file_meta ON file_meta.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ grobid.sha1hex IS NULL
+ AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND (file_meta.mimetype = 'application/pdf' OR file_meta.mimetype IS NULL)
+ -- LIMIT 5;
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.cdx.json'
+ # COPY 15488
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.cdx.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1
+PDFs in fatcat which have never been processed with pdfextract.
+ # TODO
+ COPY (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx)
+ FROM fatcat_file
+ LEFT JOIN cdx ON fatcat_file.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN pdf_meta ON pdf_meta.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN file_meta ON file_meta.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ pdf_meta.sha1hex IS NULL
+ AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND cdx.mimetype = 'application/pdf'
+ AND (file_meta.mimetype = 'application/pdf' OR file_meta.mimetype IS NULL)
+ -- LIMIT 5;
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unextracted_fatcat.2021-12-08.cdx.json'
+ # COPY 45535
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/unextracted_fatcat.2021-12-08.cdx.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.unextracted -p -1
+ # 45.5k 0:00:01 [30.2k/s]
+## Timeout or Failure
+ COPY (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx)
+ FROM grobid
+ LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN file_meta ON grobid.sha1hex = file_meta.sha1hex
+ (grobid.status_code = 500 OR grobid.status_code = -4)
+ AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND file_meta.mimetype = 'application/pdf'
+ -- LIMIT 5;
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid_failed.json'
+ # COPY 8,084,296
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-06.grobid_failed.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1
+This seems to not be working very well, mostly errors, empty docs, etc. Will
+roll-forward the kafka consumer group after attempting a couple hundred
+thousand of these.
+Let's try limiting to files actually in fatcat:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx)
+ FROM grobid
+ LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN file_meta ON grobid.sha1hex = file_meta.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN fatcat_file ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ (grobid.status_code = 500 OR grobid.status_code = -4)
+ AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND file_meta.mimetype = 'application/pdf'
+ -- sort of arbitary "not recently" date filter
+ AND (grobid.updated IS NULL OR grobid.updated < '2021-11-15')
+ -- LIMIT 5;
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-08.grobid_failed.json'
+ # COPY 529265
+That is a much more managable batch to retry.
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-08.grobid_failed.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1
+ # 529k 0:00:17 [31.0k/s]
+## Missing Fatcat Files
+There were around a half million fatcat file entities which didn't have `cdx`
+rows in sandcrawler. Did some specific pdfextract processing; now we should do
+GROBID ingest as well.
+Enque the `CDX` objects for GROBID and pdfextract processing:
+ zcat /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.cdx_rows.json.gz \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1
+ # 354k 0:00:11 [30.6k/s]
+ zcat /schnell/fatcat_cleanups/file_meta/files_missing_sha256.cdx_rows.json.gz \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.unextracted -p -1
+And some earlier files of interest on `aitio`:
+ cat files_missing_sha256.ingest_results.json \
+ | rg '"application/pdf"' \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq .cdx -c \
+ | sort -u -S 4G \
+ | pv -l \
+ > files_missing_sha256.cdx.uniq.json
+ # 100k 0:00:47 [2.09k/s]
+ cat files_missing_sha256.cdx.uniq.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1
+ cat files_missing_sha256.cdx.uniq.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.unextracted -p -1
+## Ancient Fatcat Files
+Files from an era where we didn't record GROBID version or status, even for
+ COPY (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx)
+ FROM grobid
+ LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN fatcat_file ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ grobid.status_code = 200
+ AND grobid.status IS NULL
+ AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ -- sort of arbitary "not recently" date filter
+ AND (grobid.updated IS NULL OR grobid.updated < '2021-11-15')
+ -- LIMIT 5;
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_status_null.json'
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_status_null.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1
+ # 107k 0:00:03 [29.9k/s]
+## Start Re-Processing Old GROBID Versions
+ COPY (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx)
+ FROM grobid
+ LEFT JOIN cdx ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex
+ LEFT JOIN fatcat_file ON grobid.sha1hex = fatcat_file.sha1hex
+ grobid.status = 'success'
+ AND grobid.grobid_version NOT LIKE '0.7.%'
+ AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND fatcat_file.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ -- sort of arbitary "not recently" date filter
+ AND (grobid.updated IS NULL OR grobid.updated < '2021-11-15')
+ -- LIMIT 5;
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.json'
+This one is huge, and want to process in batches/chunks of ~8 million at a time.
+ cd /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.json \
+ | split --lines 5000000 - ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_ -d --additional-suffix .json
+Submit individual batches like:
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_01.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1
+Overall progress:
+ x ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_00.json
+ x ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_01.json
+ x ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_02.json
+ x ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_03.json
+ x ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_04.json
+ x ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_05.json
+ x ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_06.json
+ x ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_07.json
+ x ungrobided_fatcat.2021-12-11.grobid_old.split_08.json (small)
+This finally finished on 2022-04-26. Horray!
+## General Counts
+How many fatcat files of what mimetype (reported in sandcrawler-db)?
+ SELECT file_meta.mimetype, COUNT(*)
+ FROM fatcat_file
+ LEFT JOIN file_meta ON fatcat_file.sha1hex = file_meta.sha1hex
+ fatcat_file.first_release_ident IS NOT NULL
+ AND fatcat_file.any_url = true
+ AND content_scope IS NULL
+ GROUP BY file_meta.mimetype
+ LIMIT 25;
+ mimetype | count
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------+----------
+ application/pdf | 45227033
+ | 433068
+ application/octet-stream | 30634
+ application/jats+xml | 6874
+ text/html | 876
+ application/postscript | 199
+ application/gzip | 173
+ text/plain | 84
+ application/xml | 48
+ application/vnd.ms-powerpoint | 38
+ application/msword | 16
+ application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document | 8
+ image/jpeg | 6
+ application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation | 4
+ message/rfc822 | 4
+ application/zip | 4
+ text/x-tex | 3
+ application/x-dosexec | 3
+ application/x-tar | 2
+ application/vnd.ms-tnef | 2
+ image/svg+xml | 1
+ image/tiff | 1
+ image/png | 1
+ image/gif | 1
+ application/vnd.ms-office | 1
+ (25 rows)
+PDF extract status?
+ SELECT pdf_meta.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM fatcat_file
+ LEFT JOIN pdf_meta ON fatcat_file.sha1hex = pdf_meta.sha1hex
+ fatcat_file.first_release_ident IS NOT NULL
+ AND fatcat_file.any_url = true
+ AND content_scope IS NULL
+ GROUP BY pdf_meta.status
+ LIMIT 25;
+ status | count
+ ----------------+----------
+ success | 43415920
+ | 2018522
+ text-too-large | 122730
+ parse-error | 94876
+ not-pdf | 32156
+ error-wayback | 14504
+ bad-unicode | 279
+ bad-pdf | 98
+ empty-blob | 2
+ (9 rows)
+What are the GROBID status codes for fatcat files? Narrowed down:
+ SELECT grobid.status, grobid.status_code, COUNT(*)
+ FROM fatcat_file
+ LEFT JOIN grobid ON fatcat_file.sha1hex = grobid.sha1hex
+ fatcat_file.first_release_ident IS NOT NULL
+ AND fatcat_file.any_url = true
+ AND content_scope IS NULL
+ GROUP BY grobid.status, grobid.status_code
+ LIMIT 25;
+ status | status_code | count
+ ----------------+-------------+----------
+ success | 200 | 44409069
+ error | 500 | 580402
+ | | 468836
+ | 200 | 240660
+ error-timeout | -4 | 79
+ bad-grobid-xml | 200 | 38
+ error | 200 | 3
+ (7 rows)
+Ran the same query again on 2021-12-15:
+ status | status_code | count
+ ----------------+-------------+----------
+ success | 200 | 45092915
+ error | 500 | 302373
+ | | 250335
+ | 200 | 53352
+ bad-grobid-xml | 200 | 39
+ error-timeout | -4 | 37
+ error | 200 | 34
+ error | 503 | 2
+ (8 rows)
diff --git a/notes/tasks/2022-01-07_grobid_platform_pdfs.md b/notes/tasks/2022-01-07_grobid_platform_pdfs.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5422c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/tasks/2022-01-07_grobid_platform_pdfs.md
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Martin crawled more than 10 million new PDFs from various platform domains. We
+should get these processed and included in sandcrawler-db.
+## Select CDX Rows
+ COPY (
+ SELECT DISTINCT ON (cdx.sha1hex) row_to_json(cdx)
+ FROM cdx
+ LEFT JOIN grobid ON grobid.sha1hex = cdx.sha1hex
+ grobid.sha1hex IS NULL
+ AND cdx.sha1hex IS NOT NULL
+ AND cdx.warc_path LIKE 'PLATFORM-CRAWL-2020%'
+ -- LIMIT 5;
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_platform_crawl.2022-01-07.cdx.json'
+ => COPY 8801527
+ cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ungrobided_platform_crawl.2022-01-07.cdx.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | pv -l | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ungrobided-pg -p -1
+ # for pdfextract, would be: sandcrawler-prod.unextracted
diff --git a/notes/tasks/2022-03-07_ukraine_firedrill.md b/notes/tasks/2022-03-07_ukraine_firedrill.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c727a57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/tasks/2022-03-07_ukraine_firedrill.md
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+Want to do priority crawling of Ukranian web content, plus Russia and Belarus.
+## What is Missing?
+ (country_code:ua OR lang:uk)
+ => 2022-03-08, before ingests: 470,986 total, 170,987 missing, almost all article-journal, peak in 2019, 55k explicitly OA
+ later in day, already some 22k missing found! wow
+ => 2022-04-04, after ingests: 476,174 total, 131,063 missing, 49k OA missing
+## Metadata Prep
+- container metadata update (no code changes)
+ x wikidata SPARQL update
+ x chocula run
+ x journal metadata update (fatcat)
+ x update journal stats (fatcat extra)
+- DOAJ article metadata import
+ x prep and upload single JSON file
+## Journal Homepage URL Crawl
+x dump ukraine-related journal homepages from chocula DB
+x create crawl config
+x start crawl
+x repeat for belarus and russia
+ python3 -m chocula export_urls > homepage_urls.2022-03-08.tsv
+ cat homepage_urls.2022-03-08.tsv | cut -f2 | rg '\.ua/' | sort -u > homepage_urls.2022-03-08.ua_tld.tsv
+ wc -l homepage_urls.2022-03-08.ua_tld.tsv
+ 1550 homepage_urls.2022-03-08.ua_tld.tsv
+ cat homepage_urls.2022-03-08.tsv | cut -f2 | rg '\.by/' | sort -u > homepage_urls.2022-03-08.by_tld.tsv
+ cat homepage_urls.2022-03-08.tsv | cut -f2 | rg '\.ru/' | sort -u > homepage_urls.2022-03-08.ru_tld.tsv
+ select count(*) from journal where country = 'ua' or lang = 'uk' or name like '%ukrain%' or publi
+ 1952
+ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM homepage
+ LEFT JOIN journal ON homepage.issnl = journal.issnl
+ journal.country = 'ua'
+ OR journal.lang = 'uk'
+ OR journal.name like '%ukrain%'
+ OR journal.publisher like '%ukrain%';
+ => 1970
+ .mode csv
+ .once homepage_urls_ukraine.tsv
+ SELECT homepage.url FROM homepage
+ LEFT JOIN journal ON homepage.issnl = journal.issnl
+ journal.country = 'ua'
+ OR journal.lang = 'uk'
+ OR journal.name like '%ukrain%'
+ OR journal.publisher like '%ukrain%';
+ .mode csv
+ .once homepage_urls_russia.tsv
+ SELECT homepage.url FROM homepage
+ LEFT JOIN journal ON homepage.issnl = journal.issnl
+ journal.country = 'ru'
+ OR journal.lang = 'ru'
+ OR journal.name like '%russ%'
+ OR journal.publisher like '%russ%';
+ .mode csv
+ .once homepage_urls_belarus.tsv
+ SELECT homepage.url FROM homepage
+ LEFT JOIN journal ON homepage.issnl = journal.issnl
+ journal.country = 'by'
+ OR journal.lang = 'be'
+ OR journal.name like '%belarus%'
+ OR journal.publisher like '%belarus%';
+ cat homepage_urls_ukraine.tsv homepage_urls.2022-03-08.ua_tld.tsv | sort -u > homepage_urls_ukraine_combined.2022-03-08.tsv
+ wc -l homepage_urls.2022-03-08.ua_tld.tsv homepage_urls_ukraine.tsv homepage_urls_ukraine_combined.2022-03-08.tsv
+ 1550 homepage_urls.2022-03-08.ua_tld.tsv
+ 1971 homepage_urls_ukraine.tsv
+ 3482 homepage_urls_ukraine_combined.2022-03-08.tsv
+ cat homepage_urls_russia.tsv homepage_urls.2022-03-08.ru_tld.tsv | sort -u > homepage_urls_russia_combined.2022-03-08.tsv
+ wc -l homepage_urls_russia.tsv homepage_urls.2022-03-08.ru_tld.tsv homepage_urls_russia_combined.2022-03-08.tsv
+ 3728 homepage_urls_russia.tsv
+ 2420 homepage_urls.2022-03-08.ru_tld.tsv
+ 6030 homepage_urls_russia_combined.2022-03-08.tsv
+ cat homepage_urls_belarus.tsv homepage_urls.2022-03-08.by_tld.tsv | sort -u > homepage_urls_belarus_combined.2022-03-08.tsv
+ wc -l homepage_urls_belarus.tsv homepage_urls.2022-03-08.by_tld.tsv homepage_urls_belarus_combined.2022-03-08.tsv
+ 138 homepage_urls_belarus.tsv
+ 85 homepage_urls.2022-03-08.by_tld.tsv
+ 222 homepage_urls_belarus_combined.2022-03-08.tsv
+## Landing Page Crawl
+x create crawl config
+x fatcat ingest query for related URLs
+ => special request code/label?
+x finish .by and .ru article URL dump, start crawling
+x URL list filtered from new OAI-PMH feed
+ => do we need to do full bulk load/dump, or not?
+- URL list from partner (google)
+- do we need to do alternative thing of iterating over containers, ingesting each?
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod \
+ --enqueue-kafka --kafka-hosts wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org --kafka-request-topic sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk \
+ --ingest-type pdf \
+ --allow-non-oa \
+ query "country_code:ua OR lang:uk"
+ # around Tue 08 Mar 2022 01:07:37 PM PST
+ # Expecting 185659 release objects in search queries
+ # didn't complete successfully? hrm
+ # ok, retry "manually" (with kafkacat)
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod \
+ --ingest-type pdf \
+ --allow-non-oa \
+ query "country_code:ua OR lang:uk" \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > /srv/fatcat/ingest_ua_pdfs.2022-03-08.requests.json
+ # Counter({'elasticsearch_release': 172881, 'estimate': 172881, 'ingest_request': 103318})
+ # 103k 0:25:04 [68.7 /s]
+ zcat /srv/fatcat/ingest_ua_pdfs.2022-03-08.requests.json \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ zcat ingest_ua_pdfs.2022-03-08.requests.json.gz | jq .base_url -r | sort -u | pv -l | gzip > ingest_ua_pdfs.2022-03-08.txt.gz
+ # 103k 0:00:02 [38.1k/s]
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod \
+ --ingest-type pdf \
+ --allow-non-oa \
+ query "country_code:by OR lang:be" \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_by_pdfs.2022-03-09.requests.json.gz
+ # Expecting 2266 release objects in search queries
+ # 1.29k 0:00:34 [37.5 /s]
+ zcat /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_by_pdfs.2022-03-09.requests.json.gz \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ zcat ingest_by_pdfs.2022-03-09.requests.json.gz | jq .base_url -r | sort -u | pv -l | gzip > ingest_by_pdfs.2022-03-09.txt.gz
+ ./fatcat_ingest.py --env prod \
+ --ingest-type pdf \
+ --allow-non-oa \
+ query "country_code:ru OR lang:ru" \
+ | pv -l \
+ | gzip \
+ > /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_ru_pdfs.2022-03-09.requests.json.gz
+ # Expecting 1515246 release objects in search queries
+ zcat /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_ru_pdfs.2022-03-09.requests.partial.json.gz \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ zcat ingest_ru_pdfs.2022-03-09.requests.partial.json.gz | jq .base_url -r | sort -u | pv -l | gzip > ingest_ru_pdfs.2022-03-09.txt.gz
+ zstdcat oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01_urls.txt.zst | rg '\.ua/' | pv -l > oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01_urls.ua_tld.txt
+ # 309k 0:00:03 [81.0k/s]
+ zstdcat oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01_urls.txt.zst | rg '\.by/' | pv -l > oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01_urls.by_tld.txt
+ # 71.2k 0:00:03 [19.0k/s]
+ zstdcat oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01_urls.txt.zst | rg '\.ru/' | pv -l > oai_pmh_partial_dump_2022_03_01_urls.ru_tld.txt
+ # 276k 0:00:03 [72.9k/s]
+### Landing Page Bulk Ingest
+Running these 2022-03-24, after targeted crawl completed:
+ zcat /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_ua_pdfs.2022-03-08.requests.json.gz \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ # 103k 0:00:02 [36.1k/s]
+ zcat /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_by_pdfs.2022-03-09.requests.json.gz \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ # 1.29k 0:00:00 [15.8k/s]
+ zcat /srv/fatcat/tasks/ingest_ru_pdfs.2022-03-09.requests.partial.json.gz \
+ | rg -v "\\\\" \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | pv -l \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ # 546k 0:00:13 [40.6k/s]
+It will probably take a week or more for these to complete.
+## Outreach
+- openalex
+- sucho.org
+- ceeol.com
diff --git a/notes/tasks/2022-04-27_pdf_url_lists.md b/notes/tasks/2022-04-27_pdf_url_lists.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..273ff32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/tasks/2022-04-27_pdf_url_lists.md
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+Another dump of PDF URLs for partners. This time want to provide TSV with full
+wayback download URLs, as well as "access" URLs.
+ export TASKDATE=2022-04-27
+## "Ingested", AKA, "Targetted" PDF URLs
+These are URLs where we did a successful ingest run.
+ COPY (
+ terminal_sha1hex as pdf_sha1hex,
+ ('https://web.archive.org/web/' || terminal_dt || 'id_/' || terminal_url) as crawl_url,
+ ('https://web.archive.org/web/' || terminal_dt || '/' || terminal_url) as display_url
+ FROM ingest_file_result
+ ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND status = 'success'
+ AND hit = true
+ ORDER BY terminal_sha1hex ASC
+ -- LIMIT 10;
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ia_wayback_pdf_ingested.2022-04-27.tsv'
+ => COPY 85712674
+May contain duplicates, both by sha1hex, URL, or both.
+Note that this could be filtered by timestamp, to make it monthly/annual.
+## All CDX PDFs
+"All web PDFs": CDX query; left join file_meta, but don't require
+ COPY (
+ cdx.sha1hex as pdf_sha1hex,
+ ('https://web.archive.org/web/' || cdx.datetime || 'id_/' || cdx.url) as crawl_url,
+ ('https://web.archive.org/web/' || cdx.datetime || '/' || cdx.url) as display_url
+ FROM cdx
+ LEFT JOIN file_meta
+ ON
+ cdx.sha1hex = file_meta.sha1hex
+ file_meta.mimetype = 'application/pdf'
+ OR (
+ file_meta.mimetype IS NULL
+ AND cdx.mimetype = 'application/pdf'
+ )
+ ORDER BY cdx.sha1hex ASC
+ -- LIMIT 10;
+ )
+ TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ia_wayback_pdf_speculative.2022-04-27.tsv'
+ => COPY 161504070
+Should be unique by wayback URL; may contain near-duplicates or duplicates by
+## Upload to archive.org
+TODO: next time compress these files first (gzip/pigz)
+ia upload ia_scholarly_urls_$TASKDATE \
+ -m collection:ia_biblio_metadata \
+ -m title:"IA Scholarly URLs ($TASKDATE)" \
+ -m date:$TASKDATE \
+ -m creator:"Internet Archive Web Group" \
+ -m description:"URL lists to PDFs on the web (and preserved in the wayback machine) which are likely to contain research materials." \
+ /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ia_wayback_pdf_ingested.$TASKDATE.tsv /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/ia_wayback_pdf_speculative.$TASKDATE.tsv
diff --git a/notes/tasks/2022-11-21_andrzejklimczuk_cleanup.md b/notes/tasks/2022-11-21_andrzejklimczuk_cleanup.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74d3857
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/tasks/2022-11-21_andrzejklimczuk_cleanup.md
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+Had a huge number of SPN requests for the andrzejklimczuk.com domain,
+presumably from the author.
+Many were duplicates (same file, multiple releases, often things like zenodo
+duplication). Many were also GROBID 500s, due to truncated common crawl
+Needed to cleanup! Basically sorted through a few editgroups manually, then
+rejected all the rest and manually re-submitted with the below queries and
+ SELECT COUNT(*) from ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result ON
+ ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ LEFT JOIN grobid ON
+ grobid.sha1hex = ingest_file_result.terminal_sha1hex
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'spn'
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url like 'https://andrzejklimczuk.com/%';
+ => 589
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*) from ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result ON
+ ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ LEFT JOIN grobid ON
+ grobid.sha1hex = ingest_file_result.terminal_sha1hex
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'spn'
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url like 'https://andrzejklimczuk.com/%'
+ GROUP BY ingest_file_result.status;
+ status | count
+ ----------------+-------
+ cdx-error | 1
+ success | 587
+ wrong-mimetype | 1
+ (3 rows)
+ SELECT grobid.status_code, COUNT(*) from ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result ON
+ ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ LEFT JOIN grobid ON
+ grobid.sha1hex = ingest_file_result.terminal_sha1hex
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'spn'
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url like 'https://andrzejklimczuk.com/%'
+ GROUP BY grobid.status_code;
+ status_code | count
+ -------------+-------
+ 200 | 385
+ 500 | 202
+ | 2
+ (3 rows)
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*) FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result ON
+ ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ LEFT JOIN grobid ON
+ grobid.sha1hex = ingest_file_result.terminal_sha1hex
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'spn'
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url like 'https://andrzejklimczuk.com/%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'success'
+ AND grobid.status_code = 500
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_bad_spn.rows.json';
+ => COPY 202
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*) FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result ON
+ ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ LEFT JOIN grobid ON
+ grobid.sha1hex = ingest_file_result.terminal_sha1hex
+ ingest_request.link_source = 'spn'
+ AND ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.base_url like 'https://andrzejklimczuk.com/%'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'success'
+ AND grobid.status_code = 200
+ ) TO '/srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_good_spn.rows.json';
+ => COPY 385
+sudo -u sandcrawler pipenv run \
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_good_spn.rows.json \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_good_spn.json
+sudo -u sandcrawler pipenv run \
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_bad_spn.rows.json \
+ | jq '. + {force_recrawl: true}' -c \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_bad_spn.json
+cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_bad_spn.json \
+ | shuf \
+ | head -n60000 \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-priority -p -1
+cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_good_spn.json \
+ | shuf \
+ | head -n100 \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-priority -p -1
+cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_good_spn.json \
+ | shuf \
+ | head -n10000 \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-priority -p -1
+sudo -u sandcrawler pipenv run \
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_bad_spn.rows.json \
+ > /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_bad2_spn.json
+cat /srv/sandcrawler/tasks/andrzejklimczuk_bad2_spn.json \
+ | shuf \
+ | head -n60000 \
+ | jq . -c \
+ | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc350.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-priority -p -1