path: root/pig/filter-cdx-paper-pdfs.pig
diff options
authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2018-05-07 22:10:51 -0700
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2018-05-07 22:11:18 -0700
commitd1401444dbfb515e62094f873d520a23ccbc29d9 (patch)
tree418a21b93261230b006127107b124e5c12236ab7 /pig/filter-cdx-paper-pdfs.pig
parent81d2f6290fff487f0f49b109227443c0f8a7aedb (diff)
pig script to filter GWB CDX by SURT regexes
Diffstat (limited to 'pig/filter-cdx-paper-pdfs.pig')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pig/filter-cdx-paper-pdfs.pig b/pig/filter-cdx-paper-pdfs.pig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6559066
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pig/filter-cdx-paper-pdfs.pig
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+-- Tries to filter down a large CDX file to a subset that is likely to be
+-- journal article content, based on SURT regex patterns.
+-- Author: Bryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>
+-- Date: May 2018
+%default INPUT ''
+%default OUTPUT ''
+set mapreduce.job.queuename default
+cdx = LOAD '$INPUT' AS cdxline:chararray;
+cdx = FILTER cdx BY not STARTSWITH (cdxline, 'filedesc');
+cdx = FILTER cdx BY not STARTSWITH (cdxline, ' ');
+cdx = FOREACH cdx GENERATE STRSPLIT(cdxline,'\\s+') as cols, cdxline;
+cdx = FOREACH cdx GENERATE (chararray)cols.$0 as surt, (chararray)cols.$1 as timestamp, (chararray)cols.$3 as mimetype, (chararray)cols.$4 as httpstatus, cdxline;
+cdx = FILTER cdx BY not surt matches '-';
+cdx = FILTER cdx BY httpstatus matches '200';
+cdx = FILTER cdx BY mimetype matches '.*pdf.*';
+-- This is the core regex
+cdx = FILTER cdx
+ -- academic domains; personal (tilde) directories
+ BY surt matches '(edu,|..,edu|..,ac,).*\\).*\\/~.*'
+ -- words in URL
+ OR surt matches '(?i).+\\).*/(pubs|research|publications?|articles?|proceedings?|papers?|fulltext)/.*'
+ -- words in domains
+ OR surt matches '.*(,hal|,eprint|scielo|redalyc|revues|revistas|research|journal).*\\).*'
+ -- DOI-like pattern in URL
+ OR surt matches '.*\\).*/10\\.\\d{3,5}/.*';
+cdx = ORDER cdx by surt, timestamp PARALLEL 50;
+cdx = FOREACH cdx GENERATE cdxline;
+STORE cdx INTO '$OUTPUT' USING PigStorage(' ');