path: root/notes/ingest/2021-08_oai_pmh_patch.md
diff options
authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2021-09-03 18:34:33 -0700
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2021-09-03 18:34:33 -0700
commitd749a7a6a1c1d439596c5d053daf904638b4dbc2 (patch)
treefd5ed9dd6dfd688908554ed84fb8caccf426e156 /notes/ingest/2021-08_oai_pmh_patch.md
parentc147ad35fa8ec59b8c015f8badae67c525f65253 (diff)
OAI-PMH patch and ingest improvement notes
Diffstat (limited to 'notes/ingest/2021-08_oai_pmh_patch.md')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 204 deletions
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2021-08_oai_pmh_patch.md b/notes/ingest/2021-08_oai_pmh_patch.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 20bb451..0000000
--- a/notes/ingest/2021-08_oai_pmh_patch.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
-Just a "patch" of previous OAI-PMH crawl/ingest: re-ingesting and potentially
-re-crawling content which failed to ingest the first time.
-## Basic Counts
- SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
- FROM ingest_request
- LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
- ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
- AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
- ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
- AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
- GROUP BY status
- LIMIT 20;
- status | count
- -------------------------+----------
- success | 14143967
- no-pdf-link | 12857899
- no-capture | 5501279
- redirect-loop | 2092667
- terminal-bad-status | 747387
- wrong-mimetype | 597212
- link-loop | 542143
- null-body | 93566
- cdx-error | 20514
- petabox-error | 18387
- | 15283
- wayback-error | 13996
- gateway-timeout | 510
- skip-url-blocklist | 184
- wayback-content-error | 145
- bad-redirect | 137
- redirects-exceeded | 120
- bad-gzip-encoding | 116
- timeout | 80
- spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 58
- (20 rows)
- oai_prefix,
- COUNT(CASE WHEN status = 'success' THEN 1 END) as success,
- COUNT(*) as total
- FROM (
- ingest_file_result.status as status,
- -- eg "oai:cwi.nl:4881"
- substring(ingest_request.link_source_id FROM 'oai:([^:]+):.*') AS oai_prefix
- FROM ingest_request
- LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
- ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
- AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
- ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
- AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
- ) t1
- GROUP BY oai_prefix
- LIMIT 25;
- oai_prefix | success | total
- --------------------------+---------+---------
- repec | 1133019 | 2783448
- hal | 573019 | 1049607
- hsp.org | 0 | 810281
- www.irgrid.ac.cn | 18007 | 748828
- cds.cern.ch | 74078 | 688091
- americanae.aecid.es | 71309 | 572792
- juser.fz-juelich.de | 23026 | 518551
- espace.library.uq.edu.au | 6645 | 508960
- igi.indrastra.com | 59626 | 478577
- archive.ugent.be | 65269 | 424014
- hrcak.srce.hr | 403719 | 414897
- zir.nsk.hr | 156753 | 397200
- renati.sunedu.gob.pe | 79362 | 388355
- hypotheses.org | 3 | 374296
- rour.neicon.ru | 7997 | 354529
- generic.eprints.org | 263564 | 340470
- invenio.nusl.cz | 6340 | 325867
- evastar-karlsruhe.de | 62277 | 317952
- quod.lib.umich.edu | 5 | 309135
- diva.org | 67917 | 298348
- t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp | 1085 | 289388
- edpsciences.org | 139495 | 284972
- repository.ust.hk | 10243 | 283417
- revues.org | 151156 | 277497
- pure.atira.dk | 13492 | 260754
- (25 rows)
-Top counts by OAI prefix and status:
- oai_prefix,
- status,
- COUNT((oai_prefix,status))
- FROM (
- ingest_file_result.status as status,
- -- eg "oai:cwi.nl:4881"
- substring(ingest_request.link_source_id FROM 'oai:([^:]+):.*') AS oai_prefix
- FROM ingest_request
- LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
- ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
- AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
- ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
- AND ingest_request.link_source = 'oai'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:kb.dk:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bdr.oai.bsb-muenchen.de:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:hispana.mcu.es:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:bnf.fr:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:ukm.si:%'
- AND ingest_request.link_source_id NOT LIKE 'oai:biodiversitylibrary.org:%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%www.kb.dk%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%kb-images.kb.dk%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%mdz-nbn-resolving.de%'
- AND ingest_request.base_url NOT LIKE '%aggr.ukm.um.si%'
- ) t1
- GROUP BY oai_prefix, status
- LIMIT 40;
- oai_prefix | status | count
- ---------------------------+---------------+---------
- repec | success | 1133019
- hsp.org | no-pdf-link | 794781
- repec | no-pdf-link | 638124
- hal | success | 573020
- cds.cern.ch | no-capture | 540380
- repec | redirect-loop | 516434
- juser.fz-juelich.de | no-pdf-link | 477881
- americanae.aecid.es | no-pdf-link | 417766
- hrcak.srce.hr | success | 403720
- www.irgrid.ac.cn | no-pdf-link | 370908
- hal | no-pdf-link | 359261
- www.irgrid.ac.cn | no-capture | 355532
- espace.library.uq.edu.au | no-pdf-link | 320479
- igi.indrastra.com | no-pdf-link | 318242
- repec | no-capture | 317062
- invenio.nusl.cz | no-pdf-link | 309802
- rour.neicon.ru | redirect-loop | 300911
- hypotheses.org | no-pdf-link | 300251
- renati.sunedu.gob.pe | no-capture | 282800
- t2r2.star.titech.ac.jp | no-pdf-link | 272045
- generic.eprints.org | success | 263564
- quod.lib.umich.edu | no-pdf-link | 259661
- archive.ugent.be | no-capture | 256164
- evastar-karlsruhe.de | no-pdf-link | 248939
- zir.nsk.hr | link-loop | 226919
- repository.ust.hk | no-pdf-link | 208569
- edoc.mpg.de | no-pdf-link | 199758
- bibliotecadigital.jcyl.es | no-pdf-link | 188433
- orbi.ulg.ac.be | no-pdf-link | 172373
- diva.org | no-capture | 171115
- lup.lub.lu.se | no-pdf-link | 168652
- erudit.org | success | 168490
- ojs.pkp.sfu.ca | success | 168029
- lib.dr.iastate.edu | success | 158494
- zir.nsk.hr | success | 156753
- digital.kenyon.edu | success | 154900
- revues.org | success | 151156
- books.openedition.org | no-pdf-link | 149607
- freidok.uni-freiburg.de | no-pdf-link | 146837
- digitalcommons.unl.edu | success | 144025
- (40 rows)
-TODO: also exclude:
- oai:nsp.org: (philly historical society)
-TODO: more rows for success/total query (aka, increase LIMIT)
-TODO: wait until MAG crawl is complete to re-run ingest? otherwise many
-no-capture may actually be (recently) captured. depends on size of MAG crawl I
-TODO: just delete the "excluded" rows?
-TODO: do some spot-sampling of 'no-pdf-link' domains, see if newer sandcrawler works
-TODO: do random sampling of 'no-pdf-link' URLs, see if newer sandcrawler works