path: root/notes/ingest/2020-02-14_unpaywall_ingest.md
diff options
authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2020-03-30 16:34:31 -0700
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2020-03-30 16:34:31 -0700
commit7a9994cc63e7816159b91a2f20dca64203268e4b (patch)
treee9ace48841ab42fd3c7404c69853b591627742d6 /notes/ingest/2020-02-14_unpaywall_ingest.md
parentf6e6c09df6e1c005a9cdee738c991aa8bbe003b0 (diff)
unpaywall ingest notes update
Diffstat (limited to 'notes/ingest/2020-02-14_unpaywall_ingest.md')
1 files changed, 138 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/notes/ingest/2020-02-14_unpaywall_ingest.md b/notes/ingest/2020-02-14_unpaywall_ingest.md
index 24779df..e18a2ff 100644
--- a/notes/ingest/2020-02-14_unpaywall_ingest.md
+++ b/notes/ingest/2020-02-14_unpaywall_ingest.md
@@ -484,3 +484,141 @@ Full batch:
cat /grande/snapshots/unpaywall_nocapture_20200304.rows.json | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+ # there was a broken line in there, so...
+ # parse error: Expected separator between values at line 1367873, column 175
+ # tail -n+1367875 /grande/snapshots/unpaywall_nocapture_20200304.rows.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c > /dev/null
+ tail -n+1367875 /grande/snapshots/unpaywall_nocapture_20200304.rows.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1
+Note that the crawl is not entirely complete and not all CDX seem to have been
+loaded, so may need to iterate. About 10% are still "no capture". May want or
+need to additionally crawl the terminal URLs, not the base URLs.
+## Post-ingest stats
+Overall status:
+ SELECT ingest_file_result.status, COUNT(*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ GROUP BY status
+ LIMIT 20;
+ status | count
+ -------------------------+----------
+ success | 17354494
+ no-pdf-link | 1471076
+ no-capture | 1135992
+ redirect-loop | 837842
+ terminal-bad-status | 803081
+ cdx-error | 219746
+ wrong-mimetype | 100723
+ link-loop | 16013
+ wayback-error | 12448
+ null-body | 9444
+ redirects-exceeded | 600
+ petabox-error | 411
+ bad-redirect | 17
+ bad-gzip-encoding | 4
+ spn2-cdx-lookup-failure | 3
+ gateway-timeout | 1
+ spn2-error:job-failed | 1
+ spn2-error | 1
+ (18 rows)
+Failures by domain:
+ SELECT domain, status, COUNT((domain, status))
+ FROM (
+ ingest_file_result.ingest_type,
+ ingest_file_result.status,
+ substring(ingest_file_result.terminal_url FROM '[^/]+://([^/]*)') AS domain
+ FROM ingest_file_result
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_request
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_file_result.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ ) t1
+ WHERE t1.domain != ''
+ AND t1.status != 'success'
+ AND t1.status != 'no-capture'
+ GROUP BY domain, status
+ LIMIT 30;
+ domain | status | count
+ -----------------------------------+---------------------+--------
+ academic.oup.com | no-pdf-link | 330211
+ watermark.silverchair.com | terminal-bad-status | 324599
+ www.tandfonline.com | no-pdf-link | 242724
+ journals.sagepub.com | no-pdf-link | 202050
+ iopscience.iop.org | terminal-bad-status | 144063
+ files-journal-api.frontiersin.org | terminal-bad-status | 121719
+ pubs.acs.org | no-pdf-link | 104535
+ www.ahajournals.org | no-pdf-link | 102653
+ society.kisti.re.kr | no-pdf-link | 101787
+ www.degruyter.com | redirect-loop | 95130
+ www.nature.com | redirect-loop | 87534
+ onlinelibrary.wiley.com | no-pdf-link | 84432
+ www.cell.com | redirect-loop | 61496
+ www.degruyter.com | terminal-bad-status | 42919
+ babel.hathitrust.org | terminal-bad-status | 41813
+ www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov | redirect-loop | 40488
+ scialert.net | no-pdf-link | 38341
+ ashpublications.org | no-pdf-link | 34889
+ dialnet.unirioja.es | terminal-bad-status | 32076
+ www.journal.csj.jp | no-pdf-link | 30881
+ pure.mpg.de | redirect-loop | 26163
+ www.jci.org | redirect-loop | 24701
+ espace.library.uq.edu.au | redirect-loop | 24591
+ www.valueinhealthjournal.com | redirect-loop | 23740
+ www.vr-elibrary.de | no-pdf-link | 23332
+ aip.scitation.org | wrong-mimetype | 22144
+ osf.io | redirect-loop | 18513
+ www.journals.elsevier.com | no-pdf-link | 16710
+ www.spandidos-publications.com | redirect-loop | 15711
+ www.biorxiv.org | wrong-mimetype | 15513
+ (30 rows)
+Dump lists for another iteration of bulk ingest:
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status = 'no-capture'
+ ) TO '/grande/snapshots/unpaywall_nocapture_20200323.rows.json';
+ => 278,876
+ COPY (
+ SELECT row_to_json(ingest_request.*)
+ FROM ingest_request
+ LEFT JOIN ingest_file_result
+ ON ingest_file_result.ingest_type = ingest_request.ingest_type
+ AND ingest_file_result.base_url = ingest_request.base_url
+ ingest_request.ingest_type = 'pdf'
+ AND ingest_request.link_source = 'unpaywall'
+ AND ingest_file_result.status != 'success'
+ AND ingest_file_result.terminal_url NOT LIKE '%/cookieAbsent'
+ ) TO '/grande/snapshots/unpaywall_fail_nocookie_20200323.rows.json';
+ =>
+ ./scripts/ingestrequest_row2json.py /grande/snapshots/unpaywall_nocapture_20200323.rows.json > unpaywall_nocapture_20200323.json
+ cat unpaywall_nocapture_20200323.json | rg -v "\\\\" | jq . -c | kafkacat -P -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.ingest-file-requests-bulk -p -1