path: root/extra/hbase
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authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2022-12-23 15:52:02 -0800
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2022-12-23 15:52:02 -0800
commitf3a721a9dce8801b78f7bc31e88dc912b0ec1dba (patch)
treefdae9373e78671d0031f83045e6c76de9ad616cf /extra/hbase
parent8c2c354a74064f2d66644af8f4e44d74bf322e1f (diff)
move a bunch of top-level files/directories to ./extra/
Diffstat (limited to 'extra/hbase')
3 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/extra/hbase/howto.md b/extra/hbase/howto.md
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+Commands can be run from any cluster machine with hadoop environment config
+set up. Most of these commands are run from the shell (start with `hbase
+shell`). There is only one AIT/Webgroup HBase instance/namespace; there may be
+QA/prod tables, but there are not QA/prod clusters.
+## Create Table
+Create column families (note: not all individual columns) with something like:
+ create 'wbgrp-journal-extract-0-qa', 'f', 'file', {NAME => 'grobid0', COMPRESSION => 'snappy'}
+## Run Thrift Server Informally
+The Thrift server can technically be run from any old cluster machine that has
+Hadoop client stuff set up, using:
+ hbase thrift start -nonblocking -c
+Note that this will run version 0.96, while the actual HBase service seems to
+be running 0.98.
+To interact with this config, use happybase (python) config:
+ conn = happybase.Connection("bnewbold-dev.us.archive.org", transport="framed", protocol="compact")
+ # Test connection
+ conn.tables()
+## Queries From Shell
+Fetch all columns for a single row:
+ hbase> get 'wbgrp-journal-extract-0-qa', 'sha1:3I42H3S6NNFQ2MSVX7XZKYAYSCX5QBYJ'
+Fetch multiple columns for a single row, using column families:
+ hbase> get 'wbgrp-journal-extract-0-qa', 'sha1:3I42H3S6NNFQ2MSVX7XZKYAYSCX5QBYJ', 'f', 'file'
+Scan a fixed number of rows (here 5) starting at a specific key prefix, all
+ hbase> scan 'wbgrp-journal-extract-0-qa',{LIMIT=>5,STARTROW=>'sha1:A'}
diff --git a/extra/hbase/notes.txt b/extra/hbase/notes.txt
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+## Notes on HBase features
+Decent one-page introduction:
+Question: what version of hbase are we running? what on-disk format?
+=> Server: HBase 0.98.6-cdh5.3.1
+=> Client: HBase
+=> As of 2018, 1.2 is stable and 2.0 is released.
+Question: what are our servers? how can we monitor?
+=> http://ia802402.us.archive.org:6410/master-status
+I haven't been able to find a simple table of hbase version and supported/new
+features over the years (release notes are too detailed).
+Normal/online mapreduce over tables sounds like it goes through a "region
+server" and is slow. Using snapshots allows direct access to underlying
+tablets on disk? Or is access always direct?
+Could consider "Medium-sized Object" support for 100 KByte to 10 MByte sized
+files. This seems to depend on HBase v3, which was added in HBase 0.98, so we
+can't use it yet.
+Do we need to decide on on-disk format? Just stick with defaults.
+Looks like we use the `happybase` python package to write. This is packaged in
+debian, but only for python2. There is also a `starbase` python library
+wrapping the REST API.
+There is a "bulk load" mechanism for going directly from HDFS into HBase, by
+creating HFiles that can immediately be used by HBase.
+## Specific "Queries" needed
+"Identifier" will mostly want to get "new" (unprocessed) rows to process. It
+can do so by
+Question: if our columns are mostly "dense" within a column group (aka, mostly
+all or none set), what is the value of splitting out columns instead of using a
+single JSON blob or something like that? Not needing to store the key strings?
+Being able to do scan filters? The later obviously makes sense in some
+- is there a visible distinction between "get(table, group:col)" being
+ zero-length (somebody put() an empty string (like "") versus that column not
+ having being written to?
+## Conversation with Noah about Heritrix De-Dupe
+AIT still uses HBase for url-agnostic de-dupe, but may move away from it. Does
+about 250 reads/sec (estimate based on URL hits per quarter). Used to have more
+problems (region servers?) but haven't for a while. If a crawler can't reach
+HBase, it will "fail safe" and retain the URL. However, Heritrix has trouble
+starting up if it can't connect at start. Uses the native JVM drivers.
+Key is "sha1:<base32>-<crawlid>", so in theory they can control whether to
+dedupe inside or outside of individual crawls (or are they account IDs?). IIRC
+all columns were in one family, and had short names (single character). Eg:
+ hbase(main):012:0> scan 'ait-prod-digest-history',{LIMIT=>5,STARTROW=>'sha1:A'}
+ sha1:A22222453XRJ63AC7YCSK46APWHTJKFY-2312 column=f:c, timestamp=1404151869546, value={"c":1,"u":"http://www.theroot.com/category/views-tags/black-fortune-500-ceos","d":"2012-02-23T08:27:10Z","o":8867552,"f":"ARCHIVEIT-REDACTED-20120223080317-00009-crawling201.us.archive.org-6681.warc.gz"}
+Code for url-agnostic dedupe is in:
+ heritrix3/contrib/src/main/java/org/archive/modules/recrawl/hbase/HBaseContentDigestHistory.java
+Crawl config snippet:
+ [...]
+ <bean id="iaWbgrpHbase" class="org.archive.modules.recrawl.hbase.HBase">
+ <property name="properties">
+ <map>
+ <entry key="hbase.zookeeper.quorum" value="mtrcs-zk1,mtrcs-zk2,mtrcs-zk3,mtrcs-zk4,mtrcs-zk5"/>
+ <entry key="hbase.zookeeper.property.clientPort" value="2181"/>
+ <entry key="hbase.client.retries.number" value="2"/>
+ </map>
+ </property>
+ </bean>
+ <bean id="hbaseDigestHistoryTable" class="org.archive.modules.recrawl.hbase.HBaseTable">
+ <property name="name" value="ait-prod-digest-history"/>
+ <property name="create" value="true"/>
+ <property name="hbase">
+ <ref bean="iaWbgrpHbase"/>
+ </property>
+ </bean>
+ <bean id="hbaseDigestHistory" class="org.archive.modules.recrawl.hbase.HBaseContentDigestHistory">
+ <property name="addColumnFamily" value="true"/>
+ <property name="table">
+ <ref bean="hbaseDigestHistoryTable"/>
+ </property>
+ <property name="keySuffix" value="-1858"/>
+ </bean>
+ <bean id="dispositionProcessors" class="org.archive.modules.DispositionChain">
+ <property name="processors">
+ <list>
+ <bean class="org.archive.modules.recrawl.ContentDigestHistoryLoader">
+ <property name="contentDigestHistory">
+ <ref bean="hbaseDigestHistory"/>
+ </property>
+ </bean>
+ <ref bean="warcWriter"/>
+ <bean class="org.archive.modules.recrawl.ContentDigestHistoryStorer"/>
+ [...]
+## Kenji Conversation (global wayback)
+Spoke with Kenji, who had previous experience trying to use HBase for crawl
+de-dupe. Take away was that it didn't perform well for them even back then,
+with 3000+ req/sec. AIT today is more like 250 req/sec.
+Apparently CDX API is just the fastest thing ever; stable slow latency on reads
+(~200ms!), and it takes an hour for "writes" (bulk deltacdx or whatever).
+Sounds like HBase in particular struggled with concurrent heavy reads and
+writes; frequent re-compaction caused large tail latencies, and when region
+servers were loaded they would time-out of zookeeper.
+He pushed to use elasticsearch instead of hbase to store extracted fulltext, as
+a persistant store, particularly if we end up using it for fulltext someday. He
+thinks it operates really well as a datastore. I am not really comfortable with
+this usecase, or depending on elastic as a persistant store in general, and it
+doesn't work for the crawl dedupe case.
+He didn't seem beholden to the tiny column name convention.
+## Google BigTable paper (2006)
+Hadn't read this paper in a long time, and didn't really understand it at the
+time. HBase is a clone of BigTable.
+They used bigtable to store crawled HTML! Very similar use-case to our journal
+stuff. Retained multiple crawls using versions; version timestamps are crawl
+timestamps, aha.
+Crazy to me how the whole hadoop world is Java (garbage collected), while all
+the google stuff is C++. So many issues with hadoop are performance/latency
+sensitive; having garbage collection in a situation when RAM is tight and
+network timeouts are problematic seems like a bad combination for operability
+(median/optimistic performance is probably fine)
+"Locality" metadata important for actually separating column families. Column
+name scarcity doesn't seem to be a thing/concern. Compression settings
+important. Key selection to allow local compression seems important to them.
+Performance probably depends a lot on 1) relative rate of growth (slow if
+re-compressing, etc), 2)
+Going to want/need table-level monitoring, probably right from the start.
+## Querying/Aggregating/Stats
+We'll probably want to be able to run simple pig-style queries over HBase. How
+will that work? A couple options:
+- query hbase using pig via HBaseStorage and HBaseLoader
+- hive runs on map/reduce like pig
+- drill is an online/fast SQL query engine with HBase back-end support. Not
+ map/reduce based; can run from a single server. Supports multiple "backends".
+ Somewhat more like pig; "schema-free"/JSON.
+- impala supports HBase backends
+- phoenix is a SQL engine on top of HBase
+## Hive Integration
+Run `hive` from a hadoop cluster machine:
+ bnewbold@ia802405$ hive --version
+ Hive 0.13.1-cdh5.3.1
+ Subversion file:///var/lib/jenkins/workspace/generic-package-ubuntu64-12-04/CDH5.3.1-Packaging-Hive-2015-01-27_16-23-36/hive-0.13.1+cdh5.3.1+308-1.cdh5.3.1.p0.17~precise -r Unknown
+ Compiled by jenkins on Tue Jan 27 16:38:11 PST 2015
+ From source with checksum 1bb86e4899928ce29cbcaec8cf43c9b6
+Need to create mapping tables:
+ CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE journal_extract_qa(rowkey STRING, grobid_status STRING, file_size STRING)
+ STORED BY 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.hbase.HBaseStorageHandler'
+ WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('hbase.columns.mapping' = ':key,grobid0:status_code,file:size')
+ TBLPROPERTIES ('hbase.table.name' = 'wbgrp-journal-extract-0-qa');
+ SET hive.aux.jars.path = file:///home/webcrawl/hadoop-2/hive/lib/hive-hbase-handler-0.13.1-cdh5.3.1.jar,file:///home/webcrawl/hadoop-2/hive/lib/hbase-client-;
+ SELECT * from journal_extract_qa LIMIT 10;
+ ADD jar /usr/lib/hive/lib/hive-hbase-handler-0.13.1-cdh5.3.1.jar;
+ ADD jar /usr/lib/hive/lib/hive-shims-common-secure-0.13.1-cdh5.3.1.jar;
+ ADD jar /usr/lib/hadoop-hdfs/hadoop-hdfs-2.5.0-cdh5.3.1.jar;
+ ADD jar /usr/lib/hbase/hbase-client-0.98.6-cdh5.3.1.jar;
+ ADD jar /usr/lib/hbase/hbase-common-0.98.6-cdh5.3.1.jar;
+Or, from a real node?
+ SET hive.aux.jars.path = file:///usr/lib/hive/lib/hive-hbase-handler-0.13.1-cdh5.3.1.jar,file:///usr/lib/hbase/lib/hbase-client-0.98.6-cdh5.3.1.jar,file:///usr/lib/hadoop-hdfs/hadoop-hdfs-2.5.0-cdh5.3.1.jar;
+ SELECT * from journal_extract_qa LIMIT 10;
+Getting an error:
+ Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.client.HdfsAdmin.getEncryptionZoneForPath(Lorg/apache/hadoop/fs/Path;)Lorg/apache/hadoop/hdfs/protocol/EncryptionZone;
+The HdfsAdmin admin class is in hadoop-hdfs, but `getEncryptionZoneForPath`
+isn't in there. See upstream commit:
+ https://github.com/apache/hadoop/commit/20dcb841ce55b0d414885ceba530c30b5b528b0f
+## Debugging
+List hbase tables known to zookeeper (as opposed to `list` from `hbase shell`):
+ hbase zkcli ls /hbase/table
+Look for jar files with a given symbol:
+ rg HdfsAdmin -a /usr/lib/*/*.jar
+## Performance
+Should pre-allocate regions for tables that are going to be non-trivially
+sized, otherwise all load hits a single node. From the shell, this seems to
+involve specifying the split points (key prefixes) manually. From the docs:
+ http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#precreate.regions
+There is an ImportTsv tool which might have been useful for original CDX
+backfill, but :shrug:. It is nice to have only a single pipeline and have it
+work well.
diff --git a/extra/hbase/schema_design.md b/extra/hbase/schema_design.md
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+## PDF Table
+Table name: `wbgrp-journal-extract-<version>-<env>`
+Eg: `wbgrp-journal-extract-0-prod`
+Key is the sha1 of the file, as raw bytes (20 bytes).
+Could conceivably need to handle, eg, postscript files, JATS XML, or even HTML
+in the future? If possible be filetype-agnostic, but only "fulltext" file types
+will end up in here, and don't bend over backwards.
+Keep only a single version (do we need `VERSIONS => 1`, or is 1 the default?)
+IMPORTANT: column names should be unique across column families. Eg, should not
+have both `grobid0:status` and `match0:status`. HBase and some client libraries
+don't care, but some map/reduce frameworks (eg, Scalding) can have name
+collisions. Differences between "orthogonal" columns *might* be OK (eg,
+`grobid0:status` and `grobid1:status`).
+Column families:
+- `key`: sha1 of the file in base32 (not a column or column family)
+- `f`: heritrix HBaseContentDigestHistory de-dupe
+ - `c`: (json string)
+ - `u`: original URL (required)
+ - `d`: original date (required; ISO 8601:1988)
+ - `f`: warc filename (recommend)
+ - `o`: warc offset (recommend)
+ - `c`: dupe count (optional)
+ - `i`: warc record ID (optional)
+- `file`: crawl and file metadata
+ - `size` (uint64), uncompressed (not in CDX)
+ - `mime` (string; might do postscript in the future; normalized)
+ - `cdx` (json string) with all as strings
+ - `surt`
+ - `url`
+ - `dt`
+ - `warc` (item and file name)
+ - `offset`
+ - `c_size` (compressed size)
+ - `meta` (json string)
+ - `size` (int)
+ - `mime` (str)
+ - `magic` (str)
+ - `magic_mime` (str)
+ - `sha1` (hex str)
+ - `md5` (hex str)
+ - `sha256` (hex str)
+- `grobid0`: processing status, version, XML and JSON fulltext, JSON metadata. timestamp. Should be compressed! `COMPRESSION => SNAPPY`
+ - `status_code` (signed int; HTTP status from grobid)
+ - `quality` (int or string; we define the meaning ("good"/"marginal"/"bad")
+ - `status` (json string from grobid)
+ - `tei_xml` (xml string from grobid)
+ - `tei_json` (json string with fulltext)
+ - `metadata` (json string with author, title, abstract, citations, etc)
+- `match0`: status of identification against "the catalog"
+ - `mstatus` (string; did it match?)
+ - `doi` (string)
+ - `minfo` (json string)
+Can add additional groups in the future for additional processing steps. For
+example, we might want to do first pass looking at files to see "is this a PDF
+or not", which out output some status (and maybe certainty).
+The Heritrix schema is fixed by the existing implementation. We could
+patch/extend heritrix to use the `file` schema in the future if we decide
+it's worth it. There are some important pieces of metadata missing, so at
+least to start I think we should keep `f` and `file` distinct. We could merge
+them later. `f` info will be populated by crawlers; `file` info should be
+populated when back-filling or processing CDX lines.
+If we wanted to support multiple CDX rows as part of the same row (eg, as
+alternate locations), we could use HBase's versions feature, which can
+automatically cap the number of versions stored.
+If we had enough RAM resources, we could store `f` (and maybe `file`) metadata
+in memory for faster access.