path: root/src/api/egl
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/api/egl')
2 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/api/egl/ffi.rs b/src/api/egl/ffi.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3cf32e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/egl/ffi.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+use libc;
+#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
+extern crate winapi;
+#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
+use api::x11::ffi;
+#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
+use api::android::ffi;
+pub mod egl {
+ pub type khronos_utime_nanoseconds_t = super::khronos_utime_nanoseconds_t;
+ pub type khronos_uint64_t = super::khronos_uint64_t;
+ pub type khronos_ssize_t = super::khronos_ssize_t;
+ pub type EGLNativeDisplayType = super::EGLNativeDisplayType;
+ pub type EGLNativePixmapType = super::EGLNativePixmapType;
+ pub type EGLNativeWindowType = super::EGLNativeWindowType;
+ pub type EGLint = super::EGLint;
+ pub type NativeDisplayType = super::EGLNativeDisplayType;
+ pub type NativePixmapType = super::EGLNativePixmapType;
+ pub type NativeWindowType = super::EGLNativeWindowType;
+ include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/egl_bindings.rs"));
+pub type khronos_utime_nanoseconds_t = khronos_uint64_t;
+pub type khronos_uint64_t = libc::uint64_t;
+pub type khronos_ssize_t = libc::c_long;
+pub type EGLint = libc::int32_t;
+pub type EGLNativeDisplayType = *const libc::c_void;
+pub type EGLNativePixmapType = *const libc::c_void; // FIXME: egl_native_pixmap_t instead
+#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
+pub type EGLNativeWindowType = winapi::HWND;
+#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
+pub type EGLNativeWindowType = ffi::Window;
+#[cfg(target_os = "android")]
+pub type EGLNativeWindowType = *const ffi::ANativeWindow;
+#[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))]
+#[link(name = "EGL")]
+extern {}
diff --git a/src/api/egl/mod.rs b/src/api/egl/mod.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d9ac313
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/api/egl/mod.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+#![cfg(all(target_os = "windows", target_os = "linux"))] // always false of the moment
+use BuilderAttribs;
+use CreationError;
+use GlRequest;
+use Api;
+use libc;
+use std::ffi::CString;
+use std::{mem, ptr};
+pub mod ffi;
+pub struct Context {
+ egl: ffi::egl::Egl,
+ display: ffi::egl::types::EGLDisplay,
+ context: ffi::egl::types::EGLContext,
+ surface: ffi::egl::types::EGLSurface,
+impl Context {
+ pub fn new(egl: ffi::egl::Egl, builder: BuilderAttribs,
+ native_display: Option<ffi::EGLNativeDisplayType>,
+ native_window: ffi::EGLNativeWindowType) -> Result<Context, CreationError>
+ {
+ if builder.sharing.is_some() {
+ unimplemented!()
+ }
+ let display = unsafe {
+ let display = egl.GetDisplay(native_display.unwrap_or(mem::transmute(ffi::egl::DEFAULT_DISPLAY)));
+ if display.is_null() {
+ return Err(CreationError::OsError("No EGL display connection available".to_string()));
+ }
+ display
+ };
+ let (_major, _minor) = unsafe {
+ let mut major: ffi::egl::types::EGLint = mem::uninitialized();
+ let mut minor: ffi::egl::types::EGLint = mem::uninitialized();
+ if egl.Initialize(display, &mut major, &mut minor) == 0 {
+ return Err(CreationError::OsError(format!("eglInitialize failed")))
+ }
+ (major, minor)
+ };
+ let use_gles2 = match builder.gl_version {
+ GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGlEs, (2, _)) => true,
+ GlRequest::Specific(Api::OpenGlEs, _) => false,
+ GlRequest::Specific(_, _) => return Err(CreationError::NotSupported),
+ GlRequest::GlThenGles { opengles_version: (2, _), .. } => true,
+ _ => false,
+ };
+ let mut attribute_list = vec!();
+ attribute_list.push(ffi::egl::RENDERABLE_TYPE as i32);
+ attribute_list.push(ffi::egl::OPENGL_ES2_BIT as i32);
+ attribute_list.push(ffi::egl::CONFORMANT as i32);
+ attribute_list.push(ffi::egl::OPENGL_ES2_BIT as i32);
+ attribute_list.push(ffi::egl::SURFACE_TYPE as i32);
+ attribute_list.push(ffi::egl::WINDOW_BIT as i32);
+ {
+ let (red, green, blue) = match builder.color_bits.unwrap_or(24) {
+ 24 => (8, 8, 8),
+ 16 => (6, 5, 6),
+ _ => panic!("Bad color_bits"),
+ };
+ attribute_list.push(ffi::egl::RED_SIZE as i32);
+ attribute_list.push(red);
+ attribute_list.push(ffi::egl::GREEN_SIZE as i32);
+ attribute_list.push(green);
+ attribute_list.push(ffi::egl::BLUE_SIZE as i32);
+ attribute_list.push(blue);
+ }
+ attribute_list.push(ffi::egl::DEPTH_SIZE as i32);
+ attribute_list.push(builder.depth_bits.unwrap_or(8) as i32);
+ attribute_list.push(ffi::egl::NONE as i32);
+ let config = unsafe {
+ let mut num_config: ffi::egl::types::EGLint = mem::uninitialized();
+ let mut config: ffi::egl::types::EGLConfig = mem::uninitialized();
+ if egl.ChooseConfig(display, attribute_list.as_ptr(), &mut config, 1,
+ &mut num_config) == 0
+ {
+ return Err(CreationError::OsError(format!("eglChooseConfig failed")))
+ }
+ if num_config <= 0 {
+ return Err(CreationError::OsError(format!("eglChooseConfig returned no available config")))
+ }
+ config
+ };
+ let surface = unsafe {
+ let surface = egl.CreateWindowSurface(display, config, native_window, ptr::null());
+ if surface.is_null() {
+ return Err(CreationError::OsError(format!("eglCreateWindowSurface failed")))
+ }
+ surface
+ };
+ let context = unsafe {
+ let mut context_attributes = vec!();
+ context_attributes.push(ffi::egl::CONTEXT_CLIENT_VERSION as i32);
+ context_attributes.push(2);
+ context_attributes.push(ffi::egl::NONE as i32);
+ let context = egl.CreateContext(display, config, ptr::null(),
+ context_attributes.as_ptr());
+ if context.is_null() {
+ return Err(CreationError::OsError(format!("eglCreateContext failed")))
+ }
+ context
+ };
+ Ok(Context {
+ egl: egl,
+ display: display,
+ context: context,
+ surface: surface,
+ })
+ }
+ pub fn make_current(&self) {
+ let ret = unsafe {
+ self.egl.MakeCurrent(self.display, self.surface, self.surface, self.context)
+ };
+ if ret == 0 {
+ panic!("eglMakeCurrent failed");
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn is_current(&self) -> bool {
+ unsafe { self.egl.GetCurrentContext() == self.context }
+ }
+ pub fn get_proc_address(&self, addr: &str) -> *const () {
+ let addr = CString::new(addr.as_bytes()).unwrap();
+ let addr = addr.as_ptr();
+ unsafe {
+ self.egl.GetProcAddress(addr) as *const ()
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn swap_buffers(&self) {
+ let ret = unsafe {
+ self.egl.SwapBuffers(self.display, self.surface)
+ };
+ if ret == 0 {
+ panic!("eglSwapBuffers failed");
+ }
+ }
+ pub fn get_api(&self) -> ::Api {
+ ::Api::OpenGlEs
+ }
+unsafe impl Send for Context {}
+unsafe impl Sync for Context {}
+impl Drop for Context {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ use std::ptr;
+ unsafe {
+ // we don't call MakeCurrent(0, 0) because we are not sure that the context
+ // is still the current one
+ self.egl.DestroyContext(self.display, self.context);
+ self.egl.DestroySurface(self.display, self.surface);
+ self.egl.Terminate(self.display);
+ }
+ }