path: root/papers/sleep.txt
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authorbnewbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2018-01-12 16:45:40 -0500
committerJoe Hand <joe@joeahand.com>2018-01-12 13:45:40 -0800
commit9f0ce82c58741a7c01176b2d6bb2049b8cf52e05 (patch)
tree092507aa819301dfac57c3bfcf6d1f223b5dcd89 /papers/sleep.txt
parent5b37b1b8bd0615c1d487abfc4b1543dfdacbfd36 (diff)
Paper Cleanups (#102)HEADmasterbnewbold-core-modules
* yet more grammar tweaks * drop stub hyperdrive paper This file had no content and was confusing. * papers: clarify that build output is latex * dat paper: remove stubs and multi-writer Consensus is to document multi-writer via a DEP (RFC-like) process first, and not propose new changes in the whitepaper first. * dat-paper: note that paper has been updated This could probably be clarified better (minor revisions and bug-fixes vs. substantial updates), and maybe we want to pull out the original "1.0" paper for historical reference. Let's wait until DEP process settles down first. * papers: re-build PDFs
Diffstat (limited to 'papers/sleep.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 756 deletions
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-\title{SLEEP - Syncable Ledger of Exact Events Protocol}
-\author{Mathias Buus Madsen, Maxwell Ogden, Code for Science}
-\date{August 2017}
-This document is a technical description of the SLEEP format intended
-for implementers. SLEEP is the the on-disk format that Dat produces and
-uses. It is a set of 9 files that hold all of the metadata needed to
-list the contents of a Dat repository and verify the integrity of the
-data you receive. SLEEP is designed to work with REST, allowing servers
-to be plain HTTP file servers serving the static SLEEP files, meaning
-you can implement a Dat protocol client using HTTP with a static HTTP
-file server as the backend.
-SLEEP files contain metadata about the data inside a Dat repository,
-including cryptographic hashes, cryptographic signatures, filenames and
-file permissions. The SLEEP format is specifically designed to allow
-efficient access to subsets of the metadata and/or data in the
-repository, even on very large repositories, which enables Dat's peer to
-peer networking to be fast.
-The acronym SLEEP is a slumber related pun on REST and stands for
-Syncable Ledger of Exact Events Protocol. The Syncable part refers to
-how SLEEP files are append-only in nature, meaning they grow over time
-and new updates can be subscribed to as a realtime feed of events
-through the Dat protocol.
-The SLEEP version described here, used in Dat as of 2017 is SLEEP V2.
-SLEEP V1 is documented at http://specs.okfnlabs.org/sleep.
-\subsubsection{SLEEP Files}\label{sleep-files}
-SLEEP is a set of 9 files that should be stored with the following
-names. In Dat, the files are stored in a folder called \texttt{.dat} in
-the top level of the repository.
-The files prefixed with \texttt{content} store metadata about the
-primary data in a Dat repository, for example the raw binary contents of
-the files. The files prefixed with \texttt{metadata} store metadata
-about the files in the repository, for example the filenames, file
-sizes, and file permissions. The \texttt{content} and \texttt{metadata}
-files are both Hypercore registers, making SLEEP a set of two Hypercore
-\subsubsection{SLEEP File Headers}\label{sleep-file-headers}
-The following structured binary format is used for \texttt{signatures},
-\texttt{bitfield}, and \texttt{tree} files. The header contains metadata
-as well as information needed to decode the rest of the files after the
-header. SLEEP files are designed to be easy to append new data, easy to
-read arbitrary byte offsets in the middle, and are relatively flat,
-simple files that rely on the filesystem for the heavy lifting.
-SLEEP files are laid out like this:
-<32 byte header>
-<fixed-size entry 1>
-<fixed-size entry 2>
-<fixed-size entry ...>
-<fixed-size entry n>
- 32 byte header
- 4 bytes - magic byte (value varies depending on which file, used to
- quickly identify which file type it is)
- 1 byte - version number of the file header protocol, current version
- is 0
- 2 byte Uint16BE - entry size, describes how long each entry in the
- file is
- 1 byte - length prefix for body
- rest of 32 byte header - string describing key algorithm (in dat
- `ed25519'). length of this string matches the length in the previous
- length prefix field. This string must fit within the 32 byte header
- limitation (24 bytes reserved for string). Unused bytes should be
- filled with zeroes.
-Possible values in the Dat implementation for the body field are:
-To calculate the offset of some entry position, first read the header
-and get the entry size, then do
-\texttt{32\ +\ entrySize\ *\ entryIndex}. To calculate how many entries
-are in a file, you can use the entry size and the filesize on disk and
-do \texttt{(fileSize\ -\ 32)\ /\ entrySize}.
-As mentioned above, \texttt{signatures}, \texttt{bitfield} and
-\texttt{tree} are the three SLEEP files. There are two additional files,
-\texttt{key}, and \texttt{data}, which do not contain SLEEP file headers
-and store plain serialized data for easy access. \texttt{key} stores the
-public key that is described by the \texttt{signatures} file, and
-\texttt{data} stores the raw chunk data that the \texttt{tree} file
-contains the hashes and metadata for.
-\subsubsection{File Descriptions}\label{file-descriptions}
-The public key used to verify the signatures in the \texttt{signatures}
-file, stored in binary as a single buffer written to disk. To find out
-what format of key is stored in this file, read the header of
-\texttt{signatures}. In Dat, it's always a ed25519 public key, but other
-implementations can specify other key types using a string value in that
-A SLEEP formatted 32 byte header with data entries representing a
-serialized Merkle tree based on the data in the data storage layer. All
-the fixed size nodes written in in-order tree notation. The header
-algorithm string for \texttt{tree} files is \texttt{BLAKE2b}. The entry
-size is 40 bytes. Entries are formatted like this:
-<32 byte header>
- <4 byte magic string: 0x05025702>
- <1 byte version number: 0>
- <2 byte entry size: 40>
- <1 byte algorithm name length prefix: 7>
- <7 byte algorithm name: BLAKE2b>
- <17 zeroes>
-<40 byte entries>
- <32 byte BLAKE2b hash>
- <8 byte Uint64BE children leaf byte length>
-The children leaf byte length is the byte size containing the sum byte
-length of all leaf nodes in the tree below this node.
-This file uses the in-order notation, meaning even entries are leaf
-nodes and odd entries are parent nodes (non-leaf).
-To prevent pre-image attacks, all hashes start with a one byte type
-0 - LEAF
-2 - ROOT
-To calculate leaf node entries (the hashes of the data entries) we hash
-this data:
- <1 byte type>
- 0
- <8 bytes Uint64BE>
- length of entry data
- <entry data>
-Then we take this 32 byte hash and write it to the tree as 40 bytes like
-<32 bytes>
- BLAKE2b hash
-<8 bytes Uint64BE>
- length of data
-Note that the Uint64 of length of data is included both in the hashed
-data and written at the end of the entry. This is to expose more
-metadata to Dat for advanced use cases such as verifying data length in
-sparse replication scenarios.
-To calculate parent node entries (the hashes of the leaf nodes) we hash
-this data:
- <1 byte>
- 1
- <8 bytes Uint64BE>
- left child length + right child length
- <32 bytes>
- left child hash
- <32 bytes>
- right child hash
-Then we take this 32 byte hash and write it to the tree as 40 bytes like
-<32 bytes>
- BLAKE2b hash
-<8 bytes Uint64BE>
- left child length + right child length
-The reason the tree entries contain data lengths is to allow for sparse
-mode replication. Encoding lengths (and including lengths in all hashes)
-means you can verify the Merkle subtrees independent of the rest of the
-tree, which happens during sparse replication scenarios.
-The tree file corresponds directly to the \texttt{data} file.
-The \texttt{data} file is only included in the SLEEP format for the
-\texttt{metadata.*} prefixed files which contains filesystem metadata
-and not actual file data. For the \texttt{content.*} files, the data is
-stored externally (in Dat it is stored as normal files on the filesystem
-and not in a SLEEP file). However you can configure Dat to use a
-\texttt{content.data} file if you want and it will still work. If you
-want to store the full history of all versions of all files, using the
-\texttt{content.data} file would provide that guarantee, but would have
-the disadvantage of storing files as chunks merged into one huge file
-(not as user friendly).
-The \texttt{data} file does not contain a SLEEP file header. It just
-contains a bunch of concatenated data entries. Entries are written in
-the same order as they appear in the \texttt{tree} file. To read a
-\texttt{data} file, first decode the \texttt{tree} file and for every
-leaf in the \texttt{tree} file you can calculate a data offset for the
-data described by that leaf node in the \texttt{data} file.
-\subparagraph{Index Lookup}\label{index-lookup}
-For example, if we wanted to seek to a specific entry offset (say entry
- First, read the header of the \texttt{tree} file and get the entry
- size, then do \texttt{32\ +\ entrySize\ *\ 42} to get the raw tree
- index: \texttt{32\ +\ (40\ *\ 42)}
- Since we want the leaf entry (even node in the in-order layout), we
- multiply the entry index by 2: \texttt{32\ +\ (40\ *\ (42\ *\ 2))}
- Read the 40 bytes at that offset in the \texttt{tree} file to get the
- leaf node entry.
- Read the last 8 bytes of the entry to get the length of the data entry
- To calculate the offset of where in the \texttt{data} file your entry
- begins, you need to sum all the lengths of all the earlier entries in
- the tree. The most efficient way to do this is to sum all the previous
- parent node (non-leaf) entry lengths. You can also sum all leaf node
- lengths, but parent nodes contain the sum of their children's lengths
- so it's more efficient to use parents. During Dat replication, these
- nodes are fetched as part of the Merkle tree verification so you will
- already have them locally. This is a log(N) operation where N is the
- entry index. Entries are also small and therefore easily cacheable.
- Once you get the offset, you use the length you decoded above and read
- N bytes (where N is the decoded length) at the offset in the
- \texttt{data} file. You can verify the data integrity using the 32
- byte hash from the \texttt{tree} entry.
-\subparagraph{Byte Lookup}\label{byte-lookup}
-The above method illustrates how to resolve a chunk position index to a
-byte offset. You can also do the reverse operation, resolving a byte
-offset to a chunk position index. This is used to stream arbitrary
-random access regions of files in sparse replication scenarios.
- First, you start by calculating the current Merkle roots
- Each node in the tree (including these root nodes) stores the
- aggregate file size of all byte sizes of the nodes below it. So the
- roots cumulatively will describe all possible byte ranges for this
- repository.
- Find the root that contains the byte range of the offset you are
- looking for and get the node information for all of that nodes
- children using the Index Lookup method, and recursively repeat this
- step until you find the lowest down child node that describes this
- byte range.
- The chunk described by this child node will contain the byte range you
- are looking for. You can use the \texttt{byteOffset} property in the
- \texttt{Stat} metadata object to seek into the right position in the
- content for the start of this chunk.
-\subparagraph{Metadata Overhead}\label{metadata-overhead}
-Using this scheme, if you write 4GB of data using on average 64KB data
-chunks (note: chunks can be variable length and do not need to be the
-same size), your tree file will be around 5MB (0.0125\% overhead).
-A SLEEP formatted 32 byte header with data entries being 64 byte
-<32 byte header>
- <4 byte magic string: 0x05025701>
- <1 byte version number: 0>
- <2 byte entry size: 64>
- <1 byte algorithm name length prefix: 7>
- <7 byte algorithm name: Ed25519>
- <17 zeroes>
-<64 byte entries>
- <64 byte Ed25519 signature>
-Every time the tree is updated we sign the current roots of the Merkle
-tree, and append them to the signatures file. The signatures file starts
-with no entries. Each time a new leaf is appended to the \texttt{tree}
-file (aka whenever data is added to a Dat), we take all root hashes at
-the current state of the Merkle tree and hash and sign them, then append
-them as a new entry to the signatures file.
-Ed25519 sign(
- BLAKE2b(
- <1 byte>
- 2 // root type
- for (every root node left-to-right) {
- <32 byte root hash>
- <8 byte Uint64BE root tree index>
- <8 byte Uint64BE child byte lengths>
- }
- )
-The reason we hash all the root nodes is that the BLAKE2b hash above is
-only calculable if you have all of the pieces of data required to
-generate all the intermediate hashes. This is the crux of Dat's data
-integrity guarantees.
-A SLEEP formatted 32 byte header followed by a series of 3328 byte long
-<32 byte header>
- <4 byte magic string: 0x05025700>
- <1 byte version number: 0>
- <2 byte entry size: 3328>
- <1 byte algorithm name length: 0>
- <1 byte algorithm name: 0>
- <24 zeroes>
-<3328 byte entries> // (2048 + 1024 + 256)
-The bitfield describes which pieces of data you have, and which nodes in
-the \texttt{tree} file have been written. This file exists as an index
-of the \texttt{tree} and \texttt{data} to quickly figure out which
-pieces of data you have or are missing. This file can be regenerated if
-you delete it, so it is considered a materialized index.
-The \texttt{bitfield} file actually contains three bitfields of
-different sizes. A bitfield (AKA bitmap) is defined as a set of bits
-where each bit (0 or 1) represents if you have or do not have a piece of
-data at that bit index. So if there is a dataset of 10 cat pictures, and
-you have pictures 1, 3, and 5 but are missing the rest, your bitfield
-would look like \texttt{1010100000}.
-Each entry contains three objects:
- Data Bitfield (1024 bytes) - 1 bit for for each data entry that you
- have synced (1 for every entry in \texttt{data}).
- Tree Bitfield (2048 bytes) - 1 bit for every tree entry (all nodes in
- \texttt{tree})
- Bitfield Index (256 bytes) - This is an index of the Data Bitfield
- that makes it efficient to figure out which pieces of data are missing
- from the Data Bitfield without having to do a linear scan.
-The Data Bitfield is 1Kb somewhat arbitrarily, but the idea is that
-because most filesystems work in 4Kb chunk sizes, we can fit the Data,
-Tree and Index in less then 4Kb of data for efficient writes to the
-filesystem. The Tree and Index sizes are based on the Data size (the
-Tree has twice the entries as the Data, odd and even nodes vs just even
-nodes in \texttt{tree}, and Index is always 1/4th the size).
-To generate the Index, you take pairs of 2 bytes at a time from the Data
-Bitfield, check if all bits in the 2 bytes are the same, and generate 4
-bits of Index metadata~for every 2 bytes of Data (hence how 1024 bytes
-of Data ends up as 256 bytes of Index).
-First you generate a 2 bit tuple for the 2 bytes of Data:
-if (data is all 1's) then [1,1]
-if (data is all 0's) then [0,0]
-if (data is not all the same) then [1, 0]
-The Index itself is an in-order binary tree, not a traditional bitfield.
-To generate the tree, you take the tuples you generate above and then
-write them into a tree like the following example, where non-leaf nodes
-are generated using the above scheme by looking at the results of the
-relative even child tuples for each odd parent tuple:
-// for e.g. 16 bytes (8 tuples) of
-// sparsely replicated data
-0 - [00 00 00 00]
-1 - [10 10 10 10]
-2 - [11 11 11 11]
-The tuples at entry \texttt{1} above are \texttt{{[}1,0{]}} because the
-relative child tuples are not uniform. In the following example, all
-non-leaf nodes are \texttt{{[}1,1{]}} because their relative children
-are all uniform (\texttt{{[}1,1{]}})
-// for e.g. 32 bytes (16 tuples) of
-// fully replicated data (all 1's)
-0 - [11 11 11 11]
-1 - [11 11 11 11]
-2 - [11 11 11 11]
-3 - [11 11 11 11]
-4 - [11 11 11 11]
-5 - [11 11 11 11]
-6 - [11 11 11 11]
-Using this scheme, to represent 32 bytes of data it takes at most 8
-bytes of Index. In this example it compresses nicely as its all
-contiguous ones on disk, similarly for an empty bitfield it would be all
-If you write 4GB of data using on average 64KB data chunk size, your
-bitfield will be at most 32KB.
-This file is used to store content described by the rest of the
-\texttt{metadata.*} hypercore SLEEP files. Whereas the
-\texttt{content.*} SLEEP files describe the data stored in the actual
-data cloned in the Dat repository filesystem, the \texttt{metadata} data
-feed is stored inside the \texttt{.dat} folder along with the rest of
-the SLEEP files.
-The contents of this file is a series of versions of the Dat filesystem
-tree. As this is a hypercore data feed, it's just an append only log of
-binary data entries. The challenge is representing a tree in a
-one-dimensional way to make it representable as a Hypercore register.
-For example, imagine three files:
-~/dataset $ ls
- graph1.png
- graph2.png
-1 directory, 3 files
-We want to take this structure and map it to a serialized representation
-that gets written into an append only log in a way that still allows for
-efficient random access by file path.
-To do this, we convert the filesystem metadata into entries in a feed
-like this:
- "path": "/results.csv",
- trie: [[]],
- sequence: 0
- "path": "/figures/graph1.png",
- trie: [[0], []],
- sequence: 1
- "path": "/figures/graph2.png",
- trie: [[0], [1]],
- sequence: 2
-\subparagraph{Filename Resolution}\label{filename-resolution}
-Each sequence represents adding one of the files to the register, so at
-sequence 0 the filesystem state only has a single file,
-\texttt{results.csv} in it. At sequence 1, there are only 2 files added
-to the register, and at sequence 3 all files are finally added. The
-\texttt{children} field represents a shorthand way of declaring which
-other files at every level of the directory hierarchy exist alongside
-the file being added at that revision. For example at the time of
-sequence 1, children is \texttt{{[}{[}0{]},\ {[}{]}{]}}. The first
-sub-array, \texttt{{[}0{]}}, represents the first folder in the
-\texttt{path}, which is the root folder \texttt{/}. In this case
-\texttt{{[}0{]}} means the root folder at this point in time only has a
-single file, the file that is the subject of sequence \texttt{0}. The
-second subarray is empty \texttt{{[}{]}} because there are no other
-existing files in the second folder in the \texttt{path},
-To look up a file by filename, you fetch the latest entry in the log,
-then use the \texttt{children} metadata in that entry to look up the
-longest common ancestor based on the parent folders of the filename you
-are querying. You can then recursively repeat this operation until you
-find the \texttt{path} entry you are looking for (or you exhaust all
-options which means the file does not exist). This is a
-\texttt{O(number\ of\ slashes\ in\ your\ path)} operation.
-For example, if you wanted to look up \texttt{/results.csv} given the
-above register, you would start by grabbing the metadata at sequence 2.
-The longest common ancestor between \texttt{/results.csv} and
-\texttt{/figures/graph2} is \texttt{/}. You then grab the corresponding
-entry in the children array for \texttt{/}, which in this case is the
-first entry, \texttt{{[}0{]}}. You then repeat this with all of the
-children entries until you find a child that is closer to the entry you
-are looking for. In this example, the first entry happens to be the
-match we are looking for.
-You can also perform lookups relative to a point in time by starting
-from a specific sequence number in the register. For example to get the
-state of some file relative to an old sequence number, similar to
-checking out an old version of a repository in Git.
-\subparagraph{Data Serialization}\label{data-serialization}
-The format of the \texttt{metadata.data} file is as follows:
-<Node 1>
-<Node 2>
-<Node ...>
-<Node N>
-Each entry in the file is encoded using Protocol Buffers (Varda 2008).
-The first message we write to the file is of a type called Header which
-uses this schema:
-message Header {
- required string type = 1;
- optional bytes content = 2;
-This is used to declare two pieces of metadata used by Dat. It includes
-a \texttt{type} string with the value \texttt{hyperdrive} and
-\texttt{content} binary value that holds the public key of the content
-register that this metadata register represents. When you share a Dat,
-the metadata key is the main key that gets used, and the content
-register key is linked from here in the metadata.
-After the header the file will contain many filesystem \texttt{Node}
-message Node {
- required string path = 1;
- optional Stat value = 2;
- optional bytes trie = 3;
- repeated Writer writers = 4;
- optional uint64 writersSequence = 5;
-message Writer {
- required bytes publicKey = 1;
- optional string permission = 2;
-The \texttt{Node} object has five fields
- \texttt{path} - the string of the absolute file path of this file.
- \texttt{Stat} - a Stat encoded object representing the file metadata
- \texttt{trie} - a compressed list of the sequence numbers as described
- earlier
- \texttt{writers} - a list of the writers who are allowed to write to
- this dat
- \texttt{writersSequence} - a reference to the last sequence where the
- writers array was modified. you can use this to quickly find the value
- of the writers keys.
-The \texttt{trie} value is encoded by starting with the nested array of
-sequence numbers, e.g.
-\texttt{{[}{[}{[}0,\ 3{]}{]},\ {[}{[}0,\ 2{]},\ {[}0,\ 1{]}{]}{]}}. Each
-entry is a tuple where the first item is the index of the feed in the
-\texttt{writers} array and the second value is the sequence number.
-Finally you prepend the trie value with a version number varint.
-To write these subarrays we use variable width integers (varints), using
-a repeating pattern like this, one for each array:
-<varint of 0>
-<varint of 3>
-<varint of 0>
-<varint of 2>
-<varint of 0>
-<varint of 1>
-This encoding is designed for efficiency as it reduces the filesystem
-path + feed index metadata down to a series of small integers.
-The \texttt{Stat} objects use this encoding:
-message Stat {
- required uint32 mode = 1;
- optional uint32 uid = 2;
- optional uint32 gid = 3;
- optional uint64 size = 4;
- optional uint64 blocks = 5;
- optional uint64 offset = 6;
- optional uint64 byteOffset = 7;
- optional uint64 mtime = 8;
- optional uint64 ctime = 9;
-These are the field definitions:
- \texttt{mode} - POSIX file mode bitmask
- \texttt{uid} - POSIX user id
- \texttt{gid} - POSIX group id
- \texttt{size} - file size in bytes
- \texttt{blocks} - number of data chunks that make up this file
- \texttt{offset} - the data feed entry index for the first chunk in
- this file
- \texttt{byteOffset} - the data feed file byte offset for the first
- chunk in this file
- \texttt{mtime} - POSIX modified\_at time
- \texttt{mtime} - POSIX created\_at time
-Varda, Kenton. 2008. ``Protocol Buffers: Google's Data Interchange
-Format.'' \emph{Google Open Source Blog, Available at Least as Early as