path: root/code/client
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1 files changed, 68 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/code/client/snd_openal.c b/code/client/snd_openal.c
index a25a5c6..7e38054 100644
--- a/code/client/snd_openal.c
+++ b/code/client/snd_openal.c
@@ -503,6 +503,7 @@ typedef struct src_s
float lastTimePos; // On stopped loops, the last position in the buffer
int lastSampleTime; // Time when this was stopped
+ vec3_t loopSpeakerPos; // Origin of the loop speaker
qboolean local; // Is this local (relative to the cam)
} src_t;
@@ -581,8 +582,6 @@ static void S_AL_ScaleGain(src_t *chksrc, vec3_t origin)
if(chksrc->scaleGain != scaleFactor);
chksrc->scaleGain = scaleFactor;
- // if(scaleFactor > 0.0f)
- // Com_Printf("%f\n", scaleFactor);
qalSourcef(chksrc->alSource, AL_GAIN, chksrc->scaleGain);
@@ -1134,6 +1133,10 @@ static void S_AL_SrcLoop( alSrcPriority_t priority, sfxHandle_t sfx,
int src;
sentity_t *sent = &entityList[ entityNum ];
src_t *curSource;
+ vec3_t sorigin, svelocity;
+ if(S_AL_CheckInput(entityNum, sfx))
+ return;
// Do we need to allocate a new source for this entity
if( !sent->srcAllocated )
@@ -1175,19 +1178,35 @@ static void S_AL_SrcLoop( alSrcPriority_t priority, sfxHandle_t sfx,
curSource->local = qtrue;
- qalSourcefv( curSource->alSource, AL_POSITION, vec3_origin );
- qalSourcefv( curSource->alSource, AL_VELOCITY, vec3_origin );
+ VectorClear(sorigin);
+ qalSourcefv(curSource->alSource, AL_POSITION, sorigin);
+ qalSourcefv(curSource->alSource, AL_VELOCITY, sorigin);
curSource->local = qfalse;
- qalSourcefv( curSource->alSource, AL_POSITION, (ALfloat *)sent->origin );
- qalSourcefv( curSource->alSource, AL_VELOCITY, (ALfloat *)velocity );
+ if(origin)
+ VectorCopy(origin, sorigin);
+ else
+ VectorCopy(sent->origin, sorigin);
+ S_AL_SanitiseVector(sorigin);
- }
+ VectorCopy(sorigin, curSource->loopSpeakerPos);
+ if(velocity)
+ {
+ VectorCopy(velocity, svelocity);
+ S_AL_SanitiseVector(svelocity);
+ }
+ else
+ VectorClear(svelocity);
- S_AL_ScaleGain(curSource, sent->origin);
+ qalSourcefv( curSource->alSource, AL_POSITION, (ALfloat *)sorigin );
+ qalSourcefv( curSource->alSource, AL_VELOCITY, (ALfloat *)velocity );
+ }
@@ -1195,20 +1214,9 @@ static void S_AL_SrcLoop( alSrcPriority_t priority, sfxHandle_t sfx,
-void S_AL_AddLoopingSound( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, sfxHandle_t sfx )
+static void S_AL_AddLoopingSound(int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, sfxHandle_t sfx)
- vec3_t sanOrigin, sanVelocity;
- if(S_AL_CheckInput(entityNum, sfx))
- return;
- VectorCopy( origin, sanOrigin );
- VectorCopy( velocity, sanVelocity );
- S_AL_SanitiseVector( sanOrigin );
- S_AL_SanitiseVector( sanVelocity );
- S_AL_SrcLoop(SRCPRI_ENTITY, sfx, sanOrigin, sanVelocity, entityNum);
+ S_AL_SrcLoop(SRCPRI_ENTITY, sfx, origin, velocity, entityNum);
@@ -1216,27 +1224,9 @@ void S_AL_AddLoopingSound( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velo
-void S_AL_AddRealLoopingSound( int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, sfxHandle_t sfx )
+static void S_AL_AddRealLoopingSound(int entityNum, const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, sfxHandle_t sfx)
- vec3_t sanOrigin, sanVelocity;
- if(S_AL_CheckInput(entityNum, sfx))
- return;
- VectorCopy( origin, sanOrigin );
- VectorCopy( velocity, sanVelocity );
- S_AL_SanitiseVector( sanOrigin );
- S_AL_SanitiseVector( sanVelocity );
- // There are certain maps (*cough* Q3:TA mpterra*) that have large quantities
- // of ET_SPEAKERS in the PVS at any given time. OpenAL can't cope with mixing
- // large numbers of sounds, so this culls them by distance
- if( DistanceSquared( sanOrigin, lastListenerOrigin ) > (s_alMaxDistance->value + s_alGraceDistance->value) *
- (s_alMaxDistance->value + s_alGraceDistance->value) )
- return;
- S_AL_SrcLoop(SRCPRI_AMBIENT, sfx, sanOrigin, sanVelocity, entityNum);
+ S_AL_SrcLoop(SRCPRI_AMBIENT, sfx, origin, velocity, entityNum);
@@ -1289,9 +1279,11 @@ void S_AL_SrcUpdate( void )
sentity_t *sent = &entityList[ entityNum ];
- // If a looping effect hasn't been touched this frame, pause it
+ // If a looping effect hasn't been touched this frame, pause or kill it
+ alSfx_t *curSfx;
// The sound has changed without an intervening removal
if(curSource->isActive && !sent->startLoopingSound &&
curSource->sfx != sent->loopSfx)
@@ -1315,10 +1307,32 @@ void S_AL_SrcUpdate( void )
sent->startLoopingSound = qfalse;
- if(!curSource->isPlaying)
+ curSfx = &knownSfx[curSource->sfx];
+ S_AL_ScaleGain(curSource, curSource->loopSpeakerPos);
+ if(!curSource->scaleGain)
- alSfx_t *curSfx = &knownSfx[curSource->sfx];
+ if(curSource->isPlaying)
+ {
+ // Sound is mute, stop playback until we are in range again
+ S_AL_NewLoopMaster(curSource, qfalse);
+ qalSourceStop(curSource->alSource);
+ curSource->isPlaying = qfalse;
+ }
+ else if(!curSfx->loopActiveCnt && curSfx->masterLoopSrc < 0)
+ {
+ // There are no loops yet, make this one master
+ curSource->lastTimePos = 0;
+ curSource->lastSampleTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
+ curSfx->masterLoopSrc = i;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!curSource->isPlaying)
+ {
// If there are other looping sources with the same sound,
// make sure the sound of these sources are in sync.
@@ -1339,7 +1353,7 @@ void S_AL_SrcUpdate( void )
// to calculate offset so the player thinks the sources continued playing while they were inaudible.
secofs = master->lastTimePos + (Sys_Milliseconds() - master->lastSampleTime) / 1000.0f;
- secofs = fmodf(secofs, curSfx->info.samples / curSfx->info.rate);
+ secofs = fmodf(secofs, (float) curSfx->info.samples / curSfx->info.rate);
qalSourcef(curSource->alSource, AL_SEC_OFFSET, secofs);
@@ -1369,12 +1383,17 @@ void S_AL_SrcUpdate( void )
- else if(curSource->isPlaying)
+ else if(curSource->priority == SRCPRI_AMBIENT)
- S_AL_NewLoopMaster(curSource, qfalse);
- qalSourceStop(curSource->alSource);
- curSource->isPlaying = qfalse;
+ if(curSource->isPlaying)
+ {
+ S_AL_NewLoopMaster(curSource, qfalse);
+ qalSourceStop(curSource->alSource);
+ curSource->isPlaying = qfalse;
+ }
+ else
+ S_AL_SrcKill(i);