diff options
2 files changed, 32 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/web/include/downloads.php b/web/include/downloads.php
index d9b4bb4..59c78ce 100644
--- a/web/include/downloads.php
+++ b/web/include/downloads.php
@@ -5,24 +5,39 @@ $downloads = array(
id. You need to copy your <tt>pak0.pk3</tt> from the CD-ROM
when the installation process is completed.</p>
<p><a href="http://icculus.org/~zakk/ioquake3_setup.exe">
- Download for Windows x86</a>, 26MB.</p><p><em> Thanks to
- <a href="mailto:phatfil@optusnet.com.au">Philip Nelson</a>.</em></p>',
+ Download for Windows x86</a>, 26MB.
+ <em>MD5: <tt>7c5d3b470648486e060f45456077d6be</tt></em><br />
+ <em>Built from Subversion
+ <a href="http://svn.icculus.org/quake3/trunk/?rev=620">revision 620</a>.</em>
+ </p><p>
+ Thanks to <a href="mailto:phatfil@optusnet.com.au">Philip
+ Nelson</a>.</p>',
"linux" => '<h3 class="linux">Linux (x86, x86_64, PowerPC)</h3>
- <p>Does not provide latest patch <tt>pk3</tt> data. You must
- <a href="?page=getdata">download it seperately</a>. When the
- installation is complete, you need to copy your <tt>pak0.pk3</tt>
- from the CD-ROM. Execute the <tt>.run</tt> file as root with
- something like <tt>sh <em>ioquake3-version_etc.run</em></tt></p>
- <p><a href="http://icculus.org/~zakk/q3run/ioquake3-1.33_SVN629-0.1.i386.run">
- Download for x86</a>, 2.7MB.</p>
- <p><a href="http://icculus.org/~zakk/q3run/ioquake3-1.33_SVN629-0.1.x86_64.run">
- Download for x86_64</a>, 3.4MB.</p>
- <p><a href="http://icculus.org/~zakk/q3run/ioquake3-1.33_SVN629-0.1.ppc.run">
- Download for PowerPC</a>, 2.7MB.</p>
- <p>( Built from Subversion revision 629. )<br />
- <em>Thanks to <a href="mailto:ludwig.nussel@suse.de">Ludwig
- Nussel</a>.</em></p>',
+ <p>You must <a href="?page=getdata">download patch data seperately</a>
+ with these installers. When the installation is complete,
+ you need to copy your <tt>pak0.pk3</tt> from your legal CD-ROM.
+ Execute the <tt>.run</tt> file as root with something like
+ <tt>sh <em>ioquake3-version_etc.run</em></tt></p>
+ <p>
+ <a href="http://icculus.org/~zakk/q3run/ioquake3-1.33_SVN629-0.1.i386.run">
+ Download for x86</a>, 2.7MB.
+ <em>MD5: <a href="http://icculus.org/~zakk/q3run/ioquake3-1.33_SVN629-0.1.i386.run.asc">
+ <tt>1f77f6afb2b6428e8e47ddc3d8bc8b98</tt></a></em><br />
+ <a href="http://icculus.org/~zakk/q3run/ioquake3-1.33_SVN629-0.1.x86_64.run">
+ Download for x86_64</a>, 3.4MB.
+ <em>MD5: <a href="http://icculus.org/~zakk/q3run/ioquake3-1.33_SVN629-0.1.x86_64.run.asc">
+ <tt>bf338d31d40991e0e8f930a0e5b078c7</tt></a></em><br />
+ <a href="http://icculus.org/~zakk/q3run/ioquake3-1.33_SVN629-0.1.ppc.run">
+ Download for PowerPC</a>, 2.7MB.
+ <em>MD5: <a href="http://icculus.org/~zakk/q3run/ioquake3-1.33_SVN629-0.1.ppc.run.asc">
+ <tt>cefbaca88dd5c5cd8b151f21f38f20df</tt></a></em><br />
+ <em>Built from Subversion
+ <a href="http://svn.icculus.org/quake3/trunk/?rev=629">revision 629</a>.</em>
+ </p><p>
+ Thanks to <a href="mailto:ludwig.nussel@suse.de">Ludwig
+ Nussel</a>.
+ </p>',
"mac" => '<h3 class="apple">Mac OS X (Intel, PowerPC)</h3>
<p>Coming soon.</p>'
diff --git a/web/include/help.php b/web/include/help.php
index 7aa6417..8b8fd96 100644
--- a/web/include/help.php
+++ b/web/include/help.php
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ typedef int intptr_t;
#include &lt;stdint.h&gt;
-<em>Note: if you simply wish to run mods on a 64bit platform you do <strong>not</strong>
+<em>Note: if you simply wish to run mods on a 64bit platform, you do <strong>not</strong>
need to recompile anything since by default Q3 uses a virtual machine system.</em></p>
<h2>Creating Mods Compatible With Quake III 1.32b</h2>