path: root/strings.arc
diff options
authorbnewbold <>2011-06-24 17:21:45 -0400
committerbnewbold <>2011-06-24 17:21:45 -0400
commit421dc8c7141ecb6297996f7370d96e7e99894683 (patch)
tree50b8bcf931c4dc204f74b8721de9244ab4977056 /strings.arc
Diffstat (limited to 'strings.arc')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/strings.arc b/strings.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b80bc59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/strings.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+; Matching. Spun off 29 Jul 06.
+; arc> (tostring (writec (coerce 133 'char)))
+;> (define ss (open-output-string))
+;> (write-char (integer->char 133) ss)
+;> (get-output-string ss)
+(def tokens (s (o sep whitec))
+ (let test (testify sep)
+ (let rec (afn (cs toks tok)
+ (if (no cs) (consif tok toks)
+ (test (car cs)) (self (cdr cs) (consif tok toks) nil)
+ (self (cdr cs) toks (cons (car cs) tok))))
+ (rev (map [coerce _ 'string]
+ (map rev (rec (coerce s 'cons) nil nil)))))))
+; names of cut, split, halve not optimal
+(def halve (s (o sep whitec))
+ (let test (testify sep)
+ (let rec (afn (cs tok)
+ (if (no cs) (list (rev tok))
+ (test (car cs)) (list cs (rev tok))
+ (self (cdr cs) (cons (car cs) tok))))
+ (rev (map [coerce _ 'string]
+ (rec (coerce s 'cons) nil))))))
+; maybe promote to arc.arc, but if so include a list clause
+(def positions (test seq)
+ (accum a
+ (let f (testify test)
+ (forlen i seq
+ (if (f (seq i)) (a i))))))
+(def lines (s)
+ (accum a
+ ((afn ((p . ps))
+ (if ps
+ (do (a (rem #\return (cut s (+ p 1) (car ps))))
+ (self ps))
+ (a (cut s (+ p 1)))))
+ (cons -1 (positions #\newline s)))))
+(def slices (s test)
+ (accum a
+ ((afn ((p . ps))
+ (if ps
+ (do (a (cut s (+ p 1) (car ps)))
+ (self ps))
+ (a (cut s (+ p 1)))))
+ (cons -1 (positions test s)))))
+; > (require (lib "" "net"))
+;> (form-urlencoded-decode "x%ce%bbx")
+; first byte: 0-7F, 1 char; c2-df 2; e0-ef 3, f0-f4 4.
+; Fixed for utf8 by pc.
+(def urldecode (s)
+ (tostring
+ (forlen i s
+ (caselet c (s i)
+ #\+ (writec #\space)
+ #\% (do (when (> (- (len s) i) 2)
+ (writeb (int (cut s (+ i 1) (+ i 3)) 16)))
+ (++ i 2))
+ (writec c)))))
+(def urlencode (s)
+ (tostring
+ (each c s
+ (writec #\%)
+ (let i (int c)
+ (if (< i 16) (writec #\0))
+ (pr (coerce i 'string 16))))))
+(mac litmatch (pat string (o start 0))
+ (w/uniq (gstring gstart)
+ `(with (,gstring ,string ,gstart ,start)
+ (unless (> (+ ,gstart ,(len pat)) (len ,gstring))
+ (and ,@(let acc nil
+ (forlen i pat
+ (push `(is ,(pat i) (,gstring (+ ,gstart ,i)))
+ acc))
+ (rev acc)))))))
+; litmatch would be cleaner if map worked for string and integer args:
+; ,@(map (fn (n c)
+; `(is ,c (,gstring (+ ,gstart ,n))))
+; (len pat)
+; pat)
+(mac endmatch (pat string)
+ (w/uniq (gstring glen)
+ `(withs (,gstring ,string ,glen (len ,gstring))
+ (unless (> ,(len pat) (len ,gstring))
+ (and ,@(let acc nil
+ (forlen i pat
+ (push `(is ,(pat (- (len pat) 1 i))
+ (,gstring (- ,glen 1 ,i)))
+ acc))
+ (rev acc)))))))
+(def posmatch (pat seq (o start 0))
+ (catch
+ (if (isa pat 'fn)
+ (for i start (- (len seq) 1)
+ (when (pat (seq i)) (throw i)))
+ (for i start (- (len seq) (len pat))
+ (when (headmatch pat seq i) (throw i))))
+ nil))
+(def headmatch (pat seq (o start 0))
+ (let p (len pat)
+ ((afn (i)
+ (or (is i p)
+ (and (is (pat i) (seq (+ i start)))
+ (self (+ i 1)))))
+ 0)))
+(def begins (seq pat (o start 0))
+ (unless (len> pat (- (len seq) start))
+ (headmatch pat seq start)))
+(def subst (new old seq)
+ (let boundary (+ (- (len seq) (len old)) 1)
+ (tostring
+ (forlen i seq
+ (if (and (< i boundary) (headmatch old seq i))
+ (do (++ i (- (len old) 1))
+ (pr new))
+ (pr (seq i)))))))
+(def multisubst (pairs seq)
+ (tostring
+ (forlen i seq
+ (iflet (old new) (find [begins seq (car _) i] pairs)
+ (do (++ i (- (len old) 1))
+ (pr new))
+ (pr (seq i))))))
+; not a good name
+(def findsubseq (pat seq (o start 0))
+ (if (< (- (len seq) start) (len pat))
+ nil
+ (if (headmatch pat seq start)
+ start
+ (findsubseq pat seq (+ start 1)))))
+(def blank (s) (~find ~whitec s))
+(def nonblank (s) (unless (blank s) s))
+(def trim (s (o where 'both) (o test whitec))
+ (withs (f (testify test)
+ p1 (pos ~f s))
+ (if p1
+ (cut s
+ (if (in where 'front 'both) p1 0)
+ (when (in where 'end 'both)
+ (let i (- (len s) 1)
+ (while (and (> i p1) (f (s i)))
+ (-- i))
+ (+ i 1))))
+ "")))
+(def num (n (o digits 2) (o trail-zeros nil) (o init-zero nil))
+ (withs (comma
+ (fn (i)
+ (tostring
+ (map [apply pr (rev _)]
+ (rev (intersperse '(#\,)
+ (tuples (rev (coerce (string i) 'cons))
+ 3))))))
+ abrep
+ (let a (abs n)
+ (if (< digits 1)
+ (comma (roundup a))
+ (exact a)
+ (string (comma a)
+ (when (and trail-zeros (> digits 0))
+ (string "." (newstring digits #\0))))
+ (withs (d (expt 10 digits)
+ m (/ (roundup (* a d)) d)
+ i (trunc m)
+ r (abs (trunc (- (* m d) (* i d)))))
+ (+ (if (is i 0)
+ (if (or init-zero (is r 0)) "0" "")
+ (comma i))
+ (withs (rest (string r)
+ padded (+ (newstring (- digits (len rest)) #\0)
+ rest)
+ final (if trail-zeros
+ padded
+ (trim padded 'end [is _ #\0])))
+ (string (unless (empty final) ".")
+ final)))))))
+ (if (and (< n 0) (find [and (digit _) (isnt _ #\0)] abrep))
+ (+ "-" abrep)
+ abrep)))
+; English
+(def pluralize (n str)
+ (if (or (is n 1) (single n))
+ str
+ (string str "s")))
+(def plural (n x)
+ (string n #\ (pluralize n x)))