diff options
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21 files changed, 8163 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ac.scm b/ac.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..173ff4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ac.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,1489 @@
+; Arc Compiler.
+(module ac mzscheme
+(provide (all-defined))
+(require (lib ""))
+(require (lib ""))
+(require (lib ""))
+(require (lib ""))
+; compile an Arc expression into a Scheme expression,
+; both represented as s-expressions.
+; env is a list of lexically bound variables, which we
+; need in order to decide whether set should create a global.
+(define (ac s env)
+ (cond ((string? s) (ac-string s env))
+ ((literal? s) s)
+ ((eqv? s 'nil) (list 'quote 'nil))
+ ((ssyntax? s) (ac (expand-ssyntax s) env))
+ ((symbol? s) (ac-var-ref s env))
+ ((ssyntax? (xcar s)) (ac (cons (expand-ssyntax (car s)) (cdr s)) env))
+ ((eq? (xcar s) 'quote) (list 'quote (ac-niltree (cadr s))))
+ ((eq? (xcar s) 'quasiquote) (ac-qq (cadr s) env))
+ ((eq? (xcar s) 'if) (ac-if (cdr s) env))
+ ((eq? (xcar s) 'fn) (ac-fn (cadr s) (cddr s) env))
+ ((eq? (xcar s) 'assign) (ac-set (cdr s) env))
+ ; the next three clauses could be removed without changing semantics
+ ; ... except that they work for macros (so prob should do this for
+ ; every elt of s, not just the car)
+ ((eq? (xcar (xcar s)) 'compose) (ac (decompose (cdar s) (cdr s)) env))
+ ((eq? (xcar (xcar s)) 'complement)
+ (ac (list 'no (cons (cadar s) (cdr s))) env))
+ ((eq? (xcar (xcar s)) 'andf) (ac-andf s env))
+ ((pair? s) (ac-call (car s) (cdr s) env))
+ (#t (err "Bad object in expression" s))))
+(define atstrings #f)
+(define (ac-string s env)
+ (if atstrings
+ (if (atpos s 0)
+ (ac (cons 'string (map (lambda (x)
+ (if (string? x)
+ (unescape-ats x)
+ x))
+ (codestring s)))
+ env)
+ (unescape-ats s))
+ (string-copy s))) ; avoid immutable strings
+(define (literal? x)
+ (or (boolean? x)
+ (char? x)
+ (string? x)
+ (number? x)
+ (eq? x '())))
+(define (ssyntax? x)
+ (and (symbol? x)
+ (not (or (eqv? x '+) (eqv? x '++) (eqv? x '_)))
+ (let ((name (symbol->string x)))
+ (has-ssyntax-char? name (- (string-length name) 1)))))
+(define (has-ssyntax-char? string i)
+ (and (>= i 0)
+ (or (let ((c (string-ref string i)))
+ (or (eqv? c #\:) (eqv? c #\~)
+ (eqv? c #\&)
+ ;(eqv? c #\_)
+ (eqv? c #\.) (eqv? c #\!)))
+ (has-ssyntax-char? string (- i 1)))))
+(define (read-from-string str)
+ (let ((port (open-input-string str)))
+ (let ((val (read port)))
+ (close-input-port port)
+ val)))
+; Though graphically the right choice, can't use _ for currying
+; because then _!foo becomes a function. Maybe use <>. For now
+; leave this off and see how often it would have been useful.
+; Might want to make ~ have less precedence than &, because
+; ~foo&bar prob should mean (andf (complement foo) bar), not
+; (complement (andf foo bar)).
+(define (expand-ssyntax sym)
+ ((cond ((or (insym? #\: sym) (insym? #\~ sym)) expand-compose)
+ ((or (insym? #\. sym) (insym? #\! sym)) expand-sexpr)
+ ((insym? #\& sym) expand-and)
+ ; ((insym? #\_ sym) expand-curry)
+ (#t (error "Unknown ssyntax" sym)))
+ sym))
+(define (expand-compose sym)
+ (let ((elts (map (lambda (tok)
+ (if (eqv? (car tok) #\~)
+ (if (null? (cdr tok))
+ 'no
+ `(complement ,(chars->value (cdr tok))))
+ (chars->value tok)))
+ (tokens (lambda (c) (eqv? c #\:))
+ (symbol->chars sym)
+ '()
+ '()
+ #f))))
+ (if (null? (cdr elts))
+ (car elts)
+ (cons 'compose elts))))
+(define (expand-and sym)
+ (let ((elts (map chars->value
+ (tokens (lambda (c) (eqv? c #\&))
+ (symbol->chars sym)
+ '()
+ '()
+ #f))))
+ (if (null? (cdr elts))
+ (car elts)
+ (cons 'andf elts))))
+; How to include quoted arguments? Can't treat all as quoted, because
+; never want to quote fn given as first. Do we want to allow quote chars
+; within symbols? Could be ugly.
+; If release, fix the fact that this simply uses v0... as vars. Should
+; make these vars gensyms.
+(define (expand-curry sym)
+ (let ((expr (exc (map (lambda (x)
+ (if (pair? x) (chars->value x) x))
+ (tokens (lambda (c) (eqv? c #\_))
+ (symbol->chars sym)
+ '()
+ '()
+ #t))
+ 0)))
+ (list 'fn
+ (keep (lambda (s)
+ (and (symbol? s)
+ (eqv? (string-ref (symbol->string s) 0)
+ #\v)))
+ expr)
+ expr)))
+(define (keep f xs)
+ (cond ((null? xs) '())
+ ((f (car xs)) (cons (car xs) (keep f (cdr xs))))
+ (#t (keep f (cdr xs)))))
+(define (exc elts n)
+ (cond ((null? elts)
+ '())
+ ((eqv? (car elts) #\_)
+ (cons (string->symbol (string-append "v" (number->string n)))
+ (exc (cdr elts) (+ n 1))))
+ (#t
+ (cons (car elts) (exc (cdr elts) n)))))
+(define (expand-sexpr sym)
+ (build-sexpr (reverse (tokens (lambda (c) (or (eqv? c #\.) (eqv? c #\!)))
+ (symbol->chars sym)
+ '()
+ '()
+ #t))
+ sym))
+(define (build-sexpr toks orig)
+ (cond ((null? toks)
+ 'get)
+ ((null? (cdr toks))
+ (chars->value (car toks)))
+ (#t
+ (list (build-sexpr (cddr toks) orig)
+ (if (eqv? (cadr toks) #\!)
+ (list 'quote (chars->value (car toks)))
+ (if (or (eqv? (car toks) #\.) (eqv? (car toks) #\!))
+ (err "Bad ssyntax" orig)
+ (chars->value (car toks))))))))
+(define (insym? char sym) (member char (symbol->chars sym)))
+(define (symbol->chars x) (string->list (symbol->string x)))
+(define (chars->value chars) (read-from-string (list->string chars)))
+(define (tokens test source token acc keepsep?)
+ (cond ((null? source)
+ (reverse (if (pair? token)
+ (cons (reverse token) acc)
+ acc)))
+ ((test (car source))
+ (tokens test
+ (cdr source)
+ '()
+ (let ((rec (if (null? token)
+ acc
+ (cons (reverse token) acc))))
+ (if keepsep?
+ (cons (car source) rec)
+ rec))
+ keepsep?))
+ (#t
+ (tokens test
+ (cdr source)
+ (cons (car source) token)
+ acc
+ keepsep?))))
+(define (ac-global-name s)
+ (string->symbol (string-append "_" (symbol->string s))))
+(define (ac-var-ref s env)
+ (if (lex? s env)
+ s
+ (ac-global-name s)))
+; quasiquote
+(define (ac-qq args env)
+ (list 'quasiquote (ac-qq1 1 args env)))
+; process the argument of a quasiquote. keep track of
+; depth of nesting. handle unquote only at top level (level = 1).
+; complete form, e.g. x or (fn x) or (unquote (fn x))
+(define (ac-qq1 level x env)
+ (cond ((= level 0)
+ (ac x env))
+ ((and (pair? x) (eqv? (car x) 'unquote))
+ (list 'unquote (ac-qq1 (- level 1) (cadr x) env)))
+ ((and (pair? x) (eqv? (car x) 'unquote-splicing) (= level 1))
+ (list 'unquote-splicing
+ (list 'ar-nil-terminate (ac-qq1 (- level 1) (cadr x) env))))
+ ((and (pair? x) (eqv? (car x) 'quasiquote))
+ (list 'quasiquote (ac-qq1 (+ level 1) (cadr x) env)))
+ ((pair? x)
+ (imap (lambda (x) (ac-qq1 level x env)) x))
+ (#t x)))
+; like map, but don't demand '()-terminated list
+(define (imap f l)
+ (cond ((pair? l)
+ (cons (f (car l)) (imap f (cdr l))))
+ ((null? l)
+ '())
+ (#t (f l))))
+; (if) -> nil
+; (if x) -> x
+; (if t a ...) -> a
+; (if nil a b) -> b
+; (if nil a b c) -> (if b c)
+(define (ac-if args env)
+ (cond ((null? args) ''nil)
+ ((null? (cdr args)) (ac (car args) env))
+ (#t `(if (not (ar-false? ,(ac (car args) env)))
+ ,(ac (cadr args) env)
+ ,(ac-if (cddr args) env)))))
+(define (ac-dbname! name env)
+ (if (symbol? name)
+ (cons (list name) env)
+ env))
+(define (ac-dbname env)
+ (cond ((null? env) #f)
+ ((pair? (car env)) (caar env))
+ (#t (ac-dbname (cdr env)))))
+; translate fn directly into a lambda if it has ordinary
+; parameters, otherwise use a rest parameter and parse it.
+(define (ac-fn args body env)
+ (if (ac-complex-args? args)
+ (ac-complex-fn args body env)
+ (ac-nameit
+ (ac-dbname env)
+ `(lambda ,(let ((a (ac-denil args))) (if (eqv? a 'nil) '() a))
+ ,@(ac-body* body (append (ac-arglist args) env))))))
+; does an fn arg list use optional parameters or destructuring?
+; a rest parameter is not complex
+(define (ac-complex-args? args)
+ (cond ((eqv? args '()) #f)
+ ((symbol? args) #f)
+ ((and (pair? args) (symbol? (car args)))
+ (ac-complex-args? (cdr args)))
+ (#t #t)))
+; translate a fn with optional or destructuring args
+; (fn (x (o y x) (o z 21) (x1 x2) . rest) ...)
+; arguments in top-level list are mandatory (unless optional),
+; but it's OK for parts of a list you're destructuring to
+; be missing.
+(define (ac-complex-fn args body env)
+ (let* ((ra (ar-gensym))
+ (z (ac-complex-args args env ra #t)))
+ `(lambda ,ra
+ (let* ,z
+ ,@(ac-body* body (append (ac-complex-getargs z) env))))))
+; returns a list of two-element lists, first is variable name,
+; second is (compiled) expression. to be used in a let.
+; caller should extract variables and add to env.
+; ra is the rest argument to the fn.
+; is-params indicates that args are function arguments
+; (not destructuring), so they must be passed or be optional.
+(define (ac-complex-args args env ra is-params)
+ (cond ((or (eqv? args '()) (eqv? args 'nil)) '())
+ ((symbol? args) (list (list args ra)))
+ ((pair? args)
+ (let* ((x (if (and (pair? (car args)) (eqv? (caar args) 'o))
+ (ac-complex-opt (cadar args)
+ (if (pair? (cddar args))
+ (caddar args)
+ 'nil)
+ env
+ ra)
+ (ac-complex-args
+ (car args)
+ env
+ (if is-params
+ `(car ,ra)
+ `(ar-xcar ,ra))
+ #f)))
+ (xa (ac-complex-getargs x)))
+ (append x (ac-complex-args (cdr args)
+ (append xa env)
+ `(ar-xcdr ,ra)
+ is-params))))
+ (#t (err "Can't understand fn arg list" args))))
+; (car ra) is the argument
+; so it's not present if ra is nil or '()
+(define (ac-complex-opt var expr env ra)
+ (list (list var `(if (pair? ,ra) (car ,ra) ,(ac expr env)))))
+; extract list of variables from list of two-element lists.
+(define (ac-complex-getargs a)
+ (map (lambda (x) (car x)) a))
+; (a b . c) -> (a b c)
+; a -> (a)
+(define (ac-arglist a)
+ (cond ((null? a) '())
+ ((symbol? a) (list a))
+ ((symbol? (cdr a)) (list (car a) (cdr a)))
+ (#t (cons (car a) (ac-arglist (cdr a))))))
+(define (ac-body body env)
+ (map (lambda (x) (ac x env)) body))
+; like ac-body, but spits out a nil expression if empty
+(define (ac-body* body env)
+ (if (null? body)
+ (list (list 'quote 'nil))
+ (ac-body body env)))
+; (set v1 expr1 v2 expr2 ...)
+(define (ac-set x env)
+ `(begin ,@(ac-setn x env)))
+(define (ac-setn x env)
+ (if (null? x)
+ '()
+ (cons (ac-set1 (ac-macex (car x)) (cadr x) env)
+ (ac-setn (cddr x) env))))
+; trick to tell Scheme the name of something, so Scheme
+; debugging and profiling make more sense.
+(define (ac-nameit name v)
+ (if (symbol? name)
+ (let ((n (string->symbol (string-append " " (symbol->string name)))))
+ (list 'let `((,n ,v)) n))
+ v))
+; = replaced by set, which is only for vars
+; = now defined in arc (is it?)
+; name is to cause fns to have their arc names for debugging
+(define (ac-set1 a b1 env)
+ (if (symbol? a)
+ (let ((b (ac b1 (ac-dbname! a env))))
+ (list 'let `((zz ,b))
+ (cond ((eqv? a 'nil) (err "Can't rebind nil"))
+ ((eqv? a 't) (err "Can't rebind t"))
+ ((lex? a env) `(set! ,a zz))
+ (#t `(namespace-set-variable-value! ',(ac-global-name a)
+ zz)))
+ 'zz))
+ (err "First arg to set must be a symbol" a)))
+; given a list of Arc expressions, return a list of Scheme expressions.
+; for compiling passed arguments.
+(define (ac-args names exprs env)
+ (if (null? exprs)
+ '()
+ (cons (ac (car exprs)
+ (ac-dbname! (if (pair? names) (car names) #f) env))
+ (ac-args (if (pair? names) (cdr names) '())
+ (cdr exprs)
+ env))))
+; generate special fast code for ordinary two-operand
+; calls to the following functions. this is to avoid
+; calling e.g. ar-is with its &rest and apply.
+(define ac-binaries
+ '((is ar-is2)
+ (< ar-<2)
+ (> ar->2)
+ (+ ar-+2)))
+; (foo bar) where foo is a global variable bound to a procedure.
+(define (ac-global-call fn args env)
+ (cond ((and (assoc fn ac-binaries) (= (length args) 2))
+ `(,(cadr (assoc fn ac-binaries)) ,@(ac-args '() args env)))
+ (#t
+ `(,(ac-global-name fn) ,@(ac-args '() args env)))))
+; compile a function call
+; special cases for speed, to avoid compiled output like
+; (ar-apply _pr (list 1 2))
+; which results in 1/2 the CPU time going to GC. Instead:
+; (ar-funcall2 _pr 1 2)
+; and for (foo bar), if foo is a reference to a global variable,
+; and it's bound to a function, generate (foo bar) instead of
+; (ar-funcall1 foo bar)
+(define direct-calls #f)
+(define (ac-call fn args env)
+ (let ((macfn (ac-macro? fn)))
+ (cond (macfn
+ (ac-mac-call macfn args env))
+ ((and (pair? fn) (eqv? (car fn) 'fn))
+ `(,(ac fn env) ,@(ac-args (cadr fn) args env)))
+ ((and direct-calls (symbol? fn) (not (lex? fn env)) (bound? fn)
+ (procedure? (namespace-variable-value (ac-global-name fn))))
+ (ac-global-call fn args env))
+ ((= (length args) 0)
+ `(ar-funcall0 ,(ac fn env) ,@(map (lambda (x) (ac x env)) args)))
+ ((= (length args) 1)
+ `(ar-funcall1 ,(ac fn env) ,@(map (lambda (x) (ac x env)) args)))
+ ((= (length args) 2)
+ `(ar-funcall2 ,(ac fn env) ,@(map (lambda (x) (ac x env)) args)))
+ ((= (length args) 3)
+ `(ar-funcall3 ,(ac fn env) ,@(map (lambda (x) (ac x env)) args)))
+ ((= (length args) 4)
+ `(ar-funcall4 ,(ac fn env) ,@(map (lambda (x) (ac x env)) args)))
+ (#t
+ `(ar-apply ,(ac fn env)
+ (list ,@(map (lambda (x) (ac x env)) args)))))))
+(define (ac-mac-call m args env)
+ (let ((x1 (apply m (map ac-niltree args))))
+ (let ((x2 (ac (ac-denil x1) env)))
+ x2)))
+; returns #f or the macro function
+(define (ac-macro? fn)
+ (if (symbol? fn)
+ (let ((v (namespace-variable-value (ac-global-name fn)
+ #t
+ (lambda () #f))))
+ (if (and v
+ (ar-tagged? v)
+ (eq? (ar-type v) 'mac))
+ (ar-rep v)
+ #f))
+ #f))
+; macroexpand the outer call of a form as much as possible
+(define (ac-macex e . once)
+ (if (pair? e)
+ (let ((m (ac-macro? (car e))))
+ (if m
+ (let ((expansion (ac-denil (apply m (map ac-niltree (cdr e))))))
+ (if (null? once) (ac-macex expansion) expansion))
+ e))
+ e))
+; macros return Arc lists, ending with NIL.
+; but the Arc compiler expects Scheme lists, ending with '().
+; what to do with (is x nil . nil) ?
+; the first nil ought to be replaced with 'NIL
+; the second with '()
+; so the rule is: NIL in the car -> 'NIL, NIL in the cdr -> '().
+; NIL by itself -> NIL
+(define (ac-denil x)
+ (cond ((pair? x) (cons (ac-denil-car (car x)) (ac-denil-cdr (cdr x))))
+ (#t x)))
+(define (ac-denil-car x)
+ (if (eq? x 'nil)
+ 'nil
+ (ac-denil x)))
+(define (ac-denil-cdr x)
+ (if (eq? x 'nil)
+ '()
+ (ac-denil x)))
+; is v lexically bound?
+(define (lex? v env)
+ (memq v env))
+(define (xcar x)
+ (and (pair? x) (car x)))
+; #f and '() -> nil for a whole quoted list/tree.
+; Arc primitives written in Scheme should look like:
+; (xdef foo (lambda (lst)
+; (ac-niltree (scheme-foo (ar-nil-terminate lst)))))
+; That is, Arc lists are NIL-terminated. When calling a Scheme
+; function that treats an argument as a list, call ar-nil-terminate
+; to change NIL to '(). When returning any data created by Scheme
+; to Arc, call ac-niltree to turn all '() into NIL.
+; (hash-table-get doesn't use its argument as a list, so it doesn't
+; need ar-nil-terminate).
+(define (ac-niltree x)
+ (cond ((pair? x) (cons (ac-niltree (car x)) (ac-niltree (cdr x))))
+ ((or (eq? x #f) (eq? x '())) 'nil)
+ (#t x)))
+; The next two are optimizations, except work for macros.
+(define (decompose fns args)
+ (cond ((null? fns) `((fn vals (car vals)) ,@args))
+ ((null? (cdr fns)) (cons (car fns) args))
+ (#t (list (car fns) (decompose (cdr fns) args)))))
+(define (ac-andf s env)
+ (ac (let ((gs (map (lambda (x) (ar-gensym)) (cdr s))))
+ `((fn ,gs
+ (and ,@(map (lambda (f) `(,f ,@gs))
+ (cdar s))))
+ ,@(cdr s)))
+ env))
+(define err error)
+; run-time primitive procedures
+;(define (xdef a b)
+; (namespace-set-variable-value! (ac-global-name a) b)
+; b)
+(define-syntax xdef
+ (syntax-rules ()
+ ((xxdef a b)
+ (let ((nm (ac-global-name 'a))
+ (a b))
+ (namespace-set-variable-value! nm a)
+ a))))
+(define fn-signatures (make-hash-table 'equal))
+; This is a replacement for xdef that stores opeator signatures.
+; Haven't started using it yet.
+(define (odef a parms b)
+ (namespace-set-variable-value! (ac-global-name a) b)
+ (hash-table-put! fn-signatures a (list parms))
+ b)
+(xdef sig fn-signatures)
+; versions of car and cdr for parsing arguments for optional
+; parameters, that yield nil for nil. maybe we should use
+; full Arc car and cdr, so we can destructure more things
+(define (ar-xcar x)
+ (if (or (eqv? x 'nil) (eqv? x '()))
+ 'nil
+ (car x)))
+(define (ar-xcdr x)
+ (if (or (eqv? x 'nil) (eqv? x '()))
+ 'nil
+ (cdr x)))
+; convert #f from a Scheme predicate to NIL.
+(define (ar-nill x)
+ (if (or (eq? x '()) (eq? x #f))
+ 'nil
+ x))
+; definition of falseness for Arc if.
+; must include '() since sometimes Arc functions see
+; Scheme lists (e.g. . body of a macro).
+(define (ar-false? x)
+ (or (eq? x 'nil) (eq? x '()) (eq? x #f)))
+; call a function or perform an array ref, hash ref, &c
+; Non-fn constants in functional position are valuable real estate, so
+; should figure out the best way to exploit it. What could (1 foo) or
+; ('a foo) mean? Maybe it should mean currying.
+; For now the way to make the default val of a hash table be other than
+; nil is to supply the val when doing the lookup. Later may also let
+; defaults be supplied as an arg to table. To implement this, need: an
+; eq table within scheme mapping tables to defaults, and to adapt the
+; code in arc.arc that reads and writes tables to read and write their
+; default vals with them. To make compatible with existing written tables,
+; just use an atom or 3-elt list to keep the default.
+(define (ar-apply fn args)
+ (cond ((procedure? fn)
+ (apply fn args))
+ ((pair? fn)
+ (list-ref fn (car args)))
+ ((string? fn)
+ (string-ref fn (car args)))
+ ((hash-table? fn)
+ (ar-nill (hash-table-get fn
+ (car args)
+ (if (pair? (cdr args)) (cadr args) #f))))
+; experiment: means e.g. [1] is a constant fn
+; ((or (number? fn) (symbol? fn)) fn)
+; another possibility: constant in functional pos means it gets
+; passed to the first arg, i.e. ('kids item) means (item 'kids).
+ (#t (err "Function call on inappropriate object" fn args))))
+(xdef apply (lambda (fn . args)
+ (ar-apply fn (ar-apply-args args))))
+; special cases of ar-apply for speed and to avoid consing arg lists
+(define (ar-funcall0 fn)
+ (if (procedure? fn)
+ (fn)
+ (ar-apply fn (list))))
+(define (ar-funcall1 fn arg1)
+ (if (procedure? fn)
+ (fn arg1)
+ (ar-apply fn (list arg1))))
+(define (ar-funcall2 fn arg1 arg2)
+ (if (procedure? fn)
+ (fn arg1 arg2)
+ (ar-apply fn (list arg1 arg2))))
+(define (ar-funcall3 fn arg1 arg2 arg3)
+ (if (procedure? fn)
+ (fn arg1 arg2 arg3)
+ (ar-apply fn (list arg1 arg2 arg3))))
+(define (ar-funcall4 fn arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4)
+ (if (procedure? fn)
+ (fn arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4)
+ (ar-apply fn (list arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4))))
+; replace the nil at the end of a list with a '()
+(define (ar-nil-terminate l)
+ (if (or (eqv? l '()) (eqv? l 'nil))
+ '()
+ (cons (car l) (ar-nil-terminate (cdr l)))))
+; turn the arguments to Arc apply into a list.
+; if you call (apply fn 1 2 '(3 4))
+; then args is '(1 2 (3 4 . nil) . ())
+; that is, the main list is a scheme list.
+; and we should return '(1 2 3 4 . ())
+; was once (apply apply list (ac-denil args))
+; but that didn't work for (apply fn nil)
+(define (ar-apply-args args)
+ (cond ((null? args) '())
+ ((null? (cdr args)) (ar-nil-terminate (car args)))
+ (#t (cons (car args) (ar-apply-args (cdr args))))))
+(xdef cons cons)
+(xdef car (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((pair? x) (car x))
+ ((eqv? x 'nil) 'nil)
+ ((eqv? x '()) 'nil)
+ (#t (err "Can't take car of" x)))))
+(xdef cdr (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((pair? x) (cdr x))
+ ((eqv? x 'nil) 'nil)
+ ((eqv? x '()) 'nil)
+ (#t (err "Can't take cdr of" x)))))
+(define (tnil x) (if x 't 'nil))
+; (pairwise pred '(a b c d)) =>
+; (and (pred a b) (pred b c) (pred c d))
+; pred returns t/nil, as does pairwise
+; reduce?
+(define (pairwise pred lst)
+ (cond ((null? lst) 't)
+ ((null? (cdr lst)) 't)
+ ((not (eqv? (pred (car lst) (cadr lst)) 'nil))
+ (pairwise pred (cdr lst)))
+ (#t 'nil)))
+; not quite right, because behavior of underlying eqv unspecified
+; in many cases according to r5rs
+; do we really want is to ret t for distinct strings?
+; for (is x y)
+(define (ar-is2 a b)
+ (tnil (or (eqv? a b)
+ (and (string? a) (string? b) (string=? a b))
+ (and (ar-false? a) (ar-false? b)))))
+; for all other uses of is
+(xdef is (lambda args (pairwise ar-is2 args)))
+(xdef err err)
+(xdef nil 'nil)
+(xdef t 't)
+(define (all test seq)
+ (or (null? seq)
+ (and (test (car seq)) (all test (cdr seq)))))
+(define (arc-list? x) (or (pair? x) (eqv? x 'nil) (eqv? x '())))
+; Generic +: strings, lists, numbers.
+; Return val has same type as first argument.
+(xdef + (lambda args
+ (cond ((null? args) 0)
+ ((char-or-string? (car args))
+ (apply string-append
+ (map (lambda (a) (ar-coerce a 'string))
+ args)))
+ ((arc-list? (car args))
+ (ac-niltree (apply append (map ar-nil-terminate args))))
+ (#t (apply + args)))))
+(define (char-or-string? x) (or (string? x) (char? x)))
+(define (ar-+2 x y)
+ (cond ((char-or-string? x)
+ (string-append (ar-coerce x 'string) (ar-coerce y 'string)))
+ ((and (arc-list? x) (arc-list? y))
+ (ac-niltree (append (ar-nil-terminate x) (ar-nil-terminate y))))
+ (#t (+ x y))))
+(xdef - -)
+(xdef * *)
+(xdef / /)
+(xdef mod modulo)
+(xdef expt expt)
+(xdef sqrt sqrt)
+; generic comparison
+(define (ar->2 x y)
+ (tnil (cond ((and (number? x) (number? y)) (> x y))
+ ((and (string? x) (string? y)) (string>? x y))
+ ((and (symbol? x) (symbol? y)) (string>? (symbol->string x)
+ (symbol->string y)))
+ ((and (char? x) (char? y)) (char>? x y))
+ (#t (> x y)))))
+(xdef > (lambda args (pairwise ar->2 args)))
+(define (ar-<2 x y)
+ (tnil (cond ((and (number? x) (number? y)) (< x y))
+ ((and (string? x) (string? y)) (string<? x y))
+ ((and (symbol? x) (symbol? y)) (string<? (symbol->string x)
+ (symbol->string y)))
+ ((and (char? x) (char? y)) (char<? x y))
+ (#t (< x y)))))
+(xdef < (lambda args (pairwise ar-<2 args)))
+(xdef len (lambda (x)
+ (cond ((string? x) (string-length x))
+ ((hash-table? x) (hash-table-count x))
+ (#t (length (ar-nil-terminate x))))))
+(define (ar-tagged? x)
+ (and (vector? x) (eq? (vector-ref x 0) 'tagged)))
+(define (ar-tag type rep)
+ (cond ((eqv? (ar-type rep) type) rep)
+ (#t (vector 'tagged type rep))))
+(xdef annotate ar-tag)
+; (type nil) -> sym
+(define (exint? x) (and (integer? x) (exact? x)))
+(define (ar-type x)
+ (cond ((ar-tagged? x) (vector-ref x 1))
+ ((pair? x) 'cons)
+ ((symbol? x) 'sym)
+ ((null? x) 'sym)
+ ((procedure? x) 'fn)
+ ((char? x) 'char)
+ ((string? x) 'string)
+ ((exint? x) 'int)
+ ((number? x) 'num) ; unsure about this
+ ((hash-table? x) 'table)
+ ((output-port? x) 'output)
+ ((input-port? x) 'input)
+ ((tcp-listener? x) 'socket)
+ ((exn? x) 'exception)
+ ((thread? x) 'thread)
+ (#t (err "Type: unknown type" x))))
+(xdef type ar-type)
+(define (ar-rep x)
+ (if (ar-tagged? x)
+ (vector-ref x 2)
+ x))
+(xdef rep ar-rep)
+; currently rather a joke: returns interned symbols
+(define ar-gensym-count 0)
+(define (ar-gensym)
+ (set! ar-gensym-count (+ ar-gensym-count 1))
+ (string->symbol (string-append "gs" (number->string ar-gensym-count))))
+(xdef uniq ar-gensym)
+(xdef ccc call-with-current-continuation)
+(xdef infile open-input-file)
+(xdef outfile (lambda (f . args)
+ (open-output-file f
+ 'text
+ (if (equal? args '(append))
+ 'append
+ 'truncate))))
+(xdef instring open-input-string)
+(xdef outstring open-output-string)
+; use as general fn for looking inside things
+(xdef inside get-output-string)
+(xdef stdout current-output-port) ; should be a vars
+(xdef stdin current-input-port)
+(xdef stderr current-error-port)
+(xdef call-w/stdout
+ (lambda (port thunk)
+ (parameterize ((current-output-port port)) (thunk))))
+(xdef call-w/stdin
+ (lambda (port thunk)
+ (parameterize ((current-input-port port)) (thunk))))
+(xdef readc (lambda str
+ (let ((c (read-char (if (pair? str)
+ (car str)
+ (current-input-port)))))
+ (if (eof-object? c) 'nil c))))
+(xdef readb (lambda str
+ (let ((c (read-byte (if (pair? str)
+ (car str)
+ (current-input-port)))))
+ (if (eof-object? c) 'nil c))))
+(xdef peekc (lambda str
+ (let ((c (peek-char (if (pair? str)
+ (car str)
+ (current-input-port)))))
+ (if (eof-object? c) 'nil c))))
+(xdef writec (lambda (c . args)
+ (write-char c
+ (if (pair? args)
+ (car args)
+ (current-output-port)))
+ c))
+(xdef writeb (lambda (b . args)
+ (write-byte b
+ (if (pair? args)
+ (car args)
+ (current-output-port)))
+ b))
+(define explicit-flush #f)
+(define (printwith f args)
+ (let ((port (if (> (length args) 1)
+ (cadr args)
+ (current-output-port))))
+ (when (pair? args)
+ (f (ac-denil (car args)) port))
+ (unless explicit-flush (flush-output port)))
+ 'nil)
+(xdef write (lambda args (printwith write args)))
+(xdef disp (lambda args (printwith display args)))
+; sread = scheme read. eventually replace by writing read
+(xdef sread (lambda (p eof)
+ (let ((expr (read p)))
+ (if (eof-object? expr) eof expr))))
+; these work in PLT but not scheme48
+(define char->ascii char->integer)
+(define ascii->char integer->char)
+(define (iround x) (inexact->exact (round x)))
+(define (ar-coerce x type . args)
+ (cond
+ ((ar-tagged? x) (err "Can't coerce annotated object"))
+ ((eqv? type (ar-type x)) x)
+ ((char? x) (case type
+ ((int) (char->ascii x))
+ ((string) (string x))
+ ((sym) (string->symbol (string x)))
+ (else (err "Can't coerce" x type))))
+ ((exint? x) (case type
+ ((num) x)
+ ((char) (ascii->char x))
+ ((string) (apply number->string x args))
+ (else (err "Can't coerce" x type))))
+ ((number? x) (case type
+ ((int) (iround x))
+ ((char) (ascii->char (iround x)))
+ ((string) (apply number->string x args))
+ (else (err "Can't coerce" x type))))
+ ((string? x) (case type
+ ((sym) (string->symbol x))
+ ((cons) (ac-niltree (string->list x)))
+ ((num) (or (apply string->number x args)
+ (err "Can't coerce" x type)))
+ ((int) (let ((n (apply string->number x args)))
+ (if n
+ (iround n)
+ (err "Can't coerce" x type))))
+ (else (err "Can't coerce" x type))))
+ ((pair? x) (case type
+ ((string) (apply string-append
+ (map (lambda (y) (ar-coerce y 'string))
+ (ar-nil-terminate x))))
+ (else (err "Can't coerce" x type))))
+ ((eqv? x 'nil) (case type
+ ((string) "")
+ (else (err "Can't coerce" x type))))
+ ((null? x) (case type
+ ((string) "")
+ (else (err "Can't coerce" x type))))
+ ((symbol? x) (case type
+ ((string) (symbol->string x))
+ (else (err "Can't coerce" x type))))
+ (#t x)))
+(xdef coerce ar-coerce)
+(xdef open-socket (lambda (num) (tcp-listen num 50 #t)))
+; the 2050 means http requests currently capped at 2 meg
+(xdef socket-accept (lambda (s)
+ (let ((oc (current-custodian))
+ (nc (make-custodian)))
+ (current-custodian nc)
+ (call-with-values
+ (lambda () (tcp-accept s))
+ (lambda (in out)
+ (let ((in1 (make-limited-input-port in 100000 #t)))
+ (current-custodian oc)
+ (associate-custodian nc in1 out)
+ (list in1
+ out
+ (let-values (((us them) (tcp-addresses out)))
+ them))))))))
+; allow Arc to give up root privileges after it
+; calls open-socket. thanks, Eli!
+(define setuid (get-ffi-obj 'setuid #f (_fun _int -> _int)))
+(xdef setuid setuid)
+(xdef new-thread thread)
+(xdef kill-thread kill-thread)
+(xdef break-thread break-thread)
+(xdef current-thread current-thread)
+(define (wrapnil f) (lambda args (apply f args) 'nil))
+(xdef sleep (wrapnil sleep))
+; Will system "execute" a half-finished string if thread killed
+; in the middle of generating it?
+(xdef system (wrapnil system))
+(xdef pipe-from (lambda (cmd)
+ (let ((tf (ar-tmpname)))
+ (system (string-append cmd " > " tf))
+ (let ((str (open-input-file tf)))
+ (system (string-append "rm -f " tf))
+ str))))
+(define (ar-tmpname)
+ (call-with-input-file "/dev/urandom"
+ (lambda (rstr)
+ (do ((s "/tmp/")
+ (c (read-char rstr) (read-char rstr))
+ (i 0 (+ i 1)))
+ ((>= i 16) s)
+ (set! s (string-append s
+ (string
+ (integer->char
+ (+ (char->integer #\a)
+ (modulo
+ (char->integer (read-char rstr))
+ 26))))))))))
+; PLT scheme provides only eq? and equal? hash tables,
+; we need the latter for strings.
+(xdef table (lambda args
+ (let ((h (make-hash-table 'equal)))
+ (if (pair? args) ((car args) h))
+ h)))
+;(xdef table (lambda args
+; (fill-table (make-hash-table 'equal)
+; (if (pair? args) (ac-denil (car args)) '()))))
+(define (fill-table h pairs)
+ (if (eq? pairs '())
+ h
+ (let ((pair (car pairs)))
+ (begin (hash-table-put! h (car pair) (cadr pair))
+ (fill-table h (cdr pairs))))))
+(xdef maptable (lambda (fn table) ; arg is (fn (key value) ...)
+ (hash-table-for-each table fn)
+ table))
+(define (protect during after)
+ (dynamic-wind (lambda () #t) during after))
+(xdef protect protect)
+; need to use a better seed
+(xdef rand random)
+(xdef dir (lambda (name)
+ (ac-niltree (map path->string (directory-list name)))))
+; Would def mkdir in terms of make-directory and call that instead
+; of system in ensure-dir, but make-directory is too weak: it doesn't
+; create intermediate directories like mkdir -p.
+(xdef file-exists (lambda (name)
+ (if (file-exists? name) name 'nil)))
+(xdef dir-exists (lambda (name)
+ (if (directory-exists? name) name 'nil)))
+(xdef rmfile (wrapnil delete-file))
+(xdef mvfile (lambda (old new)
+ (rename-file-or-directory old new #t)
+ 'nil))
+; top level read-eval-print
+; tle kept as a way to get a break loop when a scheme err
+(define (arc-eval expr)
+ (eval (ac expr '())))
+(define (tle)
+ (display "Arc> ")
+ (let ((expr (read)))
+ (when (not (eqv? expr ':a))
+ (write (arc-eval expr))
+ (newline)
+ (tle))))
+(define last-condition* #f)
+(define (tl)
+ (display "Use (quit) to quit, (tl) to return here after an interrupt.\n")
+ (tl2))
+(define (tl2)
+ (display "arc> ")
+ (on-err (lambda (c)
+ (set! last-condition* c)
+ (display "Error: ")
+ (write (exn-message c))
+ (newline)
+ (tl2))
+ (lambda ()
+ (let ((expr (read)))
+ (if (eqv? expr ':a)
+ 'done
+ (let ((val (arc-eval expr)))
+ (write (ac-denil val))
+ (namespace-set-variable-value! '_that val)
+ (namespace-set-variable-value! '_thatexpr expr)
+ (newline)
+ (tl2)))))))
+(define (aload1 p)
+ (let ((x (read p)))
+ (if (eof-object? x)
+ #t
+ (begin
+ (arc-eval x)
+ (aload1 p)))))
+(define (atests1 p)
+ (let ((x (read p)))
+ (if (eof-object? x)
+ #t
+ (begin
+ (write x)
+ (newline)
+ (let ((v (arc-eval x)))
+ (if (ar-false? v)
+ (begin
+ (display " FAILED")
+ (newline))))
+ (atests1 p)))))
+(define (aload filename)
+ (call-with-input-file filename aload1))
+(define (test filename)
+ (call-with-input-file filename atests1))
+(define (acompile1 ip op)
+ (let ((x (read ip)))
+ (if (eof-object? x)
+ #t
+ (let ((scm (ac x '())))
+ (eval scm)
+ (pretty-print scm op)
+ (newline op)
+ (newline op)
+ (acompile1 ip op)))))
+; compile xx.arc to xx.arc.scm
+; useful to examine the Arc compiler output
+(define (acompile inname)
+ (let ((outname (string-append inname ".scm")))
+ (if (file-exists? outname)
+ (delete-file outname))
+ (call-with-input-file inname
+ (lambda (ip)
+ (call-with-output-file outname
+ (lambda (op)
+ (acompile1 ip op)))))))
+(xdef macex (lambda (e) (ac-macex (ac-denil e))))
+(xdef macex1 (lambda (e) (ac-macex (ac-denil e) 'once)))
+(xdef eval (lambda (e)
+ (eval (ac (ac-denil e) '()))))
+; If an err occurs in an on-err expr, no val is returned and code
+; after it doesn't get executed. Not quite what I had in mind.
+(define (on-err errfn f)
+ ((call-with-current-continuation
+ (lambda (k)
+ (lambda ()
+ (with-handlers ((exn:fail? (lambda (c)
+ (k (lambda () (errfn c))))))
+ (f)))))))
+(xdef on-err on-err)
+(define (disp-to-string x)
+ (let ((o (open-output-string)))
+ (display x o)
+ (close-output-port o)
+ (get-output-string o)))
+(xdef details (lambda (c)
+ (disp-to-string (exn-message c))))
+(xdef scar (lambda (x val)
+ (if (string? x)
+ (string-set! x 0 val)
+ (x-set-car! x val))
+ val))
+(xdef scdr (lambda (x val)
+ (if (string? x)
+ (err "Can't set cdr of a string" x)
+ (x-set-cdr! x val))
+ val))
+; decide at run-time whether the underlying mzscheme supports
+; set-car! and set-cdr!, since I can't figure out how to do it
+; at compile time.
+(define (x-set-car! p v)
+ (let ((fn (namespace-variable-value 'set-car! #t (lambda () #f))))
+ (if (procedure? fn)
+ (fn p v)
+ (n-set-car! p v))))
+(define (x-set-cdr! p v)
+ (let ((fn (namespace-variable-value 'set-cdr! #t (lambda () #f))))
+ (if (procedure? fn)
+ (fn p v)
+ (n-set-cdr! p v))))
+; Eli's code to modify mzscheme-4's immutable pairs.
+;; to avoid a malloc on every call, reuse a single pointer, but make
+;; it thread-local to avoid races
+(define ptr (make-thread-cell #f))
+(define (get-ptr)
+ (or (thread-cell-ref ptr)
+ (let ([p (malloc _scheme 1)]) (thread-cell-set! ptr p) p)))
+;; set a pointer to the cons cell, then dereference it as a pointer,
+;; and bang the new value in the given offset
+(define (set-ca/dr! offset who p x)
+ (if (pair? p)
+ (let ([p* (get-ptr)])
+ (ptr-set! p* _scheme p)
+ (ptr-set! (ptr-ref p* _pointer 0) _scheme offset x))
+ (raise-type-error who "pair" p)))
+(define (n-set-car! p x) (set-ca/dr! 1 'set-car! p x))
+(define (n-set-cdr! p x) (set-ca/dr! 2 'set-cdr! p x))
+; When and if cdr of a string returned an actual (eq) tail, could
+; say (if (string? x) (string-replace! x val 1) ...) in scdr, but
+; for now would be misleading to allow this, because fails for cddr.
+(define (string-replace! str val index)
+ (if (eqv? (string-length val) (- (string-length str) index))
+ (do ((i index (+ i 1)))
+ ((= i (string-length str)) str)
+ (string-set! str i (string-ref val (- i index))))
+ (err "Length mismatch between strings" str val index)))
+; Later may want to have multiple indices.
+(xdef sref
+ (lambda (com val ind)
+ (cond ((hash-table? com) (if (eqv? val 'nil)
+ (hash-table-remove! com ind)
+ (hash-table-put! com ind val)))
+ ((string? com) (string-set! com ind val))
+ ((pair? com) (nth-set! com ind val))
+ (#t (err "Can't set reference " com ind val)))
+ val))
+(define (nth-set! lst n val)
+ (x-set-car! (list-tail lst n) val))
+; rewrite to pass a (true) gensym instead of #f in case var bound to #f
+(define (bound? arcname)
+ (namespace-variable-value (ac-global-name arcname)
+ #t
+ (lambda () #f)))
+(xdef bound (lambda (x) (tnil (bound? x))))
+(xdef newstring make-string)
+(xdef trunc (lambda (x) (inexact->exact (truncate x))))
+; bad name
+(xdef exact (lambda (x) (tnil (exint? x))))
+(xdef msec current-milliseconds)
+(xdef current-process-milliseconds current-process-milliseconds)
+(xdef current-gc-milliseconds current-gc-milliseconds)
+(xdef seconds current-seconds)
+(print-hash-table #t)
+(xdef client-ip (lambda (port)
+ (let-values (((x y) (tcp-addresses port)))
+ y)))
+; make sure only one thread at a time executes anything
+; inside an atomic-invoke. atomic-invoke is allowed to
+; nest within a thread; the thread-cell keeps track of
+; whether this thread already holds the lock.
+(define ar-the-sema (make-semaphore 1))
+(define ar-sema-cell (make-thread-cell #f))
+(xdef atomic-invoke (lambda (f)
+ (if (thread-cell-ref ar-sema-cell)
+ (ar-apply f '())
+ (begin
+ (thread-cell-set! ar-sema-cell #t)
+ (protect
+ (lambda ()
+ (call-with-semaphore
+ ar-the-sema
+ (lambda () (ar-apply f '()))))
+ (lambda ()
+ (thread-cell-set! ar-sema-cell #f)))))))
+(xdef dead (lambda (x) (tnil (thread-dead? x))))
+; Added because Mzscheme buffers output. Not a permanent part of Arc.
+; Only need to use when declare explicit-flush optimization.
+(xdef flushout (lambda () (flush-output) 't))
+(xdef ssyntax (lambda (x) (tnil (ssyntax? x))))
+(xdef ssexpand (lambda (x)
+ (if (symbol? x) (expand-ssyntax x) x)))
+(xdef quit exit)
+; there are two ways to close a TCP output port.
+; (close o) waits for output to drain, then closes UNIX descriptor.
+; (force-close o) discards buffered output, then closes UNIX desc.
+; web servers need the latter to get rid of connections to
+; clients that are not reading data.
+; mzscheme close-output-port doesn't work (just raises an error)
+; if there is buffered output for a non-responsive socket.
+; must use custodian-shutdown-all instead.
+(define custodians (make-hash-table 'equal))
+(define (associate-custodian c i o)
+ (hash-table-put! custodians i c)
+ (hash-table-put! custodians o c))
+; if a port has a custodian, use it to close the port forcefully.
+; also get rid of the reference to the custodian.
+; sadly doing this to the input port also kills the output port.
+(define (try-custodian p)
+ (let ((c (hash-table-get custodians p #f)))
+ (if c
+ (begin
+ (custodian-shutdown-all c)
+ (hash-table-remove! custodians p)
+ #t)
+ #f)))
+(define (ar-close . args)
+ (map (lambda (p)
+ (cond ((input-port? p) (close-input-port p))
+ ((output-port? p) (close-output-port p))
+ ((tcp-listener? p) (tcp-close p))
+ (#t (err "Can't close " p))))
+ args)
+ (map (lambda (p) (try-custodian p)) args) ; free any custodian
+ 'nil)
+(xdef close ar-close)
+(xdef force-close (lambda args
+ (map (lambda (p)
+ (if (not (try-custodian p))
+ (ar-close p)))
+ args)
+ 'nil))
+(xdef memory current-memory-use)
+(xdef declare (lambda (key val)
+ (let ((flag (not (ar-false? val))))
+ (case key
+ ((atstrings) (set! atstrings flag))
+ ((direct-calls) (set! direct-calls flag))
+ ((explicit-flush) (set! explicit-flush flag)))
+ val)))
+(putenv "TZ" ":GMT")
+(define (gmt-date sec) (seconds->date sec))
+(xdef timedate
+ (lambda args
+ (let ((d (gmt-date (if (pair? args) (car args) (current-seconds)))))
+ (ac-niltree (list (date-second d)
+ (date-minute d)
+ (date-hour d)
+ (date-day d)
+ (date-month d)
+ (date-year d))))))
+(xdef sin sin)
+(xdef cos cos)
+(xdef tan tan)
+(xdef asin asin)
+(xdef acos acos)
+(xdef atan atan)
+(xdef log log)
+(define (codestring s)
+ (let ((i (atpos s 0)))
+ (if i
+ (cons (substring s 0 i)
+ (let* ((rest (substring s (+ i 1)))
+ (in (open-input-string rest))
+ (expr (read in))
+ (i2 (let-values (((x y z) (port-next-location in))) z)))
+ (close-input-port in)
+ (cons expr (codestring (substring rest (- i2 1))))))
+ (list s))))
+; First unescaped @ in s, if any. Escape by doubling.
+(define (atpos s i)
+ (cond ((eqv? i (string-length s))
+ #f)
+ ((eqv? (string-ref s i) #\@)
+ (if (and (< (+ i 1) (string-length s))
+ (not (eqv? (string-ref s (+ i 1)) #\@)))
+ i
+ (atpos s (+ i 2))))
+ (#t
+ (atpos s (+ i 1)))))
+(define (unescape-ats s)
+ (list->string (letrec ((unesc (lambda (cs)
+ (cond
+ ((null? cs)
+ '())
+ ((and (eqv? (car cs) #\@)
+ (not (null? (cdr cs)))
+ (eqv? (cadr cs) #\@))
+ (unesc (cdr cs)))
+ (#t
+ (cons (car cs) (unesc (cdr cs))))))))
+ (unesc (string->list s)))))
diff --git a/app.arc b/app.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..292800f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+; Application Server. Layer inserted 2 Sep 06.
+; ideas:
+; def a general notion of apps of which prompt is one, news another
+; give each user a place to store data? A home dir?
+; A user is simply a string: "pg". Use /whoami to test user cookie.
+(= hpwfile* "arc/hpw"
+ oidfile* "arc/openids"
+ adminfile* "arc/admins"
+ cookfile* "arc/cooks")
+(def asv ((o port 8080))
+ (load-userinfo)
+ (serve port))
+(def load-userinfo ()
+ (= hpasswords* (safe-load-table hpwfile*)
+ openids* (safe-load-table oidfile*)
+ admins* (map string (errsafe (readfile adminfile*)))
+ cookie->user* (safe-load-table cookfile*))
+ (maptable (fn (k v) (= (user->cookie* v) k))
+ cookie->user*))
+; idea: a bidirectional table, so don't need two vars (and sets)
+(= cookie->user* (table) user->cookie* (table) logins* (table))
+(def get-user (req)
+ (let u (aand (alref req!cooks "user") (cookie->user* (sym it)))
+ (when u (= (logins* u) req!ip))
+ u))
+(mac when-umatch (user req . body)
+ `(if (is ,user (get-user ,req))
+ (do ,@body)
+ (mismatch-message)))
+(def mismatch-message ()
+ (prn "Dead link: users don't match."))
+(mac when-umatch/r (user req . body)
+ `(if (is ,user (get-user ,req))
+ (do ,@body)
+ "mismatch"))
+(defop mismatch req (mismatch-message))
+(mac uform (user req after . body)
+ `(aform (fn (,req)
+ (when-umatch ,user ,req
+ ,after))
+ ,@body))
+(mac urform (user req after . body)
+ `(arform (fn (,req)
+ (when-umatch/r ,user ,req
+ ,after))
+ ,@body))
+; Like onlink, but checks that user submitting the request is the
+; same it was generated for. For extra protection could log the
+; username and ip addr of every genlink, and check if they match.
+(mac ulink (user text . body)
+ (w/uniq req
+ `(linkf ,text (,req)
+ (when-umatch ,user ,req ,@body))))
+(defop admin req (admin-gate (get-user req)))
+(def admin-gate (u)
+ (if (admin u)
+ (admin-page u)
+ (login-page 'login nil
+ (fn (u ip) (admin-gate u)))))
+(def admin (u) (and u (mem u admins*)))
+(def user-exists (u) (and u (hpasswords* u) u))
+(def admin-page (user . msg)
+ (whitepage
+ (prbold "Admin: ")
+ (hspace 20)
+ (pr user " | ")
+ (w/link (do (logout-user user)
+ (whitepage (pr "Bye " user ".")))
+ (pr "logout"))
+ (when msg (hspace 10) (map pr msg))
+ (br2)
+ (aform (fn (req)
+ (when-umatch user req
+ (with (u (arg req "u") p (arg req "p"))
+ (if (or (no u) (no p) (is u "") (is p ""))
+ (pr "Bad data.")
+ (user-exists u)
+ (admin-page user "User already exists: " u)
+ (do (create-acct u p)
+ (admin-page user))))))
+ (pwfields "create (server) account"))))
+(def cook-user (user)
+ (let id (new-user-cookie)
+ (= (cookie->user* id) user
+ (user->cookie* user) id)
+ (save-table cookie->user* cookfile*)
+ id))
+; Unique-ids are only unique per server invocation.
+(def new-user-cookie ()
+ (let id (unique-id)
+ (if (cookie->user* id) (new-user-cookie) id)))
+(def logout-user (user)
+ (wipe (logins* user))
+ (wipe (cookie->user* (user->cookie* user)) (user->cookie* user))
+ (save-table cookie->user* cookfile*))
+(def create-acct (user pw)
+ (set (dc-usernames* (downcase user)))
+ (set-pw user pw))
+(def disable-acct (user)
+ (set-pw user (rand-string 20))
+ (logout-user user))
+(def set-pw (user pw)
+ (= (hpasswords* user) (and pw (shash pw)))
+ (save-table hpasswords* hpwfile*))
+(def hello-page (user ip)
+ (whitepage (prs "hello" user "at" ip)))
+(defop login req (login-page 'login))
+; switch is one of: register, login, both
+; afterward is either a function on the newly created username and
+; ip address, in which case it is called to generate the next page
+; after a successful login, or a pair of (function url), which means
+; call the function, then redirect to the url.
+; classic example of something that should just "return" a val
+; via a continuation rather than going to a new page.
+(def login-page (switch (o msg nil) (o afterward hello-page))
+ (whitepage
+ (pagemessage msg)
+ (when (in switch 'login 'both)
+ (login-form "Login" switch login-handler afterward)
+ (hook 'login-form afterward)
+ (br2))
+ (when (in switch 'register 'both)
+ (login-form "Create Account" switch create-handler afterward))))
+(def login-form (label switch handler afterward)
+ (prbold label)
+ (br2)
+ (fnform (fn (req) (handler req switch afterward))
+ (fn () (pwfields (downcase label)))
+ (acons afterward)))
+(def login-handler (req switch afterward)
+ (logout-user (get-user req))
+ (aif (good-login (arg req "u") (arg req "p") req!ip)
+ (login it req!ip (user->cookie* it) afterward)
+ (failed-login switch "Bad login." afterward)))
+(def create-handler (req switch afterward)
+ (logout-user (get-user req))
+ (with (user (arg req "u") pw (arg req "p"))
+ (aif (bad-newacct user pw)
+ (failed-login switch it afterward)
+ (do (create-acct user pw)
+ (login user req!ip (cook-user user) afterward)))))
+(def login (user ip cookie afterward)
+ (= (logins* user) ip)
+ (prcookie cookie)
+ (if (acons afterward)
+ (let (f url) afterward
+ (f user ip)
+ url)
+ (do (prn)
+ (afterward user ip))))
+(def failed-login (switch msg afterward)
+ (if (acons afterward)
+ (flink (fn ignore (login-page switch msg afterward)))
+ (do (prn)
+ (login-page switch msg afterward))))
+(def prcookie (cook)
+ (prn "Set-Cookie: user=" cook "; expires=Sun, 17-Jan-2038 19:14:07 GMT"))
+(def pwfields ((o label "login"))
+ (inputs u username 20 nil
+ p password 20 nil)
+ (br)
+ (submit label))
+(= good-logins* (queue) bad-logins* (queue))
+(def good-login (user pw ip)
+ (let record (list (seconds) ip user)
+ (if (and user pw (aand (shash pw) (is it (hpasswords* user))))
+ (do (unless (user->cookie* user) (cook-user user))
+ (enq-limit record good-logins*)
+ user)
+ (do (enq-limit record bad-logins*)
+ nil))))
+; Create a file in case people have quote chars in their pws. I can't
+; believe there's no way to just send the chars.
+(def shash (str)
+ (let fname (+ "/tmp/shash" (rand-string 10))
+ (w/outfile f fname (disp str f))
+ (let res (tostring (system (+ "openssl dgst -sha1 <" fname)))
+ (do1 (cut res 0 (- (len res) 1))
+ (rmfile fname)))))
+(= dc-usernames* (table))
+(def username-taken (user)
+ (when (empty dc-usernames*)
+ (each (k v) hpasswords*
+ (set (dc-usernames* (downcase k)))))
+ (dc-usernames* (downcase user)))
+(def bad-newacct (user pw)
+ (if (no (goodname user 2 15))
+ "Usernames can only contain letters, digits, dashes and
+ underscores, and should be between 2 and 15 characters long.
+ Please choose another."
+ (username-taken user)
+ "That username is taken. Please choose another."
+ (or (no pw) (< (len pw) 4))
+ "Passwords should be a least 4 characters long. Please
+ choose another."
+ nil))
+(def goodname (str (o min 1) (o max nil))
+ (and (isa str 'string)
+ (>= (len str) min)
+ (~find (fn (c) (no (or (alphadig c) (in c #\- #\_))))
+ str)
+ (isnt (str 0) #\-)
+ (or (no max) (<= (len str) max))
+ str))
+(defop logout req
+ (aif (get-user req)
+ (do (logout-user it)
+ (pr "Logged out."))
+ (pr "You were not logged in.")))
+(defop whoami req
+ (aif (get-user req)
+ (prs it 'at req!ip)
+ (do (pr "You are not logged in. ")
+ (w/link (login-page 'both) (pr "Log in"))
+ (pr "."))))
+(= formwid* 60 bigformwid* 80 numwid* 16 formatdoc-url* nil)
+; Eventually figure out a way to separate type name from format of
+; input field, instead of having e.g. toks and bigtoks
+(def varfield (typ id val)
+ (if (in typ 'string 'string1 'url)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value val size formwid*)
+ (in typ 'num 'int 'posint 'sym)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value val size numwid*)
+ (in typ 'users 'toks)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value (tostring (apply prs val))
+ size formwid*)
+ (is typ 'sexpr)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id
+ value (tostring (map [do (write _) (sp)] val))
+ size formwid*)
+ (in typ 'syms 'text 'doc 'mdtext 'mdtext2 'lines 'bigtoks)
+ (let text (if (in typ 'syms 'bigtoks)
+ (tostring (apply prs val))
+ (is typ 'lines)
+ (tostring (apply pr (intersperse #\newline val)))
+ (in typ 'mdtext 'mdtext2)
+ (unmarkdown val)
+ (no val)
+ ""
+ val)
+ (tag (textarea cols (if (is typ 'doc) bigformwid* formwid*)
+ rows (needrows text formwid* 4)
+ wrap 'virtual
+ style (if (is typ 'doc) "font-size:8.5pt")
+ name id)
+ (prn) ; needed or 1 initial newline gets chopped off
+ (pr text))
+ (when (and formatdoc-url* (in typ 'mdtext 'mdtext2))
+ (pr " ")
+ (tag (font size -2)
+ (link "help" formatdoc-url* (gray 175)))))
+ (caris typ 'choice)
+ (menu id (cddr typ) val)
+ (is typ 'yesno)
+ (menu id '("yes" "no") (if val "yes" "no"))
+ (is typ 'hexcol)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value val)
+ (is typ 'time)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value (if val (english-time val) ""))
+ (is typ 'date)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value (if val (english-date val) ""))
+ (err "unknown varfield type" typ)))
+(def text-rows (text wid (o pad 3))
+ (+ (trunc (/ (len text) (* wid .8))) pad))
+(def needrows (text cols (o pad 0))
+ (+ pad (max (+ 1 (count #\newline text))
+ (roundup (/ (len text) (- cols 5))))))
+(def varline (typ id val (o liveurls))
+ (if (in typ 'users 'syms 'toks 'bigtoks) (apply prs val)
+ (is typ 'lines) (map prn val)
+ (is typ 'yesno) (pr (if val 'yes 'no))
+ (caris typ 'choice) (varline (cadr typ) nil val)
+ (is typ 'url) (if (and liveurls (valid-url val))
+ (link val val)
+ (pr val))
+ (text-type typ) (pr (or val ""))
+ (pr val)))
+(def text-type (typ) (in typ 'string 'string1 'url 'text 'mdtext 'mdtext2))
+; Newlines in forms come back as /r/n. Only want the /ns. Currently
+; remove the /rs in individual cases below. Could do it in aform or
+; even in the parsing of http requests, in the server.
+; Need the calls to striptags so that news users can't get html
+; into a title or comment by editing it. If want a form that
+; can take html, just create another typ for it.
+(def readvar (typ str (o fail nil))
+ (case (carif typ)
+ string (striptags str)
+ string1 (if (blank str) fail (striptags str))
+ url (if (blank str) "" (valid-url str) (clean-url str) fail)
+ num (let n (saferead str) (if (number n) n fail))
+ int (let n (saferead str)
+ (if (number n) (round n) fail))
+ posint (let n (saferead str)
+ (if (and (number n) (> n 0)) (round n) fail))
+ text (striptags str)
+ doc (striptags str)
+ mdtext (md-from-form str)
+ mdtext2 (md-from-form str t) ; for md with no links
+ sym (or (sym:car:tokens str) fail)
+ syms (map sym (tokens str))
+ sexpr (errsafe (readall str))
+ users (rem [no (goodname _)] (tokens str))
+ toks (tokens str)
+ bigtoks (tokens str)
+ lines (lines str)
+ choice (readvar (cadr typ) str)
+ yesno (is str "yes")
+ hexcol (if (hex>color str) str fail)
+ time (or (errsafe (parse-time str)) fail)
+ date (or (errsafe (parse-date str)) fail)
+ (err "unknown readvar type" typ)))
+; dates should be tagged date, and just redefine <
+(def varcompare (typ)
+ (if (in typ 'syms 'sexpr 'users 'toks 'bigtoks 'lines 'hexcol)
+ (fn (x y) (> (len x) (len y)))
+ (is typ 'date)
+ (fn (x y)
+ (or (no y) (and x (date< x y))))
+ (fn (x y)
+ (or (empty y) (and (~empty x) (< x y))))))
+; (= fail* (uniq))
+(def fail* ()) ; coudn't possibly come back from a form
+; Takes a list of fields of the form (type label value view modify) and
+; a fn f and generates a form such that when submitted (f label newval)
+; will be called for each valid value. Finally done is called.
+(def vars-form (user fields f done (o button "update") (o lasts))
+ (taform lasts
+ (if (all [no (_ 4)] fields)
+ (fn (req))
+ (fn (req)
+ (when-umatch user req
+ (each (k v) req!args
+ (let name (sym k)
+ (awhen (find [is (cadr _) name] fields)
+ ; added sho to fix bug
+ (let (typ id val sho mod) it
+ (when (and mod v)
+ (let newval (readvar typ v fail*)
+ (unless (is newval fail*)
+ (f name newval))))))))
+ (done))))
+ (tab
+ (showvars fields))
+ (unless (all [no (_ 4)] fields) ; no modifiable fields
+ (br)
+ (submit button))))
+(def showvars (fields (o liveurls))
+ (each (typ id val view mod question) fields
+ (when view
+ (when question
+ (tr (td (prn question))))
+ (tr (unless question (tag (td valign 'top) (pr id ":")))
+ (td (if mod
+ (varfield typ id val)
+ (varline typ id val liveurls))))
+ (prn))))
+(def md-from-form (str (o nolinks))
+ (markdown (trim (rem #\return (esc-tags str)) 'end) 60 nolinks))
+(def markdown (s (o maxurl) (o nolinks))
+ (let ital nil
+ (tostring
+ (forlen i s
+ (iflet (newi spaces) (indented-code s i (if (is i 0) 2 0))
+ (do (pr "<p><pre><code>")
+ (let cb (code-block s (- newi spaces 1))
+ (pr cb)
+ (= i (+ (- newi spaces 1) (len cb))))
+ (pr "</code></pre>"))
+ (iflet newi (parabreak s i (if (is i 0) 1 0))
+ (do (unless (is i 0) (pr "<p>"))
+ (= i (- newi 1)))
+ (and (is (s i) #\*)
+ (or ital
+ (atend i s)
+ (and (~whitec (s (+ i 1)))
+ (pos #\* s (+ i 1)))))
+ (do (pr (if ital "</i>" "<i>"))
+ (= ital (no ital)))
+ (and (no nolinks)
+ (or (litmatch "http://" s i)
+ (litmatch "https://" s i)))
+ (withs (n (urlend s i)
+ url (clean-url (cut s i n)))
+ (tag (a href url rel 'nofollow)
+ (pr (if (no maxurl) url (ellipsize url maxurl))))
+ (= i (- n 1)))
+ (writec (s i))))))))
+(def indented-code (s i (o newlines 0) (o spaces 0))
+ (let c (s i)
+ (if (nonwhite c)
+ (if (and (> newlines 1) (> spaces 1))
+ (list i spaces)
+ nil)
+ (atend i s)
+ nil
+ (is c #\newline)
+ (indented-code s (+ i 1) (+ newlines 1) 0)
+ (indented-code s (+ i 1) newlines (+ spaces 1)))))
+; If i is start a paragraph break, returns index of start of next para.
+(def parabreak (s i (o newlines 0))
+ (let c (s i)
+ (if (or (nonwhite c) (atend i s))
+ (if (> newlines 1) i nil)
+ (parabreak s (+ i 1) (+ newlines (if (is c #\newline) 1 0))))))
+; Returns the indices of the next paragraph break in s, if any.
+(def next-parabreak (s i)
+ (unless (atend i s)
+ (aif (parabreak s i)
+ (list i it)
+ (next-parabreak s (+ i 1)))))
+(def paras (s (o i 0))
+ (if (atend i s)
+ nil
+ (iflet (endthis startnext) (next-parabreak s i)
+ (cons (cut s i endthis)
+ (paras s startnext))
+ (list (trim (cut s i) 'end)))))
+; Returns the index of the first char not part of the url beginning
+; at i, or len of string if url goes all the way to the end.
+; Note that > immediately after a url (>) will cause
+; an odd result, because the > gets escaped to something beginning
+; with &, which is treated as part of the url. Perhaps the answer
+; is just to esc-tags after markdown instead of before.
+; Treats a delimiter as part of a url if it is (a) an open delimiter
+; not followed by whitespace or eos, or (b) a close delimiter
+; balancing a previous open delimiter.
+(def urlend (s i (o indelim))
+ (let c (s i)
+ (if (atend i s)
+ (if ((orf punc whitec opendelim) c)
+ i
+ (closedelim c)
+ (if indelim (+ i 1) i)
+ (+ i 1))
+ (if (or (whitec c)
+ (and (punc c) (whitec (s (+ i 1))))
+ (and ((orf whitec punc) (s (+ i 1)))
+ (or (opendelim c)
+ (and (closedelim c) (no indelim)))))
+ i
+ (urlend s (+ i 1) (or (opendelim c)
+ (and indelim (no (closedelim c)))))))))
+(def opendelim (c) (in c #\< #\( #\[ #\{))
+(def closedelim (c) (in c #\> #\) #\] #\}))
+(def code-block (s i)
+ (tostring
+ (until (let left (- (len s) i 1)
+ (or (is left 0)
+ (and (> left 2)
+ (is (s (+ i 1)) #\newline)
+ (nonwhite (s (+ i 2))))))
+ (writec (s (++ i))))))
+(def unmarkdown (s)
+ (tostring
+ (forlen i s
+ (if (litmatch "<p>" s i)
+ (do (++ i 2)
+ (unless (is i 2) (pr "\n\n")))
+ (litmatch "<i>" s i)
+ (do (++ i 2) (pr #\*))
+ (litmatch "</i>" s i)
+ (do (++ i 3) (pr #\*))
+ (litmatch "<a href=" s i)
+ (let endurl (posmatch [in _ #\> #\space] s (+ i 9))
+ (if endurl
+ (do (pr (cut s (+ i 9) (- endurl 1)))
+ (= i (aif (posmatch "</a>" s endurl)
+ (+ it 3)
+ endurl)))
+ (writec (s i))))
+ (litmatch "<pre><code>" s i)
+ (awhen (findsubseq "</code></pre>" s (+ i 12))
+ (pr (cut s (+ i 11) it))
+ (= i (+ it 12)))
+ (writec (s i))))))
+(def english-time (min)
+ (let n (mod min 720)
+ (string (let h (trunc (/ n 60)) (if (is h 0) "12" h))
+ ":"
+ (let m (mod n 60)
+ (if (is m 0) "00"
+ (< m 10) (string "0" m)
+ m))
+ (if (is min 0) " midnight"
+ (is min 720) " noon"
+ (>= min 720) " pm"
+ " am"))))
+(def parse-time (s)
+ (let (nums (o label "")) (halve s letter)
+ (with ((h (o m 0)) (map int (tokens nums ~digit))
+ cleanlabel (downcase (rem ~alphadig label)))
+ (+ (* (if (is h 12)
+ (if (in cleanlabel "am" "midnight")
+ 0
+ 12)
+ (is cleanlabel "am")
+ h
+ (+ h 12))
+ 60)
+ m))))
+(= months* '("January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July"
+ "August" "September" "October" "November" "December"))
+(def english-date ((y m d))
+ (string d " " (months* (- m 1)) " " y))
+(= month-names* (obj "january" 1 "jan" 1
+ "february" 2 "feb" 2
+ "march" 3 "mar" 3
+ "april" 4 "apr" 4
+ "may" 5
+ "june" 6 "jun" 6
+ "july" 7 "jul" 7
+ "august" 8 "aug" 8
+ "september" 9 "sept" 9 "sep" 9
+ "october" 10 "oct" 10
+ "november" 11 "nov" 11
+ "december" 12 "dec" 12))
+(def monthnum (s) (month-names* (downcase s)))
+; Doesn't work for BC dates.
+(def parse-date (s)
+ (let nums (date-nums s)
+ (if (valid-date nums)
+ nums
+ (err (string "Invalid date: " s)))))
+(def date-nums (s)
+ (with ((ynow mnow dnow) (date)
+ toks (tokens s ~alphadig))
+ (if (all [all digit _] toks)
+ (let nums (map int toks)
+ (case (len nums)
+ 1 (list ynow mnow (car nums))
+ 2 (iflet d (find [> _ 12] nums)
+ (list ynow (find [isnt _ d] nums) d)
+ (cons ynow nums))
+ (if (> (car nums) 31)
+ (firstn 3 nums)
+ (rev (firstn 3 nums)))))
+ ([all digit _] (car toks))
+ (withs ((ds ms ys) toks
+ d (int ds))
+ (aif (monthnum ms)
+ (list (or (errsafe (int ys)) ynow)
+ it
+ d)
+ nil))
+ (monthnum (car toks))
+ (let (ms ds ys) toks
+ (aif (errsafe (int ds))
+ (list (or (errsafe (int ys)) ynow)
+ (monthnum (car toks))
+ it)
+ nil))
+ nil)))
+; To be correct needs to know days per month, and about leap years
+(def valid-date ((y m d))
+ (and y m d
+ (< 0 m 13)
+ (< 0 d 32)))
+(mac defopl (name parm . body)
+ `(defop ,name ,parm
+ (if (get-user ,parm)
+ (do ,@body)
+ (login-page 'both
+ "You need to be logged in to do that."
+ (list (fn (u ip))
+ (string ',name (reassemble-args ,parm)))))))
diff --git a/arc.arc b/arc.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef11fc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arc.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,1700 @@
+; Main Arc lib. Ported to Scheme version Jul 06.
+; don't like names of conswhen and consif
+; need better way of generating strings; too many calls to string
+; maybe strings with escape char for evaluation
+; make foo~bar equiv of foo:~bar (in expand-ssyntax)
+; add sigs of ops defined in ac.scm
+; get hold of error types within arc
+; does macex have to be defined in scheme instead of using def below?
+; write disp, read, write in arc
+; could I get all of macros up into arc.arc?
+; warn when shadow a global name
+; some simple regexp/parsing plan
+; compromises in this implementation:
+; no objs in code
+; (mac testlit args (listtab args)) breaks when called
+; separate string type
+; (= (cdr (cdr str)) "foo") couldn't work because no way to get str tail
+; not sure this is a mistake; strings may be subtly different from
+; lists of chars
+(assign do (annotate 'mac
+ (fn args `((fn () ,@args)))))
+(assign safeset (annotate 'mac
+ (fn (var val)
+ `(do (if (bound ',var)
+ (do (disp "*** redefining " (stderr))
+ (disp ',var (stderr))
+ (disp #\newline (stderr))))
+ (assign ,var ,val)))))
+(assign def (annotate 'mac
+ (fn (name parms . body)
+ `(do (sref sig ',parms ',name)
+ (safeset ,name (fn ,parms ,@body))))))
+(def caar (xs) (car (car xs)))
+(def cadr (xs) (car (cdr xs)))
+(def cddr (xs) (cdr (cdr xs)))
+(def no (x) (is x nil))
+(def acons (x) (is (type x) 'cons))
+(def atom (x) (no (acons x)))
+; Can return to this def once Rtm gets ac to make all rest args
+; nil-terminated lists.
+; (def list args args)
+(def copylist (xs)
+ (if (no xs)
+ nil
+ (cons (car xs) (copylist (cdr xs)))))
+(def list args (copylist args))
+(def idfn (x) x)
+; Maybe later make this internal. Useful to let xs be a fn?
+(def map1 (f xs)
+ (if (no xs)
+ nil
+ (cons (f (car xs)) (map1 f (cdr xs)))))
+(def pair (xs (o f list))
+ (if (no xs)
+ nil
+ (no (cdr xs))
+ (list (list (car xs)))
+ (cons (f (car xs) (cadr xs))
+ (pair (cddr xs) f))))
+(assign mac (annotate 'mac
+ (fn (name parms . body)
+ `(do (sref sig ',parms ',name)
+ (safeset ,name (annotate 'mac (fn ,parms ,@body)))))))
+(mac and args
+ (if args
+ (if (cdr args)
+ `(if ,(car args) (and ,@(cdr args)))
+ (car args))
+ 't))
+(def assoc (key al)
+ (if (atom al)
+ nil
+ (and (acons (car al)) (is (caar al) key))
+ (car al)
+ (assoc key (cdr al))))
+(def alref (al key) (cadr (assoc key al)))
+(mac with (parms . body)
+ `((fn ,(map1 car (pair parms))
+ ,@body)
+ ,@(map1 cadr (pair parms))))
+(mac let (var val . body)
+ `(with (,var ,val) ,@body))
+(mac withs (parms . body)
+ (if (no parms)
+ `(do ,@body)
+ `(let ,(car parms) ,(cadr parms)
+ (withs ,(cddr parms) ,@body))))
+; Rtm prefers to overload + to do this
+(def join args
+ (if (no args)
+ nil
+ (let a (car args)
+ (if (no a)
+ (apply join (cdr args))
+ (cons (car a) (apply join (cdr a) (cdr args)))))))
+; Need rfn for use in macro expansions.
+(mac rfn (name parms . body)
+ `(let ,name nil
+ (assign ,name (fn ,parms ,@body))))
+(mac afn (parms . body)
+ `(let self nil
+ (assign self (fn ,parms ,@body))))
+; Ac expands x:y:z into (compose x y z), ~x into (complement x)
+; Only used when the call to compose doesn't occur in functional position.
+; Composes in functional position are transformed away by ac.
+(mac compose args
+ (let g (uniq)
+ `(fn ,g
+ ,((afn (fs)
+ (if (cdr fs)
+ (list (car fs) (self (cdr fs)))
+ `(apply ,(if (car fs) (car fs) 'idfn) ,g)))
+ args))))
+; Ditto: complement in functional position optimized by ac.
+(mac complement (f)
+ (let g (uniq)
+ `(fn ,g (no (apply ,f ,g)))))
+(def rev (xs)
+ ((afn (xs acc)
+ (if (no xs)
+ acc
+ (self (cdr xs) (cons (car xs) acc))))
+ xs nil))
+(def isnt (x y) (no (is x y)))
+(mac w/uniq (names . body)
+ (if (acons names)
+ `(with ,(apply + nil (map1 (fn (n) (list n '(uniq)))
+ names))
+ ,@body)
+ `(let ,names (uniq) ,@body)))
+(mac or args
+ (and args
+ (w/uniq g
+ `(let ,g ,(car args)
+ (if ,g ,g (or ,@(cdr args)))))))
+(def alist (x) (or (no x) (is (type x) 'cons)))
+(mac in (x . choices)
+ (w/uniq g
+ `(let ,g ,x
+ (or ,@(map1 (fn (c) `(is ,g ,c)) choices)))))
+; Could take n args, but have never once needed that.
+(def iso (x y)
+ (or (is x y)
+ (and (acons x)
+ (acons y)
+ (iso (car x) (car y))
+ (iso (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
+(mac when (test . body)
+ `(if ,test (do ,@body)))
+(mac unless (test . body)
+ `(if (no ,test) (do ,@body)))
+(mac while (test . body)
+ (w/uniq (gf gp)
+ `((rfn ,gf (,gp)
+ (when ,gp ,@body (,gf ,test)))
+ ,test)))
+(def empty (seq)
+ (or (no seq)
+ (and (or (is (type seq) 'string) (is (type seq) 'table))
+ (is (len seq) 0))))
+(def reclist (f xs)
+ (and xs (or (f xs) (reclist f (cdr xs)))))
+(def recstring (test s (o start 0))
+ ((afn (i)
+ (and (< i (len s))
+ (or (test i)
+ (self (+ i 1)))))
+ start))
+(def testify (x)
+ (if (isa x 'fn) x [is _ x]))
+; Like keep, seems like some shouldn't testify. But find should,
+; and all probably should.
+(def some (test seq)
+ (let f (testify test)
+ (if (alist seq)
+ (reclist f:car seq)
+ (recstring f:seq seq))))
+(def all (test seq)
+ (~some (complement (testify test)) seq))
+(def mem (test seq)
+ (let f (testify test)
+ (reclist [if (f:car _) _] seq)))
+(def find (test seq)
+ (let f (testify test)
+ (if (alist seq)
+ (reclist [if (f:car _) (car _)] seq)
+ (recstring [if (f:seq _) (seq _)] seq))))
+(def isa (x y) (is (type x) y))
+; Possible to write map without map1, but makes News 3x slower.
+;(def map (f . seqs)
+; (if (some1 no seqs)
+; nil
+; (no (cdr seqs))
+; (let s1 (car seqs)
+; (cons (f (car s1))
+; (map f (cdr s1))))
+; (cons (apply f (map car seqs))
+; (apply map f (map cdr seqs)))))
+(def map (f . seqs)
+ (if (some [isa _ 'string] seqs)
+ (withs (n (apply min (map len seqs))
+ new (newstring n))
+ ((afn (i)
+ (if (is i n)
+ new
+ (do (sref new (apply f (map [_ i] seqs)) i)
+ (self (+ i 1)))))
+ 0))
+ (no (cdr seqs))
+ (map1 f (car seqs))
+ ((afn (seqs)
+ (if (some no seqs)
+ nil
+ (cons (apply f (map1 car seqs))
+ (self (map1 cdr seqs)))))
+ seqs)))
+(def mappend (f . args)
+ (apply + nil (apply map f args)))
+(def firstn (n xs)
+ (if (no n) xs
+ (and (> n 0) xs) (cons (car xs) (firstn (- n 1) (cdr xs)))
+ nil))
+(def nthcdr (n xs)
+ (if (no n) xs
+ (> n 0) (nthcdr (- n 1) (cdr xs))
+ xs))
+; Generalization of pair: (tuples x) = (pair x)
+(def tuples (xs (o n 2))
+ (if (no xs)
+ nil
+ (cons (firstn n xs)
+ (tuples (nthcdr n xs) n))))
+; If ok to do with =, why not with def? But see if use it.
+(mac defs args
+ `(do ,@(map [cons 'def _] (tuples args 3))))
+(def caris (x val)
+ (and (acons x) (is (car x) val)))
+(def warn (msg . args)
+ (disp (+ "Warning: " msg ". "))
+ (map [do (write _) (disp " ")] args)
+ (disp #\newline))
+(mac atomic body
+ `(atomic-invoke (fn () ,@body)))
+(mac atlet args
+ `(atomic (let ,@args)))
+(mac atwith args
+ `(atomic (with ,@args)))
+(mac atwiths args
+ `(atomic (withs ,@args)))
+; setforms returns (vars get set) for a place based on car of an expr
+; vars is a list of gensyms alternating with expressions whose vals they
+; should be bound to, suitable for use as first arg to withs
+; get is an expression returning the current value in the place
+; set is an expression representing a function of one argument
+; that stores a new value in the place
+; A bit gross that it works based on the *name* in the car, but maybe
+; wrong to worry. Macros live in expression land.
+; seems meaningful to e.g. (push 1 (pop x)) if (car x) is a cons.
+; can't in cl though. could I define a setter for push or pop?
+(assign setter (table))
+(mac defset (name parms . body)
+ (w/uniq gexpr
+ `(sref setter
+ (fn (,gexpr)
+ (let ,parms (cdr ,gexpr)
+ ,@body))
+ ',name)))
+(defset car (x)
+ (w/uniq g
+ (list (list g x)
+ `(car ,g)
+ `(fn (val) (scar ,g val)))))
+(defset cdr (x)
+ (w/uniq g
+ (list (list g x)
+ `(cdr ,g)
+ `(fn (val) (scdr ,g val)))))
+(defset caar (x)
+ (w/uniq g
+ (list (list g x)
+ `(caar ,g)
+ `(fn (val) (scar (car ,g) val)))))
+(defset cadr (x)
+ (w/uniq g
+ (list (list g x)
+ `(cadr ,g)
+ `(fn (val) (scar (cdr ,g) val)))))
+(defset cddr (x)
+ (w/uniq g
+ (list (list g x)
+ `(cddr ,g)
+ `(fn (val) (scdr (cdr ,g) val)))))
+; Note: if expr0 macroexpands into any expression whose car doesn't
+; have a setter, setforms assumes it's a data structure in functional
+; position. Such bugs will be seen only when the code is executed, when
+; sref complains it can't set a reference to a function.
+(def setforms (expr0)
+ (let expr (macex expr0)
+ (if (isa expr 'sym)
+ (if (ssyntax expr)
+ (setforms (ssexpand expr))
+ (w/uniq (g h)
+ (list (list g expr)
+ g
+ `(fn (,h) (assign ,expr ,h)))))
+ ; make it also work for uncompressed calls to compose
+ (and (acons expr) (metafn (car expr)))
+ (setforms (expand-metafn-call (ssexpand (car expr)) (cdr expr)))
+ (and (acons expr) (acons (car expr)) (is (caar expr) 'get))
+ (setforms (list (cadr expr) (cadr (car expr))))
+ (let f (setter (car expr))
+ (if f
+ (f expr)
+ ; assumed to be data structure in fn position
+ (do (when (caris (car expr) 'fn)
+ (warn "Inverting what looks like a function call"
+ expr0 expr))
+ (w/uniq (g h)
+ (let argsyms (map [uniq] (cdr expr))
+ (list (+ (list g (car expr))
+ (mappend list argsyms (cdr expr)))
+ `(,g ,@argsyms)
+ `(fn (,h) (sref ,g ,h ,(car argsyms))))))))))))
+(def metafn (x)
+ (or (ssyntax x)
+ (and (acons x) (in (car x) 'compose 'complement))))
+(def expand-metafn-call (f args)
+ (if (is (car f) 'compose)
+ ((afn (fs)
+ (if (caris (car fs) 'compose) ; nested compose
+ (self (join (cdr (car fs)) (cdr fs)))
+ (cdr fs)
+ (list (car fs) (self (cdr fs)))
+ (cons (car fs) args)))
+ (cdr f))
+ (is (car f) 'no)
+ (err "Can't invert " (cons f args))
+ (cons f args)))
+(def expand= (place val)
+ (if (and (isa place 'sym) (~ssyntax place))
+ `(assign ,place ,val)
+ (let (vars prev setter) (setforms place)
+ (w/uniq g
+ `(atwith ,(+ vars (list g val))
+ (,setter ,g))))))
+(def expand=list (terms)
+ `(do ,@(map (fn ((p v)) (expand= p v)) ; [apply expand= _]
+ (pair terms))))
+(mac = args
+ (expand=list args))
+(mac loop (start test update . body)
+ (w/uniq (gfn gparm)
+ `(do ,start
+ ((rfn ,gfn (,gparm)
+ (if ,gparm
+ (do ,@body ,update (,gfn ,test))))
+ ,test))))
+(mac for (v init max . body)
+ (w/uniq (gi gm)
+ `(with (,v nil ,gi ,init ,gm (+ ,max 1))
+ (loop (assign ,v ,gi) (< ,v ,gm) (assign ,v (+ ,v 1))
+ ,@body))))
+(mac down (v init min . body)
+ (w/uniq (gi gm)
+ `(with (,v nil ,gi ,init ,gm (- ,min 1))
+ (loop (assign ,v ,gi) (> ,v ,gm) (assign ,v (- ,v 1))
+ ,@body))))
+(mac repeat (n . body)
+ `(for ,(uniq) 1 ,n ,@body))
+; could bind index instead of gensym
+(mac each (var expr . body)
+ (w/uniq (gseq gf gv)
+ `(let ,gseq ,expr
+ (if (alist ,gseq)
+ ((rfn ,gf (,gv)
+ (when (acons ,gv)
+ (let ,var (car ,gv) ,@body)
+ (,gf (cdr ,gv))))
+ ,gseq)
+ (isa ,gseq 'table)
+ (maptable (fn ,var ,@body)
+ ,gseq)
+ (for ,gv 0 (- (len ,gseq) 1)
+ (let ,var (,gseq ,gv) ,@body))))))
+; (nthcdr x y) = (cut y x).
+(def cut (seq start (o end))
+ (let end (if (no end) (len seq)
+ (< end 0) (+ (len seq) end)
+ end)
+ (if (isa seq 'string)
+ (let s2 (newstring (- end start))
+ (for i 0 (- end start 1)
+ (= (s2 i) (seq (+ start i))))
+ s2)
+ (firstn (- end start) (nthcdr start seq)))))
+(mac whilet (var test . body)
+ (w/uniq (gf gp)
+ `((rfn ,gf (,gp)
+ (let ,var ,gp
+ (when ,var ,@body (,gf ,test))))
+ ,test)))
+(def last (xs)
+ (if (cdr xs)
+ (last (cdr xs))
+ (car xs)))
+(def rem (test seq)
+ (let f (testify test)
+ (if (alist seq)
+ ((afn (s)
+ (if (no s) nil
+ (f (car s)) (self (cdr s))
+ (cons (car s) (self (cdr s)))))
+ seq)
+ (coerce (rem test (coerce seq 'cons)) 'string))))
+; Seems like keep doesn't need to testify-- would be better to
+; be able to use tables as fns. But rem does need to, because
+; often want to rem a table from a list. So maybe the right answer
+; is to make keep the more primitive, not rem.
+(def keep (test seq)
+ (rem (complement (testify test)) seq))
+;(def trues (f seq)
+; (rem nil (map f seq)))
+(def trues (f xs)
+ (and xs
+ (let fx (f (car xs))
+ (if fx
+ (cons fx (trues f (cdr xs)))
+ (trues f (cdr xs))))))
+(mac do1 args
+ (w/uniq g
+ `(let ,g ,(car args)
+ ,@(cdr args)
+ ,g)))
+; Would like to write a faster case based on table generated by a macro,
+; but can't insert objects into expansions in Mzscheme.
+(mac caselet (var expr . args)
+ (let ex (afn (args)
+ (if (no (cdr args))
+ (car args)
+ `(if (is ,var ',(car args))
+ ,(cadr args)
+ ,(self (cddr args)))))
+ `(let ,var ,expr ,(ex args))))
+(mac case (expr . args)
+ `(caselet ,(uniq) ,expr ,@args))
+(mac push (x place)
+ (w/uniq gx
+ (let (binds val setter) (setforms place)
+ `(let ,gx ,x
+ (atwiths ,binds
+ (,setter (cons ,gx ,val)))))))
+(mac swap (place1 place2)
+ (w/uniq (g1 g2)
+ (with ((binds1 val1 setter1) (setforms place1)
+ (binds2 val2 setter2) (setforms place2))
+ `(atwiths ,(+ binds1 (list g1 val1) binds2 (list g2 val2))
+ (,setter1 ,g2)
+ (,setter2 ,g1)))))
+(mac rotate places
+ (with (vars (map [uniq] places)
+ forms (map setforms places))
+ `(atwiths ,(mappend (fn (g (binds val setter))
+ (+ binds (list g val)))
+ vars
+ forms)
+ ,@(map (fn (g (binds val setter))
+ (list setter g))
+ (+ (cdr vars) (list (car vars)))
+ forms))))
+(mac pop (place)
+ (w/uniq g
+ (let (binds val setter) (setforms place)
+ `(atwiths ,(+ binds (list g val))
+ (do1 (car ,g)
+ (,setter (cdr ,g)))))))
+(def adjoin (x xs (o test iso))
+ (if (some [test x _] xs)
+ xs
+ (cons x xs)))
+(mac pushnew (x place . args)
+ (w/uniq gx
+ (let (binds val setter) (setforms place)
+ `(atwiths ,(+ (list gx x) binds)
+ (,setter (adjoin ,gx ,val ,@args))))))
+(mac pull (test place)
+ (w/uniq g
+ (let (binds val setter) (setforms place)
+ `(atwiths ,(+ (list g test) binds)
+ (,setter (rem ,g ,val))))))
+(mac togglemem (x place . args)
+ (w/uniq gx
+ (let (binds val setter) (setforms place)
+ `(atwiths ,(+ (list gx x) binds)
+ (,setter (if (mem ,gx ,val)
+ (rem ,gx ,val)
+ (adjoin ,gx ,val ,@args)))))))
+(mac ++ (place (o i 1))
+ (if (isa place 'sym)
+ `(= ,place (+ ,place ,i))
+ (w/uniq gi
+ (let (binds val setter) (setforms place)
+ `(atwiths ,(+ binds (list gi i))
+ (,setter (+ ,val ,gi)))))))
+(mac -- (place (o i 1))
+ (if (isa place 'sym)
+ `(= ,place (- ,place ,i))
+ (w/uniq gi
+ (let (binds val setter) (setforms place)
+ `(atwiths ,(+ binds (list gi i))
+ (,setter (- ,val ,gi)))))))
+; E.g. (++ x) equiv to (zap + x 1)
+(mac zap (op place . args)
+ (with (gop (uniq)
+ gargs (map [uniq] args)
+ mix (afn seqs
+ (if (some no seqs)
+ nil
+ (+ (map car seqs)
+ (apply self (map cdr seqs))))))
+ (let (binds val setter) (setforms place)
+ `(atwiths ,(+ binds (list gop op) (mix gargs args))
+ (,setter (,gop ,val ,@gargs))))))
+; Can't simply mod pr to print strings represented as lists of chars,
+; because empty string will get printed as nil. Would need to rep strings
+; as lists of chars annotated with 'string, and modify car and cdr to get
+; the rep of these. That would also require hacking the reader.
+(def pr args
+ (map1 disp args)
+ (car args))
+(def prt args
+ (map1 [if _ (disp _)] args)
+ (car args))
+(def prn args
+ (do1 (apply pr args)
+ (writec #\newline)))
+(mac wipe args
+ `(do ,@(map (fn (a) `(= ,a nil)) args)))
+(mac set args
+ `(do ,@(map (fn (a) `(= ,a t)) args)))
+; Destructuring means ambiguity: are pat vars bound in else? (no)
+(mac iflet (var expr then . rest)
+ (w/uniq gv
+ `(let ,gv ,expr
+ (if ,gv (let ,var ,gv ,then) ,@rest))))
+(mac whenlet (var expr . body)
+ `(iflet ,var ,expr (do ,@body)))
+(mac aif (expr . body)
+ `(let it ,expr
+ (if it
+ ,@(if (cddr body)
+ `(,(car body) (aif ,@(cdr body)))
+ body))))
+(mac awhen (expr . body)
+ `(let it ,expr (if it (do ,@body))))
+(mac aand args
+ (if (no args)
+ 't
+ (no (cdr args))
+ (car args)
+ `(let it ,(car args) (and it (aand ,@(cdr args))))))
+(mac accum (accfn . body)
+ (w/uniq gacc
+ `(withs (,gacc nil ,accfn [push _ ,gacc])
+ ,@body
+ (rev ,gacc))))
+; Repeatedly evaluates its body till it returns nil, then returns vals.
+(mac drain (expr (o eof nil))
+ (w/uniq (gacc gdone gres)
+ `(with (,gacc nil ,gdone nil)
+ (while (no ,gdone)
+ (let ,gres ,expr
+ (if (is ,gres ,eof)
+ (= ,gdone t)
+ (push ,gres ,gacc))))
+ (rev ,gacc))))
+; For the common C idiom while x = snarfdata != stopval.
+; Rename this if use it often.
+(mac whiler (var expr endval . body)
+ (w/uniq gf
+ `(withs (,var nil ,gf (testify ,endval))
+ (while (no (,gf (= ,var ,expr)))
+ ,@body))))
+;(def macex (e)
+; (if (atom e)
+; e
+; (let op (and (atom (car e)) (eval (car e)))
+; (if (isa op 'mac)
+; (apply (rep op) (cdr e))
+; e))))
+(def consif (x y) (if x (cons x y) y))
+(def string args
+ (apply + "" (map [coerce _ 'string] args)))
+(def flat x
+ ((afn (x acc)
+ (if (no x) acc
+ (atom x) (cons x acc)
+ (self (car x) (self (cdr x) acc))))
+ x nil))
+(mac check (x test (o alt))
+ (w/uniq gx
+ `(let ,gx ,x
+ (if (,test ,gx) ,gx ,alt))))
+(def pos (test seq (o start 0))
+ (let f (testify test)
+ (if (alist seq)
+ ((afn (seq n)
+ (if (no seq)
+ nil
+ (f (car seq))
+ n
+ (self (cdr seq) (+ n 1))))
+ (nthcdr start seq)
+ start)
+ (recstring [if (f (seq _)) _] seq start))))
+(def even (n) (is (mod n 2) 0))
+(def odd (n) (no (even n)))
+(mac after (x . ys)
+ `(protect (fn () ,x) (fn () ,@ys)))
+(let expander
+ (fn (f var name body)
+ `(let ,var (,f ,name)
+ (after (do ,@body) (close ,var))))
+ (mac w/infile (var name . body)
+ (expander 'infile var name body))
+ (mac w/outfile (var name . body)
+ (expander 'outfile var name body))
+ (mac w/instring (var str . body)
+ (expander 'instring var str body))
+ (mac w/socket (var port . body)
+ (expander 'open-socket var port body))
+ )
+(mac w/outstring (var . body)
+ `(let ,var (outstring) ,@body))
+; what happens to a file opened for append if arc is killed in
+; the middle of a write?
+(mac w/appendfile (var name . body)
+ `(let ,var (outfile ,name 'append)
+ (after (do ,@body) (close ,var))))
+; rename this simply "to"? - prob not; rarely use
+(mac w/stdout (str . body)
+ `(call-w/stdout ,str (fn () ,@body)))
+(mac w/stdin (str . body)
+ `(call-w/stdin ,str (fn () ,@body)))
+(mac tostring body
+ (w/uniq gv
+ `(w/outstring ,gv
+ (w/stdout ,gv ,@body)
+ (inside ,gv))))
+(mac fromstring (str . body)
+ (w/uniq gv
+ `(w/instring ,gv ,str
+ (w/stdin ,gv ,@body))))
+(def readstring1 (s (o eof nil)) (w/instring i s (read i eof)))
+(def read ((o x (stdin)) (o eof nil))
+ (if (isa x 'string) (readstring1 x eof) (sread x eof)))
+; inconsistency between names of readfile[1] and writefile
+(def readfile (name) (w/infile s name (drain (read s))))
+(def readfile1 (name) (w/infile s name (read s)))
+(def readall (src (o eof nil))
+ ((afn (i)
+ (let x (read i eof)
+ (if (is x eof)
+ nil
+ (cons x (self i)))))
+ (if (isa src 'string) (instring src) src)))
+(def allchars (str)
+ (tostring (whiler c (readc str nil) no
+ (writec c))))
+(def filechars (name)
+ (w/infile s name (allchars s)))
+(def writefile (val file)
+ (let tmpfile (+ file ".tmp")
+ (w/outfile o tmpfile (write val o))
+ (mvfile tmpfile file))
+ val)
+(def sym (x) (coerce x 'sym))
+(def int (x (o b 10)) (coerce x 'int b))
+(mac rand-choice exprs
+ `(case (rand ,(len exprs))
+ ,@(let key -1
+ (mappend [list (++ key) _]
+ exprs))))
+(mac n-of (n expr)
+ (w/uniq ga
+ `(let ,ga nil
+ (repeat ,n (push ,expr ,ga))
+ (rev ,ga))))
+; rejects bytes >= 248 lest digits be overrepresented
+(def rand-string (n)
+ (let c "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+ (with (nc 62 s (newstring n) i 0)
+ (w/infile str "/dev/urandom"
+ (while (< i n)
+ (let x (readb str)
+ (unless (> x 247)
+ (= (s i) (c (mod x nc)))
+ (++ i)))))
+ s)))
+(mac forlen (var s . body)
+ `(for ,var 0 (- (len ,s) 1) ,@body))
+(mac on (var s . body)
+ (if (is var 'index)
+ (err "Can't use index as first arg to on.")
+ (w/uniq gs
+ `(let ,gs ,s
+ (forlen index ,gs
+ (let ,var (,gs index)
+ ,@body))))))
+(def best (f seq)
+ (if (no seq)
+ nil
+ (let wins (car seq)
+ (each elt (cdr seq)
+ (if (f elt wins) (= wins elt)))
+ wins)))
+(def max args (best > args))
+(def min args (best < args))
+; (mac max2 (x y)
+; (w/uniq (a b)
+; `(with (,a ,x ,b ,y) (if (> ,a ,b) ,a ,b))))
+(def most (f seq)
+ (unless (no seq)
+ (withs (wins (car seq) topscore (f wins))
+ (each elt (cdr seq)
+ (let score (f elt)
+ (if (> score topscore) (= wins elt topscore score))))
+ wins)))
+; Insert so that list remains sorted. Don't really want to expose
+; these but seem to have to because can't include a fn obj in a
+; macroexpansion.
+(def insert-sorted (test elt seq)
+ (if (no seq)
+ (list elt)
+ (test elt (car seq))
+ (cons elt seq)
+ (cons (car seq) (insert-sorted test elt (cdr seq)))))
+(mac insort (test elt seq)
+ `(zap [insert-sorted ,test ,elt _] ,seq))
+(def reinsert-sorted (test elt seq)
+ (if (no seq)
+ (list elt)
+ (is elt (car seq))
+ (reinsert-sorted test elt (cdr seq))
+ (test elt (car seq))
+ (cons elt (rem elt seq))
+ (cons (car seq) (reinsert-sorted test elt (cdr seq)))))
+(mac insortnew (test elt seq)
+ `(zap [reinsert-sorted ,test ,elt _] ,seq))
+; Could make this look at the sig of f and return a fn that took the
+; right no of args and didn't have to call apply (or list if 1 arg).
+(def memo (f)
+ (with (cache (table) nilcache (table))
+ (fn args
+ (or (cache args)
+ (and (no (nilcache args))
+ (aif (apply f args)
+ (= (cache args) it)
+ (do (set (nilcache args))
+ nil)))))))
+(mac defmemo (name parms . body)
+ `(safeset ,name (memo (fn ,parms ,@body))))
+(def <= args
+ (or (no args)
+ (no (cdr args))
+ (and (no (> (car args) (cadr args)))
+ (apply <= (cdr args)))))
+(def >= args
+ (or (no args)
+ (no (cdr args))
+ (and (no (< (car args) (cadr args)))
+ (apply >= (cdr args)))))
+(def whitec (c)
+ (in c #\space #\newline #\tab #\return))
+(def nonwhite (c) (no (whitec c)))
+(def letter (c) (or (<= #\a c #\z) (<= #\A c #\Z)))
+(def digit (c) (<= #\0 c #\9))
+(def alphadig (c) (or (letter c) (digit c)))
+(def punc (c)
+ (in c #\. #\, #\; #\: #\! #\?))
+(def readline ((o str (stdin)))
+ (awhen (readc str)
+ (tostring
+ (writec it)
+ (whiler c (readc str) [in _ nil #\newline]
+ (writec c)))))
+; Don't currently use this but suspect some code could.
+(mac summing (sumfn . body)
+ (w/uniq (gc gt)
+ `(let ,gc 0
+ (let ,sumfn (fn (,gt) (if ,gt (++ ,gc)))
+ ,@body)
+ ,gc)))
+(def sum (f xs)
+ (let n 0
+ (each x xs (++ n (f x)))
+ n))
+(def treewise (f base tree)
+ (if (atom tree)
+ (base tree)
+ (f (treewise f base (car tree))
+ (treewise f base (cdr tree)))))
+(def carif (x) (if (atom x) x (car x)))
+; Could prob be generalized beyond printing.
+(def prall (elts (o init "") (o sep ", "))
+ (when elts
+ (pr init (car elts))
+ (map [pr sep _] (cdr elts))
+ elts))
+(def prs args
+ (prall args "" #\space))
+(def tree-subst (old new tree)
+ (if (is tree old)
+ new
+ (atom tree)
+ tree
+ (cons (tree-subst old new (car tree))
+ (tree-subst old new (cdr tree)))))
+(def ontree (f tree)
+ (f tree)
+ (unless (atom tree)
+ (ontree f (car tree))
+ (ontree f (cdr tree))))
+(def dotted (x)
+ (if (atom x)
+ nil
+ (and (cdr x) (or (atom (cdr x))
+ (dotted (cdr x))))))
+(def fill-table (table data)
+ (each (k v) (pair data) (= (table k) v))
+ table)
+(def keys (h)
+ (accum a (each (k v) h (a k))))
+(def vals (h)
+ (accum a (each (k v) h (a v))))
+; These two should really be done by coerce. Wrap coerce?
+(def tablist (h)
+ (accum a (maptable (fn args (a args)) h)))
+(def listtab (al)
+ (let h (table)
+ (map (fn ((k v)) (= (h k) v))
+ al)
+ h))
+(mac obj args
+ `(listtab (list ,@(map (fn ((k v))
+ `(list ',k ,v))
+ (pair args)))))
+(def load-table (file (o eof))
+ (w/infile i file (read-table i eof)))
+(def read-table ((o i (stdin)) (o eof))
+ (let e (read i eof)
+ (if (alist e) (listtab e) e)))
+(def load-tables (file)
+ (w/infile i file
+ (w/uniq eof
+ (drain (read-table i eof) eof))))
+(def save-table (h file)
+ (writefile (tablist h) file))
+(def write-table (h (o o (stdout)))
+ (write (tablist h) o))
+(def copy (x . args)
+ (let x2 (case (type x)
+ sym x
+ cons (copylist x) ; (apply (fn args args) x)
+ string (let new (newstring (len x))
+ (forlen i x
+ (= (new i) (x i)))
+ new)
+ table (let new (table)
+ (each (k v) x
+ (= (new k) v))
+ new)
+ (err "Can't copy " x))
+ (map (fn ((k v)) (= (x2 k) v))
+ (pair args))
+ x2))
+(def abs (n)
+ (if (< n 0) (- n) n))
+; The problem with returning a list instead of multiple values is that
+; you can't act as if the fn didn't return multiple vals in cases where
+; you only want the first. Not a big problem.
+(def round (n)
+ (withs (base (trunc n) rem (abs (- n base)))
+ (if (> rem 1/2) ((if (> n 0) + -) base 1)
+ (< rem 1/2) base
+ (odd base) ((if (> n 0) + -) base 1)
+ base)))
+(def roundup (n)
+ (withs (base (trunc n) rem (abs (- n base)))
+ (if (>= rem 1/2)
+ ((if (> n 0) + -) base 1)
+ base)))
+(def nearest (n quantum)
+ (* (roundup (/ n quantum)) quantum))
+(def avg (ns) (/ (apply + ns) (len ns)))
+(def med (ns (o test >))
+ ((sort test ns) (round (/ (len ns) 2))))
+; Use mergesort on assumption that mostly sorting mostly sorted lists
+; benchmark: (let td (n-of 10000 (rand 100)) (time (sort < td)) 1)
+(def sort (test seq)
+ (if (alist seq)
+ (mergesort test (copy seq))
+ (coerce (mergesort test (coerce seq 'cons)) (type seq))))
+; Destructive stable merge-sort, adapted from slib and improved
+; by Eli Barzilay for MzLib; re-written in Arc.
+(def mergesort (less? lst)
+ (with (n (len lst))
+ (if (<= n 1) lst
+ ; ; check if the list is already sorted
+ ; ; (which can be a common case, eg, directory lists).
+ ; (let loop ([last (car lst)] [next (cdr lst)])
+ ; (or (null? next)
+ ; (and (not (less? (car next) last))
+ ; (loop (car next) (cdr next)))))
+ ; lst
+ ((afn (n)
+ (if (> n 2)
+ ; needs to evaluate L->R
+ (withs (j (/ (if (even n) n (- n 1)) 2) ; faster than round
+ a (self j)
+ b (self (- n j)))
+ (merge less? a b))
+ ; the following case just inlines the length 2 case,
+ ; it can be removed (and use the above case for n>1)
+ ; and the code still works, except a little slower
+ (is n 2)
+ (with (x (car lst) y (cadr lst) p lst)
+ (= lst (cddr lst))
+ (when (less? y x) (scar p y) (scar (cdr p) x))
+ (scdr (cdr p) nil)
+ p)
+ (is n 1)
+ (with (p lst)
+ (= lst (cdr lst))
+ (scdr p nil)
+ p)
+ nil))
+ n))))
+; Also by Eli.
+(def merge (less? x y)
+ (if (no x) y
+ (no y) x
+ (let lup nil
+ (assign lup
+ (fn (r x y r-x?) ; r-x? for optimization -- is r connected to x?
+ (if (less? (car y) (car x))
+ (do (if r-x? (scdr r y))
+ (if (cdr y) (lup y x (cdr y) nil) (scdr y x)))
+ ; (car x) <= (car y)
+ (do (if (no r-x?) (scdr r x))
+ (if (cdr x) (lup x (cdr x) y t) (scdr x y))))))
+ (if (less? (car y) (car x))
+ (do (if (cdr y) (lup y x (cdr y) nil) (scdr y x))
+ y)
+ ; (car x) <= (car y)
+ (do (if (cdr x) (lup x (cdr x) y t) (scdr x y))
+ x)))))
+(def bestn (n f seq)
+ (firstn n (sort f seq)))
+(def split (seq pos)
+ (list (cut seq 0 pos) (cut seq pos)))
+(mac time (expr)
+ (w/uniq (t1 t2)
+ `(let ,t1 (msec)
+ (do1 ,expr
+ (let ,t2 (msec)
+ (prn "time: " (- ,t2 ,t1) " msec."))))))
+(mac jtime (expr)
+ `(do1 'ok (time ,expr)))
+(mac time10 (expr)
+ `(time (repeat 10 ,expr)))
+(def union (f xs ys)
+ (+ xs (rem (fn (y) (some [f _ y] xs))
+ ys)))
+(= templates* (table))
+(mac deftem (tem . fields)
+ (withs (name (carif tem) includes (if (acons tem) (cdr tem)))
+ `(= (templates* ',name)
+ (+ (mappend templates* ',(rev includes))
+ (list ,@(map (fn ((k v)) `(list ',k (fn () ,v)))
+ (pair fields)))))))
+(mac addtem (name . fields)
+ `(= (templates* ',name)
+ (union (fn (x y) (is (car x) (car y)))
+ (list ,@(map (fn ((k v)) `(list ',k (fn () ,v)))
+ (pair fields)))
+ (templates* ',name))))
+(def inst (tem . args)
+ (let x (table)
+ (each (k v) (if (acons tem) tem (templates* tem))
+ (unless (no v) (= (x k) (v))))
+ (each (k v) (pair args)
+ (= (x k) v))
+ x))
+; To write something to be read by temread, (write (tablist x))
+(def temread (tem (o str (stdin)))
+ (templatize tem (read str)))
+; Converts alist to inst; ugly; maybe should make this part of coerce.
+; Note: discards fields not defined by the template.
+(def templatize (tem raw)
+ (with (x (inst tem) fields (if (acons tem) tem (templates* tem)))
+ (each (k v) raw
+ (when (assoc k fields)
+ (= (x k) v)))
+ x))
+(def temload (tem file)
+ (w/infile i file (temread tem i)))
+(def temloadall (tem file)
+ (map (fn (pairs) (templatize tem pairs))
+ (w/infile in file (readall in))))
+(def number (n) (in (type n) 'int 'num))
+(def since (t1) (- (seconds) t1))
+(def minutes-since (t1) (/ (since t1) 60))
+(def hours-since (t1) (/ (since t1) 3600))
+(def days-since (t1) (/ (since t1) 86400))
+; could use a version for fns of 1 arg at least
+(def cache (timef valf)
+ (with (cached nil gentime nil)
+ (fn ()
+ (unless (and cached (< (since gentime) (timef)))
+ (= cached (valf)
+ gentime (seconds)))
+ cached)))
+(mac defcache (name lasts . body)
+ `(safeset ,name (cache (fn () ,lasts)
+ (fn () ,@body))))
+(mac errsafe (expr)
+ `(on-err (fn (c) nil)
+ (fn () ,expr)))
+(def saferead (arg) (errsafe:read arg))
+(def safe-load-table (filename)
+ (or (errsafe:load-table filename)
+ (table)))
+(def ensure-dir (path)
+ (unless (dir-exists path)
+ (system (string "mkdir -p " path))))
+(def date ((o s (seconds)))
+ (rev (nthcdr 3 (timedate s))))
+(def datestring ((o s (seconds)))
+ (let (y m d) (date s)
+ (string y "-" (if (< m 10) "0") m "-" (if (< d 10) "0") d)))
+(def count (test x)
+ (with (n 0 testf (testify test))
+ (each elt x
+ (if (testf elt) (++ n)))
+ n))
+(def ellipsize (str (o limit 80))
+ (if (<= (len str) limit)
+ str
+ (+ (cut str 0 limit) "...")))
+(def rand-elt (seq)
+ (seq (rand (len seq))))
+(mac until (test . body)
+ `(while (no ,test) ,@body))
+(def before (x y seq (o i 0))
+ (with (xp (pos x seq i) yp (pos y seq i))
+ (and xp (or (no yp) (< xp yp)))))
+(def orf fns
+ (fn args
+ ((afn (fs)
+ (and fs (or (apply (car fs) args) (self (cdr fs)))))
+ fns)))
+(def andf fns
+ (fn args
+ ((afn (fs)
+ (if (no fs) t
+ (no (cdr fs)) (apply (car fs) args)
+ (and (apply (car fs) args) (self (cdr fs)))))
+ fns)))
+(def atend (i s)
+ (> i (- (len s) 2)))
+(def multiple (x y)
+ (is 0 (mod x y)))
+(mac nor args `(no (or ,@args)))
+; Consider making the default sort fn take compare's two args (when do
+; you ever have to sort mere lists of numbers?) and rename current sort
+; as prim-sort or something.
+; Could simply modify e.g. > so that (> len) returned the same thing
+; as (compare > len).
+(def compare (comparer scorer)
+ (fn (x y) (comparer (scorer x) (scorer y))))
+; Cleaner thus, but may only ever need in 2 arg case.
+;(def compare (comparer scorer)
+; (fn args (apply comparer map scorer args)))
+; (def only (f g . args) (aif (apply g args) (f it)))
+(def only (f)
+ (fn args (if (car args) (apply f args))))
+(mac conswhen (f x y)
+ (w/uniq (gf gx)
+ `(with (,gf ,f ,gx ,x)
+ (if (,gf ,gx) (cons ,gx ,y) ,y))))
+; Could combine with firstn if put f arg last, default to (fn (x) t).
+(def retrieve (n f xs)
+ (if (no n) (keep f xs)
+ (or (<= n 0) (no xs)) nil
+ (f (car xs)) (cons (car xs) (retrieve (- n 1) f (cdr xs)))
+ (retrieve n f (cdr xs))))
+(def dedup (xs)
+ (with (h (table) acc nil)
+ (each x xs
+ (unless (h x)
+ (push x acc)
+ (set (h x))))
+ (rev acc)))
+(def single (x) (and (acons x) (no (cdr x))))
+(def intersperse (x ys)
+ (and ys (cons (car ys)
+ (mappend [list x _] (cdr ys)))))
+(def counts (seq (o c (table)))
+ (if (no seq)
+ c
+ (do (++ (c (car seq) 0))
+ (counts (cdr seq) c))))
+(def commonest (seq)
+ (with (winner nil n 0)
+ (each (k v) (counts seq)
+ (when (> v n) (= winner k n v)))
+ (list winner n)))
+(def reduce (f xs)
+ (if (cddr xs)
+ (reduce f (cons (f (car xs) (cadr xs)) (cddr xs)))
+ (apply f xs)))
+(def rreduce (f xs)
+ (if (cddr xs)
+ (f (car xs) (rreduce f (cdr xs)))
+ (apply f xs)))
+(let argsym (uniq)
+ (def parse-format (str)
+ (accum a
+ (with (chars nil i -1)
+ (w/instring s str
+ (whilet c (readc s)
+ (case c
+ #\# (do (a (coerce (rev chars) 'string))
+ (wipe chars)
+ (a (read s)))
+ #\~ (do (a (coerce (rev chars) 'string))
+ (wipe chars)
+ (readc s)
+ (a (list argsym (++ i))))
+ (push c chars))))
+ (when chars
+ (a (coerce (rev chars) 'string))))))
+ (mac prf (str . args)
+ `(let ,argsym (list ,@args)
+ (pr ,@(parse-format str))))
+(def load (file)
+ (w/infile f file
+ (w/uniq eof
+ (whiler e (read f eof) eof
+ (eval e)))))
+(def positive (x)
+ (and (number x) (> x 0)))
+(mac w/table (var . body)
+ `(let ,var (table) ,@body ,var))
+(def ero args
+ (w/stdout (stderr)
+ (each a args
+ (write a)
+ (writec #\space))
+ (writec #\newline))
+ (car args))
+(def queue () (list nil nil 0))
+; Despite call to atomic, once had some sign this wasn't thread-safe.
+; Keep an eye on it.
+(def enq (obj q)
+ (atomic
+ (++ (q 2))
+ (if (no (car q))
+ (= (cadr q) (= (car q) (list obj)))
+ (= (cdr (cadr q)) (list obj)
+ (cadr q) (cdr (cadr q))))
+ (car q)))
+(def deq (q)
+ (atomic (unless (is (q 2) 0) (-- (q 2)))
+ (pop (car q))))
+; Should redef len to do this, and make queues lists annotated queue.
+(def qlen (q) (q 2))
+(def qlist (q) (car q))
+(def enq-limit (val q (o limit 1000))
+ (atomic
+ (unless (< (qlen q) limit)
+ (deq q))
+ (enq val q)))
+(def median (ns)
+ ((sort > ns) (trunc (/ (len ns) 2))))
+(mac noisy-each (n var val . body)
+ (w/uniq (gn gc)
+ `(with (,gn ,n ,gc 0)
+ (each ,var ,val
+ (when (multiple (++ ,gc) ,gn)
+ (pr ".")
+ (flushout)
+ )
+ ,@body)
+ (prn)
+ (flushout))))
+(mac point (name . body)
+ (w/uniq (g p)
+ `(ccc (fn (,g)
+ (let ,name (fn ((o ,p)) (,g ,p))
+ ,@body)))))
+(mac catch body
+ `(point throw ,@body))
+(def downcase (x)
+ (let downc (fn (c)
+ (let n (coerce c 'int)
+ (if (or (< 64 n 91) (< 191 n 215) (< 215 n 223))
+ (coerce (+ n 32) 'char)
+ c)))
+ (case (type x)
+ string (map downc x)
+ char (downc x)
+ sym (sym (map downc (coerce x 'string)))
+ (err "Can't downcase" x))))
+(def upcase (x)
+ (let upc (fn (c)
+ (let n (coerce c 'int)
+ (if (or (< 96 n 123) (< 223 n 247) (< 247 n 255))
+ (coerce (- n 32) 'char)
+ c)))
+ (case (type x)
+ string (map upc x)
+ char (upc x)
+ sym (sym (map upc (coerce x 'string)))
+ (err "Can't upcase" x))))
+(def inc (x (o n 1))
+ (coerce (+ (coerce x 'int) n) (type x)))
+(def range (start end)
+ (if (> start end)
+ nil
+ (cons start (range (inc start) end))))
+(def mismatch (s1 s2)
+ (catch
+ (on c s1
+ (when (isnt c (s2 index))
+ (throw index)))))
+(def memtable (ks)
+ (let h (table)
+ (each k ks (set (h k)))
+ h))
+(= bar* " | ")
+(mac w/bars body
+ (w/uniq (out needbars)
+ `(let ,needbars nil
+ (do ,@(map (fn (e)
+ `(let ,out (tostring ,e)
+ (unless (is ,out "")
+ (if ,needbars
+ (pr bar* ,out)
+ (do (set ,needbars)
+ (pr ,out))))))
+ body)))))
+(def len< (x n) (< (len x) n))
+(def len> (x n) (> (len x) n))
+(mac thread body
+ `(new-thread (fn () ,@body)))
+(mac trav (x . fs)
+ (w/uniq g
+ `((afn (,g)
+ (when ,g
+ ,@(map [list _ g] fs)))
+ ,x)))
+(mac or= (place expr)
+ (let (binds val setter) (setforms place)
+ `(atwiths ,binds
+ (or ,val (,setter ,expr)))))
+(= hooks* (table))
+(def hook (name . args)
+ (aif (hooks* name) (apply it args)))
+(mac defhook (name . rest)
+ `(= (hooks* ',name) (fn ,@rest)))
+(mac out (expr) `(pr ,(tostring (eval expr))))
+; if renamed this would be more natural for (map [_ user] pagefns*)
+(def get (index) [_ index])
+(= savers* (table))
+(mac fromdisk (var file init load save)
+ (w/uniq (gf gv)
+ `(unless (bound ',var)
+ (do1 (= ,var (iflet ,gf (file-exists ,file)
+ (,load ,gf)
+ ,init))
+ (= (savers* ',var) (fn (,gv) (,save ,gv ,file)))))))
+(mac diskvar (var file)
+ `(fromdisk ,var ,file nil readfile1 writefile))
+(mac disktable (var file)
+ `(fromdisk ,var ,file (table) load-table save-table))
+(mac todisk (var (o expr var))
+ `((savers* ',var)
+ ,(if (is var expr) var `(= ,var ,expr))))
+(mac evtil (expr test)
+ (w/uniq gv
+ `(let ,gv ,expr
+ (while (no (,test ,gv))
+ (= ,gv ,expr))
+ ,gv)))
+(def rand-key (h)
+ (if (empty h)
+ nil
+ (let n (rand (len h))
+ (catch
+ (each (k v) h
+ (when (is (-- n) -1)
+ (throw k)))))))
+(def ratio (test xs)
+ (if (empty xs)
+ 0
+ (/ (count test xs) (len xs))))
+; any logical reason I can't say (push x (if foo y z)) ?
+; eval would have to always ret 2 things, the val and where it came from
+; idea: implicit tables of tables; setf empty field, becomes table
+; or should setf on a table just take n args?
+; idea: use constants in functional position for currying?
+; (1 foo) would mean (fn args (apply foo 1 args))
+; another solution would be to declare certain symbols curryable, and
+; if > was, >_10 would mean [> _ 10]
+; or just say what the hell and make _ ssyntax for currying
+; idea: make >10 ssyntax for [> _ 10]
+; solution to the "problem" of improper lists: allow any atom as a list
+; terminator, not just nil. means list recursion should terminate on
+; atom rather than nil, (def empty (x) (or (atom x) (is x "")))
+; table should be able to take an optional initial-value. handle in sref.
+; warn about code of form (if (= )) -- probably mean is
+; warn when a fn has a parm that's already defined as a macro.
+; (def foo (after) (after))
+; idea: a fn (nothing) that returns a special gensym which is ignored
+; by map, so can use map in cases when don't want all the vals
+; idea: anaph macro so instead of (aand x y) say (anaph and x y)
+; idea:!baz as an abbrev for (foo bar 'baz)
+; or something a bit more semantic?
+; could uniq be (def uniq () (annotate 'symbol (list 'u))) again?
+; idea: use x- for (car x) and -x for (cdr x) (but what about math -?)
+; idea: get rid of strings and just use symbols
+; could a string be (#\a #\b . "") ?
+; better err msg when , outside of a bq
+; idea: parameter (p foo) means in body foo is (pair arg)
+; idea: make ('string x) equiv to (coerce x 'string) ? or isa?
+; quoted atoms in car valuable unused semantic space
+; idea: if (defun foo (x y) ...), make (foo 1) return (fn (y) (foo 1 y))
+; probably would lead to lots of errors when call with missing args
+; but would be really dense with . notation, (foo.1 2)
+; or use special ssyntax for currying: (foo@1 2)
+; remember, can also double; could use foo::bar to mean something
+; wild idea: inline defs for repetitive code
+; same args as fn you're in
+; variant of compose where first fn only applied to first arg?
+; (> (len x) y) means (>+len x y)
+; use ssyntax underscore for a var?
+; foo_bar means [foo _ bar]
+; what does foo:_:bar mean?
+; matchcase
+; idea: atable that binds it to table, assumes input is a list
+; crazy that finding the top 100 nos takes so long:
+; (let bb (n-of 1000 (rand 50)) (time10 (bestn 100 > bb)))
+; time: 2237 msec. -> now down to 850 msec
diff --git a/as.scm b/as.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..409a9fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/as.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+; mzscheme -m -f as.scm
+; (tl)
+; (asv)
+; http://localhost:8080
+(require mzscheme) ; promise we won't redefine mzscheme bindings
+(require "ac.scm")
+(require "brackets.scm")
+(aload "arc.arc")
+(aload "libs.arc")
diff --git a/blog.arc b/blog.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..211dd63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blog.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+; Blog tool example. 20 Jan 08, rev 21 May 09.
+; To run:
+; arc> (load "blog.arc")
+; arc> (bsv)
+; go to http://localhost:8080/blog
+(= postdir* "arc/posts/" maxid* 0 posts* (table))
+(= blogtitle* "A Blog")
+(deftem post id nil title nil text nil)
+(def load-posts ()
+ (each id (map int (dir postdir*))
+ (= maxid* (max maxid* id)
+ (posts* id) (temload 'post (string postdir* id)))))
+(def save-post (p) (save-table p (string postdir* p!id)))
+(def post (id) (posts* (errsafe:int id)))
+(mac blogpage body
+ `(whitepage
+ (center
+ (widtable 600
+ (tag b (link blogtitle* "blog"))
+ (br 3)
+ ,@body
+ (br 3)
+ (w/bars (link "archive")
+ (link "new post" "newpost"))))))
+(defop viewpost req (blogop post-page req))
+(def blogop (f req)
+ (aif (post (arg req "id"))
+ (f (get-user req) it)
+ (blogpage (pr "No such post."))))
+(def permalink (p) (string "viewpost?id=" p!id))
+(def post-page (user p) (blogpage (display-post user p)))
+(def display-post (user p)
+ (tag b (link p!title (permalink p)))
+ (when user
+ (sp)
+ (link "[edit]" (string "editpost?id=" p!id)))
+ (br2)
+ (pr p!text))
+(defopl newpost req
+ (whitepage
+ (aform [let u (get-user _)
+ (post-page u (addpost u (arg _ "t") (arg _ "b")))]
+ (tab (row "title" (input "t" "" 60))
+ (row "text" (textarea "b" 10 80))
+ (row "" (submit))))))
+(def addpost (user title text)
+ (let p (inst 'post 'id (++ maxid*) 'title title 'text text)
+ (save-post p)
+ (= (posts* p!id) p)))
+(defopl editpost req (blogop edit-page req))
+(def edit-page (user p)
+ (whitepage
+ (vars-form user
+ `((string title ,p!title t t) (text text ,p!text t t))
+ (fn (name val) (= (p name) val))
+ (fn () (save-post p)
+ (post-page user p)))))
+(defop archive req
+ (blogpage
+ (tag ul
+ (each p (map post (rev (range 1 maxid*)))
+ (tag li (link p!title (permalink p)))))))
+(defop blog req
+ (let user (get-user req)
+ (blogpage
+ (for i 0 4
+ (awhen (posts* (- maxid* i))
+ (display-post user it)
+ (br 3))))))
+(def bsv ()
+ (ensure-dir postdir*)
+ (load-posts)
+ (asv))
diff --git a/brackets.scm b/brackets.scm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa52a53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/brackets.scm
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+; From Eli Barzilay,
+;> (require "brackets.scm")
+;> (use-bracket-readtable)
+;> ([+ _ 1] 10)
+(module brackets mzscheme
+; main reader function for []s
+; recursive read starts with default readtable's [ parser,
+; but nested reads still use the curent readtable:
+(define (read-square-brackets ch port src line col pos)
+ `(fn (_)
+ ,(read/recursive port #\[ #f)))
+; a readtable that is just like the builtin except for []s
+(define bracket-readtable
+ (make-readtable #f #\[ 'terminating-macro read-square-brackets))
+; call this to set the global readtable
+(provide use-bracket-readtable)
+(define (use-bracket-readtable)
+ (current-readtable bracket-readtable))
+; these two implement the required functionality for #reader
+;(define (*read inp)
+; (parameterize ((current-readtable bracket-readtable))
+; (read inp)))
+(define (*read . args)
+ (parameterize ((current-readtable bracket-readtable))
+ (read (if (null? args) (current-input-port) (car args)))))
+(define (*read-syntax src port)
+ (parameterize ((current-readtable bracket-readtable))
+ (read-syntax src port)))
+; and the need to be provided as `read' and `read-syntax'
+(provide (rename *read read) (rename *read-syntax read-syntax))
diff --git a/code.arc b/code.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf1e280
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+; Code analysis. Spun off 21 Dec 07.
+; Ought to do more of this in Arc. One of the biggest advantages
+; of Lisp is messing with code.
+(def codelines (file)
+ (w/infile in file
+ (summing test
+ (whilet line (readline in)
+ (test (aand (find nonwhite line) (isnt it #\;)))))))
+(def codeflat (file)
+ (len (flat (readall (infile file)))))
+(def codetree (file)
+ (treewise + (fn (x) 1) (readall (infile file))))
+(def code-density (file)
+ (/ (codetree file) (codelines file)))
+(def tokcount (files)
+ (let counts (table)
+ (each f files
+ (each token (flat (readall (infile f)))
+ (++ (counts token 0))))
+ counts))
+(def common-tokens (files)
+ (let counts (tokcount files)
+ (let ranking nil
+ (maptable (fn (k v)
+ (unless (nonop k)
+ (insort (compare > cadr) (list k v) ranking)))
+ counts)
+ ranking)))
+(def nonop (x)
+ (in x 'quote 'unquote 'quasiquote 'unquote-splicing))
+(def common-operators (files)
+ (keep [and (isa (car _) 'sym) (bound (car _))] (common-tokens files)))
+(def top40 (xs)
+ (map prn (firstn 40 xs))
+ t)
+(def space-eaters (files)
+ (let counts (tokcount files)
+ (let ranking nil
+ (maptable (fn (k v)
+ (when (and (isa k 'sym) (bound k))
+ (insort (compare > [* (len (string (car _)))
+ (cadr _)])
+ (list k v (* (len (string k)) v))
+ ranking)))
+ counts)
+ ranking)))
+;(top40 (space-eaters allfiles*))
+(mac flatlen args `(len (flat ',args)))
diff --git a/copyright b/copyright
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c608ea0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/copyright
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+This software is copyright (c) Paul Graham and Robert Morris. Permission
+to use it is granted under the Perl Foundations's Artistic License 2.0.
diff --git a/how-to-run-news b/how-to-run-news
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dae9db7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/how-to-run-news
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+To run News:
+tar xvf arc3.1.tar
+cd arc3.1
+mkdir arc
+echo "myname" > arc/admins
+mzscheme -f as.scm
+at the arc prompt:
+(load "news.arc")
+go to http://localhost:8080
+click on login, and create an account called myname
+you should now be logged in as an admin
+manually give at least 10 karma to your initial set of users
+don't worry about "user break" messages when restarting News
+To customize News:
+change the variables at the top of news.arc
+To improve performance:
+(= static-max-age* 7200) ; browsers can cache static files for 7200 sec
+(declare 'direct-calls t) ; you promise not to redefine fns as tables
+(declare 'explicit-flush t) ; you take responsibility for flushing output
+ ; (all existing news code already does)
diff --git a/html.arc b/html.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..981dfaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+; HTML Utils.
+(def color (r g b)
+ (with (c (table)
+ f (fn (x) (if (< x 0) 0 (> x 255) 255 x)))
+ (= (c 'r) (f r) (c 'g) (f g) (c 'b) (f b))
+ c))
+(def dehex (str) (errsafe (coerce str 'int 16)))
+(defmemo hex>color (str)
+ (and (is (len str) 6)
+ (with (r (dehex (cut str 0 2))
+ g (dehex (cut str 2 4))
+ b (dehex (cut str 4 6)))
+ (and r g b
+ (color r g b)))))
+(defmemo gray (n) (color n n n))
+(= white (gray 255)
+ black (gray 0)
+ linkblue (color 0 0 190)
+ orange (color 255 102 0)
+ darkred (color 180 0 0)
+ darkblue (color 0 0 120)
+ )
+(= opmeths* (table))
+(mac opmeth args
+ `(opmeths* (list ,@args)))
+(mac attribute (tag opt f)
+ `(= (opmeths* (list ',tag ',opt)) ,f))
+(= hexreps (table))
+(for i 0 255 (= (hexreps i)
+ (let s (coerce i 'string 16)
+ (if (is (len s) 1) (+ "0" s) s))))
+(defmemo hexrep (col)
+ (+ (hexreps (col 'r)) (hexreps (col 'g)) (hexreps (col 'b))))
+(def opcolor (key val)
+ (w/uniq gv
+ `(whenlet ,gv ,val
+ (pr ,(string " " key "=#") (hexrep ,gv)))))
+(def opstring (key val)
+ `(aif ,val (pr ,(+ " " key "=\"") it #\")))
+(def opnum (key val)
+ `(aif ,val (pr ,(+ " " key "=") it)))
+(def opsym (key val)
+ `(pr ,(+ " " key "=") ,val))
+(def opsel (key val)
+ `(if ,val (pr " selected")))
+(def opcheck (key val)
+ `(if ,val (pr " checked")))
+(def opesc (key val)
+ `(awhen ,val
+ (pr ,(string " " key "=\""))
+ (if (isa it 'string) (pr-escaped it) (pr it))
+ (pr #\")))
+; need to escape more? =?
+(def pr-escaped (x)
+ (each c x
+ (pr (case c #\< "&#60;"
+ #\> "&#62;"
+ #\" "&#34;"
+ #\& "&#38;"
+ c))))
+(attribute a href opstring)
+(attribute a rel opstring)
+(attribute a class opstring)
+(attribute a id opsym)
+(attribute a onclick opstring)
+(attribute body alink opcolor)
+(attribute body bgcolor opcolor)
+(attribute body leftmargin opnum)
+(attribute body link opcolor)
+(attribute body marginheight opnum)
+(attribute body marginwidth opnum)
+(attribute body topmargin opnum)
+(attribute body vlink opcolor)
+(attribute font color opcolor)
+(attribute font face opstring)
+(attribute font size opnum)
+(attribute form action opstring)
+(attribute form method opsym)
+(attribute img align opsym)
+(attribute img border opnum)
+(attribute img height opnum)
+(attribute img width opnum)
+(attribute img vspace opnum)
+(attribute img hspace opnum)
+(attribute img src opstring)
+(attribute input name opstring)
+(attribute input size opnum)
+(attribute input type opsym)
+(attribute input value opesc)
+(attribute input checked opcheck)
+(attribute select name opstring)
+(attribute option selected opsel)
+(attribute table bgcolor opcolor)
+(attribute table border opnum)
+(attribute table cellpadding opnum)
+(attribute table cellspacing opnum)
+(attribute table width opstring)
+(attribute textarea cols opnum)
+(attribute textarea name opstring)
+(attribute textarea rows opnum)
+(attribute textarea wrap opsym)
+(attribute td align opsym)
+(attribute td bgcolor opcolor)
+(attribute td colspan opnum)
+(attribute td width opnum)
+(attribute td valign opsym)
+(attribute td class opstring)
+(attribute tr bgcolor opcolor)
+(attribute hr color opcolor)
+(attribute span class opstring)
+(attribute span align opstring)
+(attribute span id opsym)
+(attribute rss version opstring)
+(mac gentag args (start-tag args))
+(mac tag (spec . body)
+ `(do ,(start-tag spec)
+ ,@body
+ ,(end-tag spec)))
+(mac tag-if (test spec . body)
+ `(if ,test
+ (tag ,spec ,@body)
+ (do ,@body)))
+(def start-tag (spec)
+ (if (atom spec)
+ `(pr ,(string "<" spec ">"))
+ (let opts (tag-options (car spec) (pair (cdr spec)))
+ (if (all [isa _ 'string] opts)
+ `(pr ,(string "<" (car spec) (apply string opts) ">"))
+ `(do (pr ,(string "<" (car spec)))
+ ,@(map (fn (opt)
+ (if (isa opt 'string)
+ `(pr ,opt)
+ opt))
+ opts)
+ (pr ">"))))))
+(def end-tag (spec)
+ `(pr ,(string "</" (carif spec) ">")))
+(def literal (x)
+ (case (type x)
+ sym (in x nil t)
+ cons (caris x 'quote)
+ t))
+; Returns a list whose elements are either strings, which can
+; simply be printed out, or expressions, which when evaluated
+; generate output.
+(def tag-options (spec options)
+ (if (no options)
+ '()
+ (let ((opt val) . rest) options
+ (let meth (if (is opt 'style) opstring (opmeth spec opt))
+ (if meth
+ (if val
+ (cons (if (precomputable-tagopt val)
+ (tostring (eval (meth opt val)))
+ (meth opt val))
+ (tag-options spec rest))
+ (tag-options spec rest))
+ (do
+ (pr "<!-- ignoring " opt " for " spec "-->")
+ (tag-options spec rest)))))))
+(def precomputable-tagopt (val)
+ (and (literal val)
+ (no (and (is (type val) 'string) (find #\@ val)))))
+(def br ((o n 1))
+ (repeat n (pr "<br>"))
+ (prn))
+(def br2 () (prn "<br><br>"))
+(mac center body `(tag center ,@body))
+(mac underline body `(tag u ,@body))
+(mac tab body `(tag (table border 0) ,@body))
+(mac tr body `(tag tr ,@body))
+(let pratoms (fn (body)
+ (if (or (no body)
+ (all [and (acons _) (isnt (car _) 'quote)]
+ body))
+ body
+ `((pr ,@body))))
+ (mac td body `(tag td ,@(pratoms body)))
+ (mac trtd body `(tr (td ,@(pratoms body))))
+ (mac tdr body `(tag (td align 'right) ,@(pratoms body)))
+ (mac tdcolor (col . body) `(tag (td bgcolor ,col) ,@(pratoms body)))
+(mac row args
+ `(tr ,@(map [list 'td _] args)))
+(mac prrow args
+ (w/uniq g
+ `(tr ,@(map (fn (a)
+ `(let ,g ,a
+ (if (number ,g)
+ (tdr (pr ,g))
+ (td (pr ,g)))))
+ args))))
+(mac prbold body `(tag b (pr ,@body)))
+(def para args
+ (gentag p)
+ (when args (apply pr args)))
+(def menu (name items (o sel nil))
+ (tag (select name name)
+ (each i items
+ (tag (option selected (is i sel))
+ (pr i)))))
+(mac whitepage body
+ `(tag html
+ (tag (body bgcolor white alink linkblue) ,@body)))
+(def errpage args (whitepage (apply prn args)))
+(def blank-url () "s.gif")
+; Could memoize these.
+; If h = 0, doesn't affect table column widths in some Netscapes.
+(def hspace (n) (gentag img src (blank-url) height 1 width n))
+(def vspace (n) (gentag img src (blank-url) height n width 0))
+(def vhspace (h w) (gentag img src (blank-url) height h width w))
+(mac new-hspace (n)
+ (if (number n)
+ `(pr ,(string "<span style=\"padding-left:" n "px\" />"))
+ `(pr "<span style=\"padding-left:" ,n "px\" />")))
+;(def spacerow (h) (tr (td (vspace h))))
+(def spacerow (h) (pr "<tr style=\"height:" h "px\"></tr>"))
+; For use as nested table.
+(mac zerotable body
+ `(tag (table border 0 cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0)
+ ,@body))
+; was `(tag (table border 0 cellpadding 0 cellspacing 7) ,@body)
+(mac sptab body
+ `(tag (table style "border-spacing: 7px 0px;") ,@body))
+(mac widtable (w . body)
+ `(tag (table width ,w) (tr (td ,@body))))
+(def cellpr (x) (pr (or x "&nbsp;")))
+(def but ((o text "submit") (o name nil))
+ (gentag input type 'submit name name value text))
+(def submit ((o val "submit"))
+ (gentag input type 'submit value val))
+(def buts (name . texts)
+ (if (no texts)
+ (but)
+ (do (but (car texts) name)
+ (each text (cdr texts)
+ (pr " ")
+ (but text name)))))
+(mac spanrow (n . body)
+ `(tr (tag (td colspan ,n) ,@body)))
+(mac form (action . body)
+ `(tag (form method "post" action ,action) ,@body))
+(mac textarea (name rows cols . body)
+ `(tag (textarea name ,name rows ,rows cols ,cols) ,@body))
+(def input (name (o val "") (o size 10))
+ (gentag input type 'text name name value val size size))
+(mac inputs args
+ `(tag (table border 0)
+ ,@(map (fn ((name label len text))
+ (w/uniq (gl gt)
+ `(let ,gl ,len
+ (tr (td (pr ',label ":"))
+ (if (isa ,gl 'cons)
+ (td (textarea ',name (car ,gl) (cadr ,gl)
+ (let ,gt ,text (if ,gt (pr ,gt)))))
+ (td (gentag input type ',(if (is label 'password)
+ 'password
+ 'text)
+ name ',name
+ size ,len
+ value ,text)))))))
+ (tuples args 4))))
+(def single-input (label name chars btext (o pwd))
+ (pr label)
+ (gentag input type (if pwd 'password 'text) name name size chars)
+ (sp)
+ (submit btext))
+(mac cdata body
+ `(do (pr "<![CDATA[")
+ ,@body
+ (pr "]]>")))
+(def eschtml (str)
+ (tostring
+ (each c str
+ (pr (case c #\< "&#60;"
+ #\> "&#62;"
+ #\" "&#34;"
+ #\' "&#39;"
+ #\& "&#38;"
+ c)))))
+(def esc-tags (str)
+ (tostring
+ (each c str
+ (pr (case c #\< "&#60;"
+ #\> "&#62;"
+ #\& "&#38;"
+ c)))))
+(def nbsp () (pr "&nbsp;"))
+(def link (text (o dest text) (o color))
+ (tag (a href dest)
+ (tag-if color (font color color)
+ (pr text))))
+(def underlink (text (o dest text))
+ (tag (a href dest) (tag u (pr text))))
+(def striptags (s)
+ (let intag nil
+ (tostring
+ (each c s
+ (if (is c #\<) (set intag)
+ (is c #\>) (wipe intag)
+ (no intag) (pr c))))))
+(def clean-url (u)
+ (rem [in _ #\" #\' #\< #\>] u))
+(def shortlink (url)
+ (unless (or (no url) (< (len url) 7))
+ (link (cut url 7) url)))
+; this should be one regexp
+(def parafy (str)
+ (let ink nil
+ (tostring
+ (each c str
+ (pr c)
+ (unless (whitec c) (set ink))
+ (when (is c #\newline)
+ (unless ink (pr "<p>"))
+ (wipe ink))))))
+(mac spanclass (name . body)
+ `(tag (span class ',name) ,@body))
+(def pagemessage (text)
+ (when text (prn text) (br2)))
+; Could be stricter. Memoized because looking for chars in Unicode
+; strings is terribly inefficient in Mzscheme.
+(defmemo valid-url (url)
+ (and (len> url 10)
+ (or (begins url "http://")
+ (begins url "https://"))
+ (~find [in _ #\< #\> #\" #\'] url)))
+(mac fontcolor (c . body)
+ (w/uniq g
+ `(let ,g ,c
+ (if ,g
+ (tag (font color ,g) ,@body)
+ (do ,@body)))))
diff --git a/libs.arc b/libs.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68b5d9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(map load '("strings.arc"
+ "pprint.arc"
+ "code.arc"
+ "html.arc"
+ "srv.arc"
+ "app.arc"
+ "prompt.arc"))
diff --git a/news.arc b/news.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e837d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/news.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,2617 @@
+; News. 2 Sep 06.
+; to run news: (nsv), then go to http://localhost:8080
+; put usernames of admins, separated by whitespace, in arc/admins
+; bug: somehow (+ votedir* nil) is getting evaluated.
+(declare 'atstrings t)
+(= this-site* "My Forum"
+ site-url* ""
+ parent-url* ""
+ favicon-url* ""
+ site-desc* "What this site is about." ; for rss feed
+ site-color* (color 180 180 180)
+ border-color* (color 180 180 180)
+ prefer-url* t)
+; Structures
+; Could add (html) types like choice, yesno to profile fields. But not
+; as part of deftem, which is defstruct. Need another mac on top of
+; deftem. Should not need the type specs in user-fields.
+(deftem profile
+ id nil
+ name nil
+ created (seconds)
+ auth 0
+ member nil
+ submitted nil
+ votes nil ; for now just recent, elts each (time id by sitename dir)
+ karma 1
+ avg nil
+ weight .5
+ ignore nil
+ email nil
+ about nil
+ showdead nil
+ noprocrast nil
+ firstview nil
+ lastview nil
+ maxvisit 20
+ minaway 180
+ topcolor nil
+ keys nil
+ delay 0)
+(deftem item
+ id nil
+ type nil
+ by nil
+ ip nil
+ time (seconds)
+ url nil
+ title nil
+ text nil
+ votes nil ; elts each (time ip user type score)
+ score 0
+ sockvotes 0
+ flags nil
+ dead nil
+ deleted nil
+ parts nil
+ parent nil
+ kids nil
+ keys nil)
+; Load and Save
+(= newsdir* "arc/news/"
+ storydir* "arc/news/story/"
+ profdir* "arc/news/profile/"
+ votedir* "arc/news/vote/")
+(= votes* (table) profs* (table))
+(= initload-users* nil)
+(def nsv ((o port 8080))
+ (map ensure-dir (list arcdir* newsdir* storydir* votedir* profdir*))
+ (unless stories* (load-items))
+ (if (and initload-users* (empty profs*)) (load-users))
+ (asv port))
+(def load-users ()
+ (pr "load users: ")
+ (noisy-each 100 id (dir profdir*)
+ (load-user id)))
+; For some reason vote files occasionally get written out in a
+; broken way. The nature of the errors (random missing or extra
+; chars) suggests the bug is lower-level than anything in Arc.
+; Which unfortunately means all lists written to disk are probably
+; vulnerable to it, since that's all save-table does.
+(def load-user (u)
+ (= (votes* u) (load-table (+ votedir* u))
+ (profs* u) (temload 'profile (+ profdir* u)))
+ u)
+; Have to check goodname because some user ids come from http requests.
+; So this is like safe-item. Don't need a sep fn there though.
+(def profile (u)
+ (or (profs* u)
+ (aand (goodname u)
+ (file-exists (+ profdir* u))
+ (= (profs* u) (temload 'profile it)))))
+(def votes (u)
+ (or (votes* u)
+ (aand (file-exists (+ votedir* u))
+ (= (votes* u) (load-table it)))))
+(def init-user (u)
+ (= (votes* u) (table)
+ (profs* u) (inst 'profile 'id u))
+ (save-votes u)
+ (save-prof u)
+ u)
+; Need this because can create users on the server (for other apps)
+; without setting up places to store their state as news users.
+; See the admin op in app.arc. So all calls to login-page from the
+; news app need to call this in the after-login fn.
+(def ensure-news-user (u)
+ (if (profile u) u (init-user u)))
+(def save-votes (u) (save-table (votes* u) (+ votedir* u)))
+(def save-prof (u) (save-table (profs* u) (+ profdir* u)))
+(mac uvar (u k) `((profile ,u) ',k))
+(mac karma (u) `(uvar ,u karma))
+(mac ignored (u) `(uvar ,u ignore))
+; Note that users will now only consider currently loaded users.
+(def users ((o f idfn))
+ (keep f (keys profs*)))
+(def check-key (u k)
+ (and u (mem k (uvar u keys))))
+(def author (u i) (is u i!by))
+(= stories* nil comments* nil
+ items* (table) url->story* (table)
+ maxid* 0 initload* 15000)
+; The dir expression yields stories in order of file creation time
+; (because arc infile truncates), so could just rev the list instead of
+; sorting, but sort anyway.
+; Note that stories* etc only include the initloaded (i.e. recent)
+; ones, plus those created since this server process started.
+; Could be smarter about preloading by keeping track of popular pages.
+(def load-items ()
+ (system (+ "rm " storydir* "*.tmp"))
+ (pr "load items: ")
+ (with (items (table)
+ ids (sort > (map int (dir storydir*))))
+ (if ids (= maxid* (car ids)))
+ (noisy-each 100 id (firstn initload* ids)
+ (let i (load-item id)
+ (push i (items i!type))))
+ (= stories* (rev (merge (compare < !id) items!story items!poll))
+ comments* (rev items!comment))
+ (hook 'initload items))
+ (ensure-topstories))
+(def ensure-topstories ()
+ (aif (errsafe (readfile1 (+ newsdir* "topstories")))
+ (= ranked-stories* (map item it))
+ (do (prn "ranking stories.")
+ (flushout)
+ (gen-topstories))))
+(def astory (i) (is i!type 'story))
+(def acomment (i) (is i!type 'comment))
+(def apoll (i) (is i!type 'poll))
+(def load-item (id)
+ (let i (temload 'item (+ storydir* id))
+ (= (items* id) i)
+ (awhen (and (astory&live i) (check i!url ~blank))
+ (register-url i it))
+ i))
+; Note that duplicates are only prevented of items that have at some
+; point been loaded.
+(def register-url (i url)
+ (= (url->story* (canonical-url url)) i!id))
+; redefined later
+(= stemmable-sites* (table))
+(def canonical-url (url)
+ (if (stemmable-sites* (sitename url))
+ (cut url 0 (pos #\? url))
+ url))
+(def new-item-id ()
+ (evtil (++ maxid*) [~file-exists (+ storydir* _)]))
+(def item (id)
+ (or (items* id) (errsafe:load-item id)))
+(def kids (i) (map item i!kids))
+; For use on external item references (from urls). Checks id is int
+; because people try e.g. item?id=363/blank.php
+(def safe-item (id)
+ (ok-id&item (if (isa id 'string) (saferead id) id)))
+(def ok-id (id)
+ (and (exact id) (<= 1 id maxid*)))
+(def arg->item (req key)
+ (safe-item:saferead (arg req key)))
+(def live (i) (nor i!dead i!deleted))
+(def save-item (i) (save-table i (+ storydir* i!id)))
+(def kill (i how)
+ (unless i!dead
+ (log-kill i how)
+ (wipe (comment-cache* i!id))
+ (set i!dead)
+ (save-item i)))
+(= kill-log* nil)
+(def log-kill (i how)
+ (push (list i!id how) kill-log*))
+(mac each-loaded-item (var . body)
+ (w/uniq g
+ `(let ,g nil
+ (loop (= ,g maxid*) (> ,g 0) (-- ,g)
+ (whenlet ,var (items* ,g)
+ ,@body)))))
+(def loaded-items (test)
+ (accum a (each-loaded-item i (test&a i))))
+(def newslog args (apply srvlog 'news args))
+; Ranking
+; Votes divided by the age in hours to the gravityth power.
+; Would be interesting to scale gravity in a slider.
+(= gravity* 1.8 timebase* 120 front-threshold* 1
+ nourl-factor* .4 lightweight-factor* .3 )
+(def frontpage-rank (s (o scorefn realscore) (o gravity gravity*))
+ (* (/ (let base (- (scorefn s) 1)
+ (if (> base 0) (expt base .8) base))
+ (expt (/ (+ (item-age s) timebase*) 60) gravity))
+ (if (no (in s!type 'story 'poll)) .5
+ (blank s!url) nourl-factor*
+ (lightweight s) (min lightweight-factor*
+ (contro-factor s))
+ (contro-factor s))))
+(def contro-factor (s)
+ (aif (check (visible-family nil s) [> _ 20])
+ (min 1 (expt (/ (realscore s) it) 2))
+ 1))
+(def realscore (i) (- i!score i!sockvotes))
+(disktable lightweights* (+ newsdir* "lightweights"))
+(def lightweight (s)
+ (or s!dead
+ (mem 'rally s!keys) ; title is a rallying cry
+ (mem 'image s!keys) ; post is mainly image(s)
+ (lightweights* (sitename s!url))
+ (lightweight-url s!url)))
+(defmemo lightweight-url (url)
+ (in (downcase (last (tokens url #\.))) "png" "jpg" "jpeg"))
+(def item-age (i) (minutes-since i!time))
+(def user-age (u) (minutes-since (uvar u created)))
+; Only looks at the 1000 most recent stories, which might one day be a
+; problem if there is massive spam.
+(def gen-topstories ()
+ (= ranked-stories* (rank-stories 180 1000 (memo frontpage-rank))))
+(def save-topstories ()
+ (writefile (map !id (firstn 180 ranked-stories*))
+ (+ newsdir* "topstories")))
+(def rank-stories (n consider scorefn)
+ (bestn n (compare > scorefn) (latest-items metastory nil consider)))
+; With virtual lists the above call to latest-items could be simply:
+; (map item (retrieve consider metastory:item (gen maxid* [- _ 1])))
+(def latest-items (test (o stop) (o n))
+ (accum a
+ (catch
+ (down id maxid* 1
+ (let i (item id)
+ (if (or (and stop (stop i)) (and n (<= n 0)))
+ (throw))
+ (when (test i)
+ (a i)
+ (if n (-- n))))))))
+; redefined later
+(def metastory (i) (and i (in i!type 'story 'poll)))
+(def adjust-rank (s (o scorefn frontpage-rank))
+ (insortnew (compare > (memo scorefn)) s ranked-stories*)
+ (save-topstories))
+; If something rose high then stopped getting votes, its score would
+; decline but it would stay near the top. Newly inserted stories would
+; thus get stuck in front of it. I avoid this by regularly adjusting
+; the rank of a random top story.
+(defbg rerank-random 30 (rerank-random))
+(def rerank-random ()
+ (when ranked-stories*
+ (adjust-rank (ranked-stories* (rand (min 50 (len ranked-stories*)))))))
+(def topstories (user n (o threshold front-threshold*))
+ (retrieve n
+ [and (>= (realscore _) threshold) (cansee user _)]
+ ranked-stories*))
+(= max-delay* 10)
+(def cansee (user i)
+ (if i!deleted (admin user)
+ i!dead (or (author user i) (seesdead user))
+ (delayed i) (author user i)
+ t))
+(let mature (table)
+ (def delayed (i)
+ (and (no (mature i!id))
+ (acomment i)
+ (or (< (item-age i) (min max-delay* (uvar i!by delay)))
+ (do (set (mature i!id))
+ nil)))))
+(def seesdead (user)
+ (or (and user (uvar user showdead) (no (ignored user)))
+ (editor user)))
+(def visible (user is)
+ (keep [cansee user _] is))
+(def cansee-descendant (user c)
+ (or (cansee user c)
+ (some [cansee-descendant user (item _)]
+ c!kids)))
+(def editor (u)
+ (and u (or (admin u) (> (uvar u auth) 0))))
+(def member (u)
+ (and u (or (admin u) (uvar u member))))
+; Page Layout
+(= up-url* "grayarrow.gif" down-url* "graydown.gif" logo-url* "arc.png")
+(defopr favicon.ico req favicon-url*)
+; redefined later
+(def gen-css-url ()
+ (prn "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"news.css\">"))
+(mac npage (title . body)
+ `(tag html
+ (tag head
+ (gen-css-url)
+ (prn "<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"" favicon-url* "\">")
+ (tag script (pr votejs*))
+ (tag title (pr ,title)))
+ (tag body
+ (center
+ (tag (table border 0 cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0 width "85%"
+ bgcolor sand)
+ ,@body)))))
+(= pagefns* nil)
+(mac fulltop (user lid label title whence . body)
+ (w/uniq (gu gi gl gt gw)
+ `(with (,gu ,user ,gi ,lid ,gl ,label ,gt ,title ,gw ,whence)
+ (npage (+ this-site* (if ,gt (+ bar* ,gt) ""))
+ (if (check-procrast ,gu)
+ (do (pagetop 'full ,gi ,gl ,gt ,gu ,gw)
+ (hook 'page ,gu ,gl)
+ ,@body)
+ (row (procrast-msg ,gu ,gw)))))))
+(mac longpage (user t1 lid label title whence . body)
+ (w/uniq (gu gt gi)
+ `(with (,gu ,user ,gt ,t1 ,gi ,lid)
+ (fulltop ,gu ,gi ,label ,title ,whence
+ (trtd ,@body)
+ (trtd (vspace 10)
+ (color-stripe (main-color ,gu))
+ (br)
+ (center
+ (hook 'longfoot)
+ (admin-bar ,gu (- (msec) ,gt) ,whence)))))))
+(def admin-bar (user elapsed whence)
+ (when (admin user)
+ (br2)
+ (w/bars
+ (pr (len items*) "/" maxid* " loaded")
+ (pr (round (/ (memory) 1000000)) " mb")
+ (pr elapsed " msec")
+ (link "settings" "newsadmin")
+ (hook 'admin-bar user whence))))
+(def color-stripe (c)
+ (tag (table width "100%" cellspacing 0 cellpadding 1)
+ (tr (tdcolor c))))
+(mac shortpage (user lid label title whence . body)
+ `(fulltop ,user ,lid ,label ,title ,whence
+ (trtd ,@body)))
+(mac minipage (label . body)
+ `(npage (+ this-site* bar* ,label)
+ (pagetop nil nil ,label)
+ (trtd ,@body)))
+(def msgpage (user msg (o title))
+ (minipage (or title "Message")
+ (spanclass admin
+ (center (if (len> msg 80)
+ (widtable 500 msg)
+ (pr msg))))
+ (br2)))
+(= (max-age* 'news.css) 86400) ; cache css in browser for 1 day
+; turn off server caching via (= caching* 0) or won't see changes
+(defop news.css req
+ (pr "
+body { font-family:Verdana; font-size:10pt; color:#828282; }
+td { font-family:Verdana; font-size:10pt; color:#828282; }
+.admin td { font-family:Verdana; font-size:8.5pt; color:#000000; }
+.subtext td { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 7pt; color:#828282; }
+input { font-family:Courier; font-size:10pt; color:#000000; }
+input[type=\"submit\"] { font-family:Verdana; }
+textarea { font-family:Courier; font-size:10pt; color:#000000; }
+a:link { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; }
+a:visited { color:#828282; text-decoration:none; }
+.default { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 10pt; color:#828282; }
+.admin { font-family:Verdana; font-size:8.5pt; color:#000000; }
+.title { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 10pt; color:#828282; }
+.adtitle { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 9pt; color:#828282; }
+.subtext { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 7pt; color:#828282; }
+.yclinks { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 8pt; color:#828282; }
+.pagetop { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 10pt; color:#222222; }
+.comhead { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 8pt; color:#828282; }
+.comment { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 9pt; }
+.dead { font-family:Verdana; font-size: 9pt; color:#dddddd; }
+.comment a:link, .comment a:visited { text-decoration:underline;}
+.dead a:link, .dead a:visited { color:#dddddd; }
+.pagetop a:visited { color:#000000;}
+.topsel a:link, .topsel a:visited { color:#ffffff; }
+.subtext a:link, .subtext a:visited { color:#828282; }
+.subtext a:hover { text-decoration:underline; }
+.comhead a:link, .subtext a:visited { color:#828282; }
+.comhead a:hover { text-decoration:underline; }
+.default p { margin-top: 8px; margin-bottom: 0px; }
+.pagebreak {page-break-before:always}
+pre { overflow: auto; padding: 2px; max-width:600px; }
+pre:hover {overflow:auto} "))
+; only need pre padding because of a bug in Mac Firefox
+; Without setting the bottom margin of p tags to 0, 1- and n-para comments
+; have different space at the bottom. This solution suggested by Devin.
+; Really am using p tags wrong (as separators rather than wrappers) and the
+; correct thing to do would be to wrap each para in <p></p>. Then whatever
+; I set the bottom spacing to, it would be the same no matter how many paras
+; in a comment. In this case by setting the bottom spacing of p to 0, I'm
+; making it the same as no p, which is what the first para has.
+; supplied by pb
+;.vote { padding-left:2px; vertical-align:top; }
+;.comment { margin-top:1ex; margin-bottom:1ex; color:black; }
+;.vote IMG { border:0; margin: 3px 2px 3px 2px; }
+;.reply { font-size:smaller; text-decoration:underline !important; }
+(= votejs* "
+function byId(id) {
+ return document.getElementById(id);
+function vote(node) {
+ var v =; // {'up', '123'}
+ var item = v[1];
+ // adjust score
+ var score = byId('score_' + item);
+ var newscore = parseInt(score.innerHTML) + (v[0] == 'up' ? 1 : -1);
+ score.innerHTML = newscore + (newscore == 1 ? ' point' : ' points');
+ // hide arrows
+ byId('up_' + item).style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ byId('down_' + item).style.visibility = 'hidden';
+ // ping server
+ var ping = new Image();
+ ping.src = node.href;
+ return false; // cancel browser nav
+} ")
+; Page top
+(= sand (color 246 246 239) textgray (gray 130))
+(def main-color (user)
+ (aif (and user (uvar user topcolor))
+ (hex>color it)
+ site-color*))
+(def pagetop (switch lid label (o title) (o user) (o whence))
+; (tr (tdcolor black (vspace 5)))
+ (tr (tdcolor (main-color user)
+ (tag (table border 0 cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0 width "100%"
+ style "padding:2px")
+ (tr (gen-logo)
+ (when (is switch 'full)
+ (tag (td style "line-height:12pt; height:10px;")
+ (spanclass pagetop
+ (tag b (link this-site* "news"))
+ (hspace 10)
+ (toprow user label))))
+ (if (is switch 'full)
+ (tag (td style "text-align:right;padding-right:4px;")
+ (spanclass pagetop (topright user whence)))
+ (tag (td style "line-height:12pt; height:10px;")
+ (spanclass pagetop (prbold label))))))))
+ (map [_ user] pagefns*)
+ (spacerow 10))
+(def gen-logo ()
+ (tag (td style "width:18px;padding-right:4px")
+ (tag (a href parent-url*)
+ (tag (img src logo-url* width 18 height 18
+ style "border:1px #@(hexrep border-color*) solid;")))))
+(= toplabels* '(nil "welcome" "new" "threads" "comments" "leaders" "*"))
+; redefined later
+(= welcome-url* "welcome")
+(def toprow (user label)
+ (w/bars
+ (when (noob user)
+ (toplink "welcome" welcome-url* label))
+ (toplink "new" "newest" label)
+ (when user
+ (toplink "threads" (threads-url user) label))
+ (toplink "comments" "newcomments" label)
+ (toplink "leaders" "leaders" label)
+ (hook 'toprow user label)
+ (link "submit")
+ (unless (mem label toplabels*)
+ (fontcolor white (pr label)))))
+(def toplink (name dest label)
+ (tag-if (is name label) (span class 'topsel)
+ (link name dest)))
+(def topright (user whence (o showkarma t))
+ (when user
+ (userlink user user nil)
+ (when showkarma (pr "&nbsp;(@(karma user))"))
+ (pr "&nbsp;|&nbsp;"))
+ (if user
+ (rlinkf 'logout (req)
+ (when-umatch/r user req
+ (logout-user user)
+ whence))
+ (onlink "login"
+ (login-page 'both nil
+ (list (fn (u ip)
+ (ensure-news-user u)
+ (newslog ip u 'top-login))
+ whence)))))
+(def noob (user)
+ (and user (< (days-since (uvar user created)) 1)))
+; News-Specific Defop Variants
+(mac defopt (name parm test msg . body)
+ `(defop ,name ,parm
+ (if (,test (get-user ,parm))
+ (do ,@body)
+ (login-page 'both (+ "Please log in" ,msg ".")
+ (list (fn (u ip) (ensure-news-user u))
+ (string ',name (reassemble-args ,parm)))))))
+(mac defopg (name parm . body)
+ `(defopt ,name ,parm idfn "" ,@body))
+(mac defope (name parm . body)
+ `(defopt ,name ,parm editor " as an editor" ,@body))
+(mac defopa (name parm . body)
+ `(defopt ,name ,parm admin " as an administrator" ,@body))
+(mac opexpand (definer name parms . body)
+ (w/uniq gr
+ `(,definer ,name ,gr
+ (with (user (get-user ,gr) ip (,gr 'ip))
+ (with ,(and parms (mappend [list _ (list 'arg gr (string _))]
+ parms))
+ (newslog ip user ',name ,@parms)
+ ,@body)))))
+(= newsop-names* nil)
+(mac newsop args
+ `(do (pushnew ',(car args) newsop-names*)
+ (opexpand defop ,@args)))
+(mac adop (name parms . body)
+ (w/uniq g
+ `(opexpand defopa ,name ,parms
+ (let ,g (string ',name)
+ (shortpage user nil ,g ,g ,g
+ ,@body)))))
+(mac edop (name parms . body)
+ (w/uniq g
+ `(opexpand defope ,name ,parms
+ (let ,g (string ',name)
+ (shortpage user nil ,g ,g ,g
+ ,@body)))))
+; News Admin
+(defopa newsadmin req
+ (let user (get-user req)
+ (newslog req!ip user 'newsadmin)
+ (newsadmin-page user)))
+; Note that caching* is reset to val in source when restart server.
+(def nad-fields ()
+ `((num caching ,caching* t t)
+ (bigtoks comment-kill ,comment-kill* t t)
+ (bigtoks comment-ignore ,comment-ignore* t t)
+ (bigtoks lightweights ,(sort < (keys lightweights*)) t t)))
+; Need a util like vars-form for a collection of variables.
+; Or could generalize vars-form to think of places (in the setf sense).
+(def newsadmin-page (user)
+ (shortpage user nil nil "newsadmin" "newsadmin"
+ (vars-form user
+ (nad-fields)
+ (fn (name val)
+ (case name
+ caching (= caching* val)
+ comment-kill (todisk comment-kill* val)
+ comment-ignore (todisk comment-ignore* val)
+ lightweights (todisk lightweights* (memtable val))
+ ))
+ (fn () (newsadmin-page user)))
+ (br2)
+ (aform (fn (req)
+ (with (user (get-user req) subject (arg req "id"))
+ (if (profile subject)
+ (do (killallby subject)
+ (submitted-page user subject))
+ (admin&newsadmin-page user))))
+ (single-input "" 'id 20 "kill all by"))
+ (br2)
+ (aform (fn (req)
+ (let user (get-user req)
+ (set-ip-ban user (arg req "ip") t)
+ (admin&newsadmin-page user)))
+ (single-input "" 'ip 20 "ban ip"))))
+; Users
+(newsop user (id)
+ (if (only.profile id)
+ (user-page user id)
+ (pr "No such user.")))
+(def user-page (user subject)
+ (let here (user-url subject)
+ (shortpage user nil nil (+ "Profile: " subject) here
+ (profile-form user subject)
+ (br2)
+ (when (some astory:item (uvar subject submitted))
+ (underlink "submissions" (submitted-url subject)))
+ (when (some acomment:item (uvar subject submitted))
+ (sp)
+ (underlink "comments" (threads-url subject)))
+ (hook 'user user subject))))
+(def profile-form (user subject)
+ (let prof (profile subject)
+ (vars-form user
+ (user-fields user subject)
+ (fn (name val)
+ (when (and (is name 'ignore) val (no prof!ignore))
+ (log-ignore user subject 'profile))
+ (= (prof name) val))
+ (fn () (save-prof subject)
+ (user-page user subject)))))
+(= topcolor-threshold* 250)
+(def user-fields (user subject)
+ (withs (e (editor user)
+ a (admin user)
+ w (is user subject)
+ k (and w (> (karma user) topcolor-threshold*))
+ u (or a w)
+ m (or a (and (member user) w))
+ p (profile subject))
+ `((string user ,subject t nil)
+ (string name ,(p 'name) ,m ,m)
+ (string created ,(text-age:user-age subject) t nil)
+ (string password ,(resetpw-link) ,w nil)
+ (string saved ,(saved-link user subject) ,u nil)
+ (int auth ,(p 'auth) ,e ,a)
+ (yesno member ,(p 'member) ,a ,a)
+ (posint karma ,(p 'karma) t ,a)
+ (num avg ,(p 'avg) ,a nil)
+ (yesno ignore ,(p 'ignore) ,e ,e)
+ (num weight ,(p 'weight) ,a ,a)
+ (mdtext2 about ,(p 'about) t ,u)
+ (string email ,(p 'email) ,u ,u)
+ (yesno showdead ,(p 'showdead) ,u ,u)
+ (yesno noprocrast ,(p 'noprocrast) ,u ,u)
+ (string firstview ,(p 'firstview) ,a nil)
+ (string lastview ,(p 'lastview) ,a nil)
+ (posint maxvisit ,(p 'maxvisit) ,u ,u)
+ (posint minaway ,(p 'minaway) ,u ,u)
+ (sexpr keys ,(p 'keys) ,a ,a)
+ (hexcol topcolor ,(or (p 'topcolor) (hexrep site-color*)) ,k ,k)
+ (int delay ,(p 'delay) ,u ,u))))
+(def saved-link (user subject)
+ (when (or (admin user) (is user subject))
+ (let n (if (len> (votes subject) 500)
+ "many"
+ (len (voted-stories user subject)))
+ (if (is n 0)
+ ""
+ (tostring (underlink n (saved-url subject)))))))
+(def resetpw-link ()
+ (tostring (underlink "reset password" "resetpw")))
+(newsop welcome ()
+ (pr "Welcome to " this-site* ", " user "!"))
+; Main Operators
+; remember to set caching to 0 when testing non-logged-in
+(= caching* 1 perpage* 30 threads-perpage* 10 maxend* 210)
+; Limiting that newscache can't take any arguments except the user.
+; To allow other arguments, would have to turn the cache from a single
+; stored value to a hash table whose keys were lists of arguments.
+(mac newscache (name user time . body)
+ (w/uniq gc
+ `(let ,gc (cache (fn () (* caching* ,time))
+ (fn () (tostring (let ,user nil ,@body))))
+ (def ,name (,user)
+ (if ,user
+ (do ,@body)
+ (pr (,gc)))))))
+(newsop news () (newspage user))
+(newsop || () (newspage user))
+;(newsop index.html () (newspage user))
+(newscache newspage user 90
+ (listpage user (msec) (topstories user maxend*) nil nil "news"))
+(def listpage (user t1 items label title (o url label) (o number t))
+ (hook 'listpage user)
+ (longpage user t1 nil label title url
+ (display-items user items label title url 0 perpage* number)))
+(newsop newest () (newestpage user))
+; Note: dead/deleted items will persist for the remaining life of the
+; cached page. If this were a prob, could make deletion clear caches.
+(newscache newestpage user 40
+ (listpage user (msec) (newstories user maxend*) "new" "New Links" "newest"))
+(def newstories (user n)
+ (retrieve n [cansee user _] stories*))
+(newsop best () (bestpage user))
+(newscache bestpage user 1000
+ (listpage user (msec) (beststories user maxend*) "best" "Top Links"))
+; As no of stories gets huge, could test visibility in fn sent to best.
+(def beststories (user n)
+ (bestn n (compare > realscore) (visible user stories*)))
+(newsop noobstories () (noobspage user stories*))
+(newsop noobcomments () (noobspage user comments*))
+(def noobspage (user source)
+ (listpage user (msec) (noobs user maxend* source) "noobs" "New Accounts"))
+(def noobs (user n source)
+ (retrieve n [and (cansee user _) (bynoob _)] source))
+(def bynoob (i)
+ (< (- (user-age i!by) (item-age i)) 2880))
+(newsop bestcomments () (bestcpage user))
+(newscache bestcpage user 1000
+ (listpage user (msec) (bestcomments user maxend*)
+ "best comments" "Best Comments" "bestcomments" nil))
+(def bestcomments (user n)
+ (bestn n (compare > realscore) (visible user comments*)))
+(newsop lists ()
+ (longpage user (msec) nil "lists" "Lists" "lists"
+ (sptab
+ (row (link "best") "Highest voted recent links.")
+ (row (link "active") "Most active current discussions.")
+ (row (link "bestcomments") "Highest voted recent comments.")
+ (row (link "noobstories") "Submissions from new accounts.")
+ (row (link "noobcomments") "Comments from new accounts.")
+ (when (admin user)
+ (map row:link
+ '(optimes topips flagged killed badguys badlogins goodlogins)))
+ (hook 'listspage user))))
+(def saved-url (user) (+ "saved?id=" user))
+(newsop saved (id)
+ (if (only.profile id)
+ (savedpage user id)
+ (pr "No such user.")))
+(def savedpage (user subject)
+ (if (or (is user subject) (admin user))
+ (listpage user (msec)
+ (sort (compare < item-age) (voted-stories user subject))
+ "saved" "Saved Links" (saved-url subject))
+ (pr "Can't display that.")))
+(def voted-stories (user subject)
+ (keep [and (astory _) (cansee user _)]
+ (map item (keys:votes subject))))
+; Story Display
+(def display-items (user items label title whence
+ (o start 0) (o end perpage*) (o number))
+ (zerotable
+ (let n start
+ (each i (cut items start end)
+ (display-item (and number (++ n)) i user whence t)
+ (spacerow (if (acomment i) 15 5))))
+ (when end
+ (let newend (+ end perpage*)
+ (when (and (<= newend maxend*) (< end (len items)))
+ (spacerow 10)
+ (tr (tag (td colspan (if number 2 1)))
+ (tag (td class 'title)
+ (morelink display-items
+ items label title end newend number))))))))
+; This code is inevitably complex because the More fn needs to know
+; its own fnid in order to supply a correct whence arg to stuff on
+; the page it generates, like logout and delete links.
+(def morelink (f items label title . args)
+ (tag (a href
+ (url-for
+ (afnid (fn (req)
+ (prn)
+ (with (url (url-for it) ; it bound by afnid
+ user (get-user req))
+ (newslog req!ip user 'more label)
+ (longpage user (msec) nil label title url
+ (apply f user items label title url args))))))
+ rel 'nofollow)
+ (pr "More")))
+(def display-story (i s user whence)
+ (when (or (cansee user s) (s 'kids))
+ (tr (display-item-number i)
+ (td (votelinks s user whence))
+ (titleline s s!url user whence))
+ (tr (tag (td colspan (if i 2 1)))
+ (tag (td class 'subtext)
+ (hook 'itemline s user)
+ (itemline s user)
+ (when (in s!type 'story 'poll) (commentlink s user))
+ (editlink s user)
+ (when (apoll s) (addoptlink s user))
+ (unless i (flaglink s user whence))
+ (killlink s user whence)
+ (blastlink s user whence)
+ (blastlink s user whence t)
+ (deletelink s user whence)))))
+(def display-item-number (i)
+ (when i (tag (td align 'right valign 'top class 'title)
+ (pr i "."))))
+(= follow-threshold* 5)
+(def titleline (s url user whence)
+ (tag (td class 'title)
+ (if (cansee user s)
+ (do (deadmark s user)
+ (titlelink s url user)
+ (pdflink url)
+ (awhen (sitename url)
+ (spanclass comhead
+ (pr " (" )
+ (if (admin user)
+ (w/rlink (do (set-site-ban user
+ it
+ (case (car (banned-sites* it))
+ nil 'ignore
+ ignore 'kill
+ kill nil))
+ whence)
+ (let ban (car (banned-sites* it))
+ (tag-if ban (font color (case ban
+ ignore darkred
+ kill darkblue))
+ (pr it))))
+ (pr it))
+ (pr ") "))))
+ (pr (pseudo-text s)))))
+(def titlelink (s url user)
+ (let toself (blank url)
+ (tag (a href (if toself
+ (item-url s!id)
+ (or (live s) (author user s) (editor user))
+ url
+ nil)
+ rel (unless (or toself (> (realscore s) follow-threshold*))
+ 'nofollow))
+ (pr s!title))))
+(def pdflink (url)
+ (awhen (vacuumize url)
+ (pr " [")
+ (link "scribd" it)
+ (pr "]")))
+(defmemo vacuumize (url)
+ (and (or (endmatch ".pdf" url) (endmatch ".PDF" url))
+ (+ "" url)))
+(def pseudo-text (i)
+ (if i!deleted "[deleted]" "[dead]"))
+(def deadmark (i user)
+ (when (and i!dead (seesdead user))
+ (pr " [dead] "))
+ (when (and i!deleted (admin user))
+ (pr " [deleted] ")))
+(= downvote-threshold* 200 downvote-time* 1440)
+(= votewid* 14)
+(def votelinks (i user whence (o downtoo))
+ (center
+ (if (and (cansee user i)
+ (or (no user)
+ (no ((votes user) i!id))))
+ (do (votelink i user whence 'up)
+ (if (and downtoo
+ (or (admin user)
+ (< (item-age i) downvote-time*))
+ (canvote user i 'down))
+ (do (br)
+ (votelink i user whence 'down))
+ ; don't understand why needed, but is, or a new
+ ; page is generated on voting
+ (tag (span id (+ "down_" i!id)))))
+ (author user i)
+ (do (fontcolor orange (pr "*"))
+ (br)
+ (hspace votewid*))
+ (hspace votewid*))))
+; could memoize votelink more, esp for non-logged in users,
+; since only uparrow is shown; could straight memoize
+; redefined later (identically) so the outs catch new vals of up-url, etc.
+(def votelink (i user whence dir)
+ (tag (a id (if user (string dir '_ i!id))
+ onclick (if user "return vote(this)")
+ href (vote-url user i dir whence))
+ (if (is dir 'up)
+ (out (gentag img src up-url* border 0 vspace 3 hspace 2))
+ (out (gentag img src down-url* border 0 vspace 3 hspace 2)))))
+(def vote-url (user i dir whence)
+ (+ "vote?" "for=" i!id
+ "&dir=" dir
+ (if user (+ "&by=" user "&auth=" (user->cookie* user)))
+ "&whence=" (urlencode whence)))
+(= lowest-score* -4)
+; Not much stricter than whether to generate the arrow. Further tests
+; applied in vote-for.
+(def canvote (user i dir)
+ (and user
+ (news-type&live i)
+ (or (is dir 'up) (> i!score lowest-score*))
+ (no ((votes user) i!id))
+ (or (is dir 'up)
+ (and (acomment i)
+ (> (karma user) downvote-threshold*)
+ (no (aand i!parent (author user (item it))))))))
+; Need the by argument or someone could trick logged in users into
+; voting something up by clicking on a link. But a bad guy doesn't
+; know how to generate an auth arg that matches each user's cookie.
+(newsop vote (by for dir auth whence)
+ (with (i (safe-item for)
+ dir (saferead dir)
+ whence (if whence (urldecode whence) "news"))
+ (if (no i)
+ (pr "No such item.")
+ (no (in dir 'up 'down))
+ (pr "Can't make that vote.")
+ (and by (or (isnt by user) (isnt (sym auth) (user->cookie* user))))
+ (pr "User mismatch.")
+ (no user)
+ (login-page 'both "You have to be logged in to vote."
+ (list (fn (u ip)
+ (ensure-news-user u)
+ (newslog ip u 'vote-login)
+ (when (canvote u i dir)
+ (vote-for u i dir)
+ (logvote ip u i)))
+ whence))
+ (canvote user i dir)
+ (do (vote-for by i dir)
+ (logvote ip by i))
+ (pr "Can't make that vote."))))
+(def itemline (i user)
+ (when (cansee user i)
+ (when (news-type i) (itemscore i user))
+ (byline i user)))
+(def itemscore (i (o user))
+ (tag (span id (+ "score_" i!id))
+ (pr (plural (if (is i!type 'pollopt) (realscore i) i!score)
+ "point")))
+ (hook 'itemscore i user))
+; redefined later
+(def byline (i user)
+ (pr " by @(tostring (userlink user i!by)) @(text-age:item-age i) "))
+(def user-url (user) (+ "user?id=" user))
+(= show-avg* nil)
+(def userlink (user subject (o show-avg t))
+ (link (user-name user subject) (user-url subject))
+ (awhen (and show-avg* (admin user) show-avg (uvar subject avg))
+ (pr " (@(num it 1 t t))")))
+(= noob-color* (color 60 150 60))
+(def user-name (user subject)
+ (if (and (editor user) (ignored subject))
+ (tostring (fontcolor darkred (pr subject)))
+ (and (editor user) (< (user-age subject) 1440))
+ (tostring (fontcolor noob-color* (pr subject)))
+ subject))
+(= show-threadavg* nil)
+(def commentlink (i user)
+ (when (cansee user i)
+ (pr bar*)
+ (tag (a href (item-url i!id))
+ (let n (- (visible-family user i) 1)
+ (if (> n 0)
+ (do (pr (plural n "comment"))
+ (awhen (and show-threadavg* (admin user) (threadavg i))
+ (pr " (@(num it 1 t t))")))
+ (pr "discuss"))))))
+(def visible-family (user i)
+ (+ (if (cansee user i) 1 0)
+ (sum [visible-family user (item _)] i!kids)))
+(def threadavg (i)
+ (only.avg (map [or (uvar _ avg) 1]
+ (rem admin (dedup (map !by (keep live (family i))))))))
+(= user-changetime* 120 editor-changetime* 1440)
+(= everchange* (table) noedit* (table))
+(def canedit (user i)
+ (or (admin user)
+ (and (~noedit* i!type)
+ (editor user)
+ (< (item-age i) editor-changetime*))
+ (own-changeable-item user i)))
+(def own-changeable-item (user i)
+ (and (author user i)
+ (~mem 'locked i!keys)
+ (no i!deleted)
+ (or (everchange* i!type)
+ (< (item-age i) user-changetime*))))
+(def editlink (i user)
+ (when (canedit user i)
+ (pr bar*)
+ (link "edit" (edit-url i))))
+(def addoptlink (p user)
+ (when (or (admin user) (author user p))
+ (pr bar*)
+ (onlink "add choice" (add-pollopt-page p user))))
+; reset later
+(= flag-threshold* 30 flag-kill-threshold* 7 many-flags* 1)
+; Un-flagging something doesn't unkill it, if it's now no longer
+; over flag-kill-threshold. Ok, since arbitrary threshold anyway.
+(def flaglink (i user whence)
+ (when (and user
+ (isnt user i!by)
+ (or (admin user) (> (karma user) flag-threshold*)))
+ (pr bar*)
+ (w/rlink (do (togglemem user i!flags)
+ (when (and (~mem 'nokill i!keys)
+ (len> i!flags flag-kill-threshold*)
+ (< (realscore i) 10)
+ (~find admin:!2 i!vote))
+ (kill i 'flags))
+ whence)
+ (pr "@(if (mem user i!flags) 'un)flag"))
+ (when (and (admin user) (len> i!flags many-flags*))
+ (pr bar* (plural (len i!flags) "flag") " ")
+ (w/rlink (do (togglemem 'nokill i!keys)
+ (save-item i)
+ whence)
+ (pr (if (mem 'nokill i!keys) "un-notice" "noted"))))))
+(def killlink (i user whence)
+ (when (admin user)
+ (pr bar*)
+ (w/rlink (do (zap no i!dead)
+ (if i!dead
+ (do (pull 'nokill i!keys)
+ (log-kill i user))
+ (pushnew 'nokill i!keys))
+ (save-item i)
+ whence)
+ (pr "@(if i!dead 'un)kill"))))
+; Blast kills the submission and bans the user. Nuke also bans the
+; site, so that all future submitters will be ignored. Does not ban
+; the ip address, but that will eventually get banned by maybe-ban-ip.
+(def blastlink (i user whence (o nuke))
+ (when (and (admin user)
+ (or (no nuke) (~empty i!url)))
+ (pr bar*)
+ (w/rlink (do (toggle-blast i user nuke)
+ whence)
+ (prt (if (ignored i!by) "un-") (if nuke "nuke" "blast")))))
+(def toggle-blast (i user (o nuke))
+ (atomic
+ (if (ignored i!by)
+ (do (wipe i!dead (ignored i!by))
+ (awhen (and nuke (sitename i!url))
+ (set-site-ban user it nil)))
+ (do (set i!dead)
+ (ignore user i!by (if nuke 'nuke 'blast))
+ (awhen (and nuke (sitename i!url))
+ (set-site-ban user it 'ignore))))
+ (if i!dead (log-kill i user))
+ (save-item i)
+ (save-prof i!by)))
+(def candelete (user i)
+ (or (admin user) (own-changeable-item user i)))
+(def deletelink (i user whence)
+ (when (candelete user i)
+ (pr bar*)
+ (linkf (if i!deleted "undelete" "delete") (req)
+ (let user (get-user req)
+ (if (candelete user i)
+ (del-confirm-page user i whence)
+ (prn "You can't delete that."))))))
+; Undeleting stories could cause a slight inconsistency. If a story
+; linking to x gets deleted, another submission can take its place in
+; url->story. If the original is then undeleted, there will be two
+; stories with equal claim to be in url->story. (The more recent will
+; win because it happens to get loaded later.) Not a big problem.
+(def del-confirm-page (user i whence)
+ (minipage "Confirm"
+ (tab
+ ; link never used so not testable but think correct
+ (display-item nil i user (flink [del-confirm-page (get-user _) i whence]))
+ (spacerow 20)
+ (tr (td)
+ (td (urform user req
+ (do (when (candelete user i)
+ (= i!deleted (is (arg req "b") "Yes"))
+ (save-item i))
+ whence)
+ (prn "Do you want this to @(if i!deleted 'stay 'be) deleted?")
+ (br2)
+ (but "Yes" "b") (sp) (but "No" "b")))))))
+(def permalink (story user)
+ (when (cansee user story)
+ (pr bar*)
+ (link "link" (item-url story!id))))
+(def logvote (ip user story)
+ (newslog ip user 'vote (story 'id) (list (story 'title))))
+(def text-age (a)
+ (tostring
+ (if (>= a 1440) (pr (plural (trunc (/ a 1440)) "day") " ago")
+ (>= a 60) (pr (plural (trunc (/ a 60)) "hour") " ago")
+ (pr (plural (trunc a) "minute") " ago"))))
+; Voting
+; A user needs legit-threshold karma for a vote to count if there has
+; already been a vote from the same IP address. A new account below both
+; new- thresholds won't affect rankings, though such votes still affect
+; scores unless not a legit-user.
+(= legit-threshold* 0 new-age-threshold* 0 new-karma-threshold* 2)
+(def legit-user (user)
+ (or (editor user)
+ (> (karma user) legit-threshold*)))
+(def possible-sockpuppet (user)
+ (or (ignored user)
+ (< (uvar user weight) .5)
+ (and (< (user-age user) new-age-threshold*)
+ (< (karma user) new-karma-threshold*))))
+(= downvote-ratio-limit* .65 recent-votes* nil votewindow* 100)
+; Note: if vote-for by one user changes (s 'score) while s is being
+; edited by another, the save after the edit will overwrite the change.
+; Actual votes can't be lost because that field is not editable. Not a
+; big enough problem to drag in locking.
+(def vote-for (user i (o dir 'up))
+ (unless (or ((votes user) i!id)
+ (and (~live i) (isnt user i!by)))
+ (withs (ip (logins* user)
+ vote (list (seconds) ip user dir i!score))
+ (unless (or (and (or (ignored user) (check-key user 'novote))
+ (isnt user i!by))
+ (and (is dir 'down)
+ (~editor user)
+ (or (check-key user 'nodowns)
+ (> (downvote-ratio user) downvote-ratio-limit*)
+ ; prevention of karma-bombing
+ (just-downvoted user i!by)))
+ (and (~legit-user user)
+ (isnt user i!by)
+ (find [is (cadr _) ip] i!votes))
+ (and (isnt i!type 'pollopt)
+ (biased-voter i vote)))
+ (++ i!score (case dir up 1 down -1))
+ ; canvote protects against sockpuppet downvote of comments
+ (when (and (is dir 'up) (possible-sockpuppet user))
+ (++ i!sockvotes))
+ (metastory&adjust-rank i)
+ (unless (or (author user i)
+ (and (is ip i!ip) (~editor user))
+ (is i!type 'pollopt))
+ (++ (karma i!by) (case dir up 1 down -1))
+ (save-prof i!by))
+ (wipe (comment-cache* i!id)))
+ (if (admin user) (pushnew 'nokill i!keys))
+ (push vote i!votes)
+ (save-item i)
+ (push (list (seconds) i!id i!by (sitename i!url) dir)
+ (uvar user votes))
+ (= ((votes* user) i!id) vote)
+ (save-votes user)
+ (zap [firstn votewindow* _] (uvar user votes))
+ (save-prof user)
+ (push (cons i!id vote) recent-votes*))))
+; redefined later
+(def biased-voter (i vote) nil)
+; ugly to access vote fields by position number
+(def downvote-ratio (user (o sample 20))
+ (ratio [is _.1.3 'down]
+ (keep [let by ((item (car _)) 'by)
+ (nor (is by user) (ignored by))]
+ (bestn sample (compare > car:cadr) (tablist (votes user))))))
+(def just-downvoted (user victim (o n 3))
+ (let prev (firstn n (recent-votes-by user))
+ (and (is (len prev) n)
+ (all (fn ((id sec ip voter dir score))
+ (and (author victim (item id)) (is dir 'down)))
+ prev))))
+; Ugly to pluck out fourth element. Should read votes into a vote
+; template. They're stored slightly differently in two diff places:
+; in one with the voter in the car and the other without.
+(def recent-votes-by (user)
+ (keep [is _.3 user] recent-votes*))
+; Story Submission
+(newsop submit ()
+ (if user
+ (submit-page user "" "" t)
+ (submit-login-warning "" "" t)))
+(def submit-login-warning ((o url) (o title) (o showtext) (o text))
+ (login-page 'both "You have to be logged in to submit."
+ (fn (user ip)
+ (ensure-news-user user)
+ (newslog ip user 'submit-login)
+ (submit-page user url title showtext text))))
+(def submit-page (user (o url) (o title) (o showtext) (o text "") (o msg))
+ (minipage "Submit"
+ (pagemessage msg)
+ (urform user req
+ (process-story (get-user req)
+ (clean-url (arg req "u"))
+ (striptags (arg req "t"))
+ showtext
+ (and showtext (md-from-form (arg req "x") t))
+ req!ip)
+ (tab
+ (row "title" (input "t" title 50))
+ (if prefer-url*
+ (do (row "url" (input "u" url 50))
+ (when showtext
+ (row "" "<b>or</b>")
+ (row "text" (textarea "x" 4 50 ( text)))))
+ (do (row "text" (textarea "x" 4 50 ( text)))
+ (row "" "<b>or</b>")
+ (row "url" (input "u" url 50))))
+ (row "" (submit))
+ (spacerow 20)
+ (row "" submit-instructions*)))))
+(= submit-instructions*
+ "Leave url blank to submit a question for discussion. If there is
+ no url, the text (if any) will appear at the top of the comments
+ page. If there is a url, the text will be ignored.")
+; For use by outside code like bookmarklet.
+; Added a confirm step to avoid xss hacks.
+(newsop submitlink (u t)
+ (if user
+ (submit-page user u t)
+ (submit-login-warning u t)))
+(= title-limit* 80
+ retry* "Please try again."
+ toolong* "Please make title < @title-limit* characters."
+ bothblank* "The url and text fields can't both be blank. Please
+ either supply a url, or if you're asking a question,
+ put it in the text field."
+ toofast* "You're submitting too fast. Please slow down. Thanks."
+ spammage* "Stop spamming us. You're wasting your time.")
+; Only for annoyingly high-volume spammers. For ordinary spammers it's
+; enough to ban their sites and ip addresses.
+(disktable big-spamsites* (+ newsdir* "big-spamsites"))
+(def process-story (user url title showtext text ip)
+ (aif (and (~blank url) (live-story-w/url url))
+ (do (vote-for user it)
+ (item-url it!id))
+ (if (no user)
+ (flink [submit-login-warning url title showtext text])
+ (no (and (or (blank url) (valid-url url))
+ (~blank title)))
+ (flink [submit-page user url title showtext text retry*])
+ (len> title title-limit*)
+ (flink [submit-page user url title showtext text toolong*])
+ (and (blank url) (blank text))
+ (flink [submit-page user url title showtext text bothblank*])
+ (let site (sitename url)
+ (or (big-spamsites* site) (recent-spam site)))
+ (flink [msgpage user spammage*])
+ (oversubmitting user ip 'story url)
+ (flink [msgpage user toofast*])
+ (let s (create-story url (process-title title) text user ip)
+ (story-ban-test user s ip url)
+ (when (ignored user) (kill s 'ignored))
+ (submit-item user s)
+ (maybe-ban-ip s)
+ "newest"))))
+(def submit-item (user i)
+ (push i!id (uvar user submitted))
+ (save-prof user)
+ (vote-for user i))
+(def recent-spam (site)
+ (and (caris (banned-sites* site) 'ignore)
+ (recent-items [is (sitename _!url) site] 720)))
+(def recent-items (test minutes)
+ (let cutoff (- (seconds) (* 60 minutes))
+ (latest-items test [< _!time cutoff])))
+; Turn this on when spam becomes a problem.
+(= enforce-oversubmit* nil)
+; New user can't submit more than 2 stories in a 2 hour period.
+; Give overeager users the key toofast to make limit permanent.
+(def oversubmitting (user ip kind (o url))
+ (and enforce-oversubmit*
+ (or (check-key user 'toofast)
+ (ignored user)
+ (< (user-age user) new-age-threshold*)
+ (< (karma user) new-karma-threshold*))
+ (len> (recent-items [or (author user _) (is _!ip ip)] 180)
+ (if (is kind 'story)
+ (if (bad-user user) 0 1)
+ (if (bad-user user) 1 10)))))
+; Note that by deliberate tricks, someone could submit a story with a
+; blank title.
+(diskvar scrubrules* (+ newsdir* "scrubrules"))
+(def process-title (s)
+ (let s2 (multisubst scrubrules* s)
+ (zap upcase (s2 0))
+ s2))
+(def live-story-w/url (url)
+ (aand (url->story* (canonical-url url)) (check (item it) live)))
+(def parse-site (url)
+ (rev (tokens (cadr (tokens url [in _ #\/ #\?])) #\.)))
+(defmemo sitename (url)
+ (and (valid-url url)
+ (let toks (parse-site (rem #\space url))
+ (if (isa (saferead (car toks)) 'int)
+ (tostring (prall toks "" "."))
+ (let (t1 t2 t3 . rest) toks
+ (if (and (~in t3 nil "www")
+ (or (mem t1 multi-tld-countries*)
+ (mem t2 long-domains*)))
+ (+ t3 "." t2 "." t1)
+ (and t2 (+ t2 "." t1))))))))
+(= multi-tld-countries* '("uk" "jp" "au" "in" "ph" "tr" "za" "my" "nz" "br"
+ "mx" "th" "sg" "id" "pk" "eg" "il" "at" "pl"))
+(= long-domains* '("blogspot" "wordpress" "livejournal" "blogs" "typepad"
+ "weebly" "posterous" "blog-city" "supersized" "dreamhosters"
+ ; "sampasite" "multiply" "wetpaint" ; all spam, just ban
+ "eurekster" "blogsome" "edogo" "blog" "com"))
+(def create-story (url title text user ip)
+ (newslog ip user 'create url (list title))
+ (let s (inst 'item 'type 'story 'id (new-item-id)
+ 'url url 'title title 'text text 'by user 'ip ip)
+ (save-item s)
+ (= (items* s!id) s)
+ (unless (blank url) (register-url s url))
+ (push s stories*)
+ s))
+; Bans
+(def ignore (user subject cause)
+ (set (ignored subject))
+ (save-prof subject)
+ (log-ignore user subject cause))
+(diskvar ignore-log* (+ newsdir* "ignore-log"))
+(def log-ignore (user subject cause)
+ (todisk ignore-log* (cons (list subject user cause) ignore-log*)))
+; Kill means stuff with this substring gets killed. Ignore is stronger,
+; means that user will be auto-ignored. Eventually this info should
+; be stored on disk and not in the source code.
+(disktable banned-ips* (+ newsdir* "banned-ips")) ; was ips
+(disktable banned-sites* (+ newsdir* "banned-sites")) ; was sites
+(diskvar comment-kill* (+ newsdir* "comment-kill"))
+(diskvar comment-ignore* (+ newsdir* "comment-ignore"))
+(= comment-kill* nil ip-ban-threshold* 3)
+(def set-ip-ban (user ip yesno (o info))
+ (= (banned-ips* ip) (and yesno (list user (seconds) info)))
+ (todisk banned-ips*))
+(def set-site-ban (user site ban (o info))
+ (= (banned-sites* site) (and ban (list ban user (seconds) info)))
+ (todisk banned-sites*))
+; Kill submissions from banned ips, but don't auto-ignore users from
+; them, because eventually ips will become legit again.
+; Note that ban tests are only applied when a link or comment is
+; submitted, not each time it's edited. This will do for now.
+(def story-ban-test (user i ip url)
+ (site-ban-test user i url)
+ (ip-ban-test i ip)
+ (hook 'story-ban-test user i ip url))
+(def site-ban-test (user i url)
+ (whenlet ban (banned-sites* (sitename url))
+ (if (caris ban 'ignore) (ignore nil user 'site-ban))
+ (kill i 'site-ban)))
+(def ip-ban-test (i ip)
+ (if (banned-ips* ip) (kill i 'banned-ip)))
+(def comment-ban-test (user i ip string kill-list ignore-list)
+ (when (some [posmatch _ string] ignore-list)
+ (ignore nil user 'comment-ban))
+ (when (or (banned-ips* ip) (some [posmatch _ string] kill-list))
+ (kill i 'comment-ban)))
+; An IP is banned when multiple ignored users have submitted over
+; ban-threshold* (currently loaded) dead stories from it.
+; Can consider comments too if that later starts to be a problem,
+; but the threshold may start to be higher because then you'd be
+; dealing with trolls rather than spammers.
+(def maybe-ban-ip (s)
+ (when (and s!dead (ignored s!by))
+ (let bads (loaded-items [and _!dead (astory _) (is _!ip s!ip)])
+ (when (and (len> bads ip-ban-threshold*)
+ (some [and (ignored _!by) (isnt _!by s!by)] bads))
+ (set-ip-ban nil s!ip t)))))
+(def killallby (user)
+ (map [kill _ 'all] (submissions user)))
+; Only called from repl.
+(def kill-whole-thread (c)
+ (kill c 'thread)
+ (map kill-whole-thread:item c!kids))
+; Polls
+; a way to add a karma threshold for voting in a poll
+; or better still an arbitrary test fn, or at least pair of name/threshold.
+; option to sort the elements of a poll when displaying
+; exclusive field? (means only allow one vote per poll)
+(= poll-threshold* 20)
+(newsop newpoll ()
+ (if (and user (> (karma user) poll-threshold*))
+ (newpoll-page user)
+ (pr "Sorry, you need @poll-threshold* karma to create a poll.")))
+(def newpoll-page (user (o title "Poll: ") (o text "") (o opts "") (o msg))
+ (minipage "New Poll"
+ (pagemessage msg)
+ (urform user req
+ (process-poll (get-user req)
+ (striptags (arg req "t"))
+ (md-from-form (arg req "x") t)
+ (striptags (arg req "o"))
+ req!ip)
+ (tab
+ (row "title" (input "t" title 50))
+ (row "text" (textarea "x" 4 50 ( text)))
+ (row "" "Use blank lines to separate choices:")
+ (row "choices" (textarea "o" 7 50 ( opts)))
+ (row "" (submit))))))
+(= fewopts* "A poll must have at least two options.")
+(def process-poll (user title text opts ip)
+ (if (or (blank title) (blank opts))
+ (flink [newpoll-page user title text opts retry*])
+ (len> title title-limit*)
+ (flink [newpoll-page user title text opts toolong*])
+ (len< (paras opts) 2)
+ (flink [newpoll-page user title text opts fewopts*])
+ (atlet p (create-poll (multisubst scrubrules* title) text opts user ip)
+ (ip-ban-test p ip)
+ (when (ignored user) (kill p 'ignored))
+ (submit-item user p)
+ (maybe-ban-ip p)
+ "newest")))
+(def create-poll (title text opts user ip)
+ (newslog ip user 'create-poll title)
+ (let p (inst 'item 'type 'poll 'id (new-item-id)
+ 'title title 'text text 'by user 'ip ip)
+ (= p!parts (map get!id (map [create-pollopt p nil nil _ user ip]
+ (paras opts))))
+ (save-item p)
+ (= (items* p!id) p)
+ (push p stories*)
+ p))
+(def create-pollopt (p url title text user ip)
+ (let o (inst 'item 'type 'pollopt 'id (new-item-id)
+ 'url url 'title title 'text text 'parent p!id
+ 'by user 'ip ip)
+ (save-item o)
+ (= (items* o!id) o)
+ o))
+(def add-pollopt-page (p user)
+ (minipage "Add Poll Choice"
+ (urform user req
+ (do (add-pollopt user p (striptags (arg req "x")) req!ip)
+ (item-url p!id))
+ (tab
+ (row "text" (textarea "x" 4 50))
+ (row "" (submit))))))
+(def add-pollopt (user p text ip)
+ (unless (blank text)
+ (atlet o (create-pollopt p nil nil text user ip)
+ (++ p!parts (list o!id))
+ (save-item p))))
+(def display-pollopts (p user whence)
+ (each o (visible user (map item p!parts))
+ (display-pollopt nil o user whence)
+ (spacerow 7)))
+(def display-pollopt (n o user whence)
+ (tr (display-item-number n)
+ (tag (td valign 'top)
+ (votelinks o user whence))
+ (tag (td class 'comment)
+ (tag (div style "margin-top:1px;margin-bottom:0px")
+ (if (~cansee user o) (pr (pseudo-text o))
+ (~live o) (spanclass dead
+ (pr (if (~blank o!title) o!title o!text)))
+ (if (and (~blank o!title) (~blank o!url))
+ (link o!title o!url)
+ (fontcolor black (pr o!text)))))))
+ (tr (if n (td))
+ (td)
+ (tag (td class 'default)
+ (spanclass comhead
+ (itemscore o)
+ (editlink o user)
+ (killlink o user whence)
+ (deletelink o user whence)
+ (deadmark o user)))))
+; Individual Item Page (= Comments Page of Stories)
+(defmemo item-url (id) (+ "item?id=" id))
+(newsop item (id)
+ (let s (safe-item id)
+ (if (news-type s)
+ (do (if s!deleted (note-baditem user ip))
+ (item-page user s))
+ (do (note-baditem user ip)
+ (pr "No such item.")))))
+(= baditemreqs* (table) baditem-threshold* 1/100)
+; Something looking at a lot of deleted items is probably the bad sort
+; of crawler. Throttle it for this server invocation.
+(def note-baditem (user ip)
+ (unless (admin user)
+ (++ (baditemreqs* ip 0))
+ (with (r (requests/ip* ip) b (baditemreqs* ip))
+ (when (and (> r 500) (> (/ b r) baditem-threshold*))
+ (set (throttle-ips* ip))))))
+; redefined later
+(def news-type (i) (and i (in i!type 'story 'comment 'poll 'pollopt)))
+(def item-page (user i)
+ (with (title (and (cansee user i)
+ (or i!title (aand i!text (ellipsize (striptags it)))))
+ here (item-url i!id))
+ (longpage user (msec) nil nil title here
+ (tab (display-item nil i user here)
+ (display-item-text i user)
+ (when (apoll i)
+ (spacerow 10)
+ (tr (td)
+ (td (tab (display-pollopts i user here)))))
+ (when (and (cansee user i) (comments-active i))
+ (spacerow 10)
+ (row "" (comment-form i user here))))
+ (br2)
+ (when (and i!kids (commentable i))
+ (tab (display-subcomments i user here))
+ (br2)))))
+(def commentable (i) (in i!type 'story 'comment 'poll))
+; By default the ability to comment on an item is turned off after
+; 45 days, but this can be overriden with commentable key.
+(= commentable-threshold* (* 60 24 45))
+(def comments-active (i)
+ (and (live&commentable i)
+ (live (superparent i))
+ (or (< (item-age i) commentable-threshold*)
+ (mem 'commentable i!keys))))
+(= displayfn* (table))
+(= (displayfn* 'story) (fn (n i user here inlist)
+ (display-story n i user here)))
+(= (displayfn* 'comment) (fn (n i user here inlist)
+ (display-comment n i user here nil 0 nil inlist)))
+(= (displayfn* 'poll) (displayfn* 'story))
+(= (displayfn* 'pollopt) (fn (n i user here inlist)
+ (display-pollopt n i user here)))
+(def display-item (n i user here (o inlist))
+ ((displayfn* (i 'type)) n i user here inlist))
+(def superparent (i)
+ (aif i!parent (superparent:item it) i))
+(def display-item-text (s user)
+ (when (and (cansee user s)
+ (in s!type 'story 'poll)
+ (blank s!url)
+ (~blank s!text))
+ (spacerow 2)
+ (row "" s!text)))
+; Edit Item
+(def edit-url (i) (+ "edit?id=" i!id))
+(newsop edit (id)
+ (let i (safe-item id)
+ (if (and i
+ (cansee user i)
+ (editable-type i)
+ (or (news-type i) (admin user) (author user i)))
+ (edit-page user i)
+ (pr "No such item."))))
+(def editable-type (i) (fieldfn* i!type))
+(= fieldfn* (table))
+(= (fieldfn* 'story)
+ (fn (user s)
+ (with (a (admin user) e (editor user) x (canedit user s))
+ `((string1 title ,s!title t ,x)
+ (url url ,s!url t ,e)
+ (mdtext2 text ,s!text t ,x)
+ ,@(standard-item-fields s a e x)))))
+(= (fieldfn* 'comment)
+ (fn (user c)
+ (with (a (admin user) e (editor user) x (canedit user c))
+ `((mdtext text ,c!text t ,x)
+ ,@(standard-item-fields c a e x)))))
+(= (fieldfn* 'poll)
+ (fn (user p)
+ (with (a (admin user) e (editor user) x (canedit user p))
+ `((string1 title ,p!title t ,x)
+ (mdtext2 text ,p!text t ,x)
+ ,@(standard-item-fields p a e x)))))
+(= (fieldfn* 'pollopt)
+ (fn (user p)
+ (with (a (admin user) e (editor user) x (canedit user p))
+ `((string title ,p!title t ,x)
+ (url url ,p!url t ,x)
+ (mdtext2 text ,p!text t ,x)
+ ,@(standard-item-fields p a e x)))))
+(def standard-item-fields (i a e x)
+ `((int votes ,(len i!votes) ,a nil)
+ (int score ,i!score t ,a)
+ (int sockvotes ,i!sockvotes ,a ,a)
+ (yesno dead ,i!dead ,e ,e)
+ (yesno deleted ,i!deleted ,a ,a)
+ (sexpr flags ,i!flags ,a nil)
+ (sexpr keys ,i!keys ,a ,a)
+ (string ip ,i!ip ,e nil)))
+; Should check valid-url etc here too. In fact make a fn that
+; does everything that has to happen after submitting a story,
+; and call it both there and here.
+(def edit-page (user i)
+ (let here (edit-url i)
+ (shortpage user nil nil "Edit" here
+ (tab (display-item nil i user here)
+ (display-item-text i user))
+ (br2)
+ (vars-form user
+ ((fieldfn* i!type) user i)
+ (fn (name val)
+ (unless (ignore-edit user i name val)
+ (when (and (is name 'dead) val (no i!dead))
+ (log-kill i user))
+ (= (i name) val)))
+ (fn () (if (admin user) (pushnew 'locked i!keys))
+ (save-item i)
+ (metastory&adjust-rank i)
+ (wipe (comment-cache* i!id))
+ (edit-page user i)))
+ (hook 'edit user i))))
+(def ignore-edit (user i name val)
+ (case name title (len> val title-limit*)
+ dead (and (mem 'nokill i!keys) (~admin user))))
+; Comment Submission
+(def comment-login-warning (parent whence (o text))
+ (login-page 'both "You have to be logged in to comment."
+ (fn (u ip)
+ (ensure-news-user u)
+ (newslog ip u 'comment-login)
+ (addcomment-page parent u whence text))))
+(def addcomment-page (parent user whence (o text) (o msg))
+ (minipage "Add Comment"
+ (pagemessage msg)
+ (tab
+ (let here (flink [addcomment-page parent (get-user _) whence text msg])
+ (display-item nil parent user here))
+ (spacerow 10)
+ (row "" (comment-form parent user whence text)))))
+(= noob-comment-msg* nil)
+; Comment forms last for 30 min (- cache time)
+(def comment-form (parent user whence (o text))
+ (tarform 1800
+ (fn (req)
+ (when-umatch/r user req
+ (process-comment user parent (arg req "text") req!ip whence)))
+ (textarea "text" 6 60
+ (aif text (prn (unmarkdown it))))
+ (when (and noob-comment-msg* (noob user))
+ (br2)
+ (spanclass subtext (pr noob-comment-msg*)))
+ (br2)
+ (submit (if (acomment parent) "reply" "add comment"))))
+(= comment-threshold* -20)
+; Have to remove #\returns because a form gives you back "a\r\nb"
+; instead of just "a\nb". Maybe should just remove returns from
+; the vals coming in from any form, e.g. in aform.
+(def process-comment (user parent text ip whence)
+ (if (no user)
+ (flink [comment-login-warning parent whence text])
+ (empty text)
+ (flink [addcomment-page parent (get-user _) whence text retry*])
+ (oversubmitting user ip 'comment)
+ (flink [msgpage user toofast*])
+ (atlet c (create-comment parent (md-from-form text) user ip)
+ (comment-ban-test user c ip text comment-kill* comment-ignore*)
+ (if (bad-user user) (kill c 'ignored/karma))
+ (submit-item user c)
+ whence)))
+(def bad-user (u)
+ (or (ignored u) (< (karma u) comment-threshold*)))
+(def create-comment (parent text user ip)
+ (newslog ip user 'comment (parent 'id))
+ (let c (inst 'item 'type 'comment 'id (new-item-id)
+ 'text text 'parent parent!id 'by user 'ip ip)
+ (save-item c)
+ (= (items* c!id) c)
+ (push c!id parent!kids)
+ (save-item parent)
+ (push c comments*)
+ c))
+; Comment Display
+(def display-comment-tree (c user whence (o indent 0) (o initialpar))
+ (when (cansee-descendant user c)
+ (display-1comment c user whence indent initialpar)
+ (display-subcomments c user whence (+ indent 1))))
+(def display-1comment (c user whence indent showpar)
+ (row (tab (display-comment nil c user whence t indent showpar showpar))))
+(def display-subcomments (c user whence (o indent 0))
+ (each k (sort (compare > frontpage-rank:item) c!kids)
+ (display-comment-tree (item k) user whence indent)))
+(def display-comment (n c user whence (o astree) (o indent 0)
+ (o showpar) (o showon))
+ (tr (display-item-number n)
+ (when astree (td (hspace (* indent 40))))
+ (tag (td valign 'top) (votelinks c user whence t))
+ (display-comment-body c user whence astree indent showpar showon)))
+; Comment caching doesn't make generation of comments significantly
+; faster, but may speed up everything else by generating less garbage.
+; It might solve the same problem more generally to make html code
+; more efficient.
+(= comment-cache* (table) comment-cache-timeout* (table) cc-window* 10000)
+(= comments-printed* 0 cc-hits* 0)
+(= comment-caching* t)
+; Cache comments generated for nil user that are over an hour old.
+; Only try to cache most recent 10k items. But this window moves,
+; so if server is running a long time could have more than that in
+; cache. Probably should actively gc expired cache entries.
+(def display-comment-body (c user whence astree indent showpar showon)
+ (++ comments-printed*)
+ (if (and comment-caching*
+ astree (no showpar) (no showon)
+ (live c)
+ (nor (admin user) (editor user) (author user c))
+ (< (- maxid* c!id) cc-window*)
+ (> (- (seconds) c!time) 60)) ; was 3600
+ (pr (cached-comment-body c user whence indent))
+ (gen-comment-body c user whence astree indent showpar showon)))
+(def cached-comment-body (c user whence indent)
+ (or (and (> (or (comment-cache-timeout* c!id) 0) (seconds))
+ (awhen (comment-cache* c!id)
+ (++ cc-hits*)
+ it))
+ (= (comment-cache-timeout* c!id)
+ (cc-timeout c!time)
+ (comment-cache* c!id)
+ (tostring (gen-comment-body c user whence t indent nil nil)))))
+; Cache for the remainder of the current minute, hour, or day.
+(def cc-timeout (t0)
+ (let age (- (seconds) t0)
+ (+ t0 (if (< age 3600)
+ (* (+ (trunc (/ age 60)) 1) 60)
+ (< age 86400)
+ (* (+ (trunc (/ age 3600)) 1) 3600)
+ (* (+ (trunc (/ age 86400)) 1) 86400)))))
+(def gen-comment-body (c user whence astree indent showpar showon)
+ (tag (td class 'default)
+ (let parent (and (or (no astree) showpar) (c 'parent))
+ (tag (div style "margin-top:2px; margin-bottom:-10px; ")
+ (spanclass comhead
+ (itemline c user)
+ (permalink c user)
+ (when parent
+ (when (cansee user c) (pr bar*))
+ (link "parent" (item-url ((item parent) 'id))))
+ (editlink c user)
+ (killlink c user whence)
+ (blastlink c user whence)
+ (deletelink c user whence)
+ ; a hack to check whence but otherwise need an arg just for this
+ (unless (or astree (is whence "newcomments"))
+ (flaglink c user whence))
+ (deadmark c user)
+ (when showon
+ (pr " | on: ")
+ (let s (superparent c)
+ (link (ellipsize s!title 50) (item-url s!id))))))
+ (when (or parent (cansee user c))
+ (br))
+ (spanclass comment
+ (if (~cansee user c) (pr (pseudo-text c))
+ (nor (live c) (author user c)) (spanclass dead (pr c!text))
+ (fontcolor (comment-color c)
+ (pr c!text))))
+ (when (and astree (cansee user c) (live c))
+ (para)
+ (tag (font size 1)
+ (if (and (~mem 'neutered c!keys)
+ (replyable c indent)
+ (comments-active c))
+ (underline (replylink c whence))
+ (fontcolor sand (pr "-----"))))))))
+; For really deeply nested comments, caching could add another reply
+; delay, but that's ok.
+; People could beat this by going to the link url or manually entering
+; the reply url, but deal with that if they do.
+(= reply-decay* 1.8) ; delays: (0 0 1 3 7 12 18 25 33 42 52 63)
+(def replyable (c indent)
+ (or (< indent 2)
+ (> (item-age c) (expt (- indent 1) reply-decay*))))
+(def replylink (i whence (o title 'reply))
+ (link title (+ "reply?id=" i!id "&whence=" (urlencode whence))))
+(newsop reply (id whence)
+ (with (i (safe-item id)
+ whence (or (only.urldecode whence) "news"))
+ (if (only.comments-active i)
+ (if user
+ (addcomment-page i user whence)
+ (login-page 'both "You have to be logged in to comment."
+ (fn (u ip)
+ (ensure-news-user u)
+ (newslog ip u 'comment-login)
+ (addcomment-page i u whence))))
+ (pr "No such item."))))
+(def comment-color (c)
+ (if (> c!score 0) black (grayrange c!score)))
+(defmemo grayrange (s)
+ (gray (min 230 (round (expt (* (+ (abs s) 2) 900) .6)))))
+; Threads
+(def threads-url (user) (+ "threads?id=" user))
+(newsop threads (id)
+ (if id
+ (threads-page user id)
+ (pr "No user specified.")))
+(def threads-page (user subject)
+ (if (profile subject)
+ (withs (title (+ subject "'s comments")
+ label (if (is user subject) "threads" title)
+ here (threads-url subject))
+ (longpage user (msec) nil label title here
+ (awhen (keep [and (cansee user _) (~subcomment _)]
+ (comments subject maxend*))
+ (display-threads user it label title here))))
+ (prn "No such user.")))
+(def display-threads (user comments label title whence
+ (o start 0) (o end threads-perpage*))
+ (tab
+ (each c (cut comments start end)
+ (display-comment-tree c user whence 0 t))
+ (when end
+ (let newend (+ end threads-perpage*)
+ (when (and (<= newend maxend*) (< end (len comments)))
+ (spacerow 10)
+ (row (tab (tr (td (hspace 0))
+ (td (hspace votewid*))
+ (tag (td class 'title)
+ (morelink display-threads
+ comments label title end newend))))))))))
+(def submissions (user (o limit))
+ (map item (firstn limit (uvar user submitted))))
+(def comments (user (o limit))
+ (map item (retrieve limit acomment:item (uvar user submitted))))
+(def subcomment (c)
+ (some [and (acomment _) (is _!by c!by) (no _!deleted)]
+ (ancestors c)))
+(def ancestors (i)
+ (accum a (trav i!parent a:item self:!parent:item)))
+; Submitted
+(def submitted-url (user) (+ "submitted?id=" user))
+(newsop submitted (id)
+ (if id
+ (submitted-page user id)
+ (pr "No user specified.")))
+(def submitted-page (user subject)
+ (if (profile subject)
+ (with (label (+ subject "'s submissions")
+ here (submitted-url subject))
+ (longpage user (msec) nil label label here
+ (if (or (no (ignored subject))
+ (is user subject)
+ (seesdead user))
+ (aif (keep [and (metastory _) (cansee user _)]
+ (submissions subject))
+ (display-items user it label label here 0 perpage* t)))))
+ (pr "No such user.")))
+; RSS
+(newsop rss () (rsspage nil))
+(newscache rsspage user 90
+ (rss-stories (retrieve perpage* live ranked-stories*)))
+(def rss-stories (stories)
+ (tag (rss version "2.0")
+ (tag channel
+ (tag title (pr this-site*))
+ (tag link (pr site-url*))
+ (tag description (pr site-desc*))
+ (each s stories
+ (tag item
+ (let comurl (+ site-url* (item-url s!id))
+ (tag title (pr (eschtml s!title)))
+ (tag link (pr (if (blank s!url) comurl (eschtml s!url))))
+ (tag comments (pr comurl))
+ (tag description
+ (cdata (link "Comments" comurl)))))))))
+; User Stats
+(newsop leaders () (leaderspage user))
+(= nleaders* 20)
+(newscache leaderspage user 1000
+ (longpage user (msec) nil "leaders" "Leaders" "leaders"
+ (sptab
+ (let i 0
+ (each u (firstn nleaders* (leading-users))
+ (tr (tdr:pr (++ i) ".")
+ (td (userlink user u nil))
+ (tdr:pr (karma u))
+ (when (admin user)
+ (tdr:prt (only.num (uvar u avg) 2 t t))))
+ (if (is i 10) (spacerow 30)))))))
+(= leader-threshold* 1) ; redefined later
+(def leading-users ()
+ (sort (compare > [karma _])
+ (users [and (> (karma _) leader-threshold*) (~admin _)])))
+(adop editors ()
+ (tab (each u (users [is (uvar _ auth) 1])
+ (row (userlink user u)))))
+(= update-avg-threshold* 0) ; redefined later
+(defbg update-avg 45
+ (unless (or (empty profs*) (no stories*))
+ (update-avg (rand-user [and (only.> (car (uvar _ submitted))
+ (- maxid* initload*))
+ (len> (uvar _ submitted)
+ update-avg-threshold*)]))))
+(def update-avg (user)
+ (= (uvar user avg) (comment-score user))
+ (save-prof user))
+(def rand-user ((o test idfn))
+ (evtil (rand-key profs*) test))
+; Ignore the most recent 5 comments since they may still be gaining votes.
+; Also ignore the highest-scoring comment, since possibly a fluff outlier.
+(def comment-score (user)
+ (aif (check (nthcdr 5 (comments user 50)) [len> _ 10])
+ (avg (cdr (sort > (map !score (rem !deleted it)))))
+ nil))
+; Comment Analysis
+; Instead of a separate active op, should probably display this info
+; implicitly by e.g. changing color of commentlink or by showing the
+; no of comments since that user last looked.
+(newsop active () (active-page user))
+(newscache active-page user 600
+ (listpage user (msec) (actives user) "active" "Active Threads"))
+(def actives (user (o n maxend*) (o consider 2000))
+ (visible user (rank-stories n consider (memo active-rank))))
+(= active-threshold* 1500)
+(def active-rank (s)
+ (sum [max 0 (- active-threshold* (item-age _))]
+ (cdr (family s))))
+(def family (i) (cons i (mappend family:item i!kids)))
+(newsop newcomments () (newcomments-page user))
+(newscache newcomments-page user 60
+ (listpage user (msec) (visible user (firstn maxend* comments*))
+ "comments" "New Comments" "newcomments" nil))
+; Doc
+(defop formatdoc req
+ (msgpage (get-user req) formatdoc* "Formatting Options"))
+(= formatdoc-url* "formatdoc")
+(= formatdoc*
+"Blank lines separate paragraphs.
+<p> Text after a blank line that is indented by two or more spaces is
+reproduced verbatim. (This is intended for code.)
+<p> Text surrounded by asterisks is italicized, if the character after the
+first asterisk isn't whitespace.
+<p> Urls become links, except in the text field of a submission.<br><br>")
+; Noprocrast
+(def check-procrast (user)
+ (or (no user)
+ (no (uvar user noprocrast))
+ (let now (seconds)
+ (unless (uvar user firstview)
+ (reset-procrast user))
+ (or (when (< (/ (- now (uvar user firstview)) 60)
+ (uvar user maxvisit))
+ (= (uvar user lastview) now)
+ (save-prof user)
+ t)
+ (when (> (/ (- now (uvar user lastview)) 60)
+ (uvar user minaway))
+ (reset-procrast user)
+ t)))))
+(def reset-procrast (user)
+ (= (uvar user lastview) (= (uvar user firstview) (seconds)))
+ (save-prof user))
+(def procrast-msg (user whence)
+ (let m (+ 1 (trunc (- (uvar user minaway)
+ (minutes-since (uvar user lastview)))))
+ (pr "<b>Get back to work!</b>")
+ (para "Sorry, you can't see this page. Based on the anti-procrastination
+ parameters you set in your profile, you'll be able to use the site
+ again in " (plural m "minute") ".")
+ (para "(If you got this message after submitting something, don't worry,
+ the submission was processed.)")
+ (para "To change your anti-procrastination settings, go to your profile
+ by clicking on your username. If <tt>noprocrast</tt> is set to
+ <tt>yes</tt>, you'll be limited to sessions of <tt>maxvisit</tt>
+ minutes, with <tt>minaway</tt> minutes between them.")
+ (para)
+ (w/rlink whence (underline (pr "retry")))
+ ; (hspace 20)
+ ; (w/rlink (do (reset-procrast user) whence) (underline (pr "override")))
+ (br2)))
+; Reset PW
+(defopg resetpw req (resetpw-page (get-user req)))
+(def resetpw-page (user (o msg))
+ (minipage "Reset Password"
+ (if msg
+ (pr msg)
+ (blank (uvar user email))
+ (do (pr "Before you do this, please add your email address to your ")
+ (underlink "profile" (user-url user))
+ (pr ". Otherwise you could lose your account if you mistype
+ your new password.")))
+ (br2)
+ (uform user req (try-resetpw user (arg req "p"))
+ (single-input "New password: " 'p 20 "reset" t))))
+(def try-resetpw (user newpw)
+ (if (len< newpw 4)
+ (resetpw-page user "Passwords should be a least 4 characters long.
+ Please choose another.")
+ (do (set-pw user newpw)
+ (newspage user))))
+; Scrubrules
+(defopa scrubrules req
+ (scrub-page (get-user req) scrubrules*))
+; If have other global alists, generalize an alist edit page.
+; Or better still generalize vars-form.
+(def scrub-page (user rules (o msg nil))
+ (minipage "Scrubrules"
+ (when msg (pr msg) (br2))
+ (uform user req
+ (with (froms (lines (arg req "from"))
+ tos (lines (arg req "to")))
+ (if (is (len froms) (len tos))
+ (do (todisk scrubrules* (map list froms tos))
+ (scrub-page user scrubrules* "Changes saved."))
+ (scrub-page user rules "To and from should be same length.")))
+ (pr "From: ")
+ (tag (textarea name 'from
+ cols (apply max 20 (map len (map car rules)))
+ rows (+ (len rules) 3))
+ (apply pr #\newline (intersperse #\newline (map car rules))))
+ (pr " To: ")
+ (tag (textarea name 'to
+ cols (apply max 20 (map len (map cadr rules)))
+ rows (+ (len rules) 3))
+ (apply pr #\newline (intersperse #\newline (map cadr rules))))
+ (br2)
+ (submit "update"))))
+; Abuse Analysis
+(adop badsites ()
+ (sptab
+ (row "Dead" "Days" "Site" "O" "K" "I" "Users")
+ (each (site deads) (with (banned (banned-site-items)
+ pairs (killedsites))
+ (+ pairs (map [list _ (banned _)]
+ (rem (fn (d)
+ (some [caris _ d] pairs))
+ (keys banned-sites*)))))
+ (let ban (car (banned-sites* site))
+ (tr (tdr (when deads
+ (onlink (len deads)
+ (listpage user (msec) deads
+ nil (+ "killed at " site) "badsites"))))
+ (tdr (when deads (pr (round (days-since ((car deads) 'time))))))
+ (td site)
+ (td (w/rlink (do (set-site-ban user site nil) "badsites")
+ (fontcolor (if ban gray.220 black) (pr "x"))))
+ (td (w/rlink (do (set-site-ban user site 'kill) "badsites")
+ (fontcolor (case ban kill darkred gray.220) (pr "x"))))
+ (td (w/rlink (do (set-site-ban user site 'ignore) "badsites")
+ (fontcolor (case ban ignore darkred gray.220) (pr "x"))))
+ (td (each u (dedup (map !by deads))
+ (userlink user u nil)
+ (pr " "))))))))
+(defcache killedsites 300
+ (let bads (table [each-loaded-item i
+ (awhen (and i!dead (sitename i!url))
+ (push i (_ it)))])
+ (with (acc nil deadcount (table))
+ (each (site items) bads
+ (let n (len items)
+ (when (> n 2)
+ (= (deadcount site) n)
+ (insort (compare > deadcount:car)
+ (list site (rev items))
+ acc))))
+ acc)))
+(defcache banned-site-items 300
+ (table [each-loaded-item i
+ (awhen (and i!dead (check (sitename i!url) banned-sites*))
+ (push i (_ it)))]))
+; Would be nice to auto unban ips whose most recent submission is > n
+; days old, but hard to do because of lazy loading. Would have to keep
+; a table of most recent submission per ip, and only enforce bannnedness
+; if < n days ago.
+(adop badips ()
+ (withs ((bads goods) (badips)
+ (subs ips) (sorted-badips bads goods))
+ (sptab
+ (row "IP" "Days" "Dead" "Live" "Users")
+ (each ip ips
+ (tr (td (let banned (banned-ips* ip)
+ (w/rlink (do (set-ip-ban user ip (no banned))
+ "badips")
+ (fontcolor (if banned darkred) (pr ip)))))
+ (tdr (when (or (goods ip) (bads ip))
+ (pr (round (days-since
+ (max (aif (car (goods ip)) it!time 0)
+ (aif (car (bads ip)) it!time 0)))))))
+ (tdr (onlink (len (bads ip))
+ (listpage user (msec) (bads ip)
+ nil (+ "dead from " ip) "badips")))
+ (tdr (onlink (len (goods ip))
+ (listpage user (msec) (goods ip)
+ nil (+ "live from " ip) "badips")))
+ (td (each u (subs ip)
+ (userlink user u nil)
+ (pr " "))))))))
+(defcache badips 300
+ (with (bads (table) goods (table))
+ (each-loaded-item s
+ (if (and s!dead (commentable s))
+ (push s (bads s!ip))
+ (push s (goods s!ip))))
+ (each (k v) bads (zap rev (bads k)))
+ (each (k v) goods (zap rev (goods k)))
+ (list bads goods)))
+(def sorted-badips (bads goods)
+ (withs (ips (let ips (rem [len< (bads _) 2] (keys bads))
+ (+ ips (rem [mem _ ips] (keys banned-ips*))))
+ subs (table
+ [each ip ips
+ (= (_ ip) (dedup (map !by (+ (bads ip) (goods ip)))))]))
+ (list subs
+ (sort (compare > (memo [badness (subs _) (bads _) (goods _)]))
+ ips))))
+(def badness (subs bads goods)
+ (* (/ (len bads)
+ (max .9 (expt (len goods) 2))
+ (expt (+ (days-since (aif (car bads) it!time 0))
+ 1)
+ 2))
+ (if (len> subs 1) 20 1)))
+(edop flagged ()
+ (display-selected-items user [retrieve maxend* flagged _] "flagged"))
+(def flagged (i)
+ (and (live i)
+ (~mem 'nokill i!keys)
+ (len> i!flags many-flags*)))
+(edop killed ()
+ (display-selected-items user [retrieve maxend* !dead _] "killed"))
+(def display-selected-items (user f whence)
+ (display-items user (f stories*) nil nil whence)
+ (vspace 35)
+ (color-stripe textgray)
+ (vspace 35)
+ (display-items user (f comments*) nil nil whence))
+; Rather useless thus; should add more data.
+(adop badguys ()
+ (tab (each u (sort (compare > [uvar _ created])
+ (users [ignored _]))
+ (row (userlink user u nil)))))
+(adop badlogins () (logins-page bad-logins*))
+(adop goodlogins () (logins-page good-logins*))
+(def logins-page (source)
+ (sptab (each (time ip user) (firstn 100 (rev (qlist source)))
+ (row time ip user))))
+; Stats
+(adop optimes ()
+ (sptab
+ (tr (td "op") (tdr "avg") (tdr "med") (tdr "req") (tdr "total"))
+ (spacerow 10)
+ (each name (sort < newsop-names*)
+ (tr (td name)
+ (let ms (only.avg (qlist (optimes* name)))
+ (tdr:prt (only.round ms))
+ (tdr:prt ( (qlist (optimes* name))))
+ (let n (opcounts* name)
+ (tdr:prt n)
+ (tdr:prt (and n (round (/ (* n ms) 1000))))))))))
+(defop topcolors req
+ (minipage "Custom Colors"
+ (tab
+ (each c (dedup (map downcase (trues [uvar _ topcolor] (users))))
+ (tr (td c) (tdcolor (hex>color c) (hspace 30)))))))
diff --git a/pprint.arc b/pprint.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4d3c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pprint.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+; Pretty-Printing. Spun off 4 Aug 06.
+; todo: indentation of long ifs; quasiquote, unquote, unquote-splicing
+(= bodops* (fill-table (table)
+ '(let 2 with 1 while 1 def 2 fn 1 rfn 2 afn 1
+ when 1 unless 1 after 1 whilet 2 for 3 each 2 whenlet 2 awhen 1
+ whitepage 0 tag 1 form 1 aform 1 aformh 1 w/link 1 textarea 3
+ )))
+(= oneline* 35) ; print exprs less than this long on one line
+; If returns nil, can assume it didn't have to break expr.
+(def ppr (expr (o col 0) (o noindent nil))
+ (if (or (atom expr) (dotted expr))
+ (do (unless noindent (sp col))
+ (write expr)
+ nil)
+ (is (car expr) 'quote)
+ (do (unless noindent (sp col))
+ (pr "'")
+ (ppr (cadr expr) (+ col 1) t))
+ (bodops* (car expr))
+ (do (unless noindent (sp col))
+ (let whole (tostring (write expr))
+ (if (< (len whole) oneline*)
+ (do (pr whole) nil)
+ (ppr-progn expr col noindent))))
+ (do (unless noindent (sp col))
+ (let whole (tostring (write expr))
+ (if (< (len whole) oneline*)
+ (do (pr whole) nil)
+ (ppr-call expr col noindent))))))
+(def ppr-progn (expr col noindent)
+ (lpar)
+ (let n (bodops* (car expr))
+ (let str (tostring (write-spaced (firstn n expr)))
+ (unless (is n 0) (pr str) (sp))
+ (ppr (expr n) (+ col (len str) 2) t))
+ (map (fn (e) (prn) (ppr e (+ col 2)))
+ (nthcdr (+ n 1) expr)))
+ (rpar)
+ t)
+(def ppr-call (expr col noindent)
+ (lpar)
+ (let carstr (tostring (write (car expr)))
+ (pr carstr)
+ (if (cdr expr)
+ (do (sp)
+ (let broke (ppr (cadr expr) (+ col (len carstr) 2) t)
+ (pprest (cddr expr)
+ (+ col (len carstr) 2)
+ (no broke)))
+ t)
+ (do (rpar) t))))
+(def pprest (exprs col (o oneline t))
+ (if (and oneline
+ (all (fn (e)
+ (or (atom e) (and (is (car e) 'quote) (atom (cadr e)))))
+ exprs))
+ (do (map (fn (e) (pr " ") (write e))
+ exprs)
+ (rpar))
+ (do (when exprs
+ (each e exprs (prn) (ppr e col)))
+ (rpar))))
+(def write-spaced (xs)
+ (when xs
+ (write (car xs))
+ (each x (cdr xs) (pr " ") (write x))))
+(def sp ((o n 1)) (repeat n (pr " ")))
+(def lpar () (pr "("))
+(def rpar () (pr ")"))
diff --git a/prompt.arc b/prompt.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af34e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prompt.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+; Prompt: Web-based programming application. 4 Aug 06.
+(= appdir* "arc/apps/")
+(defop prompt req
+ (let user (get-user req)
+ (if (admin user)
+ (prompt-page user)
+ (pr "Sorry."))))
+(def prompt-page (user . msg)
+ (ensure-dir appdir*)
+ (ensure-dir (string appdir* user))
+ (whitepage
+ (prbold "Prompt")
+ (hspace 20)
+ (pr user " | ")
+ (link "logout")
+ (when msg (hspace 10) (apply pr msg))
+ (br2)
+ (tag (table border 0 cellspacing 10)
+ (each app (dir (+ appdir* user))
+ (tr (td app)
+ (td (ulink user 'edit (edit-app user app)))
+ (td (ulink user 'run (run-app user app)))
+ (td (hspace 40)
+ (ulink user 'delete (rem-app user app))))))
+ (br2)
+ (aform (fn (req)
+ (when-umatch user req
+ (aif (goodname (arg req "app"))
+ (edit-app user it)
+ (prompt-page user "Bad name."))))
+ (tab (row "name:" (input "app") (submit "create app"))))))
+(def app-path (user app)
+ (and user app (+ appdir* user "/" app)))
+(def read-app (user app)
+ (aand (app-path user app)
+ (file-exists it)
+ (readfile it)))
+(def write-app (user app exprs)
+ (awhen (app-path user app)
+ (w/outfile o it
+ (each e exprs (write e o)))))
+(def rem-app (user app)
+ (let file (app-path user app)
+ (if (file-exists file)
+ (do (rmfile (app-path user app))
+ (prompt-page user "Program " app " deleted."))
+ (prompt-page user "No such app."))))
+(def edit-app (user app)
+ (whitepage
+ (pr "user: " user " app: " app)
+ (br2)
+ (aform (fn (req)
+ (let u2 (get-user req)
+ (if (is u2 user)
+ (do (when (is (arg req "cmd") "save")
+ (write-app user app (readall (arg req "exprs"))))
+ (prompt-page user))
+ (login-page 'both nil
+ (fn (u ip) (prompt-page u))))))
+ (textarea "exprs" 10 82
+ (pprcode (read-app user app)))
+ (br2)
+ (buts 'cmd "save" "cancel"))))
+(def pprcode (exprs)
+ (each e exprs
+ (ppr e)
+ (pr "\n\n")))
+(def view-app (user app)
+ (whitepage
+ (pr "user: " user " app: " app)
+ (br2)
+ (tag xmp (pprcode (read-app user app)))))
+(def run-app (user app)
+ (let exprs (read-app user app)
+ (if exprs
+ (on-err (fn (c) (pr "Error: " (details c)))
+ (fn () (map eval exprs)))
+ (prompt-page user "Error: No application " app " for user " user))))
+(wipe repl-history*)
+(defop repl req
+ (if (admin (get-user req))
+ (replpage req)
+ (pr "Sorry.")))
+(def replpage (req)
+ (whitepage
+ (repl (readall (or (arg req "expr") "")) "repl")))
+(def repl (exprs url)
+ (each expr exprs
+ (on-err (fn (c) (push (list expr c t) repl-history*))
+ (fn ()
+ (= that (eval expr) thatexpr expr)
+ (push (list expr that) repl-history*))))
+ (form url
+ (textarea "expr" 8 60)
+ (sp)
+ (submit))
+ (tag xmp
+ (each (expr val err) (firstn 20 repl-history*)
+ (pr "> ")
+ (ppr expr)
+ (prn)
+ (prn (if err "Error: " "")
+ (ellipsize (tostring (write val)) 800)))))
diff --git a/srv.arc b/srv.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65db716
--- /dev/null
+++ b/srv.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+; HTTP Server.
+; To improve performance with static files, set static-max-age*.
+(= arcdir* "arc/" logdir* "arc/logs/" staticdir* "static/")
+(= quitsrv* nil breaksrv* nil)
+(def serve ((o port 8080))
+ (wipe quitsrv*)
+ (ensure-srvdirs)
+ (map [apply new-bgthread _] pending-bgthreads*)
+ (w/socket s port
+ (setuid 2) ; XXX switch from root to pg
+ (prn "ready to serve port " port)
+ (flushout)
+ (= currsock* s)
+ (until quitsrv*
+ (handle-request s breaksrv*)))
+ (prn "quit server"))
+(def serve1 ((o port 8080))
+ (w/socket s port (handle-request s t)))
+(def ensure-srvdirs ()
+ (map ensure-dir (list arcdir* logdir* staticdir*)))
+(= srv-noisy* nil)
+; http requests currently capped at 2 meg by socket-accept
+; should threads process requests one at a time? no, then
+; a browser that's slow consuming the data could hang the
+; whole server.
+; wait for a connection from a browser and start a thread
+; to handle it. also arrange to kill that thread if it
+; has not completed in threadlife* seconds.
+(= threadlife* 30 requests* 0 requests/ip* (table)
+ throttle-ips* (table) ignore-ips* (table) spurned* (table))
+(def handle-request (s breaksrv)
+ (if breaksrv
+ (handle-request-1 s)
+ (errsafe (handle-request-1 s))))
+(def handle-request-1 (s)
+ (let (i o ip) (socket-accept s)
+ (if (and (or (ignore-ips* ip) (abusive-ip ip))
+ (++ (spurned* ip 0)))
+ (force-close i o)
+ (do (++ requests*)
+ (++ (requests/ip* ip 0))
+ (with (th1 nil th2 nil)
+ (= th1 (thread
+ (after (handle-request-thread i o ip)
+ (close i o)
+ (kill-thread th2))))
+ (= th2 (thread
+ (sleep threadlife*)
+ (unless (dead th1)
+ (prn "srv thread took too long for " ip))
+ (break-thread th1)
+ (force-close i o))))))))
+; Returns true if ip has made req-limit* requests in less than
+; req-window* seconds. If an ip is throttled, only 1 request is
+; allowed per req-window* seconds. If an ip makes req-limit*
+; requests in less than dos-window* seconds, it is a treated as a DoS
+; attack and put in ignore-ips* (for this server invocation).
+; To adjust this while running, adjust the req-window* time, not
+; req-limit*, because algorithm doesn't enforce decreases in the latter.
+(= req-times* (table) req-limit* 30 req-window* 10 dos-window* 2)
+(def abusive-ip (ip)
+ (and (only.> (requests/ip* ip) 250)
+ (let now (seconds)
+ (do1 (if (req-times* ip)
+ (and (>= (qlen (req-times* ip))
+ (if (throttle-ips* ip) 1 req-limit*))
+ (let dt (- now (deq (req-times* ip)))
+ (if (< dt dos-window*) (set (ignore-ips* ip)))
+ (< dt req-window*)))
+ (do (= (req-times* ip) (queue))
+ nil))
+ (enq now (req-times* ip))))))
+(def handle-request-thread (i o ip)
+ (with (nls 0 lines nil line nil responded nil t0 (msec))
+ (after
+ (whilet c (unless responded (readc i))
+ (if srv-noisy* (pr c))
+ (if (is c #\newline)
+ (if (is (++ nls) 2)
+ (let (type op args n cooks) (parseheader (rev lines))
+ (let t1 (msec)
+ (case type
+ get (respond o op args cooks ip)
+ post (handle-post i o op args n cooks ip)
+ (respond-err o "Unknown request: " (car lines)))
+ (log-request type op args cooks ip t0 t1)
+ (set responded)))
+ (do (push (string (rev line)) lines)
+ (wipe line)))
+ (unless (is c #\return)
+ (push c line)
+ (= nls 0))))
+ (close i o)))
+ (harvest-fnids))
+(def log-request (type op args cooks ip t0 t1)
+ (with (parsetime (- t1 t0) respondtime (- (msec) t1))
+ (srvlog 'srv ip
+ parsetime
+ respondtime
+ (if (> (+ parsetime respondtime) 1000) "***" "")
+ type
+ op
+ (let arg1 (car args)
+ (if (caris arg1 "fnid") "" arg1))
+ cooks)))
+; Could ignore return chars (which come from textarea fields) here by
+; (unless (is c #\return) (push c line))
+(def handle-post (i o op args n cooks ip)
+ (if srv-noisy* (pr "Post Contents: "))
+ (if (no n)
+ (respond-err o "Post request without Content-Length.")
+ (let line nil
+ (whilet c (and (> n 0) (readc i))
+ (if srv-noisy* (pr c))
+ (-- n)
+ (push c line))
+ (if srv-noisy* (pr "\n\n"))
+ (respond o op (+ (parseargs (string (rev line))) args) cooks ip))))
+(= header* "HTTP/1.1 200 OK
+Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
+Connection: close")
+(= type-header* (table))
+(def gen-type-header (ctype)
+ (+ "HTTP/1.0 200 OK
+Content-Type: "
+ ctype
+ "
+Connection: close"))
+(map (fn ((k v)) (= (type-header* k) (gen-type-header v)))
+ '((gif "image/gif")
+ (jpg "image/jpeg")
+ (png "image/png")
+ (text/html "text/html; charset=utf-8")))
+(= rdheader* "HTTP/1.0 302 Moved")
+(= srvops* (table) redirector* (table) optimes* (table) opcounts* (table))
+(def save-optime (name elapsed)
+ ; this is the place to put a/b testing
+ ; toggle a flag and push elapsed into one of two lists
+ (++ (opcounts* name 0))
+ (unless (optimes* name) (= (optimes* name) (queue)))
+ (enq-limit elapsed (optimes* name) 1000))
+; For ops that want to add their own headers. They must thus remember
+; to prn a blank line before anything meant to be part of the page.
+(mac defop-raw (name parms . body)
+ (w/uniq t1
+ `(= (srvops* ',name)
+ (fn ,parms
+ (let ,t1 (msec)
+ (do1 (do ,@body)
+ (save-optime ',name (- (msec) ,t1))))))))
+(mac defopr-raw (name parms . body)
+ `(= (redirector* ',name) t
+ (srvops* ',name) (fn ,parms ,@body)))
+(mac defop (name parm . body)
+ (w/uniq gs
+ `(do (wipe (redirector* ',name))
+ (defop-raw ,name (,gs ,parm)
+ (w/stdout ,gs (prn) ,@body)))))
+; Defines op as a redirector. Its retval is new location.
+(mac defopr (name parm . body)
+ (w/uniq gs
+ `(do (set (redirector* ',name))
+ (defop-raw ,name (,gs ,parm)
+ ,@body))))
+;(mac testop (name . args) `((srvops* ',name) ,@args))
+(deftem request
+ args nil
+ cooks nil
+ ip nil)
+(= unknown-msg* "Unknown." max-age* (table) static-max-age* nil)
+(def respond (str op args cooks ip)
+ (w/stdout str
+ (iflet f (srvops* op)
+ (let req (inst 'request 'args args 'cooks cooks 'ip ip)
+ (if (redirector* op)
+ (do (prn rdheader*)
+ (prn "Location: " (f str req))
+ (prn))
+ (do (prn header*)
+ (awhen (max-age* op)
+ (prn "Cache-Control: max-age=" it))
+ (f str req))))
+ (let filetype (static-filetype op)
+ (aif (and filetype (file-exists (string staticdir* op)))
+ (do (prn (type-header* filetype))
+ (awhen static-max-age*
+ (prn "Cache-Control: max-age=" it))
+ (prn)
+ (w/infile i it
+ (whilet b (readb i)
+ (writeb b str))))
+ (respond-err str unknown-msg*))))))
+(def static-filetype (sym)
+ (let fname (coerce sym 'string)
+ (and (~find #\/ fname)
+ (case (downcase (last (check (tokens fname #\.) ~single)))
+ "gif" 'gif
+ "jpg" 'jpg
+ "jpeg" 'jpg
+ "png" 'png
+ "css" 'text/html
+ "txt" 'text/html
+ "htm" 'text/html
+ "html" 'text/html
+ "arc" 'text/html
+ ))))
+(def respond-err (str msg . args)
+ (w/stdout str
+ (prn header*)
+ (prn)
+ (apply pr msg args)))
+(def parseheader (lines)
+ (let (type op args) (parseurl (car lines))
+ (list type
+ op
+ args
+ (and (is type 'post)
+ (some (fn (s)
+ (and (begins s "Content-Length:")
+ (errsafe:coerce (cadr (tokens s)) 'int)))
+ (cdr lines)))
+ (some (fn (s)
+ (and (begins s "Cookie:")
+ (parsecookies s)))
+ (cdr lines)))))
+; (parseurl "GET /p1?foo=bar&ug etc") -> (get p1 (("foo" "bar") ("ug")))
+(def parseurl (s)
+ (let (type url) (tokens s)
+ (let (base args) (tokens url #\?)
+ (list (sym (downcase type))
+ (sym (cut base 1))
+ (if args
+ (parseargs args)
+ nil)))))
+; I don't urldecode field names or anything in cookies; correct?
+(def parseargs (s)
+ (map (fn ((k v)) (list k (urldecode v)))
+ (map [tokens _ #\=] (tokens s #\&))))
+(def parsecookies (s)
+ (map [tokens _ #\=]
+ (cdr (tokens s [or (whitec _) (is _ #\;)]))))
+(def arg (req key) (alref req!args key))
+; *** Warning: does not currently urlencode args, so if need to do
+; that replace v with (urlencode v).
+(def reassemble-args (req)
+ (aif req!args
+ (apply string "?" (intersperse '&
+ (map (fn ((k v))
+ (string k '= v))
+ it)))
+ ""))
+(= fns* (table) fnids* nil timed-fnids* nil)
+; count on huge (expt 64 10) size of fnid space to avoid clashes
+(def new-fnid ()
+ (check (sym (rand-string 10)) ~fns* (new-fnid)))
+(def fnid (f)
+ (atlet key (new-fnid)
+ (= (fns* key) f)
+ (push key fnids*)
+ key))
+(def timed-fnid (lasts f)
+ (atlet key (new-fnid)
+ (= (fns* key) f)
+ (push (list key (seconds) lasts) timed-fnids*)
+ key))
+; Within f, it will be bound to the fn's own fnid. Remember that this is
+; so low-level that need to generate the newline to separate from the headers
+; within the body of f.
+(mac afnid (f)
+ `(atlet it (new-fnid)
+ (= (fns* it) ,f)
+ (push it fnids*)
+ it))
+;(defop test-afnid req
+; (tag (a href (url-for (afnid (fn (req) (prn) (pr "my fnid is " it)))))
+; (pr "click here")))
+; To be more sophisticated, instead of killing fnids, could first
+; replace them with fns that tell the server it's harvesting too
+; aggressively if they start to get called. But the right thing to
+; do is estimate what the max no of fnids can be and set the harvest
+; limit there-- beyond that the only solution is to buy more memory.
+(def harvest-fnids ((o n 50000)) ; was 20000
+ (when (len> fns* n)
+ (pull (fn ((id created lasts))
+ (when (> (since created) lasts)
+ (wipe (fns* id))
+ t))
+ timed-fnids*)
+ (atlet nharvest (trunc (/ n 10))
+ (let (kill keep) (split (rev fnids*) nharvest)
+ (= fnids* (rev keep))
+ (each id kill
+ (wipe (fns* id)))))))
+(= fnurl* "/x" rfnurl* "/r" rfnurl2* "/y" jfnurl* "/a")
+(= dead-msg* "\nUnknown or expired link.")
+(defop-raw x (str req)
+ (w/stdout str
+ (aif (fns* (sym (arg req "fnid")))
+ (it req)
+ (pr dead-msg*))))
+(defopr-raw y (str req)
+ (aif (fns* (sym (arg req "fnid")))
+ (w/stdout str (it req))
+ "deadlink"))
+; For asynchronous calls; discards the page. Would be better to tell
+; the fn not to generate it.
+(defop-raw a (str req)
+ (aif (fns* (sym (arg req "fnid")))
+ (tostring (it req))))
+(defopr r req
+ (aif (fns* (sym (arg req "fnid")))
+ (it req)
+ "deadlink"))
+(defop deadlink req
+ (pr dead-msg*))
+(def url-for (fnid)
+ (string fnurl* "?fnid=" fnid))
+(def flink (f)
+ (string fnurl* "?fnid=" (fnid (fn (req) (prn) (f req)))))
+(def rflink (f)
+ (string rfnurl* "?fnid=" (fnid f)))
+; Since it's just an expr, gensym a parm for (ignored) args.
+(mac w/link (expr . body)
+ `(tag (a href (flink (fn (,(uniq)) ,expr)))
+ ,@body))
+(mac w/rlink (expr . body)
+ `(tag (a href (rflink (fn (,(uniq)) ,expr)))
+ ,@body))
+(mac onlink (text . body)
+ `(w/link (do ,@body) (pr ,text)))
+(mac onrlink (text . body)
+ `(w/rlink (do ,@body) (pr ,text)))
+; bad to have both flink and linkf; rename flink something like fnid-link
+(mac linkf (text parms . body)
+ `(tag (a href (flink (fn ,parms ,@body))) (pr ,text)))
+(mac rlinkf (text parms . body)
+ `(tag (a href (rflink (fn ,parms ,@body))) (pr ,text)))
+;(defop top req (linkf 'whoami? (req) (pr "I am " (get-user req))))
+;(defop testf req (w/link (pr "ha ha ha") (pr "laugh")))
+(mac w/link-if (test expr . body)
+ `(tag-if ,test (a href (flink (fn (,(uniq)) ,expr)))
+ ,@body))
+(def fnid-field (id)
+ (gentag input type 'hidden name 'fnid value id))
+; f should be a fn of one arg, which will be http request args.
+(def fnform (f bodyfn (o redir))
+ (tag (form method 'post action (if redir rfnurl2* fnurl*))
+ (fnid-field (fnid f))
+ (bodyfn)))
+; Could also make a version that uses just an expr, and var capture.
+; Is there a way to ensure user doesn't use "fnid" as a key?
+(mac aform (f . body)
+ (w/uniq ga
+ `(tag (form method 'post action fnurl*)
+ (fnid-field (fnid (fn (,ga)
+ (prn)
+ (,f ,ga))))
+ ,@body)))
+;(defop test1 req
+; (fnform (fn (req) (prn) (pr req))
+; (fn () (single-input "" 'foo 20 "submit"))))
+;(defop test2 req
+; (aform (fn (req) (pr req))
+; (single-input "" 'foo 20 "submit")))
+; Like aform except creates a fnid that will last for lasts seconds
+; (unless the server is restarted).
+(mac taform (lasts f . body)
+ (w/uniq (gl gf gi ga)
+ `(withs (,gl ,lasts
+ ,gf (fn (,ga) (prn) (,f ,ga)))
+ (tag (form method 'post action fnurl*)
+ (fnid-field (if ,gl (timed-fnid ,gl ,gf) (fnid ,gf)))
+ ,@body))))
+(mac arform (f . body)
+ `(tag (form method 'post action rfnurl*)
+ (fnid-field (fnid ,f))
+ ,@body))
+; overlong
+(mac tarform (lasts f . body)
+ (w/uniq (gl gf)
+ `(withs (,gl ,lasts ,gf ,f)
+ (tag (form method 'post action rfnurl*)
+ (fnid-field (if ,gl (timed-fnid ,gl ,gf) (fnid ,gf)))
+ ,@body))))
+(mac aformh (f . body)
+ `(tag (form method 'post action fnurl*)
+ (fnid-field (fnid ,f))
+ ,@body))
+(mac arformh (f . body)
+ `(tag (form method 'post action rfnurl2*)
+ (fnid-field (fnid ,f))
+ ,@body))
+; only unique per server invocation
+(= unique-ids* (table))
+(def unique-id ((o len 8))
+ (let id (sym (rand-string (max 5 len)))
+ (if (unique-ids* id)
+ (unique-id)
+ (= (unique-ids* id) id))))
+(def srvlog (type . args)
+ (w/appendfile o (logfile-name type)
+ (w/stdout o (atomic (apply prs (seconds) args) (prn)))))
+(def logfile-name (type)
+ (string logdir* type "-" (memodate)))
+(with (lastasked nil lastval nil)
+(def memodate ()
+ (let now (seconds)
+ (if (or (no lastasked) (> (- now lastasked) 60))
+ (= lastasked now lastval (datestring))
+ lastval)))
+(defop || req (pr "It's alive."))
+(defop topips req
+ (when (admin (get-user req))
+ (whitepage
+ (sptab
+ (each ip (let leaders nil
+ (maptable (fn (ip n)
+ (when (> n 100)
+ (insort (compare > requests/ip*)
+ ip
+ leaders)))
+ requests/ip*)
+ leaders)
+ (let n (requests/ip* ip)
+ (row ip n (pr (num (* 100 (/ n requests*)) 1)))))))))
+(defop spurned req
+ (when (admin (get-user req))
+ (whitepage
+ (sptab
+ (map (fn ((ip n)) (row ip n))
+ (sortable spurned*))))))
+; eventually promote to general util
+(def sortable (ht (o f >))
+ (let res nil
+ (maptable (fn kv
+ (insort (compare f cadr) kv res))
+ ht)
+ res))
+; Background Threads
+(= bgthreads* (table) pending-bgthreads* nil)
+(def new-bgthread (id f sec)
+ (aif (bgthreads* id) (break-thread it))
+ (= (bgthreads* id) (new-thread (fn ()
+ (while t
+ (sleep sec)
+ (f))))))
+; should be a macro for this?
+(mac defbg (id sec . body)
+ `(do (pull [caris _ ',id] pending-bgthreads*)
+ (push (list ',id (fn () ,@body) ,sec)
+ pending-bgthreads*)))
+; Idea: make form fields that know their value type because of
+; gensymed names, and so the receiving fn gets args that are not
+; strings but parsed values.
diff --git a/static/arc.png b/static/arc.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..100407f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/arc.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/grayarrow.gif b/static/grayarrow.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..888485f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/grayarrow.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/graydown.gif b/static/graydown.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ea7777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/graydown.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/static/robots.txt b/static/robots.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/robots.txt
diff --git a/static/s.gif b/static/s.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d11fa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/s.gif
Binary files differ
diff --git a/strings.arc b/strings.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b80bc59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/strings.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+; Matching. Spun off 29 Jul 06.
+; arc> (tostring (writec (coerce 133 'char)))
+;> (define ss (open-output-string))
+;> (write-char (integer->char 133) ss)
+;> (get-output-string ss)
+(def tokens (s (o sep whitec))
+ (let test (testify sep)
+ (let rec (afn (cs toks tok)
+ (if (no cs) (consif tok toks)
+ (test (car cs)) (self (cdr cs) (consif tok toks) nil)
+ (self (cdr cs) toks (cons (car cs) tok))))
+ (rev (map [coerce _ 'string]
+ (map rev (rec (coerce s 'cons) nil nil)))))))
+; names of cut, split, halve not optimal
+(def halve (s (o sep whitec))
+ (let test (testify sep)
+ (let rec (afn (cs tok)
+ (if (no cs) (list (rev tok))
+ (test (car cs)) (list cs (rev tok))
+ (self (cdr cs) (cons (car cs) tok))))
+ (rev (map [coerce _ 'string]
+ (rec (coerce s 'cons) nil))))))
+; maybe promote to arc.arc, but if so include a list clause
+(def positions (test seq)
+ (accum a
+ (let f (testify test)
+ (forlen i seq
+ (if (f (seq i)) (a i))))))
+(def lines (s)
+ (accum a
+ ((afn ((p . ps))
+ (if ps
+ (do (a (rem #\return (cut s (+ p 1) (car ps))))
+ (self ps))
+ (a (cut s (+ p 1)))))
+ (cons -1 (positions #\newline s)))))
+(def slices (s test)
+ (accum a
+ ((afn ((p . ps))
+ (if ps
+ (do (a (cut s (+ p 1) (car ps)))
+ (self ps))
+ (a (cut s (+ p 1)))))
+ (cons -1 (positions test s)))))
+; > (require (lib "" "net"))
+;> (form-urlencoded-decode "x%ce%bbx")
+; first byte: 0-7F, 1 char; c2-df 2; e0-ef 3, f0-f4 4.
+; Fixed for utf8 by pc.
+(def urldecode (s)
+ (tostring
+ (forlen i s
+ (caselet c (s i)
+ #\+ (writec #\space)
+ #\% (do (when (> (- (len s) i) 2)
+ (writeb (int (cut s (+ i 1) (+ i 3)) 16)))
+ (++ i 2))
+ (writec c)))))
+(def urlencode (s)
+ (tostring
+ (each c s
+ (writec #\%)
+ (let i (int c)
+ (if (< i 16) (writec #\0))
+ (pr (coerce i 'string 16))))))
+(mac litmatch (pat string (o start 0))
+ (w/uniq (gstring gstart)
+ `(with (,gstring ,string ,gstart ,start)
+ (unless (> (+ ,gstart ,(len pat)) (len ,gstring))
+ (and ,@(let acc nil
+ (forlen i pat
+ (push `(is ,(pat i) (,gstring (+ ,gstart ,i)))
+ acc))
+ (rev acc)))))))
+; litmatch would be cleaner if map worked for string and integer args:
+; ,@(map (fn (n c)
+; `(is ,c (,gstring (+ ,gstart ,n))))
+; (len pat)
+; pat)
+(mac endmatch (pat string)
+ (w/uniq (gstring glen)
+ `(withs (,gstring ,string ,glen (len ,gstring))
+ (unless (> ,(len pat) (len ,gstring))
+ (and ,@(let acc nil
+ (forlen i pat
+ (push `(is ,(pat (- (len pat) 1 i))
+ (,gstring (- ,glen 1 ,i)))
+ acc))
+ (rev acc)))))))
+(def posmatch (pat seq (o start 0))
+ (catch
+ (if (isa pat 'fn)
+ (for i start (- (len seq) 1)
+ (when (pat (seq i)) (throw i)))
+ (for i start (- (len seq) (len pat))
+ (when (headmatch pat seq i) (throw i))))
+ nil))
+(def headmatch (pat seq (o start 0))
+ (let p (len pat)
+ ((afn (i)
+ (or (is i p)
+ (and (is (pat i) (seq (+ i start)))
+ (self (+ i 1)))))
+ 0)))
+(def begins (seq pat (o start 0))
+ (unless (len> pat (- (len seq) start))
+ (headmatch pat seq start)))
+(def subst (new old seq)
+ (let boundary (+ (- (len seq) (len old)) 1)
+ (tostring
+ (forlen i seq
+ (if (and (< i boundary) (headmatch old seq i))
+ (do (++ i (- (len old) 1))
+ (pr new))
+ (pr (seq i)))))))
+(def multisubst (pairs seq)
+ (tostring
+ (forlen i seq
+ (iflet (old new) (find [begins seq (car _) i] pairs)
+ (do (++ i (- (len old) 1))
+ (pr new))
+ (pr (seq i))))))
+; not a good name
+(def findsubseq (pat seq (o start 0))
+ (if (< (- (len seq) start) (len pat))
+ nil
+ (if (headmatch pat seq start)
+ start
+ (findsubseq pat seq (+ start 1)))))
+(def blank (s) (~find ~whitec s))
+(def nonblank (s) (unless (blank s) s))
+(def trim (s (o where 'both) (o test whitec))
+ (withs (f (testify test)
+ p1 (pos ~f s))
+ (if p1
+ (cut s
+ (if (in where 'front 'both) p1 0)
+ (when (in where 'end 'both)
+ (let i (- (len s) 1)
+ (while (and (> i p1) (f (s i)))
+ (-- i))
+ (+ i 1))))
+ "")))
+(def num (n (o digits 2) (o trail-zeros nil) (o init-zero nil))
+ (withs (comma
+ (fn (i)
+ (tostring
+ (map [apply pr (rev _)]
+ (rev (intersperse '(#\,)
+ (tuples (rev (coerce (string i) 'cons))
+ 3))))))
+ abrep
+ (let a (abs n)
+ (if (< digits 1)
+ (comma (roundup a))
+ (exact a)
+ (string (comma a)
+ (when (and trail-zeros (> digits 0))
+ (string "." (newstring digits #\0))))
+ (withs (d (expt 10 digits)
+ m (/ (roundup (* a d)) d)
+ i (trunc m)
+ r (abs (trunc (- (* m d) (* i d)))))
+ (+ (if (is i 0)
+ (if (or init-zero (is r 0)) "0" "")
+ (comma i))
+ (withs (rest (string r)
+ padded (+ (newstring (- digits (len rest)) #\0)
+ rest)
+ final (if trail-zeros
+ padded
+ (trim padded 'end [is _ #\0])))
+ (string (unless (empty final) ".")
+ final)))))))
+ (if (and (< n 0) (find [and (digit _) (isnt _ #\0)] abrep))
+ (+ "-" abrep)
+ abrep)))
+; English
+(def pluralize (n str)
+ (if (or (is n 1) (single n))
+ str
+ (string str "s")))
+(def plural (n x)
+ (string n #\ (pluralize n x)))