path: root/prompt.arc
diff options
authorbnewbold <>2011-06-24 17:21:45 -0400
committerbnewbold <>2011-06-24 17:21:45 -0400
commit421dc8c7141ecb6297996f7370d96e7e99894683 (patch)
tree50b8bcf931c4dc204f74b8721de9244ab4977056 /prompt.arc
Diffstat (limited to 'prompt.arc')
1 files changed, 119 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/prompt.arc b/prompt.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af34e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/prompt.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+; Prompt: Web-based programming application. 4 Aug 06.
+(= appdir* "arc/apps/")
+(defop prompt req
+ (let user (get-user req)
+ (if (admin user)
+ (prompt-page user)
+ (pr "Sorry."))))
+(def prompt-page (user . msg)
+ (ensure-dir appdir*)
+ (ensure-dir (string appdir* user))
+ (whitepage
+ (prbold "Prompt")
+ (hspace 20)
+ (pr user " | ")
+ (link "logout")
+ (when msg (hspace 10) (apply pr msg))
+ (br2)
+ (tag (table border 0 cellspacing 10)
+ (each app (dir (+ appdir* user))
+ (tr (td app)
+ (td (ulink user 'edit (edit-app user app)))
+ (td (ulink user 'run (run-app user app)))
+ (td (hspace 40)
+ (ulink user 'delete (rem-app user app))))))
+ (br2)
+ (aform (fn (req)
+ (when-umatch user req
+ (aif (goodname (arg req "app"))
+ (edit-app user it)
+ (prompt-page user "Bad name."))))
+ (tab (row "name:" (input "app") (submit "create app"))))))
+(def app-path (user app)
+ (and user app (+ appdir* user "/" app)))
+(def read-app (user app)
+ (aand (app-path user app)
+ (file-exists it)
+ (readfile it)))
+(def write-app (user app exprs)
+ (awhen (app-path user app)
+ (w/outfile o it
+ (each e exprs (write e o)))))
+(def rem-app (user app)
+ (let file (app-path user app)
+ (if (file-exists file)
+ (do (rmfile (app-path user app))
+ (prompt-page user "Program " app " deleted."))
+ (prompt-page user "No such app."))))
+(def edit-app (user app)
+ (whitepage
+ (pr "user: " user " app: " app)
+ (br2)
+ (aform (fn (req)
+ (let u2 (get-user req)
+ (if (is u2 user)
+ (do (when (is (arg req "cmd") "save")
+ (write-app user app (readall (arg req "exprs"))))
+ (prompt-page user))
+ (login-page 'both nil
+ (fn (u ip) (prompt-page u))))))
+ (textarea "exprs" 10 82
+ (pprcode (read-app user app)))
+ (br2)
+ (buts 'cmd "save" "cancel"))))
+(def pprcode (exprs)
+ (each e exprs
+ (ppr e)
+ (pr "\n\n")))
+(def view-app (user app)
+ (whitepage
+ (pr "user: " user " app: " app)
+ (br2)
+ (tag xmp (pprcode (read-app user app)))))
+(def run-app (user app)
+ (let exprs (read-app user app)
+ (if exprs
+ (on-err (fn (c) (pr "Error: " (details c)))
+ (fn () (map eval exprs)))
+ (prompt-page user "Error: No application " app " for user " user))))
+(wipe repl-history*)
+(defop repl req
+ (if (admin (get-user req))
+ (replpage req)
+ (pr "Sorry.")))
+(def replpage (req)
+ (whitepage
+ (repl (readall (or (arg req "expr") "")) "repl")))
+(def repl (exprs url)
+ (each expr exprs
+ (on-err (fn (c) (push (list expr c t) repl-history*))
+ (fn ()
+ (= that (eval expr) thatexpr expr)
+ (push (list expr that) repl-history*))))
+ (form url
+ (textarea "expr" 8 60)
+ (sp)
+ (submit))
+ (tag xmp
+ (each (expr val err) (firstn 20 repl-history*)
+ (pr "> ")
+ (ppr expr)
+ (prn)
+ (prn (if err "Error: " "")
+ (ellipsize (tostring (write val)) 800)))))