path: root/app.arc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app.arc')
1 files changed, 671 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/app.arc b/app.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..292800f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+; Application Server. Layer inserted 2 Sep 06.
+; ideas:
+; def a general notion of apps of which prompt is one, news another
+; give each user a place to store data? A home dir?
+; A user is simply a string: "pg". Use /whoami to test user cookie.
+(= hpwfile* "arc/hpw"
+ oidfile* "arc/openids"
+ adminfile* "arc/admins"
+ cookfile* "arc/cooks")
+(def asv ((o port 8080))
+ (load-userinfo)
+ (serve port))
+(def load-userinfo ()
+ (= hpasswords* (safe-load-table hpwfile*)
+ openids* (safe-load-table oidfile*)
+ admins* (map string (errsafe (readfile adminfile*)))
+ cookie->user* (safe-load-table cookfile*))
+ (maptable (fn (k v) (= (user->cookie* v) k))
+ cookie->user*))
+; idea: a bidirectional table, so don't need two vars (and sets)
+(= cookie->user* (table) user->cookie* (table) logins* (table))
+(def get-user (req)
+ (let u (aand (alref req!cooks "user") (cookie->user* (sym it)))
+ (when u (= (logins* u) req!ip))
+ u))
+(mac when-umatch (user req . body)
+ `(if (is ,user (get-user ,req))
+ (do ,@body)
+ (mismatch-message)))
+(def mismatch-message ()
+ (prn "Dead link: users don't match."))
+(mac when-umatch/r (user req . body)
+ `(if (is ,user (get-user ,req))
+ (do ,@body)
+ "mismatch"))
+(defop mismatch req (mismatch-message))
+(mac uform (user req after . body)
+ `(aform (fn (,req)
+ (when-umatch ,user ,req
+ ,after))
+ ,@body))
+(mac urform (user req after . body)
+ `(arform (fn (,req)
+ (when-umatch/r ,user ,req
+ ,after))
+ ,@body))
+; Like onlink, but checks that user submitting the request is the
+; same it was generated for. For extra protection could log the
+; username and ip addr of every genlink, and check if they match.
+(mac ulink (user text . body)
+ (w/uniq req
+ `(linkf ,text (,req)
+ (when-umatch ,user ,req ,@body))))
+(defop admin req (admin-gate (get-user req)))
+(def admin-gate (u)
+ (if (admin u)
+ (admin-page u)
+ (login-page 'login nil
+ (fn (u ip) (admin-gate u)))))
+(def admin (u) (and u (mem u admins*)))
+(def user-exists (u) (and u (hpasswords* u) u))
+(def admin-page (user . msg)
+ (whitepage
+ (prbold "Admin: ")
+ (hspace 20)
+ (pr user " | ")
+ (w/link (do (logout-user user)
+ (whitepage (pr "Bye " user ".")))
+ (pr "logout"))
+ (when msg (hspace 10) (map pr msg))
+ (br2)
+ (aform (fn (req)
+ (when-umatch user req
+ (with (u (arg req "u") p (arg req "p"))
+ (if (or (no u) (no p) (is u "") (is p ""))
+ (pr "Bad data.")
+ (user-exists u)
+ (admin-page user "User already exists: " u)
+ (do (create-acct u p)
+ (admin-page user))))))
+ (pwfields "create (server) account"))))
+(def cook-user (user)
+ (let id (new-user-cookie)
+ (= (cookie->user* id) user
+ (user->cookie* user) id)
+ (save-table cookie->user* cookfile*)
+ id))
+; Unique-ids are only unique per server invocation.
+(def new-user-cookie ()
+ (let id (unique-id)
+ (if (cookie->user* id) (new-user-cookie) id)))
+(def logout-user (user)
+ (wipe (logins* user))
+ (wipe (cookie->user* (user->cookie* user)) (user->cookie* user))
+ (save-table cookie->user* cookfile*))
+(def create-acct (user pw)
+ (set (dc-usernames* (downcase user)))
+ (set-pw user pw))
+(def disable-acct (user)
+ (set-pw user (rand-string 20))
+ (logout-user user))
+(def set-pw (user pw)
+ (= (hpasswords* user) (and pw (shash pw)))
+ (save-table hpasswords* hpwfile*))
+(def hello-page (user ip)
+ (whitepage (prs "hello" user "at" ip)))
+(defop login req (login-page 'login))
+; switch is one of: register, login, both
+; afterward is either a function on the newly created username and
+; ip address, in which case it is called to generate the next page
+; after a successful login, or a pair of (function url), which means
+; call the function, then redirect to the url.
+; classic example of something that should just "return" a val
+; via a continuation rather than going to a new page.
+(def login-page (switch (o msg nil) (o afterward hello-page))
+ (whitepage
+ (pagemessage msg)
+ (when (in switch 'login 'both)
+ (login-form "Login" switch login-handler afterward)
+ (hook 'login-form afterward)
+ (br2))
+ (when (in switch 'register 'both)
+ (login-form "Create Account" switch create-handler afterward))))
+(def login-form (label switch handler afterward)
+ (prbold label)
+ (br2)
+ (fnform (fn (req) (handler req switch afterward))
+ (fn () (pwfields (downcase label)))
+ (acons afterward)))
+(def login-handler (req switch afterward)
+ (logout-user (get-user req))
+ (aif (good-login (arg req "u") (arg req "p") req!ip)
+ (login it req!ip (user->cookie* it) afterward)
+ (failed-login switch "Bad login." afterward)))
+(def create-handler (req switch afterward)
+ (logout-user (get-user req))
+ (with (user (arg req "u") pw (arg req "p"))
+ (aif (bad-newacct user pw)
+ (failed-login switch it afterward)
+ (do (create-acct user pw)
+ (login user req!ip (cook-user user) afterward)))))
+(def login (user ip cookie afterward)
+ (= (logins* user) ip)
+ (prcookie cookie)
+ (if (acons afterward)
+ (let (f url) afterward
+ (f user ip)
+ url)
+ (do (prn)
+ (afterward user ip))))
+(def failed-login (switch msg afterward)
+ (if (acons afterward)
+ (flink (fn ignore (login-page switch msg afterward)))
+ (do (prn)
+ (login-page switch msg afterward))))
+(def prcookie (cook)
+ (prn "Set-Cookie: user=" cook "; expires=Sun, 17-Jan-2038 19:14:07 GMT"))
+(def pwfields ((o label "login"))
+ (inputs u username 20 nil
+ p password 20 nil)
+ (br)
+ (submit label))
+(= good-logins* (queue) bad-logins* (queue))
+(def good-login (user pw ip)
+ (let record (list (seconds) ip user)
+ (if (and user pw (aand (shash pw) (is it (hpasswords* user))))
+ (do (unless (user->cookie* user) (cook-user user))
+ (enq-limit record good-logins*)
+ user)
+ (do (enq-limit record bad-logins*)
+ nil))))
+; Create a file in case people have quote chars in their pws. I can't
+; believe there's no way to just send the chars.
+(def shash (str)
+ (let fname (+ "/tmp/shash" (rand-string 10))
+ (w/outfile f fname (disp str f))
+ (let res (tostring (system (+ "openssl dgst -sha1 <" fname)))
+ (do1 (cut res 0 (- (len res) 1))
+ (rmfile fname)))))
+(= dc-usernames* (table))
+(def username-taken (user)
+ (when (empty dc-usernames*)
+ (each (k v) hpasswords*
+ (set (dc-usernames* (downcase k)))))
+ (dc-usernames* (downcase user)))
+(def bad-newacct (user pw)
+ (if (no (goodname user 2 15))
+ "Usernames can only contain letters, digits, dashes and
+ underscores, and should be between 2 and 15 characters long.
+ Please choose another."
+ (username-taken user)
+ "That username is taken. Please choose another."
+ (or (no pw) (< (len pw) 4))
+ "Passwords should be a least 4 characters long. Please
+ choose another."
+ nil))
+(def goodname (str (o min 1) (o max nil))
+ (and (isa str 'string)
+ (>= (len str) min)
+ (~find (fn (c) (no (or (alphadig c) (in c #\- #\_))))
+ str)
+ (isnt (str 0) #\-)
+ (or (no max) (<= (len str) max))
+ str))
+(defop logout req
+ (aif (get-user req)
+ (do (logout-user it)
+ (pr "Logged out."))
+ (pr "You were not logged in.")))
+(defop whoami req
+ (aif (get-user req)
+ (prs it 'at req!ip)
+ (do (pr "You are not logged in. ")
+ (w/link (login-page 'both) (pr "Log in"))
+ (pr "."))))
+(= formwid* 60 bigformwid* 80 numwid* 16 formatdoc-url* nil)
+; Eventually figure out a way to separate type name from format of
+; input field, instead of having e.g. toks and bigtoks
+(def varfield (typ id val)
+ (if (in typ 'string 'string1 'url)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value val size formwid*)
+ (in typ 'num 'int 'posint 'sym)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value val size numwid*)
+ (in typ 'users 'toks)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value (tostring (apply prs val))
+ size formwid*)
+ (is typ 'sexpr)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id
+ value (tostring (map [do (write _) (sp)] val))
+ size formwid*)
+ (in typ 'syms 'text 'doc 'mdtext 'mdtext2 'lines 'bigtoks)
+ (let text (if (in typ 'syms 'bigtoks)
+ (tostring (apply prs val))
+ (is typ 'lines)
+ (tostring (apply pr (intersperse #\newline val)))
+ (in typ 'mdtext 'mdtext2)
+ (unmarkdown val)
+ (no val)
+ ""
+ val)
+ (tag (textarea cols (if (is typ 'doc) bigformwid* formwid*)
+ rows (needrows text formwid* 4)
+ wrap 'virtual
+ style (if (is typ 'doc) "font-size:8.5pt")
+ name id)
+ (prn) ; needed or 1 initial newline gets chopped off
+ (pr text))
+ (when (and formatdoc-url* (in typ 'mdtext 'mdtext2))
+ (pr " ")
+ (tag (font size -2)
+ (link "help" formatdoc-url* (gray 175)))))
+ (caris typ 'choice)
+ (menu id (cddr typ) val)
+ (is typ 'yesno)
+ (menu id '("yes" "no") (if val "yes" "no"))
+ (is typ 'hexcol)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value val)
+ (is typ 'time)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value (if val (english-time val) ""))
+ (is typ 'date)
+ (gentag input type 'text name id value (if val (english-date val) ""))
+ (err "unknown varfield type" typ)))
+(def text-rows (text wid (o pad 3))
+ (+ (trunc (/ (len text) (* wid .8))) pad))
+(def needrows (text cols (o pad 0))
+ (+ pad (max (+ 1 (count #\newline text))
+ (roundup (/ (len text) (- cols 5))))))
+(def varline (typ id val (o liveurls))
+ (if (in typ 'users 'syms 'toks 'bigtoks) (apply prs val)
+ (is typ 'lines) (map prn val)
+ (is typ 'yesno) (pr (if val 'yes 'no))
+ (caris typ 'choice) (varline (cadr typ) nil val)
+ (is typ 'url) (if (and liveurls (valid-url val))
+ (link val val)
+ (pr val))
+ (text-type typ) (pr (or val ""))
+ (pr val)))
+(def text-type (typ) (in typ 'string 'string1 'url 'text 'mdtext 'mdtext2))
+; Newlines in forms come back as /r/n. Only want the /ns. Currently
+; remove the /rs in individual cases below. Could do it in aform or
+; even in the parsing of http requests, in the server.
+; Need the calls to striptags so that news users can't get html
+; into a title or comment by editing it. If want a form that
+; can take html, just create another typ for it.
+(def readvar (typ str (o fail nil))
+ (case (carif typ)
+ string (striptags str)
+ string1 (if (blank str) fail (striptags str))
+ url (if (blank str) "" (valid-url str) (clean-url str) fail)
+ num (let n (saferead str) (if (number n) n fail))
+ int (let n (saferead str)
+ (if (number n) (round n) fail))
+ posint (let n (saferead str)
+ (if (and (number n) (> n 0)) (round n) fail))
+ text (striptags str)
+ doc (striptags str)
+ mdtext (md-from-form str)
+ mdtext2 (md-from-form str t) ; for md with no links
+ sym (or (sym:car:tokens str) fail)
+ syms (map sym (tokens str))
+ sexpr (errsafe (readall str))
+ users (rem [no (goodname _)] (tokens str))
+ toks (tokens str)
+ bigtoks (tokens str)
+ lines (lines str)
+ choice (readvar (cadr typ) str)
+ yesno (is str "yes")
+ hexcol (if (hex>color str) str fail)
+ time (or (errsafe (parse-time str)) fail)
+ date (or (errsafe (parse-date str)) fail)
+ (err "unknown readvar type" typ)))
+; dates should be tagged date, and just redefine <
+(def varcompare (typ)
+ (if (in typ 'syms 'sexpr 'users 'toks 'bigtoks 'lines 'hexcol)
+ (fn (x y) (> (len x) (len y)))
+ (is typ 'date)
+ (fn (x y)
+ (or (no y) (and x (date< x y))))
+ (fn (x y)
+ (or (empty y) (and (~empty x) (< x y))))))
+; (= fail* (uniq))
+(def fail* ()) ; coudn't possibly come back from a form
+; Takes a list of fields of the form (type label value view modify) and
+; a fn f and generates a form such that when submitted (f label newval)
+; will be called for each valid value. Finally done is called.
+(def vars-form (user fields f done (o button "update") (o lasts))
+ (taform lasts
+ (if (all [no (_ 4)] fields)
+ (fn (req))
+ (fn (req)
+ (when-umatch user req
+ (each (k v) req!args
+ (let name (sym k)
+ (awhen (find [is (cadr _) name] fields)
+ ; added sho to fix bug
+ (let (typ id val sho mod) it
+ (when (and mod v)
+ (let newval (readvar typ v fail*)
+ (unless (is newval fail*)
+ (f name newval))))))))
+ (done))))
+ (tab
+ (showvars fields))
+ (unless (all [no (_ 4)] fields) ; no modifiable fields
+ (br)
+ (submit button))))
+(def showvars (fields (o liveurls))
+ (each (typ id val view mod question) fields
+ (when view
+ (when question
+ (tr (td (prn question))))
+ (tr (unless question (tag (td valign 'top) (pr id ":")))
+ (td (if mod
+ (varfield typ id val)
+ (varline typ id val liveurls))))
+ (prn))))
+(def md-from-form (str (o nolinks))
+ (markdown (trim (rem #\return (esc-tags str)) 'end) 60 nolinks))
+(def markdown (s (o maxurl) (o nolinks))
+ (let ital nil
+ (tostring
+ (forlen i s
+ (iflet (newi spaces) (indented-code s i (if (is i 0) 2 0))
+ (do (pr "<p><pre><code>")
+ (let cb (code-block s (- newi spaces 1))
+ (pr cb)
+ (= i (+ (- newi spaces 1) (len cb))))
+ (pr "</code></pre>"))
+ (iflet newi (parabreak s i (if (is i 0) 1 0))
+ (do (unless (is i 0) (pr "<p>"))
+ (= i (- newi 1)))
+ (and (is (s i) #\*)
+ (or ital
+ (atend i s)
+ (and (~whitec (s (+ i 1)))
+ (pos #\* s (+ i 1)))))
+ (do (pr (if ital "</i>" "<i>"))
+ (= ital (no ital)))
+ (and (no nolinks)
+ (or (litmatch "http://" s i)
+ (litmatch "https://" s i)))
+ (withs (n (urlend s i)
+ url (clean-url (cut s i n)))
+ (tag (a href url rel 'nofollow)
+ (pr (if (no maxurl) url (ellipsize url maxurl))))
+ (= i (- n 1)))
+ (writec (s i))))))))
+(def indented-code (s i (o newlines 0) (o spaces 0))
+ (let c (s i)
+ (if (nonwhite c)
+ (if (and (> newlines 1) (> spaces 1))
+ (list i spaces)
+ nil)
+ (atend i s)
+ nil
+ (is c #\newline)
+ (indented-code s (+ i 1) (+ newlines 1) 0)
+ (indented-code s (+ i 1) newlines (+ spaces 1)))))
+; If i is start a paragraph break, returns index of start of next para.
+(def parabreak (s i (o newlines 0))
+ (let c (s i)
+ (if (or (nonwhite c) (atend i s))
+ (if (> newlines 1) i nil)
+ (parabreak s (+ i 1) (+ newlines (if (is c #\newline) 1 0))))))
+; Returns the indices of the next paragraph break in s, if any.
+(def next-parabreak (s i)
+ (unless (atend i s)
+ (aif (parabreak s i)
+ (list i it)
+ (next-parabreak s (+ i 1)))))
+(def paras (s (o i 0))
+ (if (atend i s)
+ nil
+ (iflet (endthis startnext) (next-parabreak s i)
+ (cons (cut s i endthis)
+ (paras s startnext))
+ (list (trim (cut s i) 'end)))))
+; Returns the index of the first char not part of the url beginning
+; at i, or len of string if url goes all the way to the end.
+; Note that > immediately after a url (>) will cause
+; an odd result, because the > gets escaped to something beginning
+; with &, which is treated as part of the url. Perhaps the answer
+; is just to esc-tags after markdown instead of before.
+; Treats a delimiter as part of a url if it is (a) an open delimiter
+; not followed by whitespace or eos, or (b) a close delimiter
+; balancing a previous open delimiter.
+(def urlend (s i (o indelim))
+ (let c (s i)
+ (if (atend i s)
+ (if ((orf punc whitec opendelim) c)
+ i
+ (closedelim c)
+ (if indelim (+ i 1) i)
+ (+ i 1))
+ (if (or (whitec c)
+ (and (punc c) (whitec (s (+ i 1))))
+ (and ((orf whitec punc) (s (+ i 1)))
+ (or (opendelim c)
+ (and (closedelim c) (no indelim)))))
+ i
+ (urlend s (+ i 1) (or (opendelim c)
+ (and indelim (no (closedelim c)))))))))
+(def opendelim (c) (in c #\< #\( #\[ #\{))
+(def closedelim (c) (in c #\> #\) #\] #\}))
+(def code-block (s i)
+ (tostring
+ (until (let left (- (len s) i 1)
+ (or (is left 0)
+ (and (> left 2)
+ (is (s (+ i 1)) #\newline)
+ (nonwhite (s (+ i 2))))))
+ (writec (s (++ i))))))
+(def unmarkdown (s)
+ (tostring
+ (forlen i s
+ (if (litmatch "<p>" s i)
+ (do (++ i 2)
+ (unless (is i 2) (pr "\n\n")))
+ (litmatch "<i>" s i)
+ (do (++ i 2) (pr #\*))
+ (litmatch "</i>" s i)
+ (do (++ i 3) (pr #\*))
+ (litmatch "<a href=" s i)
+ (let endurl (posmatch [in _ #\> #\space] s (+ i 9))
+ (if endurl
+ (do (pr (cut s (+ i 9) (- endurl 1)))
+ (= i (aif (posmatch "</a>" s endurl)
+ (+ it 3)
+ endurl)))
+ (writec (s i))))
+ (litmatch "<pre><code>" s i)
+ (awhen (findsubseq "</code></pre>" s (+ i 12))
+ (pr (cut s (+ i 11) it))
+ (= i (+ it 12)))
+ (writec (s i))))))
+(def english-time (min)
+ (let n (mod min 720)
+ (string (let h (trunc (/ n 60)) (if (is h 0) "12" h))
+ ":"
+ (let m (mod n 60)
+ (if (is m 0) "00"
+ (< m 10) (string "0" m)
+ m))
+ (if (is min 0) " midnight"
+ (is min 720) " noon"
+ (>= min 720) " pm"
+ " am"))))
+(def parse-time (s)
+ (let (nums (o label "")) (halve s letter)
+ (with ((h (o m 0)) (map int (tokens nums ~digit))
+ cleanlabel (downcase (rem ~alphadig label)))
+ (+ (* (if (is h 12)
+ (if (in cleanlabel "am" "midnight")
+ 0
+ 12)
+ (is cleanlabel "am")
+ h
+ (+ h 12))
+ 60)
+ m))))
+(= months* '("January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July"
+ "August" "September" "October" "November" "December"))
+(def english-date ((y m d))
+ (string d " " (months* (- m 1)) " " y))
+(= month-names* (obj "january" 1 "jan" 1
+ "february" 2 "feb" 2
+ "march" 3 "mar" 3
+ "april" 4 "apr" 4
+ "may" 5
+ "june" 6 "jun" 6
+ "july" 7 "jul" 7
+ "august" 8 "aug" 8
+ "september" 9 "sept" 9 "sep" 9
+ "october" 10 "oct" 10
+ "november" 11 "nov" 11
+ "december" 12 "dec" 12))
+(def monthnum (s) (month-names* (downcase s)))
+; Doesn't work for BC dates.
+(def parse-date (s)
+ (let nums (date-nums s)
+ (if (valid-date nums)
+ nums
+ (err (string "Invalid date: " s)))))
+(def date-nums (s)
+ (with ((ynow mnow dnow) (date)
+ toks (tokens s ~alphadig))
+ (if (all [all digit _] toks)
+ (let nums (map int toks)
+ (case (len nums)
+ 1 (list ynow mnow (car nums))
+ 2 (iflet d (find [> _ 12] nums)
+ (list ynow (find [isnt _ d] nums) d)
+ (cons ynow nums))
+ (if (> (car nums) 31)
+ (firstn 3 nums)
+ (rev (firstn 3 nums)))))
+ ([all digit _] (car toks))
+ (withs ((ds ms ys) toks
+ d (int ds))
+ (aif (monthnum ms)
+ (list (or (errsafe (int ys)) ynow)
+ it
+ d)
+ nil))
+ (monthnum (car toks))
+ (let (ms ds ys) toks
+ (aif (errsafe (int ds))
+ (list (or (errsafe (int ys)) ynow)
+ (monthnum (car toks))
+ it)
+ nil))
+ nil)))
+; To be correct needs to know days per month, and about leap years
+(def valid-date ((y m d))
+ (and y m d
+ (< 0 m 13)
+ (< 0 d 32)))
+(mac defopl (name parm . body)
+ `(defop ,name ,parm
+ (if (get-user ,parm)
+ (do ,@body)
+ (login-page 'both
+ "You need to be logged in to do that."
+ (list (fn (u ip))
+ (string ',name (reassemble-args ,parm)))))))