path: root/pprint.arc
diff options
authorbnewbold <>2011-06-24 17:21:45 -0400
committerbnewbold <>2011-06-24 17:21:45 -0400
commit421dc8c7141ecb6297996f7370d96e7e99894683 (patch)
tree50b8bcf931c4dc204f74b8721de9244ab4977056 /pprint.arc
Diffstat (limited to 'pprint.arc')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pprint.arc b/pprint.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4d3c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pprint.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+; Pretty-Printing. Spun off 4 Aug 06.
+; todo: indentation of long ifs; quasiquote, unquote, unquote-splicing
+(= bodops* (fill-table (table)
+ '(let 2 with 1 while 1 def 2 fn 1 rfn 2 afn 1
+ when 1 unless 1 after 1 whilet 2 for 3 each 2 whenlet 2 awhen 1
+ whitepage 0 tag 1 form 1 aform 1 aformh 1 w/link 1 textarea 3
+ )))
+(= oneline* 35) ; print exprs less than this long on one line
+; If returns nil, can assume it didn't have to break expr.
+(def ppr (expr (o col 0) (o noindent nil))
+ (if (or (atom expr) (dotted expr))
+ (do (unless noindent (sp col))
+ (write expr)
+ nil)
+ (is (car expr) 'quote)
+ (do (unless noindent (sp col))
+ (pr "'")
+ (ppr (cadr expr) (+ col 1) t))
+ (bodops* (car expr))
+ (do (unless noindent (sp col))
+ (let whole (tostring (write expr))
+ (if (< (len whole) oneline*)
+ (do (pr whole) nil)
+ (ppr-progn expr col noindent))))
+ (do (unless noindent (sp col))
+ (let whole (tostring (write expr))
+ (if (< (len whole) oneline*)
+ (do (pr whole) nil)
+ (ppr-call expr col noindent))))))
+(def ppr-progn (expr col noindent)
+ (lpar)
+ (let n (bodops* (car expr))
+ (let str (tostring (write-spaced (firstn n expr)))
+ (unless (is n 0) (pr str) (sp))
+ (ppr (expr n) (+ col (len str) 2) t))
+ (map (fn (e) (prn) (ppr e (+ col 2)))
+ (nthcdr (+ n 1) expr)))
+ (rpar)
+ t)
+(def ppr-call (expr col noindent)
+ (lpar)
+ (let carstr (tostring (write (car expr)))
+ (pr carstr)
+ (if (cdr expr)
+ (do (sp)
+ (let broke (ppr (cadr expr) (+ col (len carstr) 2) t)
+ (pprest (cddr expr)
+ (+ col (len carstr) 2)
+ (no broke)))
+ t)
+ (do (rpar) t))))
+(def pprest (exprs col (o oneline t))
+ (if (and oneline
+ (all (fn (e)
+ (or (atom e) (and (is (car e) 'quote) (atom (cadr e)))))
+ exprs))
+ (do (map (fn (e) (pr " ") (write e))
+ exprs)
+ (rpar))
+ (do (when exprs
+ (each e exprs (prn) (ppr e col)))
+ (rpar))))
+(def write-spaced (xs)
+ (when xs
+ (write (car xs))
+ (each x (cdr xs) (pr " ") (write x))))
+(def sp ((o n 1)) (repeat n (pr " ")))
+(def lpar () (pr "("))
+(def rpar () (pr ")"))