path: root/html.arc
diff options
authorbnewbold <>2011-06-24 17:21:45 -0400
committerbnewbold <>2011-06-24 17:21:45 -0400
commit421dc8c7141ecb6297996f7370d96e7e99894683 (patch)
tree50b8bcf931c4dc204f74b8721de9244ab4977056 /html.arc
Diffstat (limited to 'html.arc')
1 files changed, 415 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/html.arc b/html.arc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..981dfaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/html.arc
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+; HTML Utils.
+(def color (r g b)
+ (with (c (table)
+ f (fn (x) (if (< x 0) 0 (> x 255) 255 x)))
+ (= (c 'r) (f r) (c 'g) (f g) (c 'b) (f b))
+ c))
+(def dehex (str) (errsafe (coerce str 'int 16)))
+(defmemo hex>color (str)
+ (and (is (len str) 6)
+ (with (r (dehex (cut str 0 2))
+ g (dehex (cut str 2 4))
+ b (dehex (cut str 4 6)))
+ (and r g b
+ (color r g b)))))
+(defmemo gray (n) (color n n n))
+(= white (gray 255)
+ black (gray 0)
+ linkblue (color 0 0 190)
+ orange (color 255 102 0)
+ darkred (color 180 0 0)
+ darkblue (color 0 0 120)
+ )
+(= opmeths* (table))
+(mac opmeth args
+ `(opmeths* (list ,@args)))
+(mac attribute (tag opt f)
+ `(= (opmeths* (list ',tag ',opt)) ,f))
+(= hexreps (table))
+(for i 0 255 (= (hexreps i)
+ (let s (coerce i 'string 16)
+ (if (is (len s) 1) (+ "0" s) s))))
+(defmemo hexrep (col)
+ (+ (hexreps (col 'r)) (hexreps (col 'g)) (hexreps (col 'b))))
+(def opcolor (key val)
+ (w/uniq gv
+ `(whenlet ,gv ,val
+ (pr ,(string " " key "=#") (hexrep ,gv)))))
+(def opstring (key val)
+ `(aif ,val (pr ,(+ " " key "=\"") it #\")))
+(def opnum (key val)
+ `(aif ,val (pr ,(+ " " key "=") it)))
+(def opsym (key val)
+ `(pr ,(+ " " key "=") ,val))
+(def opsel (key val)
+ `(if ,val (pr " selected")))
+(def opcheck (key val)
+ `(if ,val (pr " checked")))
+(def opesc (key val)
+ `(awhen ,val
+ (pr ,(string " " key "=\""))
+ (if (isa it 'string) (pr-escaped it) (pr it))
+ (pr #\")))
+; need to escape more? =?
+(def pr-escaped (x)
+ (each c x
+ (pr (case c #\< "&#60;"
+ #\> "&#62;"
+ #\" "&#34;"
+ #\& "&#38;"
+ c))))
+(attribute a href opstring)
+(attribute a rel opstring)
+(attribute a class opstring)
+(attribute a id opsym)
+(attribute a onclick opstring)
+(attribute body alink opcolor)
+(attribute body bgcolor opcolor)
+(attribute body leftmargin opnum)
+(attribute body link opcolor)
+(attribute body marginheight opnum)
+(attribute body marginwidth opnum)
+(attribute body topmargin opnum)
+(attribute body vlink opcolor)
+(attribute font color opcolor)
+(attribute font face opstring)
+(attribute font size opnum)
+(attribute form action opstring)
+(attribute form method opsym)
+(attribute img align opsym)
+(attribute img border opnum)
+(attribute img height opnum)
+(attribute img width opnum)
+(attribute img vspace opnum)
+(attribute img hspace opnum)
+(attribute img src opstring)
+(attribute input name opstring)
+(attribute input size opnum)
+(attribute input type opsym)
+(attribute input value opesc)
+(attribute input checked opcheck)
+(attribute select name opstring)
+(attribute option selected opsel)
+(attribute table bgcolor opcolor)
+(attribute table border opnum)
+(attribute table cellpadding opnum)
+(attribute table cellspacing opnum)
+(attribute table width opstring)
+(attribute textarea cols opnum)
+(attribute textarea name opstring)
+(attribute textarea rows opnum)
+(attribute textarea wrap opsym)
+(attribute td align opsym)
+(attribute td bgcolor opcolor)
+(attribute td colspan opnum)
+(attribute td width opnum)
+(attribute td valign opsym)
+(attribute td class opstring)
+(attribute tr bgcolor opcolor)
+(attribute hr color opcolor)
+(attribute span class opstring)
+(attribute span align opstring)
+(attribute span id opsym)
+(attribute rss version opstring)
+(mac gentag args (start-tag args))
+(mac tag (spec . body)
+ `(do ,(start-tag spec)
+ ,@body
+ ,(end-tag spec)))
+(mac tag-if (test spec . body)
+ `(if ,test
+ (tag ,spec ,@body)
+ (do ,@body)))
+(def start-tag (spec)
+ (if (atom spec)
+ `(pr ,(string "<" spec ">"))
+ (let opts (tag-options (car spec) (pair (cdr spec)))
+ (if (all [isa _ 'string] opts)
+ `(pr ,(string "<" (car spec) (apply string opts) ">"))
+ `(do (pr ,(string "<" (car spec)))
+ ,@(map (fn (opt)
+ (if (isa opt 'string)
+ `(pr ,opt)
+ opt))
+ opts)
+ (pr ">"))))))
+(def end-tag (spec)
+ `(pr ,(string "</" (carif spec) ">")))
+(def literal (x)
+ (case (type x)
+ sym (in x nil t)
+ cons (caris x 'quote)
+ t))
+; Returns a list whose elements are either strings, which can
+; simply be printed out, or expressions, which when evaluated
+; generate output.
+(def tag-options (spec options)
+ (if (no options)
+ '()
+ (let ((opt val) . rest) options
+ (let meth (if (is opt 'style) opstring (opmeth spec opt))
+ (if meth
+ (if val
+ (cons (if (precomputable-tagopt val)
+ (tostring (eval (meth opt val)))
+ (meth opt val))
+ (tag-options spec rest))
+ (tag-options spec rest))
+ (do
+ (pr "<!-- ignoring " opt " for " spec "-->")
+ (tag-options spec rest)))))))
+(def precomputable-tagopt (val)
+ (and (literal val)
+ (no (and (is (type val) 'string) (find #\@ val)))))
+(def br ((o n 1))
+ (repeat n (pr "<br>"))
+ (prn))
+(def br2 () (prn "<br><br>"))
+(mac center body `(tag center ,@body))
+(mac underline body `(tag u ,@body))
+(mac tab body `(tag (table border 0) ,@body))
+(mac tr body `(tag tr ,@body))
+(let pratoms (fn (body)
+ (if (or (no body)
+ (all [and (acons _) (isnt (car _) 'quote)]
+ body))
+ body
+ `((pr ,@body))))
+ (mac td body `(tag td ,@(pratoms body)))
+ (mac trtd body `(tr (td ,@(pratoms body))))
+ (mac tdr body `(tag (td align 'right) ,@(pratoms body)))
+ (mac tdcolor (col . body) `(tag (td bgcolor ,col) ,@(pratoms body)))
+(mac row args
+ `(tr ,@(map [list 'td _] args)))
+(mac prrow args
+ (w/uniq g
+ `(tr ,@(map (fn (a)
+ `(let ,g ,a
+ (if (number ,g)
+ (tdr (pr ,g))
+ (td (pr ,g)))))
+ args))))
+(mac prbold body `(tag b (pr ,@body)))
+(def para args
+ (gentag p)
+ (when args (apply pr args)))
+(def menu (name items (o sel nil))
+ (tag (select name name)
+ (each i items
+ (tag (option selected (is i sel))
+ (pr i)))))
+(mac whitepage body
+ `(tag html
+ (tag (body bgcolor white alink linkblue) ,@body)))
+(def errpage args (whitepage (apply prn args)))
+(def blank-url () "s.gif")
+; Could memoize these.
+; If h = 0, doesn't affect table column widths in some Netscapes.
+(def hspace (n) (gentag img src (blank-url) height 1 width n))
+(def vspace (n) (gentag img src (blank-url) height n width 0))
+(def vhspace (h w) (gentag img src (blank-url) height h width w))
+(mac new-hspace (n)
+ (if (number n)
+ `(pr ,(string "<span style=\"padding-left:" n "px\" />"))
+ `(pr "<span style=\"padding-left:" ,n "px\" />")))
+;(def spacerow (h) (tr (td (vspace h))))
+(def spacerow (h) (pr "<tr style=\"height:" h "px\"></tr>"))
+; For use as nested table.
+(mac zerotable body
+ `(tag (table border 0 cellpadding 0 cellspacing 0)
+ ,@body))
+; was `(tag (table border 0 cellpadding 0 cellspacing 7) ,@body)
+(mac sptab body
+ `(tag (table style "border-spacing: 7px 0px;") ,@body))
+(mac widtable (w . body)
+ `(tag (table width ,w) (tr (td ,@body))))
+(def cellpr (x) (pr (or x "&nbsp;")))
+(def but ((o text "submit") (o name nil))
+ (gentag input type 'submit name name value text))
+(def submit ((o val "submit"))
+ (gentag input type 'submit value val))
+(def buts (name . texts)
+ (if (no texts)
+ (but)
+ (do (but (car texts) name)
+ (each text (cdr texts)
+ (pr " ")
+ (but text name)))))
+(mac spanrow (n . body)
+ `(tr (tag (td colspan ,n) ,@body)))
+(mac form (action . body)
+ `(tag (form method "post" action ,action) ,@body))
+(mac textarea (name rows cols . body)
+ `(tag (textarea name ,name rows ,rows cols ,cols) ,@body))
+(def input (name (o val "") (o size 10))
+ (gentag input type 'text name name value val size size))
+(mac inputs args
+ `(tag (table border 0)
+ ,@(map (fn ((name label len text))
+ (w/uniq (gl gt)
+ `(let ,gl ,len
+ (tr (td (pr ',label ":"))
+ (if (isa ,gl 'cons)
+ (td (textarea ',name (car ,gl) (cadr ,gl)
+ (let ,gt ,text (if ,gt (pr ,gt)))))
+ (td (gentag input type ',(if (is label 'password)
+ 'password
+ 'text)
+ name ',name
+ size ,len
+ value ,text)))))))
+ (tuples args 4))))
+(def single-input (label name chars btext (o pwd))
+ (pr label)
+ (gentag input type (if pwd 'password 'text) name name size chars)
+ (sp)
+ (submit btext))
+(mac cdata body
+ `(do (pr "<![CDATA[")
+ ,@body
+ (pr "]]>")))
+(def eschtml (str)
+ (tostring
+ (each c str
+ (pr (case c #\< "&#60;"
+ #\> "&#62;"
+ #\" "&#34;"
+ #\' "&#39;"
+ #\& "&#38;"
+ c)))))
+(def esc-tags (str)
+ (tostring
+ (each c str
+ (pr (case c #\< "&#60;"
+ #\> "&#62;"
+ #\& "&#38;"
+ c)))))
+(def nbsp () (pr "&nbsp;"))
+(def link (text (o dest text) (o color))
+ (tag (a href dest)
+ (tag-if color (font color color)
+ (pr text))))
+(def underlink (text (o dest text))
+ (tag (a href dest) (tag u (pr text))))
+(def striptags (s)
+ (let intag nil
+ (tostring
+ (each c s
+ (if (is c #\<) (set intag)
+ (is c #\>) (wipe intag)
+ (no intag) (pr c))))))
+(def clean-url (u)
+ (rem [in _ #\" #\' #\< #\>] u))
+(def shortlink (url)
+ (unless (or (no url) (< (len url) 7))
+ (link (cut url 7) url)))
+; this should be one regexp
+(def parafy (str)
+ (let ink nil
+ (tostring
+ (each c str
+ (pr c)
+ (unless (whitec c) (set ink))
+ (when (is c #\newline)
+ (unless ink (pr "<p>"))
+ (wipe ink))))))
+(mac spanclass (name . body)
+ `(tag (span class ',name) ,@body))
+(def pagemessage (text)
+ (when text (prn text) (br2)))
+; Could be stricter. Memoized because looking for chars in Unicode
+; strings is terribly inefficient in Mzscheme.
+(defmemo valid-url (url)
+ (and (len> url 10)
+ (or (begins url "http://")
+ (begins url "https://"))
+ (~find [in _ #\< #\> #\" #\'] url)))
+(mac fontcolor (c . body)
+ (w/uniq g
+ `(let ,g ,c
+ (if ,g
+ (tag (font color ,g) ,@body)
+ (do ,@body)))))