path: root/notes
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'notes')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/notes/grobid_munging.txt b/notes/grobid_munging.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..013e458
--- /dev/null
+++ b/notes/grobid_munging.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+In docker:
+ kafkacat -C -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.grobid-output-pg | pv -l | rg 'OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08' > OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.json
+ # 5.01M 0:31:04 [2.69k/s]
+ # 277 GByte grobid-output.prod.json
+ cat grobid-output.prod.json | rg 'OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08' | pv -l > OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.json
+ # 265k 0:32:12 [ 137 /s]
+ pigz grobid-output.prod.json
+ # 63 GByte grobid-output.prod.json.gz
+ cat OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.json | pv -l | jq "[.key, .status, .status_code, .error_msg] | @tsv" -r | sort -u -S 4G | uniq --check-chars 40 > OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.tsv
+ # 265k
+ wc -l OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.tsv
+ # 212879 OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.tsv
+ cut -f2 OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.tsv | sort | uniq -c
+ # 14087 error
+ # 198792 success
+In sandcrawler pipenv:
+ head -n100 /grande/oa-crawl-grobid/OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.json | ./grobid_tool.py transform --metadata-only - > /grande/oa-crawl-grobid/OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.metadata.json.sample
+ cat /grande/oa-crawl-grobid/OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.json | parallel --linebuffer --round-robin --pipe -j8 ./grobid_tool.py transform --metadata-only - > /grande/oa-crawl-grobid/OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.metadata.json
+ cat OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.metadata.json | rg -v '"fatcat_release": null' > OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.metadata.matched.json
+ wc -l OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.metadata.matched.json OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.tsv
+ # 28162 OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.metadata.matched.json
+ # 212879 OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.tsv
+Next steps:
+- import the matched files (while verifying match)
+- some web interface to make sandcrawler easier?
+ input: sha1 or url
+ view: grobid status and metadata, ML results, fatcat metadata (via API lookup)
+ links/actions: view PDF, re-run GROBID, add to a release (via API)
+All these following didn't work because old versions of kafkacat only read
+partial results. Ended up using docker to run more recent ubuntu, sigh.
+ kafkacat -C -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.grobid-output-pg -e | pv -l > grobid-output.prod.json
+ cat grobid-output.prod.json | rg '"status": "success"' > grobid-output.prod.success.json
+ kafkacat -C -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.grobid-output-pg -e | pv -l | rg '"status": "success"' > grobid-output.prod.success.json
+ kafkacat -C -b wbgrp-svc263.us.archive.org -t sandcrawler-prod.grobid-output-pg -e | pv -l | rg 'OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08' > OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.json
+ head -n200 /grande/oa-crawl-grobid/grobid-output.prod.success.json | ./grobid_tool.py transform --metadata-only - | jq "[.fatcat_release, .biblio.title]" -c | less
+ cat OA-JOURNAL-CRAWL-2019-08.grobid.json | parallel --pipe -j8 jq .status -r | sort | uniq -c
+ 1879 error
+ 26698 success
+For full grobid-output was looking like:
+ 318561 error
+ 199607 success