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This repo contains hadoop tasks (mapreduce and pig), luigi jobs, and other scripts and code for the internet archive (web group) journal ingest pipeline.

This repository is potentially public.

Archive-specific deployment/production guides and ansible scripts at: journal-infra

Python Setup

Pretty much everything here uses python/pipenv. To setup your environment for this, and python in general:

# libjpeg-dev is for some wayback/pillow stuff
sudo apt install -y python3-dev python3-pip python3-wheel libjpeg-dev build-essentials
pip3 install --user pipenv

On macOS:

brew install libjpeg pipenv

Each directory has it's own environment. Do something like:

cd mapreduce
pipenv install --dev
pipenv shell

Possible Issues with Setup

Bryan had ~/.local/bin in his $PATH, and that seemed to make everything work.