path: root/src/osx/mod.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/osx/mod.rs')
1 files changed, 109 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/src/osx/mod.rs b/src/osx/mod.rs
index b338184..84a0fed 100644
--- a/src/osx/mod.rs
+++ b/src/osx/mod.rs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use libc;
use BuilderAttribs;
-use cocoa::base::{id, NSUInteger, nil, objc_allocateClassPair, class, objc_registerClassPair};
+use cocoa::base::{Class, id, NSUInteger, nil, objc_allocateClassPair, class, objc_registerClassPair};
use cocoa::base::{selector, msg_send, class_addMethod, class_addIvar};
use cocoa::base::{object_setInstanceVariable, object_getInstanceVariable};
use cocoa::appkit;
@@ -44,9 +44,6 @@ static mut ctrl_pressed: bool = false;
static mut win_pressed: bool = false;
static mut alt_pressed: bool = false;
-static DELEGATE_NAME: &'static [u8] = b"glutin_window_delegate\0";
-static DELEGATE_STATE_IVAR: &'static [u8] = b"glutin_state";
struct DelegateState<'a> {
is_closed: bool,
context: id,
@@ -55,11 +52,114 @@ struct DelegateState<'a> {
handler: Option<fn(u32, u32)>,
+struct WindowDelegate {
+ this: id,
+impl WindowDelegate {
+ fn class_name() -> &'static [u8] {
+ b"GlutinWindowDelegate\0"
+ }
+ fn state_ivar_name() -> &'static [u8] {
+ b"glutinState"
+ }
+ /// Get the delegate class, initiailizing it neccessary
+ fn class() -> Class {
+ use std::sync::{Once, ONCE_INIT};
+ use std::rt;
+ extern fn window_should_close(this: id, _: id) -> id {
+ unsafe {
+ let delegate = WindowDelegate { this: this };
+ (*delegate.get_state()).is_closed = true;
+ mem::forget(delegate);
+ }
+ 0
+ }
+ extern fn window_did_resize(this: id, _: id) -> id {
+ unsafe {
+ let delegate = WindowDelegate { this: this };
+ let state = &mut *delegate.get_state();
+ mem::forget(delegate);
+ let _: id = msg_send()(state.context, selector("update"));
+ if let Some(handler) = state.handler {
+ let rect = NSView::frame(state.view);
+ let scale_factor = state.window.backingScaleFactor() as f32;
+ (handler)((scale_factor * rect.size.width as f32) as u32,
+ (scale_factor * rect.size.height as f32) as u32);
+ }
+ }
+ 0
+ }
+ static mut delegate_class: Class = nil;
+ static mut init: Once = ONCE_INIT;
+ unsafe {
+ init.call_once(|| {
+ let ptr_size = mem::size_of::<libc::intptr_t>();
+ // Create new NSWindowDelegate
+ delegate_class = objc_allocateClassPair(
+ class("NSObject"),
+ WindowDelegate::class_name().as_ptr() as *const i8, 0);
+ // Add callback methods
+ class_addMethod(delegate_class,
+ selector("windowShouldClose:"),
+ window_should_close,
+ CString::from_slice("B@:@".as_bytes()).as_ptr());
+ class_addMethod(delegate_class,
+ selector("windowDidResize:"),
+ window_did_resize,
+ CString::from_slice("V@:@".as_bytes()).as_ptr());
+ // Store internal state as user data
+ class_addIvar(delegate_class, WindowDelegate::state_ivar_name().as_ptr() as *const i8,
+ ptr_size as u64, 3,
+ CString::from_slice("?".as_bytes()).as_ptr());
+ objc_registerClassPair(delegate_class);
+ // Free class at exit
+ rt::at_exit(|| {
+ // objc_disposeClassPair(delegate_class);
+ });
+ });
+ delegate_class
+ }
+ }
+ fn new(window: id) -> WindowDelegate {
+ unsafe {
+ let delegate: id = msg_send()(WindowDelegate::class(), selector("new"));
+ let _: id = msg_send()(window, selector("setDelegate:"), delegate);
+ WindowDelegate { this: delegate }
+ }
+ }
+ unsafe fn set_state(&self, state: *mut DelegateState) {
+ object_setInstanceVariable(self.this,
+ WindowDelegate::state_ivar_name().as_ptr() as *const i8,
+ state as *mut libc::c_void);
+ }
+ fn get_state(&self) -> *mut DelegateState {
+ unsafe {
+ let mut state = ptr::null_mut();
+ object_getInstanceVariable(self.this,
+ WindowDelegate::state_ivar_name().as_ptr() as *const i8,
+ &mut state);
+ state as *mut DelegateState
+ }
+ }
pub struct Window {
view: id,
window: id,
context: id,
- delegate: id,
+ delegate: WindowDelegate,
resize: Option<fn(u32, u32)>,
is_closed: Cell<bool>,
@@ -96,37 +196,6 @@ impl WindowProxy {
-extern fn window_should_close(this: id, _: id) -> id {
- unsafe {
- let mut stored_value = ptr::null_mut();
- object_getInstanceVariable(this, DELEGATE_STATE_IVAR.as_ptr() as *const i8, &mut stored_value);
- let state = stored_value as *mut DelegateState;
- (*state).is_closed = true;
- }
- 0
-extern fn window_did_resize(this: id, _: id) -> id {
- unsafe {
- let mut stored_value = ptr::null_mut();
- object_getInstanceVariable(this, DELEGATE_STATE_IVAR.as_ptr() as *const i8, &mut stored_value);
- let state = &mut *(stored_value as *mut DelegateState);
- let _: id = msg_send()(state.context, selector("update"));
- match state.handler {
- Some(handler) => {
- let rect = NSView::frame(state.view);
- let scale_factor = state.window.backingScaleFactor() as f32;
- (handler)((scale_factor * rect.size.width as f32) as u32, (scale_factor * rect.size.height as f32) as u32);
- }
- None => {}
- }
- }
- 0
impl Window {
#[cfg(feature = "window")]
pub fn new(builder: BuilderAttribs) -> Result<Window, CreationError> {
@@ -164,29 +233,11 @@ impl Window {
- // Set up the window delegate to receive events
- let ptr_size = mem::size_of::<libc::intptr_t>() as u64;
- let ns_object = class("NSObject");
- let delegate = unsafe {
- // Create a delegate class, add callback methods and store InternalState as user data.
- let delegate = objc_allocateClassPair(ns_object, DELEGATE_NAME.as_ptr() as *const i8, 0);
- class_addMethod(delegate, selector("windowShouldClose:"), window_should_close, CString::from_slice("B@:@".as_bytes()).as_ptr());
- class_addMethod(delegate, selector("windowDidResize:"), window_did_resize, CString::from_slice("V@:@".as_bytes()).as_ptr());
- class_addIvar(delegate, DELEGATE_STATE_IVAR.as_ptr() as *const i8, ptr_size, 3, CString::from_slice("?".as_bytes()).as_ptr());
- objc_registerClassPair(delegate);
- let del_obj = msg_send()(delegate, selector("alloc"));
- let del_obj: id = msg_send()(del_obj, selector("init"));
- let _: id = msg_send()(window, selector("setDelegate:"), del_obj);
- del_obj
- };
let window = Window {
view: view,
window: window,
context: context,
- delegate: delegate,
+ delegate: WindowDelegate::new(window),
resize: None,
is_closed: Cell::new(false),
@@ -366,15 +417,11 @@ impl Window {
view: self.view,
handler: self.resize,
- object_setInstanceVariable(self.delegate,
- DELEGATE_STATE_IVAR.as_ptr() as *const i8,
- &mut ds as *mut DelegateState as *mut libc::c_void);
+ self.delegate.set_state(&mut ds);
- object_setInstanceVariable(self.delegate,
- DELEGATE_STATE_IVAR.as_ptr() as *const i8,
- ptr::null_mut());
+ self.delegate.set_state(ptr::null_mut());
+ }
match event.get_type() {
NSLeftMouseDown => { events.push_back(MouseInput(Pressed, LeftMouseButton)); },