path: root/.vim/plugin
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/plugin')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 3859 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/buftabs.vim b/.vim/plugin/buftabs.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 30edea9..0000000
--- a/.vim/plugin/buftabs.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
-" buftabs (C) 2006 Ico Doornekamp
-" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-" under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-" Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
-" any later version.
-" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-" ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-" FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
-" more details.
-" Introduction
-" ------------
-" This is a simple script that shows a tabs-like list of buffers in the bottom
-" of the window. The biggest advantage of this script over various others is
-" that it does not take any lines away from your terminal, leaving more space
-" for the document you're editing. The tabs are only visible when you need
-" them - when you are switchin between buffers.
-" Usage
-" -----
-" This script draws buffer tabs on vim startup, when a new buffer is created
-" and when switching between buffers.
-" It might be handy to create a few maps for easy switching of buffers in your
-" .vimrc file. For example, using F1 and F2 keys:
-" noremap <f1> :bprev<CR>
-" noremap <f2> :bnext<CR>
-" or using control-left and control-right keys:
-" :noremap <C-left> :bprev<CR>
-" :noremap <C-right> :bnext<CR>
-" The following extra configuration variables are availabe:
-" * g:buftabs_only_basename
-" Define this variable to make buftabs only print the filename of each buffer,
-" omitting the preceding directory name. Add to your .vimrc:
-" :let g:buftabs_only_basename=1
-" * g:buftabs_in_statusline
-" Define this variable to make the plugin show the buftabs in the statusline
-" instead of the command line. It is a good idea to configure vim to show
-" the statusline as well when only one window is open. Add to your .vimrc:
-" set laststatus=2
-" :let g:buftabs_in_statusline=1
-" * g:buftabs_active_highlight_group
-" * g:buftabs_inactive_highlight_group
-" The name of a highlight group (:help highligh-groups) which is used to
-" show the name of the current active buffer and of all other inactive
-" buffers. If these variables are not defined, no highlighting is used.
-" (Highlighting is only functional when g:buftabs_in_statusline is enabled)
-" :let g:buftabs_active_highlight_group="Visual"
-" * g:buftabs_marker_start [
-" * g:buftabs_marker_end ]
-" * g:buftabs_separator -
-" These strings are drawn around each tab as separators.
-" :let g:buftabs_separator = "."
-" :let g:buftabs_marker_start = "("
-" :let g:buftabs_marker_end = ")"
-" Changelog
-" ---------
-" 0.1 2006-09-22 Initial version
-" 0.2 2006-09-22 Better handling when the list of buffers is longer then the
-" window width.
-" 0.3 2006-09-27 Some cleanups, set 'hidden' mode by default
-" 0.4 2007-02-26 Don't draw buftabs until VimEnter event to avoid clutter at
-" startup in some circumstances
-" 0.5 2007-02-26 Added option for showing only filenames without directories
-" in tabs
-" 0.6 2007-03-04 'only_basename' changed to a global variable. Removed
-" functions and add event handlers instead. 'hidden' mode
-" broke some things, so is disabled now. Fixed documentation
-" 0.7 2007-03-07 Added configuration option to show tabs in statusline
-" instead of cmdline
-" 0.8 2007-04-02 Update buftabs when leaving insertmode
-" 0.9 2007-08-22 Now compatible with older Vim versions < 7.0
-" 0.10 2008-01-26 Added GPL license
-" 0.11 2008-02-29 Added optional syntax highlighting to active buffer name
-" 0.12 2009-03-18 Fixed support for split windows
-" 0.13 2009-05-07 Store and reuse right-aligned part of original statusline
-" 0.14 2010-01-28 Fixed bug that caused buftabs in command line being
-" overwritten when 'hidden' mode is enabled.
-" 0.15 2010-02-16 Fixed window width handling bug which caused strange
-" behaviour in combination with the bufferlist plugin.
-" Fixed wrong buffer display when deleting last window.
-" Added extra options for tabs style and highlighting.
-" 0.16 2010-02-28 Fixed bug causing errors when using buftabs in vim
-" diff mode.
-let w:buftabs_enabled = 0
-let w:original_statusline = matchstr(&statusline, "%=.*")
-" Don't bother when in diff mode
-if &diff
- finish
-" Called on VimEnter event
-function! Buftabs_enable()
- let w:buftabs_enabled = 1
-" Persistent echo to avoid overwriting of status line when 'hidden' is enabled
-function! Pecho(msg)
- let s:hold_ut=&ut|let &ut=1
- let s:Pecho=a:msg
- aug Pecho
- au CursorHold * ec s:Pecho
- \|let &ut=s:hold_ut
- \|aug Pecho|exe 'au!'|aug END|aug! Pecho
- aug END
-" Draw the buftabs
-function! Buftabs_show(deleted_buf)
- let l:i = 1
- let l:list = ''
- let l:start = 0
- let l:end = 0
- if ! exists("w:from")
- let w:from = 0
- endif
- if ! exists("w:buftabs_enabled")
- return
- endif
- " Walk the list of buffers
- while(l:i <= bufnr('$'))
- " Only show buffers in the list, and omit help screens
- if buflisted(l:i) && getbufvar(l:i, "&modifiable") && a:deleted_buf != l:i
- " Get the name of the current buffer, and escape characters that might
- " mess up the statusline
- if exists("g:buftabs_only_basename")
- let l:name = fnamemodify(bufname(l:i), ":t")
- else
- let l:name = bufname(l:i)
- endif
- let l:name = substitute(l:name, "%", "%%", "g")
- " Append the current buffer number and name to the list. If the buffer
- " is the active buffer, enclose it in some magick characters which will
- " be replaced by markers later. If it is modified, it is appended with
- " an exclaimation mark
- if winbufnr(winnr()) == l:i
- let l:start = strlen(l:list)
- let l:list = l:list . "\x01"
- else
- let l:list = l:list . ' '
- endif
- let l:buftabs_separator = "-"
- if exists("g:buftabs_separator")
- let l:buftabs_separator = g:buftabs_separator
- endif
- let l:list = l:list . l:i . l:buftabs_separator
- let l:list = l:list . l:name
- if getbufvar(l:i, "&modified") == 1
- let l:list = l:list . "!"
- endif
- if winbufnr(winnr()) == l:i
- let l:list = l:list . "\x02"
- let l:end = strlen(l:list)
- else
- let l:list = l:list . ' '
- endif
- end
- let l:i = l:i + 1
- endwhile
- " If the resulting list is too long to fit on the screen, chop
- " out the appropriate part
- let l:width = winwidth(0) - 12
- if(l:start < w:from)
- let w:from = l:start - 1
- endif
- if l:end > w:from + l:width
- let w:from = l:end - l:width
- endif
- let l:list = strpart(l:list, w:from, l:width)
- " Replace the magic characters by visible markers for highlighting the
- " current buffer. The markers can be simple characters like square brackets,
- " but can also be special codes with highlight groups
- let l:buftabs_marker_start = "["
- if exists("g:buftabs_marker_start")
- let l:buftabs_marker_start = g:buftabs_marker_start
- endif
- let l:buftabs_marker_end = "]"
- if exists("g:buftabs_marker_end")
- let l:buftabs_marker_end = g:buftabs_marker_end
- endif
- if exists("g:buftabs_active_highlight_group")
- if exists("g:buftabs_in_statusline")
- let l:buftabs_marker_start = "%#" . g:buftabs_active_highlight_group . "#" . l:buftabs_marker_start
- let l:buftabs_marker_end = l:buftabs_marker_end . "%##"
- end
- end
- if exists("g:buftabs_inactive_highlight_group")
- if exists("g:buftabs_in_statusline")
- let l:list = '%#' . g:buftabs_inactive_highlight_group . '#' . l:list
- let l:list .= '%##'
- let l:buftabs_marker_end = l:buftabs_marker_end . '%#' . g:buftabs_inactive_highlight_group . '#'
- end
- end
- let l:list = substitute(l:list, "\x01", l:buftabs_marker_start, 'g')
- let l:list = substitute(l:list, "\x02", l:buftabs_marker_end, 'g')
- " Show the list. The buftabs_in_statusline variable determines of the list
- " is displayed in the command line (volatile) or in the statusline
- " (persistent)
- if exists("g:buftabs_in_statusline")
- let &l:statusline = l:list . w:original_statusline
- else
- redraw
- call Pecho(l:list)
- end
-" Hook to events to show buftabs at startup, when creating and when switching
-" buffers
-autocmd VimEnter * call Buftabs_enable()
-autocmd VimEnter,BufNew,BufEnter,BufWritePost * call Buftabs_show(-1)
-autocmd BufDelete * call Buftabs_show(expand('<abuf>'))
-if version >= 700
- autocmd InsertLeave,VimResized * call Buftabs_show(-1)
-" vi: ts=2 sw=2
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/c.vim b/.vim/plugin/c.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 741764b..0000000
--- a/.vim/plugin/c.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3550 +0,0 @@
-" Filename: c.vim
-" Description: C/C++-IDE. Write programs by inserting complete statements,
-" comments, idioms, code snippets, templates and comments.
-" Compile, link and run one-file-programs without a makefile.
-" See also help file csupport.txt .
-" GVIM Version: 7.0+
-" Configuration: There are some personal details which should be configured
-" (see the files README.csupport and csupport.txt).
-" Author: Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner, FH Südwestfalen, 58644 Iserlohn, Germany
-" Email:
-" Version: see variable g:C_Version below
-" Created: 04.11.2000
-" License: Copyright (c) 2000-2010, Fritz Mehner
-" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-" published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
-" License.
-" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
-" useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-" See the GNU General Public License version 2 for more details.
-" Revision: $Id: c.vim,v 1.106 2010/02/02 13:24:41 mehner Exp $
-if v:version < 700
- echohl WarningMsg | echo 'The plugin c-support.vim needs Vim version >= 7 .'| echohl None
- finish
-" Prevent duplicate loading:
-if exists("g:C_Version") || &cp
- finish
-let g:C_Version= "5.10" " version number of this script; do not change
-" Global variables (with default values) which can be overridden.
-" Platform specific items: {{{1
-" - root directory
-" - characters that must be escaped for filenames
-let s:MSWIN = has("win16") || has("win32") || has("win64") || has("win95")
-if s:MSWIN
- "
- let s:escfilename = ''
- let s:plugin_dir = $VIM.'\vimfiles\'
- let s:C_CodeSnippets = s:plugin_dir.'c-support/codesnippets/'
- let s:C_IndentErrorLog = $HOME.'.indent.errorlog'
- let s:installation = 'system'
- "
- let s:C_Display = ''
- "
- "
- let s:escfilename = ' \%#[]'
- let s:installation = 'local'
- "
- " user / system wide installation (Linux/Unix)
- "
- if match( expand("<sfile>"), $VIM ) >= 0
- " system wide installation
- let s:plugin_dir = $VIM.'/vimfiles/'
- let s:installation = 'system'
- else
- " user installation assumed
- let s:plugin_dir = $HOME.'/.vim/'
- endif
- "
- let s:C_CodeSnippets = $HOME.'/.vim/c-support/codesnippets/'
- let s:C_IndentErrorLog = $HOME.'/.indent.errorlog'
- "
- let s:C_Display = system("echo -n $DISPLAY")
- "
-" Use of dictionaries {{{1
-" Key word completion is enabled by the filetype plugin 'c.vim'
-" g:C_Dictionary_File must be global
-if !exists("g:C_Dictionary_File")
- let g:C_Dictionary_File = s:plugin_dir.'c-support/wordlists/c-c++-keywords.list,'.
- \ s:plugin_dir.'c-support/wordlists/k+r.list,'.
- \ s:plugin_dir.'c-support/wordlists/stl_index.list'
-" Modul global variables (with default values) which can be overridden. {{{1
-if s:MSWIN
- let s:C_CCompiler = 'gcc.exe' " the C compiler
- let s:C_CplusCompiler = 'g++.exe' " the C++ compiler
- let s:C_ExeExtension = '.exe' " file extension for executables (leading point required)
- let s:C_ObjExtension = '.obj' " file extension for objects (leading point required)
- let s:C_Man = 'man.exe' " the manual program
- let s:C_CCompiler = 'gcc' " the C compiler
- let s:C_CplusCompiler = 'g++' " the C++ compiler
- let s:C_ExeExtension = '' " file extension for executables (leading point required)
- let s:C_ObjExtension = '.o' " file extension for objects (leading point required)
- let s:C_Man = 'man' " the manual program
-let s:C_CExtension = 'c' " C file extension; everything else is C++
-let s:C_CFlags = '-Wall -g -O0 -c' " compiler flags: compile, don't optimize
-let s:C_CodeCheckExeName = 'check'
-let s:C_CodeCheckOptions = '-K13'
-let s:C_LFlags = '-Wall -g -O0' " compiler flags: link , don't optimize
-let s:C_Libs = '-lm' " libraries to use
-let s:C_LineEndCommColDefault = 49
-let s:C_LoadMenus = 'yes'
-let s:C_MenuHeader = 'yes'
-let s:C_OutputGvim = 'vim'
-let s:C_Printheader = "%<%f%h%m%< %=%{strftime('%x %X')} Page %N"
-let s:C_Root = '&C\/C\+\+.' " the name of the root menu of this plugin
-let s:C_TypeOfH = 'cpp'
-let s:C_Wrapper = s:plugin_dir.'c-support/scripts/'
-let s:C_XtermDefaults = '-fa courier -fs 12 -geometry 80x24'
-let s:C_GuiSnippetBrowser = 'gui' " gui / commandline
-let s:C_GuiTemplateBrowser = 'gui' " gui / explorer / commandline
-let s:C_GlobalTemplateFile = s:plugin_dir.'c-support/templates/Templates'
-let s:C_GlobalTemplateDir = fnamemodify( s:C_GlobalTemplateFile, ":p:h" ).'/'
-let s:C_LocalTemplateFile = $HOME.'/.vim/c-support/templates/Templates'
-let s:C_LocalTemplateDir = fnamemodify( s:C_LocalTemplateFile, ":p:h" ).'/'
-let s:C_TemplateOverwrittenMsg= 'yes'
-let s:C_Ctrl_j = 'on'
-let s:C_FormatDate = '%x'
-let s:C_FormatTime = '%X'
-let s:C_FormatYear = '%Y'
-let s:C_SourceCodeExtensions = 'c cc cp cxx cpp CPP c++ C i ii'
-" Look for global variables (if any), to override the defaults.
-function! C_CheckGlobal ( name )
- if exists('g:'.a:name)
- exe 'let s:'.a:name.' = g:'.a:name
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CheckGlobal ----------
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_CCompiler ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_CExtension ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_CFlags ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_CodeCheckExeName ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_CodeCheckOptions ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_CodeSnippets ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_CplusCompiler ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_Ctrl_j ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_ExeExtension ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_FormatDate ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_FormatTime ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_FormatYear ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_GlobalTemplateFile ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_GuiSnippetBrowser ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_GuiTemplateBrowser ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_IndentErrorLog ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_LFlags ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_Libs ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_LineEndCommColDefault ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_LoadMenus ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_LocalTemplateFile ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_Man ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_MenuHeader ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_ObjExtension ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_OutputGvim ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_Printheader ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_Root ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_SourceCodeExtensions ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_TemplateOverwrittenMsg ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_TypeOfH ')
-call C_CheckGlobal('C_XtermDefaults ')
-"----- some variables for internal use only -----------------------------------
-" set default geometry if not specified
-if match( s:C_XtermDefaults, "-geometry\\s\\+\\d\\+x\\d\\+" ) < 0
- let s:C_XtermDefaults = s:C_XtermDefaults." -geometry 80x24"
-" escape the printheader
-let s:C_Printheader = escape( s:C_Printheader, ' %' )
-let s:C_HlMessage = ""
-" characters that must be escaped for filenames
-let s:C_If0_Counter = 0
-let s:C_If0_Txt = "If0Label_"
-let s:C_SplintIsExecutable = 0
-if executable( "splint" )
- let s:C_SplintIsExecutable = 1
-let s:C_CodeCheckIsExecutable = 0
-if executable( s:C_CodeCheckExeName )
- let s:C_CodeCheckIsExecutable = 1
-" Control variables (not user configurable)
-let s:Attribute = { 'below':'', 'above':'', 'start':'', 'append':'', 'insert':'' }
-let s:C_Attribute = {}
-let s:C_ExpansionLimit = 10
-let s:C_FileVisited = []
-let s:C_MacroNameRegex = '\([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)'
-let s:C_MacroLineRegex = '^\s*|'.s:C_MacroNameRegex.'|\s*=\s*\(.*\)'
-let s:C_MacroCommentRegex = '^\$'
-let s:C_ExpansionRegex = '|?'.s:C_MacroNameRegex.'\(:\a\)\?|'
-let s:C_NonExpansionRegex = '|'.s:C_MacroNameRegex.'\(:\a\)\?|'
-let s:C_TemplateNameDelimiter = '-+_,\. '
-let s:C_TemplateLineRegex = '^==\s*\([a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z'.s:C_TemplateNameDelimiter
-let s:C_TemplateLineRegex .= ']\+\)\s*==\s*\([a-z]\+\s*==\)\?'
-let s:C_TemplateIf = '^==\s*IF\s\+|STYLE|\s\+IS\s\+'.s:C_MacroNameRegex.'\s*=='
-let s:C_TemplateEndif = '^==\s*ENDIF\s*=='
-let s:C_ExpansionCounter = {}
-let s:C_TJT = '[ 0-9a-zA-Z_]*'
-let s:C_TemplateJumpTarget1 = '<+'.s:C_TJT.'+>\|{+'.s:C_TJT.'+}'
-let s:C_TemplateJumpTarget2 = '<-'.s:C_TJT.'->\|{-'.s:C_TJT.'-}'
-let s:C_Macro = {'|AUTHOR|' : 'first name surname',
- \ '|AUTHORREF|' : '',
- \ '|EMAIL|' : '',
- \ '|COMPANY|' : '',
- \ '|PROJECT|' : '',
- \ '|STYLE|' : ''
- \ }
-let s:C_MacroFlag = { ':l' : 'lowercase' ,
- \ ':u' : 'uppercase' ,
- \ ':c' : 'capitalize' ,
- \ ':L' : 'legalize name' ,
- \ }
-let s:C_ActualStyle = 'default'
-let s:C_ActualStyleLast = s:C_ActualStyle
-let s:C_Template = { 'default' : {} }
-let s:C_ForTypes = [
- \ 'char ' ,
- \ 'int ' ,
- \ 'long int ' ,
- \ 'long ' ,
- \ 'short int ' ,
- \ 'short ' ,
- \ 'size_t ' ,
- \ 'unsigned char ' ,
- \ 'unsigned int ' ,
- \ 'unsigned long int ' ,
- \ 'unsigned long ' ,
- \ 'unsigned short int ',
- \ 'unsigned short ' ,
- \ 'unsigned ' ,
- \ ]
-let s:MsgInsNotAvail = "insertion not available for a fold"
-let s:C_SourceCodeExtensionsList = split( s:C_SourceCodeExtensions, '\s\+' )
-" C : C_InitMenus {{{1
-" Initialization of C support menus
-" the menu names
-let s:Comments = s:C_Root.'&Comments'
-let s:Statements = s:C_Root.'&Statements'
-let s:Idioms = s:C_Root.'&Idioms'
-let s:Preprocessor = s:C_Root.'&Preprocessor'
-let s:Snippets = s:C_Root.'S&nippets'
-let s:Cpp = s:C_Root.'C&++'
-let s:Run = s:C_Root.'&Run'
-function! C_InitMenus ()
- "
- "===============================================================================================
- "----- Menu : C main menu entry ------------------------------------------- {{{2
- "===============================================================================================
- "
- if s:C_Root != ""
- if s:C_MenuHeader == 'yes'
- exe "amenu ".s:C_Root.'C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:C_Root.'-Sep00- <Nop>'
- endif
- endif
- "
- "===============================================================================================
- "----- Menu : C-Comments -------------------------------------------------- {{{2
- "===============================================================================================
- "
- if s:C_MenuHeader == 'yes'
- exe "amenu ".s:C_Root.'&Comments.&Comments<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:C_Root.'&Comments.-Sep00- <Nop>'
- endif
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.end-of-&line\ comment<Tab>\\cl :call C_LineEndComment( )<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.end-of-&line\ comment<Tab>\\cl <Esc>:call C_MultiLineEndComments( )<CR>a'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.ad&just\ end-of-line\ com\.<Tab>\\cj :call C_AdjustLineEndComm("a")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.ad&just\ end-of-line\ com\.<Tab>\\cj :call C_AdjustLineEndComm("v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.&set\ end-of-line\ com\.\ col\.<Tab>\\cs :call C_GetLineEndCommCol()<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.-SEP10- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.code\ ->\ comment\ \/&*\ *\/<Tab>\\c* :call C_CodeComment("a","yes")<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>j'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.code\ ->\ comment\ \/&*\ *\/<Tab>\\c* <Esc>:call C_CodeComment("v","yes")<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>j'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.code\ ->\ comment\ &\/\/<Tab>\\cc :call C_CodeComment("a","no")<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>j'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.code\ ->\ comment\ &\/\/<Tab>\\cc <Esc>:call C_CodeComment("v","no")<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>j'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.c&omment\ ->\ code<Tab>\\co :call C_CommentCode("a")<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.c&omment\ ->\ code<Tab>\\co :call C_CommentCode("v")<CR>:nohlsearch<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.-SEP0- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.&frame\ comment<Tab>\\cfr :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.frame")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.f&unction\ description<Tab>\\cfu :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.function")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.-SEP1- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.&method\ description<Tab>\\cme :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.method")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.cl&ass\ description<Tab>\\ccl :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.class")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.-SEP2- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.file\ description\ \(impl\.\)<Tab>\\cfdi :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-description")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.file\ description\ \(header\)<Tab>\\cfdh :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-description-header")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.-SEP3- :'
- "
- "----- Submenu : C-Comments : file sections -------------------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.file\ sections<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.-Sep0- <Nop>'
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.&Header\ File\ Includes :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-header-includes")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.Local\ &Macros :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-macros")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.Local\ &Type\ Def\. :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-typedefs")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.Local\ &Data\ Types :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-data-types")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.Local\ &Variables :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-local-variables")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.Local\ &Prototypes :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-prototypes")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.&Exp\.\ Function\ Def\. :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-exported")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.&Local\ Function\ Def\. :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-local")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.-SEP6- :'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.Local\ &Class\ Def\. :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-class-defs")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.E&xp\.\ Class\ Impl\. :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-exported")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.L&ocal\ Class\ Impl\. :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-local")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.-SEP7- :'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.&All\ sections,\ C :call C_Comment_C_SectionAll("c")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&C\/C\+\+-file\ sections<Tab>\\ccs.All\ &sections,\ C++ :call C_Comment_C_SectionAll("cpp")<CR>'
- "
- "----- Submenu : H-Comments : file sections -------------------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.H-file\ sections<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.-Sep0- <Nop>'
- "'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.&Header\ File\ Includes :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-header-includes")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.Exported\ &Macros :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-macros")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.Exported\ &Type\ Def\. :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-exported-typedefs")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.Exported\ &Data\ Types :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-exported-data-types")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.Exported\ &Variables :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-exported-variables")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.Exported\ &Funct\.\ Decl\. :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-exported-function-declarations")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.-SEP4- :'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.E&xported\ Class\ Def\. :call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-exported-class-defs")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.-SEP5- :'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.&All\ sections,\ C :call C_Comment_H_SectionAll("c")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&H-file\ sections<Tab>\\chs.All\ &sections,\ C++ :call C_Comment_H_SectionAll("cpp")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.-SEP8- :'
- "
- "----- Submenu : C-Comments : keyword comments ----------------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.keyw\.+comm\.<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.-Sep0- <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:&BUG\: $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-bug")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:&COMPILER\: $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-compiler")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:&TODO\: $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-todo")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:T&RICKY\: $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-tricky")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:&WARNING\: $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-warning")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:W&ORKAROUND\: $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-workaround")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:&new\ keyword\: $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-keyword")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:&BUG\: <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-bug")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:&COMPILER\: <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-compiler")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:&TODO\: <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-todo")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:T&RICKY\: <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-tricky")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:&WARNING\: <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-warning")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:W&ORKAROUND\: <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-workaround")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&keyword\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.\:&new\ keyword\: <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.keyword-keyword")<CR>'
- "
- "----- Submenu : C-Comments : special comments ----------------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.special\ comm\.<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.-Sep0- <Nop>'
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- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.&IMPL\.\ TYPE\ CONV $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-implicit-type-conversion") <CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.&NO\ RETURN $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-no-return") <CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.NOT\ &REACHED $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-not-reached") <CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.&TO\ BE\ IMPL\. $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-remains-to-be-implemented")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.-SEP81- :'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.constant\ type\ is\ &long\ (L) $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-constant-type-is-long")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.constant\ type\ is\ &unsigned\ (U) $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-constant-type-is-unsigned")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.constant\ type\ is\ unsigned\ l&ong\ (UL) $:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-constant-type-is-unsigned-long")<CR>'
- "
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.&EMPTY <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-empty")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.&FALL\ THROUGH <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-fall-through") <CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.&IMPL\.\ TYPE\ CONV <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-implicit-type-conversion") <CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.&NO\ RETURN <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-no-return") <CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.NOT\ &REACHED <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-not-reached") <CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.&TO\ BE\ IMPL\. <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-remains-to-be-implemented")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.-SEP81- :'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.constant\ type\ is\ &long\ (L) <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-constant-type-is-long")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.constant\ type\ is\ &unsigned\ (U) <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-constant-type-is-unsigned")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&special\ comm\.<Tab>\\ckc.constant\ type\ is\ unsigned\ l&ong\ (UL) <Esc>$:call C_InsertTemplate("comment.special-constant-type-is-unsigned-long")<CR>'
- "
- "----- Submenu : C-Comments : Tags ----------------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).tags\ (plugin)<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).-Sep0- <Nop>'
- "
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).&AUTHOR :call C_InsertMacroValue("AUTHOR")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).AUTHOR&REF :call C_InsertMacroValue("AUTHORREF")<CR>'
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- exe "anoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).&PROJECT :call C_InsertMacroValue("PROJECT")<CR>'
- "
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).&AUTHOR <Esc>:call C_InsertMacroValue("AUTHOR")<CR>a'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).AUTHOR&REF <Esc>:call C_InsertMacroValue("AUTHORREF")<CR>a'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).&COMPANY <Esc>:call C_InsertMacroValue("COMPANY")<CR>a'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).C&OPYRIGHTHOLDER <Esc>:call C_InsertMacroValue("COPYRIGHTHOLDER")<CR>a'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).&EMAIL <Esc>:call C_InsertMacroValue("EMAIL")<CR>a'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).&PROJECT <Esc>:call C_InsertMacroValue("PROJECT")<CR>a'
- "
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- exe "vnoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).AUTHOR&REF s<Esc>:call C_InsertMacroValue("AUTHORREF")<CR>a'
- exe "vnoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).&COMPANY s<Esc>:call C_InsertMacroValue("COMPANY")<CR>a'
- exe "vnoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).C&OPYRIGHTHOLDER s<Esc>:call C_InsertMacroValue("COPYRIGHTHOLDER")<CR>a'
- exe "vnoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).&EMAIL s<Esc>:call C_InsertMacroValue("EMAIL")<CR>a'
- exe "vnoremenu ".s:Comments.'.ta&gs\ (plugin).&PROJECT s<Esc>:call C_InsertMacroValue("PROJECT")<CR>a'
- "
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.-SEP9- :'
- "
- exe " menu ".s:Comments.'.&date<Tab>\\cd <Esc>:call C_InsertDateAndTime("d")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.&date<Tab>\\cd <Esc>:call C_InsertDateAndTime("d")<CR>a'
- exe "vmenu ".s:Comments.'.&date<Tab>\\cd s<Esc>:call C_InsertDateAndTime("d")<CR>a'
- exe " menu ".s:Comments.'.date\ &time<Tab>\\ct <Esc>:call C_InsertDateAndTime("dt")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Comments.'.date\ &time<Tab>\\ct <Esc>:call C_InsertDateAndTime("dt")<CR>a'
- exe "vmenu ".s:Comments.'.date\ &time<Tab>\\ct s<Esc>:call C_InsertDateAndTime("dt")<CR>a'
- exe "amenu ".s:Comments.'.-SEP12- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.\/\/\ xxx\ \ \ \ \ &->\ \ \/*\ xxx\ *\/ :call C_CommentCppToC()<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.\/\/\ xxx\ \ \ \ \ &->\ \ \/*\ xxx\ *\/ <Esc>:'."'<,'>".'call C_CommentCppToC()<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.\/*\ xxx\ *\/\ \ -&>\ \ \/\/\ xxx :call C_CommentCToCpp()<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Comments.'.\/*\ xxx\ *\/\ \ -&>\ \ \/\/\ xxx <Esc>:'."'<,'>".'call C_CommentCToCpp()<CR>'
- "
- "===============================================================================================
- "----- Menu : C-Statements------------------------------------------------- {{{2
- "===============================================================================================
- "
- if s:C_MenuHeader == 'yes'
- exe "amenu ".s:Statements.'.&Statements<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Statements.'.-Sep00- <Nop>'
- endif
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&do\ \{\ \}\ while<Tab>\\sd :call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&do\ \{\ \}\ while<Tab>\\sd <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&do\ \{\ \}\ while<Tab>\\sd <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.f&or<Tab>\\sf :call C_InsertTemplate("statements.for")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.f&or<Tab>\\sf <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.for")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.fo&r\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\sfo :call C_InsertTemplate("statements.for-block")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.fo&r\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\sfo <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.for-block", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.fo&r\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\sfo <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.for-block")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&if<Tab>\\si :call C_InsertTemplate("statements.if")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&if<Tab>\\si <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.if")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.i&f\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\sif :call C_InsertTemplate("statements.if-block")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.i&f\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\sif <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.if-block", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.i&f\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\sif <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.if-block")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.if\ &else<Tab>\\sie :call C_InsertTemplate("statements.if-else")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.if\ &else<Tab>\\sie <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.if-else", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.if\ &else<Tab>\\sie <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.if-else")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.if\ \{\ \}\ e&lse\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\sife :call C_InsertTemplate("statements.if-block-else")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.if\ \{\ \}\ e&lse\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\sife <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.if-block-else", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.if\ \{\ \}\ e&lse\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\sife <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.if-block-else")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&else\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\se :call C_InsertTemplate("statements.else-block")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&else\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\se <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.else-block", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&else\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\se <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.else-block")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&while<Tab>\\sw :call C_InsertTemplate("statements.while")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&while<Tab>\\sw <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.while")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.w&hile\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\swh :call C_InsertTemplate("statements.while-block")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.w&hile\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\swh <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.while-block", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.w&hile\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\swh <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.while-block")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&switch\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\ss :call C_InsertTemplate("statements.switch")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&switch\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\ss <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.switch", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&switch\ \{\ \}<Tab>\\ss <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.switch")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Statements.'.&case\ \.\.\.\ break<Tab>\\sc :call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Statements.'.&case\ \.\.\.\ break<Tab>\\sc <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- "
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&\{\ \}<Tab>\\sb :call C_InsertTemplate("statements.block")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&\{\ \}<Tab>\\sb <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.block", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Statements.'.&\{\ \}<Tab>\\sb <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("statements.block")<CR>'
- "
- "
- "===============================================================================================
- "----- Menu : C-Idioms ---------------------------------------------------- {{{2
- "===============================================================================================
- "
- if s:C_MenuHeader == 'yes'
- exe "amenu ".s:Idioms.'.&Idioms<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Idioms.'.-Sep00- <Nop>'
- endif
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&function<Tab>\\if :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.function")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&function<Tab>\\if <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.function", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&function<Tab>\\if <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.function")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.s&tatic\ function<Tab>\\isf :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.function-static")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.s&tatic\ function<Tab>\\isf <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.function-static", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.s&tatic\ function<Tab>\\isf <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.function-static")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&main<Tab>\\im :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.main")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&main<Tab>\\im <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.main", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&main<Tab>\\im <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.main")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Idioms.'.-SEP1- :'
- exe "amenu ".s:Idioms.'.for(x=&0;\ x<n;\ x\+=1)<Tab>\\i0 :call C_CodeFor("up" , "a")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu ".s:Idioms.'.for(x=&0;\ x<n;\ x\+=1)<Tab>\\i0 <Esc>:call C_CodeFor("up" , "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Idioms.'.for(x=&0;\ x<n;\ x\+=1)<Tab>\\i0 <Esc>:call C_CodeFor("up" , "a")<CR>i'
- exe "amenu ".s:Idioms.'.for(x=&n-1;\ x>=0;\ x\-=1)<Tab>\\in :call C_CodeFor("down", "a")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu ".s:Idioms.'.for(x=&n-1;\ x>=0;\ x\-=1)<Tab>\\in <Esc>:call C_CodeFor("down", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Idioms.'.for(x=&n-1;\ x>=0;\ x\-=1)<Tab>\\in <Esc>:call C_CodeFor("down", "a")<CR>i'
- exe "amenu ".s:Idioms.'.-SEP2- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&enum<Tab>\\ie :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.enum")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&enum<Tab>\\ie <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.enum" , "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&enum<Tab>\\ie <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.enum" )<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&struct<Tab>\\is :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.struct")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&struct<Tab>\\is <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.struct", "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&struct<Tab>\\is <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.struct")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&union<Tab>\\iu :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.union")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&union<Tab>\\iu <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.union" , "v")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.&union<Tab>\\iu <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.union" )<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Idioms.'.-SEP3- :'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.scanf<Tab>\\isc :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.scanf")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.scanf<Tab>\\isc <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.scanf")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.printf<Tab>\\ip :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.printf")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.printf<Tab>\\ip <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.printf")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Idioms.'.-SEP4- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.p=ca&lloc\(n,sizeof(type)\)<Tab>\\ica :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.calloc")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.p=ca&lloc\(n,sizeof(type)\)<Tab>\\ica <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.calloc")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.p=m&alloc\(sizeof(type)\)<Tab>\\ima :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.malloc")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.p=m&alloc\(sizeof(type)\)<Tab>\\ima <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.malloc")<CR>'
- "
- exe "anoremenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.si&zeof(\ \)<Tab>\\isi :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.sizeof")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.si&zeof(\ \)<Tab>\\isi <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.sizeof")<CR>'
- exe "vnoremenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.si&zeof(\ \)<Tab>\\isi <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.sizeof", "v")<CR>'
- "
- exe "anoremenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.asse&rt(\ \)<Tab>\\ias :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.assert")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.asse&rt(\ \)<Tab>\\ias <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.assert")<CR>'
- exe "vnoremenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.asse&rt(\ \)<Tab>\\ias <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.assert", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Idioms.'.-SEP5- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.open\ &input\ file<Tab>\\ii :call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.open\ &input\ file<Tab>\\ii <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.open\ &input\ file<Tab>\\ii <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.open\ &output\ file<Tab>\\io :call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.open\ &output\ file<Tab>\\io <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.open\ &output\ file<Tab>\\io <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("", "v")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.fscanf :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.fscanf")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.fscanf <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.fscanf")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.fprintf :call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.fprintf")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Idioms.'.fprintf <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("idioms.fprintf")<CR>'
- "
- "===============================================================================================
- "----- Menu : C-Preprocessor ---------------------------------------------- {{{2
- "===============================================================================================
- "
- if s:C_MenuHeader == 'yes'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.&Preprocessor<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.-Sep00- <Nop>'
- endif
- "
- "----- Submenu : C-Idioms: standard library -------------------------------------------------------
- "'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#include\ &Std\.Lib\.<Tab>\\ps.Std\.Lib\.<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#include\ &Std\.Lib\.<Tab>\\ps.-Sep0- <Nop>'
- call C_CIncludeMenus ( s:Preprocessor.'.#include\ &Std\.Lib\.<Tab>\\ps', s:C_StandardLibs )
- "
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#include\ C&99<Tab>\\pc.C99<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#include\ C&99<Tab>\\pc.-Sep0- <Nop>'
- call C_CIncludeMenus ( s:Preprocessor.'.#include\ C&99<Tab>\\pc', s:C_C99Libs )
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.-SEP2- :'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#include\ &\<\.\.\.\><Tab>\\p< :call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.include-global")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#include\ &\<\.\.\.\><Tab>\\p< <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.include-global")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#include\ &\"\.\.\.\"<Tab>\\p" :call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.include-local")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#include\ &\"\.\.\.\"<Tab>\\p" <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.include-local")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#&define<Tab>\\pd :call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.define")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#&define<Tab>\\pd <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.define")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.&#undef<Tab>\\pu :call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.undefine")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.&#undef<Tab>\\pu <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.undefine")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#&if\ #else\ #endif<Tab>\\pie :call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.if-else-endif")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#&if\ #else\ #endif<Tab>\\pie <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.if-else-endif")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#&if\ #else\ #endif<Tab>\\pie <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.if-else-endif", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#i&fdef\ #else\ #endif<Tab>\\pid :call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.ifdef-else-endif")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#i&fdef\ #else\ #endif<Tab>\\pid <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.ifdef-else-endif")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#i&fdef\ #else\ #endif<Tab>\\pid <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.ifdef-else-endif", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#if&ndef\ #else\ #endif<Tab>\\pin :call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.ifndef-else-endif")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#if&ndef\ #else\ #endif<Tab>\\pin <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.ifndef-else-endif")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#if&ndef\ #else\ #endif<Tab>\\pin <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.ifndef-else-endif", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#ifnd&ef\ #def\ #endif<Tab>\\pind :call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.ifndef-def-endif")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#ifnd&ef\ #def\ #endif<Tab>\\pind <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.ifndef-def-endif")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#ifnd&ef\ #def\ #endif<Tab>\\pind <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.ifndef-def-endif", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#if\ &0\ #endif<Tab>\\pi0 :call C_PPIf0("a")<CR>2ji'
- exe "imenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#if\ &0\ #endif<Tab>\\pi0 <Esc>:call C_PPIf0("a")<CR>2ji'
- exe "vmenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#if\ &0\ #endif<Tab>\\pi0 <Esc>:call C_PPIf0("v")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Preprocessor.'.&remove\ #if\ 0\ #endif<Tab>\\pr0 :call C_PPIf0Remove()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Preprocessor.'.&remove\ #if\ 0\ #endif<Tab>\\pr0 <Esc>:call C_PPIf0Remove()<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#err&or<Tab>\\pe :call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.error")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#err&or<Tab>\\pe <C-C>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.error")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#&line<Tab>\\pl :call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.line")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#&line<Tab>\\pl <C-C>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.line")<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#&pragma<Tab>\\pp :call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.pragma")<CR>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Preprocessor.'.#&pragma<Tab>\\pp <C-C>:call C_InsertTemplate("preprocessor.pragma")<CR>'
- "
- "===============================================================================================
- "----- Menu : Snippets ---------------------------------------------------- {{{2
- "===============================================================================================
- "
- if s:C_MenuHeader == 'yes'
- exe "amenu ".s:Snippets.'.S&nippets<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Snippets.'.-Sep00- <Nop>'
- endif
- if s:C_CodeSnippets != ""
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&read\ code\ snippet<Tab>\\nr :call C_CodeSnippet("r")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&read\ code\ snippet<Tab>\\nr <C-C>:call C_CodeSnippet("r")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&write\ code\ snippet<Tab>\\nw :call C_CodeSnippet("w")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&write\ code\ snippet<Tab>\\nw <C-C>:call C_CodeSnippet("w")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&write\ code\ snippet<Tab>\\nw <C-C>:call C_CodeSnippet("wv")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&edit\ code\ snippet<Tab>\\ne :call C_CodeSnippet("e")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&edit\ code\ snippet<Tab>\\ne <C-C>:call C_CodeSnippet("e")<CR>'
- exe " menu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.-SEP1- :'
- endif
- exe " menu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&pick\ up\ prototype<Tab>\\np :call C_ProtoPick("n")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&pick\ up\ prototype<Tab>\\np <C-C>:call C_ProtoPick("n")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&pick\ up\ prototype<Tab>\\np <C-C>:call C_ProtoPick("v")<CR>'
- exe " menu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&insert\ prototype(s)<Tab>\\ni :call C_ProtoInsert()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&insert\ prototype(s)<Tab>\\ni <C-C>:call C_ProtoInsert()<CR>'
- exe " menu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&clear\ prototype(s)<Tab>\\nc :call C_ProtoClear()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&clear\ prototype(s)<Tab>\\nc <C-C>:call C_ProtoClear()<CR>'
- exe " menu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&show\ prototype(s)<Tab>\\ns :call C_ProtoShow()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.&show\ prototype(s)<Tab>\\ns <C-C>:call C_ProtoShow()<CR>'
- exe " menu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.-SEP2- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.edit\ &local\ templates<Tab>\\ntl :call C_EditTemplates("local")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.edit\ &local\ templates<Tab>\\ntl <C-C>:call C_EditTemplates("local")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.edit\ &global\ templates<Tab>\\ntg :call C_EditTemplates("global")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.edit\ &global\ templates<Tab>\\ntg <C-C>:call C_EditTemplates("global")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.reread\ &templates<Tab>\\ntr :call C_RereadTemplates()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Snippets.'.reread\ &templates<Tab>\\ntr <C-C>:call C_RereadTemplates()<CR>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Snippets.'.switch\ template\ st&yle<Tab>\\nts :CStyle<Space>'
- exe "imenu ".s:Snippets.'.switch\ template\ st&yle<Tab>\\nts <C-C>:CStyle<Space>'
- "
- "===============================================================================================
- "----- Menu : C++ --------------------------------------------------------- {{{2
- "===============================================================================================
- "
- if s:C_MenuHeader == 'yes'
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.C&\+\+<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.-Sep00- <Nop>'
- endif
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.c&in :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.cin")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.c&in <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.cin")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.c&out<Tab>\\+co :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.cout")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.c&out<Tab>\\+co <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.cout")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.<<\ &\"\" :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.cout-operator")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.<<\ &\"\" <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.cout-operator")<CR>'
- "
- "----- Submenu : C++ : output manipulators -------------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.output\ manip\.<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.-Sep0- <Nop>'
- "
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &boolalpha :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-boolalpha")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &dec :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-dec")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &endl :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-endl")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &fixed :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-fixed")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ fl&ush :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-flush")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &hex :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-hex")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &internal :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-internal")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &left :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-left")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &oct :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-oct")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &right :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-right")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ s&cientific :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-scientific")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &setbase\(\ \) :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-setbase")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ se&tfill\(\ \) :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-setfill")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ setiosfla&g\(\ \) :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-setiosflags")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ set&precision\(\ \) :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-setprecision")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ set&w\(\ \) :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-setw")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ showb&ase :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-showbase")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ showpoi&nt :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-showpoint")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ showpos\ \(&1\) :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-showpos")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ uppercase\ \(&2\) :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-uppercase")<CR>'
- "
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &boolalpha <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-boolalpha")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &dec <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-dec")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &endl <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-endl")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &fixed <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-fixed")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ fl&ush <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-flush")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &hex <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-hex")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &internal <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-internal")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &left <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-left")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &oct <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-oct")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &right <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-right")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ s&cientific <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-scientific")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ &setbase\(\ \) <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-setbase")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ se&tfill\(\ \) <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-setfill")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ setiosfla&g\(\ \) <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-setiosflags")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ set&precision\(\ \) <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-setprecision")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ set&w\(\ \) <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-setw")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ showb&ase <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-showbase")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ showpoi&nt <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-showpoint")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ showpos\ \(&1\) <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-showpos")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&output\ manipulators.\<\<\ uppercase\ \(&2\) <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.output-manipulator-uppercase")<CR>'
- "
- "----- Submenu : C++ : ios flag bits -------------------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.ios\ flag&bits.ios\ flags<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.ios\ flag&bits.-Sep0- <Nop>'
- "
- call C_CIosFlagMenus ( s:Cpp.'.ios\ flag&bits', s:Cpp_IosFlagBits )
- "
- "----- Submenu : C++ library (algorithm - locale) ----------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.&#include\ <alg\.\.vec><Tab>\\+ps.alg\.\.vec<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.&#include\ <alg\.\.vec><Tab>\\+ps.-Sep0- <Nop>'
- call C_CIncludeMenus ( s:Cpp.'.&#include\ <alg\.\.vec><Tab>\\+ps', s:Cpp_StandardLibs )
- "
- "----- Submenu : C library (cassert - ctime) -------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.&#include\ <cX><Tab>\\+pc.cX<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.&#include\ <cX><Tab>\\+pc.-Sep0- <Nop>'
- call C_CIncludeMenus ( s:Cpp.'.&#include\ <cX><Tab>\\+pc', s:Cpp_CStandardLibs )
- "
- "----- End Submenu : C library (cassert - ctime) ---------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.-SEP2- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.&class<Tab>\\+c :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.class-definition")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.&class<Tab>\\+c <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.class-definition")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.class\ (w\.\ &new)<Tab>\\+cn :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.class-using-new-definition")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.class\ (w\.\ &new)<Tab>\\+cn <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.class-using-new-definition")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.&templ\.\ class<Tab>\\+tc :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-class-definition")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.&templ\.\ class<Tab>\\+tc <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-class-definition")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.templ\.\ class\ (w\.\ ne&w)<Tab>\\+tcn :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-class-using-new-definition")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.templ\.\ class\ (w\.\ ne&w)<Tab>\\+tcn <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-class-using-new-definition")<CR>'
- "
- "----- Submenu : C++ : IMPLEMENTATION -------------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.IMPLEMENT\.<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.-Sep0- <Nop>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.&class<Tab>\\+ci :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.class-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.&class<Tab>\\+ci <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.class-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.class\ (w\.\ &new)<Tab>\\+cni :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.class-using-new-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.class\ (w\.\ &new)<Tab>\\+cni <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.class-using-new-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.&method<Tab>\\+mi :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.method-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.&method<Tab>\\+mi <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.method-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.&accessor<Tab>\\+ai :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.accessor-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.&accessor<Tab>\\+ai <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.accessor-implementation")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.-SEP21- :'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.&templ\.\ class<Tab>\\+tci <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-class-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.&templ\.\ class<Tab>\\+tci :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-class-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.templ\.\ class\ (w\.\ ne&w)<Tab>\\+tcni <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-class-using-new-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.templ\.\ class\ (w\.\ ne&w)<Tab>\\+tcni :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-class-using-new-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.templ\.\ m&ethod<Tab>\\+tmi :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-method-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.templ\.\ m&ethod<Tab>\\+tmi <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-method-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.templ\.\ a&ccessor<Tab>\\+tai :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-accessor-implementation")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.templ\.\ a&ccessor<Tab>\\+tai <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-accessor-implementation")<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.-SEP22- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.operator\ &<< :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.operator-in")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.operator\ &<< <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.operator-in")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.operator\ &>> :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.operator-out")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.IM&PLEMENTATION.operator\ &>> <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.operator-out")<CR>'
- "
- "----- End Submenu : C++ : IMPLEMENTATION -------------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.-SEP31- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.templ\.\ &function<Tab>\\+tf :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-function")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.templ\.\ &function<Tab>\\+tf <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.template-function")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.&error\ class<Tab>\\+ec :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.error-class")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.&error\ class<Tab>\\+ec <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.error-class")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.-SEP5- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.tr&y\ \.\.\ catch<Tab>\\+tr :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.try-catch")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.tr&y\ \.\.\ catch<Tab>\\+tr <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.try-catch")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.tr&y\ \.\.\ catch<Tab>\\+tr <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.try-catch", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.catc&h<Tab>\\+ca :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.catch")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.catc&h<Tab>\\+ca <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.catch")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.catc&h<Tab>\\+ca <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.catch", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.catch\(&\.\.\.\)<Tab>\\+c\. :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.catch-points")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.catch\(&\.\.\.\)<Tab>\\+c\. <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.catch-points")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.catch\(&\.\.\.\)<Tab>\\+c\. <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.catch-points", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.-SEP6- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.open\ input\ file\ \ \(&4\) :call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.open\ input\ file\ \ \(&4\) <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.open\ input\ file\ \ \(&4\) <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.open\ output\ file\ \(&5\) :call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.open\ output\ file\ \(&5\) <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.open\ output\ file\ \(&5\) <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.-SEP7- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.&using\ namespace\ std; :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.namespace-std")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.&using\ namespace\ std; <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.namespace-std")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.u&sing\ namespace\ ???; :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.namespace")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.u&sing\ namespace\ ???; <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.namespace")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.names&pace\ ???\ \{\ \} :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.namespace-block")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.names&pace\ ???\ \{\ \} <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.namespace-block")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.names&pace\ ???\ \{\ \} <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.namespace-block", "v")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.namespace\ &alias\ =\ ??? :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.namespace-alias")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.namespace\ &alias\ =\ ??? <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.namespace-alias")<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Cpp.'.-SEP8- :'
- "
- "----- Submenu : RTTI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.RTTI<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.-Sep0- <Nop>'
- "
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&typeid :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-typeid")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&static_cast :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-static-cast")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&const_cast :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-const-cast")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&reinterpret_cast :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-reinterpret-cast")<CR>'
- exe "anoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&dynamic_cast :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-dynamic-cast")<CR>'
- "
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&typeid <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-typeid")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&static_cast <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-static-cast")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&const_cast <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-const-cast")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&reinterpret_cast <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-reinterpret-cast")<CR>'
- exe "inoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&dynamic_cast <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-dynamic-cast")<CR>'
- "
- exe "vnoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&typeid <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-typeid", "v")<CR>'
- exe "vnoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&static_cast <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-static-cast", "v")<CR>'
- exe "vnoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&const_cast <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-const-cast", "v")<CR>'
- exe "vnoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&reinterpret_cast <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-reinterpret-cast", "v")<CR>'
- exe "vnoremenu ".s:Cpp.'.&RTTI.&dynamic_cast <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.rtti-dynamic-cast", "v")<CR>'
- "
- "----- End Submenu : RTTI ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "
- exe "amenu <silent>".s:Cpp.'.e&xtern\ \"C\"\ \{\ \} :call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.extern")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent>".s:Cpp.'.e&xtern\ \"C\"\ \{\ \} <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.extern")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent>".s:Cpp.'.e&xtern\ \"C\"\ \{\ \} <Esc>:call C_InsertTemplate("cpp.extern", "v")<CR>'
- "
- "===============================================================================================
- "----- Menu : run ----- -------------------------------------------------- {{{2
- "===============================================================================================
- "
- if s:C_MenuHeader == 'yes'
- exe "amenu ".s:Run.'.&Run<Tab>C\/C\+\+ <Nop>'
- exe "amenu ".s:Run.'.-Sep00- <Nop>'
- endif
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.save\ and\ &compile<Tab>\\rc\ \ \<A-F9\> :call C_Compile()<CR>:call C_HlMessage()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.save\ and\ &compile<Tab>\\rc\ \ \<A-F9\> <C-C>:call C_Compile()<CR>:call C_HlMessage()<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&link<Tab>\\rl\ \ \ \ \<F9\> :call C_Link()<CR>:call C_HlMessage()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&link<Tab>\\rl\ \ \ \ \<F9\> <C-C>:call C_Link()<CR>:call C_HlMessage()<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&run<Tab>\\rr\ \ \<C-F9\> :call C_Run()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&run<Tab>\\rr\ \ \<C-F9\> <C-C>:call C_Run()<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.cmd\.\ line\ &arg\.<Tab>\\ra\ \ \<S-F9\> :call C_Arguments()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.cmd\.\ line\ &arg\.<Tab>\\ra\ \ \<S-F9\> <C-C>:call C_Arguments()<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.-SEP0- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&make<Tab>\\rm :call C_Make()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&make<Tab>\\rm <C-C>:call C_Make()<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.cmd\.\ line\ ar&g\.\ for\ make<Tab>\\rg :call C_MakeArguments()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.cmd\.\ line\ ar&g\.\ for\ make<Tab>\\rg <C-C>:call C_MakeArguments()<CR>'
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.-SEP1- :'
- "
- if s:C_SplintIsExecutable==1
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.s&plint<Tab>\\rp :call C_SplintCheck()<CR>:call C_HlMessage()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.s&plint<Tab>\\rp <C-C>:call C_SplintCheck()<CR>:call C_HlMessage()<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.cmd\.\ line\ arg\.\ for\ spl&int<Tab>\\ri :call C_SplintArguments()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.cmd\.\ line\ arg\.\ for\ spl&int<Tab>\\ri <C-C>:call C_SplintArguments()<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.-SEP2- :'
- endif
- "
- if s:C_CodeCheckIsExecutable==1
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.CodeChec&k<Tab>\\rk :call C_CodeCheck()<CR>:call C_HlMessage()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.CodeChec&k<Tab>\\rk <C-C>:call C_CodeCheck()<CR>:call C_HlMessage()<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.cmd\.\ line\ arg\.\ for\ Cod&eCheck<Tab>\\re :call C_CodeCheckArguments()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.cmd\.\ line\ arg\.\ for\ Cod&eCheck<Tab>\\re <C-C>:call C_CodeCheckArguments()<CR>'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.-SEP3- :'
- endif
- "
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.in&dent<Tab>\\rd :call C_Indent()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.in&dent<Tab>\\rd <C-C>:call C_Indent()<CR>'
- if s:MSWIN
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&hardcopy\ to\ printer<Tab>\\rh :call C_Hardcopy("n")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&hardcopy\ to\ printer<Tab>\\rh <C-C>:call C_Hardcopy("n")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&hardcopy\ to\ printer<Tab>\\rh <C-C>:call C_Hardcopy("v")<CR>'
- else
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&hardcopy\ to\ FILENAME\.ps<Tab>\\rh :call C_Hardcopy("n")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&hardcopy\ to\ FILENAME\.ps<Tab>\\rh <C-C>:call C_Hardcopy("n")<CR>'
- exe "vmenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&hardcopy\ to\ FILENAME\.ps<Tab>\\rh <C-C>:call C_Hardcopy("v")<CR>'
- endif
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.-SEP4- :'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&settings<Tab>\\rs :call C_Settings()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&settings<Tab>\\rs <C-C>:call C_Settings()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.-SEP5- :'
- if !s:MSWIN
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&xterm\ size<Tab>\\rx :call C_XtermSize()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&xterm\ size<Tab>\\rx <C-C>:call C_XtermSize()<CR>'
- endif
- if s:C_OutputGvim == "vim"
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ VIM->buffer->xterm<Tab>\\ro :call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ VIM->buffer->xterm<Tab>\\ro <C-C>:call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- else
- if s:C_OutputGvim == "buffer"
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ BUFFER->xterm->vim<Tab>\\ro :call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ BUFFER->xterm->vim<Tab>\\ro <C-C>:call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- else
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ XTERM->vim->buffer<Tab>\\ro :call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ XTERM->vim->buffer<Tab>\\ro <C-C>:call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- endif
- endif
- "
- "===============================================================================================
- "----- Menu : help ------------------------------------------------------- {{{2
- "===============================================================================================
- "
- if s:C_Root != ""
- exe " menu <silent> ".s:C_Root.'&help\ (C-Support)<Tab>\\hp :call C_HelpCsupport()<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:C_Root.'&help\ (C-Support)<Tab>\\hp <C-C>:call C_HelpCsupport()<CR>'
- exe " menu <silent> ".s:C_Root.'show\ &manual<Tab>\\hm :call C_Help("m")<CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:C_Root.'show\ &manual<Tab>\\hm <C-C>:call C_Help("m")<CR>'
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_InitMenus ----------
-"----- Menu Functions --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-let s:C_StandardLibs = [
- \ '&assert\.h' , '&ctype\.h' , '&errno\.h' ,
- \ '&float\.h' , '&limits\.h' , 'l&ocale\.h' ,
- \ '&math\.h' , 'set&jmp\.h' , 's&ignal\.h' ,
- \ 'stdar&g\.h' , 'st&ddef\.h' , '&stdio\.h' ,
- \ 'stdli&b\.h' , 'st&ring\.h' , '&time\.h' ,
- \ ]
-let s:C_C99Libs = [
- \ '&complex\.h', '&fenv\.h', '&inttypes\.h',
- \ 'is&o646\.h', '&stdbool\.h', 's&tdint\.h',
- \ 'tg&math\.h', '&wchar\.h', 'wct&ype\.h',
- \ ]
-let s:Cpp_StandardLibs = [
- \ '&algorithm', '&bitset', '&complex', '&deque',
- \ '&exception', '&fstream', 'f&unctional', 'iomani&p',
- \ '&ios', 'iosf&wd', 'io&stream', 'istrea&m',
- \ 'iterato&r', '&limits', 'lis&t', 'l&ocale',
- \ '&map', 'memor&y', '&new', 'numeri&c',
- \ '&ostream', '&queue', '&set', 'sst&ream',
- \ 'st&ack', 'stde&xcept', 'stream&buf', 'str&ing',
- \ '&typeinfo', '&utility', '&valarray', 'v&ector',
- \ ]
-let s:Cpp_CStandardLibs = [
- \ 'c&assert', 'c&ctype', 'c&errno', 'c&float',
- \ 'c&limits', 'cl&ocale', 'c&math', 'cset&jmp',
- \ 'cs&ignal', 'cstdar&g', 'cst&ddef', 'c&stdio',
- \ 'cstdli&b', 'cst&ring', 'c&time',
- \ ]
-let s:Cpp_IosFlagBits = [
- \ 'ios::&adjustfield', 'ios::bas&efield', 'ios::&boolalpha',
- \ 'ios::&dec', 'ios::&fixed', 'ios::floa&tfield',
- \ 'ios::&hex', 'ios::&internal', 'ios::&left',
- \ 'ios::&oct', 'ios::&right', 'ios::s&cientific',
- \ 'ios::sho&wbase', 'ios::showpoint\ \(&1\)', 'ios::show&pos',
- \ 'ios::&skipws', 'ios::u&nitbuf', 'ios::&uppercase',
- \ ]
-" C_CIncludeMenus: generate the C/C++-standard library menu entries {{{1
-function! C_CIncludeMenus ( menupath, liblist )
- for item in a:liblist
- let replacement = substitute( item, '[&\\]*', '','g' )
- exe "anoremenu ".a:menupath.'.'.item.' o#include<Tab><'.replacement.'>'
- exe "inoremenu ".a:menupath.'.'.item.' <Esc>o#include<Tab><'.replacement.'>'
- endfor
- return
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CIncludeMenus ----------
-" C_CIosFlagMenus: generate the C++ ios flags menu entries {{{1
-function! C_CIosFlagMenus ( menupath, flaglist )
- for item in a:flaglist
- let replacement = substitute( item, '[^[:alpha:]:]', '','g' )
- exe " noremenu ".a:menupath.'.'.item.' i'.replacement
- exe "inoremenu ".a:menupath.'.'.item.' '.replacement
- endfor
- return
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CIosFlagMenus ----------
-" C_Input: Input after a highlighted prompt {{{1
-function! C_Input ( promp, text, ... )
- echohl Search " highlight prompt
- call inputsave() " preserve typeahead
- if a:0 == 0 || a:1 == ''
- let retval =input( a:promp, a:text )
- else
- let retval =input( a:promp, a:text, a:1 )
- endif
- call inputrestore() " restore typeahead
- echohl None " reset highlighting
- let retval = substitute( retval, '^\s\+', "", "" ) " remove leading whitespaces
- let retval = substitute( retval, '\s\+$', "", "" ) " remove trailing whitespaces
- return retval
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Input ----------
-" C_AdjustLineEndComm: adjust line-end comments {{{1
-" C comment or C++ comment:
-let s:c_cppcomment= '\(\/\*.\{-}\*\/\|\/\/.*$\)'
-function! C_AdjustLineEndComm ( mode ) range
- "
- if !exists("b:C_LineEndCommentColumn")
- let b:C_LineEndCommentColumn = s:C_LineEndCommColDefault
- endif
- let save_cursor = getpos(".")
- let save_expandtab = &expandtab
- exe ":set expandtab"
- if a:mode == 'v'
- let pos0 = line("'<")
- let pos1 = line("'>")
- else
- let pos0 = line(".")
- let pos1 = pos0
- endif
- let linenumber = pos0
- exe ":".pos0
- while linenumber <= pos1
- let line= getline(".")
- " line is not a pure comment but contains one
- "
- if match( line, '^\s*'.s:c_cppcomment ) < 0 && match( line, s:c_cppcomment ) > 0
- "
- " disregard comments starting in a string
- "
- let idx1 = -1
- let idx2 = -1
- let commentstart= -2
- let commentend = 0
- while commentstart < idx2 && idx2 < commentend
- let start = commentend
- let idx2 = match( line, s:c_cppcomment, start )
- let commentstart= match ( line, '"[^"]\+"', start )
- let commentend = matchend( line, '"[^"]\+"', start )
- endwhile
- "
- " try to adjust the comment
- "
- let idx1 = 1 + match( line, '\s*'.s:c_cppcomment, start )
- let idx2 = 1 + idx2
- call setpos(".", [ 0, linenumber, idx1, 0 ] )
- let vpos1 = virtcol(".")
- call setpos(".", [ 0, linenumber, idx2, 0 ] )
- let vpos2 = virtcol(".")
- if ! ( vpos2 == b:C_LineEndCommentColumn
- \ || vpos1 > b:C_LineEndCommentColumn
- \ || idx2 == 0 )
- exe ":.,.retab"
- " insert some spaces
- if vpos2 < b:C_LineEndCommentColumn
- let diff = b:C_LineEndCommentColumn-vpos2
- call setpos(".", [ 0, linenumber, vpos2, 0 ] )
- let @" = ' '
- exe "normal ".diff."P"
- endif
- " remove some spaces
- if vpos1 < b:C_LineEndCommentColumn && vpos2 > b:C_LineEndCommentColumn
- let diff = vpos2 - b:C_LineEndCommentColumn
- call setpos(".", [ 0, linenumber, b:C_LineEndCommentColumn, 0 ] )
- exe "normal ".diff."x"
- endif
- endif
- endif
- let linenumber=linenumber+1
- normal j
- endwhile
- "
- " restore tab expansion settings and cursor position
- let &expandtab = save_expandtab
- call setpos('.', save_cursor)
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_AdjustLineEndComm ----------
-" C_GetLineEndCommCol: get line-end comment position {{{1
-function! C_GetLineEndCommCol ()
- let actcol = virtcol(".")
- if actcol+1 == virtcol("$")
- let b:C_LineEndCommentColumn = ''
- while match( b:C_LineEndCommentColumn, '^\s*\d\+\s*$' ) < 0
- let b:C_LineEndCommentColumn = C_Input( 'start line-end comment at virtual column : ', actcol, '' )
- endwhile
- else
- let b:C_LineEndCommentColumn = virtcol(".")
- endif
- echomsg "line end comments will start at column ".b:C_LineEndCommentColumn
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_GetLineEndCommCol ----------
-" C_LineEndComment: single line-end comment {{{1
-function! C_LineEndComment ( )
- if !exists("b:C_LineEndCommentColumn")
- let b:C_LineEndCommentColumn = s:C_LineEndCommColDefault
- endif
- " ----- trim whitespaces -----
- exe 's/\s*$//'
- let linelength= virtcol("$") - 1
- if linelength < b:C_LineEndCommentColumn
- let diff = b:C_LineEndCommentColumn -1 -linelength
- exe "normal ".diff."A "
- endif
- " append at least one blank
- if linelength >= b:C_LineEndCommentColumn
- exe "normal A "
- endif
- call C_InsertTemplate('comment.end-of-line-comment')
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_LineEndComment ----------
-" C_MultiLineEndComments: multi line-end comments {{{1
-function! C_MultiLineEndComments ( )
- "
- if !exists("b:C_LineEndCommentColumn")
- let b:C_LineEndCommentColumn = s:C_LineEndCommColDefault
- endif
- "
- let pos0 = line("'<")
- let pos1 = line("'>")
- "
- " ----- trim whitespaces -----
- exe pos0.','.pos1.'s/\s*$//'
- "
- " ----- find the longest line -----
- let maxlength = 0
- normal '<
- for linenumber in range( pos0, pos1 )
- if getline(linenumber) !~ '^\s*$' && maxlength<virtcol("$")
- let maxlength= virtcol("$")
- endif
- endfor
- "
- if maxlength < b:C_LineEndCommentColumn
- let maxlength = b:C_LineEndCommentColumn
- else
- let maxlength = maxlength+1 " at least 1 blank
- endif
- "
- " ----- fill lines with blanks -----
- for linenumber in range( pos0, pos1 )
- exe ":".linenumber
- if getline(linenumber) !~ '^\s*$'
- let diff = maxlength - virtcol("$")
- exe "normal ".diff."A "
- call C_InsertTemplate('comment.end-of-line-comment')
- endif
- endfor
- "
- " ----- back to the begin of the marked block -----
- stopinsert
- normal '<$
- if match( getline("."), '\/\/\s*$' ) < 0
- if search( '\/\*', 'bcW', line(".") ) > 1
- normal l
- endif
- let save_cursor = getpos(".")
- if getline(".")[save_cursor[2]+1] == ' '
- normal l
- endif
- else
- normal $
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_MultiLineEndComments ----------
-" C_Comment_C_SectionAll: Section Comments {{{1
-function! C_Comment_C_SectionAll ( type )
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-header-includes")
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-macros")
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-typedefs")
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-data-types")
- if a:type=="cpp"
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-class-defs")
- endif
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-local-variables")
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-prototypes")
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-exported")
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-local")
- if a:type=="cpp"
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-exported")
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-local")
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Comment_C_SectionAll ----------
-function! C_Comment_H_SectionAll ( type )
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-header-includes")
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-macros")
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-exported-typedefs")
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-exported-data-types")
- if a:type=="cpp"
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-exported-class-defs")
- endif
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-exported-variables")
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-section-hpp-exported-function-declarations")
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Comment_H_SectionAll ----------
-" C_CodeComment : Code -> Comment {{{1
-function! C_CodeComment( mode, style )
- if a:mode=="a"
- if a:style == 'yes'
- silent exe ":s#^#/\* #"
- silent put = ' */'
- else
- silent exe ":s#^#//#"
- endif
- endif
- if a:mode=="v"
- if a:style == 'yes'
- silent exe ":'<,'>s/^/ \* /"
- silent exe ":'< s'^ '\/'"
- silent exe ":'>"
- silent put = ' */'
- else
- silent exe ":'<,'>s#^#//#"
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CodeComment ----------
-" C_StartMultilineComment : Comment -> Code {{{1
-let s:C_StartMultilineComment = '^\s*\/\*[\*! ]\='
-function! C_RemoveCComment( start, end )
- if a:end-a:start<1
- return 0 " lines removed
- endif
- "
- " Is the C-comment complete ? Get length.
- "
- let check = getline( a:start ) =~ s:C_StartMultilineComment
- let linenumber = a:start+1
- while linenumber < a:end && getline( linenumber ) !~ '^\s*\*\/'
- let check = check && getline( linenumber ) =~ '^\s*\*[ ]\='
- let linenumber = linenumber+1
- endwhile
- let check = check && getline( linenumber ) =~ '^\s*\*\/'
- "
- " remove a complete comment
- "
- if check
- exe "silent :".a:start.' s/'.s:C_StartMultilineComment.'//'
- let linenumber1 = a:start+1
- while linenumber1 < linenumber
- exe "silent :".linenumber1.' s/^\s*\*[ ]\=//'
- let linenumber1 = linenumber1+1
- endwhile
- exe "silent :".linenumber1.' s/^\s*\*\///'
- endif
- return linenumber-a:start+1 " lines removed
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_RemoveCComment ----------
-" C_CommentCode : Comment -> Code {{{1
-function! C_CommentCode(mode)
- if a:mode=="a"
- let pos1 = line(".")
- let pos2 = pos1
- endif
- if a:mode=="v"
- let pos1 = line("'<")
- let pos2 = line("'>")
- endif
- let removed = 0
- "
- let linenumber=pos1
- while linenumber <= pos2
- " Do we have a C++ comment ?
- if getline( linenumber ) =~ '^\s*//'
- exe "silent :".linenumber.' s#^\s*//##'
- let removed = 1
- endif
- " Do we have a C comment ?
- if removed == 0 && getline( linenumber ) =~ s:C_StartMultilineComment
- let removed = C_RemoveCComment(linenumber,pos2)
- endif
- if removed!=0
- let linenumber = linenumber+removed
- let removed = 0
- else
- let linenumber = linenumber+1
- endif
- endwhile
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CommentCode ----------
-" C_CommentCppToC : C++ Comment -> C Comment {{{1
-" Removes trailing whitespaces.
-function! C_CommentCppToC()
- silent! exe ':s#\/\/\s*\(.*\)\s*$#/* \1 */#'
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CommentCppToC ----------
-" C_CommentCToCpp : C Comment -> C++ Comment {{{1
-" Changes the first comment in case of multiple comments:
-" xxxx; /* */ /* */
-" xxxx; // /* */
-" Removes trailing whitespaces.
-function! C_CommentCToCpp()
- silent! exe ':s!\/\*\s*\(.\{-}\)\*\/!\/\/ \1!'
- silent! exe ':s!\s*$!!'
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CommentCToCpp ----------
-"----- Menu : Statements -----------------------------------------------------------
-" C_PPIf0 : #if 0 .. #endif {{{1
-function! C_PPIf0 (mode)
- "
- let s:C_If0_Counter = 0
- let save_line = line(".")
- let actual_line = 0
- "
- " search for the maximum option number (if any)
- "
- normal gg
- while actual_line < search( s:C_If0_Txt."\\d\\+" )
- let actual_line = line(".")
- let actual_opt = matchstr( getline(actual_line), s:C_If0_Txt."\\d\\+" )
- let actual_opt = strpart( actual_opt, strlen(s:C_If0_Txt),strlen(actual_opt)-strlen(s:C_If0_Txt))
- if s:C_If0_Counter < actual_opt
- let s:C_If0_Counter = actual_opt
- endif
- endwhile
- let s:C_If0_Counter = s:C_If0_Counter+1
- silent exe ":".save_line
- "
- if a:mode=='a'
- let zz= "\n#if 0 ".s:C_Com1." ----- #if 0 : ".s:C_If0_Txt.s:C_If0_Counter." ----- ".s:C_Com2."\n"
- let zz= zz."\n#endif ".s:C_Com1." ----- #if 0 : ".s:C_If0_Txt.s:C_If0_Counter." ----- ".s:C_Com2."\n\n"
- put =zz
- normal 4k
- endif
- if a:mode=='v'
- let pos1 = line("'<")
- let pos2 = line("'>")
- let zz= "#endif ".s:C_Com1." ----- #if 0 : ".s:C_If0_Txt.s:C_If0_Counter." ----- ".s:C_Com2."\n\n"
- exe ":".pos2."put =zz"
- let zz= "\n#if 0 ".s:C_Com1." ----- #if 0 : ".s:C_If0_Txt.s:C_If0_Counter." ----- ".s:C_Com2."\n"
- exe ":".pos1."put! =zz"
- "
- if &foldenable && foldclosed(".")
- normal zv
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_PPIf0 ----------
-" C_PPIf0Remove : remove #if 0 .. #endif {{{1
-function! C_PPIf0Remove ()
- "
- " cursor on fold: open fold first
- if &foldenable && foldclosed(".")
- normal zv
- endif
- "
- let frstline = searchpair( '^\s*#if\s\+0', '', '^\s*#endif\>.\+\<If0Label_', 'bn' )
- if frstline<=0
- echohl WarningMsg | echo 'no #if 0 ... #endif found or cursor not inside such a directive'| echohl None
- return
- endif
- let lastline = searchpair( '^\s*#if\s\+0', '', '^\s*#endif\>.\+\<If0Label_', 'n' )
- if lastline<=0
- echohl WarningMsg | echo 'no #if 0 ... #endif found or cursor not inside such a directive'| echohl None
- return
- endif
- let actualnumber1 = matchstr( getline(frstline), s:C_If0_Txt."\\d\\+" )
- let actualnumber2 = matchstr( getline(lastline), s:C_If0_Txt."\\d\\+" )
- if actualnumber1 != actualnumber2
- echohl WarningMsg | echo 'lines '.frstline.', '.lastline.': comment tags do not match'| echohl None
- return
- endif
- silent exe ':'.lastline.','.lastline.'d'
- silent exe ':'.frstline.','.frstline.'d'
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_PPIf0Remove ----------
-" C_LegalizeName : replace non-word characters by underscores
-" - multiple whitespaces
-" - multiple non-word characters
-" - multiple underscores
-function! C_LegalizeName ( name )
- let identifier = substitute( a:name, '\s\+', '_', 'g' )
- let identifier = substitute( identifier, '\W\+', '_', 'g' )
- let identifier = substitute( identifier, '_\+', '_', 'g' )
- return identifier
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_LegalizeName ----------
-" C_CodeSnippet : read / edit code snippet {{{1
-function! C_CodeSnippet(mode)
- if isdirectory(s:C_CodeSnippets)
- "
- " read snippet file, put content below current line and indent
- "
- if a:mode == "r"
- if has("browse") && s:C_GuiSnippetBrowser == 'gui'
- let l:snippetfile=browse(0,"read a code snippet",s:C_CodeSnippets,"")
- else
- let l:snippetfile=input("read snippet ", s:C_CodeSnippets, "file" )
- endif
- if filereadable(l:snippetfile)
- let linesread= line("$")
- let l:old_cpoptions = &cpoptions " Prevent the alternate buffer from being set to this files
- setlocal cpoptions-=a
- :execute "read ".l:snippetfile
- let &cpoptions = l:old_cpoptions " restore previous options
- let linesread= line("$")-linesread-1
- if linesread>=0 && match( l:snippetfile, '\.\(ni\|noindent\)$' ) < 0
- endif
- endif
- if line(".")==2 && getline(1)=~"^$"
- silent exe ":1,1d"
- endif
- endif
- "
- " update current buffer / split window / edit snippet file
- "
- if a:mode == "e"
- if has("browse") && s:C_GuiSnippetBrowser == 'gui'
- let l:snippetfile = browse(0,"edit a code snippet",s:C_CodeSnippets,"")
- else
- let l:snippetfile=input("edit snippet ", s:C_CodeSnippets, "file" )
- endif
- if l:snippetfile != ""
- :execute "update! | split | edit ".l:snippetfile
- endif
- endif
- "
- " write whole buffer into snippet file
- "
- if a:mode == "w" || a:mode == "wv"
- if has("browse") && s:C_GuiSnippetBrowser == 'gui'
- let l:snippetfile = browse(0,"write a code snippet",s:C_CodeSnippets,"")
- else
- let l:snippetfile=input("write snippet ", s:C_CodeSnippets, "file" )
- endif
- if l:snippetfile != ""
- if filereadable(l:snippetfile)
- if confirm("File ".l:snippetfile." exists ! Overwrite ? ", "&Cancel\n&No\n&Yes") != 3
- return
- endif
- endif
- if a:mode == "w"
- :execute ":write! ".l:snippetfile
- else
- :execute ":*write! ".l:snippetfile
- endif
- endif
- endif
- else
- echo "code snippet directory ".s:C_CodeSnippets." does not exist (please create it)"
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CodeSnippets ----------
-" C_help : builtin completion {{{1
-function! C_ForTypeComplete ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos )
- "
- " show all types
- if a:ArgLead == ''
- return s:C_ForTypes
- endif
- "
- " show types beginning with a:ArgLead
- let expansions = []
- for item in s:C_ForTypes
- if match( item, '\<'.a:ArgLead.'\w*' ) == 0
- call add( expansions, item )
- endif
- endfor
- return expansions
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_ForTypeComplete ----------
-" C_CodeFor : for (idiom) {{{1
-function! C_CodeFor( direction, mode )
- "
- if a:direction == 'up'
- let string = 'INCR.'
- else
- let string = 'DECR.'
- endif
- let string = C_Input( '[TYPE (expand)] VARIABLE [START [END ['.string.']]] : ', '', 'customlist,C_ForTypeComplete' )
- if string == ''
- return
- endif
- "
- let part = ['']
- let nextindex = -1
- for item in s:C_ForTypes
- let nextindex = matchend( string, '^'.item )
- if nextindex >= 0
- let part[0] = item
- let string = strpart( string, nextindex-1 )
- endif
- endfor
- let part = part + split( string )
- if len( part ) > 5
- echohl WarningMsg | echomsg "for loop construction : to many arguments " | echohl None
- return
- endif
- let missing = 0
- while len(part) < 5
- let part = part + ['']
- let missing = missing+1
- endwhile
- let [ loopvar_type, loopvar, startval, endval, incval ] = part
- if incval==''
- let incval = '1'
- endif
- if a:direction == 'up'
- if endval == ''
- let endval = 'n'
- endif
- if startval == ''
- let startval = '0'
- endif
- let zz= 'for ( '.loopvar_type.loopvar.' = '.startval.'; '.loopvar.' < '.endval.'; '.loopvar.' += '.incval." )"
- else
- if endval == ''
- let endval = '0'
- endif
- if startval == ''
- let startval = 'n-1'
- endif
- let zz= 'for ( '.loopvar_type.loopvar.' = '.startval.'; '.loopvar.' >= '.endval.'; '.loopvar.' -= '.incval." )"
- endif
- "
- " use internal formatting to avoid conficts when using == below
- let equalprg_save = &equalprg
- set equalprg=
- " ----- normal mode ----------------
- if a:mode=='a'
- let zz = zz." {\n}"
- put =zz
- normal k
- normal 2==
- endif
- " ----- visual mode ----------------
- if a:mode=='v'
- let pos1 = line("'<")
- let pos2 = line("'>")
- let zz = zz.' {'
- let zz2= '}'
- exe ":".pos2."put =zz2"
- exe ":".pos1."put! =zz"
- :exe 'normal ='.(pos2-pos1+2).'+'
- endif
- "
- " restore formatter programm
- let &equalprg = equalprg_save
- "
- " position the cursor
- "
- normal ^
- if missing == 1
- let match = search( '\<'.incval.'\>', 'W', line(".") )
- else
- if missing == 2
- let match = search( '\<'.endval.'\>', 'W', line(".") )
- else
- if missing == 3
- let match = search( '\<'.startval.'\>', 'W', line(".") )
- endif
- endif
- endif
- "
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CodeFor ----------
-" Handle prototypes {{{1
-let s:C_Prototype = []
-let s:C_PrototypeShow = []
-let s:C_PrototypeCounter = 0
-let s:C_CComment = '\/\*.\{-}\*\/\s*' " C comment with trailing whitespaces
- " '.\{-}' any character, non-greedy
-let s:C_CppComment = '\/\/.*$' " C++ comment
-" C_ProtoPick : pick up (normal/visual) {{{1
-function! C_ProtoPick (mode)
- if a:mode=="n"
- " --- normal mode -------------------
- let pos1 = line(".")
- let pos2 = pos1
- else
- " --- visual mode -------------------
- let pos1 = line("'<")
- let pos2 = line("'>")
- endif
- "
- " remove C/C++-comments, leading and trailing whitespaces, squeeze whitespaces
- "
- let prototyp = ''
- for linenumber in range( pos1, pos2 )
- let newline = getline(linenumber)
- let newline = substitute( newline, s:C_CppComment, "", "" ) " remove C++ comment
- let prototyp = prototyp." ".newline
- endfor
- "
- let prototyp = substitute( prototyp, '^\s\+', "", "" ) " remove leading whitespaces
- let prototyp = substitute( prototyp, s:C_CComment, "", "g" ) " remove (multiline) C comments
- let prototyp = substitute( prototyp, '\s\+', " ", "g" ) " squeeze whitespaces
- let prototyp = substitute( prototyp, '\s\+$', "", "" ) " remove trailing whitespaces
- "
- " remove template keyword
- "
- let prototyp = substitute( prototyp, '^template\s*<\s*class \w\+\s*>\s*', "", "" )
- "
- let parlist = stridx( prototyp, '(' ) " start of the parameter list
- let part1 = strpart( prototyp, 0, parlist )
- let part2 = strpart( prototyp, parlist )
- "
- " remove the scope res. operator
- "
- let part1 = substitute( part1, '<\s*\w\+\s*>', "", "g" )
- let part1 = substitute( part1, '\<std\s*::', 'std##', 'g' ) " remove the scope res. operator
- let part1 = substitute( part1, '\<\h\w*\s*::', '', 'g' ) " remove the scope res. operator
- let part1 = substitute( part1, '\<std##', 'std::', 'g' ) " remove the scope res. operator
- let prototyp = part1.part2
- "
- " remove trailing parts of the function body; add semicolon
- "
- let prototyp = substitute( prototyp, '\s*{.*$', "", "" )
- let prototyp = prototyp.";\n"
- "
- " bookkeeping
- "
- let s:C_PrototypeCounter += 1
- let s:C_Prototype += [prototyp]
- let s:C_PrototypeShow += ["(".s:C_PrototypeCounter.") ".bufname("%")." # ".prototyp]
- "
- echon s:C_PrototypeCounter.' prototype'
- if s:C_PrototypeCounter > 1
- echon 's'
- endif
- "
-endfunction " --------- end of function C_ProtoPick ----------
-" C_ProtoInsert : insert {{{1
-function! C_ProtoInsert ()
- "
- " use internal formatting to avoid conficts when using == below
- let equalprg_save = &equalprg
- set equalprg=
- "
- if s:C_PrototypeCounter > 0
- for protytype in s:C_Prototype
- put =protytype
- endfor
- let lines = s:C_PrototypeCounter - 1
- silent exe "normal =".lines."-"
- call C_ProtoClear()
- else
- echo "currently no prototypes available"
- endif
- "
- " restore formatter programm
- let &equalprg = equalprg_save
- "
-endfunction " --------- end of function C_ProtoInsert ----------
-" C_ProtoClear : clear {{{1
-function! C_ProtoClear ()
- if s:C_PrototypeCounter > 0
- let s:C_Prototype = []
- let s:C_PrototypeShow = []
- if s:C_PrototypeCounter == 1
- echo s:C_PrototypeCounter.' prototype deleted'
- else
- echo s:C_PrototypeCounter.' prototypes deleted'
- endif
- let s:C_PrototypeCounter = 0
- else
- echo "currently no prototypes available"
- endif
-endfunction " --------- end of function C_ProtoClear ----------
-" C_ProtoShow : show {{{1
-function! C_ProtoShow ()
- if s:C_PrototypeCounter > 0
- for protytype in s:C_PrototypeShow
- echo protytype
- endfor
- else
- echo "currently no prototypes available"
- endif
-endfunction " --------- end of function C_ProtoShow ----------
-" C_EscapeBlanks : C_EscapeBlanks {{{1
-function! C_EscapeBlanks (arg)
- return substitute( a:arg, " ", "\\ ", "g" )
-endfunction " --------- end of function C_EscapeBlanks ----------
-" C_Compile : C_Compile {{{1
-" The standard make program 'make' called by vim is set to the C or C++ compiler
-" and reset after the compilation (setlocal makeprg=... ).
-" The errorfile created by the compiler will now be read by gvim and
-" the commands cl, cp, cn, ... can be used.
-let s:LastShellReturnCode = 0 " for compile / link / run only
-function! C_Compile ()
- let s:C_HlMessage = ""
- exe ":cclose"
- let Sou = expand("%:p") " name of the file in the current buffer
- let Obj = expand("%:p:r").s:C_ObjExtension " name of the object
- let SouEsc= escape( Sou, s:escfilename )
- let ObjEsc= escape( Obj, s:escfilename )
- " update : write source file if necessary
- exe ":update"
- " compilation if object does not exist or object exists and is older then the source
- if !filereadable(Obj) || (filereadable(Obj) && (getftime(Obj) < getftime(Sou)))
- " &makeprg can be a string containing blanks
- let makeprg_saved = '"'.&makeprg.'"'
- if expand("%:e") == s:C_CExtension
- exe "setlocal makeprg=".s:C_CCompiler
- else
- exe "setlocal makeprg=".s:C_CplusCompiler
- endif
- "
- "
- let v:statusmsg = ''
- let s:LastShellReturnCode = 0
- if s:MSWIN
- exe "make ".s:C_CFlags." \"".SouEsc."\" -o \"".ObjEsc."\""
- else
- exe "make ".s:C_CFlags." ".SouEsc." -o ".ObjEsc
- endif
- exe "setlocal makeprg=".makeprg_saved
- if v:statusmsg == ''
- let s:C_HlMessage = "'".Obj."' : compilation successful"
- endif
- if v:shell_error != 0
- let s:LastShellReturnCode = v:shell_error
- endif
- "
- " open error window if necessary
- :redraw!
- exe ":botright cwindow"
- else
- let s:C_HlMessage = " '".Obj."' is up to date "
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Compile ----------
-" C_Link : C_Link {{{1
-" The standard make program which is used by gvim is set to the compiler
-" (for linking) and reset after linking.
-" calls: C_Compile
-function! C_Link ()
- call C_Compile()
- :redraw!
- if s:LastShellReturnCode != 0
- let s:LastShellReturnCode = 0
- return
- endif
- let s:C_HlMessage = ""
- let Sou = expand("%:p") " name of the file (full path)
- let Obj = expand("%:p:r").s:C_ObjExtension " name of the object file
- let Exe = expand("%:p:r").s:C_ExeExtension " name of the executable
- let ObjEsc= escape( Obj, s:escfilename )
- let ExeEsc= escape( Exe, s:escfilename )
- " no linkage if:
- " executable exists
- " object exists
- " source exists
- " executable newer then object
- " object newer then source
- if filereadable(Exe) &&
- \ filereadable(Obj) &&
- \ filereadable(Sou) &&
- \ (getftime(Exe) >= getftime(Obj)) &&
- \ (getftime(Obj) >= getftime(Sou))
- let s:C_HlMessage = " '".Exe."' is up to date "
- return
- endif
- " linkage if:
- " object exists
- " source exists
- " object newer then source
- if filereadable(Obj) && (getftime(Obj) >= getftime(Sou))
- let makeprg_saved='"'.&makeprg.'"'
- if expand("%:e") == s:C_CExtension
- exe "setlocal makeprg=".s:C_CCompiler
- else
- exe "setlocal makeprg=".s:C_CplusCompiler
- endif
- let s:LastShellReturnCode = 0
- let v:statusmsg = ''
- if s:MSWIN
- silent exe "make ".s:C_LFlags." ".s:C_Libs." -o \"".ExeEsc."\" \"".ObjEsc."\""
- else
- silent exe "make ".s:C_LFlags." ".s:C_Libs." -o ".ExeEsc." ".ObjEsc
- endif
- if v:statusmsg == ''
- let s:C_HlMessage = "'".Exe."' : linking successful"
- else
- let s:C_HlMessage = "'".Exe."' : linking NOT successful"
- endif
- if v:shell_error != 0
- let s:LastShellReturnCode = v:shell_error
- endif
- exe "setlocal makeprg=".makeprg_saved
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Link ----------
-" C_Run : C_Run {{{1
-" calls: C_Link
-let s:C_OutputBufferName = "C-Output"
-let s:C_OutputBufferNumber = -1
-let s:C_RunMsg1 ="' does not exist or is not executable or object/source older then executable"
-function! C_Run ()
- let s:C_HlMessage = ""
- let Sou = expand("%:p") " name of the source file
- let Obj = expand("%:p:r").s:C_ObjExtension " name of the object file
- let Exe = expand("%:p:r").s:C_ExeExtension " name of the executable
- let ExeEsc = escape( Exe, s:escfilename ) " name of the executable, escaped
- "
- let l:arguments = exists("b:C_CmdLineArgs") ? b:C_CmdLineArgs : ''
- "
- let l:currentbuffer = bufname("%")
- "
- "==============================================================================
- " run : run from the vim command line
- "==============================================================================
- if s:C_OutputGvim == "vim"
- "
- silent call C_Link()
- if s:LastShellReturnCode == 0
- " clear the last linking message if any"
- let s:C_HlMessage = ""
- call C_HlMessage()
- endif
- "
- if executable(Exe) && getftime(Exe) >= getftime(Obj) && getftime(Obj) >= getftime(Sou)
- if s:MSWIN
- exe "!\"".ExeEsc."\" ".l:arguments
- else
- exe "!".ExeEsc." ".l:arguments
- endif
- else
- echomsg "file '".Exe.s:C_RunMsg1
- endif
- endif
- "
- "==============================================================================
- " run : redirect output to an output buffer
- "==============================================================================
- if s:C_OutputGvim == "buffer"
- let l:currentbuffernr = bufnr("%")
- "
- silent call C_Link()
- "
- if l:currentbuffer == bufname("%")
- "
- "
- if bufloaded(s:C_OutputBufferName) != 0 && bufwinnr(s:C_OutputBufferNumber)!=-1
- exe bufwinnr(s:C_OutputBufferNumber) . "wincmd w"
- " buffer number may have changed, e.g. after a 'save as'
- if bufnr("%") != s:C_OutputBufferNumber
- let s:C_OutputBufferNumber = bufnr(s:C_OutputBufferName)
- exe ":bn ".s:C_OutputBufferNumber
- endif
- else
- silent exe ":new ".s:C_OutputBufferName
- let s:C_OutputBufferNumber=bufnr("%")
- setlocal buftype=nofile
- setlocal noswapfile
- setlocal syntax=none
- setlocal bufhidden=delete
- setlocal tabstop=8
- endif
- "
- " run programm
- "
- setlocal modifiable
- if executable(Exe) && getftime(Exe) >= getftime(Obj) && getftime(Obj) >= getftime(Sou)
- if s:MSWIN
- exe "%!\"".ExeEsc."\" ".l:arguments
- else
- exe "%!".ExeEsc." ".l:arguments
- endif
- setlocal nomodifiable
- "
- if winheight(winnr()) >= line("$")
- exe bufwinnr(l:currentbuffernr) . "wincmd w"
- endif
- else
- setlocal nomodifiable
- :close
- echomsg "file '".Exe.s:C_RunMsg1
- endif
- "
- endif
- endif
- "
- "==============================================================================
- " run : run in a detached xterm (not available for MS Windows)
- "==============================================================================
- if s:C_OutputGvim == "xterm"
- "
- silent call C_Link()
- "
- if executable(Exe) && getftime(Exe) >= getftime(Obj) && getftime(Obj) >= getftime(Sou)
- if s:MSWIN
- exe "!\"".ExeEsc."\" ".l:arguments
- else
- silent exe '!xterm -title '.ExeEsc.' '.s:C_XtermDefaults.' -e '.s:C_Wrapper.' '.ExeEsc.' '.l:arguments.' &'
- :redraw!
- endif
- else
- echomsg "file '".Exe.s:C_RunMsg1
- endif
- endif
- if v:statusmsg == ''
- let s:C_HlMessage = ""
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Run ----------
-" C_Arguments : Arguments for the executable {{{1
-function! C_Arguments ()
- let Exe = expand("%:r").s:C_ExeExtension
- if Exe == ""
- redraw
- echohl WarningMsg | echo "no file name " | echohl None
- return
- endif
- let prompt = 'command line arguments for "'.Exe.'" : '
- if exists("b:C_CmdLineArgs")
- let b:C_CmdLineArgs= C_Input( prompt, b:C_CmdLineArgs, 'file' )
- else
- let b:C_CmdLineArgs= C_Input( prompt , "", 'file' )
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Arguments ----------
-" C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm : change output destination {{{1
-function! C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm ()
- if s:C_OutputGvim == "vim"
- if has("gui_running")
- exe "aunmenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ VIM->buffer->xterm'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ BUFFER->xterm->vim :call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ BUFFER->xterm->vim <C-C>:call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- endif
- let s:C_OutputGvim = "buffer"
- else
- if s:C_OutputGvim == "buffer"
- if has("gui_running")
- exe "aunmenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ BUFFER->xterm->vim'
- if (!s:MSWIN)
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ XTERM->vim->buffer :call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ XTERM->vim->buffer <C-C>:call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- else
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ VIM->buffer->xterm :call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ VIM->buffer->xterm <C-C>:call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- endif
- endif
- if (!s:MSWIN) && (s:C_Display != '')
- let s:C_OutputGvim = "xterm"
- else
- let s:C_OutputGvim = "vim"
- endif
- else
- " ---------- output : xterm -> gvim
- if has("gui_running")
- exe "aunmenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ XTERM->vim->buffer'
- exe "amenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ VIM->buffer->xterm :call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- exe "imenu <silent> ".s:Run.'.&output:\ VIM->buffer->xterm <C-C>:call C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm()<CR><CR>'
- endif
- let s:C_OutputGvim = "vim"
- endif
- endif
- echomsg "output destination is '".s:C_OutputGvim."'"
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Toggle_Gvim_Xterm ----------
-" C_XtermSize : xterm geometry {{{1
-function! C_XtermSize ()
- let regex = '-geometry\s\+\d\+x\d\+'
- let geom = matchstr( s:C_XtermDefaults, regex )
- let geom = matchstr( geom, '\d\+x\d\+' )
- let geom = substitute( geom, 'x', ' ', "" )
- let answer= C_Input(" xterm size (COLUMNS LINES) : ", geom )
- while match(answer, '^\s*\d\+\s\+\d\+\s*$' ) < 0
- let answer= C_Input(" + xterm size (COLUMNS LINES) : ", geom )
- endwhile
- let answer = substitute( answer, '\s\+', "x", "" ) " replace inner whitespaces
- let s:C_XtermDefaults = substitute( s:C_XtermDefaults, regex, "-geometry ".answer , "" )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_XtermSize ----------
-" C_MakeArguments : run make(1) {{{1
-let s:C_MakeCmdLineArgs = "" " command line arguments for Run-make; initially empty
-function! C_MakeArguments ()
- let s:C_MakeCmdLineArgs= C_Input("make command line arguments : ",s:C_MakeCmdLineArgs )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_MakeArguments ----------
-function! C_Make()
- " update : write source file if necessary
- exe ":update"
- " run make
- exe ":!make ".s:C_MakeCmdLineArgs
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Make ----------
-" C_SplintArguments : splint command line arguments {{{1
-function! C_SplintArguments ()
- if s:C_SplintIsExecutable==0
- let s:C_HlMessage = ' Splint is not executable or not installed! '
- else
- let prompt = 'Splint command line arguments for "'.expand("%").'" : '
- if exists("b:C_SplintCmdLineArgs")
- let b:C_SplintCmdLineArgs= C_Input( prompt, b:C_SplintCmdLineArgs )
- else
- let b:C_SplintCmdLineArgs= C_Input( prompt , "" )
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_SplintArguments ----------
-" C_SplintCheck : run splint(1) {{{1
-function! C_SplintCheck ()
- if s:C_SplintIsExecutable==0
- let s:C_HlMessage = ' Splint is not executable or not installed! '
- return
- endif
- let l:currentbuffer=bufname("%")
- if &filetype != "c" && &filetype != "cpp"
- let s:C_HlMessage = ' "'.l:currentbuffer.'" seems not to be a C/C++ file '
- return
- endif
- let s:C_HlMessage = ""
- exe ":cclose"
- silent exe ":update"
- let makeprg_saved='"'.&makeprg.'"'
- " Windows seems to need this:
- if s:MSWIN
- :compiler splint
- endif
- :setlocal makeprg=splint
- "
- let l:arguments = exists("b:C_SplintCmdLineArgs") ? b:C_SplintCmdLineArgs : ' '
- silent exe "make ".l:arguments." ".escape(l:currentbuffer,s:escfilename)
- exe "setlocal makeprg=".makeprg_saved
- exe ":botright cwindow"
- "
- " message in case of success
- "
- if l:currentbuffer == bufname("%")
- let s:C_HlMessage = " Splint --- no warnings for : ".l:currentbuffer
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_SplintCheck ----------
-" C_CodeCheckArguments : CodeCheck command line arguments {{{1
-function! C_CodeCheckArguments ()
- if s:C_CodeCheckIsExecutable==0
- let s:C_HlMessage = ' CodeCheck is not executable or not installed! '
- else
- let prompt = 'CodeCheck command line arguments for "'.expand("%").'" : '
- if exists("b:C_CodeCheckCmdLineArgs")
- let b:C_CodeCheckCmdLineArgs= C_Input( prompt, b:C_CodeCheckCmdLineArgs )
- else
- let b:C_CodeCheckCmdLineArgs= C_Input( prompt , s:C_CodeCheckOptions )
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CodeCheckArguments ----------
-" C_CodeCheck : run CodeCheck {{{1
-function! C_CodeCheck ()
- if s:C_CodeCheckIsExecutable==0
- let s:C_HlMessage = ' CodeCheck is not executable or not installed! '
- return
- endif
- let l:currentbuffer=bufname("%")
- if &filetype != "c" && &filetype != "cpp"
- let s:C_HlMessage = ' "'.l:currentbuffer.'" seems not to be a C/C++ file '
- return
- endif
- let s:C_HlMessage = ""
- exe ":cclose"
- silent exe ":update"
- let makeprg_saved='"'.&makeprg.'"'
- exe "setlocal makeprg=".s:C_CodeCheckExeName
- "
- " match the splint error messages (quickfix commands)
- " ignore any lines that didn't match one of the patterns
- "
- :setlocal errorformat=%f(%l)%m
- "
- let l:arguments = exists("b:C_CodeCheckCmdLineArgs") ? b:C_CodeCheckCmdLineArgs : ""
- if l:arguments == ""
- let l:arguments = s:C_CodeCheckOptions
- endif
- exe ":make ".l:arguments." ".escape( l:currentbuffer, s:escfilename )
- exe ':setlocal errorformat='
- exe ":setlocal makeprg=".makeprg_saved
- exe ":botright cwindow"
- "
- " message in case of success
- "
- if l:currentbuffer == bufname("%")
- let s:C_HlMessage = " CodeCheck --- no warnings for : ".l:currentbuffer
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CodeCheck ----------
-" C_Indent : run indent(1) {{{1
-function! C_Indent ( )
- if !executable("indent")
- echomsg 'indent is not executable or not installed!'
- return
- endif
- let l:currentbuffer=expand("%:p")
- if &filetype != "c" && &filetype != "cpp"
- echomsg '"'.l:currentbuffer.'" seems not to be a C/C++ file '
- return
- endif
- if C_Input("indent whole file [y/n/Esc] : ", "y" ) != "y"
- return
- endif
- :update
- exe ":cclose"
- if s:MSWIN
- silent exe ":%!indent "
- else
- silent exe ":%!indent 2> ".s:C_IndentErrorLog
- redraw!
- if getfsize( s:C_IndentErrorLog ) > 0
- exe ':edit! '.s:C_IndentErrorLog
- let errorlogbuffer = bufnr("%")
- exe ':%s/^indent: Standard input/indent: '.escape( l:currentbuffer, '/' ).'/'
- setlocal errorformat=indent:\ %f:%l:%m
- :cbuffer
- exe ':bdelete! '.errorlogbuffer
- exe ':botright cwindow'
- else
- echomsg 'File "'.l:currentbuffer.'" reformatted.'
- endif
- setlocal errorformat=
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Indent ----------
-" C_HlMessage : indent message {{{1
-function! C_HlMessage ()
- redraw!
- echohl Search
- echo s:C_HlMessage
- echohl None
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_HlMessage ----------
-" C_Settings : settings {{{1
-function! C_Settings ()
- let txt = " C/C++-Support settings\n\n"
- let txt = txt.' author : "'.s:C_Macro['|AUTHOR|']."\"\n"
- let txt = txt.' initials : "'.s:C_Macro['|AUTHORREF|']."\"\n"
- let txt = txt.' email : "'.s:C_Macro['|EMAIL|']."\"\n"
- let txt = txt.' company : "'.s:C_Macro['|COMPANY|']."\"\n"
- let txt = txt.' project : "'.s:C_Macro['|PROJECT|']."\"\n"
- let txt = txt.' copyright holder : "'.s:C_Macro['|COPYRIGHTHOLDER|']."\"\n"
- let txt = txt.' C / C++ compiler : '.s:C_CCompiler.' / '.s:C_CplusCompiler."\n"
- let txt = txt.' C file extension : "'.s:C_CExtension.'" (everything else is C++)'."\n"
- let txt = txt.' extension for objects : "'.s:C_ObjExtension."\"\n"
- let txt = txt.'extension for executables : "'.s:C_ExeExtension."\"\n"
- let txt = txt.' compiler flags : "'.s:C_CFlags."\"\n"
- let txt = txt.' linker flags : "'.s:C_LFlags."\"\n"
- let txt = txt.' libraries : "'.s:C_Libs."\"\n"
- let txt = txt.' code snippet directory : "'.s:C_CodeSnippets."\"\n"
- " ----- template files ------------------------
- let txt = txt.' template style : "'.s:C_ActualStyle."\"\n"
- if s:installation == 'system'
- let txt = txt.'global template directory : '.s:C_GlobalTemplateDir."\n"
- if filereadable( s:C_LocalTemplateFile )
- let txt = txt.' local template directory : '.s:C_LocalTemplateDir."\n"
- endif
- else
- let txt = txt.' local template directory : '.s:C_GlobalTemplateDir."\n"
- endif
- if !s:MSWIN
- let txt = txt.' xterm defaults : '.s:C_XtermDefaults."\n"
- endif
- " ----- dictionaries ------------------------
- if g:C_Dictionary_File != ""
- let ausgabe= &dictionary
- let ausgabe= substitute( ausgabe, ",", ",\n + ", "g" )
- let txt = txt." dictionary file(s) : ".ausgabe."\n"
- endif
- let txt = txt.' current output dest. : '.s:C_OutputGvim."\n"
- " ----- splint ------------------------------
- if s:C_SplintIsExecutable==1
- if exists("b:C_SplintCmdLineArgs")
- let ausgabe = b:C_SplintCmdLineArgs
- else
- let ausgabe = ""
- endif
- let txt = txt." splint options(s) : ".ausgabe."\n"
- endif
- " ----- code check --------------------------
- if s:C_CodeCheckIsExecutable==1
- if exists("b:C_CodeCheckCmdLineArgs")
- let ausgabe = b:C_CodeCheckCmdLineArgs
- else
- let ausgabe = s:C_CodeCheckOptions
- endif
- let txt = txt."CodeCheck (TM) options(s) : ".ausgabe."\n"
- endif
- let txt = txt."\n"
- let txt = txt."__________________________________________________________________________\n"
- let txt = txt." C/C++-Support, Version ".g:C_Version." / Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner /\n\n"
- echo txt
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Settings ----------
-" C_Hardcopy : hardcopy {{{1
-" MSWIN : a printer dialog is displayed
-" other : print PostScript to file
-function! C_Hardcopy (mode)
- let outfile = expand("%")
- if outfile == ""
- let s:C_HlMessage = 'Buffer has no name.'
- call C_HlMessage()
- endif
- let outdir = getcwd()
- if filewritable(outdir) != 2
- let outdir = $HOME
- endif
- if !s:MSWIN
- let outdir = outdir.'/'
- endif
- let old_printheader=&printheader
- exe ':set printheader='.s:C_Printheader
- " ----- normal mode ----------------
- if a:mode=="n"
- silent exe 'hardcopy > '.outdir.outfile.'.ps'
- if !s:MSWIN
- echo 'file "'.outfile.'" printed to "'.outdir.outfile.'.ps"'
- endif
- endif
- " ----- visual mode ----------------
- if a:mode=="v"
- silent exe "*hardcopy > ".outdir.outfile.".ps"
- if !s:MSWIN
- echo 'file "'.outfile.'" (lines '.line("'<").'-'.line("'>").') printed to "'.outdir.outfile.'.ps"'
- endif
- endif
- exe ':set printheader='.escape( old_printheader, ' %' )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Hardcopy ----------
-" C_HelpCsupport : help csupport {{{1
-function! C_HelpCsupport ()
- try
- :help csupport
- catch
- exe ':helptags '.s:plugin_dir.'doc'
- :help csupport
- endtry
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_HelpCsupport ----------
-" C_Help : lookup word under the cursor or ask {{{1
-let s:C_DocBufferName = "C_HELP"
-let s:C_DocHelpBufferNumber = -1
-function! C_Help( type )
- let cuc = getline(".")[col(".") - 1] " character under the cursor
- let item = expand("<cword>") " word under the cursor
- if cuc == '' || item == "" || match( item, cuc ) == -1
- let item=C_Input('name of the manual page : ', '' )
- endif
- if item == ""
- return
- endif
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " replace buffer content with bash help text
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "
- " jump to an already open bash help window or create one
- "
- if bufloaded(s:C_DocBufferName) != 0 && bufwinnr(s:C_DocHelpBufferNumber) != -1
- exe bufwinnr(s:C_DocHelpBufferNumber) . "wincmd w"
- " buffer number may have changed, e.g. after a 'save as'
- if bufnr("%") != s:C_DocHelpBufferNumber
- let s:C_DocHelpBufferNumber=bufnr(s:C_OutputBufferName)
- exe ":bn ".s:C_DocHelpBufferNumber
- endif
- else
- exe ":new ".s:C_DocBufferName
- let s:C_DocHelpBufferNumber=bufnr("%")
- setlocal buftype=nofile
- setlocal noswapfile
- setlocal bufhidden=delete
- setlocal filetype=sh " allows repeated use of <S-F1>
- setlocal syntax=OFF
- endif
- setlocal modifiable
- "
- if a:type == 'm'
- "
- " Is there more than one manual ?
- "
- let manpages = system( s:C_Man.' -k '.item )
- if v:shell_error
- echomsg "Shell command '".s:C_Man." -k ".item."' failed."
- :close
- return
- endif
- let catalogs = split( manpages, '\n', )
- let manual = {}
- "
- " Select manuals where the name exactly matches
- "
- for line in catalogs
- if line =~ '^'.item.'\s\+('
- let itempart = split( line, '\s\+' )
- let catalog = itempart[1][1:-2]
- if match( catalog, '.p$' ) == -1
- let manual[catalog] = catalog
- endif
- endif
- endfor
- "
- " Build a selection list if there are more than one manual
- "
- let catalog = ""
- if len(keys(manual)) > 1
- for key in keys(manual)
- echo ' '.item.' '.key
- endfor
- let defaultcatalog = ''
- if has_key( manual, '3' )
- let defaultcatalog = '3'
- else
- if has_key( manual, '2' )
- let defaultcatalog = '2'
- endif
- endif
- let catalog = input( 'select manual section (<Enter> cancels) : ', defaultcatalog )
- if ! has_key( manual, catalog )
- :close
- :redraw
- echomsg "no appropriate manual section '".catalog."'"
- return
- endif
- endif
- set filetype=man
- silent exe ":%!".s:C_Man." ".catalog." ".item
- endif
- setlocal nomodifiable
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Help ----------
-" C_CreateGuiMenus {{{1
-let s:C_MenuVisible = 0 " state variable controlling the C-menus
-function! C_CreateGuiMenus ()
- if s:C_MenuVisible != 1
- aunmenu <silent> &Tools.Load\ C\ Support
- amenu <silent> 40.1000 &Tools.-SEP100- :
- amenu <silent> 40.1030 &Tools.Unload\ C\ Support <C-C>:call C_RemoveGuiMenus()<CR>
- call C_InitMenus()
- let s:C_MenuVisible = 1
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CreateGuiMenus ----------
-" C_ToolMenu {{{1
-function! C_ToolMenu ()
- amenu <silent> 40.1000 &Tools.-SEP100- :
- amenu <silent> 40.1030 &Tools.Load\ C\ Support :call C_CreateGuiMenus()<CR>
- imenu <silent> 40.1030 &Tools.Load\ C\ Support <C-C>:call C_CreateGuiMenus()<CR>
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_ToolMenu ----------
-" C_RemoveGuiMenus {{{1
-function! C_RemoveGuiMenus ()
- if s:C_MenuVisible == 1
- if s:C_Root == ""
- aunmenu <silent> Comments
- aunmenu <silent> Statements
- aunmenu <silent> Preprocessor
- aunmenu <silent> Idioms
- aunmenu <silent> Snippets
- aunmenu <silent> C++
- aunmenu <silent> Run
- else
- exe "aunmenu <silent> ".s:C_Root
- endif
- "
- aunmenu <silent> &Tools.Unload\ C\ Support
- call C_ToolMenu()
- "
- let s:C_MenuVisible = 0
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_RemoveGuiMenus ----------
-" C_RereadTemplates {{{1
-" rebuild commands and the menu from the (changed) template file
-function! C_RereadTemplates ()
- let s:style = 'default'
- let s:C_Template = { 'default' : {} }
- let s:C_FileVisited = []
- call C_ReadTemplates(s:C_GlobalTemplateFile)
- echomsg "templates rebuilt from '".s:C_GlobalTemplateFile."'"
- "
- if s:installation == 'system' && filereadable( s:C_LocalTemplateFile )
- call C_ReadTemplates( s:C_LocalTemplateFile )
- echomsg " and from '".s:C_LocalTemplateFile."'"
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_RereadTemplates ----------
-" C_BrowseTemplateFiles {{{1
-function! C_BrowseTemplateFiles ( type )
- if filereadable( eval( 's:C_'.a:type.'TemplateFile' ) )
- if has("browse") && s:C_GuiTemplateBrowser == 'gui'
- let l:templatefile = browse(0,"edit a template file", eval('s:C_'.a:type.'TemplateDir'), "" )
- else
- let l:templatefile = ''
- if s:C_GuiTemplateBrowser == 'explorer'
- exe ':Explore '.eval('s:C_'.a:type.'TemplateDir')
- endif
- if s:C_GuiTemplateBrowser == 'commandline'
- let l:templatefile = input("edit a template file", eval('s:C_'.a:type.'TemplateDir'), "file" )
- endif
- endif
- if l:templatefile != ""
- :execute "update! | split | edit ".l:templatefile
- endif
- else
- echomsg a:type." template file not readable."
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_BrowseTemplateFiles ----------
-" C_EditTemplates {{{1
-function! C_EditTemplates ( type )
- "
- if a:type == 'global'
- if s:installation == 'system'
- call C_BrowseTemplateFiles('Global')
- else
- echomsg "C/C++-Support is user installed: no global template file"
- endif
- endif
- "
- if a:type == 'local'
- if s:installation == 'system'
- call C_BrowseTemplateFiles('Local')
- else
- call C_BrowseTemplateFiles('Global')
- endif
- endif
- "
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_EditTemplates ----------
-" C_ReadTemplates {{{1
-" read the template file(s), build the macro and the template dictionary
-let s:style = 'default'
-function! C_ReadTemplates ( templatefile )
- if !filereadable( a:templatefile )
- echohl WarningMsg
- echomsg "C/C++ template file '".a:templatefile."' does not exist or is not readable"
- echohl None
- return
- endif
- let skipmacros = 0
- let s:C_FileVisited += [a:templatefile]
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " read template file, start with an empty template dictionary
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- let item = ''
- let skipline = 0
- for line in readfile( a:templatefile )
- " if not a comment :
- if line !~ s:C_MacroCommentRegex
- "
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " IF |STYLE| IS ...
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "
- let string = matchlist( line, s:C_TemplateIf )
- if !empty(string)
- if !has_key( s:C_Template, string[1] )
- " new s:style
- let s:style = string[1]
- let s:C_Template[s:style] = {}
- continue
- endif
- endif
- "
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- "
- let string = matchlist( line, s:C_TemplateEndif )
- if !empty(string)
- let s:style = 'default'
- continue
- endif
- "
- " macros and file includes
- "
- let string = matchlist( line, s:C_MacroLineRegex )
- if !empty(string) && skipmacros == 0
- let key = '|'.string[1].'|'
- let val = string[2]
- let val = substitute( val, '\s\+$', '', '' )
- let val = substitute( val, "[\"\']$", '', '' )
- let val = substitute( val, "^[\"\']", '', '' )
- "
- if key == '|includefile|' && count( s:C_FileVisited, val ) == 0
- let path = fnamemodify( a:templatefile, ":p:h" )
- call C_ReadTemplates( path.'/'.val ) " recursive call
- else
- let s:C_Macro[key] = escape( val, '&' )
- endif
- continue " next line
- endif
- "
- " template header
- "
- let name = matchstr( line, s:C_TemplateLineRegex )
- "
- if name != ''
- let part = split( name, '\s*==\s*')
- let item = part[0]
- if has_key( s:C_Template[s:style], item ) && s:C_TemplateOverwrittenMsg == 'yes'
- echomsg "existing C/C++ template '".item."' overwritten"
- endif
- let s:C_Template[s:style][item] = ''
- let skipmacros = 1
- "
- let s:C_Attribute[item] = 'below'
- if has_key( s:Attribute, get( part, 1, 'NONE' ) )
- let s:C_Attribute[item] = part[1]
- endif
- else
- if item != ''
- let s:C_Template[s:style][item] .= line."\n"
- endif
- endif
- endif
- "
- endfor " --------- read line ---------
- let s:C_ActualStyle = 'default'
- if s:C_Macro['|STYLE|'] != ''
- let s:C_ActualStyle = s:C_Macro['|STYLE|']
- endif
- let s:C_ActualStyleLast = s:C_ActualStyle
- call C_SetSmallCommentStyle()
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_ReadTemplates ----------
-" C_Style{{{1
-" ex-command CStyle : callback function
-function! C_Style ( style )
- let lstyle = substitute( a:style, '^\s\+', "", "" ) " remove leading whitespaces
- let lstyle = substitute( lstyle, '\s\+$', "", "" ) " remove trailing whitespaces
- if has_key( s:C_Template, lstyle )
- if len( s:C_Template[lstyle] ) == 0
- echomsg "style '".lstyle."' : no templates defined"
- return
- endif
- let s:C_ActualStyleLast = s:C_ActualStyle
- let s:C_ActualStyle = lstyle
- if len( s:C_ActualStyle ) > 1 && s:C_ActualStyle != s:C_ActualStyleLast
- echomsg "template style is '".lstyle."'"
- endif
- else
- echomsg "style '".lstyle."' does not exist"
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_Style ----------
-" C_StyleList {{{1
-" ex-command CStyle
-function! C_StyleList ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos )
- " show all types / types beginning with a:ArgLead
- return filter( copy(keys( s:C_Template) ), 'v:val =~ "\\<'.a:ArgLead.'\\w*"' )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_StyleList ----------
-" C_OpenFold {{{1
-" Open fold and go to the first or last line of this fold.
-function! C_OpenFold ( mode )
- if foldclosed(".") >= 0
- " we are on a closed fold: get end position, open fold, jump to the
- " last line of the previously closed fold
- let foldstart = foldclosed(".")
- let foldend = foldclosedend(".")
- normal zv
- if a:mode == 'below'
- exe ":".foldend
- endif
- if a:mode == 'start'
- exe ":".foldstart
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_OpenFold ----------
-" C_InsertTemplate {{{1
-" insert a template from the template dictionary
-" do macro expansion
-function! C_InsertTemplate ( key, ... )
- if !has_key( s:C_Template[s:C_ActualStyle], a:key ) &&
- \ !has_key( s:C_Template['default'], a:key )
- echomsg "style '".a:key."' / template '".a:key
- \ ."' not found. Please check your template file in '".s:C_GlobalTemplateDir."'"
- return
- endif
- if &foldenable
- let foldmethod_save = &foldmethod
- set foldmethod=manual
- endif
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " insert the user macros
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " use internal formatting to avoid conficts when using == below
- "
- let equalprg_save = &equalprg
- set equalprg=
- let mode = s:C_Attribute[a:key]
- " remove <SPLIT> and insert the complete macro
- "
- if a:0 == 0
- let val = C_ExpandUserMacros (a:key)
- if val == ""
- return
- endif
- let val = C_ExpandSingleMacro( val, '<SPLIT>', '' )
- if mode == 'below'
- call C_OpenFold('below')
- let pos1 = line(".")+1
- put =val
- let pos2 = line(".")
- " proper indenting
- exe ":".pos1
- let ins = pos2-pos1+1
- exe "normal ".ins."=="
- "
- elseif mode == 'above'
- let pos1 = line(".")
- put! =val
- let pos2 = line(".")
- " proper indenting
- exe ":".pos1
- let ins = pos2-pos1+1
- exe "normal ".ins."=="
- "
- elseif mode == 'start'
- normal gg
- call C_OpenFold('start')
- let pos1 = 1
- put! =val
- let pos2 = line(".")
- " proper indenting
- exe ":".pos1
- let ins = pos2-pos1+1
- exe "normal ".ins."=="
- "
- elseif mode == 'append'
- if &foldenable && foldclosed(".") >= 0
- echohl WarningMsg | echomsg s:MsgInsNotAvail | echohl None
- exe "set foldmethod=".foldmethod_save
- return
- else
- let pos1 = line(".")
- put =val
- let pos2 = line(".")-1
- exe ":".pos1
- :join!
- endif
- "
- elseif mode == 'insert'
- if &foldenable && foldclosed(".") >= 0
- echohl WarningMsg | echomsg s:MsgInsNotAvail | echohl None
- exe "set foldmethod=".foldmethod_save
- return
- else
- let val = substitute( val, '\n$', '', '' )
- let currentline = getline( "." )
- let pos1 = line(".")
- let pos2 = pos1 + count( split(val,'\zs'), "\n" )
- " assign to the unnamed register "" :
- let @"=val
- normal p
- " reformat only multiline inserts and previously empty lines
- if pos2-pos1 > 0 || currentline =~ ''
- exe ":".pos1
- let ins = pos2-pos1+1
- exe "normal ".ins."=="
- endif
- endif
- "
- endif
- "
- else
- "
- " ===== visual mode ===============================
- "
- if a:1 == 'v'
- let val = C_ExpandUserMacros (a:key)
- let val = C_ExpandSingleMacro( val, s:C_TemplateJumpTarget2, '' )
- if val == ""
- return
- endif
- if match( val, '<SPLIT>\s*\n' ) >= 0
- let part = split( val, '<SPLIT>\s*\n' )
- else
- let part = split( val, '<SPLIT>' )
- endif
- if len(part) < 2
- let part = [ "" ] + part
- echomsg 'SPLIT missing in template '.a:key
- endif
- "
- " 'visual' and mode 'insert':
- " <part0><marked area><part1>
- " part0 and part1 can consist of several lines
- "
- if mode == 'insert'
- let pos1 = line(".")
- let pos2 = pos1
- let string= @*
- let replacement = part[0].string.part[1]
- " remove trailing '\n'
- let replacement = substitute( replacement, '\n$', '', '' )
- exe ':s/'.string.'/'.replacement.'/'
- endif
- "
- " 'visual' and mode 'below':
- " <part0>
- " <marked area>
- " <part1>
- " part0 and part1 can consist of several lines
- "
- if mode == 'below'
- :'<put! =part[0]
- :'>put =part[1]
- let pos1 = line("'<") - len(split(part[0], '\n' ))
- let pos2 = line("'>") + len(split(part[1], '\n' ))
- "" echo part[0] part[1] pos1 pos2
- " " proper indenting
- exe ":".pos1
- let ins = pos2-pos1+1
- exe "normal ".ins."=="
- endif
- "
- endif " ---------- end visual mode
- endif
- " restore formatter programm
- let &equalprg = equalprg_save
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " position the cursor
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- exe ":".pos1
- let mtch = search( '<CURSOR>', 'c', pos2 )
- if mtch != 0
- let line = getline(mtch)
- if line =~ '<CURSOR>$'
- call setline( mtch, substitute( line, '<CURSOR>', '', '' ) )
- if a:0 != 0 && a:1 == 'v' && getline(".") =~ '^\s*$'
- normal J
- else
- :startinsert!
- endif
- else
- call setline( mtch, substitute( line, '<CURSOR>', '', '' ) )
- :startinsert
- endif
- else
- " to the end of the block; needed for repeated inserts
- if mode == 'below'
- exe ":".pos2
- endif
- endif
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " marked words
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " define a pattern to highlight
- call C_HighlightJumpTargets ()
- if &foldenable
- " restore folding method
- exe "set foldmethod=".foldmethod_save
- normal zv
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_InsertTemplate ----------
-" C_HighlightJumpTargets
-function! C_HighlightJumpTargets ()
- if s:C_Ctrl_j == 'on'
- exe 'match Search /'.s:C_TemplateJumpTarget1.'\|'.s:C_TemplateJumpTarget2.'/'
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_HighlightJumpTargets ----------
-" C_JumpCtrlJ {{{1
-function! C_JumpCtrlJ ()
- let match = search( s:C_TemplateJumpTarget1.'\|'.s:C_TemplateJumpTarget2, 'c' )
- if match > 0
- " remove the target
- call setline( match, substitute( getline('.'), s:C_TemplateJumpTarget1.'\|'.s:C_TemplateJumpTarget2, '', '' ) )
- else
- " try to jump behind parenthesis or strings in the current line
- if match( getline(".")[col(".") - 1], "[\]})\"'`]" ) != 0
- call search( "[\]})\"'`]", '', line(".") )
- endif
- normal l
- endif
- return ''
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_JumpCtrlJ ----------
-" C_ExpandUserMacros {{{1
-function! C_ExpandUserMacros ( key )
- if has_key( s:C_Template[s:C_ActualStyle], a:key )
- let template = s:C_Template[s:C_ActualStyle][ a:key ]
- else
- let template = s:C_Template['default'][ a:key ]
- endif
- let s:C_ExpansionCounter = {} " reset the expansion counter
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " renew the predefined macros and expand them
- " can be replaced, with e.g. |?DATE|
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- let s:C_Macro['|BASENAME|'] = toupper(expand("%:t:r"))
- let s:C_Macro['|DATE|'] = C_DateAndTime('d')
- let s:C_Macro['|FILENAME|'] = expand("%:t")
- let s:C_Macro['|PATH|'] = expand("%:p:h")
- let s:C_Macro['|SUFFIX|'] = expand("%:e")
- let s:C_Macro['|TIME|'] = C_DateAndTime('t')
- let s:C_Macro['|YEAR|'] = C_DateAndTime('y')
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " delete jump targets if mapping for C-j is off
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if s:C_Ctrl_j == 'off'
- let template = substitute( template, s:C_TemplateJumpTarget1.'\|'.s:C_TemplateJumpTarget2, '', 'g' )
- endif
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " look for replacements
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- while match( template, s:C_ExpansionRegex ) != -1
- let macro = matchstr( template, s:C_ExpansionRegex )
- let replacement = substitute( macro, '?', '', '' )
- let template = substitute( template, macro, replacement, "g" )
- let match = matchlist( macro, s:C_ExpansionRegex )
- if match[1] != ''
- let macroname = '|'.match[1].'|'
- "
- " notify flag action, if any
- let flagaction = ''
- if has_key( s:C_MacroFlag, match[2] )
- let flagaction = ' (-> '.s:C_MacroFlag[ match[2] ].')'
- endif
- "
- " ask for a replacement
- if has_key( s:C_Macro, macroname )
- let name = C_Input( match[1].flagaction.' : ', C_ApplyFlag( s:C_Macro[macroname], match[2] ) )
- else
- let name = C_Input( match[1].flagaction.' : ', '' )
- endif
- if name == ""
- return ""
- endif
- "
- " keep the modified name
- let s:C_Macro[macroname] = C_ApplyFlag( name, match[2] )
- endif
- endwhile
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " do the actual macro expansion
- " loop over the macros found in the template
- "------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- while match( template, s:C_NonExpansionRegex ) != -1
- let macro = matchstr( template, s:C_NonExpansionRegex )
- let match = matchlist( macro, s:C_NonExpansionRegex )
- if match[1] != ''
- let macroname = '|'.match[1].'|'
- if has_key( s:C_Macro, macroname )
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " check for recursion
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if has_key( s:C_ExpansionCounter, macroname )
- let s:C_ExpansionCounter[macroname] += 1
- else
- let s:C_ExpansionCounter[macroname] = 0
- endif
- if s:C_ExpansionCounter[macroname] >= s:C_ExpansionLimit
- echomsg " recursion terminated for recursive macro ".macroname
- return template
- endif
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " replace
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- let replacement = C_ApplyFlag( s:C_Macro[macroname], match[2] )
- let template = substitute( template, macro, replacement, "g" )
- else
- "
- " macro not yet defined
- let s:C_Macro['|'.match[1].'|'] = ''
- endif
- endif
- endwhile
- return template
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_ExpandUserMacros ----------
-" C_ApplyFlag {{{1
-function! C_ApplyFlag ( val, flag )
- "
- " l : lowercase
- if a:flag == ':l'
- return tolower(a:val)
- endif
- "
- " u : uppercase
- if a:flag == ':u'
- return toupper(a:val)
- endif
- "
- " c : capitalize
- if a:flag == ':c'
- return toupper(a:val[0]).a:val[1:]
- endif
- "
- " L : legalized name
- if a:flag == ':L'
- return C_LegalizeName(a:val)
- endif
- "
- " flag not valid
- return a:val
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_ApplyFlag ----------
-" C_ExpandSingleMacro {{{1
-function! C_ExpandSingleMacro ( val, macroname, replacement )
- return substitute( a:val, escape(a:macroname, '$' ), a:replacement, "g" )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_ExpandSingleMacro ----------
-" C_SetSmallCommentStyle {{{1
-function! C_SetSmallCommentStyle ()
- if has_key( s:C_Template, 'comment.end-of-line-comment' )
- if match( s:C_Template['comment.end-of-line-comment'], '^\s*/\*' ) != -1
- let s:C_Com1 = '/*' " C-style : comment start
- let s:C_Com2 = '*/' " C-style : comment end
- else
- let s:C_Com1 = '//' " C++style : comment start
- let s:C_Com2 = '' " C++style : comment end
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_SetSmallCommentStyle ----------
-" C_InsertMacroValue {{{1
-function! C_InsertMacroValue ( key )
- if s:C_Macro['|'.a:key.'|'] == ''
- echomsg 'the tag |'.a:key.'| is empty'
- return
- endif
- "
- if &foldenable && foldclosed(".") >= 0
- echohl WarningMsg | echomsg s:MsgInsNotAvail | echohl None
- return
- endif
- if col(".") > 1
- exe 'normal a'.s:C_Macro['|'.a:key.'|']
- else
- exe 'normal i'.s:C_Macro['|'.a:key.'|']
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_InsertMacroValue ----------
-" insert date and time {{{1
-function! C_InsertDateAndTime ( format )
- if &foldenable && foldclosed(".") >= 0
- echohl WarningMsg | echomsg s:MsgInsNotAvail | echohl None
- return ""
- endif
- if col(".") > 1
- exe 'normal a'.C_DateAndTime(a:format)
- else
- exe 'normal i'.C_DateAndTime(a:format)
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_InsertDateAndTime ----------
-" generate date and time {{{1
-function! C_DateAndTime ( format )
- if a:format == 'd'
- return strftime( s:C_FormatDate )
- elseif a:format == 't'
- return strftime( s:C_FormatTime )
- elseif a:format == 'dt'
- return strftime( s:C_FormatDate ).' '.strftime( s:C_FormatTime )
- elseif a:format == 'y'
- return strftime( s:C_FormatYear )
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_DateAndTime ----------
-" check for header or implementation file {{{1
-function! C_InsertTemplateWrapper ()
- if index( s:C_SourceCodeExtensionsList, expand('%:e') ) >= 0
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-description")
- else
- call C_InsertTemplate("comment.file-description-header")
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_InsertTemplateWrapper ----------
-" Comment : C/C++ File Sections {{{1
-let s:CFileSection = {
- \ "Header\ File\ Includes" : "file-section-cpp-header-includes" ,
- \ "Local\ Macros" : "file-section-cpp-macros" ,
- \ "Local\ Type\ Def\." : "file-section-cpp-typedefs" ,
- \ "Local\ Data\ Types" : "file-section-cpp-data-types" ,
- \ "Local\ Variables" : "file-section-cpp-local-variables" ,
- \ "Local\ Prototypes" : "file-section-cpp-prototypes" ,
- \ "Exp\.\ Function\ Def\." : "file-section-cpp-function-defs-exported" ,
- \ "Local\ Function\ Def\." : "file-section-cpp-function-defs-local" ,
- \ "Local\ Class\ Def\." : "file-section-cpp-class-defs" ,
- \ "Exp\.\ Class\ Impl\." : "file-section-cpp-class-implementations-exported",
- \ "Local\ Class\ Impl\." : "file-section-cpp-class-implementations-local" ,
- \ "All\ sections,\ C" : "c",
- \ "All\ sections,\ C++" : "cpp",
- \ }
-function! C_CFileSectionList ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos )
- return filter( copy( sort(keys( s:CFileSection)) ), 'v:val =~ "\\<'.a:ArgLead.'\\w*"' )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CFileSectionList ----------
-function! C_CFileSectionListInsert ( arg )
- if has_key( s:CFileSection, a:arg )
- if s:CFileSection[a:arg] == 'c' || s:CFileSection[a:arg] == 'cpp'
- call C_Comment_C_SectionAll( 'comment.'.s:CFileSection[a:arg] )
- return
- endif
- call C_InsertTemplate( 'comment.'.s:CFileSection[a:arg] )
- else
- echomsg "entry ".a:arg." does not exist"
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CFileSectionListInsert ----------
-" Comment : H File Sections {{{1
-let s:HFileSection = {
- \ "Header\ File\ Includes" : "file-section-hpp-header-includes" ,
- \ "Exported\ Macros" : "file-section-hpp-macros" ,
- \ "Exported\ Type\ Def\." : "file-section-hpp-exported-typedefs" ,
- \ "Exported\ Data\ Types" : "file-section-hpp-exported-data-types" ,
- \ "Exported\ Variables" : "file-section-hpp-exported-variables" ,
- \ "Exported\ Funct\.\ Decl\." : "file-section-hpp-exported-function-declarations",
- \ "Exported\ Class\ Def\." : "file-section-hpp-exported-class-defs" ,
- \ "All\ sections,\ C" : "c" ,
- \ "All\ sections,\ C++" : "cpp" ,
- \ }
-function! C_HFileSectionList ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos )
- return filter( copy( sort(keys( s:HFileSection)) ), 'v:val =~ "\\<'.a:ArgLead.'\\w*"' )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_HFileSectionList ----------
-function! C_HFileSectionListInsert ( arg )
- if has_key( s:HFileSection, a:arg )
- if s:HFileSection[a:arg] == 'c' || s:HFileSection[a:arg] == 'cpp'
- call C_Comment_C_SectionAll( 'comment.'.s:HFileSection[a:arg] )
- return
- endif
- call C_InsertTemplate( 'comment.'.s:HFileSection[a:arg] )
- else
- echomsg "entry ".a:arg." does not exist"
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_HFileSectionListInsert ----------
-" Comment : Keyword Comments {{{1
-let s:KeywordComment = {
- \ 'BUG' : 'keyword-bug',
- \ 'COMPILER' : 'keyword-compiler',
- \ 'TODO' : 'keyword-todo',
- \ 'TRICKY' : 'keyword-tricky',
- \ 'WARNING' : 'keyword-warning',
- \ 'WORKAROUND' : 'keyword-workaround',
- \ 'new\ keyword' : 'keyword-keyword',
- \ }
-function! C_KeywordCommentList ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos )
- return filter( copy( sort(keys( s:KeywordComment)) ), 'v:val =~ "\\<'.a:ArgLead.'\\w*"' )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_KeywordCommentList ----------
-function! C_KeywordCommentListInsert ( arg )
- if has_key( s:KeywordComment, a:arg )
- if s:KeywordComment[a:arg] == 'c' || s:KeywordComment[a:arg] == 'cpp'
- call C_Comment_C_SectionAll( 'comment.'.s:KeywordComment[a:arg] )
- return
- endif
- call C_InsertTemplate( 'comment.'.s:KeywordComment[a:arg] )
- else
- echomsg "entry ".a:arg." does not exist"
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_KeywordCommentListInsert ----------
-" Comment : Special Comments {{{1
-let s:SpecialComment = {
- \ 'EMPTY' : 'special-empty' ,
- \ 'FALL\ THROUGH' : 'special-fall-through' ,
- \ 'IMPL\.\ TYPE\ CONV' : 'special-implicit-type-conversion")' ,
- \ 'NO\ RETURN' : 'special-no-return' ,
- \ 'NOT\ REACHED' : 'special-not-reached' ,
- \ 'TO\ BE\ IMPL\.' : 'special-remains-to-be-implemented' ,
- \ 'constant\ type\ is\ long\ (L)' : 'special-constant-type-is-long' ,
- \ 'constant\ type\ is\ unsigned\ (U)' : 'special-constant-type-is-unsigned' ,
- \ 'constant\ type\ is\ unsigned\ long\ (UL)' : 'special-constant-type-is-unsigned-long' ,
- \ }
-function! C_SpecialCommentList ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos )
- return filter( copy( sort(keys( s:SpecialComment)) ), 'v:val =~ "\\<'.a:ArgLead.'\\w*"' )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_SpecialCommentList ----------
-function! C_SpecialCommentListInsert ( arg )
- if has_key( s:SpecialComment, a:arg )
- if s:SpecialComment[a:arg] == 'c' || s:SpecialComment[a:arg] == 'cpp'
- call C_Comment_C_SectionAll( 'comment.'.s:SpecialComment[a:arg] )
- return
- endif
- call C_InsertTemplate( 'comment.'.s:SpecialComment[a:arg] )
- else
- echomsg "entry ".a:arg." does not exist"
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_SpecialCommentListInsert ----------
-" Standard Library Includes
-function! C_CleanDirNameList ( list )
- let result = copy( a:list )
- let index = 0
- while index < len( result )
- let result[index] = substitute( result[index], '[&\\]', '', 'g' )
- let index = index + 1
- endwhile
- return result
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CleanDirNameList ----------
-let s:C_StandardLibsClean = C_CleanDirNameList( s:C_StandardLibs )
-let s:C_C99LibsClean = C_CleanDirNameList( s:C_C99Libs )
-let s:Cpp_StandardLibsClean = C_CleanDirNameList( s:Cpp_StandardLibs )
-let s:Cpp_CStandardLibsClean = C_CleanDirNameList( s:Cpp_CStandardLibs )
-" callback functions used in the filetype plugin ftplugin/c.vim
-" callback functions
-function! C_IncludesInsert ( arg, List )
- if index( a:List, a:arg ) >= 0
- let zz = "#include\t<".a:arg.'>'
- put =zz
- else
- echomsg "entry ".a:arg." does not exist"
- endif
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_IncludesInsert
-function! C_StdLibraryIncludesInsert ( arg )
- call C_IncludesInsert ( a:arg, s:C_StandardLibsClean )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_StdLibraryIncludesInsert
-function! C_C99LibraryIncludesInsert ( arg )
- call C_IncludesInsert ( a:arg, s:C_C99LibsClean )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_C99LibraryIncludesInsert
-function! C_CppLibraryIncludesInsert ( arg )
- call C_IncludesInsert ( a:arg, s:Cpp_StandardLibsClean )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CppLibraryIncludesInsert
-function! C_CppCLibraryIncludesInsert ( arg )
- call C_IncludesInsert ( a:arg, s:Cpp_CStandardLibsClean )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CppCLibraryIncludesInsert
-" callback functions used in the filetype plugin ftplugin/c.vim
-" custom completion
-function! C_IncludesList ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos, List )
- " show all libs
- if a:ArgLead == ''
- return a:List
- endif
- " show libs beginning with a:ArgLead
- let expansions = []
- for item in a:List
- if match( item, '\<'.a:ArgLead.'\w*' ) == 0
- call add( expansions, item )
- endif
- endfor
- return expansions
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_IncludesList ----------
-function! C_StdLibraryIncludesList ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos )
- return C_IncludesList ( a:ArgLead, a:CmdLine, a:CursorPos, s:C_StandardLibsClean )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_StdLibraryIncludesList ----------
-function! C_C99LibraryIncludesList ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos )
- return C_IncludesList ( a:ArgLead, a:CmdLine, a:CursorPos, s:C_C99LibsClean )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_C99LibraryIncludesList ----------
-function! C_CppLibraryIncludesList ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos )
- return C_IncludesList ( a:ArgLead, a:CmdLine, a:CursorPos, s:Cpp_StandardLibsClean )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CppLibraryIncludesList ----------
-function! C_CppCLibraryIncludesList ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos )
- return C_IncludesList ( a:ArgLead, a:CmdLine, a:CursorPos, s:Cpp_CStandardLibsClean )
-endfunction " ---------- end of function C_CppCLibraryIncludesList ----------
-" show / hide the c-support menus
-" define key mappings (gVim only)
-if has("gui_running")
- "
- call C_ToolMenu()
- "
- if s:C_LoadMenus == 'yes'
- call C_CreateGuiMenus()
- endif
- "
- nmap <unique> <silent> <Leader>lcs :call C_CreateGuiMenus()<CR>
- nmap <unique> <silent> <Leader>ucs :call C_RemoveGuiMenus()<CR>
- "
-" Automated header insertion
-" Local settings for the quickfix window
-if has("autocmd")
- "
- " Automated header insertion (suffixes from the gcc manual)
- "
- if !exists( 'g:C_Styles' )
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " template styles are the default settings
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- autocmd BufNewFile * if (&filetype=='cpp' || &filetype=='c') |
- \ call C_InsertTemplateWrapper() | endif
- "
- " *.h has filetype 'cpp' by default; this can be changed to 'c' :
- "
- if s:C_TypeOfH=='c'
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufEnter *.h :set filetype=c
- endif
- "
- " C/C++ source code files which should not be preprocessed.
- "
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.i :set filetype=c
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.ii :set filetype=cpp
- "
- else
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- " template styles are related to file extensions
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- for [ pattern, stl ] in items( g:C_Styles )
- exe "autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead,BufEnter ".pattern." call C_Style( '".stl."' )"
- exe "autocmd BufNewFile ".pattern." call C_InsertTemplateWrapper() | :w!"
- endfor
- "
- endif
- "
- " Wrap error descriptions in the quickfix window.
- "
- autocmd BufReadPost quickfix setlocal wrap | setlocal linebreak
- "
- exe 'autocmd BufRead *.'.join( s:C_SourceCodeExtensionsList, '\|*.' )
- \ .' call C_HighlightJumpTargets()'
- "
-endif " has("autocmd")
-call C_ReadTemplates(s:C_GlobalTemplateFile)
-if s:installation == 'system' && filereadable( s:C_LocalTemplateFile )
- call C_ReadTemplates( s:C_LocalTemplateFile )
-" vim: tabstop=2 shiftwidth=2 foldmethod=marker