path: root/.vim/plugin/vtreeexplorer.vim
diff options
authorbnewbold <>2010-03-25 06:29:54 -0400
committerbnewbold <>2010-03-25 06:29:54 -0400
commit0bf28391b00b1e28c44324bcd7647df416314667 (patch)
tree6dda90e70218861975deb408eb21b2ff00eb5ef6 /.vim/plugin/vtreeexplorer.vim
parent564a2d0d39c8e1fb79ee800973848b2442833356 (diff)
lots and lots of vim stuff for c development...
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/plugin/vtreeexplorer.vim')
1 files changed, 872 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/vtreeexplorer.vim b/.vim/plugin/vtreeexplorer.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2458abc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/plugin/vtreeexplorer.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
+"" File: vtreeexplorer.vim
+"" Description: tree-like file system explorer for vim
+"" Version: $Revision: 1.24 $ $Date: 2005/11/17 16:24:33 $
+"" Author: TS Urban (
+"" (remove the source of SPAM from my email first)
+"" Instructions:
+"" 1 - source this file or put in your plugin directory
+"" 2 - :VTreeExlorer or :VSTreeExplore
+"" 3 - help at top of screen
+"" 4 - this script comes with a help text that integrates with the vim help
+"" system, put vtreeexplorer.txt in your ~/.vim/doc dir, then do
+"" :helptags ~/.vim/doc
+"" Global Configuration Variables:
+"" treeExplVertical : split vertically when starting with VSTreeExplore
+"" treeExplWinSize : window size (width or height) when doing VSTreeExplore
+"" treeExplHidden : set to have explorer start with hidden files shown
+"" treeExplHidePattern : set have matching files not shown
+"" treeExplDirSort : start explorer with desired directory sorting:
+"" 0 : no directory sorting
+"" 1 : directories sorting first
+"" -1 : directories sorting last
+"" treeExplIndent : width of tree indentation in spaces (min 3, max 8)
+"" treeExplNoList : don't list the explorer in the buffer list
+"" Todo:
+"" - global option for path separator
+"" - merge in patches for winmanager
+"" - +/- keymappings, etc
+"" - recursively collapse binding/function
+"" prevent multiple loading unless developing with g:treeExplDebug
+if exists("vloaded_tree_explorer") && !exists("g:treeExplDebug")
+ finish
+let vloaded_tree_explorer=1
+let s:cpo_save = &cpo
+set cpo&vim
+"" create commands
+command! -n=? -complete=dir VTreeExplore :call s:TreeExplorer(0, '<args>')
+command! -n=? -complete=dir VSTreeExplore :call s:TreeExplorer(1, '<args>')
+"" support sessions
+autocmd BufNewFile TreeExplorer VTreeExplore
+"" create a string of chr cnt long - emulate vim7 repeat function
+function! s:MyRepeat(chr, cnt) " <<<
+ let sret = ""
+ let lcnt = a:cnt
+ while lcnt > 0
+ let sret = sret . a:chr
+ let lcnt = lcnt - 1
+ endwhile
+ return sret
+endf " >>>
+function! s:InitWindowVars() " <<<
+ if exists("w:tree_vars_defined")
+ return
+ endif
+ let w:tree_vars_defined = 1
+ let w:escape_chars = " `|\"~'#"
+ " win specific vars from globals if they exist
+ let w:hidden_files = (exists("g:treeExplHidden")) ? 1 : 0
+ let w:dirsort = (exists("g:treeExplDirSort")) ? g:treeExplDirSort : 0
+ if w:dirsort < -1 || w:dirsort > 1
+ let w:dirsort = 0
+ let w:escape_chars = w:escape_chars . '+'
+ endif
+ " tree visual widget configuration, width limited to range [3,16]
+ let w:tree_wid_ind = (exists("g:treeExplIndent")) ? g:treeExplIndent : 3
+ let w:tree_wid_ind = (w:tree_wid_ind < 3) ? 3 : w:tree_wid_ind
+ let w:tree_wid_ind = (w:tree_wid_ind > 8) ? 16 : w:tree_wid_ind
+ let bar_char = '|'
+ let dsh_char = '-'
+ let grv_char = '`'
+ let spc_char = ' '
+ let w:tree_par_wid = bar_char . s:MyRepeat (spc_char, w:tree_wid_ind - 2) . spc_char
+ let w:tree_dir_wid = bar_char . s:MyRepeat (dsh_char, w:tree_wid_ind - 2) . spc_char
+ let w:tree_end_wid = grv_char . s:MyRepeat (dsh_char, w:tree_wid_ind - 2) . spc_char
+ let w:tree_spc_wid = s:MyRepeat (spc_char, w:tree_wid_ind)
+ " init help to short version
+ let w:helplines = 1
+endfunction " >>>
+"" TreeExplorer() - set up explorer window
+function! s:TreeExplorer(split, start) " <<<
+ " dir to start in from arg, buff dir, or pwd
+ let fname = (a:start != "") ? a:start : expand ("%:p:h")
+ let fname = (fname != "") ? fname : getcwd ()
+ " construct command to open window
+ if a:split || &modified
+ " if starting with split, get split parameters from globals
+ let splitMode = (exists("g:treeExplVertical")) ? "vertical " : ""
+ let splitSize = (exists("g:treeExplWinSize")) ? g:treeExplWinSize : 20
+ let cmd = splitMode . splitSize . "new TreeExplorer"
+ else
+ let cmd = "e TreeExplorer"
+ endif
+ silent execute cmd
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ "" chars to escape in file/dir names - TODO '+' ?
+ " throwaway buffer options
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ setlocal buftype=nowrite
+ setlocal bufhidden=delete " d
+ setlocal nowrap
+ setlocal foldcolumn=0
+ if exists("g:treeExplNoList")
+ setlocal nobuflisted
+ endif
+ if has('spell')
+ setlocal nospell
+ endif
+ iabc <buffer>
+ " setup folding for markers that will be inserted
+ setlocal foldmethod=marker
+ setlocal foldtext=substitute(getline(v:foldstart),'.{{{.*','','')
+ setlocal foldlevel=1
+ " syntax highlighting
+ if has("syntax") && exists("g:syntax_on") && !has("syntax_items")
+ syn match treeHlp #^" .*#
+ syn match treeDir "^\.\. (up a directory)$"
+ syn match treeFld "{{{"
+ syn match treeFld "}}}"
+ execute "syn match treePrt #" . w:tree_par_wid . "#"
+ execute "syn match treePrt #" . w:tree_dir_wid . "#"
+ execute "syn match treePrt #" . w:tree_end_wid . "#"
+ syn match treeLnk #[^-| `].* -> # contains=treeFld
+ syn match treeDir #[^-| `].*/\([ {}]\{4\}\)*$# contains=treeFld,treeLnk
+ syn match treeCWD #^/.*$# contains=treeFld
+ hi def link treePrt Normal
+ hi def link treeFld Ignore
+ hi def link treeHlp Special
+ hi def link treeDir Directory
+ hi def link treeCWD Statement
+ hi def link treeLnk Title
+ endif
+ " for line continuation
+ let cpo_save1 = &cpo
+ set cpo&vim
+ " set up mappings and commands for this buffer
+ nnoremap <buffer> <cr> :call <SID>Activate("win")<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> o :call <SID>Activate("win")<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> O :call <SID>Activate("cur")<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> t :call <SID>Activate("tab")<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> X :call <SID>RecursiveExpand()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> E :call <SID>OpenExplorer()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> C :call <SID>ChangeTop()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> H :call <SID>InitWithDir($HOME)<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> u :call <SID>ChdirUp()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> p :call <SID>MoveParent()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> r :call <SID>RefreshDir()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> R :call <SID>InitWithDir("")<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> S :call <SID>StartShell()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> D :call <SID>ToggleDirSort()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> a :call <SID>ToggleHiddenFiles()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> ? :call <SID>ToggleHelp()<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <2-leftmouse> :call <SID>Activate("win")<cr>
+ command! -buffer -complete=dir -nargs=1 CD :call s:TreeCD('<args>')
+ command! -buffer -range -nargs=0 Yank :<line1>,<line2>y |
+ \ let @" = substitute (@", ' [{}]\{3\}', "", "g")
+ let &cpo = cpo_save1 " restore
+ call s:InitWithDir(fname) " load fname dir
+endfunction " >>>
+"" TreeCD() - change to dir from cmdline arg
+function! s:TreeCD(dir) " <<<
+ if isdirectory (a:dir)
+ call s:InitWithDir (a:dir)
+ else
+ echo "can not change to directory: " . a:dir
+ endif
+endfunction " >>>
+"" InitWithDir() - reload tree with dir
+function! s:InitWithDir(dir) " <<<
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ if a:dir != ""
+ try
+ execute "lcd " . escape (a:dir, w:escape_chars)
+ catch
+ echo "ERROR: changing to directory: " . a:dir
+ return
+ endtry
+ endif
+ let cwd = getcwd ()
+ if has("unix") == 0
+ let cwd = substitute (cwd, '\\', '/', "g")
+ let is_root = (cwd =~ '^[A-Z]:/$') ? 1 : 0
+ else
+ let is_root = (cwd == "/") ? 1 : 0
+ endif
+ let cwd = substitute (cwd, '/*$', '/', "")
+ let save_f = @f
+ let save_y = @"
+ " clear buffer
+ setlocal modifiable | silent! normal ggdG
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ "insert header
+ call s:AddHeader()
+ normal G
+ "insert parent link unless we're at / for unix or X:\ for dos
+ if is_root == 0
+ let @f=".. (up a directory)"
+ endif
+ let @f=@f . "\n" . cwd . "\n\n"
+ setlocal modifiable | silent put f | setlocal nomodifiable
+ normal Gk
+ call s:ReadDir (line("."), cwd) " read dir
+ let @f = save_f
+ let @" = save_y
+endfunction " >>>
+"" ReadDir() - read dir after current line with tree pieces and foldmarkers
+function! s:ReadDir(lpn,dir) " <<<
+ let olddir = getcwd ()
+ let lps = getline (a:lpn)
+ if a:dir == ""
+ let dir = GetAbsPath2 (lpn, 0)
+ if w:firstdirline ! = lpn
+ echo "ERROR"
+ return
+ endif
+ else
+ let dir = a:dir
+ endif
+ " TODO - error when dir no longer exists
+ try
+ execute "lcd " . escape (dir, w:escape_chars)
+ catch
+ echo "ERROR: changing to directory: " . dir
+ return
+ endtry
+ " change dos path to look like unix path
+ "if has("unix") == 0 " TODO - so many dos/win variants, this seemed easier - maybe not correct (e.g. OS2, mac, etc)
+ " let dir = substitute (dir, '\\', '/', "g")
+ "endif
+ "let dir = substitute (dir, '/\?$', '/', "")
+ " get dir contents
+ if w:hidden_files == 1
+ let dirlines = glob ('.*') . "\n" . glob ('*')
+ else
+ let dirlines = glob ('*')
+ endif
+ " if empty, don't change line
+ if dirlines == ""
+ return
+ endif
+ let treeprt = substitute (lps, '[^-| `].*', "", "")
+ let pdirprt = substitute (lps, '^[-| `]*', "", "")
+ let pdirprt = substitute (pdirprt, '[{} ]*$', "", "")
+ let foldprt = substitute (lps, '.*' . pdirprt, "", "")
+ " save states of registers for restoring
+ " @l is used for first line, last line, and if dir sorting is off
+ " @f and @d are used for file and dirs with dir sorting
+ let save_l = @l | let @l = ""
+ let save_d = @d | let @d = ""
+ let save_f = @f | let @f = ""
+ let save_y = @"
+ let @l = treeprt . pdirprt . ' {{{'
+ let treeprt = substitute (treeprt, w:tree_end_wid, w:tree_spc_wid, "")
+ let treeprt = substitute (treeprt, w:tree_dir_wid, w:tree_par_wid, "")
+ " parse dir contents by '/'
+ let dirlines = substitute (dirlines, "\n", '/', "g")
+ if exists("g:treeExplHidePattern")
+ let do_hide_re = 1
+ else
+ let do_hide_re = 0
+ endif
+ while strlen (dirlines) > 0
+ let curdir = substitute (dirlines, '/.*', "", "")
+ let dirlines = substitute (dirlines, '[^/]*/\?', "", "")
+ if w:hidden_files == 1 && curdir =~ '^\.\.\?$'
+ continue
+ endif
+ if w:hidden_files == 0 && do_hide_re == 1 && curdir =~ g:treeExplHidePattern
+ continue
+ endif
+ let linkedto = resolve (curdir)
+ if linkedto != curdir
+ let curdir = curdir . ' -> ' . linkedto
+ endif
+ if isdirectory (linkedto)
+ let isdir = 1
+ let curdir = curdir . '/'
+ else
+ let isdir = 0
+ endif
+ " escape leading characters confused with tree parts
+ if curdir =~ '^[-| `]'
+ let curdir = '\' . curdir
+ endif
+ if w:dirsort != 0
+ if isdir == 1
+ let @d = @d . "\n" . treeprt . w:tree_dir_wid . curdir
+ else
+ let @f = @f . "\n" . treeprt . w:tree_dir_wid . curdir
+ endif
+ else
+ let @l = @l . "\n" . treeprt . w:tree_dir_wid . curdir
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ if w:dirsort == 1
+ let @l = @l . @d . @f . "\n"
+ elseif w:dirsort == -1
+ let @l = @l . @f . @d . "\n"
+ else
+ let @l = @l . "\n"
+ endif
+ exec (":" . a:lpn)
+ " TODO handle fold open v fold closed
+ setlocal modifiable
+ silent normal ddk
+ silent put l
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ " make sure fold is open so we don't delete the whole thing
+ "if foldclosed (line (".")) != -1
+ if foldclosed (a:lpn) != -1
+ foldopen
+ endif
+ normal! `]
+ " change last tree part to the final leaf marking, add final fold mark
+ let @l = getline(".")
+ let @l = substitute (@l, w:tree_dir_wid, w:tree_end_wid, "")
+ let @l = @l . foldprt . " }}}\n"
+ setlocal modifiable | silent normal dd
+ silent put! l | setlocal nomodifiable
+ " restore registers
+ let @l = save_l
+ let @d = save_d
+ let @f = save_f
+ let @" = save_y
+ exec (":" . a:lpn)
+ execute "lcd " . escape (olddir, w:escape_chars)
+endfunction " >>>
+"" ChdirUp() - cd up (if possible)
+function! s:ChdirUp() " <<<
+ let cwd = getcwd()
+ if cwd == "/" || cwd =~ '^[^/]..$'
+ echo "already at top dir"
+ else
+ call s:InitWithDir("..")
+ endif
+endfunction " >>>
+"" MoveParent() - move cursor to parent dir
+function! s:MoveParent() " <<<
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ let ln = line(".")
+ call s:GetAbsPath2 (ln, 1)
+ if w:firstdirline != 0
+ exec (":" . w:firstdirline)
+ else
+ exec (":" . w:helplines)
+ endif
+endfunction " >>>
+"" ChangeTop() - change top dir to cursor dir
+function! s:ChangeTop() " <<<
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ let ln = line(".")
+ let l = getline(ln)
+ " on current top or non-tree line?
+ if l !~ '^[| `]'
+ return
+ endif
+ " parent dir
+ if l =~ '^\.\. '
+ call s:ChdirUp()
+ return
+ endif
+ let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2(ln, 0)
+ if curfile !~ '/$'
+ let curfile = substitute (curfile, '[^/]*$', "", "")
+ endif
+ call s:InitWithDir (curfile)
+endfunction " >>>
+"" RecursiveExpand() - expand cursor dir recursively
+function! s:RecursiveExpand() " <<<
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ echo "recursively expanding, this might take a while (CTRL-C to stop)"
+ let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2(line("."), 0)
+ if w:firstdirline == 0
+ let init_ln = w:helplines
+ let curfile = substitute (getline (init_ln), '[ {]*', "", "")
+ else
+ let init_ln = w:firstdirline
+ endif
+ let init_ind = match (getline (init_ln), '[^-| `]') / w:tree_wid_ind
+ let curfile = substitute (curfile, '[^/]*$', "", "")
+ let l = getline (init_ln)
+ if l =~ ' {{{$'
+ if foldclosed (init_ln) != -1
+ foldopen
+ endif
+ endif
+ if l !~ ' {{{$' " dir not open
+ call s:ReadDir (init_ln, curfile)
+ if getline (init_ln) !~ ' {{{$' " dir still not open (empty)
+ echo "expansion done"
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ let ln = init_ln + 1
+ let l = getline (ln)
+ let match_str = '[^-| `]'
+ while init_ind < (match (l, '[^-| `]') / w:tree_wid_ind)
+ let tl = l
+ let tln = ln
+ let ln = ln + 1
+ let l = getline (ln)
+ if tl =~ ' {{{$'
+ if foldclosed (tln) != -1
+ foldopen
+ endif
+ continue
+ endif
+ " link or non dir
+ if tl =~ ' -> ' || tl !~ '/[ }]*$'
+ continue
+ endif
+ let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2(tln, 0)
+ call s:ReadDir (tln, curfile)
+ let l = getline (ln)
+ endwhile
+ exec (":" . init_ln)
+ echo "expansion done"
+endfunction " >>>
+"" OpenExplorer() - open file explorer on cursor dir
+function! s:OpenExplorer() " <<<
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2 (line ("."), 0)
+ if w:firstdirline == 0
+ let curfile = getcwd ()
+ else
+ " remove file name, if any
+ let curfile = substitute (curfile, '[^/]*$', "", "")
+ endif
+ let curfile = escape (curfile, w:escape_chars)
+ let oldwin = winnr()
+ wincmd p
+ if oldwin == winnr() || &modified
+ wincmd p
+ exec ("new " . curfile)
+ else
+ exec ("edit " . curfile)
+ endif
+endfunction " >>>
+"" Activate() - (un)fold read dirs, read unread dirs, open files, cd .. on ..
+function! s:Activate(how) " <<<
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ let ln = line(".")
+ let l = getline(ln)
+ " parent dir, change to it
+ if l =~ '^\.\. (up a directory)$'
+ call s:ChdirUp()
+ return
+ endif
+ " directory loaded, toggle folded state
+ if l =~ ' {{{$'
+ if foldclosed(ln) == -1
+ foldclose
+ else
+ foldopen
+ endif
+ return
+ endif
+ " on top, no folds, or not on tree
+ if l !~ '^[-| `]'
+ return
+ endif
+ " get path of line
+ let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2 (ln, 0)
+ if curfile =~ '/$' " dir
+ call s:ReadDir (ln, curfile)
+ return
+ else " file
+ let f = escape (curfile, w:escape_chars)
+ let oldwin = winnr()
+ wincmd p
+ if a:how == "tab"
+ exec ("tabedit " . f)
+ elseif a:how == "cur"
+ exec ("tabedit " . f)
+ elseif oldwin == winnr() || (&modified && s:BufInWindows(winbufnr(winnr())) < 2)
+ wincmd p
+ exec ("new " . f)
+ else
+ exec ("edit " . f)
+ endif
+ endif
+endfunction " >>>
+"" RefreshDir() - refresh current dir
+function! s:RefreshDir() " <<<
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2(line("."), 0)
+ let init_ln = w:firstdirline
+ " not in tree, or on path line or parent is top
+ if curfile == "" || init_ln == 0
+ call s:InitWithDir("")
+ return
+ endif
+ let save_l = @l
+ " remove file name, if any
+ let curfile = substitute (curfile, '[^/]*$', "", "")
+ let @l = getline (init_ln)
+ " if there is no fold, just do normal ReadDir, and return
+ if @l !~ ' {{{$'
+ call s:ReadDir (init_ln, curfile)
+ let @l = save_l
+ return
+ endif
+ " TODO factor
+ if foldclosed(init_ln) == -1
+ foldclose
+ endif
+ " remove one foldlevel from line
+ let @l = substitute (@l, ' {{{$', "", "")
+ exec (":" . init_ln)
+ setlocal modifiable
+ silent normal ddk
+ silent put l
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ call s:ReadDir (init_ln, curfile)
+ let @l = save_l
+endfunction " >>>
+"" ToggleHiddenFiles() - toggle hidden files
+function! s:ToggleHiddenFiles() " <<<
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ let w:hidden_files = w:hidden_files ? 0 : 1
+ let msg = w:hidden_files ? "on" : "off"
+ let hre = exists("g:treeExplHidePattern") ? g:treeExplHidePattern : ''
+ let msg = "hidden (dotfiles and regex = '" . hre . "') files now = " . msg
+ echo msg
+ call s:UpdateHeader ()
+ call s:RefreshDir()
+endfunction " >>>
+"" ToggleDirSort() - toggle dir sorting
+function! s:ToggleDirSort() " <<<
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ if w:dirsort == 0
+ let w:dirsort = 1
+ let msg = "dirs first"
+ elseif w:dirsort > 0
+ let w:dirsort = -1
+ let msg = "dirs last"
+ else
+ let w:dirsort = 0
+ let msg = "off"
+ endif
+ let msg = "dirs sorting now = " . msg
+ echo msg
+ call s:UpdateHeader ()
+ call s:RefreshDir()
+endfunction " >>>
+"" StartShell() - start shell in cursor dir
+function! s:StartShell() " <<<
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ let ln = line(".")
+ let curfile = s:GetAbsPath2 (ln, 1)
+ let prevdir = getcwd()
+ if w:firstdirline == 0
+ let dir = prevdir
+ else
+ let dir = substitute (curfile, '[^/]*$', "", "")
+ endif
+ try
+ execute "lcd " . escape (dir, w:escape_chars)
+ shell
+ catch
+ echo "ERROR: changing to directory: " . dir
+ return
+ endtry
+ execute "lcd " . escape (prevdir, w:escape_chars)
+endfunction " >>>
+"" GetAbsPath2() - get absolute path at line ln, set w:firstdirline,
+"" - if ignore_current is 1, don't set line to current line when on a dir
+function! s:GetAbsPath2(ln,ignore_current) " <<<
+ let lnum = a:ln
+ let l = getline(lnum)
+ let w:firstdirline = 0
+ " in case called from outside the tree
+ if l =~ '^[/".]' || l =~ '^$'
+ return ""
+ endif
+ let wasdir = 0
+ " strip file
+ let curfile = substitute (l,'^[-| `]*',"","") " remove tree parts
+ let curfile = substitute (curfile,'[ {}]*$',"",'') " remove fold marks
+ "let curfile = substitute (curfile,'[*=@|]$',"","") " remove file class
+ " remove leading escape
+ let curfile = substitute (curfile,'^\\', "", "")
+ if curfile =~ '/$' && a:ignore_current == 0
+ let wasdir = 1
+ let w:firstdirline = lnum
+ endif
+ let curfile = substitute (curfile,' -> .*',"","") " remove link to
+ if wasdir == 1
+ let curfile = substitute (curfile, '/\?$', '/', "")
+ endif
+ let indent = match(l,'[^-| `]') / w:tree_wid_ind
+ let dir = ""
+ while lnum > 0
+ let lnum = lnum - 1
+ let lp = getline(lnum)
+ if lp =~ '^/'
+ let sd = substitute (lp, '[ {]*$', "", "")
+ let dir = sd . dir
+ break
+ endif
+ if lp =~ ' {{{$'
+ let lpindent = match(lp,'[^-| `]') / w:tree_wid_ind
+ if lpindent < indent
+ if w:firstdirline == 0
+ let w:firstdirline = lnum
+ endif
+ let indent = indent - 1
+ let sd = substitute (lp, '^[-| `]*',"","") " rm tree parts
+ let sd = substitute (sd, '[ {}]*$', "", "") " rm foldmarks
+ let sd = substitute (sd, ' -> .*','/',"") " replace link to with /
+ " remove leading escape
+ let sd = substitute (sd,'^\\', "", "")
+ let dir = sd . dir
+ continue
+ endif
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ let curfile = dir . curfile
+ return curfile
+endfunction " >>>
+"" ToggleHelp() - toggle between long and short help
+function! s:ToggleHelp() " <<<
+ call s:InitWindowVars()
+ let w:helplines = (w:helplines <= 4) ? 6 : 0
+ call s:UpdateHeader ()
+endfunction " >>>
+"" Determine the number of windows open to this buffer number.
+"" Care of Yegappan Lakshman. Thanks!
+fun! s:BufInWindows(bnum) " <<<
+ let cnt = 0
+ let winnum = 1
+ while 1
+ let bufnum = winbufnr(winnum)
+ if bufnum < 0
+ break
+ endif
+ if bufnum == a:bnum
+ let cnt = cnt + 1
+ endif
+ let winnum = winnum + 1
+ endwhile
+ return cnt
+endfunction " >>>
+"" UpdateHeader() - update the header
+function! s:UpdateHeader() " <<<
+ let oldRep=&report
+ set report=10000
+ normal! mt
+ " Remove old header
+ 0
+ setlocal modifiable | silent! 1,/^" ?/ d _ | setlocal nomodifiable
+ call s:AddHeader()
+ " return to previous mark
+ 0
+ if line("'t") != 0
+ normal! `t
+ endif
+ let &report=oldRep
+endfunction " >>>
+"" - AddHeader() - add the header with help information
+function! s:AddHeader() " <<<
+ if w:dirsort == 0
+ let dt = "off)\n"
+ elseif w:dirsort == 1
+ let dt = "dirs first)\n"
+ else
+ let dt = "dirs last)\n"
+ endif
+ let hre = exists("g:treeExplHidePattern") ? g:treeExplHidePattern : ""
+ let save_f=@f
+ 1
+ let ln = 3
+ if w:helplines > 4
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f= "\" o = (file) open in another window\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" o = (dir) toggle dir fold or load dir\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" <ret> = same as 'o'\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" O = same as 'o' but use replace explorer\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" t = same as 'o' but use new tab\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" X = recursive expand cursor dir\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" E = open Explorer on cursor dir\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" C = chdir top of tree to cursor dir\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" H = chdir top of tree to home dir\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" u = chdir top of tree to parent dir\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" :CD d = chdir top of tree to dir <d>\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" p = move cursor to parent dir\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" r = refresh cursor dir\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" R = refresh top dir\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" S = start a shell in cursor dir\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" :Yank = yank <range> lines withoug fold marks\n"
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" D = toggle dir sort (now = " . dt
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" a = toggle hidden (dotfiles and regex = '"
+ \ . hre . "') files (now = "
+ \ . ((w:hidden_files) ? "on)\n" : "off)\n")
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f=@f."\" ? = toggle long help\n"
+ else
+ let ln=ln+1 | let @f="\" ? : toggle long help\n"
+ endif
+ let w:helplines = ln
+ setlocal modifiable | silent put! f | setlocal nomodifiable
+ let @f=save_f
+endfunction " >>>
+let &cpo = s:cpo_save
+" vim: set ts=2 sw=2 foldmethod=marker foldmarker=<<<,>>> foldlevel=2 :