path: root/.vim/plugin/crefvim.vim
diff options
authorbnewbold <>2010-03-25 06:29:54 -0400
committerbnewbold <>2010-03-25 06:29:54 -0400
commit0bf28391b00b1e28c44324bcd7647df416314667 (patch)
tree6dda90e70218861975deb408eb21b2ff00eb5ef6 /.vim/plugin/crefvim.vim
parent564a2d0d39c8e1fb79ee800973848b2442833356 (diff)
lots and lots of vim stuff for c development...
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/plugin/crefvim.vim')
1 files changed, 356 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/crefvim.vim b/.vim/plugin/crefvim.vim
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..db0c757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/plugin/crefvim.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+"** Name: crefvim.vim - a C-Reference for Vim **
+"** **
+"** Type: global VIM plugin **
+"** **
+"** Author: Christian Habermann **
+"** christian(at)habermann-net(point)de **
+"** **
+"** Copyright: (c) 2002, 2003 by Christian Habermann **
+"** **
+"** License: GNU General Public License 2 (GPL 2) or later **
+"** **
+"** This program is free software; you can redistribute it **
+"** and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public **
+"** License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either **
+"** version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later **
+"** version. **
+"** **
+"** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be **
+"** useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied **
+"** PURPOSE. **
+"** See the GNU General Public License for more details. **
+"** **
+"** Version: 1.0.0 **
+"** tested under Linux (vim, gvim 6.1) and Win32 (gvim 6.1) **
+"** **
+"** History: 0.1.0 12. Dec. 2002 - 23. Feb. 2003 **
+"** initial version, not released **
+"** 1.0.0 6. Apr. 2003 **
+"** no changes, first release **
+"** **
+"** **
+"** Description: **
+"** This script's intention is to provide a C-reference manual that can **
+"** be accessed from within Vim. **
+"** **
+"** For futher information see crefvim.txt or do :help crefvim **
+"** **
+"** **
+"** Happy viming... **
+" allow user to avoid loading this plugin and prevent loading twice
+if exists ("loaded_crefvim")
+ finish
+let loaded_crefvim = 1
+"************************** C O N F I G U R A T I O N ************************
+" the mappings:
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>CRV_CRefVimVisual')
+ vmap <silent> <unique> <Leader>cr <Plug>CRV_CRefVimVisual
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>CRV_CRefVimNormal')
+ nmap <silent> <unique> <Leader>cr <Plug>CRV_CRefVimNormal
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>CRV_CRefVimAsk')
+ map <silent> <unique> <Leader>cw <Plug>CRV_CRefVimAsk
+if !hasmapto('<Plug>CRV_CRefVimInvoke')
+ map <silent> <unique> <Leader>cc <Plug>CRV_CRefVimInvoke
+vmap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>CRV_CRefVimVisual y:call <SID>CRV_CRefVimWord('<c-r>"')<CR>
+nmap <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>CRV_CRefVimNormal :call <SID>CRV_CRefVimWord(expand("<cword>"))<CR>
+map <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>CRV_CRefVimAsk :call <SID>CRV_CRefVimAskForWord()<CR>
+map <silent> <unique> <script> <Plug>CRV_CRefVimInvoke :call <SID>CRV_CRefVimShowContents()<CR>
+"************************* I N I T I A L I S A T I O N ***********************
+"****************** I N T E R F A C E T O C O R E **************************
+"** this function separates plugin-core-function from user **
+function <SID>CRV_CRefVimWord(str)
+ call s:CRefVim(a:str)
+"** this function separates plugin-core-function from user **
+function <SID>CRV_CRefVimAskForWord()
+ call s:CRefVimAskForWord()
+"** this function separates plugin-core-function from user **
+function <SID>CRV_CRefVimShowContents()
+ " show contents of C-reference manual
+ call s:LookUp("")
+"************************ C O R E F U N C T I O N S *************************
+"** ask for a word/phrase and lookup **
+function s:CRefVimAskForWord()
+ let l:strng = input("What to lookup: ")
+ call s:LookUp(l:strng)
+"** input: "str" **
+"** output: empty string: "str" is not an operator **
+"** else: name of tag to go to **
+"** **
+"** remarks: **
+"** This function tests whether or not "str" is an operator. **
+"** If so, the tag to go to is returned. **
+"** **
+function s:IsItAnOperator(str)
+ " get first character
+ let l:firstChr = strpart(a:str, 0, 1)
+ " is the first character of the help-string an operator?
+ if stridx("!&+-*/%,.:<=>?^|~(){}[]", l:firstChr) >= 0
+ return "crv-operators"
+ else
+ return ""
+ endif
+"** input: "str" **
+"** output: empty string: "str" is not an escape-sequence **
+"** else: name of tag to go to **
+"** **
+"** remarks: **
+"** This function tests whether or not "str" is an escape-sequence. **
+"** If so, the tag to go to is returned. **
+"** Note: currently \' does not work (="\\\'") **
+"** **
+function s:IsItAnEscSequence(str)
+ if (a:str == "\\") || (a:str == "\\\\") || (a:str == "\\0") || (a:str == "\\x") ||
+ \(a:str == "\\a") || (a:str == "\\b") || (a:str == "\\f") || (a:str == "\\n") ||
+ \(a:str == "\\r") || (a:str == "\\t") || (a:str == "\\v") || (a:str == "\\?") ||
+ \(a:str == "\\\'") || (a:str == "\\\"")
+ return "crv-lngEscSeq"
+ else
+ return ""
+ endif
+"** input: "str" **
+"** output: empty string: "str" is not a comment **
+"** else: name of tag to go to **
+"** **
+"** remarks: **
+"** This function tests whether or not "str" is a comment. **
+"** If so, the tag to go to is returned. **
+"** **
+function s:IsItAComment(str)
+ if (a:str == "//") || (a:str == "/*") || (a:str == "*/")
+ return "crv-lngComment"
+ else
+ return ""
+ endif
+"** input: "str" **
+"** output: empty string: "str" is not a preprocessor **
+"** else: name of tag to go to **
+"** **
+"** remarks: **
+"** This function tests whether or not "str" is a preprocessor command **
+"** or a preprocessor operator. **
+"** If so, the tag to go to is returned. **
+"** **
+"** Nothing is done if the help-string is equal to "if" or "else" **
+"** because these are statements too. For "if" and "else" it's assumed **
+"** that the statements are meant. But "#if" and "#else" are treated **
+"** as preprocessor commands. **
+"** **
+function s:IsItAPreprocessor(str)
+ " get first character
+ let l:firstChr = strpart(a:str, 0, 1)
+ " if first character of the help-string is a #, we have the command/operator
+ " string in an appropriate form, so append this help-string to "crv-"
+ if l:firstChr == "#"
+ return "crv-" . a:str
+ else
+ " no # in front of the help string, so evaluate which command/operator
+ " is meant
+ if (a:str == "defined")
+ return "crv-defined"
+ else
+ if (a:str == "define") ||
+ \(a:str == "undef") ||
+ \(a:str == "ifdef") ||
+ \(a:str == "ifndef") ||
+ \(a:str == "elif") ||
+ \(a:str == "endif") ||
+ \(a:str == "include") ||
+ \(a:str == "line") ||
+ \(a:str == "error") ||
+ \(a:str == "pragma")
+ return "\#" . a:str
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+"** input: "str" to lookup in C-reference manual **
+"** output: none **
+"** remarks: **
+"** Lookup string "str". **
+"** Generally this function calls :help crv-"str" where "str" is the **
+"** word for which the user wants some help. **
+"** **
+"** But before activating VIM's help-system some tests and/or **
+"** modifications are done on "str": **
+"** - if help-string is a comment (//, /* or */), go to section **
+"** describing comments **
+"** - if help-string is an escape-sequence, go to section describing **
+"** escape-sequences **
+"** - if help-string is an operator, go to section dealing with operators **
+"** - if help-string is a preprocessor command/operator, go to section **
+"** that describes that command/operator **
+"** - else call :help crv-"str" **
+"** **
+"** If the help-string is empty, go to contents of C-reference manual. **
+"** **
+function s:LookUp(str)
+ if a:str != ""
+ let l:helpTag = s:IsItAComment(a:str)
+ if l:helpTag == ""
+ let l:helpTag = s:IsItAnEscSequence(a:str)
+ if l:helpTag == ""
+ let l:helpTag = s:IsItAnOperator(a:str)
+ if l:helpTag == ""
+ let l:helpTag = s:IsItAPreprocessor(a:str)
+ if l:helpTag == ""
+ let l:helpTag = "crv-" . a:str
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ " reset error message
+ let v:errmsg = ""
+ " activate help-system looking for the appropriate topic
+ " suppress error messages
+ silent! execute ":help " . l:helpTag
+ " if there was an error, print message
+ if v:errmsg != ""
+ echo " No help found for \"" .a:str . "\""
+ endif
+ else
+ " help string is empty, so show contents of manual
+ execute ":help crefvim"
+ endif
+"** input: "str" to lookup in C-reference manual **
+"** output: none **
+"** remarks: **
+"** lookup string "str". **
+"** If there is no string, ask for word/phrase. **
+"** **
+function s:CRefVim(str)
+ let s:strng = a:str
+ if s:strng == "" " is there a string to search for?
+ call s:CRefVimAskForWord()
+ else
+ call s:LookUp(s:strng)
+ endif
+"*** EOF ***