path: root/2021/09/2021-09-11_reading.md
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authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2021-09-12 00:44:07 -0700
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2021-09-12 00:44:07 -0700
commit0fbccacc129182e58fc940d41930980af23c1500 (patch)
treedac1f3fa16f2f5a3d1dbe1e6cbc89457f6874d5c /2021/09/2021-09-11_reading.md
parentc953b1967ba67bb012b1aa890b6741715be0f4cd (diff)
recent notes and CAS thoughts
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+## "Computer Algebra Systems" section of wpi.edu History of Calculus
+This is the clearest short overview of CAS implementation I have seen. It is a
+bit out of date, and doesn't go very deep, but mentions what appear to be the
+fundamentals: multiple representations (eg, expressions vs. polynomials),
+canonical forms, and term re-writing.
+References "Computer Algebra: Systems and Algorithms for Algebraic
+Computations" (1988) by Davenport several times.
+Didn't learn anything new, but good reference and resource.
+## SciML Julia Project
+Bunch of folks doing things around ML and modeling using Julia. Julia Computing
+(the company) has a "JuliaSim" product; bunch of pharma folks using these
+tools; etc.
+Related stuff:
+- https://juliasymbolics.org/ and Symbolics.jl
+- https://github.com/SciML/DataDrivenDiffEq.jl
+- https://discourse.julialang.org/c/domain/models/21
+- https://www.reddit.com/r/SciML/
+- https://sebastiancallh.github.io/post/neural-ode-weather-forecast/
+- https://sciml.ai/news/2021/08/16/juliacon2021/
+- https://juliacomputing.com/products/juliasim/
+- https://sciml.ai/news/2021/08/26/expansion/
+- https://sciml.ai/roadmap/
+- https://sciml.ai/showcase/
+- https://github.com/ModiaSim/Modia.jl
+## "Computer Algebra" (1988) by Davenport
+"Computer Algebra: Systems and Algorithms for Algebraic Computations"
+Copy on IA: <https://archive.org/details/computeralgebras0000dave>
+A bit old at this point, but from the table of contents seems to go reasonably
+deep. I think this is basically an overview of how to implement a system like
+Macsyma; not sure how Macsyma-specific it is. Maybe goes a bit deeper and more
+implementation specific than the Cohn books? Eg, more specifics about
+canonicalization and term sorting.
+## Cohn Book
+Continues to be pretty good. Will probably want to flip/skim through the paired
+book as well.
+## Other Notes
+### Sage Math Symbolics
+Sage used to use Maxima, but the external call overhead was too high. Ended up
+switching to GiNaC, which is a C++ library CAS implementation. They actually
+forked as Pynac, a bit confusingly; they want to keep numeric execution
+internal to Sage/python.
+### Optimization Model Languages (eg, AMPL)
+In the world of optimization problems (eg, in business modeling), there are
+langages like AMPL ("A Mathematical Programming Language") to describe models.
+Not too disimilar from Modelica etc.
+The term for these seems to be "Algebraic modeling language", for use in
+mathematical optimization.
+### NineML Modeling Languages
+For neuroscience: <http://incf.github.io/nineml-spec/>
+### Macsyma / Maxima Stuff
+"Macsyma’s General Simplifier: Philosophy and Operation" (1979, Richard Fateman)
+Maxima can output Fortran, LaTeX, and MathML. The fortan output is very crude
+though, just single expressions, and supports very little.
+### insect.sh
+Web-based scientific calculator. Syntax/grammar might be interesting to study.