path: root/docs/source/lang/api/analogwrite.rst
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diff --git a/docs/source/lang/api/analogwrite.rst b/docs/source/lang/api/analogwrite.rst
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+.. highlight:: cpp
+.. _lang-analogwrite:
+.. _lang-api-analogwrite:
+analogWrite() is used to create a :ref:`PWM <pwm>` wave on a pin.
+.. note::
+ On the Maple, calling analogWrite() is the same as calling
+ :ref:`lang-pwmwrite`. We recommend writing pwmWrite() instead of
+ analogWrite().
+ This is because PWM is not true analog output (it's not the output
+ of a `DAC
+ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital-to-analog_converter>`_\ ), so
+ the function is very badly named. For instance, **analogWrite()
+ has nothing to do with** :ref:`lang-analogread`\ , which can be
+ confusing.
+ We provide analogWrite() for the sake of compatibility with Arduino
+ only.
+.. contents:: Contents
+ :local:
+.. _lang-analogwrite-compatibility:
+Arduino Compatibility
+There are a few important differences between Arduino's `analogWrite()
+<http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/AnalogWrite>`_ and Maple's
+:ref:`lang-pwmwrite` that you should keep in mind. In each case, we
+have some recommendations you can use to help converting from Arduino
+to Maple.
+Difference 1: Duty cycle range is different
+The first and most important difference is that the largest possible
+value for the duty cycle is much bigger on the Maple. Using Arduino's
+analogWrite(), the duty cycle ranges between 0--255 (always off --
+always on)\ [#fbytemax]_\ . Using Maple's pwmWrite(), the duty cycle
+ranges from 0--65,535 by default\ [#fuint16max]_\ .
+This is a good thing! The greater range of values on the Maple gives
+you much more precise control over the duty cycle of your PWM output.
+If you're porting code from the Arduino and want a quick-and-dirty
+fix, one solution is to :ref:`map <lang-map>` the argument to
+analogWrite() into the right range::
+ // Arduino code:
+ analogWrite(pin, duty);
+ // Becomes Maple code:
+ analogWrite(pin, map(duty, 0, 255, 0, 65535));
+This will convert values in the range 0-255 to values in the range
+0--65,535, which is the correct default range for all of the timers
+which control PWM output. See the :ref:`timers reference <timers>`
+for more information.
+Another fix is to consult your board's :ref:`pin maps <gpio-pin-maps>`
+to find the timer which controls PWM on the pin you're using, then set
+that timer's overflow to 255. Subsequent calls to analogWrite()
+should work as on the Arduino (with the same loss of precision).
+Note, however, that that affects the overflow for the **entire
+timer**, so other code relying on that timer (such as any
+:ref:`interrupts <lang-hardwaretimer-interrupts>` the timer controls)
+will likely need to be modified as well.
+Difference 2: You must use pinMode() to set up PWM
+The second difference is that on the Maple, you **must** set up the pin
+for PWM output using :ref:`lang-pinmode`\ , with argument ``PWM``.
+This should just be one extra line of code in your
+:ref:`lang-setup` function. Example::
+ void setup() {
+ // set up pin 9 for PWM
+ pinMode(9, PWM);
+ }
+This also means that you can't later call :ref:`lang-digitalread`
+or :ref:`lang-digitalwrite` on that pin (unless some time in
+between, you use pinMode() to reconfigure that pin for ``INPUT`` or
+``OUTPUT``; see the :ref:`lang-pinmode` page for more information).
+Difference 3: No PWM on pin 10
+On the Maple, the pins which support PWM are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8,
+9, 11, 12, 14, 24, 27, and 28 or fifteen pins in total. That's *more*
+PWM-capable pins as any Arduino board, but there are differences in
+*which* pins support PWM.
+* On **most Arduino boards** (those with the ATmega168 or ATmega328;
+ this includes the **Arduino Uno**), this function works on pins 3,
+ 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11, or six pins total. Note that these boards
+ support PWM on pin 10, while Maple does not.
+* On the **Arduino Mega**, PWM works on pins 2 through 13, or twelve
+ pins total. Note that this board supports PWM on pins 4, 10, and
+ 13, while the Maple does not.
+* **Older Arduino boards** with an ATmega8 only support analogWrite()
+ on pins 9, 10, and 11. Maple does not support PWM on pin 10.
+In all cases, Arduino boards support PWM on pin 10, unlike Maple. We
+did our best to make PWM as pin-compatible as possible; however,
+circuit layout constraints prevented us from achieving perfect
+The "safest" pins to use for PWM output are pins 9 and 11. These pins
+work on any Arduino board and on Maple. The "safe" pins, which work
+on most recent Arduino boards, the Arduino Mega and the Maple, are
+pins 3, 5, 6, 9, and 11. Thus, if you want your project to be as
+portable as possible between Maple and Arduino, we recommend using the
+"safest" pins first, then the "safe" pins, then any other pins, as
+Difference 4: PWM frequency
+The frequency of the PWM signal (i.e., the frequency of a complete
+on/off cycle) on the Arduino is approximately 490 Hz.
+On the Maple, the frequency is configurable, defaulting to about 1100
+Hz, or 1.1 KHz. This is because the PWM frequency is the frequency of
+the timer which controls PWM output on the particular pin (\
+:ref:`the PWM tutorial has the details <pwm>`\ ).
+If your application definitely requires Arduino's PWM frequency, then
+the steps are:
+1. Figure out which :ref:`timer <lang-hardwaretimer>` controls PWM
+ output on your pin (\ :ref:`your board's Timer Pin Map
+ <gpio-pin-maps>` is your friend here).
+2. Let's say it's timer ``n``, where ``n`` is some number. You'll
+ then need to put "``HardwareTimer timer(n);``" with your variables,
+ as described in the :ref:`HardwareTimer
+ <lang-hardwaretimer-getting-started>` reference.
+3. In your :ref:`lang-setup`, put "``timer.setPeriod(2041);``". This
+ will set the timer's period to approximately 2041 microseconds,
+ which is a frequency of approximately 490 Hz.
+Be aware that this will change the period for the **entire timer**\ ,
+and will affect anything else in your program that depends on that
+timer. The important examples are :ref:`timer interrupts
+<lang-hardwaretimer-interrupts>` and :ref:`PWM
+<timers-pwm-conflicts>`\ .
+See Also
+- :ref:`pwm`
+- :ref:`lang-pwmwrite`
+- :ref:`BOARD_NR_PWM_PINS <lang-board-values-nr-pwm-pins>`
+- :ref:`boardPWMPins <lang-board-values-pwm-pins>`
+.. rubric:: Footnotes
+.. [#fbytemax] This is because the value for the duty cycle on Arduino
+ must fit in 1 byte of memory, and an unsigned (i.e., nonnegative)
+ integer with size 1 byte can hold the values between 0 and 255.
+.. [#fuint16max] This is because the value for the duty cycle on the
+ Maple uses 2 bytes of memory, and an unsigned (i.e., nonnegative)
+ integer with size 2 bytes can hold the values between 0 and 65,535.
+.. include:: /arduino-cc-attribution.txt