path: root/docs/source/hardware/maple-mini.rst
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-.. _maple-mini:
-Maple Mini
-This page is a general resource for information specific to the Maple
-Mini. The Maple Mini is a smaller version of the Maple that fits on a
-.. contents:: Contents
- :local:
-.. TODO [dma.rst] Ref to dma.rst in sequel instead of libmaple-dma
-Technical Specifications
-* MCU: **STM32F103RCBT6**, a 32-bit ARM Cortex M3 microprocessor
-* Clock Speed: **72 MHz**
-* **128 KB Flash** and **20 KB SRAM**
-* 34 Digital I/O Pins (:ref:`gpio`)
-* 12 **PWM** pins at 16 bit resolution (:ref:`pwm`)
-* 9 analog input pins, 12 bit **ADC** resolution (:ref:`adc`)
-* 2 **SPI** peripherals (:ref:`spi`)
-* 2 **I2C** peripherals (:ref:`i2c`)
-* 7 Channels of Direct Memory Access (**DMA**) (:ref:`libmaple-dma`)
-* 3 **USART** peripherals (:ref:`usart`)
-* 1 advanced and 3 general-purpose **timers** (:ref:`timers`)
-* Dedicated **USB** port for programming and communications (:ref:`usb`)
-* **JTAG** (:ref:`jtag`)
-* Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC) (including
- :ref:`external interrupt <external-interrupts>` on GPIOs)
-* Supplies up to 500 mA at 3.3 V, with :ref:`separate 250 mA digital
- and analog regulators <maple-mini-adc-bank>` for low-noise analog
- performance
-* :ref:`Four layer design <maple-mini-hardware>`
-* Support for low power, sleep, and standby modes (<500 μA)
-* Operating Voltage: 3.3 V
-* Input Voltage (recommended): 3 V — 12 V
-* Dimensions: 2.02″ × 0.72″
-.. _maple-mini-powering:
-Powering the Maple Mini
-You can power the Maple Mini via the USB plug or by powering Vin
-.. warning:: The silkscreen on the Maple Mini suggests it will accept
- an input voltage up to 16 V. We recommend applying **no greater
- than 12 V**.
- See :ref:`this erratum <maple-mini-vin>` for more information.
-.. _maple-mini-gpios:
-GPIO Information
-The Maple Mini features 34 total input/output pins, numbered ``D0``
-through ``D33``. These numbers correspond to the numeric values next
-to each header on the Maple Mini's silkscreen. However, some of them
-have special uses by default [#fusedpins]_.
-.. _maple-mini-usb-pins:
-Pin ``D23`` is the :ref:`USB <usb>` D+ line, and ``D24`` is the USB D-
-line. To use them as GPIOs, your program will need to :ref:`disable
-SerialUSB <lang-serialusb-end>` first. Be aware, however, that
-disabling SerialUSB means that the :ref:`bootloader <bootloader>`
-won't work properly, and you'll need to use
-:ref:`troubleshooting-perpetual-bootloader` to make your next upload.
-.. _maple-mini-but:
-Pin ``D32`` is the Mini's :ref:`button pin <lang-board-values-but>`.
-It is thus mainly useful as an :ref:`input <lang-pin-levels>`. The
-pin will :ref:`read <lang-digitalread>` ``HIGH`` when the :ref:`button
-is pressed <lang-isbuttonpressed>`.
-.. _maple-mini-led:
-Pin ``D33`` is the Mini's :ref:`LED pin <lang-board-values-led>`. It
-is thus mainly useful as an :ref:`output <lang-pin-levels>`. The LED
-will glow when ``HIGH`` is :ref:`written <lang-digitalwrite>` to it.
-(It also supports :ref:`pwm`, for finer-grained brightness control).
-.. TODO [0.1.0] silkscreen pictures which expand abbreviations
-.. _maple-mini-pin-map-master:
-Master Pin Map
-This table shows a summary the available functionality on every GPIO
-pin, by peripheral type. The "5 V?" column documents whether or not
-the pin is :ref:`5 volt tolerant <gpio-5v-tolerant>`.
-.. csv-table::
- :header: Pin, :ref:`GPIO <gpio>`, :ref:`ADC <adc>`, :ref:`Timer <timers>`, :ref:`I2C <i2c>`, :ref:`UART <usart>`, :ref:`SPI <spi>`, 5 V?
- D0, PB11, -, -, 2_SDA, 3_RX, -, Yes
- D1, PB10, -, -, 2_SCL, 3_TX, -, Yes
- D2, PB2, -, -, -, -, -, Yes
- D3, PB0, CH8, 3_CH3, -, -, -, -
- D4, PA7, CH7, 3_CH2, -, -, 1_MOSI, -
- D5, PA6, CH6, 3_CH1, -, -, 1_MISO, -
- D6, PA5, CH5, -, -, -, 1_SCK, -
- D7, PA4, CH4, -, -, 2_CK, 1_NSS, -
- D8, PA3, CH3, 2_CH4, -, 2_RX, -, -
- D9, PA2, CH2, 2_CH3, -, 2_TX, -, -
- D10, PA1, CH1, 2_CH2, -, 2_RTS, -, -
- D11, PA0, CH0, 2_CH1_ETR, -, 2_CTS, -, -
- D12, PC15, -, -, -, -, -, -
- D13, PC14, -, -, -, -, -, -
- D14, PC13, -, -, -, -, -, -
- D15, PB7, -, 4_CH2, 1_SDA, -, -, Yes
- D16, PB6, -, 4_CH1, 2_SCL, -, -, Yes
- D17, PB5, -, -, 1_SMBA, -, -, -
- D18, PB4, -, -, -, -, -, Yes
- D19, PB3, -, -, -, -, -, Yes
- D20, PA15, -, -, -, -, -, Yes
- D21, PA14, -, -, -, -, -, Yes
- D22, PA13, -, -, -, -, -, Yes
- D23, PA12, -, 1_ETR, -, 1_RTS, -, Yes
- D24, PA11, -, 1_CH4, -, 1_CTS, -, Yes
- D25, PA10, -, 1_CH3, -, 1_RX, -, Yes
- D26, PA9, -, 1_CH2, -, 1_TX, -, Yes
- D27, PA8, -, 1_CH1, -, 1_CK, -, Yes
- D28, PB15, -, -, -, -, 2_MOSI, Yes
- D29, PB14, -, -, -, 3_RTS, 2_MISO, Yes
- D30, PB13, -, -, -, 3_CTS, 2_SCK, Yes
- D31, PB12, -, 1_BKIN, 2_SMBA, 3_CK, 2_NSS, Yes
- D32, PB8, -, 4_CH3, -, -, -, Yes
- D33, PB1, CH9, 3_CH4, -, -, -, -
-.. _maple-mini-gpio-port-map:
-GPIO Port Pin Map
-The following table shows what pins are associated with each
-:ref:`GPIO port <gpio-ports>`.
-.. csv-table::
- :header: GPIOA, GPIOB, GPIOC
- PA0: D11, PB0: D3, PC0: -
- PA1: D10, PB1: D33, PC1: -
- PA2: D9, PB2: D2, PC2: -
- PA3: D8, PB3: D19, PC3: -
- PA4: D7, PB4: D18, PC4: -
- PA5: D6, PB5: D17, PC5: -
- PA6: D5, PB6: D16, PC6: -
- PA7: D4, PB7: D15, PC7: -
- PA8: D27, PB8: D32, PC8: -
- PA9: D26, PB9: -, PC9: -
- PA10: D25, PB10: D1, PC10: -
- PA11: D24, PB11: D0, PC11: -
- PA12: D23, PB12: D31, PC12: -
- PA13: D22, PB13: D30, PC13: D14
- PA14: D21, PB14: D29, PC14: D13
- PA15: D20, PB15: D28, PC15: D12
-.. _maple-mini-timer-map:
-Timer Pin Map
-The following table shows what pins are associated with a particular
-timer's capture/compare channels.
-.. csv-table::
- :header: Timer, Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4
- :delim: |
- 1 | D27 | D26 | D25 | D24
- 2 | D11 | D10 | D9 | D8
- 3 | D5 | D4 | D3 | :ref:`D33 <maple-mini-led>`
- 4 | D16 | D15 | :ref:`D32 <maple-mini-but>` |
-.. _maple-mini-exti-map:
-EXTI Line Pin Map
-The following table shows which pins connect to which :ref:`EXTI lines
-<external-interrupts-exti-line>` on the Maple.
-.. list-table::
- :widths: 1 1
- :header-rows: 1
- * - EXTI Line
- - Pins
- * - EXTI0
- - 3, 11
- * - EXTI1
- - 10, 33
- * - EXTI2
- - 2, 9
- * - EXTI3
- - 8, 19
- * - EXTI4
- - 7, 18
- * - EXTI5
- - 6, 17
- * - EXTI6
- - 5, 16
- * - EXTI7
- - 4, 15
- * - EXTI8
- - 27, 32
- * - EXTI9
- - 26
- * - EXTI10
- - 1, 25
- * - EXTI11
- - 0, 24
- * - EXTI12
- - 23, 31
- * - EXTI13
- - 14, 22, 30
- * - EXTI14
- - 13, 21, 29
- * - EXTI15
- - 12, 20, 28
-.. _maple-mini-usart-map:
-USART Pin Map
-The Maple RET6 Edition has three serial ports whose pins are broken
-out to headers (also known as :ref:`USARTs <usart>`). They communicate
-using the pins summarized in the following table:
-.. csv-table::
- :header: Serial Port, TX, RX, CK, CTS, RTS
- :delim: |
- ``Serial1`` | 26 | 25 | 27 | 24 | 23
- ``Serial2`` | 9 | 8 | 7 | 11 | 10
- ``Serial3`` | 1 | 0 | 31 | 30 | 29
-.. _maple-mini-adc-bank:
-Low-Noise ADC Pins
-Maple Mini has an electrically isolated analog power plane with its
-own regulator, and a geometrically isolated ground plane, connected to
-the digital plane by an inductor. Its analog input pins, D3 — D11,
-are laid out to correspond with these analog planes, and our
-measurements indicate that they generally offer low noise ADC
-performance. However, analog performance may vary depending upon the
-activity of the other GPIOs. Consult the :ref:`Maple Mini hardware
-design files <maple-mini-hardware>` for more details.
-.. _maple-mini-board-values:
-Board-Specific Values
-This section lists the Maple Mini's :ref:`board-specific values
-- ``BOARD_LED_PIN``: 33
-- ``BOARD_NR_PWM_PINS``: 12
-- ``boardPWMPins``: 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 25, 26, 27
-- ``boardADCPins``: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
-- ``boardUsedPins``: ``BOARD_LED_PIN``, ``BOARD_BUTTON_PIN``, 23, 24
- (23 and 24 are used by :ref:`USB <maple-mini-usb-pins>`)
-- ``BOARD_USART1_TX_PIN``: 26
-- ``BOARD_USART1_RX_PIN``: 25
-- ``BOARD_NR_SPI``: 2
-- ``BOARD_SPI1_NSS_PIN``: 7
-- ``BOARD_SPI1_SCK_PIN``: 6
-- ``BOARD_SPI2_NSS_PIN``: 31
-- ``BOARD_SPI2_MOSI_PIN``: 28
-- ``BOARD_SPI2_MISO_PIN``: 29
-- ``BOARD_SPI2_SCK_PIN``: 30
-- ``BOARD_JTDI_PIN``: 20
-- ``BOARD_JTDO_PIN``: 19
-.. _maple-mini-hardware:
-Hardware Design Files
-The hardware schematics and board layout files are available in the
-`Maple Mini GitHub repository <https://github.com/leaflabs/maplemini>`_
-From the GitHub repository main page, you can download the entire
-repository by clicking the "Download" button. If you are familiar
-with `Git <http://git-scm.com/>`_, you can also clone the repository
-at the command line with ::
- $ git clone git://github.com/leaflabs/maplemini.git
-Failure Modes
-The following known failure modes apply to all Maple boards. The
-failure modes aren't design errors, but are easy ways to break or
-damage your board permanently.
-* **High voltage on non-tolerant pins**: not all header pins are 5 V
- compatible; so e.g. connecting certain serial devices in the wrong
- way could over-voltage the pins. The :ref:`pin-mapping master table
- <maple-mini-pin-map-master>` details which pins are :ref:`5
- V-tolerant <gpio-5v-tolerant>`.
-This section lists known issues and warnings for the Maple Mini Rev 2
-(the first Rev sold to the public).
-.. _maple-mini-vin:
-* **Silkscreen Vin voltage mistake**: The silkscreen on the Maple Mini
- falsely indicates that Vin may be supplied with up to 16 V. We
- recommend an input voltage **no greater than 12 V**.
- The voltage regulator on the Mini is rated up to 16 V. However, our
- tests indicate that as its input voltage approaches 16 V, its output
- begins to rise to levels higher than those recommended by ST for
- supplying the STM32F103CB. The limit of 12 V keeps the voltage
- supplied to the processor at safe levels.
-Recommended Reading
-STMicro documentation for STM32F103CB microcontroller:
-* `Datasheet
- <http://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/DATASHEET/CD00161566.pdf>`_
- (PDF); covers STM32F103x8, STM32F103xB.
-* `Reference Manual RM0008
- <http://www.st.com/internet/com/TECHNICAL_RESOURCES/TECHNICAL_LITERATURE/REFERENCE_MANUAL/CD00171190.pdf>`_
- (PDF); general, definitive resource for STM32F1 line.
-* `Programming Manual PM0056
- (PDF); assembly language and register reference.
-* `STM32F103CB <http://www.st.com/internet/mcu/product/189782.jsp>`_
- overview page with links to further references.
-.. rubric:: Footnotes
-.. [#fusedpins] See :ref:`boardUsedPins <lang-board-values-used-pins>`
- for more information.