path: root/docs/source/adc.rst
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1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/adc.rst b/docs/source/adc.rst
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+.. _adc:
+Analog to digital conversion is the process of reading a physical
+voltage as a number. Maple can convert voltages between 0 and 3.3V to
+numbers between 0 and 4095.
+.. contents:: Contents
+ :local:
+ADC On Maple
+Doing analog-to-digital conversion on the Maple is simple.
+:ref:`Maple IDE <ide>` contains a basic example. To see it, choose
+Analog > AnalogInSerial from the :ref:`examples menu <ide-examples>`.
+In order to set up your board for conversion, first connect the wire
+(potentiometer, etc.) with the voltage you want to measure to a
+:ref:`pin <gpio>` which can perform ADC. Each pin which can do ADC
+has "AIN" (or "ain") written next to the the pin number. Then, as in
+the example program, set the chosen pin's :ref:`pin mode
+<lang-pinmode>` to ``INPUT_ANALOG`` by calling ``pinMode(<your_pin>,
+INPUT_ANALOG)``. You will usually do this in your :ref:`lang-setup`
+function. Now you can use :ref:`lang-analogread` to perform an ADC
+.. _adc-function-reference:
+Function Reference
+* :ref:`lang-analogread`
+* :ref:`lang-pinmode`
+* :ref:`libmaple-adc` (low-level ADC support)
+.. _adc-noise-bias:
+Noise and Bias
+Maple has a large number of pins which are capable of taking 12-bit
+ADC measurements, which means that voltages from 0 to 3.3V are read as
+numbers from 0 to 4095. In theory, this means that a change in
+voltage of about 1 millivolt should change the numeric voltage reading
+by 1. In reality, however, a number of issues introduce noise and
+bias into this reading, and a number of techniques must be used to get
+good precision and accuracy.
+In order to allow for good readings, LeafLabs has tried to isolate at
+least some of each board's ADC pins and traces from strong noise
+sources. However, there are always trade-offs between noise,
+additional functionality, cost, and package size. More information on
+these isolated pins is available in each board's hardware
+* :ref:`Maple <maple-adc-bank>`
+* :ref:`Maple RET6 Edition <maple-ret6-adc-bank>`
+* :ref:`Maple Mini <maple-mini-adc-bank>`
+* :ref:`Maple Native Beta <maple-native-b-adc-bank>`
+That said, there are a number of more general things you can do to try
+to get good readings. If your input voltage changes relatively
+slowly, a number of samples can be taken in succession and averaged
+together, or the same voltage can even be sampled by multiple ADC pins
+at the same time.
+Another important factor when taking a voltage reading is the
+reference voltages that the sample is being compared against. For
+Maple, the high reference is |vdda| and the low reference is ground.
+This means that noise or fluctuations on either |vdda| or ground will
+affect the measurement. It also means that the voltage you are trying
+to sample must be between ground and 3.3 V.
+.. _adc-range:
+In the case of a variable reading, it is best if the voltage varies
+over the entire range of 0 through 3.3 V; otherwise, only a fraction
+of the sensitivity is being used. Some basic tools to accomplish this
+are `resistor dividers
+<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voltage_divider>`_ and `Zener diodes
+. However, `operational amplifiers
+<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operational_amplifier>`_ and other
+powered components can also be used if greater precision is required.
+.. _adc-recommended-reading:
+Recommended Reading
+* `Wikipedia: Analog-to-Digital Converter
+ <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Analog-to-digital_converter>`_
+* `Arduino Analog Input Tutorial
+ <http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/AnalogInputPins>`_
+* ST documentation:
+ * `Application Note on ADC Modes
+ <http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/an/16840.pdf>`_ (PDF)
+ * `Application Note on ADC Oversampling
+ <http://www.st.com/stonline/products/literature/an/14183.pdf>`_ (PDF)