path: root/README
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Diffstat (limited to 'README')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 335 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index c11fc72..60fb888 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1,344 +1,24 @@
-This repository contains reStructuredText (reST) source files used to
-generate the documentation for LeafLabs' libmaple and Maple IDE
-projects. For more information on these projects, see their GitHub
- https://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple
- https://github.com/leaflabs/maple-ide
-While the two projects are developed separately, they are released in
-lockstep, and Maple IDE depends upon libmaple. (libmaple doesn't
-depend on Maple IDE).
-The generated documentation for the latest libmaple and Maple IDE
-release is available online in HTML form:
+This repository contains source files used to generate the
+documentation for LeafLabs' libmaple and Maple IDE projects [*]. The
+HTML documentation generated from these sources is available online:
-The web interface is the recommended way for users to read the
-documentation. Older versions are available as well:
- http://static.leaflabs.com/pub/leaflabs/maple-docs/
-This file contains instructions for generating the HTML files. It
-also contains guidelines for the documentation's maintainers.
-About the Documentation
-The docs are written in Sphinx's extensions to reStructuredText
-(reST). You can read more about Sphinx here:
- http://sphinx.pocoo.org/tutorial.html
-Much of the documentation is pulled out of the libmaple source code.
-libmaple documents itself using Doxygen:
- http://doxygen.org
-We use a Sphinx plugin called Breathe to parse Doxygen's XML output
-into a form usable by Sphinx. You can read more about Breathe here:
- http://michaeljones.github.com/breathe/
-Documentation Build Steps
-First, you will need to install some dependencies (Doxygen, Sphinx,
-and Breathe).
-1. You need a recent-ish version of Doxygen in your PATH:
- http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/download.html#latestsrc
-2. Install Breathe, which does Doxygen-to-Sphinx conversion:
- Read/write version (for LeafLabs developers):
- $ git clone git@github.com:leaflabs/breathe.git
- Read-only version (for non-LeafLabs developers):
- $ git clone git://github.com/leaflabs/breathe.git
- After that's done, set an environment variable BREATHE_HOME to
- point to where you downloaded it. Something like this on bash:
- $ export BREATHE_HOME=/path/to/breathe/repo/
- (You'll want to put this in your shell startup script).
-3. Install Sphinx.
- From source or .egg:
- http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Sphinx#downloads
- Via easy_install:
- $ sudo easy_install -U Sphinx
- You need Sphinx version >= 1.0.6.
-You are now ready to build the documentation. First, you'll produce
-Doxygen XML output, then you can generate the HTML documentation.
-1. Before the first time you run Sphinx (and any time the Doxygen
- comments in the libmaple source code are changed), you'll need to
- rebuild libmaple's Doxygen XML output. That is, from within the
- libmaple repository (i.e., NOT THIS REPOSITORY), run:
- $ make doxygen
-2. Finally, you can build the documentation (in this folder):
- $ make html
- On Windows, use the batch file make.bat instead.
- As of 8 September 2011, building the docs generates a bunch of
- errors/warnings. Most of these are spurious and appear to be
- Breathe's fault. C'est la vie.
-Reading and Modifying the Documentation
-Just point your web browser at the file
- build/html/index.html
-For the most part, the file build/html/foo.html is built from
-source/foo.rst. (The index is an exception, because we needed to
-hand-hack the HTML to get the "Contents at a Glance" section to look
-Read more about Sphinx and use the existing docs source as an example
-when writing yours. The directory tmpl/ contains template ReST files
-you should sometimes use when creating a new page, in order to keep
-the style consistent.
-The file source/conf.py is the Sphinx configuration file; you can go
-read it for more information about our setup.
-All of the documentation which isn't pulled out of source code
-comments lives in source/. The directory source/_static/ is for
-static content (like style sheets); source/_templates/ is meant to
-contain Sphinx templates.
-The remaining sections describe what to do under various circumstances
-when modifying or building the docs.
-Adding a New Board
-Adding documentation for a new board is not just a matter of shoving a
-file for it into source/hardware/!
-- Various places in the docs link to particular kinds of pin maps for
- each board. When you add a new board, you must update these as
- well. Here's the list; please keep it current (files are relative
- to the source/ directory):
- * external-interrupts.rst: EXTI line pin maps
- * timers.rst: timer pin maps
- * adc.rst: low-noise ADC banks
- * usart.rst: USART pin maps
- * gpio.rst: master pin maps
- * bootloader.rst: flashing a custom bootloader
-- The quickstart document may not explain how to use the new board.
- If the board is different enough, a new, special-purpose quickstart
- may need to be written for it. Therefore, read the quickstart in
- its entirety and update it appropriately.
- Take this step seriously. The quickstart is the first thing users
- read when starting out, and first impressions matter.
-Building Documentation for a Release
-This is the procedure to follow when building the documentation for a
-versioned release (as such, it's mostly intended for LeafLabs people).
+The above URL is the recommended way for users to read the
+documentation. The docs for the latest release are always available
-Read the following "Background" section if you've never done this
-before (or haven't done it in a while; things change). Then do the
-steps in the "Preparation" and "Cutting the Release" sections that
-follow it.
+Older versions are here:
-If you're bugfixing the docs for a release that's already been
-shipped, skip to "Maintaining a Release", below.
- ~~~~~~~~~~
- Background
- ~~~~~~~~~~
-As a lightweight form of issue tracking, the documentation sources are
-sprinkled (not to say "littered") with comments that begin with FIXME
-or TODO, optionally followed by [milestone].
-Here's a hypothetical example:
- .. TODO [1.4.0] Replace this section; new API is incompatible with 1.3.7
-This means you should replace the docs section following the comment
-before you build the HTML for version 1.4.0.
-Here's a command line you can use on OS X and Linux to list the TODOs
-in the documentation sources (run it from the same directory as this
- $ find . -name '*.rst' | xargs egrep --color=auto -n '(FIXME|TODO)'
-You can use the following to temporarily alias the above mouthful to
- $ alias todos="find . -name '*.rst' | xargs egrep --color=auto -n '(FIXME|TODO)'"
-Then you can just run
- $ todos
-to measure the joy that awaits you.
-Windows users: I'm not sure what the equivalent of grep is on your
-system. If you're using Git, I presume you've got a Bash shell
-available to you due to msysgit; try running the above commands there.
-BE ADVISED: that only finds the comments embedded within .rst files.
-You also need to check for these in source/conf.py; there may be
-others. If you have ack (which might be called "ack-grep" on your
-system) installed, you can instead use
- $ ack --type-set rst=.rst --type-set txt=.txt --ignore-dir=build '(FIXME|TODO)'
-to get the same output, but for all the file types we care about.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- Preparation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- You may violate assumptions made elsewhere in the documentation if
- you don't. This can lead to incoherent or incorrect documentation,
- which is usually worse than none at all.
- If the release you're building is vA.B.C, you can see the relevant
- TODOs with:
- $ todos | grep A\.B\.C
- If you find that you really can't finish the TODO, you should bump
- the version number in the comment. Don't do this out of laziness.
- Seriously, don't. We may have made promises to the users about what
- would happen when, and you might be breaking them.
-- Pick the low-hanging fruit on any other FIXMEs/TODOs.
-- Ask Git to tell you what's happened since the most recent libmaple
- release, and make sure that any major, potentially
- backwards-incompatible, etc. changes are appropriately documented.
- You can use three dots ("...") between the git tags for those
- releases in concert with "git log --oneline" to do this.
- For instance, from the libmaple repository, you can use the
- following to tell you what happened in between 0.0.9 and 0.0.10:
- $ git log --oneline 0.0.9...0.0.10
- As an example of what the output might cause you to do, consider the
- following line (which appears in the output for 0.0.9...0.0.10):
- 4941335 Adding rcc_dev_clk(), an accessor for a peripheral's clock line.
- Did the author of that commit (or some other interested party)
- remember to pull in the documentation for rcc_dev_clk() into the
- libmaple API page for rcc.h? Go check!
-- Do something similar for Maple IDE. The IDE changes a lot more
- slowly, so there should be less to do.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Cutting the Release
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-- Make a release branch in Git. For release A.B.C, call it
- vA.B.C-maintenance. You spell that
- $ git checkout -b vA.B.C-maintenance
- DON'T MAKE A TAG. There are inevitably mistakes in the docs, some
- of which will be noticed and corrected, making a fixed tag useless.
- When you correct the errors, you'll need to update this branch,
- possibly also cherry-picking or otherwise adding into master. See
- "Maintaining the Release", below.
-- Do all the TODOs which must happen for _every_ release. (These are
- distinct from the ones that must happen for some _particular_
- release). You can find most of these with
- $ todos | grep RELEASE
- However, you'll also need to check source/conf.py, as e.g. a
- release's configuration file needs to have a version entered into
- it.
- Don't forget to commit your changes.
-- Run "$ make mrproper" from the libmaple directory, and "$ make
- clean" from this directory, in order to wipe out old docs.
-- Finally, you can actually build the docs. "$ make doxygen" from
- libmaple followed by "$ make html" from here. The sources you want
- will be in build/html. Wooo! You're done! Distribute the results
- appropriately (e.g. by bundling them with the IDE release).
- Don't forget to push the release branch to the leaflabs-docs repo on
- GitHub.
-Maintaining a Release
-So a released version's documentation contains unforgivable lies, huh?
-It needs to be updated RIGHT AWAY, you say? Here's what you do:
-- Check out the release branch for the version of the docs you care
- about (see "Cutting the Release", above).
-- Make your changes.
-- Rebuild the docs (see the last two steps in "Cutting the Release")
- and look at the changed pages.
-- If your changes also need to happen on the master branch, make them
- appropriately.
- Advice: git cherry-pick is your friend. Let's say you're on branch
- "vX.Y.Z-maintenance", and you want to get commit C onto master:
- o---C vX.Y.Z-maintenance
- /
- -o---o---o---o master
- The recipe is:
- $ git checkout master
- $ git cherry-pick C
- Which (if there are no conflicts) will result in:
- o---C vX.Y.Z-maintenance
- /
- -o---o---o---o---C' master
+ http://static.leaflabs.com/pub/leaflabs/maple-docs/
- Where C' performs the same changes as C.
+The file README-building.txt explains how to build the HTML docs.
-- Push your fixes to GitHub.
+The file README-maintainers.txt contains important information for
+maintainers of the documentation (e.g. how to add docs for a new
+board, how to cut a release version of the docs, etc.).
-- Distribute the updated docs. These are world-visible here:
+[*] libmaple and Maple IDE themselves are in separate repositories:
- http://static.leaflabs.com/pub/leaflabs/maple-docs/
+ https://github.com/leaflabs/libmaple
+ https://github.com/leaflabs/maple-ide