path: root/docs/source/lang/cpp/keywords.rst
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authorbnewbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2014-08-27 17:36:11 -0400
committerbnewbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2014-08-27 17:42:22 -0400
commit34b766c9d5f778762069938c71e052fa40455d1c (patch)
tree3a2b77e636b222fecff6366218cf7845029afecf /docs/source/lang/cpp/keywords.rst
parent746d6fecf86572c9fe95dbbffdf541a8d3875dd0 (diff)
parentadd7e54ccaf61859874527feda2b51ea172ce697 (diff)
merge libmaple docs ("leaflabs-docs") into ./docs
In the past, libample documentation was forked out of this repository because the documentation had increased in scope. For the librambutan, and the rambutan project in general, we will try to keep documentation closer to the source code, so the librambutan-specific documentation should live here. Other sections of leaflabs-docs will be culled in a following commit. This merge attempts to maintain history by using a subtree strategy. Followed directions at: http://nuclearsquid.com/writings/subtree-merging-and-you/ Full history for files should be accessible using the "--follow" flag to git log, eg: git log --follow docs/source/adc.rst It should be possible to pull patches from leaflabs-docs with: git pull -s subtree leaflabs-docs master ... at least until the docs in this repository diverge significantly.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/source/lang/cpp/keywords.rst')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/source/lang/cpp/keywords.rst b/docs/source/lang/cpp/keywords.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f21cd0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/source/lang/cpp/keywords.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+.. _lang-keywords:
+This page lists all of the C++ keywords, and either links to a
+reference page explaining their use, or provides a brief description.
+List of Keywords
+The C++ keywords are:
+``and``, ``and_eq``, ``asm``, ``auto``, ``bitand``, ``bitor``,
+``bool``, ``break``, ``case``, ``catch``, ``char``, ``class``,
+``compl``, ``const``, ``const_cast``, ``continue``, ``default``,
+``delete``, ``do``, ``double``, ``dynamic_cast``, ``else``, ``enum``,
+``explicit``, ``export``, ``extern``, ``false``, ``float``, ``for``,
+``friend``, ``goto``, ``if``, ``inline``, ``int``, ``long``,
+``mutable``, ``namespace``, ``new``, ``not``, ``not_eq``,
+``operator``, ``or``, ``or_eq``, ``private``, ``protected``,
+``public``, ``register``, ``reinterpret_cast``, ``return``, ``short``,
+``signed``, ``sizeof``, ``static``, ``static_cast``, ``struct``,
+``switch``, ``template``, ``this``, ``throw``, ``true``, ``try``,
+``typedef``, ``typeid``, ``typename``, ``union``, ``unsigned``,
+``using``, ``virtual``, ``void``, ``volatile``, ``wchar_t``,
+``while``, ``xor``, ``xor_eq``
+Boolean Operator Synonyms
+- ``and`` is a synonym for :ref:`&& <lang-boolean-and>`.
+- ``not`` is a synonym for :ref:`\! <lang-boolean-not>`.
+- ``not_eq`` is a synonym for :ref:`\!= <lang-comparison>`.
+- ``or`` is a synonym for :ref:`|| <lang-boolean-or>`.
+Bitwise Operator Synonyms
+- ``and_eq`` is a synonym for :ref:`&= <lang-compoundbitwise-and>`.
+- ``bitand`` is a synonym for (bitwise) :ref:`& <lang-bitwisemath-and>`.
+- ``bitor`` is a synonym for :ref:`\| <lang-bitwisemath-or>`.
+- ``compl`` is a synonym for :ref:`~ <lang-bitwisemath-not>`.
+- ``or_eq`` is a synonym for :ref:`|= <lang-compoundbitwise-or>`.
+- ``xor`` is a synonym for :ref:`^ <lang-bitwisemath-xor>`.
+- ``xor_eq`` is a synonym for :ref:`^= <lang-compoundbitwise-xor>`.
+- ``true`` and ``false`` are the :ref:`boolean constants
+ <lang-booleanvariables>`.
+Control Flow
+- ``break`` can exit out of a :ref:`switch statement
+ <lang-switchcase>` or a :ref:`for <lang-for>`, :ref:`do
+ <lang-dowhile>`, or :ref:`while <lang-while>` loop.
+- ``case`` defines alternatives in a :ref:`switch statement <lang-switchcase>`.
+- ``continue`` will move control flow to the next iteration of the
+ enclosing :ref:`for <lang-for>`, :ref:`do <lang-dowhile>`, or
+ :ref:`while <lang-while>` loop.
+- ``default`` defines the default alternative in a :ref:`switch
+ statement <lang-switchcase>`.
+- ``do`` introduces a :ref:`do <lang-dowhile>` loop.
+- ``else`` is used in :ref:`if statements <lang-if>`.
+- ``for`` introduces a :ref:`for <lang-for>` loop.
+- ``goto`` :ref:`jumps <lang-goto>` to a label.
+- ``if`` introduces an :ref:`if statement <lang-if>`.
+- ``return`` :ref:`transfers flow to a function's caller <lang-return>`.
+- ``switch`` introduces a :ref:`switch statement <lang-switchcase>`.
+- ``while`` introduces a :ref:`while <lang-while>` loop.
+The following keywords are used for built-in types.
+- :ref:`bool <lang-booleanvariables>`
+- :ref:`char <lang-char>`
+- :ref:`double <lang-double>`
+- :ref:`float <lang-float>`
+- :ref:`int <lang-int>`
+- :ref:`long <lang-long>`
+- :ref:`short <lang-built-in-types-integral>`
+- :ref:`void <lang-void>` (not really a type, but used in the absence
+ of one)
+The following keywords are used to introduce new types.
+- :ref:`enum <lang-enum>`
+- :ref:`static <lang-static>` can be used to declare persistent local
+ variables; it has other uses not documented here.
+- ``unsigned`` is used to specify an unsigned integral type.
+ Examples: :ref:`lang-unsignedint`, :ref:`lang-unsignedchar`.
+- :ref:`volatile <lang-volatile>` is useful when declaring variables
+ that may be modified by external interrupts.
+- :ref:`const <lang-const>` is used to define constants.
+These keywords are not described in the Maple documentation. For more
+information, consult a C++ reference.
+- ``asm`` is used to insert literal assembly language.
+- ``auto`` is used to declare that a variable has automatic storage.
+- ``catch`` is used in exception handling. Note that the default
+ flags we pass to :ref:`GCC <arm-gcc>` include ``-fno-exceptions``.
+- ``class`` is used to define classes.
+- ``const_cast`` is used in typecasting.
+- ``delete`` is used to free ``new``\ -allocated storage. Note that
+ dynamic memory allocation is not available by default on the Maple,
+ so you'll have to bring your own ``new`` and ``delete`` if you want
+ this.
+- ``dynamic_cast`` is used in typecasting.
+- ``explicit`` is used to declare constructors that can be called only
+ explicitly.
+- ``export`` declares a template definition accessible to other
+ compilation units.
+- ``extern`` can mark a declaration as a declaration and not a
+ definition, and also grant external linkage to a ``const`` or
+ ``typedef``.
+- ``friend`` is used to declare that certain functions have access to
+ a class's private variables.
+- ``inline`` is a compiler hint to inline a function.
+- ``mutable`` specifies that a member can be updated, even when a
+ member of a ``const`` object.
+- ``namespace`` declares a new namespace.
+- ``new`` dynamically allocates space for a value. Note that dynamic
+ memory allocation is not available by default on the Maple, so
+ you'll have to bring your own ``new`` and ``delete`` if you want
+ this.
+- ``operator`` is used to define type-specific operator overrides.
+- ``private`` declares a private class member.
+- ``protected`` declares a protected class member.
+- ``public`` declares a public class member.
+- ``register`` is a compiler hint to store a variable in a register.
+- ``reinterpret_cast`` is used in typecasting.
+- ``signed`` is the opposite of ``unsigned``.
+- ``static_cast`` is used in typecasting.
+- ``struct`` declares a new struct.
+- ``template`` introduces a template class, function, etc.
+- ``this`` is a pointer to the receiver object.
+- ``throw`` is used in exception handling. Note that the default
+ flags we pass to :ref:`GCC <arm-gcc>` include ``-fno-exceptions``.
+- ``try`` is used in exception handling. Note that the default
+ flags we pass to :ref:`GCC <arm-gcc>` include ``-fno-exceptions``.
+- ``typedef`` defines a type synonym.
+- ``union`` defines an untagged union.
+- ``using`` is a directive related to namespaces.
+- ``virtual`` declares a method which may be overridden.
+- ``wchar_t`` is the wide character type.