diff options
authorMarti Bolivar <mbolivar@leaflabs.com>2011-04-14 14:28:23 -0400
committerMarti Bolivar <mbolivar@leaflabs.com>2011-04-14 14:28:23 -0400
commit351f9a097fb8e005e9465a8a883b2f063e5c5160 (patch)
parent7b43ce42bdf590509c18aecdc1a001477be8585f (diff)
Ancillary file cleanups.
-rw-r--r--support/gdb/gpio/gpio.gdb (renamed from support/gdb/gpio.gdb)0
-rw-r--r--support/gdb/i2c/test.gdb (renamed from test.gdb)0
7 files changed, 17 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index f37999b..6e4c400 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -12,21 +12,25 @@ The latest version of this repository can be found here:
-Instructions to Compile for ARM Targets
+General information
-A HOWTO is available in the "Unix Toolchain Quickstart" guide at:
+A HOWTO on setting up this library for use in a Unix environment is
+available in our online HTML documentation:
-HTML documentation for this repository is automatically generated from
-the source code and the files under the top-level /docs/ directory.
-It is available online at:
+The HTML docs for this repository are automatically generated from the
+source code and the files under the top-level /docs/ directory. For
+more information, see /docs/README.
- http://leaflabs.com/docs/
+Our bugtracker is available at:
-(For more information on how this documentation is generated, see
+ http://code.google.com/p/leaflabs/issues/list
+For changes that block official releases, see our wiki:
+ http://wiki.leaflabs.com/index.php?title=Blocking_Changes
Instructions to Create a Library
@@ -93,10 +97,7 @@ Repository Layout
- Unstructured text notes that may be useful. The 45-maple.rules
- udev file can be placed in /etc/udev/rules.d/ on compatible Linux
- machines to allow non-root access to the Maple USB device for
- uploading.
+ Unstructured text notes that may be useful.
@@ -106,7 +107,6 @@ Repository Layout
Support files and scripts for various purposes.
- codeblocks/ [OBSOLETE] Config files for the Code::Blocks IDE.
gdb/ GDB scripts.
ld/ Linker scripts.
make/ Additional scripts used by the top-level Makefile.
@@ -114,12 +114,6 @@ Repository Layout
scripts/ Miscellany.
stm32loader.py Script for uploading via the built-in USART bootloader.
- Various undone tasks. Also see our bugtracker at
- http://code.google.com/p/leaflabs/issues/list
Extra wrappers and functionality around the lower level code in
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index af8ef80..7c2f6e8 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,55 +1,7 @@
-Quick TODO --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- write language unit test
-- more maple-specific example programs
-- maple mini serial bootloader HOWTO
-- maple and mini jtag HOWTO
-Peripherals -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- I2C wrap up
-- SPI wrap up
-Arduino Library functions to port (these are LGPL) ----------------------------
- functions:
- uint8 read(int)
- void write(int, uint8)
- edit Firmata.h for capabilities
- soft spi port stuff
- clockCyclesToMicroseconds(int)
- all good?
- timing on soft serial send() commands
- requires millis()
- reimplementation of the utility/twi.{c/h} code:
- void twi_init(void);
- void twi_setAddress(uint8_t);
- uint8_t twi_readFrom(uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t);
- uint8_t twi_writeTo(uint8_t, uint8_t*, uint8_t, uint8_t);
- uint8_t twi_transmit(uint8_t*, uint8_t);
- void twi_attachSlaveRxEvent( void (*)(uint8_t*, int) );
- void twi_attachSlaveTxEvent( void (*)(void) );
- void twi_reply(uint8_t);
- void twi_stop(void);
- void twi_releaseBus(void);
- ho baby...
- uses avr/interrupt.h
- reimplement utility/spi stuff
+Blocking changes for official releases:
diff --git a/support/codeblocks/libmaple.cbp b/support/codeblocks/libmaple.cbp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4766275..0000000
--- a/support/codeblocks/libmaple.cbp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
- <FileVersion major="1" minor="6" />
- <Project>
- <Option title="libmaple" />
- <Option makefile_is_custom="1" />
- <Option pch_mode="2" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Build>
- <Target title="flash">
- <Option output="support/codeblocks/program_flash.sh" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="support/codeblocks" />
- <Option object_output="/home/bnewbold/leaf/libmaple/.objs" />
- <Option type="1" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option use_console_runner="0" />
- <MakeCommands>
- <Build command="$make -f $makefile MAPLE_TARGET=$target" />
- <CompileFile command="$make -f $makefile MAPLE_TARGET=$target $file" />
- <Clean command="$make -f $makefile clean" />
- <DistClean command="$make -f $makefile distclean$target" />
- </MakeCommands>
- </Target>
- <Target title="ram">
- <Option output="support/codeblocks/program_ram.sh" prefix_auto="0" extension_auto="0" />
- <Option working_dir="support/codeblocks" />
- <Option type="1" />
- <Option compiler="gcc" />
- <Option use_console_runner="0" />
- <MakeCommands>
- <Build command="$make -f $makefile MAPLE_TARGET=$target" />
- <CompileFile command="$make -f $makefile MAPLE_TARGET=$target $file" />
- <Clean command="$make -f $makefile clean" />
- <DistClean command="$make -f $makefile distclean" />
- </MakeCommands>
- </Target>
- </Build>
- <Compiler>
- <Add option="-Wall" />
- </Compiler>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/adc.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/adc.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/exc.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/exti.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/exti.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/flash.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/flash.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/gpio.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/gpio.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/libmaple.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/libmaple_types.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/nvic.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/nvic.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/rcc.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/rcc.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/spi.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/spi.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/syscalls.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/systick.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/systick.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/timers.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/timers.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usart.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usart.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/descriptors.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/descriptors.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_callbacks.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_callbacks.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_config.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_hardware.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_hardware.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_core.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_core.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_def.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_init.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_init.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_int.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_int.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_lib.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_mem.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_mem.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_regs.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_regs.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/usb/usb_lib/usb_type.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/util.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="libmaple/util.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="main.cpp">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/Print.cpp">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/Print.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/WProgram.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/bits.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/comm/HardwareSPI.cpp">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/comm/HardwareSPI.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/comm/HardwareSerial.cpp">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/comm/HardwareSerial.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/cxxabi-compat.cpp">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/ext_interrupts.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/ext_interrupts.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/io.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/main.cxx">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/pwm.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/pwm.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/time.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/time.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/usb_serial.cpp">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/usb_serial.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/wirish.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/wirish.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/wirish_analog.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/wirish_digital.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/wirish_math.cpp">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/wirish_math.h">
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Unit filename="wirish/wirish_shift.c">
- <Option compilerVar="CC" />
- <Option target="&lt;{~None~}&gt;" />
- </Unit>
- <Extensions>
- <code_completion />
- <debugger />
- </Extensions>
- </Project>
diff --git a/support/codeblocks/program_flash.sh b/support/codeblocks/program_flash.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 9dfe9f1..0000000
--- a/support/codeblocks/program_flash.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#/usr/bin/env sh
-cd ../..
-make MAPLE_TARGET=flash install
diff --git a/support/codeblocks/program_ram.sh b/support/codeblocks/program_ram.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 55fe73d..0000000
--- a/support/codeblocks/program_ram.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#/usr/bin/env sh
-cd ../..
-make MAPLE_TARGET=ram install
diff --git a/support/gdb/gpio.gdb b/support/gdb/gpio/gpio.gdb
index 4376cfd..4376cfd 100644
--- a/support/gdb/gpio.gdb
+++ b/support/gdb/gpio/gpio.gdb
diff --git a/test.gdb b/support/gdb/i2c/test.gdb
index 8b71320..8b71320 100644
--- a/test.gdb
+++ b/support/gdb/i2c/test.gdb