path: root/fuzzycat/fatcat/matching.py
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/fuzzycat/fatcat/matching.py b/fuzzycat/fatcat/matching.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 04ec275..0000000
--- a/fuzzycat/fatcat/matching.py
+++ /dev/null
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-# coding: utf-8
-Public API for fuzzy matches for fatcat.
-Match methods return candidates, verify methods return a match status.
- match_containar_fuzzy -> List[ContainerEntity]
- match_release_fuzzy -> List[ReleaseEntity]
- verify_serial_name -> MatchStatus
- verify_container_name -> MatchStatus
- verify_container_fuzzy -> MatchStatus
- verify_release_fuzzy -> MatchStatus
-Candidate generation will use external data from search and hence is expensive. Verification is fast.
-from typing import List, Optional, Set, Union
-import elasticsearch
-from fatcat_openapi_client import (ApiException, ContainerEntity, DefaultApi, ReleaseEntity,
- ReleaseExtIds, WorkEntity)
-from fatcat_openapi_client.api.default_api import DefaultApi
-from fuzzycat import cleanups
-from fuzzycat.fatcat.common import (MatchStatus, compare_ext_ids, response_to_entity_list)
-from fuzzycat.serials import serialsdb
-def match_container_fuzzy(container: ContainerEntity,
- size: int = 5,
- es: Optional[Union[str, elasticsearch.client.Elasticsearch]] = None,
- api: Optional[DefaultApi] = None) -> List[ContainerEntity]:
- """
- Given a container entity, which can be (very) partial, return a list of
- candidate matches. Elasticsearch can be a hostport or the low level client
- object.
- Random data point: with 20 parallel workers callind match_container_fuzzy,
- we get around 40 req/s.
- """
- assert isinstance(container, ContainerEntity)
- if size is None or size == 0:
- size = 10000 # or any large number
- if isinstance(es, str):
- es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch([es])
- if es is None:
- es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch()
- # If we find any match by ISSN-L, we return only those.
- if container.issnl:
- s = (elasticsearch_dsl.Search(using=es, index="fatcat_container").query(
- "term", issns=container.issnl).extra(size=size))
- resp = s.execute()
- if len(resp) > 0:
- return response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ContainerEntity, api=api)
- # Do we have an exact QID match?
- if container.wikidata_qid:
- s = (elasticsearch_dsl.Search(using=es, index="fatcat_container").query(
- "term", wikidata_qid=container.wikidata_qid).extra(size=size))
- resp = s.execute()
- if len(resp) > 0:
- return response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ContainerEntity, api=api)
- # Start with exact name match.
- #
- # curl -s https://search.fatcat.wiki/fatcat_container/_mapping | jq .
- #
- # "name": {
- # "type": "text",
- # "copy_to": [
- # "biblio"
- # ],
- # "analyzer": "textIcu",
- # "search_analyzer": "textIcuSearch"
- # },
- #
- body = {
- "query": {
- "match": {
- "name": {
- "query": container.name,
- "operator": "AND"
- }
- }
- },
- "size": size,
- }
- resp = es.search(body=body, index="fatcat_container")
- if resp["hits"]["total"] > 0:
- return response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ContainerEntity, api=api)
- # Get fuzzy.
- # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/common-options.html#fuzziness
- body = {
- "query": {
- "match": {
- "name": {
- "query": container.name,
- "operator": "AND",
- "fuzziness": "AUTO",
- }
- }
- },
- "size": size,
- }
- resp = es.search(body=body, index="fatcat_container")
- if resp["hits"]["total"] > 0:
- return response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ContainerEntity, api=api)
- return []
-def match_release_fuzzy(release: ReleaseEntity,
- size: int = 5,
- es: Optional[Union[str, elasticsearch.client.Elasticsearch]] = None,
- api: Optional[DefaultApi] = None) -> List[ReleaseEntity]:
- """
- Given a release entity, return a number similar release entities from
- fatcat using Elasticsearch.
- """
- assert isinstance(release, ReleaseEntity)
- if size is None or size == 0:
- size = 10000 # or any large number
- if isinstance(es, str):
- es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch([es])
- if es is None:
- es = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch()
- # Try to match by external identifier.
- ext_ids = release.ext_ids
- attrs = {
- "doi": "doi",
- "wikidata_qid": "wikidata_qid",
- "isbn13": "isbn13",
- "pmid": "pmid",
- "pmcid": "pmcid",
- "core": "code_id",
- "arxiv": "arxiv_id",
- "jstor": "jstor_id",
- "ark": "ark_id",
- "mag": "mag_id",
- }
- for attr, es_field in attrs.items():
- value = getattr(ext_ids, attr)
- if not value:
- continue
- s = (elasticsearch_dsl.Search(using=es,
- index="fatcat_release").query("term", **{
- es_field: value
- }).extra(size=size))
- resp = s.execute()
- if len(resp) > 0:
- return response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ReleaseEntity, api=api)
- body = {
- "query": {
- "match": {
- "title": {
- "query": release.title,
- "operator": "AND"
- }
- }
- },
- "size": size,
- }
- resp = es.search(body=body, index="fatcat_release")
- if resp["hits"]["total"] > 0:
- return response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ReleaseEntity, api=api)
- # Get fuzzy.
- # https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/common-options.html#fuzziness
- body = {
- "query": {
- "match": {
- "title": {
- "query": release.title,
- "operator": "AND",
- "fuzziness": "AUTO",
- }
- }
- },
- "size": size,
- }
- resp = es.search(body=body, index="fatcat_release")
- if resp["hits"]["total"] > 0:
- return response_to_entity_list(resp, entity_type=ReleaseEntity, api=api)
- return []
-def verify_serial_name(a: str, b: str) -> MatchStatus:
- """
- Serial name verification. Serial names are a subset of container names.
- There are about 2M serials.
- """
- def verify(a: Set[str], b: Set[str]) -> MatchStatus:
- # If any name yields multiple ISSN-L, we cannot decide.
- if len(a) > 1:
- return MatchStatus.AMBIGIOUS
- if len(b) > 1:
- return MatchStatus.AMBIGIOUS
- # If both names point the same ISSN-L, it is an exact match.
- if len(a) > 0 and len(a) == len(b):
- if len(a & b) == len(a):
- return MatchStatus.EXACT
- else:
- return MatchStatus.DIFFERENT
- # Multiple names possible, but there is overlap.
- if len(a & b) > 0:
- return MatchStatus.STRONG
- return MatchStatus.AMBIGIOUS
- # First, try values as given.
- issnls_for_a = serialsdb.get(a, set())
- issnls_for_b = serialsdb.get(b, set())
- status = verify(issnls_for_a, issnls_for_b)
- if status != MatchStatus.AMBIGIOUS:
- return status
- # Try to match slightly cleaned up values.
- issnls_for_a = serialsdb.get(a, set(), cleanup_pipeline=cleanups.basic)
- issnls_for_b = serialsdb.get(b, set(), cleanup_pipeline=cleanups.basic)
- return verify(issnls_for_a, issnls_for_b)
-def verify_container_name(a: str, b: str) -> MatchStatus:
- status = verify_serial_name(a, b)
- if status != MatchStatus.AMBIGIOUS:
- return status
- # TODO: add additional verification, string match and common patterns.
-def verify_container_match(a: ContainerEntity, b: ContainerEntity) -> MatchStatus:
- pass
-def verify_release_match(a: ReleaseEntity, b: ReleaseEntity) -> MatchStatus:
- assert isinstance(a, ReleaseEntity)
- assert isinstance(b, ReleaseEntity)
- if a == b:
- return MatchStatus.EXACT
- a_ext_ids, b_ext_ids = a.ext_ids, b.ext_ids
- # Compare ext ids, result is a counter, we are interested in "hits" and
- # "misses", only.
- cmp_result = compare_ext_ids(a_ext_ids, b_ext_ids)
- # Assume that if more ids match than mismatch, it is a good signal, e.g. if
- # only a DOI is defined and they match, it is an exact match.
- if cmp_result["hits"] > 0 and cmp_result["misses"] == 0:
- return MatchStatus.EXACT
- if cmp_result["hits"] > cmp_result["misses"]:
- return MatchStatus.STRONG
- if cmp_result["hits"] == 0 and cmp_result["misses"] > 0:
- return MatchStatus.DIFFERENT
- if cmp_result["hits"] < cmp_result["misses"]:
- return MatchStatus.AMBIGIOUS
- # TODO: do title verification, apply string cleanups, etc.