diff options
authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2021-04-14 15:40:15 -0700
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2021-04-14 15:40:15 -0700
commit567727e8606d2565098ddbcd63a1526aa44ff97f (patch)
parent0e184b9700f8a0ee21f5acbfc08437c8e3445ebf (diff)
GROBID API unstructured citation parsing utility code
3 files changed, 258 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/fuzzycat/grobid2json.py b/fuzzycat/grobid2json.py
index 49f265a..c5aa0d2 100755
--- a/fuzzycat/grobid2json.py
+++ b/fuzzycat/grobid2json.py
@@ -26,7 +26,8 @@ def all_authors(elem: Optional[ET.Element], ns: str = ns) -> List[Dict[str, Any]
given_name = pn.findtext("./{%s}forename" % ns) or None
surname = pn.findtext("./{%s}surname" % ns) or None
- full_name = " ".join(pn.itertext())
+ full_name = " ".join(pn.itertext()).strip()
+ full_name = " ".join(full_name.split())
obj: Dict[str, Any] = dict(name=full_name)
if given_name:
obj["given_name"] = given_name
diff --git a/fuzzycat/grobid_unstructured.py b/fuzzycat/grobid_unstructured.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4f09bce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fuzzycat/grobid_unstructured.py
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+Helper functions to parse an unstructured citation string using GROBID, then
+fuzzy match using the result.
+- try to parse string with GROBID REST API call
+- transform the GROBID XML response to a simple dict/struct
+TODO: more general versions which handle multiple reference strings in a batch?
+import io
+import sys
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
+from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple
+import requests
+from fatcat_openapi_client import ReleaseContrib, ReleaseEntity, ReleaseExtIds
+from fuzzycat.config import settings
+from fuzzycat.grobid2json import biblio_info
+GROBID_API_BASE = settings.get("GROBID_API_BASE", "https://grobid.qa.fatcat.wiki")
+def grobid_api_process_citation(raw_citation: str,
+ grobid_api_base: str = GROBID_API_BASE,
+ timeout: float = 20.0) -> Optional[str]:
+ """
+ Process a single citation string using GROBID API, returning a TEI-XML response.
+ Raises python TimeoutError if there was a network or request timeout.
+ Raises a 'requests' error other unexpected failures (including network
+ connection failures)
+ """
+ try:
+ grobid_response = requests.post(
+ grobid_api_base + "/api/processCitation",
+ data={
+ "citations": raw_citation,
+ "consolidateCitations": 0,
+ },
+ timeout=timeout,
+ )
+ except requests.Timeout:
+ raise TimeoutError("GROBID request (HTTP POST) timeout")
+ if grobid_response.status_code == 204:
+ return None
+ elif grobid_response.status_code != 200:
+ print(f"GROBID request (HTTP POST) failed: {grobid_response}", file=sys.stderr)
+ grobid_response.raise_for_status()
+ return grobid_response.text or None
+def transform_grobid_ref_xml(raw_xml: str) -> Optional[dict]:
+ """
+ Parses GROBID XML for the case of a single reference/citation string (eg,
+ not a full/propper TEI-XML fulltext document), and returns a dict.
+ """
+ # first, remove any xmlns stuff, for consistent parsign
+ raw_xml = raw_xml.replace('xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"', "")
+ tree = ET.parse(io.StringIO(raw_xml))
+ root = tree.getroot()
+ ref = biblio_info(root, ns="")
+ if not any(ref.values()):
+ return None
+ return ref
+def grobid_ref_to_release(ref: dict) -> ReleaseEntity:
+ """
+ Takes the dict returned by transform_grobid_ref_xml() and returns a partial
+ ReleaseEntity object (for use with fuzzycat)
+ """
+ contribs = []
+ for author in ref.get("authors") or []:
+ contribs.append(
+ ReleaseContrib(
+ raw_name=author.get("name"),
+ given_name=author.get("given_name"),
+ surname=author.get("surname"),
+ ))
+ release = ReleaseEntity(
+ title=ref.get("title"),
+ contribs=contribs,
+ volume=ref.get("volume"),
+ issue=ref.get("issue"),
+ pages=ref.get("pages"),
+ ext_ids=ReleaseExtIds(
+ doi=ref.get("doi"),
+ pmid=ref.get("pmid"),
+ pmcid=ref.get("pmcid"),
+ arxiv=ref.get("arxiv_id"),
+ ),
+ )
+ if ref.get("journal"):
+ release.extra = {"container_name": ref.get("journal")}
+ if ref.get("date"):
+ if len(ref["date"]) >= 4 and ref["date"][0:4].isdigit():
+ release.release_year = int(ref["date"][0:4])
+ # TODO: try to parse 'date' into an ISO date format, and assign to release_date?
+ return release
+def grobid_parse_unstructured(raw_citation: str,
+ grobid_api_base: str = GROBID_API_BASE,
+ timeout: float = 20.0) -> Optional[ReleaseEntity]:
+ """
+ High-level wrapper to parse a raw citation string into a (partial) release
+ entity.
+ Returns None if it fails to parse.
+ Raises various exceptions on network or remote errors.
+ """
+ ref_xml = grobid_api_process_citation(raw_citation,
+ grobid_api_base=grobid_api_base,
+ timeout=timeout)
+ if not ref_xml:
+ return None
+ biblio_dict = transform_grobid_ref_xml(ref_xml)
+ if not biblio_dict:
+ return None
+ return grobid_ref_to_release(biblio_dict)
diff --git a/tests/test_grobid_unstructured.py b/tests/test_grobid_unstructured.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd69936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_grobid_unstructured.py
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import pytest
+from fuzzycat.grobid_unstructured import grobid_api_process_citation, grobid_parse_unstructured, grobid_ref_to_release, transform_grobid_ref_xml
+def test_grobid_ref_to_release():
+ d = {
+ 'title':
+ "some title",
+ 'doi':
+ '10.1234/5678',
+ 'journal':
+ 'some journal',
+ 'authors': [
+ {
+ 'name': 'ahab sailor',
+ 'given_name': 'ahab',
+ 'surname': 'sailor'
+ },
+ {
+ 'name': 'mary jane',
+ 'given_name': 'mary',
+ 'surname': 'jane'
+ },
+ ],
+ }
+ r = grobid_ref_to_release(d)
+ assert r.title == d['title']
+ assert r.ext_ids.doi == d['doi']
+ assert r.extra['container_name'] == d['journal']
+ assert r.contribs[0].surname == d['authors'][0]['surname']
+ assert r.contribs[1].raw_name == d['authors'][1]['name']
+def test_transform_grobid_ref_xml():
+ citation_xml = """
+<biblStruct >
+ <analytic>
+ <title level="a" type="main">Mesh migration following abdominal hernia repair: a comprehensive review</title>
+ <author>
+ <persName
+ xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
+ <forename type="first">H</forename>
+ <forename type="middle">B</forename>
+ <surname>Cunningham</surname>
+ </persName>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <persName
+ xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
+ <forename type="first">J</forename>
+ <forename type="middle">J</forename>
+ <surname>Weis</surname>
+ </persName>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <persName
+ xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
+ <forename type="first">L</forename>
+ <forename type="middle">R</forename>
+ <surname>Taveras</surname>
+ </persName>
+ </author>
+ <author>
+ <persName
+ xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
+ <forename type="first">S</forename>
+ <surname>Huerta</surname>
+ </persName>
+ </author>
+ <idno type="DOI">10.1007/s10029-019-01898-9</idno>
+ <idno type="PMID">30701369</idno>
+ </analytic>
+ <monogr>
+ <title level="j">Hernia</title>
+ <imprint>
+ <biblScope unit="volume">23</biblScope>
+ <biblScope unit="issue">2</biblScope>
+ <biblScope unit="page" from="235" to="243" />
+ <date type="published" when="2019-01-30" />
+ </imprint>
+ </monogr>
+ d = transform_grobid_ref_xml(citation_xml)
+ assert d['title'] == "Mesh migration following abdominal hernia repair: a comprehensive review"
+ assert d['authors'][2]['given_name'] == "L"
+ assert d['authors'][2]['surname'] == "Taveras"
+ assert d['authors'][2]['name'] == "L R Taveras"
+ assert d['doi'] == "10.1007/s10029-019-01898-9"
+ assert d['pmid'] == "30701369"
+ assert d['date'] == "2019-01-30"
+ assert d['pages'] == "235-243"
+ assert d['volume'] == "23"
+ assert d['issue'] == "2"
+ assert d['journal'] == "Hernia"
+def test_grobid_parse_unstructured():
+ """
+ NOTE: this test makes live network requests to GROBID
+ """
+ r = grobid_parse_unstructured("blah")
+ assert r is None
+ r = grobid_parse_unstructured(
+ """Cunningham HB, Weis JJ, Taveras LR, Huerta S. Mesh migration following abdominal hernia repair: a comprehensive review. Hernia. 2019 Apr;23(2):235-243. doi: 10.1007/s10029-019-01898-9. Epub 2019 Jan 30. PMID: 30701369."""
+ )
+ assert r.title == "Mesh migration following abdominal hernia repair: a comprehensive review"
+ assert r.contribs[0].surname == "Cunningham"
+ assert r.contribs[1].surname == "Weis"
+ assert r.contribs[2].surname == "Taveras"
+ assert r.contribs[3].surname == "Huerta"
+ assert r.extra['container_name'] == "Hernia"
+ assert r.release_year == 2019
+ assert r.volume == "23"
+ assert r.issue == "2"
+ assert r.pages == "235-243"
+ assert r.ext_ids.doi == "10.1007/s10029-019-01898-9"
+ assert r.ext_ids.pmid == "30701369"
+def test_grobid_parse_unstructured_timeout():
+ """
+ NOTE: this test makes live network requests to GROBID
+ """
+ with pytest.raises(TimeoutError):
+ grobid_parse_unstructured("blah", timeout=0.000001)