path: root/proposals/202008_bulk_citation_graph.md
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authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2023-01-04 19:55:30 -0800
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2023-01-04 20:18:25 -0800
commit276ac2aa24166660bc6ffe7601cee44b5d848dae (patch)
tree8a35ce06e7ab9e6755b24abc41dee1115cf62788 /proposals/202008_bulk_citation_graph.md
parentee46c33544941a5104182a2e221e841a32cbbf78 (diff)
proposals: update status; add some old ones; consistent file names
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-status: brainstorm
-This is one design proposal for how to scale up citation graph potential-match
-generation, as well as for doing fuzzy matching of other types at scale (eg,
-self-matches to group works within fatcat). Not proposiing that we have to do
-things this way, this is just one possible option.
-This current proposal has the following assumptions:
-- 100-200 million "target" works
-- 1-3 billion structured references to match
-- references mostly coming from GROBID, Crossref, and PUBMED
-- paper-like works (could include books; references to web pages etc to be
- handled separately)
-- static snapshots are sufficient
-- python fuzzy match code works and is performant enough to verify matches
- within small buckets/pools
-Additional major "source" and "target" works to think about:
-- wikipedia articles as special "source" works. should work fine with this
- system. also most wikipedia paper references already have persistent
- identifiers
-- webpages as special "target" works, where we would want to do a CDX lookup or
- something. normalize URL (SURT?) to generate reverse index ("all works citing
- a given URL")
-- openlibrary books as "target" works. also should work fine with this system
-The high-level prosposal is:
-- transform and normalize basic metadata for both citations and reference (eg,
- sufficient fields for fuzzy verification), and store only this minimal subset
-- as a first pass, if external identifiers exist in the "source" reference set,
- do lookups against fatcat API and verify match on any resulting hits. remove
- these "source" matches from the next stages.
-- generate one or more fixed-size hash identifiers (~64 bit) for each citation
- and target, and use these as a key to bucket works. this would not be hashes
- over the entire record metadata, only small subsets
-- sort the "target" works into an index for self-grouping, lookups, and
- iteration. each record may appear multiple times if there are multiple hash
- types
-- sort the "source" references into an index and run a merge-sort on bucket
- keys against the "target" index to generate candidate match buckets
-- run python fuzzy match code against the candidate buckets, outputting a status
- for each reference input and a list of all strong matches
-- resort successful matches and index by both source and target identifiers as
- output citation graph
-## Record Schema
-Imaginging a subset of fatcat release entity fields, perhaps stored in a binary
-format like protobuf for size efficiency. Or a SQL table or columnar
-datastore. If we used JSON we would want to use short key names to reduce key
-storage overhead. Total data set size will impact performance because of disk
-I/O, caching, etc. I think this may hold even with on-disk compression?
-Would do a pass of normalization ahead of time, like aggressive string
-cleaning, so we don't need to do this per-fuzzy-verify attempt.
-Metadata subset might include:
-- `title`
-- `subtitle`
-- `authors` (surnames? structured/full names? original/alternate/aliases?)
-- `year`
-- `container_name` (and abbreviation?)
-- `volume`, `issue`, `pages`
-- `doi`, `pmid`, `arxiv_id` (only ext ids used in citations?)
-- `release_ident` (source or target)
-- `work_ident` (source or target)
-- `release_stage` (target only?)
-- `release_type` (target only?)
-Plus any other fields helpful in fuzzy verification.
-These records can be transformed into python release entities with partial
-metadata, then passed to the existing fuzzy verification code path.
-## Hashing Schemes
-Hashing schemes could be flexible. Multiple could be used at the same time, and
-we can change schemes over time. Each record could be transformed to one or
-more hashes. Ideally we could use the top couple bits of the hash to indicate
-the hash type.
-An initial proposal would be to use first and last N tokens of just the title.
-In this scheme would normalize and tokenize the title, remove a few stopwords
-(eg, tokens sometimes omitted in citation or indexing). If the title is shorter
-than 3 tokens pad with blank tokens. Perhaps do a filter here against
-inordinately popular titles or other bad data. Then use some fast hash
-non-cryptographic hash with fixed size output (64-bits). Do this for both the
-first and last three tokens; set the top bit to "0" for hash of the first three
-tokens, or "1" for the hash of the last three tokens. Emit two key/value rows
-(eg, TSV?), with the same values but different hashes.
-Alternatively, in SQL, index a single row on the two different hash types.
-Possible alternative hash variations we could experiment with:
-- take the first 10 normalized characters, removing whitespace, and hash that
-- include first 3 title tokens, then 1 token of the first author's surname
-- normalize and hash entire title
-- concatenate subtitle to title or not
-Two advantages of hashing are:
-- we can shard/partition based on the key. this would not be the case if the
- keys were raw natural language tokens
-- advantages from fixed-size datatypes (eg, uint64)
-## Bulk Joining
-"Target" index could include all hash types in a single index. "Source" index
-in bulk mode could be either all hash types concatenated together and run
-together, then re-sort and uniq the output (eg, by release-to-release pairings)
-to remove dupes. In many cases this would have the overhead of computing the
-fuzzy verification multiple times redundantly (but only a small fixed maximum
-number of duplicates). Alternatively, with greater pipeline complexity, could
-do an initial match on one hash type, then attempt matching (eg, recompute and
-sort and join) for the other hash types only for those which did not match.
-## Citation Graph Index Output
-Imagining successful match rows to look like:
-- `match_status` (eg, strong/weak)
-- `source_release_ident`
-- `source_release_stage`
-- `ref_key` (optional? or `ref_index`?)
-- `source_work_ident`
-- `target_release_ident`
-- `target_release_stage`
-- `target_work_ident`
-Would run a sort/uniq on `(source_release_ident,target_release_ident)`.
-Could filter by stages, then sort/uniq work-to-work counts to generate simple
-inbound citation counts for each target work.
-Could sort `target_work_ident` and generate groups of inbound works ("best
-release per work") citing that work. Then do fast key lookups to show
-"works/releases citing this work/release".
-## To Be Decided
-- bulk datastore/schema: just TSV files sorted by key column? if protobuf, how
- to encode? what about SQL? parquet/arrow?
-- what datastores would allow fast merge sorts? do SQL engines (parquet)
- actually do this?
-- would we need to make changes to be more compatible with something like
- opencitations? Eg, I think they want DOI-to-DOI citations; having to look
- those up again from fatcat API would be slow
-- should we do this in a large distributed system like spark (maybe pyspark for
- fuzzy verification) or stick to simple UNIX/CLI tools?
-- wikipedia articles as sources?
-- openlibrary identifiers?
-- archive.org as additional identifiers?