path: root/fatcat_scholar
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'fatcat_scholar')
3 files changed, 10 insertions, 247 deletions
diff --git a/fatcat_scholar/grobid2json.py b/fatcat_scholar/grobid2json.py
deleted file mode 100755
index c99b9ed..0000000
--- a/fatcat_scholar/grobid2json.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-NB: adapted to work as a library for PDF extraction. Will probably be
-re-written eventually to be correct, complete, and robust; this is just a
-first iteration.
-This script tries to extract everything from a GROBID TEI XML fulltext dump:
-- header metadata
-- affiliations
-- references (with context)
-- abstract
-- fulltext
-- tables, figures, equations
-A flag can be specified to disable copyright encumbered bits (--no-emcumbered):
-- abstract
-- fulltext
-- tables, figures, equations
-Prints JSON to stdout, errors to stderr
-This file copied from the sandcrawler repository.
-import argparse
-import io
-import json
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-from typing import Any, AnyStr, Dict, List, Optional
-xml_ns = "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"
-ns = "http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"
-def all_authors(elem: Optional[ET.Element], ns: str = ns) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
- if not elem:
- return []
- names = []
- for author in elem.findall(".//{%s}author" % ns):
- pn = author.find("./{%s}persName" % ns)
- if not pn:
- continue
- given_name = pn.findtext("./{%s}forename" % ns) or None
- surname = pn.findtext("./{%s}surname" % ns) or None
- full_name = " ".join(pn.itertext())
- obj: Dict[str, Any] = dict(name=full_name)
- if given_name:
- obj["given_name"] = given_name
- if surname:
- obj["surname"] = surname
- ae = author.find("./{%s}affiliation" % ns)
- if ae:
- affiliation: Dict[str, Any] = dict()
- for on in ae.findall("./{%s}orgName" % ns):
- on_type = on.get("type")
- if on_type:
- affiliation[on_type] = on.text
- addr_e = ae.find("./{%s}address" % ns)
- if addr_e:
- address = dict()
- for t in addr_e.getchildren():
- address[t.tag.split("}")[-1]] = t.text
- if address:
- affiliation["address"] = address
- # affiliation['address'] = {
- # 'post_code': addr.findtext('./{%s}postCode' % ns) or None,
- # 'settlement': addr.findtext('./{%s}settlement' % ns) or None,
- # 'country': addr.findtext('./{%s}country' % ns) or None,
- # }
- obj["affiliation"] = affiliation
- names.append(obj)
- return names
-def journal_info(elem: ET.Element) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- journal = dict()
- journal["name"] = elem.findtext(f".//{{{ns}}}monogr/{{{ns}}}title")
- journal["publisher"] = elem.findtext(
- f".//{{{ns}}}publicationStmt/{{{ns}}}publisher"
- )
- if journal["publisher"] == "":
- journal["publisher"] = None
- journal["issn"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="ISSN"]' % ns)
- journal["eissn"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="eISSN"]' % ns)
- journal["volume"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="volume"]' % ns)
- journal["issue"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="issue"]' % ns)
- keys = list(journal.keys())
- # remove empty/null keys
- for k in keys:
- if not journal[k]:
- journal.pop(k)
- return journal
-def biblio_info(elem: ET.Element, ns: str = ns) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- ref: Dict[str, Any] = dict()
- ref["id"] = elem.attrib.get("{http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace}id")
- ref["unstructured"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}note[@type="raw_reference"]' % ns)
- # Title stuff is messy in references...
- ref["title"] = elem.findtext(f".//{{{ns}}}analytic/{{{ns}}}title")
- other_title = elem.findtext(f".//{{{ns}}}monogr/{{{ns}}}title")
- if other_title:
- if ref["title"]:
- ref["journal"] = other_title
- else:
- ref["journal"] = None
- ref["title"] = other_title
- ref["authors"] = all_authors(elem, ns=ns)
- ref["publisher"] = elem.findtext(f".//{{{ns}}}publicationStmt/{{{ns}}}publisher")
- if not ref["publisher"]:
- ref["publisher"] = elem.findtext(f".//{{{ns}}}imprint/{{{ns}}}publisher")
- if ref["publisher"] == "":
- ref["publisher"] = None
- date = elem.find('.//{%s}date[@type="published"]' % ns)
- ref["date"] = (date is not None) and date.attrib.get("when")
- ref["volume"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="volume"]' % ns)
- ref["issue"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="issue"]' % ns)
- ref["doi"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="DOI"]' % ns)
- ref["arxiv_id"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="arXiv"]' % ns)
- if ref["arxiv_id"] and ref["arxiv_id"].startswith("arXiv:"):
- ref["arxiv_id"] = ref["arxiv_id"][6:]
- ref["pmcid"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="PMCID"]' % ns)
- ref["pmid"] = elem.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="PMID"]' % ns)
- el = elem.find('.//{%s}biblScope[@unit="page"]' % ns)
- if el is not None:
- if el.attrib.get("from") and el.attrib.get("to"):
- ref["pages"] = "{}-{}".format(el.attrib["from"], el.attrib["to"])
- else:
- ref["pages"] = el.text
- el = elem.find(".//{%s}ptr[@target]" % ns)
- if el is not None:
- ref["url"] = el.attrib["target"]
- # Hand correction
- if ref["url"].endswith(".Lastaccessed"):
- ref["url"] = ref["url"].replace(".Lastaccessed", "")
- if ref["url"].startswith("<"):
- ref["url"] = ref["url"][1:]
- if ">" in ref["url"]:
- ref["url"] = ref["url"].split(">")[0]
- else:
- ref["url"] = None
- return ref
-def teixml2json(content: AnyStr, encumbered: bool = True) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- if isinstance(content, str):
- tree = ET.parse(io.StringIO(content))
- elif isinstance(content, bytes):
- tree = ET.parse(io.BytesIO(content))
- info: Dict[str, Any] = dict()
- # print(content)
- # print(content.getvalue())
- tei = tree.getroot()
- header = tei.find(".//{%s}teiHeader" % ns)
- if header is None:
- raise ValueError("XML does not look like TEI format")
- application_tag = header.findall(f".//{{{ns}}}appInfo/{{{ns}}}application")[0]
- info["grobid_version"] = application_tag.attrib["version"].strip()
- info["grobid_timestamp"] = application_tag.attrib["when"].strip()
- info["title"] = header.findtext(f".//{{{ns}}}analytic/{{{ns}}}title")
- info["authors"] = all_authors(
- header.find(f".//{{{ns}}}sourceDesc/{{{ns}}}biblStruct")
- )
- info["journal"] = journal_info(header)
- date = header.find('.//{%s}date[@type="published"]' % ns)
- info["date"] = (date is not None) and date.attrib.get("when")
- info["fatcat_release"] = header.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="fatcat"]' % ns)
- info["doi"] = header.findtext('.//{%s}idno[@type="DOI"]' % ns)
- if info["doi"]:
- info["doi"] = info["doi"].lower()
- refs = []
- for (i, bs) in enumerate(tei.findall(f".//{{{ns}}}listBibl/{{{ns}}}biblStruct")):
- ref = biblio_info(bs)
- ref["index"] = i
- refs.append(ref)
- info["citations"] = refs
- text = tei.find(".//{%s}text" % (ns))
- # print(text.attrib)
- if text and text.attrib.get("{%s}lang" % xml_ns):
- info["language_code"] = text.attrib["{%s}lang" % xml_ns] # xml:lang
- if encumbered:
- el = tei.find(f".//{{{ns}}}profileDesc/{{{ns}}}abstract")
- info["abstract"] = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip()
- el = tei.find(f".//{{{ns}}}text/{{{ns}}}body")
- info["body"] = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip()
- el = tei.find(f'.//{{{ns}}}back/{{{ns}}}div[@type="acknowledgement"]')
- info["acknowledgement"] = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip()
- el = tei.find(f'.//{{{ns}}}back/{{{ns}}}div[@type="annex"]')
- info["annex"] = (el or None) and " ".join(el.itertext()).strip()
- # remove empty/null keys
- keys = list(info.keys())
- for k in keys:
- if not info[k]:
- info.pop(k)
- return info
-def main() -> None: # pragma no cover
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
- description="GROBID TEI XML to JSON",
- usage="%(prog)s [options] <teifile>...",
- )
- parser.add_argument(
- "--no-encumbered",
- action="store_true",
- help="don't include ambiguously copyright encumbered fields (eg, abstract, body)",
- )
- parser.add_argument("teifiles", nargs="+")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- for filename in args.teifiles:
- content = open(filename, "r").read()
- print(
- json.dumps(
- teixml2json(content, encumbered=(not args.no_encumbered)),
- sort_keys=True,
- )
- )
-if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma no cover
- main()
diff --git a/fatcat_scholar/query_citation.py b/fatcat_scholar/query_citation.py
index 6cc9086..dea4f02 100644
--- a/fatcat_scholar/query_citation.py
+++ b/fatcat_scholar/query_citation.py
@@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ timeout and try/except! In the future, perhaps should be async so it can run in
parallel with "regular" query?
-import io
import sys
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from typing import Any, Optional, Tuple
import fuzzycat.common
@@ -20,9 +18,9 @@ import fuzzycat.verify
import requests
from fatcat_openapi_client import ReleaseContrib, ReleaseEntity, ReleaseExtIds
from fuzzycat.matching import match_release_fuzzy
+from grobid_tei_xml import parse_citations_xml
from fatcat_scholar.api_entities import entity_to_dict
-from fatcat_scholar.grobid2json import biblio_info
def grobid_process_citation(
@@ -47,11 +45,10 @@ def grobid_process_citation(
def transform_grobid(raw_xml: str) -> Optional[dict]:
- # first, remove any xmlns stuff
- raw_xml = raw_xml.replace('xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"', "")
- tree = ET.parse(io.StringIO(raw_xml))
- root = tree.getroot()
- ref = biblio_info(root, ns="")
+ ref_list = parse_citations_xml(raw_xml)
+ if not ref_list:
+ return None
+ ref = ref_list[0]
if not any(ref.values()):
return None
return ref
diff --git a/fatcat_scholar/transform.py b/fatcat_scholar/transform.py
index f805e7b..caeff21 100644
--- a/fatcat_scholar/transform.py
+++ b/fatcat_scholar/transform.py
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence
import sentry_sdk
from fatcat_openapi_client import FileEntity, ReleaseEntity, WebcaptureEntity
+from grobid_tei_xml import parse_document_xml
from fatcat_scholar.config import GIT_REVISION, settings
-from fatcat_scholar.grobid2json import teixml2json
from fatcat_scholar.identifiers import clean_doi, clean_pmcid
from fatcat_scholar.schema import (
@@ -521,7 +521,8 @@ def transform_heavy(heavy: IntermediateBundle) -> Optional[ScholarDoc]:
if f.ident == heavy.grobid_fulltext["file_ident"]
- tei_dict: Optional[dict] = teixml2json(heavy.grobid_fulltext["tei_xml"])
+ tei_doc = parse_document_xml(heavy.grobid_fulltext["tei_xml"])
+ tei_dict = tei_doc.to_legacy_dict()
except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError:
tei_dict = None
if tei_dict:
@@ -900,7 +901,8 @@ def refs_from_heavy(heavy: IntermediateBundle) -> Sequence[RefStructured]:
for r in heavy.releases
if r.ident == heavy.grobid_fulltext["release_ident"]
- tei_dict = teixml2json(heavy.grobid_fulltext["tei_xml"])
+ tei_doc = parse_document_xml(heavy.grobid_fulltext["tei_xml"])
+ tei_dict = tei_doc.to_legacy_dict()
fulltext_refs = refs_from_grobid(fulltext_release, tei_dict)
crossref_refs: List[RefStructured] = []