path: root/notes
diff options
authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2020-06-29 22:02:52 -0700
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2020-06-29 22:02:52 -0700
commitac1c97af86e4072cf898e46de61bea9a2bfe0b93 (patch)
tree74e4b2928b9c64044ae7c6c50e6c514986f3582e /notes
parent3445b16cec387a478a9f0a0888510da302075cf4 (diff)
update plan doc
Diffstat (limited to 'notes')
1 files changed, 2 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/notes/plan.txt b/notes/plan.txt
index 9a2d998..794349f 100644
--- a/notes/plan.txt
+++ b/notes/plan.txt
@@ -1,91 +1,26 @@
-x write proposals
- => overview
- => document-per-work schema
- => URL structure
- => fatcat indexing pipeline
- => microfilm indexing pipeline
-x fastapi skeleton
- => pipenv
- => jinja2 templates
-x sketch out elasticsearch schema
-x issue db
-x release w/ or w/o sim pipeline
- => start with work_ident
- => fetch releases
- => discover/match to ia_sim item (stub)
-x sim w/o release pipeline
- => check if there are fatcat releases for issue
- => otherwise iterate over entire issue generating pages
-x example corpus: fatcat papers w/ GROBID TEI-XML
- => start with covid19 corpus/pipeline
-x example corpus: sim microfilm
-x check release w/ sim pipeline
-x release index pdftotext hack
- => test on laptop
-- indexing pipeline skeleton
- x postgrest access
- x intermediate "heavy" schema
+- indexing pipeline
=> kafka topics and schemas
- => minio/seaweedfs access
- estimate fraction of SIM content with releases in fatcat ("backwards" fraction)
-x xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: unbound prefix: line 1, column 0
. only some thumbnails showing?
=> maybe because found GROBID "before" pdftotext?
. assert 'page_numbers' in issue_meta
-. UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xed in position 984: invalid continuation byte
- => while reading pdftotext
-x contribs not coming through
-x are abstracts being searched?
-x "indexed" links broken
-x abstract JATS not getting striped
-x default type filter as "papers", not "everything"
- container_original_name (?)
-- still leaking HTML through abstracts
- => let's do proper highlight escapes
- => still happening after ES filter (!)
-x abstracts in ES schema; maybe don't really need abstract alias, do in query schema?
- => just make "object" for now
- fetch_sim_issue / fetch_sim
-- pass through thumbnail URL
- first_page in sim_fulltext object
- container metadata in sim pipeline, and pass through for indexing
- UI tweaks
- . "hits" spilling over out of side bar
- . fatcat_ident links
- . pmcid display
- . for debugging, a link to search doc (like a tag?)
- . need many more schema aliases for biblio fields (eg, title); doctype for doc_type
- . fewer but longer highlights
- . jinja2 less whitespace (some config flag?)
- . query in the search bar (after a search)
- . filters actually working
- . mobile CSS fixes
- . larger font size
- . search error page
- . i18n and zh examples
- => change "indexed" tag to an icon (or "json"), and fix QA links
- => mobile thumbnail could use top thumbnail margin? or all actually?
=> w3c validate
- experiment: existing archive.org fulltext search, my style UI/UX
=> merging server-side is tricky... could do async and show a JS popup?
- small ideas
- x search ranking:
- - title boost
- - biblio
- - stage boost
- - have-fulltext boost
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-rank-feature-query.html
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.7/query-dsl-boosting-query.html
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.7/query-dsl-bool-query.html
- https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.7/query-dsl-function-score-query.html
=> query boost for language match
=> query helper to inject more works
=> 404 and 5xx handlers (web)
@@ -100,6 +35,6 @@ x abstracts in ES schema; maybe don't really need abstract alias, do in query sc
=> robots.txt?
- later projects/proposals
- => pass query through to in-book reading
=> query parser
+ => pass query through to in-book reading
=> re-OCR web PDFs with poor/missing OCR