path: root/appengine_django/tests/
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authorbryan newbold <>2009-06-14 19:51:50 -0400
committerbryan newbold <>2009-06-14 19:51:50 -0400
commitae078728c8bc1c7d4412c4cb19b6802e9b7e8f74 (patch)
tree978ab726bbad7575ffb66d5e2ceee6b69a1096f1 /appengine_django/tests/
parent0c17a5bb3d6b637f0197418f792045509b7e2d7b (diff)
initial appengine setup; BROKEN
Diffstat (limited to 'appengine_django/tests/')
1 files changed, 310 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/appengine_django/tests/ b/appengine_django/tests/
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/appengine_django/tests/
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+# Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+"""Tests that the serialization modules are functioning correctly.
+In particular, these tests verify that the modifications made to the standard
+Django serialization modules function correctly and that the combined datastore
+and Django models can be dumped and loaded to all of the provided formats.
+import os
+import re
+import unittest
+from StringIO import StringIO
+from django.core import serializers
+from google.appengine.ext import db
+from appengine_django.models import BaseModel
+class ModelA(BaseModel):
+ description = db.StringProperty()
+class ModelB(BaseModel):
+ description = db.StringProperty()
+ friend = db.Reference(ModelA)
+class TestAllFormats(type):
+ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
+ """Extends base test functions to be called for every serialisation format.
+ Looks for functions matching 'run.*Test', where the wildcard in the middle
+ matches the desired test name and ensures that a test case is setup to call
+ that function once for every defined serialisation format. The test case
+ that is created will be called 'test<format><name>'. Eg, for the function
+ 'runKeyedObjectTest' functions like 'testJsonKeyedObject' will be created.
+ """
+ test_formats = serializers.get_serializer_formats()
+ test_formats.remove("python") # Python serializer is only used indirectly.
+ for func_name in attrs.keys():
+ m = re.match("^run(.*)Test$", func_name)
+ if not m:
+ continue
+ for format in test_formats:
+ test_name = "test%s%s" % (format.title(),
+ test_func = eval("lambda self: getattr(self, \"%s\")(\"%s\")" %
+ (func_name, format))
+ attrs[test_name] = test_func
+ return super(TestAllFormats, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
+class SerializationTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Unit tests for the serialization/deserialization functionality.
+ Tests that every loaded serialization format can successfully dump and then
+ reload objects without the objects changing.
+ """
+ __metaclass__ = TestAllFormats
+ def compareObjects(self, orig, new, format="unknown"):
+ """Compares two objects to ensure they are identical.
+ Args:
+ orig: The original object, must be an instance of db.Model.
+ new: The new object, must be an instance of db.Model.
+ format: The serialization format being tested, used to make error output
+ more helpful.
+ Raises:
+ The function has no return value, but will raise assertion errors if the
+ objects do not match correctly.
+ """
+ if orig.key().name():
+ # Only compare object keys when the key is named. Key IDs are not static
+ # and will change between dump/load. If you want stable Keys they need to
+ # be named!
+ self.assertEqual(orig.key(), new.key(),
+ "keys not equal after %s serialization: %s != %s" %
+ (format, repr(orig.key()), repr(new.key())))
+ for key in
+ oval = getattr(orig, key)
+ nval = getattr(new, key)
+ if isinstance([key], db.Reference):
+ # Need to compare object keys not the objects themselves.
+ oval = oval.key()
+ nval = nval.key()
+ self.assertEqual(oval, nval, "%s attribute differs after %s "
+ "serialization: %s != %s" % (key, format, oval, nval))
+ def doSerialisationTest(self, format, obj, rel_attr=None, obj_ref=None):
+ """Runs a serialization test on an object for the specified format.
+ Args:
+ format: The name of the Django serialization class to use.
+ obj: The object to {,de}serialize, must be an instance of db.Model.
+ rel_attr: Name of the attribute of obj references another model.
+ obj_ref: The expected object reference, must be an instance of db.Model.
+ Raises:
+ The function has no return value but raises assertion errors if the
+ object cannot be successfully serialized and then deserialized back to an
+ identical object. If rel_attr and obj_ref are specified the deserialized
+ object must also retain the references from the original object.
+ """
+ serialised = serializers.serialize(format, [obj])
+ # Try and get the object back from the serialized string.
+ result = list(serializers.deserialize(format, StringIO(serialised)))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(result),
+ "%s serialization should create 1 object" % format)
+ result[0].save() # Must save back into the database to get a Key.
+ self.compareObjects(obj, result[0].object, format)
+ if rel_attr and obj_ref:
+ rel = getattr(result[0].object, rel_attr)
+ if callable(rel):
+ rel = rel()
+ self.compareObjects(rel, obj_ref, format)
+ def doLookupDeserialisationReferenceTest(self, lookup_dict, format):
+ """Tests the Key reference is loaded OK for a format.
+ Args:
+ lookup_dict: A dictionary indexed by format containing serialized strings
+ of the objects to load.
+ format: The format to extract from the dict and deserialize.
+ Raises:
+ This function has no return value but raises assertion errors if the
+ string cannot be deserialized correctly or the resulting object does not
+ reference the object correctly.
+ """
+ if format not in lookup_dict:
+ # Check not valid for this format.
+ return
+ obj = ModelA(description="test object", key_name="test")
+ obj.put()
+ s = lookup_dict[format]
+ result = list(serializers.deserialize(format, StringIO(s)))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(result), "expected 1 object from %s" % format)
+ result[0].save()
+ self.compareObjects(obj, result[0].object.friend, format)
+ def doModelKeyDeserialisationReferenceTest(self, lookup_dict, format):
+ """Tests a model with a key can be loaded OK for a format.
+ Args:
+ lookup_dict: A dictionary indexed by format containing serialized strings
+ of the objects to load.
+ format: The format to extract from the dict and deserialize.
+ Returns:
+ This function has no return value but raises assertion errors if the
+ string cannot be deserialized correctly or the resulting object is not an
+ instance of ModelA with a key named 'test'.
+ """
+ if format not in lookup_dict:
+ # Check not valid for this format.
+ return
+ s = lookup_dict[format]
+ result = list(serializers.deserialize(format, StringIO(s)))
+ self.assertEqual(1, len(result), "expected 1 object from %s" % format)
+ result[0].save()
+ self.assert_(isinstance(result[0].object, ModelA))
+ self.assertEqual("test", result[0].object.key().name())
+ # Lookup dicts for the above (doLookupDeserialisationReferenceTest) function.
+ "json": """[{"pk": "agR0ZXN0chMLEgZNb2RlbEIiB21vZGVsYmkM", """
+ """"model": "tests.modelb", "fields": {"description": "test", """
+ """"friend": ["ModelA", "test"] }}]""",
+ "yaml": """- fields: {description: !!python/unicode 'test', friend: """
+ """ [ModelA, test]}\n model: tests.modelb\n pk: """
+ """ agR0ZXN0chMLEgZNb2RlbEEiB21vZGVsYWkM\n"""
+ }
+ "json": """[{"pk": "agR0ZXN0chMLEgZNb2RlbEIiB21vZGVsYmkM", """
+ """"model": "tests.modelb", "fields": {"description": "test", """
+ """"friend": "datastore_types.Key.from_path("""
+ """'ModelA', 'test')" }}]""",
+ "yaml": """- fields: {description: !!python/unicode 'test', friend: """
+ """\'datastore_types.Key.from_path("ModelA", "test")\'}\n """
+ """model: tests.modelb\n pk: """
+ """ agR0ZXN0chMLEgZNb2RlbEEiB21vZGVsYWkM\n"""
+ }
+ # Lookup dict for the doModelKeyDeserialisationReferenceTest function.
+ "json": """[{"pk": ["ModelA", "test"], "model": "tests.modela", """
+ """"fields": {}}]""",
+ "yaml": """-\n fields: {description: null}\n model: tests.modela\n """
+ """pk: [ModelA, test]\n"""
+ }
+ "json": """[{"pk": "datastore_types.Key.from_path('ModelA', 'test')", """
+ """"model": "tests.modela", "fields": {}}]""",
+ "yaml": """-\n fields: {description: null}\n model: tests.modela\n """
+ """pk: \'datastore_types.Key.from_path("ModelA", "test")\'\n"""
+ }
+ "json": """[{"pk": "test", "model": "tests.modela", "fields": {}}]""",
+ "yaml": """-\n fields: {description: null}\n model: tests.modela\n """
+ """pk: test\n"""
+ }
+ # Lookup dict for the function.
+ "json": """[{"pk": "ahhnb29nbGUtYXBwLWVuZ2luZS1kamFuZ29yIgsSBk1vZG"""
+ """VsQiIGcGFyZW50DAsSBk1vZGVsQSIEdGVzdAw", """
+ """"model": "tests.modela", "fields": """
+ """{"description": null}}]""",
+ "yaml": """- fields: {description: null}\n """
+ """model: tests.modela\n """
+ """pk: ahhnb29nbGUtYXBwLWVuZ2luZS1kamFuZ29yIgsSBk1"""
+ """vZGVsQiIGcGFyZW50DAsSBk1vZGVsQSIEdGVzdAw\n""",
+ "xml": """<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n"""
+ """<django-objects version="1.0">\n"""
+ """<entity kind="tests.modela" key="ahhnb29nbGUtYXBwL"""
+ """WVuZ2luZS1kamFuZ29yIgsSBk1vZGVsQiIGcGFyZW50DA"""
+ """sSBk1vZGVsQSIEdGVzdAw">\n """
+ """<key>,"""
+ """2008-05-13:ModelA[ahhnb29nbGUtYXBwLWVuZ2luZS1kam"""
+ """FuZ29yIgsSBk1vZGVsQiIGcGFyZW50DAsSBk1vZGVsQSIEdGVzdAw"""
+ """]</key>\n <property name="description" """
+ """type="null"></property>\n</entity>\n</django-objects>"""
+ }
+ # The following functions are all expanded by the metaclass to be run once
+ # for every registered Django serialization module.
+ def runKeyedObjectTest(self, format):
+ """Test serialization of a basic object with a named key."""
+ obj = ModelA(description="test object", key_name="test")
+ obj.put()
+ self.doSerialisationTest(format, obj)
+ def runObjectWithIdTest(self, format):
+ """Test serialization of a basic object with a numeric ID key."""
+ obj = ModelA(description="test object")
+ obj.put()
+ self.doSerialisationTest(format, obj)
+ def runObjectWithReferenceTest(self, format):
+ """Test serialization of an object that references another object."""
+ obj = ModelA(description="test object", key_name="test")
+ obj.put()
+ obj2 = ModelB(description="friend object", friend=obj)
+ obj2.put()
+ self.doSerialisationTest(format, obj2, "friend", obj)
+ def runObjectWithParentTest(self, format):
+ """Test serialization of an object that has a parent object reference."""
+ obj = ModelA(description="parent object", key_name="parent")
+ obj.put()
+ obj2 = ModelA(description="child object", key_name="child", parent=obj)
+ obj2.put()
+ self.doSerialisationTest(format, obj2, "parent", obj)
+ def runObjectWithNonExistantParentTest(self, format):
+ """Test deserialization of an object referencing a non-existant parent."""
+ self.doModelKeyDeserialisationReferenceTest(
+ def runCreateKeyReferenceFromListTest(self, format):
+ """Tests that a reference specified as a list in json/yaml can be loaded OK."""
+ self.doLookupDeserialisationReferenceTest(self.SERIALIZED_WITH_KEY_AS_LIST,
+ format)
+ def runCreateKeyReferenceFromReprTest(self, format):
+ """Tests that a reference specified as repr(Key) in can loaded OK."""
+ self.doLookupDeserialisationReferenceTest(self.SERIALIZED_WITH_KEY_REPR,
+ format)
+ def runCreateModelKeyFromListTest(self, format):
+ """Tests that a model key specified as a list can be loaded OK."""
+ self.doModelKeyDeserialisationReferenceTest(self.MK_SERIALIZED_WITH_LIST,
+ format)
+ def runCreateModelKeyFromReprTest(self, format):
+ """Tests that a model key specified as a repr(Key) can be loaded OK."""
+ self.doModelKeyDeserialisationReferenceTest(
+ def runCreateModelKeyFromTextTest(self, format):
+ """Tests that a reference specified as a plain key_name loads OK."""
+ self.doModelKeyDeserialisationReferenceTest(
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()