path: root/proposals/0008-multiwriter.md
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authorbnewbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2018-07-06 10:40:21 -0700
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-07-06 10:40:21 -0700
commit3ad7ed879fa2cfcb5e205f46253d6873a55d6c66 (patch)
tree7122d41d98d44c64ee1f288cdbdf58d67d13edd2 /proposals/0008-multiwriter.md
parent030cec7c4121b163ac8ec88485e8dac57886d25d (diff)
parent96eb0d32363deaa085bc133db1b6fda25cff2b55 (diff)
Merge pull request #10 from bnewbold/dep-multiwriter
Draft: Multi-Writer DEP
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+Title: **DEP-0008: Multi-Writer**
+Short Name: `0008-multiwriter`
+Type: Standard
+Status: Draft (as of 2018-07-06)
+Github PR: [Draft](https://github.com/datprotocol/DEPs/pull/10)
+[Bryan Newbold](https://github.com/bnewbold),
+[Stephen Whitmore](https://github.com/noffle),
+[Mathias Buus](https://github.com/mafintosh)
+# Summary
+[summary]: #summary
+Multi-Writer is a set of schema, API, and feature extentions to allow multiple
+agents (users, devices, or software) to write to the same hyperdb database. By
+building on top of this abstraction layer, future versions of hyperdrive and
+Dat will gain these features.
+Mechanisms for distributed consistency and granting trust are specified here;
+the need for merge conflict algorithms and secure key distribution are
+mentioned but specific solutions are not specified.
+This DEP forms the second half of the hyperdb specification; the first half
+covered only the key/value database aspects of hyperdb.
+# Motivation
+[motivation]: #motivation
+The current hypercore/Dat ecosystem currently lacks solutions for two
+fundamental use cases:
+- individual users should be able to modify distributed archives under their
+ control from multiple devices, at a minimum to prevent loss of control of
+ content if a single device (containing secret keys) is lost
+- contributions from and collaboration between multiple users on a single
+ archive or database should be possible, with appropriate trust and access
+ control semantics
+Access to a single secret key is currently required to make any change to a
+hypercore feed, and it is broadly considered best practice not to distribute
+secret keys between multiple users or multiple devices. In fact, the current
+hypercore implementation has no mechanism to resolve disputes or recover if
+multiple agents used the same secret key to append to the same feed.
+Solutions to these two use cases are seen as essential for many current and
+future Dat ecosystem applications.
+# Concepts, Behavior, and Usage
+[usage-documentation]: #usage-documentation
+The multi-writer features of hyperdb are implemented by storing and replicating
+the contributions of each writer in a separate hypercore feed. This
+specification concerns itself with the details of how changes from multiple
+feeds (which may be written and replicated concurrently or asynchronously) are
+securely combined to present a unified key/value interface.
+The following related concerns are explicitly left to application developers to
+design and implement:
+- secure key distribution and authentication (eg, if a friend should be given
+ write access to a hyperdb database, how is that friend's feed key found and
+ verified?)
+- merge conflict resolution (using the provided API), potentially using
+ application-layer semantics
+Before we go any further, a few definitions:
+*Feed*: A hypercore feed: an append-only log of *Entries*, which can be
+arbitrary data blobs.
+*Database*: in this context, a Hyperdb key/value database. Built from several
+Feeds (two Feeds per Writer).
+*Writer*: a user (or user controlled device or software agent) that has a
+distinct feed with a public/private key pair, and thus the ability to append
+hypercore entries and "write" changes to their version of the database.
+*Original Writer*: the writer who created a given hyperdb database in the form
+of the *Original Feed*. The public key of the original feed is the one used to
+reference the database as a collection of feeds (eg, for the purpose of
+At a high level, multi-writer hyperdb works by having existing authorized
+writers (starting with the original writer) include authorization of new
+writers by appending metadata to their own feed which points to the new feeds
+(by public key). Each entry in each writer's feed contains "clock" metadata
+that records the known state of the entire database (all writers) seen from the
+perspective of that writer at the time they created the entry, in the form of
+"clock" version pointers. This metadata (a "[vector clock][vc]") can be used by
+other writers to resolve (or at least identify) conflicting content in the
+database. The technical term for this type of system is a "Conflict-free
+replicated data type" ([CRDT][crdt]), and specifically an "Operation-based" (as
+opposed to "State-based") CRDT.
+[vc]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vector_clock
+[crdt]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflict-free_replicated_data_type
+## Core API
+[api]: #api
+A "node" is a data structure representing a database entry, including the
+`key`, `value`, and feed that the entry is commited to.
+`db.get(key)` (as described in the [hyperdb DEP][dep-hyperdb])
+returns an array of nodes. If it is unambiguous what the consistent state of a
+key is, the array will have only that one value. If there is a conflict
+(ambiguity), multiple nodes will be returned. If a key has unambiguously been
+removed from the database, a "null" or empty datatype is returned. If one
+branch of a conflict has a deletion (but at least one of the others does not),
+a node with the `deleted` flag will be returned; note that such "tombstone"
+nodes can still have a `value` field, which may contain application-specific
+metadata (such as a self-reported timestamp), which may help resolve the
+If multiple nodes are returned from a `get`, the writer should attempt to merge
+the values (or chose one over the other) and write the result to the database
+with `db.put(key, value)`. Client libraries can make this process more
+ergonomic by accepting a helper function to select between multiple nodes.
+Libraries can also offer an option to either directly return the value of a
+single node (instead of the node itself), or raise an error; this is likely to
+be more ergonomic for applications which do not intend to support multiple
+writers per database.
+`db.authorize(key)` will write metadata to the local feed authorizing the new
+feed (corresponding to `key`) to be included in the database. Once authorized,
+a feed may further authorize additional feeds (recursively).
+`db.authorized(key)` (returning a boolean) indicates whether the given `key` is
+an authorized writer to the hyperdb database.
+At the time of this DEP there is no mechanism for revoking authorization.
+[dep-hyperdb]: https://github.com/datprotocol/DEPs/blob/master/proposals/0004-hyperdb.md
+## Scaling
+[scaling]: #scaling
+There is some overhead associated with each "writer" added to the feed,
+impacting the number of files on disk, memory use, and the computational cost
+of some lookup oprations. The design should easily accomodate dozens of
+writers, and should scale to 1,000 writers without too much additional
+overhead. Note that a large number of writers also implies a larger number and
+rate of append operations, and additional network connections, which may cause
+scaling issues on their own. More real-world experience and benchmarking is
+needed in this area.
+# Implementation Details
+[reference-documentation]: #reference-documentation
+The complete protobuf schemas for the hyperdb "Entry" and "InflatedEntry"
+message types (as specified in the hyperdb DEP) are:
+message Entry {
+ required string key = 1;
+ optional bytes value = 2;
+ optional bool deleted = 3;
+ required bytes trie = 4;
+ repeated uint64 clock = 5;
+ optional uint64 inflate = 6;
+message InflatedEntry {
+ message Feed {
+ required bytes key = 1;
+ }
+ required string key = 1;
+ optional bytes value = 2;
+ optional bool deleted = 3;
+ required bytes trie = 4;
+ repeated uint64 clock = 5;
+ optional uint64 inflate = 6;
+ repeated Feed feeds = 7;
+ optional bytes contentFeed = 8;
+The fields of interest for multi-writer are:
+- `clock`: a "vector clock" to record observed state at the time of writing the
+ entry. Included in every Entry and InflatedEntry.
+- `inflate`: a back-pointer to the entry index of the most recent InflatedEntry
+ (containing a feed metadata change). Included in every Entry and
+ InflatedEntry. Should not be included for the very first entry in a feed
+ (which is an InflatedEntry).
+- `feeds`: list of public keys for each writer's feed. Only included in
+ InflatedEntry, and only when feeds have changed. Does include a
+ self-reference to the current (local) Feed's key, always as the first
+ element.
+When serialized on disk in a SLEEP directory:
+- `source/`: the original feed, as created or cloned by this writer
+- `local/`: if "local" feed is different from "source", it goes here
+- `peers/<discover-key>/`: all other writers' feed go under this directory (the
+ discovery key is lower-case hex-encoded)
+- `content/<discovery-key>/`: if a higher-level protocol is being used that
+ uses multiple linked hypercore feeds (eg, hyperdrive), the linked "content"
+ feeds all go under this directory
+## Feeds and Vector Clocks
+At any point in time, each writer has a potentially unique view of the
+"current" state of the database as a whole; this is the nature of real-world
+distributed systems. For example, a given write might have the most recent
+appends from one peer (eg, only seconds old), but be missing much older appends
+from another (eg, days or weeks out of date). By having each writer include
+metadata about their percieved state of the system as a whole in operations to
+their Feed, all writers are able to collectively converge on an "eventually
+consistent" picture of the database as whole (this process will be described in
+the next section).
+A writer's "current known state" of the database consists of the set of active
+Feeds, and for each the most recent entry sequence number ("version"). This
+state can be serialized as an array of integers, refered to as a [vector
+Each `put()` operation on the database appends a node to the writer's `local`
+feed, and contains the writer's vector clock as observed at that time.
+`InflatedEntry` nodes also contain a list of all known authorized Feeds;
+inflated nodes only need to be written when the Feed list changes. Every
+non-inflated entry contains a pointer back to the most recent inflated entry;
+inflated entries themselves contain a pointer back to the previous inflated
+entry (the first inflated entry has a null pointer). Elements of a vector clock
+are ordered by the Feed list from the corresponding Inflated entry.
+By convention, the order of Feed lists is to start with the writer's local
+feed first, then proceed by the order in which Feeds were discovered. Note that
+this ordering is not consistent across writers, only within the same feed.
+As an example, if a node (non-inflated entry) had a vector clock of `[0, 2,
+5]`, that would mean:
+- when this node was written, the largest seq # in the writer's local fed was 0
+- when this node was written, the largest seq # in the second known feed was 2
+- when this node was written, the largest seq # in the third known feed was 5
+## Multi-Feed Aware hyperdb
+[multi-aware]: #multi-aware
+The [hyperdb DEP](hyperdb-dep) specifies the procedures for lookup (`get()`)
+and append (`put()`) operations to the database, as well as binary encoding
+schemes for entry messages.
+Note that the trie encoding specifies pointers in a `(feed, entry)` pair
+format. The `feed` integer is an index into the most recent Feed list (found in
+the most recent inflated entry; see the last section). When working with a
+multi-writer hyperdb database, simply look up entries in the appropriate feed,
+instead of only looking in the current feed. The next section ("Consistent
+History") describes which entry (or entries) to start with instead of simply
+assuming the most recent entry from the local feed.
+## Consistent History
+[consist-history]: #consist-history
+The set of all appended nodes in all feeds of a hyperdb, and all the vector
+clock pointers between them, forms a "directed acyclic graph" (DAG). Any node
+which does not have another node pointing to it is called a "head" (this
+terminology is similar to that used in git). At any point in time, an observed
+copy of a database has one or more heads, each representing the top of a
+tree-like graph. In the trivial case of a non-multi-writer hyperdb, there is
+always only a single head: the most recent entry in the local feed. Just after
+appending to the local feed, there is also always a single head, because that
+node's vector clock will reference all know most recent entries from other
+feeds. It is only when nodes are appended by separate writers who did not know
+of the others' concurrent action (and then these changes are replicated) that
+there are multiple heads.
+When operating on the database (eg, executing a `get()` operation), all heads
+must be considered. The lookup proceedure documented in the [hyperdb
+DEP](hyperdb-dep) must be repeated for each head, and nodes returned
+representing the set of all unique values.
+The situation where a `get()` operation multiple heads returns different values
+for the same key is called a "conflict" and requires a "merge" to resolve. Some
+writer (either a human being or application-layer code) must decide on the
+correct value for the key and write that value as a new entry (with a vector
+clock that includes the previous heads). The procedure for chosing the best
+value to use in a given conflict is sometimes easy to determine, but is
+impossible to determine algorithmically in the general case. See the "Usage"
+section for more details.
+# Examples
+[examples]: #examples
+Let's say Alice starts a new hyperdb and writes two key/value entries to it:
+// Operations
+Alice: db.put('/foo/bar', 'baz')
+Alice: db.put('/foo/2', '{"json":3}')
+// Alice's Feed
+0 (key='/foo/bar', value='baz',
+ vector_clock=[0], inflated=null, feeds=['a11ce...']) (InflatedEntry)
+1 (key='/foo/2', value='{"json":3}',
+ vector_clock=[0], inflated=0)
+// Graph
+Alice: 0 <--- 1
+The vector clock at `seq=1` points back to `seq=0`.
+Next Alice *authorizes* Bob to write to the database. Internally, this means Alice
+writes an Inflated entry to her feed that contains Bob's Feed (identified by his
+public key) in her feed list.
+// Operations
+Alice: db.authorize('b0b123...')
+// Alice's Feed
+0 (key='/foo/bar', value='baz',
+ vector_clock=[0], inflated=null, feeds=['a11ce...']) (InflatedEntry)
+1 (key='/foo/2', value='{"json":3}',
+ vector_clock=[0], inflated=0)
+2 (key=null, value=null,
+ vector_clock=[1], inflated=0, feeds=['a11ce...', 'b0b123...']) (InflatedEntry)
+// Graph
+Alice: 0 <--- 1 <--- 2
+Bob writes a value to his feed, and then Alice and Bob sync. The result is:
+// Operations
+Bob: db.put('/a/b', '12)
+// Alice's Feed
+0 (key='/foo/bar', value='baz',
+ vector_clock=[0], inflated=null, feeds=['a11ce...']) (InflatedEntry)
+1 (key='/foo/2', value='{"json":3}',
+ vector_clock=[0], inflated=0)
+2 (key=null, value=null,
+ vector_clock=[1], inflated=0, feeds=['a11ce...', 'b0b123...']) (InflatedEntry)
+// Bob's Feed
+0 (key='/a/b', value='12',
+ vector_clock=[0], inflated=null, feeds=['b0b123...']) (InflatedEntry))
+// Graph
+Alice: 0 <--- 1 <--- 2
+Bob : 0
+Notice that none of Alice's entries refer to Bob's, and vice versa. Neither has
+written any entries to their feeds since the two became aware of each other.
+Right now there are two "heads" of the graph: Alice's feed at seq 2, and Bob's
+feed at seq 0. Any `get()` operations would need to descend from both heads,
+though in this situation there would be no conflicts as the keys in the two
+feeds are disjoint.
+Next, Alice writes a new value, and her latest entry will refer to Bob's:
+// Operations
+Alice: db.put('/foo/hup', 'beep')
+// Alice's Feed
+0 (key='/foo/bar', value='baz',
+ vector_clock=[0], inflated=null, feeds=['a11ce...']) (InflatedEntry)
+1 (key='/foo/2', value='{"json":3}',
+ vector_clock=[0], inflated=0)
+2 (key=null, value=null,
+ vector_clock=[1, null], inflated=0, feeds=['a11ce...', 'b0b123...']) (InflatedEntry)
+3 (key='/foo/hup', value='beep',
+ vector_clock=[2,0], inflated=2)
+// Bob's Feed
+0 (key='/a/b', value='12',
+ vector_clock=[0], inflated=null, feeds=['b0b123...']) (InflatedEntry))
+// Graph
+Alice: 0 <--- 1 <--- 2 <--/ 3
+Bob : 0 <-------------------/
+Alice's latest feed entry now points to Bob's latest feed entry, and there is
+only one "head" in the database. This means that any `get()` operations only
+need to run once, starting at `seq=3` in Alice's feed.
+# Security and Privacy Concerns
+[privacy]: #privacy
+As noted above, there is no existing mechanism for removing authorization for a
+feed once added, and an authorized feed may recursively authorize additional
+feeds. There is also no mechanism to restrict the scope of an authorized feed's
+actions (eg, limit to only a specific path prefix). This leaves application
+designers and users with few tools to control trust or access ("all or
+nothing"). Care must be taken in particular if self-mutating software is being
+distributed via hyperdb, or when action may be taken automatically based on the
+most recent content of a database (eg, bots or even third-party tools may
+publish publicly, or even take real-world action like controlling an electrical
+There is no mechanism to remove malicious history (or any history for that
+matter); if an authorized (but hostile) writer appends a huge number of key
+operations (bloating hyperdb metadata size), or posts offensive or illegal
+content to a database, there is no way to permanently remove the data without
+creating an new database.
+The read semantics of hyperdb are unchanged from hypercore: an actor does not
+need to be "authorized" (for writing) to read the full history of a database,
+they only need the public key.
+As noted in other DEPs, a malicious writer can potentially execute a denial of
+service (DoS) attack by appending hyperdb entries that for a cyclic loop of
+# Drawbacks
+[drawbacks]: #drawbacks
+Mutli-writer capability incurs a non-trivial increase in library, application,
+and user experience complexity. For many applications, collaboration is an
+essential feature, and the complexity is easily justified. To minimize
+complexity for applications which do not need multi-writer features,
+implementation authors should consider configuration modes which hide the
+complexity of unused features. For example, by having an option to returning a
+single node for a `get()` (and throw an error if there is a conflict), or a
+flag to throw an error if a database unexpectedly contains more than a single
+Two tasks (conflict merges and secure key distribution) are left to application
+developers. Both of these are Hard Problems. The current design mitigates the
+former by reducing the number of merge conflicts that need to be handled by an
+application (aka, only the non-trivial ones need to be handled), and
+implementation authors are encouraged to provide an ergonomic API for writing
+conflict resolvers. The second problem (secure key distribution) is out of
+scope for this DEP. It is hoped that at least one pattern or library will
+emerge from the Dat ecosystem such that each application author doesn't need to
+invent a solution from scratch.
+# Rationale and alternatives
+[alternatives]: #alternatives
+Design goals for hyperdb (including the multi-writer feature) included:
+- ability to execute operations (get, put) with a sparse (partial) replication
+ of the database, using as few additional network requests as possible
+- minimal on-disk and on-wire overhead
+- implemented on top of an append-only log (to build on top of hypercore)
+If a solution for core use cases like collaboration and multi-device
+synchronization is not provided at a low level (as this DEP provides), each
+application will need to invent a solution at a higher level, incuring
+duplicated effort and a higher risk of bugs.
+As an alternative to CRDTs, Operational Transformation (OT) has a reputation
+for being more difficult to understand and implement.
+# Unresolved questions
+[unresolved]: #unresolved-questions
+What is the actual on-disk layout (folder structure), if not what is documented
+The local feed's sequence number could skipped from vector clocks, because it's
+implied by the sequence number of the hypercore entry itself. Same with the key
+in the feed list (for inflated entries). In both cases, the redundant data is
+retained for simplicity.
+If there are multiple heads, but they all return the same `value` for a `get()`
+operation, how is it decided which `node` will be returned? AKA, values are the
+same, but node metadata might not be (order of vector clock, etc).
+Suspect that some details are off in the example: shouldn't the InflatedEntry
+authorizing a new feed include a vector clock reference to a specific seq in
+that feed? Should new local (not yet authorized) feeds reference
+their source in an initial InflatedEntry (eg, Bob at seq=0)? Should the first
+InflatedEntry in a feed point to itself in it's vector clock?
+# Changelog
+[changelog]: #changelog
+As of March 2018, Mathias Buus (@mafintosh) is leading development of a hyperdb
+nodejs module on [github](https://github.com/mafintosh/hyperdb), which includes
+multi-writer features and is the basis for this DEP.
+Jim Pick (@jimpick) has been an active contributor working out multi-writer details.
+- 2017-12-06: @noffle publishes `ARCHITECTURE.md` overview in the
+ [hyperdb github repo][arch_md]
+- 2018-05-02: First round of public review
+- 2018-05-23: hyperdb 3.0.0 node.js implementation released
+- 2018-06-10: Second draft submitted for review
+- 2018-07-06: Accepted with Draft status (after edits)
+[arch_md]: https://github.com/mafintosh/hyperdb/blob/master/ARCHITECTURE.md