path: root/chocula/common.py
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Diffstat (limited to 'chocula/common.py')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/chocula/common.py b/chocula/common.py
index 763997b..edd48a3 100644
--- a/chocula/common.py
+++ b/chocula/common.py
@@ -216,3 +216,90 @@ class OnixCsvLoader(KbartLoader):
return record
+class HathifilesLoader(KbartLoader):
+ """
+ Similar to the KBART loader class, but for Hathifiles bulk format.
+ Relavent TSV columns ("one-indexed", not zero-indexed):
+ - 2 access (allow=bright, deny=dark)
+ - 5 description
+ - 10 issn ("multiple values separated by comma")
+ - 12 title (if translated, separated by equals or slash)
+ - 13 imprint (publisher and year; often "publisher, year")
+ - 17 rights_date_used (year; 9999=unknown)
+ - 19 lang (MARC format)
+ """
+ def open_file(self) -> Iterable:
+ return csv.DictReader(
+ open(self.file_path(), "r"),
+ delimiter="\t",
+ fieldnames=[
+ "htid",
+ "access",
+ "rights",
+ "ht_bib_key",
+ "description",
+ "source",
+ "source_bib_num",
+ "oclc_num",
+ "isbn",
+ "issn",
+ "lccn",
+ "title",
+ "imprint",
+ "rights_reason_code",
+ "rights_timestamp",
+ "us_gov_doc_flag",
+ "rights_date_used",
+ "pub_place",
+ "lang",
+ "bib_fmt",
+ "collection_code",
+ "content_provider_code",
+ "responsible_entity_code",
+ "digitization_agent_code",
+ "access_profile_code",
+ "author",
+ ],
+ )
+ def parse_record(self, row: dict, issn_db: IssnDatabase) -> Optional[KbartRecord]:
+ # unpack fields
+ # access = dict(allow="bright", deny="dark")[row['access']]
+ raw_issn = clean_issn(row["issn"].split(",")[0])
+ imprint = clean_str(row["imprint"])
+ raw_date = row["rights_date_used"].strip()
+ issnl = issn_db.issn2issnl(raw_issn or "")
+ rights_date: Optional[int] = None
+ if raw_date.isdigit():
+ rights_date = int(raw_date)
+ start_year: Optional[int] = rights_date
+ if start_year == 9999:
+ start_year = None
+ publisher: Optional[str] = None
+ if imprint:
+ publisher = imprint.split(".")[0].split(",")[0].split("[")[0].strip()
+ record = KbartRecord(
+ issnl=issnl,
+ issne=None,
+ issnp=None,
+ embargo=None,
+ title=clean_str(row["title"]),
+ publisher=publisher,
+ url=None,
+ start_year=start_year,
+ end_year=start_year,
+ start_volume=None,
+ end_volume=None,
+ year_spans=[],
+ )
+ return record