path: root/posts/2016
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authorBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2019-05-18 16:23:07 -0700
committerBryan Newbold <bnewbold@archive.org>2019-05-18 16:23:07 -0700
commit97a3a8ea4122ed97d29176c570389e1db6a91b44 (patch)
tree5010e85e067d3ad3d2502353e57de02785c26dfd /posts/2016
parent1dd4b642da5dfb9fed999b4ca938aba460243e78 (diff)
move finished posts into sub-directories
Diffstat (limited to 'posts/2016')
3 files changed, 847 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/posts/2016/elm-everything-broken.md b/posts/2016/elm-everything-broken.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a9978d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posts/2016/elm-everything-broken.md
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+Title: Everything Is Broken (Installing Elm Edition)
+Author: bnewbold
+Date: 2016-05-06
+*This post is a narrative rant (in the same vein of Dan Luu's ["Everything is
+Broken"][danluu] post) about my problems one afternoon getting a Fancy New
+Programming Language to work on my laptop. [Skip down](#nowwhat) for my
+thoughts on solutions.*
+[danluu]: https://danluu.com/everything-is-broken/
+<br />
+<div class="sidebar">
+<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYk8CKH7OhE">
+<img src="/static/fig/elm-evan-talk.jpg" alt="photo of E.C. giving an elm talk" width="240px" />
+A few folks here at the [Recurse Center][rc] had nice things to say about the
+[Elm programming language][rc], and after watching Evan Czaplicki's ["Let's Be
+Mainstream" talk][0] I got pretty excited also. "Let's try Elm!" and the
+adventure begins.
+[rc]: https://recurse.com/
+[elm]: https://elm-lang.org
+[0]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYk8CKH7OhE
+First I go in the front door with the [install page][install], which redirects
+me to a page which instructs me to use npm.
+[install]: http://elm-lang.org/install
+Hrm, I've had painful experiences with npm in the past, and anyways, isn't
+the Elm compiler implemented in Haskell? Why are they using a package
+management tool for Javascript libraries for installation? No thanks, I'll
+[build from source][build], following these directions from the `README.md`:
+[build]: https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-platform
+ # If you are on LINUX, you need to install a dependency of elm-repl.
+ # Uncomment the following line and run it.
+ # sudo apt-get install libtinfo-dev
+ # if you are on windows, or some other place without curl, just download this file manually
+ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elm-lang/elm-platform/master/installers/BuildFromSource.hs > BuildFromSource.hs
+ runhaskell BuildFromSource.hs 0.16
+<!-- If you don't know how to clone a repo, are you really going to know how to
+get `cabal` set up, open a terminal and paste a command, etc? -->
+Weird that these build-from-source directions involve curl-to-file magics. Why
+not just clone the repo and use a Makefile, which is roughly the same number of
+commands to enter? I clone repo and run the build script from there instead.
+I'm on Debian stable ("jessie"), so installing GHC (the most popular way to use
+Haskell) is easy. I seem to have a recent-ish version of cabal:
+<pre class="terminal">
+bnewbold@eschaton$ cabal --version
+cabal-install version
+using version of the Cabal library
+... so I think i'm ready to go ahead run the `BuildFromSource.hs` script:
+<pre class="terminal">
+bnewbold@eschaton$ runhaskell ~/src/elm-platform/installers/BuildFromSource.hs 0.16
+GHCi runtime linker: fatal error: I found a duplicate definition for symbol
+whilst processing object file
+This could be caused by:
+* Loading two different object files which export the same symbol
+* Specifying the same object file twice on the GHCi command line
+* An incorrect `package.conf' entry, causing some object to be
+ loaded twice.
+GHCi cannot safely continue in this situation. Exiting now. Sorry.
+Uh-oh! Not sure what that means. A search returns [a FAQ entry][faq-entry]
+about "Duplicate Directions" which talks about linker flags, but *I* didn't
+compile anything by hand so it doesn't seem like *I* have done anything wrong.
+I'll try updating `cabal`'s package index:
+[faq-entry]: https://wiki.haskell.org/GHC/FAQ#Duplicate_Definitions
+<pre class="terminal">
+bnewbold@eschaton$ cabal update
+Downloading the latest package list from hackage.haskell.org
+cabal: Failed to download
+http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/00-index.tar.gz : ErrorMisc "Error
+HTTP code: 502"
+No go! At first I assumed I was doing something wrong, or maybe the WiFi was
+flakey, but it turns out that the Hackage package repository [is
+> hackage.haskell.org down
+> Full Service Disruption
+> [Investigating] The hackage server is in an out of memory condition. We're investigating.
+<div class="sidebar">
+As far as I know, the only Debian packages out of the huge stable archive which
+don't receive security updates are web browsers, mediawiki, and all V8/node.js
+packages and libraries.
+Well, it wasn't even clear if updating my package index would fix the problem,
+it was just a wild guess. I'll give up and try npm, which these days has been
+[sort of packaged][deb-node] in Debian. I'll just uninstall npm when I'm done
+installing Elm. I install with `apt` (which pulls in a huge list of `nodejs`
+packages), but then can finally run:
+[deb-node]: https://www.debian.org/releases/stable/amd64/release-notes/ch-information.en.html#libv8
+<pre class="terminal">
+bnewbold@eschaton$ npm install elm
+> elm@0.16.0 install /home/bnewbold/bin/node_modules/elm
+> node install.js
+sh: 1: node: not found
+npm WARN This failure might be due to the use of legacy binary "node"
+npm WARN For further explanations, please read
+npm ERR! elm@0.16.0 install: `node install.js`
+npm ERR! Exit status 127
+npm ERR!
+npm ERR! Failed at the elm@0.16.0 install script.
+npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the elm package,
+npm ERR! not with npm itself.
+npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
+npm ERR! node install.js
+npm ERR! You can get their info via:
+npm ERR! npm owner ls elm
+npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
+npm ERR! System Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64
+npm ERR! command "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "elm"
+npm ERR! cwd /home/bnewbold/bin
+npm ERR! node -v v0.10.29
+npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.21
+npm ERR!
+npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in:
+npm ERR! /home/bnewbold/bin/npm-debug.log
+npm ERR! not ok code 0
+<div class="sidebar">
+Later I learned that I could have instead installed the nodejs-legacy
+package, which just installs a symlink /usr/bin/node which points to
+Looks like Debian wants to refer to node.js as "`nodejs`" while npm/Elm expects
+it to be "`node`". Ok, I create this shim named `node` in my `~/bin` directory
+(which is on my `$PATH`), and make it executable:
+<pre class="terminal">
+nodejs $*
+Now I can do things like:
+<pre class="terminal">
+bnewbold@eschaton$ node --version
+Great! Now let's install Elm with npm!
+<pre class="terminal">
+bnewbold@eschaton$ npm install elm
+> elm@0.16.0 install /home/bnewbold/bin/node_modules/elm
+> node install.js
+Downloading Elm Reactor assets from https://dl.bintray.com/elmlang/elm-platform/0.16.0/elm-reactor-assets.tar.gz
+Error communicating with URL https://dl.bintray.com/elmlang/elm-platform/0.16.0/linux-x64.tar.gz Error: CERT_UNTRUSTED
+npm WARN This failure might be due to the use of legacy binary "node"
+npm WARN For further explanations, please read
+npm ERR! elm@0.16.0 install: `node install.js`
+npm ERR! Exit status 1
+npm ERR!
+npm ERR! Failed at the elm@0.16.0 install script.
+npm ERR! This is most likely a problem with the elm package,
+npm ERR! not with npm itself.
+npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
+npm ERR! node install.js
+npm ERR! You can get their info via:
+npm ERR! npm owner ls elm
+npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.
+npm ERR! System Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64
+npm ERR! command "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "elm"
+npm ERR! cwd /home/bnewbold/bin
+npm ERR! node -v v0.10.29
+npm ERR! npm -v 1.4.21
+npm ERR!
+npm ERR! Additional logging details can be found in:
+npm ERR! /home/bnewbold/bin/npm-debug.log
+npm ERR! not ok code 0
+Whoops. There is [a github issue][elm-issue] that has some tips about this: the
+recommended solutions online are basically "upgrade node.js and npm" or
+"disable SSL security". That doesn't sound great, but i'm feeling very
+impatient at this point so I tried disabling SSL checks with `npm config set ca
+null`, but even then I get the certificate error. Enough of that approach:
+[elm-issue]: https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-platform/issues/100
+<pre class="terminal">
+sudo apt remove npm nodejs
+rm ~/bin/node
+Poking around a bit more, I find the promisingly-titled "`fubar.sh`" script in
+the `elm-platform` repo cloned earlier, which seems to nuke the local user's
+Haskell (`cabal`) stuff (but doesn't muck with system-wide package, eg `apt`
+managed GHC libraries). After running `fubar.sh` the `BuildFromSource.hs`
+script seems to start working (success!), but Hackage is still down (now, an
+hour after I started this process, approaching 5 hours total downtime), so I
+can't install dependencies.
+I search for a hackage mirror and find that [FPComplete runs
+one](https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2015/03/hackage-mirror). In addition to
+their configuration instructions I had to set `remote-repo-cache` in my
+`~/.cabal/config`, like so:
+ remote-repo: hackage.fpcomplete.com:http://hackage.fpcomplete.com/
+ remote-repo-cache: /home/bnewbold/.cabal/packages-fpcomplete
+After that I `cabal update` and run the `BuildFromSource.hs` script again. It
+fails to build the dependency `websockets-snap`, but I try installing that
+regularly (`cabal install websockets-snap`) and that works, and then all the
+dependencies with BuildFromSource.hs build. Yay!
+I still get an error with compiling Elm itself though:
+ src/Elm/Package.hs:60:25:
+ Not in scope: `<$>'
+ Perhaps you meant `</>' (imported from System.FilePath)
+It [sounds like](https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-platform/issues/30) I am using
+an out of date version of GHC (the Haskell compiler): I have 7.6.3 (the version
+that comes with Debian), and Elm wants 7.10. Fair enough: unlike a package
+manager, I can see how new features in the compiler would be helpful, and when
+I go back and check this was outlined in the README. Fortunately there is a new
+version of GHC in the `jessie-backports` repo, so:
+<pre class="terminal">
+sudo apt install -t jessie-backports ghc
+And now:
+<pre class="terminal">
+bnewbold@eschaton$ cabal --version
+cabal-install version
+using version of the Cabal library
+bnewbold@eschaton$ ghc --version
+The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.10.3
+After that, I'm miraculously able to compile. Horray! I add
+`~/bin/Elm-Platform/0.16/.cabal-sandbox/bin` to my `$PATH` and I can run:
+<pre class="terminal">
+bnewbold@eschaton$ elm-repl
+---- elm repl 0.16.0 -----------------------------------------------------------
+:help for help, :exit to exit, more at <https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-repl>
+To be clear, once I got this far I had few or no problems with Elm. The
+language seems reasonably clean and well documented for it's maturity, and it
+was only this install procress that felt horribly broken.
+Throughout this debugging process I had problems with both my external [Lenovo
+Thinkpad USB keyboard][keyboard] glitching (workaround: unplug and re-plug) and
+with WiFi at the Recurse Center disconnecting (workaround: reset wifi card).
+Others here using GNU/Linux have the same wifi problems, but we don't have a
+fix yet... something to do with wireless regulatory zones.
+It's not all pain though; installing the `elm.vim` syntax highlighting plugin
+was very easy, just a single `git clone` into `~/.vim/bundle/`.
+[keyboard]: https://www.amazon.com/Lenovo-ThinkPad-Compact-Keyboard-TrackPoint/dp/B00F3U4TQS
+<a name="nowwhat" />
+So Now What?
+There was a great long-form blog post by Sam Boyer a few months ago ("[So You
+Want To Write a Package Manager][5]") which describes the jumble of *system*,
+*language*, and *project* dependency manager problems I experienced above. Sam
+basically concludes that Rust's project/language dependency manager (Cargo)
+both encapsulates best practices for dependable and reproducible builds, while
+still allowing rapid evolution of a package "ecosystem". Cargo was designed by
+[Yehuda Katz and Carl Lerche][6], and along with the
+[crates.io](https://crates.io) archive it does sound very nice. My personal
+feeling are usually that system-wide package managers (like Debian's `apt`) are
+underappreciated by many young-but-not-bleeding-edge projects, but acknowledge
+that there probably is also a need for higher tempo cross-platform project
+dependency mangement for non-library projects (eg, desktop applications and web
+Ironically (given the difficulty I had installing it), the Elm language's
+package manager has a great `diff` tool for checking that any changes in the
+API conform to the [documented][8] [semantic versioning][semver] conventions.
+For [example](https://gist.github.com/badboy/a302dd0c9020e5759240):
+ $ elm-package diff evancz/elm-html 3.0.0 4.0.2
+ Comparing evancz/elm-html 3.0.0 to 4.0.2...
+ This is a MAJOR change.
+ ------ Changes to module Html.Attributes - MAJOR ------
+ Removed:
+ boolProperty : String -> Bool -> Attribute
+ stringProperty : String -> String -> Attribute
+ ------ Changes to module Html.Events - MINOR ------
+ Added:
+ type alias Options =
+ { stopPropagation : Bool, preventDefault : Bool }
+ defaultOptions : Html.Events.Options
+ onWithOptions : String -> Html.Events.Options -> Json.Decode.Decoder a -> (a -> Signal.Message) -> Html.Attribute
+This API change information is then used to *[programatically enforce][7]* the
+semantic versioning rules for submissions to the Elm language library archive
+and prevent a whole class of simple but annoying breakages due to unexpected
+API changes. It can't detect *every* breaking change (eg, those which are
+internal), but it can detect enough to be worth the effort.
+Another option for detecting fixing breakage is integration testing at the
+package ecosystem level. Debian's [reproducible builds][repro] effort has built
+out one such system, and continues to catch thousands of "failed to build from
+source" (FTBFS) bugs along the way. Dan Luu's ["Everything is Broken"][danluu]
+blog post (which to some degree inspired this one) mostly focused on the lack
+of quality tests for many contemporary software projects, and proposed the use
+of smart fuzzing and heuristically-generated tests to work around the huge
+technical debt this represents. As far as I can tell there are hardly ever
+automated integration tests for entire package archives; blame for dependency
+problems is usually attributed to a bug in one package (instead of being seen
+as a systemic failure), and such problems are seen as an unavoidable cost of
+rapid and distributed development.
+I think we can do better. For example, some contemporary languages test
+compiler changes for regressions against a broad snapshot of public code
+written in that language; I know Go and Rust specifically do this to identify
+problems before compiler releases, and the Python community occasionally runs
+tests against the PyPi archive when considering syntax changes or feature
+deprecations. And Debian's unstable and testing archives enforce a waiting
+period so that human testers can turn up conflicts before packages can be moved
+into stable or backports. I think we can and should automate these processes as
+much as possible, and give direct feedback to library developers and package
+maintainers when they push updates. Commercial Continuous Integration services
+like Travis CI and Circle CI should offer more common target platforms (eg, ARM
+architecture, more versions of distributions), and if they don't we should
+build and host our own testing infrastructure. CI builds scripts should closely
+match the official installation instructions for a given platform, so we catch
+problems with those instructions quickly.
+We have more and more developers in the world wasting more and more days
+wrangling with dependency hell, but despite that I think we're closer than ever
+to taming the beast.
+[5]: https://medium.com/@sdboyer/so-you-want-to-write-a-package-manager-4ae9c17d9527
+[6]: https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/rust-dev/2014-March/009090.html
+[7]: https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-package/blob/master/README.md#version-rules
+[8]: https://github.com/elm-lang/elm-package/blob/master/README.md#publishing-updates
+[semver]: http://semver.org/
+[appcheck]: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/lsb/linux-application-checker-getting-started
+[repro]: https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/debian/reproducible.html
+<hr />
+#### Follow up June 18th, 2016
+A few days after writing this post, a new version of Elm (0.17) was
+[released](http://elm-lang.org/blog/farewell-to-frp). The new version made some
+big changes, like abandoning the [Functional Reactive Programming][frp]
+paradigm. I found that many of the new tutorials weren't working with my 0.16
+install, so I tried to upgrade. After an hour or two of following the
+directions above, I gave up and installed npm on a temporary Debian unstable
+("sid") virtual machine. Once I added a `node` symlink to `nodejs`, I was able
+to install `elm` with npm and develop remotely using `screen` and
+`elm-react`. Frustrating!
+[frp]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Functional_reactive_programming
+<br />
+<center style="font-size: smaller;">
+<img src="/static/fig/status_haskell_broken.png" width="600px" />
+<br />
+Also, status.haskell.org seems to be broken again today, though
+the hackage website works.
+On the plus side, my USB keyboard problem seems to have been due to the cheap
+random USB cable I was using. Since replacing it I haven't had the bad
+flakey-ness, though now after my laptop awakes from sleep the pointer and
+keyboard work but the middle mouse button ("paste" on UNIX) does not.
+Workaround: plug and unplug the whole keyboard.
diff --git a/posts/2016/juliacon.md b/posts/2016/juliacon.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..52751a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posts/2016/juliacon.md
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+Title: What I Learned At JuliaCon
+Author: bnewbold
+Date: 2016-07-12
+Tags: tech, recurse, julia
+*Note: It looks like videos of the JuliaCon talks were uploaded [to
+Youtube][youtube] the day this post was finally published!*
+[youtube]: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP8iPy9hna6SQPwZUDtAM59-wPzCPyD_S
+I was in Cambridge, MA for a few days the other week at [JuliaCon][], a small
+conference for the Julia programming language. Julia is a young language
+(started around 2014 and currently pre-1.0) oriented towards fast numerical
+computation: matrix manipulation, simulation, optimization, signal analysis,
+etc. I've done a fair amount of such programming over the years, and it has
+never felt as elegant or coherent as it could be. The available tools and
+languages are generally either:
+[JuliaCon]: http://juliacon.org
+<div class="sidebar">
+<img src="/static/fig/julia_logo.png" width="180px" alt="julia logo" />
+1. stuck in the 1980s in terms of programming language features for safety,
+ productivity, and collaboration (eg, Fortran and Matlab)
+1. expensive proprietary closed-source packages (eg, Matlab and Mathematica)
+1. general-purpose languages with numerical features either hacked on or in the
+ form of libraries (eg, Python)
+There is a lot to be excited about in Julia. It's already pretty fast
+(leveraging pre-existing JIT tools, hand-tuned matrix and solver libraries, and
+the LLVM compiler suite) and has contemporary high-level language features
+(like optional type annotation, polymorphic function dispatch, package
+management tools, and general systems tools (eg, JSON and HTTP support)) that
+can make the language more faster to develop in, and easier to read and
+maintain. I'm personally excited about the progeny of the language: the
+birthplace of the language is the CSAIL building at MIT, and the spirit of
+[Scheme][sicm] and the work of [Project MAC][] is sprinkled through the
+project. One of the [big pitches](graydon2) of Julia is that scientists won't
+need to learn both a productive high-level language (eg, Python) and a
+low-level performant language (eg, C or Fortran) and interface between the two:
+Julia has everything all in one place.
+[graydon2]: http://graydon2.dreamwidth.org/3186.html
+[sicm]: https://mitpress.mit.edu/sites/default/files/titles/content/sicm/book.html
+[Project MAC]: http://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/projects/mac/
+All that being said, while I thought I would be working in Julia a lot during
+my time at the Recurse Center, I've ended up being much more drawn to the
+[Rust][] language instead. Rust is a general systems language (it's compiled,
+has stronger typing, and no garbage collection), and not great for interactive
+numerical exploration, but I've found it a joy to program in: for the most part
+everything *just works* the way it says it will. My recent experience with
+Julia, on the other hand, has been a lot of breakage between library and
+interpreter versions, poor developer usability (eg, hard to figure out where
+files should live in a package), and very frustrating import/load times. Though
+I have to admit that I while I pushed through some frustrations with Rust, I
+haven't spent *that* much time with Julia, and may have just been impatient, so
+take everything I say here with a grain of salt.
+With these feels going in, what did I learn at JuliaCon and what do I think of
+the future of the language now? In the below sections I'll go over the
+interesting things I saw, then come back to summary at [the end](#summary).
+### Programming Language Design
+An older research language for numerical computing that I have always been
+curious about is Fortress, and the leader of that project (Guy Steele, who also
+worked on the design of the Scheme and Java languages) gave one of the opening
+keynote speeches at JuliaCon this year. Awesome! I get really excited about
+inter-generational learning and dialog.
+Fortress was a very "mathy" language. The number tower was intended to be
+"correct" (aka, have the same structure that mathematicians use), physical
+units were built-in, and some operator precedence was non-transitive. Operators
+on built-in types (like Integers) could be overloaded, unlike in Java, because
+Fortress users could apparently be trusted to "preserve algebraic properties".
+Steele is a proponent of using whitespace (or lack of whitespace) to clarify
+expressions, sort of like extra parentheses, and enforcing this in the
+compiler. For example, the following two statements would be equivalent in most
+languages, but not in Fortress:
+a + b*c + d // Clear: Ok
+a+b * c+d // Misleading: Compiler Error
+This was part of a general effort to allow "whiteboard" style syntax in the
+language. Fortress code actually has two representations: a plain text
+Scala-style source code, and a LaTeX-y symbolic math format. Steele also used
+some font-coloring in his slides to differentiate different types of symbols,
+which reminded me of the helpful style my undergraduate physics professors
+would use on the blackboard. I think this effort to adapt the "look and feel"
+of the language to how the intended audience already writes and communicates is
+really cool. I wonder if a third syntax format could have been added in a
+one-to-one manner: that of a general purpose language like Scala or Haskell
+(both noted as influences to Fortress) to make collaboration with general
+purpose programming experts easier. Steele mentioned that some efforts to make
+the syntax more math-like resulted in "contortions", so there is probably more
+work to be done here.
+In my limited experience, Julia has a pretty clean syntax, and allows some
+math-y [unicode characters as operators][unicode_ops] (like ∈, ≠, etc), but
+didn't prioritize math-y syntax as much as Fortress. Given the open challenges
+with formalizing informal whiteboard syntax this may or may not have been a
+missed opportunity.
+[unicode_ops]: http://docs.julialang.org/en/release-0.4/manual/unicode-input/
+The positive lessons learned from Fortress were summarized as being the type
+system, automatic parallelism (via generators and reducers), the math-y syntax,
+pretty printing (I assume meaning the LaTeX-y representation), physical units,
+and forced syntax clarity (aka, forced use of parentheses and whitespace). One
+issue that come up during implementation was that it was hard to bound the
+latency and computational complexity of type constraint solving at run-time.
+A few other talks touched on language design decisions and features. There was
+a short "Functional HPC" talk by Erik Schnetter, in which it was pointed out
+that for some workloads regular old garbage collection can be faster than
+reference counting: I've become used to thinking of latency and GC pauses as a
+huge performance problem in systems programming, but for number crunching that
+isn't as much of an issue, while little reference overheads are (especially if
+locks or atomic operations are necessary).
+Keno Fischer gave an overview of the [Gallium][] debugger, which had some cool
+features, but is still under development. There are both AST-based and
+LLVM-based backends for the debugger, which allows stepping at function calls,
+line-by-line, or expression-by-expression, which is something I hadn't seen
+before. He demoed stepping through each step of the creation of a matplotlib
+graph, with the output shown graphically after each step. Neat stuff!
+One of my personal interests in Julia would be formalizing the syntax into a
+machine-readable grammar (eg, [EBNF][] or [ABNF][]). I was lucky enough to run
+in to Stefan Karpinski during one of the coffee breaks, and he pointed me to
+the Julia plugin for Eclipse, which already has a partial implementation of a
+A few talks touched on the issue of Nullable datatypes (also called "Maybe" or
+"Option" types in other languages), particularly for data science and
+DataFrame-type applications. I only recently encountered [Option][] (and the
+related [Result][] type) datatypes, in Rust, and can see why people want these
+so badly, but there doesn't seem to be a simple path forward yet. Rust really
+leverages these types in function return signatures, a feature which Julia does
+not have for now; I think I read rumors about them being added in the future,
+but didn't hear any mention of them here or on the 1.0 feature roadmap.
+[Option]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/option/index.html
+[Result]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/core/result/index.html
+[Gallium]: http://juliacon.org/abstracts.html#Gallium
+[EBNF]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Backus%E2%80%93Naur_Form
+[ABNF]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Augmented_Backus%E2%80%93Naur_Form
+### Numeric Abstraction
+One of the big trends I saw was taking advantage of Julia's abstractions around
+generic operators and arrays to experiment with novel computation strategies.
+Sometimes this means improving precision (with novel data types and
+representations), sometimes it means increasing performance (by changing memory
+layout or distribution, or targeting special hardware), and sometimes it just
+makes code more elegant or semantic.
+For example, Tim Holy gave a talk (titled "To the Curious Incident of the CPU
+in the run-time") which covered a bunch of nitty-gritty details for
+implementing wrapper classes that re-shape or re-size Arrays, including sparse
+Lindsey Kuper gave a nice overview of the [ParallelAccelerator.jl][pajl]
+project, which entirely re-compiles Julia into C++ to get some extra performance
+from the static full-program compiler. It seems to me that this only makes
+sense because the Julia language has clean abstractions that the transpiler can
+take advantage of.
+[pajl]: http://juliacon.org/abstracts.html#ParallelAccelerator
+One of my favorite talks from the whole conference was David Sanders' and Luis
+Benet's talk on ValidatedNumerics ("Precise and rigorous calculations for
+dynamical systems"). Instead of computing on approximate (rounded) scalars,
+they compute on intervals of floating point numbers (or in higher dimensions,
+boxes): at the end of computation the "correct" solution is known to be within
+the final box, which also gives context as to how much numerical error has
+accumulated. By defining new *types* to accomplish this (specifically,
+DualNumbers), they can re-use any generic code in a relatively performant
+manner. They also noted that when there is an analytic form to bound the error
+for all following terms, Taylor expansion approximations can be truncated as
+soon as the interval error exceeds the error in all following terms. Cool!
+### Other Fun Stuff
+**[Using Julia as a Quick and Dirty Code Generator][10]:**
+The speaker (Arch Robison) is clearly having way too much fun! He used Julia to
+output assembly code to get fast (real-time) discrete Fourier transform (DFT)
+performance for a little video game called "FreqonInvaders". Infectious
+**[Autonomous driving for RC cars with ROS and Julia][11]:**
+A fun little project doing "Model Predictive Control" on a small model car to
+do stunts like drifting and slide parking into a tiny space. They achieved
+about a 10Hz closed-loop control latency, which seems to me like barely enough
+for this sort of thing, but clearly worked alright. Everything ran on the car
+itself (no computation on a remote desktop with wireless control or anything
+like that), with an Odroid ARM Linux system and an Arduino-compatible
+microcontroller; Julia code using JuMP and other optimization stuff ran on the
+ARM system. The code and raw data (for analysis) is available on the [BARC
+project website](http://www.barc-project.com). Super cool, having this stuff
+being experimented with already means there will be pressure to improve
+soft-real-time performance in the language itself.
+**[Astrodynamics.jl: Modern Spaceflight Dynamics in Julia][12]:**
+Mostly a bunch of code for doing timebase conversions and interpreting (or
+calculating) ephemeris data (which is information about where astro bodies like
+the Moon and planets will be at a given time), but some simple demos of orbital
+simulation and event detection (eg, perihelion time and position) as well. Would
+be cool if the ValidatedNumerics stuff was integrated.
+The demos in this talk were really impressive: live editing of mesh vertices,
+relatively high performance, real-time feedback, etc. There were a bunch of
+good graphics talks: the [GR Framework][14] stuff is really impressive in scope
+(though maybe not as big a performance boost over Python as hoped), and
+[Vulkan][15] is exciting.
+[10]: http://juliacon.org/abstracts.html#FrequonInvaders
+[11]: http://juliacon.org/abstracts.html#RaceCars
+[12]: http://juliacon.org/abstracts.html#Astrodynamics
+[13]: http://juliacon.org/abstracts.html#GLVisualize
+[14]: http://juliacon.org/abstracts.html#GR
+[15]: http://juliacon.org/abstracts.html#Vulkan
+### Diversity
+It's sad to say, but the gender diversity at the conference was really poor,
+particularly in contrast to the Recurse Center (where I have spent the past
+couple months). The women I did meet gave some of the best talks, are crucial
+contributors to infrastructure, and are generally amazing: more please! Aside
+from the principle of the thing, there is just something about a giant sea of
+guys at a tech event that results in a tense group vibe. Everybody I spoke to
+one-on-one was friendly and we had great conversations, but as a group there
+was a lot of ice to be broken. In my experience even hitting 10-20% women in
+attendance can thaw this out, but that's just my anecdotal experience.
+I haven't attended, but I hear that PyCon has done a great job improving
+diversity with careful planning and [systemic initiatives][pycon-diversity].
+Overall, I thought the conference was a great group of people and admirably
+well run. I appreciated the efforts to keep costs low, and everything generally
+ran on time. Thanks to all the volunteer and MIT staff organizers for their
+[pycon-diversity]: https://us.pycon.org/2016/about/diversity/
+### Julia 1.0
+Stefan Karpinski gave an overview of features and roadmap for getting to Julia
+1.0, which I think was a topic close to most attendee's hearts (including
+mine). I ended up with a huge list of written notes, which I'll summarize
+below; the punchline was aiming to have a 1.0 release around one year from now.
+Apparently the one-year goal has been floated in previous years; I'm not sure
+how wise it is in general to float initial release timelines for a project like
+this, it seems like it will just "be done when it's done".
+Some of the goals that were interesting to me:
+- Arrays: might refactor Arrays to have a separate backing abstraction of "Buffers"
+ with arrays on top (apparently Lua and Torch do this).
+- Strings: move full Unicode support out of core language (Base) and into a
+ package. The `@printf` macro will be refactored into a function. To my
+ surprise, currently Strings are implemented as an Array! This has a
+ relatively large overhead for each string (72 bytes).
+- Modularity and Package infrastructure: currently a mess (I agree), `import`,
+ `using` and `export` will be refactored.
+- Compiler: add non-pthreads multithreading; better static compilation; ability
+ to define a `main()` function and get a standalone script or binary; ability
+ to redefine functions and have the changes propagate (cache invalidation
+ problem); stabilize intermediate representations. Seems like a lot!
+- Optimizations: faster garbage collection, more auto-vectorization (eg, for
+ vector floating point units), improve globals performance. Might pull in part
+ of ParallelAccelerator?
+I'm a little nervous how many of these goals are big open questions instead of
+just implementation tasks. I wish there was a more healthy way to experiment
+with new features and refactoring without breaking everything or committing to a
+long-term stable API; I think other languages have settled into good patterns
+for this kind of development, though maybe they needed to go through a
+difficult 1.0 process first. It was mentioned that 0.6 would be the last of the
+0.x series of releases and considered 1.0-alpha, and that from 1.x and on
+things should generally be backwards compatible.
+Separate from Stefan's talk, there was a short overview of progress on the next
+iteration of the Julia package and dependency manger, called Pkg3. The goals
+were described as "a mash-up of virtualenv and cargo": virtualenv is a tool for
+isolating per-application dependencies and toolchains in Python, and Cargo is
+is the Rust dependency manager and build tool (which is also used in a
+per-application fashion). Pkg3 sounds like it will have a concept of distinct
+"global" (meaning system-wide?) installations and "local" (eg, per-project or
+per-directory) installations and name-spacing. The naming could use some work,
+as "global" and "local" are pretty overloaded, but I think they are chasing the
+right goals. Reproducibility (both for binary generation and data/experiment
+reproduction), lock files (which lock in known-good versions of dependencies a
+la Cargo), and other concepts that I care about were also thrown around. I
+didn't catch all the details (and I'm not sure how much has been worked out and
+implemented yet), but after my experiences with [Elm and Rust][elm-broken], and
+the current state of packaging for Julia, I'm excited for Pkg3!
+[elm-broken]: /2016/elm-everything-broken/
+<a name="summary"></a>
+### Overall Julia Feels
+There is sort of an explosion of ideas and experiments going on. It feels sort
+of like what the Ruby community maybe went through with web frameworks, or the
+web community did with languages that compile to Javascript: ambitious ideas,
+which may have been on the back-burner for some time, can finally be prototyped
+quickly and tested in a mostly-real-world environment, and everybody is excited
+to try it out and demo their creations.
+One of the sponsors said:
+> "there is something quite good about not feeling bad about programming"
+and that seemed representative of the current state of Julia. It seems
+undeniable that the language is less painful for developing performant
+numerical code than the previous generation of languages and library wrappers.
+Perhaps because of this enthusiasm and froth of ideas, I'm a little worried
+that the foundations of Julia (the language and the ecosystem) have not yet had
+time to fully bake. The more demos and experiments that get implemented, and
+the more popular they become, the more delicate it becomes to make hard
+decisions about language syntax and features. I think people want stability and
+promised features *yesterday*, but these things take time and reflection. My
+feelings right now is that it doesn't really matter. The enthusiasm for
+*a language like Julia* is proven and growing. Julia itself might end up being
+the first try that gets thrown away in a decade or two, but in the end we'll
+end up with something which is both exciting and robust.
+[PyX.jl]: https://github.com/bnewbold/PyX.jl
+[rust]: https://www.rust-lang.org/
diff --git a/posts/2016/new-server-2016.md b/posts/2016/new-server-2016.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f2245b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/posts/2016/new-server-2016.md
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Title: New Web Server (2016)
+Author: bnewbold
+Date: 2016-05-01
+Tags: tech
+For the past 9 years or so ([February 2007][0] through April 2016), this
+website has run reliably despite being a weird machine: a custom prototype web
+application for archiving and sharing digital "artifacts" of all sorts. I
+remember a bold and sparkling afternoon at a coffee house in Santa Cruz
+agonizing over URL structure and refining categories to collect all the
+material that would (aspirationally) accumulate here over my adult life. All
+things considered I think this effort wasn't wasted: I have indeed collected
+wiki notes, photos, images (distinct!), short links, one-off pages, and longer
+form writing over the years. My enthusiasm for maintaining and interfacing with
+idiosyncratic administrative and upload panels, however, declined rapidly.
+Neither the source code web interface nor the git-backed wiki were ever
+completed or used. I gave up on spam moderating the comment system pretty
+quickly, never actually posted any blog entries, and only ever pecked in a
+couple dozen web links and tweet-like microposts. Even the photo gallery system
+became too much of a time sink to deal with after traveling. Over the years I
+deployed [gitweb][] and [gitit][], and after RSS starting going out of favor I
+even started using [tumblr][1] for random content posts. I was still using the
+Django admin panel's "flatpages" plugin to update my contact info and project
+pages right up through this spring though.
+[gitweb]: https://git-scm.com/docs/gitweb
+[gitit]: http://gitit.net/
+[0]: https://git.bnewbold.net/bnewnet/commit/?id=5b31039d4c581048959dc51436f6918f29fbf9ea
+[1]: http://journal.bnewbold.net/
+While it's been amazing how simple and low maintenance running everything
+(email, repositories, website, etc) has been, the thrill of being on an old and
+unmaintained release of GNU/Linux (Ubuntu 10.04) has worn off, and I'm cleaning
+house. This website (`bnewbold.net`) is now a simple statically generated
+([pelican][]) site. I've kept `gitit`, but moved to `gitolite` (one of my
+favorite pieces of software) and `cgit` for repository hosting. The server runs
+Debian stable (`jessie` to start with), and SSL/TLS certificates come gratis
+via the Let's Encrypt project, for which I'm very grateful. I've stuck with
+[linode][] hosting for this server, though [digital ocean][] is comparable and
+cheaper for setups with fewer photos and large files. Many of these components
+are deployed in an automated fashion using the `ansible` deployment tool; you
+could fork and edit my [infrastructure scripts][infra] to set up those
+components in minutes if you like (though it would probably take an afternoon
+or longer if you've never done something like this before). Not everything is
+settled yet: I haven't moved email, and I'm not sure if I'll stick with
+[mediagoblin][] for photo hosting.
+[pelican]: http://blog.getpelican.com/
+[linode]: https://www.linode.com
+[digial ocean]: https://digitalocean.com
+[infra]: http://git.bnewbold.net/infra/
+[mediagoblin]: http://mediagoblin.org
+<br />
+<div class="centerize" style="font-size: smaller;">
+<a href="http://bnewbold.net/photos/detail/529/">
+<img src="http://media.bnewbold.net/hosted-photos/cache/2008/02/08/IMG_7232.JPG" />
+<br />
+An adelie penguin (the tiny black spot) wandering off alone over the Ross Sea
+ice shelf
+<br />
+The name of my old server is `adelie` (named after a small species of penguin
+that [I saw a lot of][4] in Antarctica), and it's days are limited. Though the
+[`hier`][5] (filesystem layout) of most of my systems are almost identical, I'm
+particularly comfortable on this one. It's seen me through a lot, more than any
+other computer system, and I'll probably miss it in a weird way.
+[4]: http://bnewbold.net/photos/detail/527/
+[5]: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/hier.7.html
+The new server is `adze`; here's hoping it lives even longer!
+<br />
+_**Note:** As initially posted this was just a stub; I re-wrote it in June