path: root/bn_django/git_wiki/templates
diff options
authorbnewbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2010-10-25 19:40:32 +0000
committerbnewbold <bnewbold@robocracy.org>2010-10-25 19:41:52 +0000
commit1ad7cb33abfac55a9be2f1d889c369fd1b43df2f (patch)
treed8846689db0c2ddcc230ef33487c84b8e41ff18e /bn_django/git_wiki/templates
parentbb7258b4be225ee072bf0002ce5f1a87446105ad (diff)
changes for adelie
Diffstat (limited to 'bn_django/git_wiki/templates')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/base.html b/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/base.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 532fde3..0000000
--- a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/base.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "base.html" %}
-{% block stylesheets %}
-{{ block.super }}
-<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="/static/style/git_wiki.css" />
-{% endblock %}
-{% block path %}
-{{ block.super }}
-<a href="/knowledge">knowledge</a>
-{% endblock %}
-{% block title %}
-{% if item %}
-{{ item.title }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
- {% block gitwiki %}
- {% endblock %}
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/commit.html b/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/commit.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e99d553..0000000
--- a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/commit.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "git_wiki/base.html" %}
-{% block stylesheets %}{{ block.super }}
-<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="/static/style/pygments-default.css" />
-{% endblock %}
-{% block title %}Commit: {{ commit.committer_date}}
-{% endblock %}
-{% block gitwiki %} {% if commit %}
- <b>Commit sha1 hash: </b>
- <span class="hash">{{ commit.id }}</span><br />
- <b>Parent sha1 hash: </b>
- {% if commit.parenthash %}
- <a href="/k/commit/{{ commit.parenthash }}/">
- <span class="hash">{{ commit.parenthash }}</span></a>
- {% else %}No parent... root commit?{% endif %}
- <br />
- <b>Tree sha1 hash: </b>
- {% if commit.treehash %}
- <span class="hash">{{ commit.treehash }}</span>
- {% else %}No tree hash?{% endif %}
- <br /><b>Author: </b>
- {{ commit.author }}<br />
- <b>Author Date: </b>
- {{ commit.author_date }}<br />
- <b>Committer: </b>
- {{ commit.committer }}<br />
- <b>Committer Date: </b>
- {{ commit.committer_date }}<br />
- {% if commit.pretty_diff %}
- <pre class="large">{{ commit.pretty_diff|safe}}</pre>
- {% else %}
- {% if commit.rawdiff %}
- <pre class="large">{{ commit.rawdiff }}</pre>
- {% else %}No difference?{% endif %}
- {% endif %}
-{% else %}
- <h3>No such object: {{ hash }}</h3>
-{% endif %} {% endblock %}
diff --git a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/frontpage.html b/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/frontpage.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c8d245..0000000
--- a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/frontpage.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "git_wiki/base.html" %}
-{% block title %}Knowledge Repository{% endblock %}
-{% block right_stuff %}
-<br />
-Get some knowledge: <br />
- &nbsp; - <a href="http://wikipedia.org"> wikipedia</a><br />
- &nbsp; - <a href="http://archive.org"> internet archive</a><br />
- &nbsp; - <a href="http://mathworld.com"> mathworld</a>
-{% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
-<div class="notice">
-<center><b>This site is under active development!</b></center>
-<p />There are undoubtedly bugs, errors, aesthetic travesties, ommissions, etc.
-If you're curious you can track my work in the <a href="/code">code</a> section.
-<div class="right_stuff">
-For more recent content see the <a href="/timeline/">timeline</a>
-<h2><a href="/k/">Browse the knowledge!</a></h2>
-<h3>Latest knowledge items</h3>
-{% include "git_wiki/newitems_table" %}
-<h3>Latest knowledge commits</h3>
-{% include "git_wiki/shortlog_table" %}
-<h3>Latest comments</h3>
-{% if latest_comments %}
-{% include "newcomments_table" %}
-{% else %}
-None yet!
-{% endif %}
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/item.html b/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/item.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cf49753..0000000
--- a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/item.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "git_wiki/base.html" %}
-{% block stylesheets %}
-{{ block.super }}
-<link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="/static/style/docutils.css" />
-{% endblock %}
-{% block right_stuff %}{{block.super}}
-<b>Item name:</b>
- <span class="hash">{{ item.name }}</span><br />
-<b>Item hash:</b>
- <span class="hash">{{ item.id }}</span><br />
-<br /><b>
-View as <a href="/k/{{ item.slug }}/pdf/">pdf</a>,<br />
-or as <a href="/k/{{ item.slug }}/latex/">LaTeX</a>,<br />
-or see the <a href="/k/{{ item.slug }}/raw/">raw source</a>.<br />
-<br />
-Browse the <a href="/k/{{ item.slug }}/log">changelog</a>
-{% endblock %}
-{% block path %}{{ block.super }} &raquo; <a href="/k/{{ item.slug }}/">
- {{ item.path }}</a>{% endblock %}
-{% comment %} Needed the extra .title css info... {% endcomment %}
-{% block title %}<h1 class="title"> {% if doc.title %}{{ doc.title }}{% else %}[Unititled Document]{% endif %}</h1>{% endblock %}
-{% block subtitle %}{% if doc.subtitle %}{{doc.subtitle}}{% endif %}{% endblock %}
-{% block gitwiki %}
-{{ doc.fragment|safe }}
- <br />
-{% endblock %}
-{% comment %}
-BROKEN, comments need char type primary keys
-{% block commentary %}
-<div class="content" id="commentary">
-{% load comments %}
-<br /><p><em>IMPORTANT: Comments only apply to this revision of the item!
-They will be lost if the item is updated.</em></p>
-<h3>Post a comment</h3>
-{% if user.is_authenticated %}
-{% comment_form for git_wiki.item item.id with is_public true %}
-{% else %}
-{% free_comment_form for git_wiki.item item.id with is_public true %}
-{% endif %}
-<br />
-{% get_comment_list for git_wiki.item item.id as comments %}
-{% get_free_comment_list for git_wiki.item item.id as free_comments %}
-{% include "comment_list" %}
-{% endblock %}
-{% endcomment %}
diff --git a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/newitems_table b/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/newitems_table
deleted file mode 100644
index d8682be..0000000
--- a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/newitems_table
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-{% if newitems %}
-<table class="listing">
- {% for i in newitems reversed %}
- <tr> <td class="filename">
- {% ifequal i.type 'blob' %}
- {% if i.isfig %}
- <a href='/k/{{ i.slug }}' class="item">
- {{i.path}}</a>
- </td><td class="links">
- <a href='/k/{{ i.slug }}'>download</a>
- {% else %}
- <a href='/k/{{ i.slug }}' class="item">
- {{i.path}}</a>
- </td><td class="links">
- <a href='/k/{{ i.slug }}/pdf/'>pdf</a>&nbsp;
- <a href='/k/{{ i.slug }}/latex/'>latex</a>&nbsp;
- <a href='/k/{{ i.slug }}/raw/'>raw</a>
- {% endif %}
- </td>
- {% else %} {% ifequal i.type 'tree' %}
- <a href='/k/{{ i.slug }}/' class="tree">
- {{i.path}}/</a>
- </td><td class="links">
- <a href='/k/{{ i.slug }}/'>browse</a>
- </td>
- {% else %}
- <a href='/k/{{ i.slug }}/' class="item">
- {{i.name}}</a>
- </td><td class="links">
- </td>
- {% endifequal %}{% endifequal %}
- </tr>
- {% endfor %}
-{% else %}No new items!
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/shortlog_table b/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/shortlog_table
deleted file mode 100644
index 95aac57..0000000
--- a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/shortlog_table
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-{% if shortlog %}
-<table class="gitbrowser">
-{% for l in shortlog %}
- <td class="date">
- {{ l.date }}</td>
- <td class="author">
- {{ l.author|striptags }}</td>
- <td class="description">
- <a href="/k/commit/{{ l.hash }}/" class="description">
- {{ l.description|escape|truncatewords:10 }}</a></td>
- <td class="shorthash">
- {% if heads %}{% for h in heads.iteritems %}
- {% ifequal h.1 l.hash %}
- <span class="head">[{{ h.0 }}]</span>
- {% endifequal %}
- {% endfor %}{% endif %}
- {% if tags %}{% for t in tags.iteritems %}
- {% ifequal l.hash t.1 %}
- <span class="tag">[{{ t.0 }}]</span>
- {% endifequal %}{% endfor %}{% endif %}
- <a href="/k/commit/{{ l.hash }}" class="subtle">
- <span class="hash">{{ l.shorthash }}</span></a>...</td></tr>
-{% endfor %}
-{% else %}No shortlog!{% endif %}
diff --git a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/tree.html b/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/tree.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 08f6e35..0000000
--- a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/tree.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "git_wiki/base.html" %}
-{% block path %}{{ block.super }} &raquo; <a href="/k/{{ tree.path }}/">
- {{ tree.path }}</a>{% endblock %}
-{% block title %}Knowledge Category: {{ tree.path }}{% endblock %}
-{% block gitwiki %}
- <h3>Directory listing:</h3>
- {% include "git_wiki/tree_table" %}
- <h3>Tree sha1 hash:</h3>
- <span class="hash">{{ tree.id }}</span>
- <h3>Shortlog:</h3>
- {% include "git_wiki/shortlog_table" %}
-{% endblock %}
diff --git a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/tree_table b/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/tree_table
deleted file mode 100644
index 36bc3a6..0000000
--- a/bn_django/git_wiki/templates/git_wiki/tree_table
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-{% if tree.all_objs %}
-<table class="gitbrowser">
- {% for o in tree.all_objs %}
- <tr> <td class="objtype">
- {{o.type}}</td>
- <td class="filename">
- {% ifequal o.type 'blob' %}
- {% if o.isfig %}
- <a href='/k/{{ o.slug }}' class="item">
- {{o.path}}</a>
- </td><td class="links">
- <a href='/k/{{ o.slug }}/download/'>download</a>
- {% else %}
- <a href='/k/{{ o.slug }}/' class="item">
- {{o.path}}</a>
- </td><td class="links">
- <a href='/k/{{ o.slug }}/pdf/'>pdf</a>&nbsp;
- <a href='/k/{{ o.slug }}/latex/'>latex</a>&nbsp;
- <a href='/k/{{ o.slug }}/raw/'>raw</a>
- {% endif %}
- </td>
- {% else %} {% ifequal o.type 'tree' %}
- <a href='/k/{{ o.slug }}/' class="tree">
- {{o.path}}/</a>
- </td><td class="links">
- <a href='/k/{{ o.slug }}/'>browse</a>
- </td>
- {% else %}
- <a href='/k/{{ o.slug }}' class="item">
- {{o.name}}</a>
- </td><td class="links">
- </td>
- {% endifequal %}{% endifequal %}
- </tr>
- {% endfor %}
-{% else %}No contents!
-{% endif %}