diff options
authorbryan newbold <bnewbold@leaflabs.com>2013-11-12 13:00:16 -0500
committerbryan newbold <bnewbold@leaflabs.com>2013-11-12 13:01:44 -0500
commit75fc9c1613ffbeea2be843c3aa0e5fcd978ad60b (patch)
parent92ed49e97997d769f41f42260e56a41f8391559d (diff)
Part 2 of refactoring template files into ./contrib
This commit moves Makefile to Makefile.example. Projects using this template must now explicitly move this file to Makefile and edit it. Effectively BROKEN without Part 3, which documents this change.
2 files changed, 99 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 9541815..0000000
--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Edit project-specific variables in this file.
-project := exampleproj
-top_module := main
-vendor := xilinx
-# This is the chipset from the Xilinx SP605 dev board
-#board := sp605
-#family := spartan6
-#device := xc6slx45t
-#speedgrade := -3
-#device_package := fgg484
-#extra_includes = ./contrib/example-device.mk
-# This is the chipset for the Xess Xula 2 dev board
-board := xula2
-family := spartan6
-device := XC6SLX25
-speedgrade := -2
-device_package := ftg256
-extra_includes = ./contrib/xula2.mk
-part := $(device)$(speedgrade)-$(device_package)
-# is this build host 64 or 32 bits?
-hostbits := 64
-iseenv := /opt/Xilinx/14.3/ISE_DS/
-# list all .v files explicitly with verilog_files (no hdl/*.v business)
-verilog_files := hdl/$(top_module)_$(board).v
-verilog_files += hdl/rot13.v
-verilog_files += hdl/simple_uart.v
-#verilog_files += hdl/yours.v
-# all .vhd files explicitly also
-vhdl_files :=
-tbfiles := tb/rot13_tb.v
-tbfiles += tb/xula2_tb.v
-#tbfiles += tb/sp605_tb.v
-# what gets run by "make tests"
-alltests := test/rot13_tb
-#tbfiles += tb/yourtest_tb.v
-# list of .xco files, eg "cores/bram.xco". do not include DCM files.
-xilinx_cores :=
-#xilinx_cores += cores/example.xco
-# bitfile bitwidth for flash uploads
-mcs_datawidth := 16
-# Bulk of the actual Makefile is in a different file.
-include ./contrib/xilinx.mk
-# Example hardware-specific targets (eg, upload via SPI)
-include $(extra_includes)
diff --git a/Makefile.example b/Makefile.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8194587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.example
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# If this file is named ./Makefile.example, move it to ./Makefile and edit it.
+### Project-specific Makefile
+project := exampleproj
+top_module := main
+vendor := xilinx
+### Uncomment this line to use the Xilinx SP605 dev board with default
+### configuration
+#include ./contrib/sp605/sp605.mk
+### Uncomment this line to use the Xula2 dev board with default configuration
+### See also ./contrib/xula2/README.xula2
+include ./contrib/xula2/xula2.mk
+### Edit and uncomment the below lines to use a custom board
+#board := exampleboard
+#family := spartan6
+#device := XC6SLX25
+#speedgrade := -2
+#device_package := ftg256
+#ucf_file := exampleboard.ucf
+#bitconf_file := contrib/default.bitconf
+#opt_file := contrib/default.opt
+### Uncomment this line and create a new makefile to include any
+### hardware-specific targets (eg, upload via SPI)
+#extra_includes = exampleproj.mk
+part := $(device)$(speedgrade)-$(device_package)
+### Is this build host 64 or 32 bits?
+hostbits := 64
+### Point to the Xilinx ISE toolchain directory here
+iseenv := /opt/Xilinx/14.3/ISE_DS/
+### List all Verilog (.v) files for this project explicitly below.
+### Leave blank if you only have VHDL files.
+### Use one file per line; do not use wildcards (eg, hdl/*.v).
+verilog_files += hdl/$(top_module)_$(board).v
+verilog_files += hdl/rot13.v
+verilog_files += hdl/simple_uart.v
+### List all VHDL (.vhd) files for this project in the top-level namespaces
+### below. VHDL files which are in a library-specific namespace need to be
+### included via a seperate .prj stub file for now.
+### Leave blank if you only have Verilog files.
+### Use one file per line; do not use wildcards (eg, hdl/*.v).
+vhdl_files +=
+extra_prj +=
+### List all testbench Verilog (.v) files below.
+### See contrib/README.testbenches for details.
+### VHDL testbenches are not yet supported.
+tbfiles += tb/rot13_tb.v
+tbfiles += tb/xula2_tb.v
+### List all test/*_tb targets which should be executed by the "make tests"
+### target.
+alltests := test/rot13_tb
+### Verilog parameters can be passed to the top-level module.
+### Syntax is: vgenerics += "PARAM_NAME=123"
+### For hex numbers: vgenerics += "HEX_PARAM=hAB12"
+### Note that the Verilog parameter *must* be defined in the top-level module
+### or a build error will result.
+vgenerics +=
+### Example vgeneric usage which passes the git commit and current unix time as
+### parameters.
+#gitcommit = $(shell (git log --abbrev=8 --oneline -n 1 2> /dev/null || echo "00000000") | head -c 8)
+#build_unixtime = $(shell date +%s || echo "0")
+#vgenerics += "GIT_COMMIT=h$(gitcommit)"
+#vgenerics += "BUILD_UNIX_TIME=d$(build_unixtime)"
+### List all Xilinx Coregen .xco files (eg, "cores/bram.xco") below. Verilog and
+### netlist files will be generated and included automatically.
+### Not all cores should be included this way; eg, clk_wiz_* (clock mangement
+### files) should go in verilog_files instead.
+### See ./contrib/HOWTO_coregen for details.
+xilinx_cores +=
+### Edit this line to change the bitwidth of .mcs bitfiles generated for
+### uploading to flash memories
+#mcs_datawidth := 8
+### BMM files specify the default BRAM FPGA memory contents.
+### Edit this line to specify a non-empty file for use with your project.
+bmm_file := contrib/empty.bmm
+### The bulk of the actual Xilinx-oriented build system is in a different file
+include ./contrib/xilinx.mk
+### Include any last extra board- or project-specific build targets
+include $(extra_includes)