path: root/templates/stub.v.tmpl
diff options
authorbryan newbold <bnewbold@leaflabs.com>2014-02-26 19:42:51 -0500
committerbryan newbold <bnewbold@leaflabs.com>2014-02-26 19:42:51 -0500
commit6cc0f5ff9e4de203572ef6a66df82aca97bb6544 (patch)
tree398f13f7a2d3a35af8a91f497c6dc96f88b7adcd /templates/stub.v.tmpl
parent37e46745e248b0136b16aa40bed9ea20df16769d (diff)
commit day's work
Diffstat (limited to 'templates/stub.v.tmpl')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/templates/stub.v.tmpl b/templates/stub.v.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9363240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/stub.v.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+{% if settings.stub_nets %}
+ {% for reg in registers %}
+ {% if reg.write %}
+ wire {{ reg.pphdlwidth() }}{{ reg.slug }};
+ {% else %}
+ reg {{ reg.pphdlwidth() }}{{ reg.slug }} = {{ reg.ppdefault() }};
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ {%+ if parameters|length > 0 %}//// Static Memory Map Values{% endif %}
+ {% for param in parameters %}
+ parameter {{ param.ppslug() }} = {{ param.ppdefault() }};
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+ axi_lite_slave_afg {% if parameters|length > 0 %}#(
+{%+ for param in parameters %}
+ .{{ param.ppslug() }}({{ param.ppslug() if settings.stub_axi_nets }}){% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+ ){%endif%} axi_lite_slave_afg_i (
+ //// AXI I/O Signals
+ // NB: axi_clock comes at end
+ .axi_anreset({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_aresetn{% endif %}),
+ .axi_araddr({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_araddr[15:0]{% endif %}),
+ .axi_arready({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_arready{% endif %}),
+ .axi_arvalid({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_arvalid{% endif %}),
+ .axi_awaddr({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_awaddr[15:0]{% endif %}),
+ .axi_awready({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_awready{% endif %}),
+ .axi_awvalid({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_awvalid{% endif %}),
+ .axi_bready({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_bready{% endif %}),
+ .axi_bresp({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_bresp{% endif %}),
+ .axi_bvalid({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_bvalid{% endif %}),
+ .axi_rdata({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_rdata{% endif %}),
+ .axi_rready({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_rready{% endif %}),
+ .axi_rresp({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_rresp{% endif %}),
+ .axi_rvalid({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_rvalid{% endif %}),
+ .axi_wdata({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_wdata{% endif %}),
+ .axi_wready({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_wready{% endif %}),
+ .axi_wstrb({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_wstrb{% endif %}),
+ .axi_wvalid({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_slave1_wvalid{% endif %}),
+ //// Memory Map
+ {% for reg in registers %}
+ .{{ reg.slug }}({{ reg.slug if settings.stub_nets }}),
+ {% endfor %}
+ .axi_clock({% if settings.stub_axi_nets %}axi_aclk{% endif %}) // axi_clock is last to ensure no trailing comma
+ );