diff options
9 files changed, 1283 insertions, 68 deletions
diff --git a/Classes/SourcesEditViewController.h b/Classes/SourcesEditViewController.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e59f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Classes/SourcesEditViewController.h
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+// SourcesEditViewController.h
+// PicCast
+// Created by Matthew Handler on 4/20/11.
+// Copyright 2011 Earl Industries. All rights reserved.
+#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
+@protocol SourcesEditViewControllerDelegate;
+@interface SourcesEditViewController : UIViewController <UITableViewDataSource> {
+ id <SourcesEditViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
+@property (nonatomic, assign) id <SourcesEditViewControllerDelegate> delegate;
+@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UITableView *tableView;
+- (IBAction)done:(id)sender;
+@protocol SourcesEditViewControllerDelegate
+- (void)sourcesEditViewControllerDelegateDidFinish:(SourcesEditViewController *)controller;
+@end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Classes/SourcesEditViewController.m b/Classes/SourcesEditViewController.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c04808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Classes/SourcesEditViewController.m
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+// SourcesEditViewController.m
+// PicCast
+// Created by Matthew Handler on 4/20/11.
+// Copyright 2011 Earl Industries. All rights reserved.
+#import "SourcesEditViewController.h"
+@implementation SourcesEditViewController
+@synthesize delegate, tableView;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark View lifecycle
+- (void)viewDidLoad {
+ [super viewDidLoad];
+ // Uncomment the following line to display an Edit button in the navigation bar for this view controller.
+ // self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = self.editButtonItem;
+ //NSUserDefaults *prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
+ self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor viewFlipsideBackgroundColor];
+- (IBAction)done:(id)sender {
+// NSUserDefaults *prefs = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
+// [prefs setObject:[self getUserGenderString] forKey:@"userGender"];
+// [prefs setObject:[self getHeetGenderString] forKey:@"heetGender"];
+// [prefs synchronize];
+ [self.delegate sourcesEditViewControllerDidFinish:self];
+- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated {
+ [super viewWillAppear:animated];
+- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
+ [super viewDidAppear:animated];
+- (void)viewWillDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
+ [super viewWillDisappear:animated];
+- (void)viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
+ [super viewDidDisappear:animated];
+// Override to allow orientations other than the default portrait orientation.
+- (BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation {
+ // Return YES for supported orientations.
+ return (interfaceOrientation == UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait);
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Table view data source
+//- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView {
+// // Return the number of sections.
+// return <#number of sections#>;
+- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section {
+ // Return the number of rows in the section.
+ return 10;
+// Customize the appearance of table view cells.
+- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
+ static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"Cell";
+ UITableViewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];
+ if (cell == nil) {
+ cell = [[[UITableViewCell alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewCellStyleDefault reuseIdentifier:CellIdentifier] autorelease];
+ }
+ // Configure the cell...
+ return cell;
+// Override to support conditional editing of the table view.
+- (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView canEditRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
+ // Return NO if you do not want the specified item to be editable.
+ return YES;
+// Override to support editing the table view.
+- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView commitEditingStyle:(UITableViewCellEditingStyle)editingStyle forRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
+ if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleDelete) {
+ // Delete the row from the data source.
+ [tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths:[NSArray arrayWithObject:indexPath] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationFade];
+ }
+ else if (editingStyle == UITableViewCellEditingStyleInsert) {
+ // Create a new instance of the appropriate class, insert it into the array, and add a new row to the table view.
+ }
+// Override to support rearranging the table view.
+- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView moveRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)fromIndexPath toIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)toIndexPath {
+// Override to support conditional rearranging of the table view.
+- (BOOL)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView canMoveRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
+ // Return NO if you do not want the item to be re-orderable.
+ return YES;
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Table view delegate
+- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
+ // Navigation logic may go here. Create and push another view controller.
+ /*
+ <#DetailViewController#> *detailViewController = [[<#DetailViewController#> alloc] initWithNibName:@"<#Nib name#>" bundle:nil];
+ // ...
+ // Pass the selected object to the new view controller.
+ [self.navigationController pushViewController:detailViewController animated:YES];
+ [detailViewController release];
+ */
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark Memory management
+- (void)didReceiveMemoryWarning {
+ // Releases the view if it doesn't have a superview.
+ [super didReceiveMemoryWarning];
+ // Relinquish ownership any cached data, images, etc. that aren't in use.
+- (void)viewDidUnload {
+ // Relinquish ownership of anything that can be recreated in viewDidLoad or on demand.
+ // For example: self.myOutlet = nil;
+- (void)dealloc {
+ [super dealloc];
diff --git a/Classes/SourcesEditViewController.xib b/Classes/SourcesEditViewController.xib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c21a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Classes/SourcesEditViewController.xib
@@ -0,0 +1,555 @@
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+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIBarItem.h</string>
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+ <string key="className">UIResponder</string>
+ <string key="superclassName">NSObject</string>
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+ <string key="className">UIScrollView</string>
+ <string key="superclassName">UIView</string>
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+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIScrollView.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+ <string key="className">UISearchBar</string>
+ <string key="superclassName">UIView</string>
+ <object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UISearchBar.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+ <string key="className">UISearchDisplayController</string>
+ <string key="superclassName">NSObject</string>
+ <object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UISearchDisplayController.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+ <string key="className">UITableView</string>
+ <string key="superclassName">UIScrollView</string>
+ <object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UITableView.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+ <string key="className">UIView</string>
+ <object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIPrintFormatter.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+ <string key="className">UIView</string>
+ <object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UITextField.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+ <string key="className">UIView</string>
+ <string key="superclassName">UIResponder</string>
+ <object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIView.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+ <string key="className">UIViewController</string>
+ <object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UINavigationController.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+ <string key="className">UIViewController</string>
+ <object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIPopoverController.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+ <string key="className">UIViewController</string>
+ <object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UISplitViewController.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+ <string key="className">UIViewController</string>
+ <object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UITabBarController.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
+ <string key="className">UIViewController</string>
+ <string key="superclassName">UIResponder</string>
+ <object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
+ <string key="majorKey">IBFrameworkSource</string>
+ <string key="minorKey">UIKit.framework/Headers/UIViewController.h</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ </object>
+ <int key="IBDocument.localizationMode">0</int>
+ <string key="IBDocument.TargetRuntimeIdentifier">IBCocoaTouchFramework</string>
+ <object class="NSMutableDictionary" key="IBDocument.PluginDeclaredDependencyDefaults">
+ <string key="NS.key.0"></string>
+ <integer value="1056" key="NS.object.0"/>
+ </object>
+ <object class="NSMutableDictionary" key="IBDocument.PluginDeclaredDevelopmentDependencies">
+ <string key="NS.key.0"></string>
+ <integer value="3000" key="NS.object.0"/>
+ </object>
+ <bool key="IBDocument.PluginDeclaredDependenciesTrackSystemTargetVersion">YES</bool>
+ <string key="IBDocument.LastKnownRelativeProjectPath">../PicCast.xcodeproj</string>
+ <int key="IBDocument.defaultPropertyAccessControl">3</int>
+ <string key="IBCocoaTouchPluginVersion">132</string>
+ </data>
diff --git a/Classes/TopicsViewController.h b/Classes/TopicsViewController.h
index c63635f..631a5d0 100644
--- a/Classes/TopicsViewController.h
+++ b/Classes/TopicsViewController.h
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@
#import "XMLParser.h"
#import "HJObjManager.h"
//#import "PicDumpViewController.h"
+#import "SourcesEditViewController.h"
#import "PhotoViewController.h"
-@interface TopicsViewController : UITableViewController <XMLParserDelegate>{
+@interface TopicsViewController : UITableViewController <XMLParserDelegate, SourcesEditViewControllerDelegate>{
UINavigationController *topicsNavigationController;
NSMutableArray *topics;
// PicDumpViewController *picDumpViewController;
@@ -21,6 +22,8 @@
HJObjManager* objMan;
+- (IBAction)showSources:(id)sender;
@property (nonatomic, retain, readonly) UINavigationController *topicsNavigationController;
@property (nonatomic, retain) PhotoViewController *photoViewController;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSMutableArray *topics;
diff --git a/Classes/TopicsViewController.m b/Classes/TopicsViewController.m
index 2dfc8c6..4c855d6 100644
--- a/Classes/TopicsViewController.m
+++ b/Classes/TopicsViewController.m
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
//#import "AsyncImageView.h"
#import "HJObjManager.h"
#import "HJManagedImageV.h"
+#import "SourcesEditViewController.h"
@implementation TopicsViewController
@@ -63,6 +64,22 @@
// return picDumpViewController;
+- (void) sourcesEditViewControllerDidFinish:(SourcesEditViewController *)controller {
+ [self dismissModalViewControllerAnimated:YES];
+ //[self _userIs:[controller getUserGenderString] heets:[controller getHeetGenderString]];
+- (void) showSources:(id)sender {
+ SourcesEditViewController *controller = [[SourcesEditViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"SourcesEditViewController" bundle:nil];
+ controller.delegate = self;
+ controller.modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleFlipHorizontal;
+ [self presentModalViewController:controller animated:YES];
+ [controller release];
- (PhotoViewController *)photoViewController {
if (photoViewController == nil) {
photoViewController = [[[PhotoViewController alloc] init] autorelease];
diff --git a/MainWindow.xib b/MainWindow.xib
index f1cbb4e..ebd60b0 100644
--- a/MainWindow.xib
+++ b/MainWindow.xib
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<object class="NSMutableArray" key="IBDocument.EditedObjectIDs">
<bool key="EncodedWithXMLCoder">YES</bool>
- <integer value="108"/>
+ <integer value="135"/>
<object class="NSArray" key="IBDocument.PluginDependencies">
<bool key="EncodedWithXMLCoder">YES</bool>
@@ -214,6 +214,22 @@
<int key="connectionID">113</int>
+ <object class="IBConnectionRecord">
+ <object class="IBCocoaTouchEventConnection" key="connection">
+ <string key="label">showSources:</string>
+ <reference key="source" ref="769218652"/>
+ <reference key="destination" ref="1024858337"/>
+ </object>
+ <int key="connectionID">140</int>
+ </object>
+ <object class="IBConnectionRecord">
+ <object class="IBCocoaTouchOutletConnection" key="connection">
+ <string key="label">delegate</string>
+ <reference key="source" ref="108241923"/>
+ <reference key="destination" ref="1024858337"/>
+ </object>
+ <int key="connectionID">141</int>
+ </object>
<object class="IBMutableOrderedSet" key="objectRecords">
<object class="NSArray" key="orderedObjects">
@@ -437,7 +453,7 @@
<nil key="sourceID"/>
- <int key="maxID">136</int>
+ <int key="maxID">141</int>
<object class="IBClassDescriber" key="IBDocument.Classes">
<object class="NSMutableArray" key="referencedPartialClassDescriptions">
@@ -492,6 +508,17 @@
<object class="IBPartialClassDescription">
<string key="className">TopicsViewController</string>
<string key="superclassName">UITableViewController</string>
+ <object class="NSMutableDictionary" key="actions">
+ <string key="NS.key.0">showSources:</string>
+ <string key="NS.object.0">id</string>
+ </object>
+ <object class="NSMutableDictionary" key="actionInfosByName">
+ <string key="NS.key.0">showSources:</string>
+ <object class="IBActionInfo" key="NS.object.0">
+ <string key="name">showSources:</string>
+ <string key="candidateClassName">id</string>
+ </object>
+ </object>
<object class="IBClassDescriptionSource" key="sourceIdentifier">
<string key="majorKey">IBProjectSource</string>
<string key="minorKey">Classes/TopicsViewController.h</string>
diff --git a/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.mode1v3 b/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.mode1v3
index 4d1e202..282f07a 100644
--- a/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.mode1v3
+++ b/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.mode1v3
@@ -274,13 +274,13 @@
- <integer>25</integer>
+ <integer>30</integer>
- <string>{{0, 34}, {282, 667}}</string>
+ <string>{{0, 299}, {282, 667}}</string>
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
- <string>PicCastAppDelegate.m</string>
+ <string>TopicsViewController.m</string>
@@ -325,11 +325,11 @@
- <string>PicCastAppDelegate.m</string>
+ <string>TopicsViewController.m</string>
- <string>4ECFB7C7135FC2FB007FAB8D</string>
+ <string>4ECFB84B135FCEDD007FAB8D</string>
@@ -343,7 +343,6 @@
- <string>4EA95F9B135CE068009243EE</string>
@@ -352,10 +351,13 @@
- <string>4ECFB7A4135F9057007FAB8D</string>
- <string>4ECFB7A5135F9057007FAB8D</string>
- <string>4ECFB7C6135FC2FB007FAB8D</string>
+ <string>4ECFB7D9135FC76F007FAB8D</string>
+ <string>4ECFB7DC135FC76F007FAB8D</string>
+ <string>4ECFB809135FC9F1007FAB8D</string>
+ <string>4ECFB830135FCDF1007FAB8D</string>
+ <string>4ECFB84A135FCEDD007FAB8D</string>
+ <string>4ECFB80A135FC9F1007FAB8D</string>
@@ -553,7 +555,7 @@
- <string>4ECFB7C8135FC2FB007FAB8D</string>
+ <string>4ECFB84C135FCEDD007FAB8D</string>
@@ -586,7 +588,7 @@
- <string>PhotoViewController.m</string>
+ <string>SourcesEditViewController.m</string>
diff --git a/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.pbxuser b/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.pbxuser
index 6865884..593aae4 100644
--- a/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.pbxuser
+++ b/PicCast.xcodeproj/handler.pbxuser
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
1D3623250D0F684500981E51 /* PicCastAppDelegate.m */ = {
uiCtxt = {
- sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1965, 1326}}";
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1965, 1443}}";
sepNavSelRange = "{223, 0}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{3, 1967}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{2285, 1235}";
1D6058900D05DD3D006BFB54 /* PicCast */ = {
@@ -211,6 +211,41 @@
4ECFB7C5135FC2FB007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7C5135FC2FB007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
4ECFB7C6135FC2FB007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7C6135FC2FB007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
4ECFB7C7135FC2FB007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7C7135FC2FB007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7D9135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7D9135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7DA135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7DA135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7DB135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7DB135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7DC135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7DC135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7DD135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7DD135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7DE135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7DE135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7F3135FC962007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7F3135FC962007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7F4135FC962007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7F4135FC962007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7F5135FC962007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7F5135FC962007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7F6135FC962007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7F6135FC962007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7FB135FC988007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7FB135FC988007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7FC135FC988007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7FC135FC988007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB7FD135FC988007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB7FD135FC988007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB800135FC9A0007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB800135FC9A0007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB801135FC9A0007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB801135FC9A0007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB802135FC9A0007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB802135FC9A0007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB803135FC9A0007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB803135FC9A0007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB808135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB808135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB809135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB809135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB80A135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB80A135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB80B135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB80B135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB815135FCC20007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB815135FCC20007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB816135FCC20007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB816135FCC20007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB817135FCC20007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB817135FCC20007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB821135FCCF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB821135FCCF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB822135FCCF1007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB822135FCCF1007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB823135FCCF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB823135FCCF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB824135FCCF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB824135FCCF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB825135FCCF2007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB825135FCCF2007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB826135FCCF2007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB826135FCCF2007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB827135FCCF2007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB827135FCCF2007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB830135FCDF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB830135FCDF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB831135FCDF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB831135FCDF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB84A135FCEDD007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB84A135FCEDD007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 4ECFB84B135FCEDD007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 4ECFB84B135FCEDD007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */;
4ED6DB46135A1FCE00BEF0B7 = 4ED6DB46135A1FCE00BEF0B7 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
4ED6DB47135A1FCE00BEF0B7 = 4ED6DB47135A1FCE00BEF0B7 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
4ED6DB4F135A25C700BEF0B7 = 4ED6DB4F135A25C700BEF0B7 /* PBXTextBookmark */;
@@ -277,17 +312,18 @@
4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */ = {
uiCtxt = {
- sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 442}}";
- sepNavSelRange = "{330, 0}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{0, 1049}";
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1160, 481}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{327, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{220, 787}";
+ sepNavWindowFrame = "{{15, 323}, {1196, 550}}";
4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */ = {
uiCtxt = {
- sepNavFolds = "{\n c = (\n {\n l = \"number of sections\";\n r = \"{9377, 22}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = \"number of rows in section\";\n r = \"{9568, 29}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{11734, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{11785, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = \"Nib name\";\n r = \"{11835, 12}\";\n s = 1;\n }\n );\n r = \"{0, 12641}\";\n s = 0;\n}";
- sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1272, 4836}}";
- sepNavSelRange = "{2567, 0}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{2534, 1104}";
+ sepNavFolds = "{\n c = (\n {\n l = \"number of sections\";\n r = \"{10026, 22}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = \"number of rows in section\";\n r = \"{10217, 29}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{12383, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{12434, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = \"Nib name\";\n r = \"{12484, 12}\";\n s = 1;\n }\n );\n r = \"{0, 13290}\";\n s = 0;\n}";
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1272, 5005}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{2450, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{1791, 1600}";
sepNavWindowFrame = "{{15, 323}, {1196, 550}}";
@@ -302,7 +338,7 @@
uiCtxt = {
sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1097, 1053}}";
sepNavSelRange = "{1942, 0}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{584, 1801}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{523, 1788}";
4E68281113594314001EB808 /* AcidCowFeedburnerParser.h */ = {
@@ -492,7 +528,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
name = "TopicsViewController.h: 13";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 287;
+ rLoc = 325;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1048;
vrLoc = 0;
@@ -502,7 +538,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 196";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6673;
+ rLoc = 7322;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1319;
vrLoc = 5936;
@@ -586,7 +622,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 196";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6673;
+ rLoc = 7322;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1518;
vrLoc = 6285;
@@ -596,7 +632,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 196";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6620;
+ rLoc = 7269;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1475;
vrLoc = 6285;
@@ -617,7 +653,7 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
rLen = 5;
- rLoc = 6368;
+ rLoc = 7017;
rType = 0;
4E759C18135D329500171031 /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -625,7 +661,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 193";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6472;
+ rLoc = 7121;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1467;
vrLoc = 6285;
@@ -647,7 +683,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 193";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6472;
+ rLoc = 7121;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1467;
vrLoc = 6285;
@@ -711,7 +747,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 190";
rLen = 5;
- rLoc = 6368;
+ rLoc = 7017;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1215;
vrLoc = 6442;
@@ -753,7 +789,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 193";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6472;
+ rLoc = 7121;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1467;
vrLoc = 6285;
@@ -763,7 +799,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 85";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2639;
+ rLoc = 3288;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 924;
vrLoc = 2309;
@@ -785,7 +821,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 85";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2639;
+ rLoc = 3288;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 923;
vrLoc = 2309;
@@ -835,7 +871,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 128";
rLen = 4;
- rLoc = 4358;
+ rLoc = 5007;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1660;
vrLoc = 3601;
@@ -865,7 +901,7 @@
uiCtxt = {
sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {901, 2197}}";
sepNavSelRange = "{653, 0}";
- sepNavVisRange = "{242, 603}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{242, 632}";
4EA95FDF135CEE6A009243EE /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -1001,7 +1037,7 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
rLen = 6;
- rLoc = 8045;
+ rLoc = 8694;
rType = 0;
4ECFB71E135F80A0007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -1009,7 +1045,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 214";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 7303;
+ rLoc = 7952;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1230;
vrLoc = 7324;
@@ -1052,7 +1088,7 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
rLen = 6;
- rLoc = 8070;
+ rLoc = 8719;
rType = 0;
4ECFB72A135F80B9007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -1060,7 +1096,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 220";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 7985;
+ rLoc = 8634;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1250;
vrLoc = 7538;
@@ -1090,7 +1126,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
name = "TopicsViewController.h: 13";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 287;
+ rLoc = 325;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1043;
vrLoc = 0;
@@ -1100,7 +1136,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 74";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2567;
+ rLoc = 3216;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 996;
vrLoc = 2152;
@@ -1110,7 +1146,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 83";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2567;
+ rLoc = 3216;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 934;
vrLoc = 2101;
@@ -1120,7 +1156,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 86";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2567;
+ rLoc = 3216;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 755;
vrLoc = 2542;
@@ -1140,7 +1176,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 236";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 7985;
+ rLoc = 8634;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1448;
vrLoc = 7381;
@@ -1160,7 +1196,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
name = "TopicsViewController.h: 27";
rLen = 7;
- rLoc = 874;
+ rLoc = 984;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 906;
vrLoc = 148;
@@ -1169,7 +1205,7 @@
isa = PBXTextBookmark;
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
rLen = 7;
- rLoc = 6219;
+ rLoc = 6868;
rType = 0;
4ECFB74B135F87ED007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -1177,7 +1213,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 205";
rLen = 7;
- rLoc = 6219;
+ rLoc = 6868;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1072;
vrLoc = 6389;
@@ -1187,7 +1223,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 86";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2567;
+ rLoc = 3216;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 754;
vrLoc = 2460;
@@ -1197,7 +1233,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
name = "TopicsViewController.h: 25";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 591;
+ rLoc = 701;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1105;
vrLoc = 0;
@@ -1207,7 +1243,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 86";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2567;
+ rLoc = 3216;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 773;
vrLoc = 2373;
@@ -1217,7 +1253,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 22";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 469;
+ rLoc = 507;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 934;
vrLoc = 0;
@@ -1227,7 +1263,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 22";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 469;
+ rLoc = 507;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 934;
vrLoc = 0;
@@ -1237,7 +1273,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
name = "TopicsViewController.h: 24";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 591;
+ rLoc = 701;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1072;
vrLoc = 0;
@@ -1247,7 +1283,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
name = "TopicsViewController.h: 15";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 330;
+ rLoc = 368;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1067;
vrLoc = 0;
@@ -1267,7 +1303,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
name = "TopicsViewController.h: 15";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 330;
+ rLoc = 368;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1072;
vrLoc = 0;
@@ -1277,7 +1313,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
name = "TopicsViewController.h: 15";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 330;
+ rLoc = 368;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1054;
vrLoc = 0;
@@ -1287,7 +1323,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
name = "TopicsViewController.h: 15";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 330;
+ rLoc = 368;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1049;
vrLoc = 0;
@@ -1308,7 +1344,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
rLen = 1;
- rLoc = 26;
+ rLoc = 27;
rType = 1;
4ECFB797135F8DE1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
@@ -1316,7 +1352,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 27";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 543;
+ rLoc = 581;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 526;
vrLoc = 289;
@@ -1326,7 +1362,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 179";
rLen = 7;
- rLoc = 6219;
+ rLoc = 6868;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1017;
vrLoc = 5810;
@@ -1336,7 +1372,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 27";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 543;
+ rLoc = 581;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 526;
vrLoc = 289;
@@ -1346,7 +1382,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 177";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 6117;
+ rLoc = 6766;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 917;
vrLoc = 5965;
@@ -1373,7 +1409,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
name = "TopicsViewController.h: 15";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 330;
+ rLoc = 368;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1049;
vrLoc = 0;
@@ -1383,7 +1419,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 71";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 2567;
+ rLoc = 3216;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 1104;
vrLoc = 2534;
@@ -1412,7 +1448,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
name = "TopicsViewController.m: 27";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 543;
+ rLoc = 581;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 634;
vrLoc = 289;
@@ -1556,6 +1592,367 @@
vrLen = 1967;
vrLoc = 3;
+ 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */ = {
+ uiCtxt = {
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {903, 600}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{303, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{0, 680}";
+ };
+ };
+ 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */ = {
+ uiCtxt = {
+ sepNavFolds = "{\n c = (\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{4118, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = DetailViewController;\n r = \"{4169, 24}\";\n s = 1;\n },\n {\n l = \"Nib name\";\n r = \"{4219, 12}\";\n s = 1;\n }\n );\n r = \"{0, 4920}\";\n s = 0;\n}";
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1160, 2314}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{2022, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{2019, 502}";
+ };
+ };
+ 4ECFB7D9135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 1D3623250D0F684500981E51 /* PicCastAppDelegate.m */;
+ name = "PicCastAppDelegate.m: 11";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 223;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1235;
+ vrLoc = 2285;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7DA135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.m: 70";
+ rLen = 313;
+ rLoc = 1707;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1196;
+ vrLoc = 35;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7DB135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.h: 26";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 680;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 595;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7DC135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.h: 24";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 687;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1126;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7DD135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 70";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2555;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1654;
+ vrLoc = 1618;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7DE135FC76F007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 74";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2681;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1564;
+ vrLoc = 1618;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7F3135FC962007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
+ name = "PhotoViewController.m: 27";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 581;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 464;
+ vrLoc = 319;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7F4135FC962007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ comments = "Cannot find protocol declaration for 'SourcesEditViewControllerDelegate'";
+ fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
+ fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
+ rLen = 1;
+ rLoc = 15;
+ rType = 1;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7F5135FC962007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.h: 16";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 327;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 787;
+ vrLoc = 220;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7F6135FC962007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
+ name = "PhotoViewController.m: 27";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 653;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 635;
+ vrLoc = 242;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7FB135FC988007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 74";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2802;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1779;
+ vrLoc = 1620;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7FC135FC988007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ comments = "Cannot find protocol declaration for 'FlipsideViewControllerDelegate'";
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */;
+ fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
+ rLen = 1;
+ rLoc = 17;
+ rType = 1;
+ };
+ 4ECFB7FD135FC988007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.h: 17";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 360;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 598;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4ECFB800135FC9A0007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.h: 16";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 327;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 787;
+ vrLoc = 220;
+ };
+ 4ECFB801135FC9A0007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ comments = "Cannot find protocol declaration for 'FlipsideViewControllerDelegate'";
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */;
+ fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
+ rLen = 1;
+ rLoc = 17;
+ rType = 1;
+ };
+ 4ECFB802135FC9A0007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.h: 17";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 427;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 440;
+ vrLoc = 154;
+ };
+ 4ECFB803135FC9A0007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
+ name = "PhotoViewController.m: 27";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 653;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 603;
+ vrLoc = 242;
+ };
+ 4ECFB808135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.h: 17";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 360;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 598;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4ECFB809135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E68280D13594261001EB808 /* TopicTableViewCell.m */;
+ name = "TopicTableViewCell.m: 55";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 1942;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1788;
+ vrLoc = 523;
+ };
+ 4ECFB80A135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 66";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2415;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1657;
+ vrLoc = 1744;
+ };
+ 4ECFB80B135FC9F1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.m: 14";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 269;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1168;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4ECFB815135FCC20007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.h: 15";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 357;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 678;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4ECFB816135FCC20007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.m: 14";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 269;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1168;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4ECFB817135FCC20007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.m: 14";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 268;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1179;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4ECFB821135FCCF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.h: 17";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 427;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 431;
+ vrLoc = 153;
+ };
+ 4ECFB822135FCCF1007FAB8D /* XCBuildMessageTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ comments = "Expected '{' before '-' token";
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */;
+ fallbackIsa = XCBuildMessageTextBookmark;
+ rLen = 1;
+ rLoc = 84;
+ rType = 1;
+ };
+ 4ECFB823135FCCF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.m: 82";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2022;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 695;
+ vrLoc = 1860;
+ };
+ 4ECFB824135FCCF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */;
+ name = "PhotoViewController.m: 27";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 653;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 635;
+ vrLoc = 242;
+ };
+ 4ECFB825135FCCF2007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.m: 54";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 1269;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1431;
+ vrLoc = 1096;
+ };
+ 4ECFB826135FCCF2007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.h: 15";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 357;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 678;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4ECFB827135FCCF2007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.h: 13";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 303;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 680;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4ECFB830135FCDF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.h: 13";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 303;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 680;
+ vrLoc = 0;
+ };
+ 4ECFB831135FCDF1007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.m: 80";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2017;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1345;
+ vrLoc = 1176;
+ };
+ 4ECFB84A135FCEDD007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */;
+ name = "SourcesEditViewController.m: 80";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2017;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1318;
+ vrLoc = 1222;
+ };
+ 4ECFB84B135FCEDD007FAB8D /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 4E6827E813594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.m */;
+ name = "TopicsViewController.m: 67";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2450;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 1600;
+ vrLoc = 1791;
+ };
4ED6DB22135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJManagedImageV.m */ = {
uiCtxt = {
sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {985, 3406}}";
@@ -1672,7 +2069,7 @@
fRef = 4E6827E713594115001EB808 /* TopicsViewController.h */;
name = "TopicsViewController.h: 22";
rLen = 0;
- rLoc = 754;
+ rLoc = 864;
rType = 0;
vrLen = 901;
vrLoc = 0;
diff --git a/PicCast.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/PicCast.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
index 67b61d0..47e7e09 100644
--- a/PicCast.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
+++ b/PicCast.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
4ECFB75B135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.fave.30@2x.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4ECFB755135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.fave.30@2x.png */; };
4ECFB75C135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.feeds.30.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4ECFB756135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.feeds.30.png */; };
4ECFB75D135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.feeds.30@2x.png in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4ECFB757135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.feeds.30@2x.png */; };
+ 4ECFB7D7135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */; };
+ 4ECFB7D8135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.xib in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4ECFB7D6135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.xib */; };
4ED6DB26135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJWeakMutableArray.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4ED6DB12135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJWeakMutableArray.m */; };
4ED6DB27135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJObjManager.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4ED6DB14135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJObjManager.m */; };
4ED6DB28135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJMOUserBase.m in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 4ED6DB16135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJMOUserBase.m */; };
@@ -253,6 +255,9 @@
4ECFB755135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.fave.30@2x.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; path = "PicCastTabBarIcons.fave.30@2x.png"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4ECFB756135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.feeds.30.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; path = PicCastTabBarIcons.feeds.30.png; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4ECFB757135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.feeds.30@2x.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = image.png; path = "PicCastTabBarIcons.feeds.30@2x.png"; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = SourcesEditViewController.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = SourcesEditViewController.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 4ECFB7D6135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.xib */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = file.xib; path = SourcesEditViewController.xib; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4ED6DB12135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJWeakMutableArray.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = HJWeakMutableArray.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4ED6DB13135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJWeakMutableArray.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = HJWeakMutableArray.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
4ED6DB14135A194A00BEF0B7 /* HJObjManager.m */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.objc; path = HJObjManager.m; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
@@ -304,6 +309,9 @@
080E96DDFE201D6D7F000001 /* Classes */ = {
isa = PBXGroup;
children = (
+ 4ECFB7D4135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.h */,
+ 4ECFB7D5135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m */,
+ 4ECFB7D6135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.xib */,
4ECFB6E8135F6FDB007FAB8D /* PicCast.png */,
4EA95FD3135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.h */,
4EA95FD4135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m */,
@@ -714,6 +722,7 @@
4ECFB75B135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.fave.30@2x.png in Resources */,
4ECFB75C135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.feeds.30.png in Resources */,
4ECFB75D135F8869007FAB8D /* PicCastTabBarIcons.feeds.30@2x.png in Resources */,
+ 4ECFB7D8135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.xib in Resources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
@@ -744,6 +753,7 @@
4EA95FCB135CE8C3009243EE /* PhotoSource.m in Sources */,
4EA95FD5135CE959009243EE /* PhotoViewController.m in Sources */,
4ECFB6D2135F5807007FAB8D /* AcidCowFeedburnerParser.m in Sources */,
+ 4ECFB7D7135FC4B0007FAB8D /* SourcesEditViewController.m in Sources */,
runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;