path: root/code
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'code')
14 files changed, 133 insertions, 2551 deletions
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/buildnt.sh b/code/tools/lcc/buildnt.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 665d5ff..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/buildnt.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-export BUILDDIR=.\\out
-mkdir out
-nmake -f makefile.nt all
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/etc/bprint.c b/code/tools/lcc/etc/bprint.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fd073ab..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/etc/bprint.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-/* bprint [ -c | -Idir... | -f | -b | -n ] [ file... ]
- * annotate listings of files with prof.out data
- */
-#define NDIRS (sizeof dirs/sizeof dirs[0] - 1)
-#define NEW(p,a) ((p) = alloc(sizeof *(p)))
-#define newarray(m,n,a) alloc((m)*(n))
-#define NELEMS(a) ((int)(sizeof (a)/sizeof ((a)[0])))
-#define MAXTOKEN 64
-struct count { /* count data: */
- int x, y; /* source coordinate */
- int count; /* associated execution count */
-char *progname;
-int number;
-char *dirs[20];
-int fcount;
-struct file { /* per-file prof.out data: */
- struct file *link; /* link to next file */
- char *name; /* file name */
- int size; /* size of counts[] */
- int count; /* counts[0..count-1] hold valid data */
- struct count *counts; /* count data */
- struct func { /* function data: */
- struct func *link; /* link to next function */
- char *name; /* function name */
- struct count count; /* total number of calls */
- struct caller { /* caller data: */
- struct caller *link; /* link to next caller */
- char *name; /* caller's name */
- char *file; /* call site: file, x, y */
- int x, y;
- int count; /* number of calls from this site */
- } *callers;
- } *funcs; /* list of functions */
-} *filelist;
-FILE *fp;
-extern int process(char *);
-extern int findfunc(char *, char *);
-extern int findcount(char *, int, int);
-void *alloc(unsigned);
-char *string(char *);
-int process(char *);
-void emitdata(char *);
-void printfile(struct file *, int);
-void printfuncs(struct file *, int);
-/* alloc - allocate n bytes or die */
-void *alloc(unsigned n) {
- void *new = malloc(n);
- assert(new);
- return new;
-/* emitdata - write prof.out data to file */
-void emitdata(char *file) {
- FILE *fp;
- if ((fp = fopen(file, "w"))) {
- struct file *p;
- for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link) {
- int i;
- struct func *q;
- struct caller *r;
- fprintf(fp, "1\n%s\n", p->name);
- for (i = 0, q = p->funcs; q; i++, q = q->link)
- if ((r = q->callers))
- for (i--; r; r = r->link)
- i++;
- fprintf(fp, "%d\n", i);
- for (q = p->funcs; q; q = q->link)
- if (q->count.count == 0 || !q->callers)
- fprintf(fp, "%s 1 %d %d %d ? ? 0 0\n", q->name, q->count.x,
- q->count.y, q->count.count);
- else
- for (r = q->callers; r; r = r->link)
- fprintf(fp, "%s 1 %d %d %d %s %s %d %d\n", q->name, q->count.x,
- q->count.y, r->count, r->name, r->file, r->x, r->y);
- fprintf(fp, "%d\n", p->count);
- for (i = 0; i < p->count; i++)
- fprintf(fp, "1 %d %d %d\n", p->counts[i].x,
- p->counts[i].y, p->counts[i].count);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- } else
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't create `%s'\n", progname, file);
-/* openfile - open name for reading, searching -I directories */
-FILE *openfile(char *name) {
- int i;
- FILE *fp;
- if (*name != '/')
- for (i = 0; dirs[i]; i++) {
- char buf[200];
- sprintf(buf, "%s/%s", dirs[i], name);
- if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r")))
- return fp;
- }
- return fopen(name, "r");
-/* printfile - print annotated listing for p */
-void printfile(struct file *p, int nf) {
- int lineno;
- FILE *fp;
- char *s, buf[512];
- struct count *u = p->counts, *r, *uend;
- if (u == 0 || p->count <= 0)
- return;
- uend = &p->counts[p->count];
- if ((fp = openfile(p->name)) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't open `%s'\n", progname, p->name);
- return;
- }
- if (nf)
- printf("%s%s:\n\n", nf == 1 ? "" : "\f", p->name);
- for (lineno = 1; fgets(buf, sizeof buf, fp); lineno++) {
- if (number)
- printf("%d\t", lineno);
- while (u < uend && u->y < lineno)
- u++;
- for (s = buf; *s; ) {
- char *t = s + 1;
- while (u < uend && u->y == lineno && u->x < s - buf)
- u++;
- if (isalnum(*s) || *s == '_')
- while (isalnum(*t) || *t == '_')
- t++;
- while (u < uend && u->y == lineno && u->x < t - buf) {
- printf("<%d>", u->count);
- for (r = u++; u < uend && u->x == r->x && u->y == r->y && u->count == r->count; u++)
- ;
- }
- while (s < t)
- putchar(*s++);
- }
- if (*s)
- printf("%s", s);
- }
- fclose(fp);
-/* printfuncs - summarize data for functions in p */
-void printfuncs(struct file *p, int nf) {
- struct func *q;
- if (nf)
- printf("%s:\n", p->name);
- for (q = p->funcs; q; q = q->link)
- if (fcount <= 1 || q->count.count == 0 || !q->callers)
- printf("%d\t%s\n", q->count.count, q->name);
- else {
- struct caller *r;
- for (r = q->callers; r; r = r->link)
- printf("%d\t%s\tfrom %s\tin %s:%d.%d\n", r->count, q->name, r->name,
- r->file, r->y, r->x + 1);
- }
-/* string - save a copy of str, if necessary */
-char *string(char *str) {
- static struct string { struct string *link; char str[1]; } *list;
- struct string *p;
- for (p = list; p; p = p->link)
- if (strcmp(p->str, str) == 0)
- return p->str;
- p = (struct string *)alloc(strlen(str) + sizeof *p);
- strcpy(p->str, str);
- p->link = list;
- list = p;
- return p->str;
-/* acaller - add caller and site (file,x,y) to callee's callers list */
-static void acaller(char *caller, char *file, int x, int y, int count, struct func *callee) {
- struct caller *q;
- assert(callee);
- for (q = callee->callers; q && (caller != q->name
- || file != q->file || x != q->x || y != q->y); q = q->link)
- ;
- if (!q) {
- struct caller **r;
- NEW(q, PERM);
- q->name = caller;
- q->file = file;
- q->x = x;
- q->y = y;
- q->count = 0;
- for (r = &callee->callers; *r && (strcmp(q->name, (*r)->name) > 0
- || strcmp(q->file, (*r)->file) > 0 || q->y > (*r)->y || q->y > (*r)->y); r = &(*r)->link)
- ;
- q->link = *r;
- *r = q;
- }
- q->count += count;
-/* compare - return <0, 0, >0 if a<b, a==b, a>b, resp. */
-static int compare(struct count *a, struct count *b) {
- if (a->y == b->y)
- return a->x - b->x;
- return a->y - b->y;
-/* findfile - return file name's file list entry, or 0 */
-static struct file *findfile(char *name) {
- struct file *p;
- for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link)
- if (p->name == name)
- return p;
- return 0;
-/* afunction - add function name and its data to file's function list */
-static struct func *afunction(char *name, char *file, int x, int y, int count) {
- struct file *p = findfile(file);
- struct func *q;
- assert(p);
- for (q = p->funcs; q && name != q->name; q = q->link)
- ;
- if (!q) {
- struct func **r;
- NEW(q, PERM);
- q->name = name;
- q->count.x = x;
- q->count.y = y;
- q->count.count = 0;
- q->callers = 0;
- for (r = &p->funcs; *r && compare(&q->count, &(*r)->count) > 0; r = &(*r)->link)
- ;
- q->link = *r;
- *r = q;
- }
- q->count.count += count;
- return q;
-/* apoint - append execution point i to file's data */
-static void apoint(int i, char *file, int x, int y, int count) {
- struct file *p = findfile(file);
- assert(p);
- if (i >= p->size) {
- int j;
- if (p->size == 0) {
- p->size = i >= 200 ? 2*i : 200;
- p->counts = newarray(p->size, sizeof *p->counts, PERM);
- } else {
- struct count *new;
- p->size = 2*i;
- new = newarray(p->size, sizeof *new, PERM);
- for (j = 0; j < p->count; j++)
- new[j] = p->counts[j];
- p->counts = new;
- }
- for (j = p->count; j < p->size; j++) {
- static struct count z;
- p->counts[j] = z;
- }
- }
- p->counts[i].x = x;
- p->counts[i].y = y;
- p->counts[i].count += count;
- if (i >= p->count)
- p->count = i + 1;
-/* findcount - return count associated with (file,x,y) or -1 */
-int findcount(char *file, int x, int y) {
- static struct file *cursor;
- if (cursor == 0 || cursor->name != file)
- cursor = findfile(file);
- if (cursor) {
- int l, u;
- struct count *c = cursor->counts;
- for (l = 0, u = cursor->count - 1; l <= u; ) {
- int k = (l + u)/2;
- if (c[k].y > y || (c[k].y == y && c[k].x > x))
- u = k - 1;
- else if (c[k].y < y || (c[k].y == y && c[k].x < x))
- l = k + 1;
- else
- return c[k].count;
- }
- }
- return -1;
-/* findfunc - return count associated with function name in file or -1 */
-int findfunc(char *name, char *file) {
- static struct file *cursor;
- if (cursor == 0 || cursor->name != file)
- cursor = findfile(file);
- if (cursor) {
- struct func *p;
- for (p = cursor->funcs; p; p = p->link)
- if (p->name == name)
- return p->count.count;
- }
- return -1;
-/* getd - read a nonnegative number */
-static int getd(void) {
- int c, n = 0;
- while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\t'))
- ;
- if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
- do
- n = 10*n + (c - '0');
- while ((c = getc(fp)) >= '0' && c <= '9');
- return n;
- }
- return -1;
-/* getstr - read a string */
-static char *getstr(void) {
- int c;
- char buf[MAXTOKEN], *s = buf;
- while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && c != ' ' && c != '\n' && c != '\t')
- if (s - buf < (int)sizeof buf - 2)
- *s++ = c;
- *s = 0;
- return s == buf ? (char *)0 : string(buf);
-/* gather - read prof.out data from fd */
-static int gather(void) {
- int i, nfiles, nfuncs, npoints;
- char *files[64];
- if ((nfiles = getd()) < 0)
- return 0;
- assert(nfiles < NELEMS(files));
- for (i = 0; i < nfiles; i++) {
- if ((files[i] = getstr()) == 0)
- return -1;
- if (!findfile(files[i])) {
- struct file *new;
- NEW(new, PERM);
- new->name = files[i];
- new->size = new->count = 0;
- new->counts = 0;
- new->funcs = 0;
- new->link = filelist;
- filelist = new;
- }
- }
- if ((nfuncs = getd()) < 0)
- return -1;
- for (i = 0; i < nfuncs; i++) {
- struct func *q;
- char *name, *file;
- int f, x, y, count;
- if ((name = getstr()) == 0 || (f = getd()) <= 0
- || (x = getd()) < 0 || (y = getd()) < 0 || (count = getd()) < 0)
- return -1;
- q = afunction(name, files[f-1], x, y, count);
- if ((name = getstr()) == 0 || (file = getstr()) == 0
- || (x = getd()) < 0 || (y = getd()) < 0)
- return -1;
- if (*name != '?')
- acaller(name, file, x, y, count, q);
- }
- if ((npoints = getd()) < 0)
- return -1;
- for (i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {
- int f, x, y, count;
- if ((f = getd()) < 0 || (x = getd()) < 0 || (y = getd()) < 0
- || (count = getd()) < 0)
- return -1;
- if (f)
- apoint(i, files[f-1], x, y, count);
- }
- return 1;
-/* process - read prof.out data from file */
-int process(char *file) {
- int more;
- if ((fp = fopen(file, "r")) != NULL) {
- struct file *p;
- while ((more = gather()) > 0)
- ;
- fclose(fp);
- if (more < 0)
- return more;
- for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link)
- qsort(p->counts, p->count, sizeof *p->counts,
- (int (*)(const void *, const void *))
- compare);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int i;
- struct file *p;
- void (*f)(struct file *, int) = printfile;
- progname = argv[0];
- if ((i = process("prof.out")) <= 0) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't %s `%s'\n", progname,
- i == 0 ? "open" : "interpret", "prof.out");
- exit(1);
- }
- for (i = 1; i < argc && *argv[i] == '-'; i++)
- if (strcmp(argv[i], "-c") == 0) {
- emitdata("prof.out");
- exit(0);
- } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-b") == 0)
- f = printfile;
- else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-f") == 0) {
- fcount++;
- f = printfuncs;
- } else if (strcmp(argv[i], "-n") == 0)
- number++;
- else if (strncmp(argv[i], "-I", 2) == 0) {
- int j;
- for (j = 0; j < NDIRS && dirs[j]; j++)
- ;
- if (j < NDIRS)
- dirs[j] = &argv[i][2];
- else
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: too many -I options\n", progname);
- } else {
- fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ -c | -b | -n | -f | -Idir... ] [ file... ]\n", progname);
- exit(1);
- }
- for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link)
- qsort(p->counts, p->count, sizeof *p->counts,
- (int (*)(const void *, const void *))compare);
- if (i < argc) {
- int nf = i < argc - 1 ? 1 : 0;
- for ( ; i < argc; i++, nf ? nf++ : 0)
- if ((p = findfile(string(argv[i]))))
- (*f)(p, nf);
- else
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: no data for `%s'\n", progname, argv[i]);
- } else {
- int nf = filelist && filelist->link ? 1 : 0;
- for (p = filelist; p; p = p->link, nf ? nf++ : 0)
- (*f)(p, nf);
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/etc/ops.c b/code/tools/lcc/etc/ops.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 39d2357..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/etc/ops.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-#include "c.h"
-/* ops [ {csilhfdxp}=n ]...
- * prints lcc dag operator set for a given set of type sizes.
- */
-static char list[] = { 'c', 's', 'i', 'l', 'h', 'f', 'd', 'x', 'p', 0 };
-static int sizes[] = { 1, 2, 4, 4, 8, 4, 8, 16, 8 };
-static int doop(int op, int type, const char *sz, const char *opname) {
- int count = 0;
- static int last;
- if (op == LOAD)
- return 0;
- if (last != 0 && last != op)
- printf("\n");
- last = op;
- if (type == B || type == V) {
- printf(" %s=%d", opname, op + type);
- count++;
- } else {
- int i, done = 0;
- const char *s;
- for (i = 0; sz[i] != '\0' && (s = strchr(list, sz[i])) != NULL; i++) {
- int n = sizes[s-list];
- if ((done&(1<<n)) == 0) {
- printf(" %s%d=%d", opname, n, op + type + sizeop(n));
- count++;
- }
- done |= 1<<n;
- }
- }
- printf("\n");
- return count;
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int i, count = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
- char c, *s;
- int n;
- if (sscanf(argv[i], "%c=%d", &c, &n) == 2
- && n > 0 && (s = strchr(list, c)) != NULL)
- sizes[s-list] = n;
- else {
- fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [ {csilhfdxp}=n ]...\n", argv[0]);
- }
- }
-#define gop(x,n)
-#define op(x,t,s) count += doop(x,t,#s,#x #t);
- op(CNST,F,fdx)
- op(CNST,I,csilh)
- op(CNST,P,p)
- op(CNST,U,csilh)
- op(ARG,B,-)
- op(ARG,F,fdx)
- op(ARG,I,ilh)
- op(ARG,P,p)
- op(ARG,U,ilh)
- op(ASGN,B,-)
- op(ASGN,F,fdx)
- op(ASGN,I,csilh)
- op(ASGN,P,p)
- op(ASGN,U,csilh)
- op(INDIR,B,-)
- op(INDIR,F,fdx)
- op(INDIR,I,csilh)
- op(INDIR,P,p)
- op(INDIR,U,csilh)
- op(CVF,F,fdx)
- op(CVF,I,ilh)
- op(CVI,F,fdx)
- op(CVI,I,csilh)
- op(CVI,U,csilhp)
- op(CVP,U,p)
- op(CVU,I,csilh)
- op(CVU,P,p)
- op(CVU,U,csilh)
- op(NEG,F,fdx)
- op(NEG,I,ilh)
- op(CALL,B,-)
- op(CALL,F,fdx)
- op(CALL,I,ilh)
- op(CALL,P,p)
- op(CALL,U,ilh)
- op(CALL,V,-)
- op(RET,F,fdx)
- op(RET,I,ilh)
- op(RET,P,p)
- op(RET,U,ilh)
- op(RET,V,-)
- op(ADDRG,P,p)
- op(ADDRF,P,p)
- op(ADDRL,P,p)
- op(ADD,F,fdx)
- op(ADD,I,ilh)
- op(ADD,P,p)
- op(ADD,U,ilhp)
- op(SUB,F,fdx)
- op(SUB,I,ilh)
- op(SUB,P,p)
- op(SUB,U,ilhp)
- op(LSH,I,ilh)
- op(LSH,U,ilh)
- op(MOD,I,ilh)
- op(MOD,U,ilh)
- op(RSH,I,ilh)
- op(RSH,U,ilh)
- op(BAND,I,ilh)
- op(BAND,U,ilh)
- op(BCOM,I,ilh)
- op(BCOM,U,ilh)
- op(BOR,I,ilh)
- op(BOR,U,ilh)
- op(BXOR,I,ilh)
- op(BXOR,U,ilh)
- op(DIV,F,fdx)
- op(DIV,I,ilh)
- op(DIV,U,ilh)
- op(MUL,F,fdx)
- op(MUL,I,ilh)
- op(MUL,U,ilh)
- op(EQ,F,fdx)
- op(EQ,I,ilh)
- op(EQ,U,ilhp)
- op(GE,F,fdx)
- op(GE,I,ilh)
- op(GE,U,ilhp)
- op(GT,F,fdx)
- op(GT,I,ilh)
- op(GT,U,ilhp)
- op(LE,F,fdx)
- op(LE,I,ilh)
- op(LE,U,ilhp)
- op(LT,F,fdx)
- op(LT,I,ilh)
- op(LT,U,ilhp)
- op(NE,F,fdx)
- op(NE,I,ilh)
- op(NE,U,ilhp)
- op(JUMP,V,-)
- op(LABEL,V,-)
- op(LOAD,B,-)
- op(LOAD,F,fdx)
- op(LOAD,I,csilh)
- op(LOAD,P,p)
- op(LOAD,U,csilhp)
-#undef gop
-#undef op
- fprintf(stderr, "%d operators\n", count);
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/lib/assert.c b/code/tools/lcc/lib/assert.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 10958a8..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/lib/assert.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-int _assert(char *e, char *file, int line) {
- fprintf(stderr, "assertion failed:");
- if (e)
- fprintf(stderr, " %s", e);
- if (file)
- fprintf(stderr, " file %s", file);
- fprintf(stderr, " line %d\n", line);
- fflush(stderr);
- abort();
- return 0;
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/lib/bbexit.c b/code/tools/lcc/lib/bbexit.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dff067..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/lib/bbexit.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-struct callsite {
- char *file, *name;
- union coordinate {
- struct { unsigned int index:6,x:10,y:16; } be;
- struct { unsigned int y:16,x:10,index:6; } le;
- unsigned int coord;
- } u;
-} *_caller;
-static struct _bbdata {
- struct _bbdata *link;
- unsigned npoints, *counts;
- union coordinate *coords;
- char **files;
- struct func {
- struct func *link;
- struct caller {
- struct caller *link;
- struct callsite *caller;
- unsigned count;
- } *callers;
- char *name;
- union coordinate src;
- } *funcs;
-} tail, *_bblist = &tail;
-static void unpack(unsigned int coord, int *index, int *x, int *y) {
- static union { int x; char endian; } little = { 1 };
- union coordinate u;
- u.coord = coord;
- if (little.endian) {
- *index = u.le.index;
- *x = u.le.x;
- *y = u.le.y;
- } else {
- *index = u.be.index;
- *x = u.be.x;
- *y = u.be.y;
- }
-static void profout(struct _bbdata *p, FILE *fp) {
- int i, index, x, y;
- struct func *f;
- struct caller *q;
- for (i = 0; p->files[i]; i++)
- ;
- fprintf(fp, "%d\n", i);
- for (i = 0; p->files[i]; i++)
- fprintf(fp, "%s\n", p->files[i]);
- for (i = 0, f = p->funcs; f; i++, f = f->link)
- if ((q = f->callers))
- for (i--; q; q = q->link)
- i++;
- fprintf(fp, "%d\n", i);
- for (f = p->funcs; f; f = f->link) {
- int n = 0;
- for (q = f->callers; q; n += q->count, q = q->link) {
- unpack(f->src.coord, &index, &x, &y);
- fprintf(fp, "%s %d %d %d %d", f->name, index, x, y, q->count);
- if (q->caller) {
- unpack(q->caller->u.coord, &index, &x, &y);
- fprintf(fp, " %s %s %d %d\n", q->caller->name, q->caller->file, x, y);
- } else
- fprintf(fp, " ? ? 0 0\n");
- }
- if (n == 0) {
- unpack(f->src.coord, &index, &x, &y);
- fprintf(fp, "%s %d %d %d 0 ? ? 0 0\n", f->name, index, x, y);
- }
- }
- fprintf(fp, "%d\n", p->npoints);
- for (i = 0; i < p->npoints; i++) {
- unpack(p->coords[i].coord, &index, &x, &y);
- fprintf(fp, "%d %d %d %d\n", index, x, y, p->counts[i]);
- }
-static void bbexit(void) {
- FILE *fp;
- if (_bblist != &tail && (fp = fopen("prof.out", "a"))) {
- for ( ; _bblist != &tail; _bblist = _bblist->link)
- profout(_bblist, fp);
- fclose(fp);
- }
-void _epilogue(struct func *callee) {
- _caller = 0;
-void _prologue(struct func *callee, struct _bbdata *yylink) {
- static struct caller callers[4096];
- static int next;
- struct caller *p;
- if (!yylink->link) {
- yylink->link = _bblist;
- _bblist = yylink;
- if (next == 0)
- atexit(bbexit);
- }
- for (p = callee->callers; p; p = p->link)
- if (p->caller == _caller) {
- p->count++;
- break;
- }
- if (!p && next < sizeof callers/sizeof callers[0]) {
- p = &callers[next++];
- p->caller = _caller;
- p->count = 1;
- p->link = callee->callers;
- callee->callers = p;
- }
- _caller = 0;
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/lib/yynull.c b/code/tools/lcc/lib/yynull.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dbc968..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/lib/yynull.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-void _YYnull(char *file, int line) {
- fprintf(stderr, "null pointer dereferenced:");
- if (file)
- fprintf(stderr, " file %s,", file);
- fprintf(stderr, " line %d\n", line);
- fflush(stderr);
- abort();
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/makefile b/code/tools/lcc/makefile
index eb2d0f0..1a96e9c 100644
--- a/code/tools/lcc/makefile
+++ b/code/tools/lcc/makefile
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# $Id: makefile 145 2001-10-17 21:53:10Z timo $
PLATFORM=$(shell uname|sed -e s/_.*//|tr A-Z a-z)
@@ -11,7 +10,7 @@ else
-LCC_CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing
+LCC_CFLAGS=-O2 -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing -MMD
@@ -22,211 +21,135 @@ RM=rm -f
ifeq ($(PLATFORM),SunOS)
-# $Id: makefile 145 2001-10-17 21:53:10Z timo $
+all: q3rcc lburg q3cpp q3lcc
- -@echo make all q3rcc lburg q3cpp q3lcc bprint liblcc triple clean clobber
+q3rcc: makedirs $(BD)q3rcc$(E)
+lburg: makedirs $(BD)lburg$(E)
+q3cpp: makedirs $(BD)q3cpp$(E)
+q3lcc: makedirs $(BD)q3lcc$(E)
@if [ ! -d $(BD) ];then mkdir $(BD);fi
-all:: q3rcc lburg q3cpp q3lcc bprint liblcc
-q3rcc: makedirs $(BD)q3rcc$(E)
-lburg: makedirs $(BD)lburg$(E)
-q3cpp: makedirs $(BD)q3cpp$(E)
-q3lcc: makedirs $(BD)q3lcc$(E)
-bprint: makedirs $(BD)bprint$(E)
-liblcc: makedirs $(BD)liblcc$(A)
-RCCOBJS=$(BD)alloc$(O) \
- $(BD)bind$(O) \
- $(BD)dag$(O) \
- $(BD)dagcheck$(O) \
- $(BD)decl$(O) \
- $(BD)enode$(O) \
- $(BD)error$(O) \
- $(BD)expr$(O) \
- $(BD)event$(O) \
- $(BD)init$(O) \
- $(BD)inits$(O) \
- $(BD)input$(O) \
- $(BD)lex$(O) \
- $(BD)list$(O) \
- $(BD)main$(O) \
- $(BD)output$(O) \
- $(BD)prof$(O) \
- $(BD)profio$(O) \
- $(BD)simp$(O) \
- $(BD)stmt$(O) \
- $(BD)string$(O) \
- $(BD)sym$(O) \
- $(BD)trace$(O) \
- $(BD)tree$(O) \
- $(BD)types$(O) \
- $(BD)null$(O) \
- $(BD)symbolic$(O) \
- $(BD)gen$(O) \
- $(BD)bytecode$(O)
-$(BD)q3rcc$(E):: $(BD)main$(O) $(BD)librcc$(A) $(EXTRAOBJS)
- $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(BD)main$(O) $(EXTRAOBJS) $(BD)librcc$(A) $(EXTRALIBS)
-$(BD)librcc$(A): $(RCCOBJS)
- $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(RCCOBJS); $(RANLIB) $@ || true
-$(RCCOBJS): src/c.h src/token.h src/config.h
-$(BD)alloc$(O): src/alloc.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/alloc.c
-$(BD)bind$(O): src/bind.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/bind.c
-$(BD)dag$(O): src/dag.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/dag.c
-$(BD)decl$(O): src/decl.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/decl.c
-$(BD)enode$(O): src/enode.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/enode.c
-$(BD)error$(O): src/error.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/error.c
-$(BD)event$(O): src/event.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/event.c
-$(BD)expr$(O): src/expr.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/expr.c
-$(BD)gen$(O): src/gen.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/gen.c
-$(BD)init$(O): src/init.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/init.c
-$(BD)inits$(O): src/inits.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/inits.c
-$(BD)input$(O): src/input.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/input.c
-$(BD)lex$(O): src/lex.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/lex.c
-$(BD)list$(O): src/list.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/list.c
-$(BD)main$(O): src/main.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/main.c
-$(BD)null$(O): src/null.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/null.c
-$(BD)output$(O): src/output.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/output.c
-$(BD)prof$(O): src/prof.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/prof.c
-$(BD)profio$(O): src/profio.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/profio.c
-$(BD)simp$(O): src/simp.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/simp.c
-$(BD)stmt$(O): src/stmt.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/stmt.c
-$(BD)string$(O): src/string.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/string.c
-$(BD)sym$(O): src/sym.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/sym.c
-$(BD)symbolic$(O): src/symbolic.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/symbolic.c
-$(BD)bytecode$(O): src/bytecode.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/bytecode.c
-$(BD)trace$(O): src/trace.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/trace.c
-$(BD)tree$(O): src/tree.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/tree.c
-$(BD)types$(O): src/types.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/types.c
-$(BD)stab$(O): src/stab.c src/stab.h; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ src/stab.c
-$(BD)dagcheck$(O): $(BD)dagcheck.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ $(BD)dagcheck.c
-$(BD)dagcheck.c: $(BD)lburg$(E) src/dagcheck.md; $(BD)lburg src/dagcheck.md $@
-$(BD)q3rcc.h: src/rcc.asdl; $(ASDL_HOME)/bin/asdlGen --c -d $(BD) src/rcc.asdl
-$(BD)q3rcc$(O): $(BD)rcc.h; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -I$(BD) -I$(ASDL_HOME)/include/asdlGen -o $@ $(BD)rcc.c
-$(BD)asdl$(O): src/asdl.c $(BD)rcc.h src/c.h; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -I$(BD) -I$(ASDL_HOME)/include/asdlGen -o $@ src/asdl.c
-$(BD)2html$(O): src/2html.c $(BD)rcc.h src/c.h; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -I$(BD) -I$(ASDL_HOME)/include/asdlGen -o $@ src/2html.c
-$(BD)2html$(E): $(BD)2html$(O) $(BD)q3rcc$(O); $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(BD)2html$(O) $(BD)q3rcc$(O) $(EXTRALIBS)
-$(BD)bprint$(E): $(BD)bprint$(O); $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(BD)bprint$(O)
-$(BD)bprint$(O): etc/bprint.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ etc/bprint.c
-$(BD)q3lcc$(E): $(BD)q3lcc$(O) $(BD)host$(O); $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(BD)q3lcc$(O) $(BD)host$(O)
-$(BD)q3lcc$(O): etc/lcc.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -DTEMPDIR=\"$(TEMPDIR)\" -o $@ etc/lcc.c
-$(BD)host$(O): etc/bytecode.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -DSYSTEM=\"\" -o $@ etc/bytecode.c
-LIBOBJS=$(BD)assert$(O) $(BD)bbexit$(O) $(BD)yynull$(O)
-$(BD)liblcc$(A): $(LIBOBJS); $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) $@ $(BD)assert$(O) $(BD)bbexit$(O) $(BD)yynull$(O); $(RANLIB) $@ || true
-$(BD)assert$(O): lib/assert.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ lib/assert.c
-$(BD)yynull$(O): lib/yynull.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ lib/yynull.c
-$(BD)bbexit$(O): lib/bbexit.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -o $@ lib/bbexit.c
-$(BD)lburg$(E): $(BD)lburg$(O) $(BD)gram$(O); $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(BD)lburg$(O) $(BD)gram$(O)
-$(BD)lburg$(O) $(BD)gram$(O): lburg/lburg.h
-$(BD)lburg$(O): lburg/lburg.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Ilburg -o $@ lburg/lburg.c
-$(BD)gram$(O): lburg/gram.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Ilburg -o $@ lburg/gram.c
-CPPOBJS=$(BD)q3cpp$(O) $(BD)lexer$(O) $(BD)nlist$(O) $(BD)tokens$(O) $(BD)macro$(O) $(BD)eval$(O) \
- $(BD)include$(O) $(BD)hideset$(O) $(BD)getopt$(O) $(BD)unix$(O)
-$(BD)q3cpp$(E): $(CPPOBJS)
- $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(CPPOBJS)
-$(CPPOBJS): cpp/cpp.h
-$(BD)q3cpp$(O): cpp/cpp.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -o $@ cpp/cpp.c
-$(BD)lexer$(O): cpp/lex.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -o $@ cpp/lex.c
-$(BD)nlist$(O): cpp/nlist.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -o $@ cpp/nlist.c
-$(BD)tokens$(O): cpp/tokens.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -o $@ cpp/tokens.c
-$(BD)macro$(O): cpp/macro.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -o $@ cpp/macro.c
-$(BD)eval$(O): cpp/eval.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -o $@ cpp/eval.c
-$(BD)include$(O): cpp/include.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -o $@ cpp/include.c
-$(BD)hideset$(O): cpp/hideset.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -o $@ cpp/hideset.c
-$(BD)getopt$(O): cpp/getopt.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -o $@ cpp/getopt.c
-$(BD)unix$(O): cpp/unix.c; $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -o $@ cpp/unix.c
-install:: all
+ @if [ ! -d $(BD)/etc ];then mkdir $(BD)/etc;fi
+ @if [ ! -d $(BD)/rcc ];then mkdir $(BD)/rcc;fi
+ @if [ ! -d $(BD)/cpp ];then mkdir $(BD)/cpp;fi
+ @if [ ! -d $(BD)/lburg ];then mkdir $(BD)/lburg;fi
+# ===== RCC =====
+ $(BD)rcc/alloc$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/bind$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/bytecode$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/dag$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/dagcheck$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/decl$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/enode$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/error$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/event$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/expr$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/gen$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/init$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/inits$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/input$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/lex$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/list$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/main$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/null$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/output$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/prof$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/profio$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/simp$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/stmt$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/string$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/sym$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/symbolic$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/trace$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/tree$(O) \
+ $(BD)rcc/types$(O)
+$(BD)q3rcc$(E): $(RCCOBJS)
+ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(RCCOBJS)
+$(BD)rcc/%$(O): src/%.c
+ $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Isrc -o $@ $<
+$(BD)rcc/dagcheck$(O): $(BD)rcc/dagcheck.c
+ $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -Wno-unused -c -Isrc -o $@ $<
+$(BD)rcc/dagcheck.c: $(BD)lburg/lburg$(E) src/dagcheck.md
+ $(BD)lburg/lburg$(E) src/dagcheck.md $@
+# ===== LBURG =====
+ $(BD)lburg/lburg$(O) \
+ $(BD)lburg/gram$(O)
+$(BD)lburg/lburg$(E): $(LBURGOBJS)
+ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(LBURGOBJS)
+$(BD)lburg/%$(O): lburg/%.c
+ $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Ilburg -o $@ $<
+# ===== CPP =====
+ $(BD)cpp/cpp$(O) \
+ $(BD)cpp/lex$(O) \
+ $(BD)cpp/nlist$(O) \
+ $(BD)cpp/tokens$(O) \
+ $(BD)cpp/macro$(O) \
+ $(BD)cpp/eval$(O) \
+ $(BD)cpp/include$(O) \
+ $(BD)cpp/hideset$(O) \
+ $(BD)cpp/getopt$(O) \
+ $(BD)cpp/unix$(O)
+$(BD)q3cpp$(E): $(CPPOBJS)
+ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(CPPOBJS)
+$(BD)cpp/%$(O): cpp/%.c
+ $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -c -Icpp -o $@ $<
+# ===== LCC =====
+ $(BD)etc/lcc$(O) \
+ $(BD)etc/bytecode$(O)
+$(BD)q3lcc$(E): $(LCCOBJS)
+ $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(LCCOBJS)
+$(BD)etc/%$(O): etc/%.c
+ $(CC) $(LCC_CFLAGS) -DTEMPDIR=\"$(TEMPDIR)\" -DSYSTEM=\"\" -c -Isrc -o $@ $<
+install: q3lcc q3cpp q3rcc
$(INSTALL) -s -m 0755 $(BD)q3lcc$(E) ../
$(INSTALL) -s -m 0755 $(BD)q3cpp$(E) ../
$(INSTALL) -s -m 0755 $(BD)q3rcc$(E) ../
-$(RM) ../q3lcc$(E)
-$(RM) ../q3cpp$(E)
-$(RM) ../q3rcc$(E)
- $(RM) $(BD)*$(O)
- $(RM) $(BD)dagcheck.c $(BD)gram.c
- $(RM) $(BD)rcc.c $(BD)rcc.h
- $(RM) $(BD)rcc1$(E) $(BD)rcc1$(E) $(BD)1rcc$(E) $(BD)2rcc$(E)
- $(RM) $(BD)*.ilk
- $(RM) -r $(BD)
-clobber:: clean
- $(RM) $(BD)q3rcc$(E) $(BD)2html$(E) $(BD)lburg$(E) $(BD)q3cpp$(E) $(BD)q3lcc$(E) $(BD)bprint$(E) $(BD)*$(A)
- $(RM) $(BD)*.pdb $(BD)*.pch
-RCCSRCS=src/alloc.c \
- src/bind.c \
- src/dag.c \
- src/decl.c \
- src/enode.c \
- src/error.c \
- src/expr.c \
- src/event.c \
- src/init.c \
- src/inits.c \
- src/input.c \
- src/lex.c \
- src/list.c \
- src/main.c \
- src/output.c \
- src/prof.c \
- src/profio.c \
- src/simp.c \
- src/stmt.c \
- src/string.c \
- src/sym.c \
- src/trace.c \
- src/tree.c \
- src/types.c \
- src/null.c \
- src/symbolic.c \
- src/bytecode.c \
- src/gen.c \
- src/stab.c \
- $(BD)dagcheck.c
-C=$(BD)q3lcc -A -d0.6 -Wo-lccdir=$(BUILDDIR) -Isrc -I$(BUILDDIR)
-triple: $(BD)q3rcc$(E) $(BD)q3lcc$(E) $(BD)q3cpp$(E)
- $C -o $(BD)1rcc$(E) -B$(BD) $(RCCSRCS)
- $C -o $(BD)2rcc$(E) -B$(BD)1 $(RCCSRCS)
- strip $(BD)1rcc$(E) $(BD)2rcc$(E)
- dd if=$(BD)1rcc$(E) of=$(BD)rcc1$(E) bs=512 skip=1
- dd if=$(BD)2rcc$(E) of=$(BD)rcc2$(E) bs=512 skip=1
- if cmp $(BD)rcc1$(E) $(BD)rcc2$(E); then \
- mv $(BD)2rcc$(E) $(BD)q3rcc$(E); \
- $(RM) $(BD)1rcc$(E) $(BD)q3rcc[12]$(E); fi
+ if [ -d $(BD) ];then (find $(BD) -name '*.d' -exec rm {} \;)fi
+ $(RM) $(BD)rcc/dagcheck.c $(BD)lburg/lburg$(E)
+ $(RM) $(BD)q3lcc$(E) $(BD)q3cpp$(E) $(BD)q3rcc$(E)
+ $(RM) -r $(BD)
+D_FILES=$(shell find . -name '*.d')
+ifneq ($(strip $(D_FILES)),)
+ include $(D_FILES)
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/src/2html.c b/code/tools/lcc/src/2html.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a0be3a..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/src/2html.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,555 +0,0 @@
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include "c.h"
-#include "rcc.h"
-#if WIN32
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <io.h>
-static void do_int(int x) {
- printf("%d", x);
-static void do_scope(int x) {
-#define xx(c) if (x == c) { printf(#c); return; }
- xx(LABELS)
- xx(GLOBAL)
- xx(PARAM)
- xx(LOCAL)
-#undef xx
- if (x > LOCAL)
- printf("LOCAL+%d", x-LOCAL);
- else
- do_int(x);
-static void do_sclass(int x) {
-#define xx(c) if (x == c) { printf(#c); return; }
- xx(AUTO)
- xx(EXTERN)
- xx(STATIC)
-#undef xx
- do_int(x);
-static void do_flags(int x) {
- char *bar = "";
-#define xx(f,n) if ((x>>n)&1) { printf("%s" #f, bar); bar = "|"; }
- xx(structarg,0)
- xx(addressed,1)
- xx(computed,2)
- xx(temporary,3)
- xx(generated,4)
-#undef xx
- if (*bar == '\0')
- do_int(x);
-static void do_seg(int x) {
-#define xx(s) if (x == s) { printf(#s); return; }
- xx(CODE)
- xx(BSS)
- xx(DATA)
- xx(LIT)
-#undef xx
- do_int(x);
-#define xx(ptr,field,type) do { printf("<li>" #field " = "); do_##type(ptr->field); printf("</li>\n"); } while (0)
-static void do_op(int x) {
- static char *opnames[] = {
- "",
- "CNST",
- "ARG",
- "ASGN",
- "INDIR",
- "CVC",
- "CVD",
- "CVF",
- "CVI",
- "CVP",
- "CVS",
- "CVU",
- "NEG",
- "CALL",
- "*LOAD*",
- "RET",
- "ADDRG",
- "ADDRF",
- "ADDRL",
- "ADD",
- "SUB",
- "LSH",
- "MOD",
- "RSH",
- "BAND",
- "BCOM",
- "BOR",
- "BXOR",
- "DIV",
- "MUL",
- "EQ",
- "GE",
- "GT",
- "LE",
- "LT",
- "NE",
- "JUMP",
- "LABEL",
- "AND",
- "NOT",
- "OR",
- "COND",
- "RIGHT",
- };
- int op = opindex(x);
- if (op < 1 || op >= sizeof opnames/sizeof opnames[0])
- printf("%d", x);
- else
- printf("%s", opnames[op]);
-static void do_define_uid(int x) {
- printf("<strong id=uid%d>%d</strong>", x, x);
-static void do_define_label(int x) {
- printf("<strong id=ll%d>%d</strong>", x, x);
-static void do_uid(int x) {
- printf("<a href='#%d'>%d</a>", x, x, x);
-static void do_label(int x) {
- printf("<a href='#L%d'>%d</a>", x, x, x);
-static int nextid;
-static void do_list(list_ty x, void do_one(void *), char *type, char *listhtml, char *separator) {
- int count = Seq_length(x);
- if (count == 0)
- printf("<em>empty %s list</em>\n", type);
- else {
- int i;
- printf("<em>%s list</em>", type);
- if (listhtml != NULL)
- printf("<%s>\n", listhtml);
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- if (listhtml != NULL)
- printf("<li>");
- printf(separator);
- do_one(Seq_get(x, i));
- if (listhtml != NULL)
- printf("</li>\n");
- }
- if (listhtml != NULL)
- printf("</%s>\n", listhtml);
- }
-static void do_uid_list(list_ty x) {
- int i, count = Seq_length(x);
- if (count == 0)
- printf("<em>empty int list</em>\n");
- else {
- int i;
- printf("<em>int list</em>");
- for (i= 0; i < count; i++) {
- printf(" ");
- do_uid(*(int *)Seq_get(x, i));
- }
- }
-static void do_identifier(const char *x) {
- printf("%s", x);
-static void do_real(rcc_real_ty x) {
- double d;
- unsigned *p = (unsigned *)&d;
- static union { int x; char endian; } little = { 1 };
- p[1-little.endian] = x->msb;
- p[little.endian] = x->lsb;
- printf("(%#X,%#X) = %g", x->msb, x->lsb, d);
-static void do_suffix(int x) {
- static char suffixes[] = "0F234IUPVB";
- if (x < 0 || x >= (sizeof suffixes/sizeof suffixes[0]) - 1)
- printf("%d", x);
- else
- printf("%c", suffixes[x]);
-static void do_enum(void *x) {
- rcc_enum__ty e = x;
- do_identifier(e->id);
- printf("=");
- do_int(e->value);
-static void do_enum_list(list_ty x) {
- do_list(x, do_enum, "enum", NULL, " ");
-static void do_field(void *x) {
- rcc_field_ty f = x;
- printf("<em>field</em><ul>\n");
- xx(f,id,identifier);
- xx(f,type,uid);
- xx(f,offset,int);
- xx(f,bitsize,int);
- xx(f,lsb,int);
- printf("</ul>\n");
-static void do_field_list(list_ty x) {
- do_list(x, do_field, "field", "ol", "");
-static void do_symbol(rcc_symbol_ty x) {
- printf("<em>symbol</em><ul>\n");
- xx(x,id,identifier);
- xx(x,type,uid);
- xx(x,scope,scope);
- xx(x,sclass,sclass);
- xx(x,ref,int);
- xx(x,flags,flags);
- printf("</ul>\n");
-#define caselabel(kind) case rcc_##kind##_enum: \
- printf("<strong>" #kind "</strong> : <em>%s</em>", typename); \
- printf("<ul>\n"); attributes
-#define yy(kind,field,type) xx((&x->v.rcc_##kind),field,type)
-static void do_type(rcc_type_ty x) {
-#define attributes xx(x,size,int); xx(x,align,int)
- switch (x->kind) {
- static char *typename = "type";
- caselabel(INT); break;
- caselabel(UNSIGNED); break;
- caselabel(FLOAT); break;
- caselabel(VOID); break;
- caselabel(POINTER);
- yy(POINTER,type,uid);
- break;
- caselabel(ENUM);
- yy(ENUM,tag,identifier);
- yy(ENUM,ids,enum_list);
- break;
- caselabel(STRUCT);
- yy(STRUCT,tag,identifier);
- yy(STRUCT,fields,field_list);
- break;
- caselabel(UNION);
- yy(UNION,tag,identifier);
- yy(UNION,fields,field_list);
- break;
- caselabel(ARRAY);
- yy(ARRAY,type,uid);
- break;
- caselabel(FUNCTION);
- yy(FUNCTION,type,uid);
- yy(FUNCTION,formals,uid_list);
- break;
- caselabel(CONST);
- yy(CONST,type,uid);
- break;
- caselabel(VOLATILE);
- yy(VOLATILE,type,uid);
- break;
- default: assert(0);
- }
-#undef attributes
- printf("</ul>\n");
-static void do_item(rcc_item_ty x) {
- printf("<a name='%d'>", x->uid);
-#define attributes xx(x,uid,define_uid)
- printf("</a>");
- switch (x->kind) {
- static char *typename = "item";
- caselabel(Symbol);
- yy(Symbol,symbol,symbol);
- break;
- caselabel(Type);
- yy(Type,type,type);
- break;
- default: assert(0);
- }
-#undef attributes
- printf("</ul>\n");
-static void do_item_list(list_ty x) {
- int count = Seq_length(x);
- if (count == 0)
- printf("<em>empty item list</em>\n");
- else {
- int i;
- printf("<em>item list</em>");
- printf("<ol>\n");
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- rcc_item_ty item = Seq_get(x, i);
- printf("<li value=%d>", item->uid);
- do_item(item);
- printf("</li>\n");
- }
- printf("</ol>\n");
- }
-static void do_string(string_ty x) {
- printf("%d,<code>'%s'</code>", x.len, x.str);
-static void do_generic_string(void *x) {
- do_string(*(string_ty *)x);
-static void do_string_list(list_ty x) {
- do_list(x, do_generic_string, "string", "ol", "");
-static void do_node(void *y) {
- rcc_node_ty x = y;
- if (x->kind == rcc_LABEL_enum)
- printf("<a name='L%d'></a>", x->v.rcc_LABEL.label);
-#define attributes xx(x,suffix,suffix); xx(x,size,int)
- switch (x->kind) {
- static char *typename = "node";
- caselabel(CNST);
- yy(CNST,value,int);
- break;
- caselabel(CNSTF);
- yy(CNSTF,value,real);
- break;
- caselabel(ARG);
- yy(ARG,left,node);
- yy(ARG,len,int);
- yy(ARG,align,int);
- break;
- caselabel(ASGN);
- yy(ASGN,left,node);
- yy(ASGN,right,node);
- yy(ASGN,len,int);
- yy(ASGN,align,int);
- break;
- caselabel(CVT);
- yy(CVT,op,op);
- yy(CVT,left,node);
- yy(CVT,fromsize,int);
- break;
- caselabel(CALL);
- yy(CALL,left,node);
- yy(CALL,type,uid);
- break;
- caselabel(CALLB);
- yy(CALLB,left,node);
- yy(CALLB,right,node);
- yy(CALLB,type,uid);
- break;
- caselabel(RET); break;
- caselabel(ADDRG);
- yy(ADDRG,uid,uid);
- break;
- caselabel(ADDRL);
- yy(ADDRL,uid,uid);
- break;
- caselabel(ADDRF);
- yy(ADDRF,uid,uid);
- break;
- caselabel(Unary);
- yy(Unary,op,op);
- yy(Unary,left,node);
- break;
- caselabel(Binary);
- yy(Binary,op,op);
- yy(Binary,left,node);
- yy(Binary,right,node);
- break;
- caselabel(Compare);
- yy(Compare,op,op);
- yy(Compare,left,node);
- yy(Compare,right,node);
- yy(Compare,label,label);
- break;
- caselabel(LABEL);
- yy(LABEL,label,define_label);
- break;
- caselabel(BRANCH);
- yy(BRANCH,label,label);
- break;
- caselabel(CSE);
- yy(CSE,uid,uid);
- yy(CSE,node,node);
- break;
- default: assert(0);
- }
-#undef attributes
- printf("</ul>");
-static void do_node_list(list_ty x) {
- do_list(x, do_node, "node", "ol", "");
-static void do_interface(void *);
-static void do_interface_list(list_ty x) {
- do_list(x, do_interface, "interface", "ol", "");
-static void do_interface(void *y) {
- rcc_interface_ty x = y;
- if (x->kind == rcc_Address_enum)
- printf("<a name='%d'></a>", x->v.rcc_Address.uid);
- else if (x->kind == rcc_Local_enum)
- printf("<a name='%d'></a>", x->v.rcc_Local.uid);
-#define attributes
- switch (x->kind) {
- static char *typename = "interface";
- caselabel(Export);
- yy(Export,p,uid);
- break;
- caselabel(Import);
- yy(Import,p,uid);
- break;
- caselabel(Global);
- yy(Global,p,uid);
- yy(Global,seg,seg);
- break;
- caselabel(Local);
- yy(Local,uid,define_uid);
- yy(Local,p,symbol);
- break;
- caselabel(Address);
- yy(Address,uid,define_uid);
- yy(Address,q,symbol);
- yy(Address,p,uid);
- yy(Address,n,int);
- break;
- caselabel(Segment);
- yy(Segment,seg,seg);
- break;
- caselabel(Defaddress);
- yy(Defaddress,p,uid);
- break;
- caselabel(Deflabel);
- yy(Deflabel,label,label);
- break;
- caselabel(Defconst);
- yy(Defconst,suffix,suffix);
- yy(Defconst,size,int);
- yy(Defconst,value,int);
- break;
- caselabel(Defconstf);
- yy(Defconstf,size,int);
- yy(Defconstf,value,real);
- break;
- caselabel(Defstring);
- yy(Defstring,s,string);
- break;
- caselabel(Space);
- yy(Space,n,int);
- break;
- caselabel(Function);
- yy(Function,f,uid);
- yy(Function,caller,uid_list);
- yy(Function,callee,uid_list);
- yy(Function,ncalls,int);
- yy(Function,codelist,interface_list);
- break;
- caselabel(Forest);
- yy(Forest,nodes,node_list);
- break;
- case rcc_Blockbeg_enum: printf("<strong>Blockbeg</strong> : <em>%s</em>", typename); return;
- case rcc_Blockend_enum: printf("<strong>Blockend</strong> : <em>%s</em>", typename); return;
- default: assert(0);
- }
-#undef attributes
- printf("</ul>\n");
-static void do_program(rcc_program_ty x) {
- printf("<ul>\n");
- xx(x,nuids,int);
- xx(x,nlabels,int);
- xx(x,items,item_list);
- xx(x,interfaces,interface_list);
- xx(x,argc,int);
- xx(x,argv,string_list);
- printf("</ul>\n");
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int i, version;
- float stamp = (assert(strstr(rcsid, ",v")), strtod(strstr(rcsid, ",v")+2, NULL))
- char *infile = NULL, *outfile = NULL;
- rcc_program_ty pickle;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
- if (*argv[i] != '-' || strcmp(argv[i], "-") == 0) {
- if (infile == NULL)
- infile = argv[i];
- else if (outfile == NULL)
- outfile = argv[i];
- }
- if (infile != NULL && strcmp(infile, "-") != 0
- && freopen(infile, "rb", stdin) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't read `%s'\n", argv[0], infile);
- }
- if (infile == NULL || strcmp(infile, "-") == 0)
- infile = "Standard Input";
-#if WIN32
- else
- _setmode(_fileno(stdin), _O_BINARY);
- if (outfile != NULL && strcmp(outfile, "-") != 0
- && freopen(outfile, "w", stdout) == NULL) {
- fprintf(stderr, "%s: can't write `%s'\n", argv[0], outfile);
- }
- version = read_int(stdin);
- assert(version/100 == (int)stamp);
- pickle = rcc_read_program(stdin);
- printf("<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2 Final//EN\"\n");
- printf("<html><head><title>%s</title>\n"
- "<link rev=made href=\"mailto:drh@microsoft.com\">\n"
- "</head><body>\n<h1>%s</h1>\n", infile, infile);
- printf("<p>version = %d.%d</p>", version/100, version%100);
- do_program(pickle);
- {
- time_t t;
- time(&t);
- printf("<hr><address>%s</address>\n", ctime(&t));
- }
- printf("</body></html>\n");
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/src/asdl.c b/code/tools/lcc/src/asdl.c
deleted file mode 100644
index bb22c89..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/src/asdl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-#include "c.h"
-#include "rcc.h"
-#if WIN32
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <io.h>
-static list_ty interfaces;
-static rcc_program_ty pickle;
-char *string(const char *str) {
- return (char *)Atom_string(str);
-char *stringd(long n) {
- return (char *)Atom_int(n);
-char *stringn(const char *str, int len) {
- return (char *)Atom_new(str, len);
-static void put(rcc_interface_ty node) {
- Seq_addhi(interfaces, node);
-static int typeuid(Type ty) {
- rcc_type_ty type;
- assert(ty);
- if (ty->x.typeno != 0)
- return ty->x.typeno;
- ty->x.typeno = pickle->nuids++;
- switch (ty->op) {
-#define xx(op) case op: type = rcc_##op(ty->size, ty->align); break
- xx(INT);
- xx(FLOAT);
- xx(VOID);
-#undef xx
-#define xx(op) case op: type = rcc_##op(ty->size, ty->align, typeuid(ty->type)); break
- xx(POINTER);
- xx(ARRAY);
- xx(CONST);
-#undef xx
- type = rcc_CONST(ty->size, ty->align, typeuid(ty->type));
- break;
- case ENUM: {
- list_ty ids = Seq_new(0);
- int i;
- for (i = 0; ty->u.sym->u.idlist[i] != NULL; i++)
- Seq_addhi(ids, rcc_enum_(ty->u.sym->u.idlist[i]->name,
- ty->u.sym->u.idlist[i]->u.value));
- assert(i > 0);
- type = rcc_ENUM(ty->size, ty->align, ty->u.sym->name, ids);
- break;
- }
- case STRUCT: case UNION: {
- list_ty fields = Seq_new(0);
- Field p = fieldlist(ty);
- for ( ; p != NULL; p = p->link)
- Seq_addhi(fields, rcc_field(p->name, typeuid(p->type), p->offset, p->bitsize, p->lsb));
- if (ty->op == STRUCT)
- type = rcc_STRUCT(ty->size, ty->align, ty->u.sym->name, fields);
- else
- type = rcc_UNION (ty->size, ty->align, ty->u.sym->name, fields);
- break;
- }
- case FUNCTION: {
- list_ty formals = Seq_new(0);
- if (ty->u.f.proto != NULL && ty->u.f.proto[0] != NULL) {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; ty->u.f.proto[i] != NULL; i++)
- Seq_addhi(formals, to_generic_int(typeuid(ty->u.f.proto[i])));
- } else if (ty->u.f.proto != NULL && ty->u.f.proto[0] == NULL)
- Seq_addhi(formals, to_generic_int(typeuid(voidtype)));
- type = rcc_FUNCTION(ty->size, ty->align, typeuid(ty->type), formals);
- break;
- }
- default: assert(0);
- }
- Seq_addhi(pickle->items, rcc_Type(ty->x.typeno, type));
- return ty->x.typeno;
-static int symboluid(Symbol p) {
- assert(p);
- assert(p->scope != CONSTANTS && p->scope != LABELS);
- if (p->x.offset == 0)
- p->x.offset = pickle->nuids++;
- return p->x.offset;
-static rcc_symbol_ty mk_symbol(Symbol p) {
- int flags = 0, ref = 10000*p->ref;
- if (p->ref > 0 && ref == 0)
- ref++;
-#define xx(f,n) flags |= p->f<<n;
- xx(structarg,0)
- xx(addressed,1)
- xx(computed,2)
- xx(temporary,3)
- xx(generated,4)
-#undef xx
- return rcc_symbol(p->name, typeuid(p->type), p->scope, p->sclass, ref, flags);
-static rcc_real_ty mk_real(int size, Value v) {
- unsigned *p = (unsigned *)&v.d;
- return rcc_real(p[swap], p[1-swap]);
-static void asdl_segment(int n) {
- static int cseg;
- if (cseg != n)
- put(rcc_Segment(cseg = n));
-static void asdl_address(Symbol q, Symbol p, long n) {
- assert(q->x.offset == 0);
- put(rcc_Address(symboluid(q), mk_symbol(q), symboluid(p), n));
-static void asdl_blockbeg(Env *e) {
- put(rcc_Blockbeg());
-static void asdl_blockend(Env *e) {
- put(rcc_Blockend());
-static void asdl_defaddress(Symbol p) {
- if (p->scope == LABELS)
- put(rcc_Deflabel(p->u.l.label));
- else
- put(rcc_Defaddress(symboluid(p)));
-static void asdl_defconst(int suffix, int size, Value v) {
- switch (suffix) {
- case I: put(rcc_Defconst(suffix, size, v.i)); return;
- case U: put(rcc_Defconst(suffix, size, v.u)); return;
- case P: put(rcc_Defconst(suffix, size, (unsigned long)v.p)); return; /* FIXME */
- case F: put(rcc_Defconstf(size, mk_real(size, v))); return;
- assert(0);
- }
-static void asdl_defstring(int len, char *str) {
- put(rcc_Defstring(Text_box(stringn(str, len), len)));
-static void asdl_defsymbol(Symbol p) {
- if (p->scope >= GLOBAL)
- symboluid(p);
-static Symbol temps;
-static rcc_node_ty visit(Node p) {
- Symbol q;
- rcc_node_ty left = NULL, right = NULL;
- int suffix = optype(p->op), size = opsize(p->op);
- assert(p);
- for (q = temps; q; q = q->u.t.next)
- if (q->u.t.cse == p) {
- q->u.t.cse = NULL;
- return rcc_CSE(0, 0, symboluid(q), visit(p));
- }
- if (p->kids[0] != NULL)
- left = visit(p->kids[0]);
- if (p->kids[1] != NULL)
- right = visit(p->kids[1]);
- switch (specific(p->op)) {
- case CNST+F:
- assert(p->syms[0]);
- return rcc_CNSTF(suffix, size, mk_real(size, p->syms[0]->u.c.v));
- case CALL+B:
- assert(p->syms[0]);
- assert(p->syms[0]->type);
- return rcc_CALLB(suffix, size, left, right, typeuid(p->syms[0]->type));
- case RET+V:
- return rcc_RET(suffix, size);
- case LABEL+V:
- assert(p->syms[0]);
- return rcc_LABEL(suffix, size, p->syms[0]->u.l.label);
- }
- switch (generic(p->op)) {
- case CNST:
- assert(p->syms[0]);
- return rcc_CNST(suffix, size, p->syms[0]->u.c.v.i); /* FIXME */
- case ARG:
- assert(p->syms[0]);
- return rcc_ARG(suffix, size, left, p->syms[0]->u.c.v.i, p->syms[1]->u.c.v.i);
- case ASGN:
- assert(p->syms[0]);
- assert(p->syms[1]);
- return rcc_ASGN(suffix, size, left, right, p->syms[0]->u.c.v.i, p->syms[1]->u.c.v.i);
- case CVF: case CVI: case CVP: case CVU:
- assert(p->syms[0]);
- return rcc_CVT(suffix, size, generic(p->op), left, p->syms[0]->u.c.v.i);
- case CALL:
- assert(p->syms[0]);
- assert(p->syms[0]->type);
- return rcc_CALL(suffix, size, left, typeuid(p->syms[0]->type));
-#define xx(op) case op: return rcc_##op(suffix, size, symboluid(p->syms[0]))
- xx(ADDRG);
- xx(ADDRF);
-#undef xx
- case ADDRL:
- if (!p->syms[0]->defined)
- (*IR->local)(p->syms[0]);
- p->syms[0]->defined = 1;
- return rcc_ADDRL(suffix, size, symboluid(p->syms[0]));
- case JUMP:
- if (p->syms[0] != NULL)
- return rcc_BRANCH(suffix, size, p->syms[0]->u.l.label);
- return rcc_Unary(suffix, size, generic(p->op), left);
- case INDIR: case RET: case NEG: case BCOM:
- return rcc_Unary(suffix, size, generic(p->op), left);
- case BOR: case BAND: case BXOR: case RSH: case LSH:
- case ADD: case SUB: case DIV: case MUL: case MOD:
- return rcc_Binary(suffix, size, generic(p->op), left, right);
- case EQ: case NE: case GT: case GE: case LE: case LT:
- assert(p->syms[0]);
- return rcc_Compare(suffix, size, generic(p->op), left, right, p->syms[0]->u.l.label);
- }
- assert(0);
- return NULL;
-static void asdl_emit(Node p) {}
-static void asdl_local(Symbol p) {
- assert(p->x.offset == 0);
- put(rcc_Local(symboluid(p), mk_symbol(p)));
- if (p->temporary && p->u.t.cse) {
- p->u.t.next = temps;
- temps = p;
- }
-static Symbol pending = NULL;
-static void dopending(Symbol p) {
- if (pending != NULL) {
- int uid = symboluid(pending);
- rcc_symbol_ty symbol = mk_symbol(pending);
- Seq_addhi(pickle->items, rcc_Symbol(uid, symbol));
- }
- pending = p;
-static void asdl_export(Symbol p) {
- put(rcc_Export(symboluid(p)));
-static void asdl_function(Symbol f, Symbol caller[], Symbol callee[], int ncalls) {
- list_ty codelist = Seq_new(0), save, calleelist = Seq_new(0), callerlist = Seq_new(0);
- int i;
- dopending(f);
- for (i = 0; caller[i] != NULL; i++) {
- asdl_local(caller[i]);
- Seq_addhi(callerlist, to_generic_int(symboluid(caller[i])));
- }
- for (i = 0; callee[i] != NULL; i++) {
- asdl_local(callee[i]);
- Seq_addhi(calleelist, to_generic_int(symboluid(callee[i])));
- }
- save = interfaces;
- interfaces = codelist;
- gencode(caller, callee);
- asdl_segment(CODE);
- emitcode();
- interfaces = save;
- put(rcc_Function(symboluid(f), callerlist, calleelist, ncalls, codelist));
-static Node asdl_gen(Node p) {
- Node q;
- list_ty forest = Seq_new(0);
- for (q = p; p != NULL; p = p->link)
- if (specific(p->op) == JUMP+V && specific(p->kids[0]->op) == ADDRG+P
- && p->kids[0]->syms[0]->scope == LABELS) {
- p->syms[0] = p->kids[0]->syms[0];
- p->kids[0] = NULL;
- }
- for (p = q; p != NULL; p = p->link)
- Seq_addhi(forest, visit(p));
- put(rcc_Forest(forest));
- temps = NULL;
- return q;
-static void asdl_global(Symbol p) {
- dopending(p);
- put(rcc_Global(symboluid(p), p->u.seg));
-static void asdl_import(Symbol p) {
- dopending(p);
- put(rcc_Import(symboluid(p)));
-static void asdl_progbeg(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int i;
-#if WIN32
- _setmode(_fileno(stdout), _O_BINARY);
- pickle = rcc_program(1, 0, Seq_new(0), Seq_new(0), argc, Seq_new(0));
- for (i = 0; i < argc; i++)
- Seq_addhi(pickle->argv, to_generic_string(Text_box(argv[i], strlen(argv[i]) + 1)));
- interfaces = pickle->interfaces;
-static int checkuid(list_ty list) {
- int i, n = 0, count = Seq_length(list);
- for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- rcc_interface_ty in = Seq_get(list, i);
- if (in->kind == rcc_Local_enum
- || in->kind == rcc_Address_enum)
- n++;
- else if (in->kind == rcc_Function_enum)
- n += checkuid(in->v.rcc_Function.codelist);
- }
- return n;
-static void asdl_progend(void) {
- dopending(NULL);
- {
- int n = checkuid(pickle->interfaces) + Seq_length(pickle->items);
- if (n != pickle->nuids - 1)
- fprintf(stderr, "?bogus uid count: have %d should have %d\n",
- n, pickle->nuids-1);
- }
- pickle->nlabels = genlabel(0);
- write_int((int)(100*(assert(strstr(rcsid, ",v")), strtod(strstr(rcsid, ",v")+2, NULL))
-), stdout);
- rcc_write_program(pickle, stdout);
-static void asdl_space(int n) {
- put(rcc_Space(n));
-void asdl_init(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- int i;
- static int inited;
- if (inited)
- return;
- inited = 1;
- for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
- if (strcmp(argv[i], "-asdl") == 0) {
-#define xx(f) IR->f = asdl_##f
- xx(address);
- xx(blockbeg);
- xx(blockend);
- xx(defaddress);
- xx(defconst);
- xx(defstring);
- xx(defsymbol);
- xx(emit);
- xx(export);
- xx(function);
- xx(gen);
- xx(global);
- xx(import);
- xx(local);
- xx(progbeg);
- xx(progend);
- xx(segment);
- xx(space);
-#undef xx
-#define xx(f) IR->f = 0
- xx(stabblock);
- xx(stabend);
- xx(stabfend);
- xx(stabinit);
- xx(stabline);
- xx(stabsym);
- xx(stabtype);
-#undef xx
- IR->wants_dag = 0;
- prunetemps = 0; /* pass2 prunes useless temps */
- assignargs = 0; /* pass2 generates caller to callee assignments */
- }
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/src/rcc.asdl b/code/tools/lcc/src/rcc.asdl
deleted file mode 100644
index 398e0d0..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/src/rcc.asdl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
--- lcc IR
--- $Id: rcc.asdl 145 2001-10-17 21:53:10Z timo $
-module rcc {
--- Pickles start with an int version number, followed by rcc.program
-program = (int nuids,int nlabels,item* items,interface* interfaces,int argc,string *argv)
-real = (int msb,int lsb)
-item = Symbol(symbol symbol)
- | Type(type type)
- attributes(int uid)
-symbol = (identifier id,int type,int scope,int sclass,int ref,int flags)
-field = (identifier id,int type,int offset,int bitsize,int lsb)
-enum = (identifier id,int value)
-type = INT
- | VOID
- | POINTER(int type)
- | ENUM(identifier tag,enum* ids)
- | STRUCT(identifier tag,field* fields)
- | UNION(identifier tag,field* fields)
- | ARRAY(int type)
- | FUNCTION(int type,int* formals)
- | CONST(int type)
- | VOLATILE(int type)
- attributes(int size,int align)
-interface = Export(int p)
- | Import(int p)
- | Global(int p,int seg)
- | Local(int uid,symbol p) -- includes formals
- | Address(int uid,symbol q,int p,int n)
- | Segment(int seg)
- | Defaddress(int p)
- | Deflabel(int label)
- | Defconst(int suffix,int size,int value)
- | Defconstf(int size,real value)
- | Defstring(string s)
- | Space(int n)
- | Function(int f,int* caller,int* callee,int ncalls,interface* codelist)
- | Blockbeg
- | Blockend
- | Forest(node* nodes)
-node = CNST(int value)
- | CNSTF(real value)
- | ARG(node left,int len,int align)
- | ASGN(node left,node right,int len,int align)
- | CVT(int op,node left,int fromsize)
- | CALL(node left,int type)
- | CALLB(node left,node right,int type)
- | RET
- | ADDRG(int uid)
- | ADDRL(int uid)
- | ADDRF(int uid)
- | Unary(int op,node left) -- INDIR RET JUMP NEG BCOM
- | Binary(int op,node left,node right) -- ADD SUB DIV MUL MOD BOR BAND BXOR RSH LSH
- | Compare(int op,node left,node right,int label) -- EQ NE GT GE LE LT
- | LABEL(int label)
- | BRANCH(int label)
- | CSE(int uid,node node)
- attributes(int suffix,int size)
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/src/run.sh b/code/tools/lcc/src/run.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 819e898..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/src/run.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-# run .../target/os/tst/foo.s [ remotehost ]
-# set -x
-target=`echo $1 | awk -F/ '{ print $(NF-3) }'`
-os=`echo $1 | awk -F/ '{ print $(NF-2) }'`
-case "$1" in
-*symbolic/irix*) idir=include/mips/irix; remotehost=noexecute ;;
-*symbolic/osf*) idir=include/alpha/osf; remotehost=noexecute ;;
-*) idir=include/$dir; remotehost=${2-$REMOTEHOST} ;;
-if [ ! -d "$target/$os" -o ! -d "$idir" ]; then
- echo 2>&1 $0: unknown combination '"'$target/$os'"'
- exit 1
-C=`basename $1 .s`
-if [ ! -d $TSTDIR ]; then mkdir -p $TSTDIR; fi
-echo ${BUILDDIR}/rcc$EXE -target=$target/$os $1: 1>&2
-$LCC -S -I$idir -Ualpha -Usun -Uvax -Umips -Ux86 \
- -Wf-errout=$TSTDIR/$C.2 -D$target -Wf-g0 \
- -Wf-target=$target/$os -o $1 tst/$C.c
-if [ $? != 0 ]; then remotehost=noexecute; fi
-if [ -r $dir/tst/$C.2bk ]; then
- diff $dir/tst/$C.2bk $TSTDIR/$C.2
-if [ -r $dir/tst/$C.sbk ]; then
- if diff $dir/tst/$C.sbk $TSTDIR/$C.s; then exit 0; fi
-case "$remotehost" in
-noexecute) exit 0 ;;
-""|"-") $LCC -o $TSTDIR/$C$EXE $1; $TSTDIR/$C$EXE <tst/$C.0 >$TSTDIR/$C.1 ;;
-*) rcp $1 $remotehost:
- if expr "$remotehost" : '.*@' >/dev/null ; then
- remotehost="`expr $remotehost : '.*@\(.*\)'` -l `expr $remotehost : '\(.*\)@'`"
- fi
- rsh $remotehost "cc -o $C$EXE $C.s -lm;./$C$EXE;rm -f $C$EXE $C.[so]" <tst/$C.0 >$TSTDIR/$C.1
- ;;
-if [ -r $dir/tst/$C.1bk ]; then
- diff $dir/tst/$C.1bk $TSTDIR/$C.1
- exit $?
-exit 0
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/src/stab.c b/code/tools/lcc/src/stab.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e53604d..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/src/stab.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "c.h"
-#include "stab.h"
-static char *currentfile; /* current file name */
-static int ntypes;
-extern Interface sparcIR;
-char *stabprefix = "L";
-extern char *stabprefix;
-extern void stabblock(int, int, Symbol*);
-extern void stabend(Coordinate *, Symbol, Coordinate **, Symbol *, Symbol *);
-extern void stabfend(Symbol, int);
-extern void stabinit(char *, int, char *[]);
-extern void stabline(Coordinate *);
-extern void stabsym(Symbol);
-extern void stabtype(Symbol);
-static void asgncode(Type, int);
-static void dbxout(Type);
-static int dbxtype(Type);
-static int emittype(Type, int, int);
-/* asgncode - assign type code to ty */
-static void asgncode(Type ty, int lev) {
- if (ty->x.marked || ty->x.typeno)
- return;
- ty->x.marked = 1;
- switch (ty->op) {
- asgncode(ty->type, lev);
- ty->x.typeno = ty->type->x.typeno;
- break;
- case POINTER: case FUNCTION: case ARRAY:
- asgncode(ty->type, lev + 1);
- /* fall thru */
- case VOID: case INT: case UNSIGNED: case FLOAT:
- break;
- case STRUCT: case UNION: {
- Field p;
- for (p = fieldlist(ty); p; p = p->link)
- asgncode(p->type, lev + 1);
- /* fall thru */
- case ENUM:
- if (ty->x.typeno == 0)
- ty->x.typeno = ++ntypes;
- if (lev > 0 && (*ty->u.sym->name < '0' || *ty->u.sym->name > '9'))
- dbxout(ty);
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
-/* dbxout - output .stabs entry for type ty */
-static void dbxout(Type ty) {
- ty = unqual(ty);
- if (!ty->x.printed) {
- int col = 0;
- print(".stabs \""), col += 8;
- if (ty->u.sym && !(isfunc(ty) || isarray(ty) || isptr(ty)))
- print("%s", ty->u.sym->name), col += strlen(ty->u.sym->name);
- print(":%c", isstruct(ty) || isenum(ty) ? 'T' : 't'), col += 2;
- emittype(ty, 0, col);
- print("\",%d,0,0,0\n", N_LSYM);
- }
-/* dbxtype - emit a stabs entry for type ty, return type code */
-static int dbxtype(Type ty) {
- asgncode(ty, 0);
- dbxout(ty);
- return ty->x.typeno;
- * emittype - emit ty's type number, emitting its definition if necessary.
- * Returns the output column number after emission; col is the approximate
- * output column before emission and is used to emit continuation lines for long
- * struct, union, and enum types. Continuations are not emitted for other types,
- * even if the definition is long. lev is the depth of calls to emittype.
- */
-static int emittype(Type ty, int lev, int col) {
- int tc = ty->x.typeno;
- if (isconst(ty) || isvolatile(ty)) {
- col = emittype(ty->type, lev, col);
- ty->x.typeno = ty->type->x.typeno;
- ty->x.printed = 1;
- return col;
- }
- if (tc == 0) {
- ty->x.typeno = tc = ++ntypes;
-/* fprint(2,"`%t'=%d\n", ty, tc); */
- }
- print("%d", tc), col += 3;
- if (ty->x.printed)
- return col;
- ty->x.printed = 1;
- switch (ty->op) {
- case VOID: /* void is defined as itself */
- print("=%d", tc), col += 1+3;
- break;
- case INT:
- if (ty == chartype) /* plain char is a subrange of itself */
- print("=r%d;%d;%d;", tc, ty->u.sym->u.limits.min.i, ty->u.sym->u.limits.max.i),
- col += 2+3+2*2.408*ty->size+2;
- else /* other signed ints are subranges of int */
- print("=r1;%D;%D;", ty->u.sym->u.limits.min.i, ty->u.sym->u.limits.max.i),
- col += 4+2*2.408*ty->size+2;
- break;
- case UNSIGNED:
- if (ty == chartype) /* plain char is a subrange of itself */
- print("=r%d;0;%u;", tc, ty->u.sym->u.limits.max.i),
- col += 2+3+2+2.408*ty->size+1;
- else /* other signed ints are subranges of int */
- print("=r1;0;%U;", ty->u.sym->u.limits.max.i),
- col += 4+2.408*ty->size+1;
- break;
- case FLOAT: /* float, double, long double get sizes, not ranges */
- print("=r1;%d;0;", ty->size), col += 4+1+3;
- break;
- case POINTER:
- print("=*"), col += 2;
- col = emittype(ty->type, lev + 1, col);
- break;
- case FUNCTION:
- print("=f"), col += 2;
- col = emittype(ty->type, lev + 1, col);
- break;
- case ARRAY: /* array includes subscript as an int range */
- if (ty->size && ty->type->size)
- print("=ar1;0;%d;", ty->size/ty->type->size - 1), col += 7+3+1;
- else
- print("=ar1;0;-1;"), col += 10;
- col = emittype(ty->type, lev + 1, col);
- break;
- case STRUCT: case UNION: {
- Field p;
- if (!ty->u.sym->defined) {
- print("=x%c%s:", ty->op == STRUCT ? 's' : 'u', ty->u.sym->name);
- col += 2+1+strlen(ty->u.sym->name)+1;
- break;
- }
- if (lev > 0 && (*ty->u.sym->name < '0' || *ty->u.sym->name > '9')) {
- ty->x.printed = 0;
- break;
- }
- print("=%c%d", ty->op == STRUCT ? 's' : 'u', ty->size), col += 1+1+3;
- for (p = fieldlist(ty); p; p = p->link) {
- if (p->name)
- print("%s:", p->name), col += strlen(p->name)+1;
- else
- print(":"), col += 1;
- col = emittype(p->type, lev + 1, col);
- if (p->lsb)
- print(",%d,%d;", 8*p->offset +
- (IR->little_endian ? fieldright(p) : fieldleft(p)),
- fieldsize(p));
- else
- print(",%d,%d;", 8*p->offset, 8*p->type->size);
- col += 1+3+1+3+1; /* accounts for ,%d,%d; */
- if (col >= 80 && p->link) {
- print("\\\\\",%d,0,0,0\n.stabs \"", N_LSYM);
- col = 8;
- }
- }
- print(";"), col += 1;
- break;
- }
- case ENUM: {
- Symbol *p;
- if (lev > 0 && (*ty->u.sym->name < '0' || *ty->u.sym->name > '9')) {
- ty->x.printed = 0;
- break;
- }
- print("=e"), col += 2;
- for (p = ty->u.sym->u.idlist; *p; p++) {
- print("%s:%d,", (*p)->name, (*p)->u.value), col += strlen((*p)->name)+3;
- if (col >= 80 && p[1]) {
- print("\\\\\",%d,0,0,0\n.stabs \"", N_LSYM);
- col = 8;
- }
- }
- print(";"), col += 1;
- break;
- }
- default:
- assert(0);
- }
- return col;
-/* stabblock - output a stab entry for '{' or '}' at level lev */
-void stabblock(int brace, int lev, Symbol *p) {
- if (brace == '{')
- while (*p)
- stabsym(*p++);
- {
- int lab = genlabel(1);
- print(".stabn 0x%x,0,%d,%s%d-%s\n", brace == '{' ? N_LBRAC : N_RBRAC, lev,
- stabprefix, lab, cfunc->x.name);
- print("%s%d:\n", stabprefix, lab);
- }
-/* stabinit - initialize stab output */
-void stabinit(char *file, int argc, char *argv[]) {
- typedef void (*Closure)(Symbol, void *);
- extern char *getcwd(char *, size_t);
- print(".stabs \"lcc4_compiled.\",0x%x,0,0,0\n", N_OPT);
- if (file && *file) {
- char buf[1024], *cwd = getcwd(buf, sizeof buf);
- if (cwd)
- print(".stabs \"%s/\",0x%x,0,3,%stext0\n", cwd, N_SO, stabprefix);
- print(".stabs \"%s\",0x%x,0,3,%stext0\n", file, N_SO, stabprefix);
- (*IR->segment)(CODE);
- print("%stext0:\n", stabprefix, N_SO);
- currentfile = file;
- }
- dbxtype(inttype);
- dbxtype(chartype);
- dbxtype(doubletype);
- dbxtype(floattype);
- dbxtype(longdouble);
- dbxtype(longtype);
- dbxtype(longlong);
- dbxtype(shorttype);
- dbxtype(signedchar);
- dbxtype(unsignedchar);
- dbxtype(unsignedlong);
- dbxtype(unsignedlonglong);
- dbxtype(unsignedshort);
- dbxtype(unsignedtype);
- dbxtype(voidtype);
- foreach(types, GLOBAL, (Closure)stabtype, NULL);
-/* stabline - emit stab entry for source coordinate *cp */
-void stabline(Coordinate *cp) {
- if (cp->file && cp->file != currentfile) {
- int lab = genlabel(1);
- print(".stabs \"%s\",0x%x,0,0,%s%d\n", cp->file, N_SOL, stabprefix, lab);
- print("%s%d:\n", stabprefix, lab);
- currentfile = cp->file;
- }
- {
- int lab = genlabel(1);
- print(".stabn 0x%x,0,%d,%s%d-%s\n", N_SLINE, cp->y,
- stabprefix, lab, cfunc->x.name);
- print("%s%d:\n", stabprefix, lab);
- }
-/* stabsym - output a stab entry for symbol p */
-void stabsym(Symbol p) {
- int code, tc, sz = p->type->size;
- if (p->generated || p->computed)
- return;
- if (isfunc(p->type)) {
- print(".stabs \"%s:%c%d\",%d,0,0,%s\n", p->name,
- p->sclass == STATIC ? 'f' : 'F', dbxtype(freturn(p->type)),
- N_FUN, p->x.name);
- return;
- }
- if (!IR->wants_argb && p->scope == PARAM && p->structarg) {
- assert(isptr(p->type) && isstruct(p->type->type));
- tc = dbxtype(p->type->type);
- sz = p->type->type->size;
- } else
- tc = dbxtype(p->type);
- if ((p->sclass == AUTO && p->scope == GLOBAL) || p->sclass == EXTERN) {
- print(".stabs \"%s:G", p->name);
- code = N_GSYM;
- } else if (p->sclass == STATIC) {
- print(".stabs \"%s:%c%d\",%d,0,0,%s\n", p->name, p->scope == GLOBAL ? 'S' : 'V',
- tc, p->u.seg == BSS ? N_LCSYM : N_STSYM, p->x.name);
- return;
- } else if (p->sclass == REGISTER) {
- if (p->x.regnode) {
- int r = p->x.regnode->number;
- if (p->x.regnode->set == FREG)
- r += 32; /* floating point */
- print(".stabs \"%s:%c%d\",%d,0,", p->name,
- p->scope == PARAM ? 'P' : 'r', tc, N_RSYM);
- print("%d,%d\n", sz, r);
- }
- return;
- } else if (p->scope == PARAM) {
- print(".stabs \"%s:p", p->name);
- code = N_PSYM;
- } else if (p->scope >= LOCAL) {
- print(".stabs \"%s:", p->name);
- code = N_LSYM;
- } else
- assert(0);
- print("%d\",%d,0,0,%s\n", tc, code,
- p->scope >= PARAM && p->sclass != EXTERN ? p->x.name : "0");
-/* stabtype - output a stab entry for type *p */
-void stabtype(Symbol p) {
- if (p->type) {
- if (p->sclass == 0)
- dbxtype(p->type);
- else if (p->sclass == TYPEDEF)
- print(".stabs \"%s:t%d\",%d,0,0,0\n", p->name, dbxtype(p->type), N_LSYM);
- }
-/* stabend - finalize a function */
-void stabfend(Symbol p, int lineno) {}
-/* stabend - finalize stab output */
-void stabend(Coordinate *cp, Symbol p, Coordinate **cpp, Symbol *sp, Symbol *stab) {
- (*IR->segment)(CODE);
- print(".stabs \"\", %d, 0, 0,%setext\n", N_SO, stabprefix);
- print("%setext:\n", stabprefix);
diff --git a/code/tools/lcc/src/stab.h b/code/tools/lcc/src/stab.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 198b1fe..0000000
--- a/code/tools/lcc/src/stab.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-/* @(#)stab.h 1.11 92/05/11 SMI */
- * Copyright (c) 1990 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
- */
- * This file gives definitions supplementing <a.out.h>
- * for permanent symbol table entries.
- * These must have one of the N_STAB bits on,
- * and are subject to relocation according to the masks in <a.out.h>.
- */
-#ifndef _STAB_H
-#define _STAB_H
-#if !defined(_a_out_h) && !defined(_A_OUT_H)
-/* this file contains fragments of a.out.h and stab.h relevant to
- * support of stabX processing within ELF files - see the
- * Format of a symbol table entry
- */
-struct nlist {
- union {
- char *n_name; /* for use when in-core */
- long n_strx; /* index into file string table */
- } n_un;
- unsigned char n_type; /* type flag (N_TEXT,..) */
- char n_other; /* unused */
- short n_desc; /* see <stab.h> */
- unsigned long n_value; /* value of symbol (or sdb offset) */
- * Simple values for n_type.
- */
-#define N_UNDF 0x0 /* undefined */
-#define N_ABS 0x2 /* absolute */
-#define N_TEXT 0x4 /* text */
-#define N_DATA 0x6 /* data */
-#define N_BSS 0x8 /* bss */
-#define N_COMM 0x12 /* common (internal to ld) */
-#define N_FN 0x1f /* file name symbol */
-#define N_EXT 01 /* external bit, or'ed in */
-#define N_TYPE 0x1e /* mask for all the type bits */
- * for symbolic debugger, sdb(1):
- */
-#define N_GSYM 0x20 /* global symbol: name,,0,type,0 */
-#define N_FNAME 0x22 /* procedure name (f77 kludge): name,,0 */
-#define N_FUN 0x24 /* procedure: name,,0,linenumber,address */
-#define N_STSYM 0x26 /* static symbol: name,,0,type,address */
-#define N_LCSYM 0x28 /* .lcomm symbol: name,,0,type,address */
-#define N_MAIN 0x2a /* name of main routine : name,,0,0,0 */
-#define N_ROSYM 0x2c /* ro_data objects */
-#define N_OBJ 0x38 /* object file path or name */
-#define N_OPT 0x3c /* compiler options */
-#define N_RSYM 0x40 /* register sym: name,,0,type,register */
-#define N_SLINE 0x44 /* src line: 0,,0,linenumber,address */
-#define N_FLINE 0x4c /* function start.end */
-#define N_SSYM 0x60 /* structure elt: name,,0,type,struct_offset */
-#define N_ENDM 0x62 /* last stab emitted for module */
-#define N_SO 0x64 /* source file name: name,,0,0,address */
-#define N_LSYM 0x80 /* local sym: name,,0,type,offset */
-#define N_BINCL 0x82 /* header file: name,,0,0,0 */
-#define N_SOL 0x84 /* #included file name: name,,0,0,address */
-#define N_PSYM 0xa0 /* parameter: name,,0,type,offset */
-#define N_EINCL 0xa2 /* end of include file */
-#define N_ENTRY 0xa4 /* alternate entry: name,linenumber,address */
-#define N_LBRAC 0xc0 /* left bracket: 0,,0,nesting level,address */
-#define N_EXCL 0xc2 /* excluded include file */
-#define N_RBRAC 0xe0 /* right bracket: 0,,0,nesting level,address */
-#define N_BCOMM 0xe2 /* begin common: name,, */
-#define N_ECOMM 0xe4 /* end common: name,, */
-#define N_ECOML 0xe8 /* end common (local name): ,,address */
-#define N_LENG 0xfe /* second stab entry with length information */
- * for the berkeley pascal compiler, pc(1):
- */
-#define N_PC 0x30 /* global pascal symbol: name,,0,subtype,line */
-#define N_WITH 0xea /* pascal with statement: type,,0,0,offset */
- * for code browser only
- */
-#define N_BROWS 0x48 /* path to associated .cb file */
- * Optional langauge designations for N_SO
- */
-#define N_SO_AS 1 /* Assembler */
-#define N_SO_C 2 /* C */
-#define N_SO_ANSI_C 3 /* ANSI C */
-#define N_SO_CC 4 /* C++ */
-#define N_SO_FORTRAN 5 /* Fortran 77 */
-#define N_SO_PASCAL 6 /* Pascal */
- * Floating point type values
- */
-#define NF_NONE 0 /* Undefined type */
-#define NF_SINGLE 1 /* IEEE 32 bit float */
-#define NF_DOUBLE 2 /* IEEE 64 bit float */
-#define NF_COMPLEX 3 /* Fortran complex */
-#define NF_COMPLEX16 4 /* Fortran double complex */
-#define NF_COMPLEX32 5 /* Fortran complex*16 */
-#define NF_LDOUBLE 6 /* Long double */
diff --git a/code/unix/Makefile b/code/unix/Makefile
index 8c8f8ee..aa10ad3 100644
--- a/code/unix/Makefile
+++ b/code/unix/Makefile
@@ -1,18 +1,12 @@
# Quake3 Unix Makefile
-# Currently build for the following:
-# Linux i386 (full client)
-# Linux Alpha (dedicated server only) (TTimo: dropped)
-# FreeBSD i386 (full client)
-# SGI IRIX (full client) (TTimo: who's in charge - dropped otherwise)
-# Linux PPC (full client) (TTimo: dropped)
# Nov '98 by Zoid <zoid@idsoftware.com>
# Loki Hacking by Bernd Kreimeier
# and a little more by Ryan C. Gordon.
# and a little more by Rafael Barrero
+# and a little more by the ioq3 cr3w
# GNU Make required
@@ -541,8 +535,8 @@ DO_WINDRES=$(WINDRES) -i $< -o $@
-debug: build_debug
-release: build_release
+debug: tools build_debug
+release: tools build_release
build_debug: B=$(BD)
build_debug: makedirs
@@ -583,10 +577,8 @@ makedirs:
$(MAKE) -C ../tools/lcc install
$(MAKE) -C ../tools/asm install
DO_Q3LCC=$(Q3LCC) -o $@ $<
@@ -1269,7 +1261,7 @@ Q3CGVMOBJ = $(Q3CGOBJ_:%.o=%.asm) $(B)/baseq3/game/bg_lib.asm
$(B)/baseq3/cgame$(ARCH).$(SHLIBEXT) : $(Q3CGOBJ)
-$(B)/baseq3/vm/cgame.qvm: $(Q3CGVMOBJ) $(CGDIR)/cg_syscalls.asm $(Q3ASM)
+$(B)/baseq3/vm/cgame.qvm: $(Q3CGVMOBJ) $(CGDIR)/cg_syscalls.asm
$(Q3ASM) -o $@ $(Q3CGVMOBJ) $(CGDIR)/cg_syscalls.asm
@@ -1310,7 +1302,7 @@ MPCGVMOBJ = $(MPCGOBJ_:%.o=%.asm) $(B)/missionpack/game/bg_lib.asm
$(B)/missionpack/cgame$(ARCH).$(SHLIBEXT) : $(MPCGOBJ)
-$(B)/missionpack/vm/cgame.qvm: $(MPCGVMOBJ) $(CGDIR)/cg_syscalls.asm $(Q3ASM)
+$(B)/missionpack/vm/cgame.qvm: $(MPCGVMOBJ) $(CGDIR)/cg_syscalls.asm
$(Q3ASM) -o $@ $(MPCGVMOBJ) $(CGDIR)/cg_syscalls.asm
@@ -1360,7 +1352,7 @@ Q3GVMOBJ = $(Q3GOBJ_:%.o=%.asm) $(B)/baseq3/game/bg_lib.asm
$(B)/baseq3/qagame$(ARCH).$(SHLIBEXT) : $(Q3GOBJ)
-$(B)/baseq3/vm/qagame.qvm: $(Q3GVMOBJ) $(GDIR)/g_syscalls.asm $(Q3ASM)
+$(B)/baseq3/vm/qagame.qvm: $(Q3GVMOBJ) $(GDIR)/g_syscalls.asm
$(Q3ASM) -o $@ $(Q3GVMOBJ) $(GDIR)/g_syscalls.asm
@@ -1408,7 +1400,7 @@ MPGVMOBJ = $(MPGOBJ_:%.o=%.asm) $(B)/missionpack/game/bg_lib.asm
$(B)/missionpack/qagame$(ARCH).$(SHLIBEXT) : $(MPGOBJ)
-$(B)/missionpack/vm/qagame.qvm: $(MPGVMOBJ) $(GDIR)/g_syscalls.asm $(Q3ASM)
+$(B)/missionpack/vm/qagame.qvm: $(MPGVMOBJ) $(GDIR)/g_syscalls.asm
$(Q3ASM) -o $@ $(MPGVMOBJ) $(GDIR)/g_syscalls.asm
@@ -1468,7 +1460,7 @@ Q3UIVMOBJ = $(Q3UIOBJ_:%.o=%.asm) $(B)/baseq3/game/bg_lib.asm
$(B)/baseq3/ui$(ARCH).$(SHLIBEXT) : $(Q3UIOBJ)
-$(B)/baseq3/vm/ui.qvm: $(Q3UIVMOBJ) $(UIDIR)/ui_syscalls.asm $(Q3ASM)
+$(B)/baseq3/vm/ui.qvm: $(Q3UIVMOBJ) $(UIDIR)/ui_syscalls.asm
$(Q3ASM) -o $@ $(Q3UIVMOBJ) $(UIDIR)/ui_syscalls.asm
@@ -1493,7 +1485,7 @@ MPUIVMOBJ = $(MPUIOBJ_:%.o=%.asm) $(B)/baseq3/game/bg_lib.asm
$(B)/missionpack/ui$(ARCH).$(SHLIBEXT) : $(MPUIOBJ)
-$(B)/missionpack/vm/ui.qvm: $(MPUIVMOBJ) $(UIDIR)/ui_syscalls.asm $(Q3ASM)
+$(B)/missionpack/vm/ui.qvm: $(MPUIVMOBJ) $(UIDIR)/ui_syscalls.asm
$(Q3ASM) -o $@ $(MPUIVMOBJ) $(UIDIR)/ui_syscalls.asm
@@ -1505,52 +1497,52 @@ $(B)/missionpack/vm/ui.qvm: $(MPUIVMOBJ) $(UIDIR)/ui_syscalls.asm $(Q3ASM)
$(B)/baseq3/cgame/%.o: $(CGDIR)/%.c
-$(B)/baseq3/cgame/%.asm: $(CGDIR)/%.c $(Q3LCC)
+$(B)/baseq3/cgame/%.asm: $(CGDIR)/%.c
$(B)/missionpack/cgame/%.o: $(CGDIR)/%.c
-$(B)/missionpack/cgame/%.asm: $(CGDIR)/%.c $(Q3LCC)
+$(B)/missionpack/cgame/%.asm: $(CGDIR)/%.c
$(B)/baseq3/game/%.o: $(GDIR)/%.c
-$(B)/baseq3/game/%.asm: $(GDIR)/%.c $(Q3LCC)
+$(B)/baseq3/game/%.asm: $(GDIR)/%.c
$(B)/missionpack/game/%.o: $(GDIR)/%.c
-$(B)/missionpack/game/%.asm: $(GDIR)/%.c $(Q3LCC)
+$(B)/missionpack/game/%.asm: $(GDIR)/%.c
$(B)/baseq3/ui/%.o: $(Q3UIDIR)/%.c
-$(B)/baseq3/ui/%.asm: $(Q3UIDIR)/%.c $(Q3LCC)
+$(B)/baseq3/ui/%.asm: $(Q3UIDIR)/%.c
$(B)/missionpack/ui/%.o: $(UIDIR)/%.c
-$(B)/missionpack/ui/%.asm: $(UIDIR)/%.c $(Q3LCC)
+$(B)/missionpack/ui/%.asm: $(UIDIR)/%.c
$(B)/baseq3/qcommon/%.o: $(CMDIR)/%.c
-$(B)/baseq3/qcommon/%.asm: $(CMDIR)/%.c $(Q3LCC)
+$(B)/baseq3/qcommon/%.asm: $(CMDIR)/%.c
$(B)/missionpack/qcommon/%.o: $(CMDIR)/%.c
-$(B)/missionpack/qcommon/%.asm: $(CMDIR)/%.c $(Q3LCC)
+$(B)/missionpack/qcommon/%.asm: $(CMDIR)/%.c