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1 files changed, 58 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/code/qcommon/vm.c b/code/qcommon/vm.c
index c5f2c75..a319c12 100644
--- a/code/qcommon/vm.c
+++ b/code/qcommon/vm.c
@@ -351,40 +351,25 @@ long QDECL VM_DllSyscall( long arg, ... ) {
-Reload the data, but leave everything else in place
-This allows a server to do a map_restart without changing memory allocation
+Load a .qvm file
-vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
- vmHeader_t *header;
+vmHeader_t *VM_LoadQVM( vm_t *vm, vmHeader_t *header, qboolean alloc ) {
int length;
int dataLength;
int i;
char filename[MAX_QPATH];
- // DLL's can't be restarted in place
- if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
- char name[MAX_QPATH];
- long (*systemCall)( long *parms );
- systemCall = vm->systemCall;
- Q_strncpyz( name, vm->name, sizeof( name ) );
- VM_Free( vm );
- vm = VM_Create( name, systemCall, VMI_NATIVE );
- return vm;
- }
// load the image
- Com_Printf( "VM_Restart()\n", filename );
Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "vm/%s.qvm", vm->name );
Com_Printf( "Loading vm file %s...\n", filename );
length = FS_ReadFile( filename, (void **)&header );
if ( !header ) {
- Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "VM_Restart failed.\n" );
+ Com_Printf( "Failed.\n" );
+ VM_Free( vm );
+ return NULL;
// byte swap the header
@@ -423,8 +408,14 @@ vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
dataLength = 1 << i;
- // clear the data
- Com_Memset( vm->dataBase, 0, dataLength );
+ if( alloc ) {
+ // allocate zero filled space for initialized and uninitialized data
+ vm->dataBase = Hunk_Alloc( dataLength, h_high );
+ vm->dataMask = dataLength - 1;
+ } else {
+ // clear the data
+ Com_Memset( vm->dataBase, 0, dataLength );
+ }
// copy the intialized data
Com_Memcpy( vm->dataBase, (byte *)header + header->dataOffset, header->dataLength + header->litLength );
@@ -437,7 +428,13 @@ vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
if( header->vmMagic == VM_MAGIC_VER2 ) {
vm->numJumpTableTargets = header->jtrgLength >> 2;
Com_Printf( "Loading %d jump table targets\n", vm->numJumpTableTargets );
- Com_Memset( vm->jumpTableTargets, 0, header->jtrgLength );
+ if( alloc ) {
+ vm->jumpTableTargets = Hunk_Alloc( header->jtrgLength, h_high );
+ } else {
+ Com_Memset( vm->jumpTableTargets, 0, header->jtrgLength );
+ }
Com_Memcpy( vm->jumpTableTargets, (byte *)header + header->dataOffset +
header->dataLength + header->litLength, header->jtrgLength );
@@ -447,6 +444,42 @@ vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
+ return header;
+Reload the data, but leave everything else in place
+This allows a server to do a map_restart without changing memory allocation
+vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
+ vmHeader_t *header;
+ // DLL's can't be restarted in place
+ if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
+ char name[MAX_QPATH];
+ long (*systemCall)( long *parms );
+ systemCall = vm->systemCall;
+ Q_strncpyz( name, vm->name, sizeof( name ) );
+ VM_Free( vm );
+ vm = VM_Create( name, systemCall, VMI_NATIVE );
+ return vm;
+ }
+ // load the image
+ Com_Printf( "VM_Restart()\n" );
+ if( !( header = VM_LoadQVM( vm, header, qfalse ) ) ) {
+ Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "VM_Restart failed.\n" );
+ return NULL;
+ }
// free the original file
FS_FreeFile( header );
@@ -468,10 +501,7 @@ vm_t *VM_Create( const char *module, long (*systemCalls)(long *),
vmInterpret_t interpret ) {
vm_t *vm;
vmHeader_t *header;
- int length;
- int dataLength;
int i, remaining;
- char filename[MAX_QPATH];
if ( !module || !module[0] || !systemCalls ) {
Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "VM_Create: bad parms" );
@@ -530,76 +560,10 @@ vm_t *VM_Create( const char *module, long (*systemCalls)(long *),
// load the image
- Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "vm/%s.qvm", vm->name );
- Com_Printf( "Loading vm file %s...\n", filename );
- length = FS_ReadFile( filename, (void **)&header );
- if ( !header ) {
- Com_Printf( "Failed.\n" );
- VM_Free( vm );
+ if( !( header = VM_LoadQVM( vm, header, qtrue ) ) ) {
return NULL;
- // byte swap the header
- for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( *header ) / 4 ; i++ ) {
- ((int *)header)[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header)[i] );
- }
- if( header->vmMagic == VM_MAGIC_VER2 ) {
- Com_Printf( "...which has vmMagic VM_MAGIC_VER2\n" );
- // validate
- if ( header->vmMagic != VM_MAGIC_VER2
- || header->jtrgLength < 0
- || header->bssLength < 0
- || header->dataLength < 0
- || header->litLength < 0
- || header->codeLength <= 0 ) {
- VM_Free( vm );
- Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "%s has bad header", filename );
- }
- } else {
- // validate
- if ( header->vmMagic != VM_MAGIC
- || header->bssLength < 0
- || header->dataLength < 0
- || header->litLength < 0
- || header->codeLength <= 0 ) {
- VM_Free( vm );
- Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "%s has bad header", filename );
- }
- }
- // round up to next power of 2 so all data operations can
- // be mask protected
- dataLength = header->dataLength + header->litLength + header->bssLength;
- for ( i = 0 ; dataLength > ( 1 << i ) ; i++ ) {
- }
- dataLength = 1 << i;
- // allocate zero filled space for initialized and uninitialized data
- vm->dataBase = Hunk_Alloc( dataLength, h_high );
- vm->dataMask = dataLength - 1;
- // copy the intialized data
- Com_Memcpy( vm->dataBase, (byte *)header + header->dataOffset, header->dataLength + header->litLength );
- // byte swap the longs
- for ( i = 0 ; i < header->dataLength ; i += 4 ) {
- *(int *)(vm->dataBase + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->dataBase + i ) );
- }
- if( header->vmMagic == VM_MAGIC_VER2 ) {
- vm->numJumpTableTargets = header->jtrgLength >> 2;
- Com_Printf( "Loading %d jump table targets\n", vm->numJumpTableTargets );
- vm->jumpTableTargets = Hunk_Alloc( header->jtrgLength, h_high );
- Com_Memcpy( vm->jumpTableTargets, (byte *)header + header->dataOffset +
- header->dataLength + header->litLength, header->jtrgLength );
- // byte swap the longs
- for ( i = 0 ; i < header->jtrgLength ; i += 4 ) {
- *(int *)(vm->jumpTableTargets + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->jumpTableTargets + i ) );
- }
- }
// allocate space for the jump targets, which will be filled in by the compile/prep functions
vm->instructionPointersLength = header->instructionCount * 4;
vm->instructionPointers = Hunk_Alloc( vm->instructionPointersLength, h_high );