path: root/code/qcommon
diff options
authortma <tma@edf5b092-35ff-0310-97b2-ce42778d08ea>2006-01-04 03:40:49 +0000
committertma <tma@edf5b092-35ff-0310-97b2-ce42778d08ea>2006-01-04 03:40:49 +0000
commit72e902105a5dfc87e8b7e62197da425389c049a7 (patch)
treefaf774ff661b13b9bd9a18b37d8d4e8ad2ffa8b9 /code/qcommon
parent548503b6d29ed223e0246bf3bd5e71d4735b6ba2 (diff)
* Fix the MinGW and (hopefully) OS X builds
* Remove custom memcpy/memset code git-svn-id: svn://svn.icculus.org/quake3/trunk@456 edf5b092-35ff-0310-97b2-ce42778d08ea
Diffstat (limited to 'code/qcommon')
3 files changed, 0 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/code/qcommon/common.c b/code/qcommon/common.c
index b9de067..74f75ea 100644
--- a/code/qcommon/common.c
+++ b/code/qcommon/common.c
@@ -2857,316 +2857,6 @@ void Com_Shutdown (void) {
-#if I_WANT_A_CUSTOM_MEMCPY && !defined(_WIN32)
-void Com_Memcpy (void* dest, const void* src, const size_t count)
- memcpy(dest, src, count);
-void Com_Memset (void* dest, const int val, const size_t count)
- memset(dest, val, count);
-#elif I_WANT_A_CUSTOM_MEMCPY && defined(_WIN32)
-typedef enum
- PRE_READ, // prefetch assuming that buffer is used for reading only
- PRE_WRITE, // prefetch assuming that buffer is used for writing only
- PRE_READ_WRITE // prefetch assuming that buffer is used for both reading and writing
-} e_prefetch;
-void Com_Prefetch (const void *s, const unsigned int bytes, e_prefetch type);
-#define EMMS_INSTRUCTION __asm emms
-void _copyDWord (unsigned int* dest, const unsigned int constant, const unsigned int count) {
- __asm
- {
- mov edx,dest
- mov eax,constant
- mov ecx,count
- and ecx,~7
- jz padding
- sub ecx,8
- jmp loopu
- align 16
- test [edx+ecx*4 + 28],ebx // fetch next block destination to L1 cache
- mov [edx+ecx*4 + 0],eax
- mov [edx+ecx*4 + 4],eax
- mov [edx+ecx*4 + 8],eax
- mov [edx+ecx*4 + 12],eax
- mov [edx+ecx*4 + 16],eax
- mov [edx+ecx*4 + 20],eax
- mov [edx+ecx*4 + 24],eax
- mov [edx+ecx*4 + 28],eax
- sub ecx,8
- jge loopu
-padding: mov ecx,count
- mov ebx,ecx
- and ecx,7
- jz outta
- and ebx,~7
- lea edx,[edx+ebx*4] // advance dest pointer
- test [edx+0],eax // fetch destination to L1 cache
- cmp ecx,4
- jl skip4
- mov [edx+0],eax
- mov [edx+4],eax
- mov [edx+8],eax
- mov [edx+12],eax
- add edx,16
- sub ecx,4
-skip4: cmp ecx,2
- jl skip2
- mov [edx+0],eax
- mov [edx+4],eax
- add edx,8
- sub ecx,2
-skip2: cmp ecx,1
- jl outta
- mov [edx+0],eax
- }
-// optimized memory copy routine that handles all alignment
-// cases and block sizes efficiently
-void Com_Memcpy (void* dest, const void* src, const size_t count) {
- Com_Prefetch (src, count, PRE_READ);
- __asm
- {
- push edi
- push esi
- mov ecx,count
- cmp ecx,0 // count = 0 check (just to be on the safe side)
- je outta
- mov edx,dest
- mov ebx,src
- cmp ecx,32 // padding only?
- jl padding
- mov edi,ecx
- and edi,~31 // edi = count&~31
- sub edi,32
- align 16
- mov eax,[ebx + edi + 0 + 0*8]
- mov esi,[ebx + edi + 4 + 0*8]
- mov [edx+edi+0 + 0*8],eax
- mov [edx+edi+4 + 0*8],esi
- mov eax,[ebx + edi + 0 + 1*8]
- mov esi,[ebx + edi + 4 + 1*8]
- mov [edx+edi+0 + 1*8],eax
- mov [edx+edi+4 + 1*8],esi
- mov eax,[ebx + edi + 0 + 2*8]
- mov esi,[ebx + edi + 4 + 2*8]
- mov [edx+edi+0 + 2*8],eax
- mov [edx+edi+4 + 2*8],esi
- mov eax,[ebx + edi + 0 + 3*8]
- mov esi,[ebx + edi + 4 + 3*8]
- mov [edx+edi+0 + 3*8],eax
- mov [edx+edi+4 + 3*8],esi
- sub edi,32
- jge loopMisAligned
- mov edi,ecx
- and edi,~31
- add ebx,edi // increase src pointer
- add edx,edi // increase dst pointer
- and ecx,31 // new count
- jz outta // if count = 0, get outta here
- cmp ecx,16
- jl skip16
- mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
- mov dword ptr [edx],eax
- mov eax,dword ptr [ebx+4]
- mov dword ptr [edx+4],eax
- mov eax,dword ptr [ebx+8]
- mov dword ptr [edx+8],eax
- mov eax,dword ptr [ebx+12]
- mov dword ptr [edx+12],eax
- sub ecx,16
- add ebx,16
- add edx,16
- cmp ecx,8
- jl skip8
- mov eax,dword ptr [ebx]
- mov dword ptr [edx],eax
- mov eax,dword ptr [ebx+4]
- sub ecx,8
- mov dword ptr [edx+4],eax
- add ebx,8
- add edx,8
- cmp ecx,4
- jl skip4
- mov eax,dword ptr [ebx] // here 4-7 bytes
- add ebx,4
- sub ecx,4
- mov dword ptr [edx],eax
- add edx,4
-skip4: // 0-3 remaining bytes
- cmp ecx,2
- jl skip2
- mov ax,word ptr [ebx] // two bytes
- cmp ecx,3 // less than 3?
- mov word ptr [edx],ax
- jl outta
- mov al,byte ptr [ebx+2] // last byte
- mov byte ptr [edx+2],al
- jmp outta
- cmp ecx,1
- jl outta
- mov al,byte ptr [ebx]
- mov byte ptr [edx],al
- pop esi
- pop edi
- }
-void Com_Memset (void* dest, const int val, const size_t count)
- unsigned int fillval;
- if (count < 8)
- {
- __asm
- {
- mov edx,dest
- mov eax, val
- mov ah,al
- mov ebx,eax
- and ebx, 0xffff
- shl eax,16
- add eax,ebx // eax now contains pattern
- mov ecx,count
- cmp ecx,4
- jl skip4
- mov [edx],eax // copy first dword
- add edx,4
- sub ecx,4
- skip4: cmp ecx,2
- jl skip2
- mov word ptr [edx],ax // copy 2 bytes
- add edx,2
- sub ecx,2
- skip2: cmp ecx,0
- je skip1
- mov byte ptr [edx],al // copy single byte
- skip1:
- }
- return;
- }
- fillval = val;
- fillval = fillval|(fillval<<8);
- fillval = fillval|(fillval<<16); // fill dword with 8-bit pattern
- _copyDWord ((unsigned int*)(dest),fillval, count/4);
- __asm // padding of 0-3 bytes
- {
- mov ecx,count
- mov eax,ecx
- and ecx,3
- jz skipA
- and eax,~3
- mov ebx,dest
- add ebx,eax
- mov eax,fillval
- cmp ecx,2
- jl skipB
- mov word ptr [ebx],ax
- cmp ecx,2
- je skipA
- mov byte ptr [ebx+2],al
- jmp skipA
- cmp ecx,0
- je skipA
- mov byte ptr [ebx],al
- }
-qboolean Com_Memcmp (const void *src0, const void *src1, const unsigned int count)
- unsigned int i;
- // MMX version anyone?
- if (count >= 16)
- {
- unsigned int *dw = (unsigned int*)(src0);
- unsigned int *sw = (unsigned int*)(src1);
- unsigned int nm2 = count/16;
- for (i = 0; i < nm2; i+=4)
- {
- unsigned int tmp = (dw[i+0]-sw[i+0])|(dw[i+1]-sw[i+1])|
- (dw[i+2]-sw[i+2])|(dw[i+3]-sw[i+3]);
- if (tmp)
- return qfalse;
- }
- }
- if (count & 15)
- {
- byte *d = (byte*)src0;
- byte *s = (byte*)src1;
- for (i = count & 0xfffffff0; i < count; i++)
- if (d[i]!=s[i])
- return qfalse;
- }
- return qtrue;
-void Com_Prefetch (const void *s, const unsigned int bytes, e_prefetch type)
- // write buffer prefetching is performed only if
- // the processor benefits from it. Read and read/write
- // prefetching is always performed.
- switch (type)
- {
- case PRE_WRITE : break;
- case PRE_READ:
- __asm
- {
- mov ebx,s
- mov ecx,bytes
- cmp ecx,4096 // clamp to 4kB
- jle skipClamp
- mov ecx,4096
- add ecx,0x1f
- shr ecx,5 // number of cache lines
- jz skip
- jmp loopie
- align 16
- loopie: test byte ptr [ebx],al
- add ebx,32
- dec ecx
- jnz loopie
- skip:
- }
- break;
- }
diff --git a/code/qcommon/md4.c b/code/qcommon/md4.c
index 24b7961..82c4b0d 100644
--- a/code/qcommon/md4.c
+++ b/code/qcommon/md4.c
@@ -38,13 +38,8 @@ void MD4Init (MD4_CTX *);
void MD4Update (MD4_CTX *, const unsigned char *, unsigned int);
void MD4Final (unsigned char [16], MD4_CTX *);
-void Com_Memset (void* dest, const int val, const size_t count);
-void Com_Memcpy (void* dest, const void* src, const size_t count);
#define Com_Memset memset
#define Com_Memcpy memcpy
/* MD4C.C - RSA Data Security, Inc., MD4 message-digest algorithm */
/* Copyright (C) 1990-2, RSA Data Security, Inc. All rights reserved.
diff --git a/code/qcommon/q_shared.h b/code/qcommon/q_shared.h
index d6c69dc..a9388e7 100644
--- a/code/qcommon/q_shared.h
+++ b/code/qcommon/q_shared.h
@@ -243,13 +243,8 @@ void Snd_Memset (void* dest, const int val, const size_t count);
#define Snd_Memset Com_Memset
-void Com_Memset (void* dest, const int val, const size_t count);
-void Com_Memcpy (void* dest, const void* src, const size_t count);
#define Com_Memset memset
#define Com_Memcpy memcpy
#define CIN_system 1
#define CIN_loop 2