path: root/code/qcommon/vm.c
diff options
authorzakk <zakk@edf5b092-35ff-0310-97b2-ce42778d08ea>2005-08-26 04:48:05 +0000
committerzakk <zakk@edf5b092-35ff-0310-97b2-ce42778d08ea>2005-08-26 04:48:05 +0000
commit952c5c128f9efaea89d41d882c4ea3ade7df4591 (patch)
tree91b84d9be7afad7e99ac64a640a65b6cb5081900 /code/qcommon/vm.c
parentc2c2e0d25d6cdb7d42d7dc981a863f65f94f281d (diff)
Itsa me, quake3io!
git-svn-id: svn://svn.icculus.org/quake3/trunk@2 edf5b092-35ff-0310-97b2-ce42778d08ea
Diffstat (limited to 'code/qcommon/vm.c')
1 files changed, 835 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/code/qcommon/vm.c b/code/qcommon/vm.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..923c6ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/code/qcommon/vm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+Copyright (C) 1999-2005 Id Software, Inc.
+This file is part of Quake III Arena source code.
+Quake III Arena source code is free software; you can redistribute it
+and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
+or (at your option) any later version.
+Quake III Arena source code is distributed in the hope that it will be
+useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
+Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+// vm.c -- virtual machine
+intermix code and data
+symbol table
+a dll has one imported function: VM_SystemCall
+and one exported function: Perform
+#include "vm_local.h"
+vm_t *currentVM = NULL; // bk001212
+vm_t *lastVM = NULL; // bk001212
+int vm_debugLevel;
+#define MAX_VM 3
+vm_t vmTable[MAX_VM];
+void VM_VmInfo_f( void );
+void VM_VmProfile_f( void );
+// converts a VM pointer to a C pointer and
+// checks to make sure that the range is acceptable
+void *VM_VM2C( vmptr_t p, int length ) {
+ return (void *)p;
+void VM_Debug( int level ) {
+ vm_debugLevel = level;
+void VM_Init( void ) {
+ Cvar_Get( "vm_cgame", "2", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); // !@# SHIP WITH SET TO 2
+ Cvar_Get( "vm_game", "2", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); // !@# SHIP WITH SET TO 2
+ Cvar_Get( "vm_ui", "2", CVAR_ARCHIVE ); // !@# SHIP WITH SET TO 2
+ Cmd_AddCommand ("vmprofile", VM_VmProfile_f );
+ Cmd_AddCommand ("vminfo", VM_VmInfo_f );
+ Com_Memset( vmTable, 0, sizeof( vmTable ) );
+Assumes a program counter value
+const char *VM_ValueToSymbol( vm_t *vm, int value ) {
+ vmSymbol_t *sym;
+ static char text[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
+ sym = vm->symbols;
+ if ( !sym ) {
+ return "NO SYMBOLS";
+ }
+ // find the symbol
+ while ( sym->next && sym->next->symValue <= value ) {
+ sym = sym->next;
+ }
+ if ( value == sym->symValue ) {
+ return sym->symName;
+ }
+ Com_sprintf( text, sizeof( text ), "%s+%i", sym->symName, value - sym->symValue );
+ return text;
+For profiling, find the symbol behind this value
+vmSymbol_t *VM_ValueToFunctionSymbol( vm_t *vm, int value ) {
+ vmSymbol_t *sym;
+ static vmSymbol_t nullSym;
+ sym = vm->symbols;
+ if ( !sym ) {
+ return &nullSym;
+ }
+ while ( sym->next && sym->next->symValue <= value ) {
+ sym = sym->next;
+ }
+ return sym;
+int VM_SymbolToValue( vm_t *vm, const char *symbol ) {
+ vmSymbol_t *sym;
+ for ( sym = vm->symbols ; sym ; sym = sym->next ) {
+ if ( !strcmp( symbol, sym->symName ) ) {
+ return sym->symValue;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+const char *VM_SymbolForCompiledPointer( vm_t *vm, void *code ) {
+ int i;
+ if ( code < (void *)vm->codeBase ) {
+ return "Before code block";
+ }
+ if ( code >= (void *)(vm->codeBase + vm->codeLength) ) {
+ return "After code block";
+ }
+ // find which original instruction it is after
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < vm->codeLength ; i++ ) {
+ if ( (void *)vm->instructionPointers[i] > code ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ i--;
+ // now look up the bytecode instruction pointer
+ return VM_ValueToSymbol( vm, i );
+int ParseHex( const char *text ) {
+ int value;
+ int c;
+ value = 0;
+ while ( ( c = *text++ ) != 0 ) {
+ if ( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) {
+ value = value * 16 + c - '0';
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) {
+ value = value * 16 + 10 + c - 'a';
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) {
+ value = value * 16 + 10 + c - 'A';
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
+void VM_LoadSymbols( vm_t *vm ) {
+ int len;
+ char *mapfile, *text_p, *token;
+ char name[MAX_QPATH];
+ char symbols[MAX_QPATH];
+ vmSymbol_t **prev, *sym;
+ int count;
+ int value;
+ int chars;
+ int segment;
+ int numInstructions;
+ // don't load symbols if not developer
+ if ( !com_developer->integer ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ COM_StripExtension( vm->name, name );
+ Com_sprintf( symbols, sizeof( symbols ), "vm/%s.map", name );
+ len = FS_ReadFile( symbols, (void **)&mapfile );
+ if ( !mapfile ) {
+ Com_Printf( "Couldn't load symbol file: %s\n", symbols );
+ return;
+ }
+ numInstructions = vm->instructionPointersLength >> 2;
+ // parse the symbols
+ text_p = mapfile;
+ prev = &vm->symbols;
+ count = 0;
+ while ( 1 ) {
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if ( !token[0] ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ segment = ParseHex( token );
+ if ( segment ) {
+ COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ continue; // only load code segment values
+ }
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if ( !token[0] ) {
+ Com_Printf( "WARNING: incomplete line at end of file\n" );
+ break;
+ }
+ value = ParseHex( token );
+ token = COM_Parse( &text_p );
+ if ( !token[0] ) {
+ Com_Printf( "WARNING: incomplete line at end of file\n" );
+ break;
+ }
+ chars = strlen( token );
+ sym = Hunk_Alloc( sizeof( *sym ) + chars, h_high );
+ *prev = sym;
+ prev = &sym->next;
+ sym->next = NULL;
+ // convert value from an instruction number to a code offset
+ if ( value >= 0 && value < numInstructions ) {
+ value = vm->instructionPointers[value];
+ }
+ sym->symValue = value;
+ Q_strncpyz( sym->symName, token, chars + 1 );
+ count++;
+ }
+ vm->numSymbols = count;
+ Com_Printf( "%i symbols parsed from %s\n", count, symbols );
+ FS_FreeFile( mapfile );
+Dlls will call this directly
+ rcg010206 The horror; the horror.
+ The syscall mechanism relies on stack manipulation to get it's args.
+ This is likely due to C's inability to pass "..." parameters to
+ a function in one clean chunk. On PowerPC Linux, these parameters
+ are not necessarily passed on the stack, so while (&arg[0] == arg)
+ is true, (&arg[1] == 2nd function parameter) is not necessarily
+ accurate, as arg's value might have been stored to the stack or
+ other piece of scratch memory to give it a valid address, but the
+ next parameter might still be sitting in a register.
+ Quake's syscall system also assumes that the stack grows downward,
+ and that any needed types can be squeezed, safely, into a signed int.
+ This hack below copies all needed values for an argument to a
+ array in memory, so that Quake can get the correct values. This can
+ also be used on systems where the stack grows upwards, as the
+ presumably standard and safe stdargs.h macros are used.
+ As for having enough space in a signed int for your datatypes, well,
+ it might be better to wait for DOOM 3 before you start porting. :)
+ The original code, while probably still inherently dangerous, seems
+ to work well enough for the platforms it already works on. Rather
+ than add the performance hit for those platforms, the original code
+ is still in use there.
+ For speed, we just grab 15 arguments, and don't worry about exactly
+ how many the syscall actually needs; the extra is thrown away.
+int QDECL VM_DllSyscall( int arg, ... ) {
+#if ((defined __linux__) && (defined __powerpc__))
+ // rcg010206 - see commentary above
+ int args[16];
+ int i;
+ va_list ap;
+ args[0] = arg;
+ va_start(ap, arg);
+ for (i = 1; i < sizeof (args) / sizeof (args[i]); i++)
+ args[i] = va_arg(ap, int);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return currentVM->systemCall( args );
+#else // original id code
+ return currentVM->systemCall( &arg );
+Reload the data, but leave everything else in place
+This allows a server to do a map_restart without changing memory allocation
+vm_t *VM_Restart( vm_t *vm ) {
+ vmHeader_t *header;
+ int length;
+ int dataLength;
+ int i;
+ char filename[MAX_QPATH];
+ // DLL's can't be restarted in place
+ if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
+ char name[MAX_QPATH];
+ int (*systemCall)( int *parms );
+ systemCall = vm->systemCall;
+ Q_strncpyz( name, vm->name, sizeof( name ) );
+ VM_Free( vm );
+ vm = VM_Create( name, systemCall, VMI_NATIVE );
+ return vm;
+ }
+ // load the image
+ Com_Printf( "VM_Restart()\n", filename );
+ Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "vm/%s.qvm", vm->name );
+ Com_Printf( "Loading vm file %s.\n", filename );
+ length = FS_ReadFile( filename, (void **)&header );
+ if ( !header ) {
+ Com_Error( ERR_DROP, "VM_Restart failed.\n" );
+ }
+ // byte swap the header
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( *header ) / 4 ; i++ ) {
+ ((int *)header)[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header)[i] );
+ }
+ // validate
+ if ( header->vmMagic != VM_MAGIC
+ || header->bssLength < 0
+ || header->dataLength < 0
+ || header->litLength < 0
+ || header->codeLength <= 0 ) {
+ VM_Free( vm );
+ Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "%s has bad header", filename );
+ }
+ // round up to next power of 2 so all data operations can
+ // be mask protected
+ dataLength = header->dataLength + header->litLength + header->bssLength;
+ for ( i = 0 ; dataLength > ( 1 << i ) ; i++ ) {
+ }
+ dataLength = 1 << i;
+ // clear the data
+ Com_Memset( vm->dataBase, 0, dataLength );
+ // copy the intialized data
+ Com_Memcpy( vm->dataBase, (byte *)header + header->dataOffset, header->dataLength + header->litLength );
+ // byte swap the longs
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < header->dataLength ; i += 4 ) {
+ *(int *)(vm->dataBase + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->dataBase + i ) );
+ }
+ // free the original file
+ FS_FreeFile( header );
+ return vm;
+If image ends in .qvm it will be interpreted, otherwise
+it will attempt to load as a system dll
+#define STACK_SIZE 0x20000
+vm_t *VM_Create( const char *module, int (*systemCalls)(int *),
+ vmInterpret_t interpret ) {
+ vm_t *vm;
+ vmHeader_t *header;
+ int length;
+ int dataLength;
+ int i, remaining;
+ char filename[MAX_QPATH];
+ if ( !module || !module[0] || !systemCalls ) {
+ Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "VM_Create: bad parms" );
+ }
+ remaining = Hunk_MemoryRemaining();
+ // see if we already have the VM
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_VM ; i++ ) {
+ if (!Q_stricmp(vmTable[i].name, module)) {
+ vm = &vmTable[i];
+ return vm;
+ }
+ }
+ // find a free vm
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_VM ; i++ ) {
+ if ( !vmTable[i].name[0] ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( i == MAX_VM ) {
+ Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "VM_Create: no free vm_t" );
+ }
+ vm = &vmTable[i];
+ Q_strncpyz( vm->name, module, sizeof( vm->name ) );
+ vm->systemCall = systemCalls;
+ // never allow dll loading with a demo
+ if ( interpret == VMI_NATIVE ) {
+ if ( Cvar_VariableValue( "fs_restrict" ) ) {
+ interpret = VMI_COMPILED;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( interpret == VMI_NATIVE ) {
+ // try to load as a system dll
+ Com_Printf( "Loading dll file %s.\n", vm->name );
+ vm->dllHandle = Sys_LoadDll( module, vm->fqpath , &vm->entryPoint, VM_DllSyscall );
+ if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
+ return vm;
+ }
+ Com_Printf( "Failed to load dll, looking for qvm.\n" );
+ interpret = VMI_COMPILED;
+ }
+ // load the image
+ Com_sprintf( filename, sizeof(filename), "vm/%s.qvm", vm->name );
+ Com_Printf( "Loading vm file %s.\n", filename );
+ length = FS_ReadFile( filename, (void **)&header );
+ if ( !header ) {
+ Com_Printf( "Failed.\n" );
+ VM_Free( vm );
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // byte swap the header
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof( *header ) / 4 ; i++ ) {
+ ((int *)header)[i] = LittleLong( ((int *)header)[i] );
+ }
+ // validate
+ if ( header->vmMagic != VM_MAGIC
+ || header->bssLength < 0
+ || header->dataLength < 0
+ || header->litLength < 0
+ || header->codeLength <= 0 ) {
+ VM_Free( vm );
+ Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "%s has bad header", filename );
+ }
+ // round up to next power of 2 so all data operations can
+ // be mask protected
+ dataLength = header->dataLength + header->litLength + header->bssLength;
+ for ( i = 0 ; dataLength > ( 1 << i ) ; i++ ) {
+ }
+ dataLength = 1 << i;
+ // allocate zero filled space for initialized and uninitialized data
+ vm->dataBase = Hunk_Alloc( dataLength, h_high );
+ vm->dataMask = dataLength - 1;
+ // copy the intialized data
+ Com_Memcpy( vm->dataBase, (byte *)header + header->dataOffset, header->dataLength + header->litLength );
+ // byte swap the longs
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < header->dataLength ; i += 4 ) {
+ *(int *)(vm->dataBase + i) = LittleLong( *(int *)(vm->dataBase + i ) );
+ }
+ // allocate space for the jump targets, which will be filled in by the compile/prep functions
+ vm->instructionPointersLength = header->instructionCount * 4;
+ vm->instructionPointers = Hunk_Alloc( vm->instructionPointersLength, h_high );
+ // copy or compile the instructions
+ vm->codeLength = header->codeLength;
+ if ( interpret >= VMI_COMPILED ) {
+ vm->compiled = qtrue;
+ VM_Compile( vm, header );
+ } else {
+ vm->compiled = qfalse;
+ VM_PrepareInterpreter( vm, header );
+ }
+ // free the original file
+ FS_FreeFile( header );
+ // load the map file
+ VM_LoadSymbols( vm );
+ // the stack is implicitly at the end of the image
+ vm->programStack = vm->dataMask + 1;
+ vm->stackBottom = vm->programStack - STACK_SIZE;
+ Com_Printf("%s loaded in %d bytes on the hunk\n", module, remaining - Hunk_MemoryRemaining());
+ return vm;
+void VM_Free( vm_t *vm ) {
+ if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
+ Sys_UnloadDll( vm->dllHandle );
+ Com_Memset( vm, 0, sizeof( *vm ) );
+ }
+#if 0 // now automatically freed by hunk
+ if ( vm->codeBase ) {
+ Z_Free( vm->codeBase );
+ }
+ if ( vm->dataBase ) {
+ Z_Free( vm->dataBase );
+ }
+ if ( vm->instructionPointers ) {
+ Z_Free( vm->instructionPointers );
+ }
+ Com_Memset( vm, 0, sizeof( *vm ) );
+ currentVM = NULL;
+ lastVM = NULL;
+void VM_Clear(void) {
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<MAX_VM; i++) {
+ if ( vmTable[i].dllHandle ) {
+ Sys_UnloadDll( vmTable[i].dllHandle );
+ }
+ Com_Memset( &vmTable[i], 0, sizeof( vm_t ) );
+ }
+ currentVM = NULL;
+ lastVM = NULL;
+void *VM_ArgPtr( int intValue ) {
+ if ( !intValue ) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // bk001220 - currentVM is missing on reconnect
+ if ( currentVM==NULL )
+ return NULL;
+ if ( currentVM->entryPoint ) {
+ return (void *)(currentVM->dataBase + intValue);
+ }
+ else {
+ return (void *)(currentVM->dataBase + (intValue & currentVM->dataMask));
+ }
+void *VM_ExplicitArgPtr( vm_t *vm, int intValue ) {
+ if ( !intValue ) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // bk010124 - currentVM is missing on reconnect here as well?
+ if ( currentVM==NULL )
+ return NULL;
+ //
+ if ( vm->entryPoint ) {
+ return (void *)(vm->dataBase + intValue);
+ }
+ else {
+ return (void *)(vm->dataBase + (intValue & vm->dataMask));
+ }
+Upon a system call, the stack will look like:
+sp+32 parm1
+sp+28 parm0
+sp+24 return value
+sp+20 return address
+sp+16 local1
+sp+14 local0
+sp+12 arg1
+sp+8 arg0
+sp+4 return stack
+sp return address
+An interpreted function will immediately execute
+an OP_ENTER instruction, which will subtract space for
+locals from sp
+#define MAX_STACK 256
+int QDECL VM_Call( vm_t *vm, int callnum, ... ) {
+ vm_t *oldVM;
+ int r;
+ int i;
+ int args[16];
+ va_list ap;
+ if ( !vm ) {
+ Com_Error( ERR_FATAL, "VM_Call with NULL vm" );
+ }
+ oldVM = currentVM;
+ currentVM = vm;
+ lastVM = vm;
+ if ( vm_debugLevel ) {
+ Com_Printf( "VM_Call( %i )\n", callnum );
+ }
+ // if we have a dll loaded, call it directly
+ if ( vm->entryPoint ) {
+ //rcg010207 - see dissertation at top of VM_DllSyscall() in this file.
+ va_start(ap, callnum);
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof (args) / sizeof (args[i]); i++) {
+ args[i] = va_arg(ap, int);
+ }
+ va_end(ap);
+ r = vm->entryPoint( callnum, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
+ args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7],
+ args[8], args[9], args[10], args[11],
+ args[12], args[13], args[14], args[15]);
+ } else if ( vm->compiled ) {
+ r = VM_CallCompiled( vm, &callnum );
+ } else {
+ r = VM_CallInterpreted( vm, &callnum );
+ }
+ if ( oldVM != NULL ) // bk001220 - assert(currentVM!=NULL) for oldVM==NULL
+ currentVM = oldVM;
+ return r;
+static int QDECL VM_ProfileSort( const void *a, const void *b ) {
+ vmSymbol_t *sa, *sb;
+ sa = *(vmSymbol_t **)a;
+ sb = *(vmSymbol_t **)b;
+ if ( sa->profileCount < sb->profileCount ) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ( sa->profileCount > sb->profileCount ) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void VM_VmProfile_f( void ) {
+ vm_t *vm;
+ vmSymbol_t **sorted, *sym;
+ int i;
+ double total;
+ if ( !lastVM ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ vm = lastVM;
+ if ( !vm->numSymbols ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ sorted = Z_Malloc( vm->numSymbols * sizeof( *sorted ) );
+ sorted[0] = vm->symbols;
+ total = sorted[0]->profileCount;
+ for ( i = 1 ; i < vm->numSymbols ; i++ ) {
+ sorted[i] = sorted[i-1]->next;
+ total += sorted[i]->profileCount;
+ }
+ qsort( sorted, vm->numSymbols, sizeof( *sorted ), VM_ProfileSort );
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < vm->numSymbols ; i++ ) {
+ int perc;
+ sym = sorted[i];
+ perc = 100 * (float) sym->profileCount / total;
+ Com_Printf( "%2i%% %9i %s\n", perc, sym->profileCount, sym->symName );
+ sym->profileCount = 0;
+ }
+ Com_Printf(" %9.0f total\n", total );
+ Z_Free( sorted );
+void VM_VmInfo_f( void ) {
+ vm_t *vm;
+ int i;
+ Com_Printf( "Registered virtual machines:\n" );
+ for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_VM ; i++ ) {
+ vm = &vmTable[i];
+ if ( !vm->name[0] ) {
+ break;
+ }
+ Com_Printf( "%s : ", vm->name );
+ if ( vm->dllHandle ) {
+ Com_Printf( "native\n" );
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( vm->compiled ) {
+ Com_Printf( "compiled on load\n" );
+ } else {
+ Com_Printf( "interpreted\n" );
+ }
+ Com_Printf( " code length : %7i\n", vm->codeLength );
+ Com_Printf( " table length: %7i\n", vm->instructionPointersLength );
+ Com_Printf( " data length : %7i\n", vm->dataMask + 1 );
+ }
+Insert calls to this while debugging the vm compiler
+void VM_LogSyscalls( int *args ) {
+ static int callnum;
+ static FILE *f;
+ if ( !f ) {
+ f = fopen("syscalls.log", "w" );
+ }
+ callnum++;
+ fprintf(f, "%i: %i (%i) = %i %i %i %i\n", callnum, args - (int *)currentVM->dataBase,
+ args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4] );
+#ifdef oDLL_ONLY // bk010215 - for DLL_ONLY dedicated servers/builds w/o VM
+int VM_CallCompiled( vm_t *vm, int *args ) {
+ return(0);
+void VM_Compile( vm_t *vm, vmHeader_t *header ) {}
+#endif // DLL_ONLY